Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, May 21, 1903, Image 5

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AtiHiiiK it crowd nf tlniltcr nopi
from Ni lo, Or., wrrc W. Dwlnn,
l J. Irvine, Dun MiKIkIiI and .1. K.
I.Ik'iI ihhI Harrow of Hotel I,ikc-
Vll'W CMIT.V tll' latent In (iKIin'llcM.
Tln-y it r lln fuxliluiiiil)!)' I'hII Mull
Loudon rlKiirt'l ten. cork tlppi-d,
miliiriil shape. Smoke 11 box and
you'l Htiioki1 mi oilier kind.
T. V. Hubert", Ilie I .oh Antrim
borne buyer, W llo IhhIkM llorneM III
l.uke county lust full. Ih here ualli
and lum already made i iiiimiImt of
puri'luiim. .lack AdmiiH Mold IiIm
Itlllld of liornen tolllnllllll from -IlMl
to "ml hend.
I'lne Hue of IHhIh'h and lilunMware,
nil new nl (lie Monogram. Alii
Ml mm (Iron. i)
Ira Snillli of New I'lne Creek,
brought uptlieltmt. ntrawberrle of
the neanou lint Siilurdn.v. We did
Hot learn what variety they were,
lnit ri'nitiin l hey iirethe"lninenrly"
kind. Anyone mImIiIiii; ltn t h of thU
early variety, nliould unk Iru.
While the Hprlnn IIkIiIm may not
Indlrale the kind of weather We may
at III It MofteiiN t heroiuplexloli
of the nirtli'lanlM and makeH tlii'lr
face look like a red row. It don't
only itlve employment to the iloetor, j
lint I lie rll.V ei heilir rei elt en a lulu h ;
Heeded reimbursement . i
I'. A. Mi-i 'orriin, of the I'hiuitKlii 1
tt ail lH HIM' I O,, II ,l'0. IN IM-1I-, llll'l
will vlnlt all of t lie hli.iplui'll of I. like
county for the purpoM- of coiinlun-;
lilt; their wool for his company, j
Mr. Mel orrail rcprcncii I n I he limine :
that received I lie Mlicnf price paid!
al t lie lilj; mile last Julie. Ill I
A recent petition from Is la inn I li (
I'alln rcnidelltn to cll.llli' the wiled-I
ule of the Klamath I'alU AmIiImihI j
mall ho that It would leave Klamatli j
I'n I U at .'i o'i'lork In the nmniliiu'
i i i i.i i
((intend of !l o'rlork III the evening
Iuih been denied iy the ohtolllee
department, nay h Ilia Tldlugn,
The four Hiiiallpo rawH an-reported
an doliiK llnely, hii.VH the liepllMi
i'iiii. The Klamath limine which Iuih
len under ipiarantlne for the I"'"' j
two w.nkn Iuih been completely ,
finiiluated and iih no new caw H if ,
(he illneane Iuih deelojied, w ill n' '
taken from ijitarnnt ine in it (ew'
. ' '
'.'.'nice Taylor, maiiaei of tliel
I hewaucan Land and Llvcntock Co., ;
came down from I lie ranch Monday
and returned Tuenday. Alex Fit
patrlck returned with lilm and will
hen-after hold ii position on the bin
ranch, liavlnn reslgneil his position
an clerk for the Lakeview Mercantile
.1. S. Field Ih liaullni; rock for a
two-story building on IiIh lot just
north and adjoining the I. t. O. F.
Imllillnn:. It will be built either of
ntone or brick, probably of Miotic If H
Kooil quarry niii befoiind near town.
The building will be :Ui x 7 fei't, and
the upper nlory will be lined for a
public hull.
lintel Lakeview lian been crowded
to It h ntniont capacity for more
than a week, and when big crowdn
of timber Hookcm arrive a great
amount of nklrmiHhlng Iuih to be
done to find Im'iIh for them. Many
cltlxeiiH come to the renew however,
and throw open their doom to ac
commodate the weary travelem.
What a howl ban gone up from
everybody on account of tho forent
renerve grab In Lake county. Kvery
Htlck of timber from the California
lino on both mIiIoh of (loono Lake,
north to Hummer Lake, Iuih boon
withdrawn from wttlenient. No
doubt people who have' been tanly
In taking up timber landwill Iwcon
nltlcnibly dlHiippolntcd.
Attend the Auction Sale of
St hm luck's Household goods next
5nturdny ut one o'clock I. M.
The Warner Valley NtiH'k Co., Iuih
purchnncd the irre.v stallion Hhafter
from the rhewtuenn Land A. 'utile
Co. TI.Im horne which Ih making the
pennon In l.ikevlew In charge of II.
W. Furrow, Ih a law mid beautiful
full lilooded liorne, mid will continue
t he hciimoii In Lakevlew,
Harry Dolpli, anon of the late Sen
ator liolph, of Portland, arrived In
Klamath FiiIIh Nimduy evening, lie
Iuih Im-cii aHtudeiit In the I'lilverxlty
of ( iriKon t he pant two yearn, lnit
owliic to III health, lie deemed It ad
visable to Klve up IiIh studies for a
I line, mid w ill enjoy a neveral wcekn'
varatloii In K lamat h and Lake eoiui-
tlen. Kxprcnn.
The New I'lne Cni'k banc ball nine
came tip Sunday and won another
jjnine from Die I.akevlew lioyn. It
wan an apparent ly easy matter for
them to run tip Mcoren, an the score
Mtood '"' to 7 when the name ended.
It Ih very likely that the Stute Line
Iiovm will tell the Uikevlew nine to
"Ki mnl net ii reputation" liefore
they will play them again.
A lining the ncttlcrn Interested III
the Warner land ninen now liefore
the land olllee, w lio have lieell hen'
the past week, are: luike Itennett,
Andy Morrln, Wm. Maw, T. It. Wake
tlehl, Tin ih. I crrls. .1. K. Walker.
( Iuih. Wallace. S. L Sloan, I'. L
Taylor, .1. M. MeHHiier, Wm. Cooper,
.1. L. Morrow, l.d t'alderwood, V.
I Uiiiiiuv lu, N. M , Icw Ih, A. I. mulL.
1 1. 1'raken.
The only cimen of hiii.iII pox report -
ii'il in imuiiiiiiii I aim are me uirce
original oIich, ii fid they have n-cov-ered
Hll, K t he Lxpl'eHH. It has lieell
two irliH xlnce t liene cases lirnt de
veloped, and since, every priiuilt loll
Iuih lieell taken to .revelit the iIIh
i'iim1 Hpreadinu. No alarm, what
ever, Ih felt for another outbreak,
and the town Ih coiiHidered fl'tv from
t he malady.
The .'Id aiinlverHary of the lieni
of Honor wan duly celebrated hint
Friday nluht. The Lakeview and
New I'lne I'reek A. . I'. W. IoiIki'M
were III attendance, and they had H
. . , . i i
HWell time alter I lie Hinri-e nan
iHeveral InitlatloiiH. MuhIc followed
by a bltf bhiuiuet wiw the program.
The hunurv prlntern of The Ivxamlner
have canne 1 1 reiuetiiber the yoiuitf
(nlll.M w , 1 1. Hiip-r lu chaise,
fi if a K,.ll(.riIrt ,oiiat I. hi of Ice cream
ttandliiK III a mill pond with the
. . ... I 1
water up to IiIh ne k, where lie nan
,l.u.l,u.ll r,,ivKt tire. Walter
( () j(.t wn,.p , ,ilt-H shingle
Mill, m ar I'lp'on, I'a., wan burneil
to death. A tank of oil exploded
and the burnliiK tluld covered the
man. When the fire nwepl In from
all polntn the other ineinlHTH of the
crew tied In terror, lioyil deciding to
remain until the last moment. The
oil tank which exploded nlood on
thi' bank near the pond.
The Woodmen of the World annu
ally deonrate t he graven nf their de
ceaned brother.. The Lakeview
lodge thin year will take advantage
of thin event to unveil the monu
ment over the grave over their ile
ceancd brother .1. K. Snider. .June
7th. In the day delected to march out
to the cemetery, and will probably
)h, j,,m., the procenHlon by the A.
II. V. W. Lodge. The teanm of the
lodgcH will appear lu uniform and
the Lakeview band will furnish ap
propriate mimic.
The t'eflarvllle Kecord In npeaklng
of T. II. Walker, the Multo Million
aire luniliei' bull'on, who It In mild
Intendn building a. railroinl from Ked
Muff to Modoc county, ndvliien all
parties In Modoc and Lake count Ich
who erect liulldlngn, to put them on
wheels ho they can bo pulled out of
the wuy of tho railroad track when
It coincH along. And The F.xnmlner
cautlouii pedcntrlaiiH to keep their
weather eye open for fear they get
hit with a railroad rumor, the air
neemn to ho full of them from one
ven r lo n not her.
Atkes, Whit worth
Sheriff Hunlap Saturday, iw jhtJ
notice publlHheil In The KxaminiT,
Hold all the pcrHonal and real entate
of the late ltenj. Warner, of New
I'lne Cnrk. The mi acren of farm
land wiim Hold to .1. H. Iiii liaiii for
$:'..VMl. Thin laud adjoliin t he lat ter'n
place at Kelley ( reek oil the Hoiltll.
The limine and lot at New Hue Creek
wan nold to A. M. Uallalier, for :HHI
llurtzi'K - (ilbboiiHpun-hani'ilwveral
lioten for ?:nm. The renldue from the '
naleoftlie propTty and all money j
on Iiand at the time of Mr. Warner'n 1
death w ill encliejit to the ntate of j
Oregon, an lie had no known rel
atives. Notice to Public.
People ail' untitled not to disturb
or carry off any of my property liij
the vicinity of the nalt march. Any
one ho doilltf will lie prosecuted to
the full extent of the law.
Miw. .Iom:s .OTIt K.
I .1 I ami OBii'f. Ijllil'VliW. Oivicon
I el., il. 1'AKl. Nollif m, liiTi-l.y (tlM'" H't ill ,
iniiielmnrc Uli lln' r.ini.iiii 01 uie
... . ........... i ii a. lhTit. fnmlt'il -An net
d.r ilui li' ul linilu r ImiiU In lli" siu- ot
or. K"ii. lilnriii, Si'viU. ii'l 'lilimuii
1. rriliirv." I'llfiiitinl lv ''1'1'1'
I jiii sinli'i In- Bi t nl AiiKUM 4. IW. Ilif (ul
liiuliiir .. roini'li- lliiiilitv ll li'il iu tln ottiie
iliflr ioru lU'ii!fiil lo-ll:
Ukbcl C. Hurley, Portlinrt, ronnty of Mulnio
lei it h, italu nf Oroirnn. iwnrn tlili'lm'iit I Ml
Inr i lie iuri'liHe of the K', W Sec. 3A T SH, K
M " Miry K. Hurlfv
.f lirfl i'mirlh mt I'nr 1 1 lllll . ( OUIlIT Of MlllllHI
initli. line nl OreKiin, iworn nimi'mt iu .". i'
Inr I he Iiiirt liine nl Uill I - J 3 4 - Sec 2 T HU S,
Tint they will offer proof to how tint the
linil wiiiK'hl In inure VMluihle fnr in timtier or
iinne thmi lor itKrlcullural iuirH.' and to en
IKlilmh Iliflr rlaiin to uhl Ianl before J.
II. lirlM'iill, oiiuty Clt rk at Klainth Kails, Or.,
on Momlitv, the Sit ttay of AimnM. ltt.
I hey tiaine hi witiieiaea: J Wraue, of I orval
lln. Ore., J. o. Ilamaker, ot Uoiiitiin. Ore., ami
O.T MeKemlree and Uul) Kolunmn ot Olete,
Any and all n'rolia I'laiinltut adversely the
aliove-ile'riht tl landiiare reiinle 1 to Hie their
elatniK ill thi tiltiec on or liefore laid Srd day
ol AukiihI lmrt.
May 14 IH K. M. Hrattain. lieitinter.
...... .... . . I .... .1 1 1 .... f m I..... l.i.i- Or.iami
Mav Vt h !'.. Soliee in hereby tiiven mat lanu miiee Mtm mir. .......... . ...v ......
. eoi,.,.lian. e with the povihloin nl the a.'t of day nl O.'to her. 19..-'. said .sarah h. M tier mo
oiiKr. a. ol June IK, entitled "an aet for the ed off wti.1 land and al.andoned name Sa d
ale ..I limber lau.ia In the Slate, ol California, .arlie. are hereby no 1 tie. to i l!l'- ' P; at Nevada, and Washlngtoii Territory,' 'V'" 1?. w "imTiT tttX. ll.
t till I'M c.itit- i.anti . Mut-v .k . . r--...
an e tended In all ine iniouc lanu mniei n . t
of Angiit 4lh la'.r.', Oeoriti' B. llibhard, ul
( oi nr .1 Aleuts eoniiiy in Miooiai, "''
. . . .., . .. Ji. i ... ... I. il
Idaho, iihi tin nay men iii ini '. -
the H.. h.v i.SKi.H HW SK '4of See.
TMS It lit K. w. in. and will offer proof lo
sh w l a t ie land" oughl I. more valuable for
Us limber or stone than lor agricultural pur-
poses, and to establish his claim lo said land
lelore I . II. Itlirow, I. n. nllllllissinotr at
Klamath halls, Oregon, on Thursday, the iW.
ditvolSenieniber. !!:!. He naiiiei as witnesses:
II. Mi l uiiibcr, and Anlone l astel ol Klam
ath Kalis. Oregon. Jamei it. Owen, ol Illy, Ore
Kon and Frank I'. 1 ight. of Lakeview. Oregon.
Any and all persona claiming adversely the
alsive decrihed lands are rcuocsted to file
their claims In thU ollleoou or lieforo ial.1 8d
day of Sep. HUM,
.May 14 IV
K. M. BKATTAIN, Register
Land Offlce at I.akevlew Ore., April , 1W0S
Notice Is hereby given that the lollowtng
tiamed settler hai filed notice of his intention
to make final prool lu inpport of hla claim,
and that said proof will be made before the
K.'Klsier and Receiver at Ijikevlew Ore., on
May2l. 1H. Via: Maggie Masaiicr widow ol
Jacob M .issuer dee'd II. K. No. ti5 for the M
SWli Ki'O. tl THUS K i4 K.
She names the following witness.'! to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
oi said land, via: ....
Charles Tiiniilugseii, of Lakeview Oregon
Samuel K. Sloan, Krank U'lnberger and w ll
1 1 it 10 hnlglNh, of Ail' I Oregon.
Apr. j;; hi K. M. IliiATiAlNKeglsler
Have vou Seen our Swell Line of . .
.n. i i i i i
They arc, without a doubt, the
Finest Ever Brought to Lakeview.
Remember that quality remains in
the memory long after priee has been
forgotten. Save Money. Buy from
f J ssvs SVJ''S W!'?'y' v
LEE BCALL. Proprietor
We have constantly on hand a Fine and Complete Stock
of Drugp, Chemicals, Perfumeries, Toilet Articles, Fancy
Notions, Cigars, Etc., Etc.
4.- Prescriptions Carefully Compounded
5 1 U UtL H 1 .Jt
I ,
J. E. Bernard & Son
Content Xotlrr.
1'i.l.i.H H.uli.a 1 and nffii. 1 abfvliV. OretTOII.
May :, ItHtt. A inrtU'ieiit eonieit attidavii hav-
Iiik lie'eii tiled in this nfflee by Thomas Yonnir,
contestant, against Hd enttv No. 4tll, made lllll. for Uits b and K 'i B '4 '4
li ii' I u.v.. i.i rp in u UlUh' IT Hniilr
r." . . 7 . L i. i.. 'ii ... .i.... i. v'
t on lest ee, in w uieu u is hii.-k.'.i ioi ' nt "
Snider u holly abandoned said H'd Kntry on or
about the loth day ol October Illy, ami nai not
i - - - - - ..H uiJim tliu in. K
resided, and Is tun now resi.ung uihhi ian
, . - . , v. -. " . ... ,
liter aim mm vi a. tue mi. u
""" V, .... I 7..
- llii.hul.ll.itlltiilMlltliailM
The said contestant having. Ill a ropcr alll-
slmw lliat alter due d.ligeuce personal ae. vice
I of thii notice can not be made, it is hereby
ordered and directed that such nonce begiveu
oj uui. . ......
May 11 ID K. M. ItK attain. Register.
I'nited Stalea Ijind Office, I-akeview, Oregon,
May 6, lutti. Notice is hereliy given that in
compliance with the provisions ol the act of
Congress of June 8. U?, etitillcd "An act for
Ihe sale of timber lauds in the Slates of Calif
ornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Ter
ritory," as exteniteu 10 an oie ruoiie itini
states by aet of August 4. lxtrj, Lulu Miller of
Lakeview, county oi Lake. State of Oregon, has
this day riled in thiioltioe her sworn state
ment No. HrJ9, lor the purchase ot the NW'i
N K4 N K'4 N W' Keo TP IW H. K 18 E, HK'4
8V3 SKI.? 8eo i. Tp 87 H, K 18 K, ami will offer
proof to show that the laud sought Ii more val
uable for Its timber or none than for agricul
tural purposei, and to establish her claim to
said land belore the Register and Receiver of
this office at lakeview Oregon on Friday the.
10th day of July, liMi. Kheuamciai witness
es: W. A. Wllshlre, I'earl Hall, T. 8. llaudley
and 11. laly all ol Lakeview, Oregon,
Any and all personsclaiioing adversely the
above-described lands are rtnu.sied to tile
their claims In this office on or before said loth
tl i v of .Inly l'.Ki.l.
Miiv 7 la K. M. HRATTAIN, Register.
& Ayres
jv v jv vv i
t'ntted States Land Offiee, Lakeview Oregon.
; May S. wa. ftotiee u uereuy given mai 111
; foiiu'lianee with the provisions of the ae; of
Congress of June 8, ls7s, eutitled, "Au act for
i ine sate oi unioer lamis iu wie i-ii". "' " -
furni llr.i.inll. N'.'Vatla and W aShlllgtOn 1 em-
I .... l.t , ill .1... nhli In,l atatM
. 'v"'"" : , -----
bv act nf Aimiist 4. lhW. I'earl Hall, of lake
view, county of Lake, Hate of Oregon, baa tiled
ill thii office her sworn natemen1 21l. for th
purchase of the SK4 NK'4 SW'4 SK4 SIM;
Sec -i Tp 88 8 R 18 K, aud will offer pr.xif toshjw
that the land sought is more valuable for it
timber or atone than lor agricultural purposes,
and to establish her claim to said laud la-toro
the Register aud Receiver of this office al
Lakeview, or., 011 Friday the loth day ol July,
1H)S. She names as witnessei: W. A. Wllshlre,
T. S. llaudley. Lulu Miller. K M. Miller, all ot
lakeview. Oregon. Any and all persons claim
ing adversely the above-d.'serllK'd lauds are re
quested to Ilie their claim Id lii" office ou or
before said lulu day of Julv. lM.
Uiav718 K. M. BK ATTAIN', Register.
I'nited States !.and (iffice at Lakeview. Ore-
fou. May 14. 1H08. Notice ii hereby giveu that
n compliance with the provisions of the act
of Congress of June 8, lh78, entitled "An act
fur the sale of timber lauds ill the states of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," si extended to all the Public l.ainf
States by aet of August 4, 18W. Oeorge W. Full
er, of Cortland UiO Belmont St., county of
Multnomah, itate of Oregon, has this day filed
lu this office his sworn statement No. 2198, for
the purchase of the N Wl 8co to. SK1;
N E KS SK'i Sec 2(1 Tp 80 8, R 16 K, W M. ami
will offer proof to show that the land sought ia
more valuable for Iti timber or stone than foe
agricultural purposes, and to establish hi
claim to laid land before 0. H. Wlthrow, V. S.
Commissioner at Klamath Falls Oregou oil
Thursday the Sd day of September 1MU8.
lie Pamelas wltuessei: James ll. Owen amt
8. L. Weill, of Bly Oregon, Anlone Casiel of
Klamath Falls. Oregon, aud Oeorge B. Hibbanl
of t oeunf Alcue, Idaho,
Any and an persons c
above-described lands
Any and ail persons claiming adversely the
iHive-tiiseribea lamia art:
re. requested 10 nirt
their claims iu thii office
e on or hefnre sitlil
8.1 day of September, 1V0.1. KM liliAlI'VIN,
ma. Register.