Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, June 18, 1903, Image 3

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Xocal Ifonppcninoo olt in pnrnorapbo
Spring Goods
K. M. Hill was over from I'IumIi oil
ITI-lay .
l.ltrgO Mll'l hiiiiiII toWIIHl.lp pllltn
tor mile lit UiIm oltlco. II
l. It. Mrlinii'M wiim lien from Illy,
hint IT'ld'tV.
!'. II. .lorgciiH was hen-from Port
land ITIday.
(!. Mickey wiim hire from Mid ;
fonl IumI li'lday.
I'.. V. Smith of Alhnii.v
wiim In
I ,iiki- li'w I'rlilii.y.
i. M. I h'tnnuiin wiim here fromSlic
lilliiculo hint Week.
It,. I looter, of llrtrolt. Mich., WIIM
lii l.akev lew I'rlda.v .
VY. ( 'lllillilirll riiltu' o viT from
1 !
I'IiimIi hint Thur,i .
W. H .loln. r of San finli. lH.o. wiim., (1.v W).,.(.. Win. Voting,!'. ". Hiitigh
In town Inst riuiiMilii.v. ! i i ty iiml Ui'o. W. 1'fus.tor.
H. II. I'.uil,,,,. ot MiniatlUc, ,..; WANT,:l,Vu, N(i Ml;N , ,,..
was la l.akev l.vv Siitiir.lny. ! pun-for Jovcmmeiit I'omIiIoiim. line
Win. I'.uigun wiim up from t In-! ponlngM 'part mints, t.ooil
,. . i i ,. ! ShIm ri-M. Cniiiil I't'i mn t Ii iiih. I'.x-
ll'llllkl I II lu ll I IH'Hilliy UIMt. '
! Illilltint loliM soon. I'lll t Ii lll.'lI M I'rii'.
.1. A. Wiild. ii and I Iiiim. I'litl.-.- "' inter state t or. I tint .. V.liir ItitpldM,
I'.lv win- lure lust ThutMiln.v . , In. )st
W. I. UroodllM, of It. I'.ld Well, WIIM
visiting III l.iiki'Vli-w liint week.
I wo in- Koliii.t t iiti'l moii Hiily were
up from W illow Hunch Thursday.
H. H T'-riill, of M I iiii-'ii ll-. wiim
iu l,a!,i- li-w it fi'W daVM lail wrrk.
KiiitiiiLv l itv.iili' Whickv niil'lrel
nn.l I'l.l, l.lll" iim ll'lllt'l.'l 1 1 - ,
J'l'Cl A K Milt .
w... u I...I.. ,.f II,, ,,i, lain
'" 'I
W l . wt-rv gui'MlMiit tin' l.aki-xlfW 1
la-t wii
I'. Tin iinpMi in wiih ngiMtfli'd at
Hit'' li-w from I'i-iiiimx h anla
I.imI I'll day.
t'vniH N.ihli' Vhlkv the old rham-
i iimi a if i mi'i " I-". -
I ei'd in nil hrl li" pU'i'x. lor !
imi and cliH i hitin i"ti of llii-in nil.
1'ryii" .Nohle ciihi' n hmIji h Ia n you want
it (food dlop nt hoiiii'. ' tf.
I id' ii'Iim wiim ri'g jMtfti'd at thi'
l.aki't li-w from Sun I'iiiihImio oiii
day IiimI wri'k.
1'IiiIm. Kii'gati and i-lMti r, of AmIi
1 ii i it 1 wi'ii- gui'ftM at thi- l.nki't li'W
i mi' ilay IiimI wi'i k .
II A. Slki-r. a I'.ly tiinlirr lorator,
wiim hi'iv with a ilowd of tiiuU'r
land hii kri-H I Thlay .
I'nlilorniit fiirtu lor Mile at n hikr hiir
; II 1 11 tl ni ri'H fi'liri'd nnd itohh h'liri-!.
i:.t pr nt own it lit, 'it'll hut wi.l he
milil for f.'xMK); down nnd Winni e on
i'iimv pitvuieiitN. Iiiipiire at thi" ol
t'u e. -1 f
I ieii." W. Syron. w ho niM-nt I he
wlntirat ! 'fill ml Point, ivtiminl to
l.akrvli'w IiimI I'rld.iy.
.1. N. Hlvaii and wife and W in.
Koiiti'Hoii, were over from Adel IiimI
I'rlday on land IiumIiii'mm.
Several ropn-M nl the North wentern
Stork Ihrertory, eotnplied hv Slo ,V
l.ilfhllv. piint''ra of AltnriiH, have hei'ti
It'll hI thin ollii'i' for iliMrilaitioti. It in
a viilnuhle liook lor Htorkmeii mid worth
the price. tl
The windmill on I'elix lircen'H
phire In tow u wiim taken down IiimI
week and moved out to the Tit rnnrh
w here ll w ill he pill up imalli.
'leiu I ler ford ret iinii'd home one
ilny 'IiimI week, from Millville, Cnl.,
w here In- Iiiih heell for some lime oil
ace, unit of hi health, lie Ik iniirh
Tout A King are now i iving hiir in-
voiei'H for their winter trade. All the
lini'Ht hrandH of liiiienrH niol figarw lire
kept there. I'imt it Kinu fnriiih the
lioine with the hent hrandH for laedieiu
al jmrpoMeH. 4-t(
('hurley IturniH arrived In town
IiimI Trhlay for (he llrsl (line In nine
months. He Ih riinnliig a hand of
(ieolge HatlUhiH' Hheep, ami Iiiih a
Htnall hunch of IiIm own.
"I havo hoen trouhlod for boiiio time
with indigeHtion nnd Hour ntnuuich,"
Hiiya Mrn. Surah W. CurtiH, of I ami,
Mann., "ami have been tak inn ('handier
lain'H Ktimiiicli anil Liver TuhletH which
have helped inu very much, ho that now
I enn eat many tditiKH that hefore 1
eonld not." If you have anv trouhle
w ith vour Htomitch, w hy not take theHti
TuMelH iimi tret wiill? 1'or Hale hy
Hciill, diiiKKt.
I). I .like, I In- hii ce liwill, rieelvei
it telrgrnm W'filiii'Hiluy evening of
IiimI wifk from Pr. If. NcImoii Jivk
hoii, I m f 1 lluil day, ((In- imlii Hint
Ing I lint In- arrived nt Ontario wit Ii
IiIm null. iumI, Hi' m morning, lilt v -lug
iiimli' t In-1 i-l from l.akeview with
very lit I li t roulilr.
lliirti.l. Ar Kfnllli'tf I'lilmu
tl ,,. H, ,,),. ,.() r Ifyoimr
liM.kuiK ..r m 1 1 1 it 1 1 you will likely lira
liilu lit lli I'lilinc. iciiri' and l ent
nlwaya treat tlii-ir I'litrniiN well I .h t t
l'iiiiilii hIk. I'riviiti' i liili rMiiii, 41! If
Trunk I'. WIhtIit, of MiihihIi,
W Ik., iiiiiI w lio Iiik Ih'I'ii with tin'
lllal Kiiti-rprhte, of ! Win.,
for hoiih' tlini'. wiim III l.akeview
ITIdnv. Hi wiim hero tollli- on some
. . . . , . .
1 1 1 1 1 h ' r 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 In tin wet Ion In
1 1 i mi hi n v w It Ii ot hers from his town.
Tom Itertiurd and Frank I ii ki-
i aim-In from Mmli'liiii' lat ThnrM-
lay with " luiggl"'M for tin- itto-r- '
priMlug II mi of .1. I'.. r.i'HiiwI V Son.;
'I'hrv w i'ii' draw ii In two wctloiiH,
I wllh four linrwB to I'inli mii-Hoii.
1 Th'' ifi m'i'mxIoii pri'ei'HU'd a vi-ry In -
t -
lr 1 1 1 ; i rn 1 1 iim it iaMMci J
through town. 1
'i-io.h, .i.-,..o. "
i 1 , ii 1 1 1 1 'I r ) it 1 1 1 m st.iiiiiiih nnd I.ivrr;
'laLlctH hii' jii"t what von in-i'd wItiii
I I. ..1 .1,, II .. f!,.r '
,.,.- .... . ,', ......
ll'l!. IIM'
, -" ' ( ' " -' " :
ymr month. I'hi-y nl Improve ymir
imi'i'liti'. rh'iitiM' nnd Itiviirorati' your
Mutnm h mid trive a reih f"r your food.
I-or mh' hy l-ve lifiill, drui.'j.'iM.
It w 111 hiiiaflir 1m-t In-duty of tin-
t.tvjudg... wl..n..rMonlM ,-om-
' -
mittcilto the iiMvlum. to iiMcertalu
whether the pari'iitM. chlldri'ii or
guardian are aide to pay for the
maintenance"! mihIi pernon, ami if
they are to make an order to that
effect, whereupon it Im the duty of the
paii-ntM, children or guardian to pay
to the Mtati- treiiMiirer .1ii per month
during t he t line t he liiMiiue n''hoii Im
eoiillned. Suit may U- liroiight to
recover the inollcy if not paid.
I.iimI Saturday. Mr. ami Mr. John
I'oMter. of Suiumer Lake, paMMcd
through here on their return from
I lepplief, Iregon. Mr. 1'onter Moine
tlme ago, pun hiiMed of W'. (. Miner,
of llefipner. the ieii hinted cattli
mini, a line roan Hiirhaui hull. The
hull Im uioiitliM old and welgliM
1 Iiki pouiulM. Mr. I'oMter put Home
extra Hide hoanlM on IiIm wagon ami
loaded IiIm lordHhlp and hauled htm
all the way, Hoinethiug over .'!iki
inlleH. lie looked very well iih he
pitMMed through town. He alno had
a line lilooded I'ola ml ( hiua pig.
A good one in told on two joekeyn
of l,ake lew who wlnlieil to do up a
loekev from Klamath I'iiIIm, hiivh
thel'oMt. They agreed for the liest
man to try hlni lirsl, and if he got
w hipped, t he ot her Jock, w ould take
his turn. The I'iiIIm Jock, put the
lirst one out of IiiisIiii'mm in nhort
order, when hin pari I ntepped in to
even up iiialterM, hut he wasn't in it
at all. in fuel, IIiom' l.akeview joek
eyn gol the most heaut iflll ( V I t IiivhIi
ing they ever saw. The hoys are
wondering now how it happened,
and think tuayhe they were iloH'il,
lint t he general opinion Im that (hey
couldn't deliver the goods.
4'iiIh, Hi hImck mill HuriiN, tul-U. ly
i'luiniherliiin'a Tain Hal m in an anti
Heptie liniinent, nnd when applied to
cuta, I nil inch and huriiH, ciuiNeH them tu
heal without maturation and much
more quickly than hy the iihiuiI treat
ment. For nalo at Iteall'a ltru Store.
To Cure a Cold in One Day.
Take Laxative llroiuo (Juinine Tah
letn. A II tlruggititM ledind the money if
it fnila to cure. 10. W. (irtive'a cinu
tuio in on each hox. 25 e. -"'0 ly
. Arriving . .
All the Time
There mi' Mt 111 u few poople left
w ho iiiv not on a atriki JuMt it few.
I'ojm. Ix o XIII., It Im r. .ort'.l. will
ulvi- Hitting for IiIm iortrnlt to a
jiiilntt-r commiMMloni'il by King M1
wnnl Ml.
I lif cciiMiiM of vx git vf tin- ntimlrtT
Of IlllllllllM III 1 ho I "tllt'Ml Stlltl'M IIM
'.'I'l.ihHl, whlli- tluit of r.Kl gave tin
total iim irr,(MMi.
A rlillil wiih horn with tM-th at
itilympla, WiiMhlngton, a fi-w 1ii.vm
I ago. I'rolmlily IiIm motln-r will fii'il
him w it h a hpoon or it fork.
Arcorillng to a lute report of the
... ., ... . . ,
Hii ri-lii rv of t h' I rcMiivti-rlan lioanl
of rhiirrh cxtfiiHion l.'i rlmrch huild-
1 IngM iir' rrt'rti'il in t In-I'liiti'd StntcK
, i-rrv da v In tin1 yfiir.
On th.'.'lTm r.-Mof ground .l.-vot.-l
. . i, . . ..i .i .it til..
I...M, "vi Ml mI ,.1U
Tw o thousand four
huiidivd of th.'Mi'an- o,M'.iMtnllM...xl'i 'I'hi' niimiiilng l'i art- box
mIiiIIm, M l't fe't. lit addition four
octagonal dairy hariiM w ill provide
1 III open eta 11m and '.'! ho MtallM.
II... i ,t..i,,..i,t t li ii t out' luittli'Mhlo !
I In nt ,i teuii'iit mm out nam. Miup i
eoMtM more than the value of ninety- j
four l.t.ildingH of Harvard ut.lverMity.
.i o .. f ,, t , I, iii ii ii Iiom
hii.vm Hie l'.oHtoll Wattlmiatl, '
Im,'., ipieMtioned; hut 11 Ilicial re- j
.. t i,.i..u It., if tl,.. flri'L-oii which Im.'
port MtateMtliat t lie i in gon, w an a im .
the moHt expetiMlve l.attli'Mhlp of the
I'lilted StaleM na vy, cost $i'.."'7".to2..'!.
The valuation of all the liuildiiigM
and land of Harvard university is
A syndicale has Ui'li formed at
Amsterdam which will hear the
great expeiwi' ami risk attending the
cutting of what is the largest
diamond known the Kxcclsior.
The I'xcelslor was foiiml at the
Jagi'ssfontein iniues. South Africa, in
lMi:t. It is the size of a hen's egg,
and weighs In its present taw state
lirotarats, w hich is nearly twice as
lunch ns the Kohinoor weighed la
fore It was reduced to its present
Mrs. Ilcnrv 1 hadwick of P.rooklyn,
who is N
i'..',r ..lii 1 1 1 1 M ol MlH'llILT
...... n, l. il,.. ,'i'iinil.
.voi. .11 1
daughter of r.eniaiii.iu ltottf
,i.,f . 11, 1 ii- Im his t rial for treason
l.'ielilin mil ill 1st 17 Her father
O" 1,111 111 '
iim 1 1. .. 1 -i f mil iii'iir .lainaica I.. 1..'
ow III it . I 1,11 III 111.11 .111111.01 .1. ,
adjoining one owned l.y Huff. ;
When she saw Col. P.UIT he was (
veaisold, withered and bent, hut his
If still hlack itll'l
liiefclng. I 'Ul f died ill lv. M I
f'liadwick also knew thief Justice
Marshall well.
111 1 . ... 1 .1..
t onnecticut w ill have one of the
. ..
in.iHt uniniie evhil. ts at t he wor d's
fole s;i I .iiiU Tin- I'vhihits will
fall, M. Louis. Ji lit IMIIOIIS
show the growing oyster.
I oe,,
glass llllias, wit.. .oi,....,g
water, w III contain living oysters
various ages. In some of the tanks
will he placed the enemies of the
oyster. Starlish nnd holers w ill he
allowed to tarry on their work of
deadly attacks uiioii the living hi
valvt'H, that t lit spectators may wo
the work of dest ruction. A line tol
leetloii of curios picked up while
dredging fiif oysters will also l.e
Included In (lie exhihil.
A Complete Line of Ladies Tailor
ing samples for Spring ami Summer
A Large Assortment of Men's Hats
will Ik sold at Greatly Reduced Pri
ces. Call early and get first Selec
tion. A Full Line of Groceries Always in
Tht; Ijtke Comity AKriroltoral Ahd
ciation will K'v fur ily racing on
their tra k in Ijikeview, coti. mincing
July 2l, and 'iilinn July 7th, VMl. The
Hum of I4K will Im ilietrihuU'd in
imrivM a fnilown :
m )
1 Ht IUc V.2 ftirloliitH,
mile daiih free for all fl.V)
lnt Uar-e 5n' mile heata 9 !"
2l Hm-e 1 mile dafh I50
Knee 1 mile danh
ltae Vafjuero raiefor Ijike
( onnty hoieen, to t rixle w nil
vaipiero caddleH and Spauifh
till hridlcs and to lie rode hy
vaijiieroa. HiHtance 000 ydn.
lt IJace 'a mile heats
"d Uai e 34 mile dah
rOLKTM DAY . Jl'LY 7th.
$2 Nl
f l.VJ
lnt Hace
2d Kace one mile
Xotk. 1-t racu on 4th day, race and
dielam i; to Im; made up on the tra'-k,
Juiv 'M.
All ill the at.i.v ri-e are free fur all except
tht- xad'tle race, lm r ishir IH' cnuiity hirw.
Knur to en t'T nnd thri'.' In "tart in all raien.
I. ul the Awn latum n-frven the riKht U) hold
a l niimlier '.han Imir l.y reuui init the pure
in tiriMiri mn to the niimtx r of horwa enu rel.
Knt rice to clew the evening before the race.
The 1'aeilic I iiact Hiinid llnrw Aao lation rul' f
t.. vi.v.-rn mII riinniiitf rai'.-n. Kntranee fee ten
nier c ut nl puriM'. Money to Im- divided a lol
.i: 70 per ceut to the firt bor-H-and ot) per
nt to ..eotid burs.
The AmM'iation rewrvea the right tothange
nv (h In ,ht, rsru, oj rot
.SSI."?'.' N
r niri' for the addle race to be made Ndore
L ,.111KM.(1 of Jim oreen. Harry
KM-'".. Jc3 farib, . ha,. Trumbo.ud W.ll.rd
Beard ol Iiirectors: John McKlhinn. y. W. P.
)( f . r. Light, w. a. wiuhire. F. M.
, XshUA
ier , J . I n tie". . 1.. rnei iiiiB nun n .
a. i'M.
The Association Will (live
On The Night of July 3d.
i lAL I'Kdor
Land ORicvat l.akeview . Oregon, May VI. l'.HIi.
Nellie in herebv given that the following-named
nuttier has tiled notice of hiB inteiiiiiin lo
make linal proof in tup)rl of Inn claim, and
that said proof will be made before Reginer
and Receiver at l-akcview, tiregon, on Friday.
July Uil, li:'. vi: Alvin N. Bennett, D M Mo,
for the Ul l. XK'I9W4 N',E'-, rVcla. Tp 40
S, R -' t, W M.
hisconti,,,.,,,,. resident i pon ;d Cull.v,tn
of said land, viz: L 1. rrakes . r. B. e-
Held. ii. F. Maupin and Geo. V. Wilsou, ail of
He iiainea tne loiiowaig annrnri o pioe
Warner 1-akc, Oregon
E. M. BRATTA1N. Kigisttr.
May is-21
ljitid Office at l.akeview, Oregon, M y 1W. Any aad all persons cla miug adversely Ihe
Nolice is hereby given that tht lollowing-nam- above de4-nlied land are requested to Bin
ed settler lias tiled notice of his internum lo 1 tir claims in this utfici; v 11 ,ir uelore said 3t.
make linal prinif in support of his claim, and dHy 0f Sto.. ltt.
that said proof will lie made before the Regis-, igy 14-l'J E. M. BUATTAIN", Register
, ier alio iwccnr, b, ,r.i.. ...
day. Inly :ld. l;W, v ix: J. L. Morrow, guardian 1
of'Kduard 1.. Neasham. minor heir of Emma
Neasham. deceased, 1 S :7ii. for the W', N E'
'l K'.NW. So'.'iiliiS'J.i, H'af.ol M.
lie names the following witnesses to prove
' his cnntiiuious residence uou and cult 1 vat ion
,,1 ..lit uii'l. iir 1.. 1. Krakes. W . It. I iMiper,
'Ed Imiinaviti and A. N. Heuuett, all ol Adel,
Mav -Jl E. M. HUATI AIN, Regisii r.
IH.sit KT Hl PRK
I nited States Lau.l tlflice at Ukeview. Ore-
t,, Mkv Jl, 1A'!. Notice is hereby g'vii that
1 hoinas V. frump of Adel. Oregon, has filed
,,. ol lutein so make proof on Ins ,Us.rt-
land claim No-I.H lor 1 lie l:'' .SK'4 N n , sw '4
.vv imifci.rveve.l) Sec 1 fp .;:i .-, U -Jt h. 1. lore
lio.r .0.1 ii. eer Ht I Hkei lew . Or, noil on
I ridnv, In, day 01 July, l'.Ml. lie nam. Hie
! following witnesses t prove 1 lie conipb ie im-
gallon and re. l.iii,iilion of said laud: lol. 11 f.
t, , . L 1 - .., t.l.l III'.-.',,,, Utl.l
i A. K. Toiuiiniiseii and f has'. To'niiiugS' ii
I I Ht.-vlew Or. ,11.
My-Jl E. M. UK VTTAIN, Register.
1-iviitt. u 1 on MiTII F
TIMBEK i.yi i mt
I'nited States land Oltlce at l.akeview, lire-
gon, Mav U, I'.Ki.i. Notice is hereby gi en that
' 1!.)...-,i,aiice w ith the pon isions 01 the act
..!..( oi.liine A. 17M. clitill.Mt "All act
I (.. 11,.. ..l .0 umber lauds in the states of
- - .11 h I N ,
Neva. la anil vv asliliollou
of Slates by act of August 4. tst. tieorge W. Kish-
... . ,...! 11V.1 ii..i..,..t ki ir .,1
l.n I. slut.. .0 r.'Vll lias II, IN .1HV II It'll
in ibis .iHiee his sworn statement No. Jl'As. for
the purchase of the NV'4 S See :. Sb ' .lay filed in this i.lh. e his woi tl siateuient No.
KKiti, Mb' sccAiTp : 8, R If. E, W M . and 1 hul, lor Hi- purehaae ol He sec is Tf.
will offer proof to show that the laud sought is , :i7, also '.; NV'4 .-ec '1 I p s R Hi b.. and will
more valuable for its timber or stone than for I off. r prool to show llmi im lund sought is lnnrtt
agricultural purposes, and lo establish bis valuable .or its timber or sione t ian for agri
claim lo said land lafore f. Jt. Wuhrow. I'. 8. 1 culliiial purposes, and t., .nahlis 1 his claim n
f.iiiinilssiouer at klamalh balls Oregon on said land before the Kecoici and le'i elver
Thursday the ;ld day of September 1'je.l. 1 tni otlice al Lakevtew , ' i on, on llinradAT.
lie names as witnesses: James II. Owen and 1 tin 1 day of July, l .:. !'- uuiiies a- wiiiessca:
8 1.. Wells, of Bly Oregon, Antone I asiel of Manuel J. Snares, l-ian 'r M Miller. Hi Haul
klaiuath balls. Oregon, and tmoree H. Ilibbard I', llcryfof.l, William A. A Inre, an of 1 ake
nl I tieur.l' Aleuti, Idaho. . view , Or. -gon. . ,
Any and ail imtsoiis claiming adversely the ! Any and all persons cli. 1, nig adversely the
abovt-tleseribed lands are requested I" til" above-described lauds icqiicsted to Blt
their claims in this office on or before sa., I He ir clum -in ibis e'le : er lo .,: said 1
;..i,lav,if Seplciubcr, l'.Mt. E M II K A I I' A I N . 1 Ua of .Inly, tw!. . ,..,. K.nister. a prim i; ' Kcts'r.
t'liiu d Htt- Ind Ofli'--, lk'vlw Oregon .
Mr :. yd. N'Uu-o In h rt-t.7 (flvi-n that In
romfiliaiii'ft with the nrovil"mi tb ac nl
oiiko- ol J 'J ii" 3, I-., rutttl'-'l, ''An :t for
th- nl timber ln'li in the Ptaun of ( all
fortiiK. On-ifon. N'Vf1 n1 Wmihinctnn Trrl
tnty," i-U;riJ! to all ih putlir rand ntat
htr a t of AiKimt 4. lo'i, i'mrl Hall, of lkr
vie, count) ol iMkf, utrnlf of Orriton. ban fllc4
in thin olfi " li-r orn miu m,'n for the
lun-hnw of the W' j K'.4 NK HK' NW
'i Tp to H K 11 K. and will offer proof Ui ah jw
that the land noiirht ill ni"re vaiiiahl for lt
timber or mone than for arrluulturai purpose,
and to etahliiih her claim to ai 1 land belGfO
the HeiriiU-r and Receiver of thin offire at
Ikevii wr. or., on Friday the Kith day of Juljr
(-he natnoa an wltn-ei: W'. A. Wilnhirt,
T. K. Ilandley. I.tilu Miller, W M. Miller, all ol
I-akevt.'W. Orevfn. Anvandall rfrmnii plkin.
ii.a advervljr me above-d-w rii-d land are re-
ii'it'-i to nie their rialmn ir ihia once on or
liefore iiaid loth any nf Jnir. Ika.
DiavTlo K. M. BKATTAIN. Reenter.
t'nited Stalea lnd offiee, Lalcerlew, Oregon
May 5. 1(. Nonce la hereby given that la
compliance with th provision of the act it
I ongrena f June liTu, entitled "A n act U't
the ale of timber landa lnlhvMaVnof ali
urnia, Oregon, Nevada, and W aihington Ter
ritory," an extended to all the Public XAOtf
Mates by act uf AniruV 4. JfcW, Lulu Miller 't
I.akeview, county of (jke. htate of Oregon, hut
thm day tilen In thin onVc h'-r mum 'te
inent No. xljv. lor th'iii. rchaa.' of the NvW
.NK'.NK'. N W 1 , Sep Tti ' H, K la K, SK'.SWj;
tt t -K1. c Tp :f7 K 1M K. and will offer
proof to hor that the land nought in more val
uable for Its timber or atone than for agni nl
lura! puriMiite, and to eMablixh her rlaim tn
aid land before the Heg.ter and Kweiver ol
tht" ottice at Ijikeview Oregon in rnday the
lu:li div of July. ta Miie nam- as witneaa
v. A WiUnire. I'earl ilali. T. S. llanuuy
and B. Paly all of Lakcview. Oregon.
Any and all perwinn claiming adverely thf-ateive-deM-nbed
landK are reijU'-ftled lii file
their clainiK in thi office on or fcelore said Uln
dav of J nl v 1'Jo.l.
May 71s E. M. BRATTAIX. Regiiner.
('atest llee.
t'niled State Land Office, Ikeview. Oregon.
Mav 1.. A nittici'-nt , .unieat arfidaii hav
ing' lie-en Pled iu this ofnee by TnouiaH Young.
tei-tant. againm ltd entiy No. ln0'
Nov.H, l)l. for Iti A and NE SW HW
SW see Vi. T i. K 19 K by Sarah K. Snider.
( ontentee. in win, h it Is all. i;ed that Sarah T .
Snider w holly abandoned aul Hd Entry on or
about the loth day of Oct. ier iwj. and hu not
recided. and i not now residing upon rnM
land aince aid dale: that on or about the loth,
day of October. I'-'. aaid krah E. snider mo
ed oft aaid land and abandoned name. Said
parti'- are hereby notified to apiear, respond
and offer evidence touch im raid allegation at
10 o'cli- k a. in. on July 17, before the Reg
ister and Raeeiver at the United Stale Land
othci' in Ijikevieu , Oregon.
The i-aid conl'i-tant having, in a proper affi
davit, tiled May 6. l3. e: forth facts wbleh
show that after due diligence personal ae. vire
of this notice can not be made, it in hereby
ordered and directed that uco uotice begiTen
by due and propi-r publii'.ion.
May U in F.. 11. Bttis, Regiider.
I'llitod States Laud Office l4tkevie', Ortnon,
May Kh 19UK. Notice la hereby given that
in compliance with the povisions of the act of
I'ongrew of June -i, t'T". entitled "all ait for the
nale of timucr landi in 'he States of t'aliforula,
Oreaou. Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
a" etteiided to all the nubile land states by art
of Aiigiet 4ih IS.'-'. George B. Hibbard. at
I'lM-ur d' Alene, counlv nt Kooluai, stale ol
Idaho, has till', day fllcd in this ofhee hiir
sworn ti'--mil No. lf&. for the purehaae ol
the 8 1. I i4NEi8w !? '4 K ol tc. lb -T;ttiS,
K Hi K. w. ni. and wtll offer proof to
show that the land sought is more valuable for
I - JublisJ "hii "claTm ,0 id la
r,. ,. H wuhrow, I', r. tVmmissioner at
j ' - V)regon,..n Thursday, the 3d.
its timber or stone than tor agricultural par-
day of September. Wl. He names as witueo
I vut umber, and Antooe fastel of Klam
1 ath Falls. Oregon, James H Owen, of Bly. Ore
, ,. and Frank P. light, of lavkevlew. Oregon.
j ruii..,i -;ates land orli-e. oikeview, Oregon,
, Apr. -Jo, Notice i h-rt by given that in
! ,..,iiii,iiii, e with the crov mens of the act of
1 congress of nine X. l7v entitled "All actfortho
hl4(. ( 1HI.HT Units in .he utatts of Oregon,
, Jii,,,ri,,a v.hi.i. hii,. wnshiiiutoii lern-
1 ,orv v extended to iii: the I'liblie land
' i...u,,,.. t.wtj ,S'' KriantliiiVA
1 vu-riti 01 '.11 Morns.'ii si. I i rtiiiiui. county of
Multit .ichIi. state of Oregoi., has this day riled
! u....m,e h.s aworti 'i''iit X J'';
ttie ptmhu-eol the Nb ,'. sec .1 .!. K 1 f.
w.m. and will offer i ,1 to show that Iho is more vaiiiaiec for lis timber .r
stoii.' Ho.:, lor Kunculiur.-i puriioses and to
, taoiisii ins , im, ,0 s,., ,.,.. ........ ...
j W iihrou . r. .-. CoinniisM. iierul k.lmlli ral a.
On toll. o;i s-,n urd 11 y I Iii isi 1. i!h ol July, 1 Jv.
lie n.-ini - Ms w,t: e.,s, - b b t it l, ol b y .
: Oregon. I K. Mniih. of k'-:i.mi falls Oieg on.
I'sn Hu- and sadic i-.iniil tf Osiraudtr.
VV tlslli II L' I , ,11.
01, Any and nil persons ci.. imng adversely tlu
als'Ve-.l, s, nl,. .1 Isn isar. ,lleste,t lo hie Iheir
1 claims m tins oiu, e 0.1 er :e,ore said wo .lav
of Juiv. !'.
Mav 11- r'. V.. HK.nus, Register.
, 'V"
,,....,..,. , oTi4 K
I 1'iiited Males Laud Oft -e 'Ukeview Oregon,
March -.1. 1st:. ,,i-e is i,.r,u give 1 uiav 1
coiiipliauc" wllh tin' pr'
iMons ot no act ai
a,'i for the sale or
: TtaMnulh" !.. el f aliiornla. Or,
.iliue .v, , s, t,-ui, . ,.- 1
gon. Nevada, and Wiislnni'loii lemtory, aj
. rei,,l." I to a II tne I'noli. Lund .Hatcsby acl
s by 1
of La
II A II M 1, Ii". "n'M" ' ....,..!' uw-s
v icm . loimi y ol lake, ol Oregon, lias tnia
til 11 , y ui
,1 111 tllis '
lie' pure
'.. NW'l