I.AKEIOUINY EXAHINCR, LAKIIVIEW, OKIXION. MAY 14, lXJ. Lake view Teacher Closes Manila School The MnnMii Time of Mntrli J0th cuinouncvd tho cloning of i wiccw lull term of the I'nco Hoy's School. Thut mihp sn.vs: "The dcholorM In thin nchool rnnnv In nsi from ." to 14 yvnrn nnl miin lier 120, ami for two hours or more they reiiilcreil recitation, sonjrs ami cbonisos singly. In groups ami en masse. In the English liuiguajn' with out a hitch oralireakilown. Several youngsters of .1 or t? years who had lieen studying but one year, recltetl unfalteringly familiar patriotic poems oml acted pantomimes lllus tratlng the remarkable doiugs of the children of Mother (Jcose, to the music of their fellow-schoolers nlng lng. Their drills were also given with promptness and precision. The school-house wan prettily decorated with flowers and palms. The school is under the direction of Mrs. M. Hopkins Hale, assisted by Messrs Simplicio Manuel, Doroteo de Ijeon, Domingo Kodrlgues, Marclano S. Mateo ami Candldo ranganiban. Mrs. Gale won one of the first of the teachers to come to the Islands, In response to the much discussed cablegram of Governor Toft, and since her arrival here has not asked for or received a single day's voca tion. Thin record in view of the p regress displayed by her pupils. Is certainly one to be proud of. The distribution of certificates of attendance developed the remark able fact that of 120 scholars, fully one-quarter had not missed a day by absence for three months. A considerable nunilier of the parents of the youthful iH-rfonnes were interesting observers and at the conclusion of the exercises, re freshments were served In the school room." A rarmr Mlralxhtrnd Oat "A man living on a farm near here cjtme in a short time ao completely I doubled up with rheiimatiHm. I hand ed him a bottle of Chamberlain's i'ttin Balm and Vjli him to use It freely and if .iOt atisfJed after using it he need not pay a cent for it," ay8 C. P. Kayder, ot Pattens Mills, N. Y. "A few days later he walked into I he store as straight as a string and handed me a dollar paying, 'jrive uie another bottle of CharnberlainN Pain Balm. I want it in the house all the time for it cur.i me.' " For gale by Lee Beall, druggist. "Dutch Charlie" Poisoned. The Iakevlew correspondent of the Portland Telegram under date of May 1st, says: John Westlake, who ha a group of mining claims at Sagehen Mountain, said to carry gold and telluride ores, came in from his camp a few days ago. He re ports two attempts to blow up his cabin with dynamite by placing It In the stove. Twice he returned to his cabin after a day's absence, and once found fuel placed ready to lightaflre. Not remembering of so placing It before leaving, he removed the fuel und found three mlcks of giant powder. A few days later, under similar circumstances, he found five Bticks In his stove. He also reports an attempt to poison him, and says a miner employed by him, known as "Dutch Charlie," was killed by poison. He will bring the matter to the at tention of the District Attorney. Mr. Westlake is a highly educated and Intelligent Englishman, aged about WJ years, and is said to lie a chemist uuu (insurer, ami Knows tin; symp toms produced by poisonous drugs. A lawyer was cross questioning an Irish woman, the point under In quiry lieing the relative positions of tho doors, windows, etc., in which a certain transaction had occurred. "And, now my good woman," the lawyer said, "will you be good enough to tell the court how the Htairs run In your house?' "How do the stairs run?" the wit ness replied. "Khure, whin 1 am up stairs they run down, and whin am down stairs they run up." Pain's Horn. ITS "HURRY UlM NOW. IK YOt' HAVKN'TKKNT IX YoVH OIKSS, I.ITTI.K KOI.KS. IT IS lUOII TIM K YOV AKK pol.VU IT. Ve gave you plenty of time, but It will sHn lie. the :Ust of May and after that no more guesses can Ih accepted. So If you want to try for one of these cash prizes we are offer ing, you will have to hurry up. Seventy Dollar In what we are going to give to children In Oregon who furnish the liest reason why this house Is able to sell a It does, the very liest plum at much lower prices than any other house on the Coast. There are just lotn of good reasons and many of the children are guess ing them. Talk it over with your further. If he cannot help you ask any business man that you know. He will le able to give you some points. Ask them if a house docs an Immense wholesale business, what sort of freight rates it In able to se cure, and what sort of prices It In enabled to make; ami If Its Instru ment are shipped without boxing, if that saving In weight In of any advantage, and If the house owns Its ture you caught could not have been own warehouse, drays and tennis, If a sjievkled trout. All the author that Is any advantage. Ask them itles on Ichthyology would disprove which Is the liest, large sales at moderate profits or small sale at irreut profit whether It I lietter to have a few or a great many eople find out that your piano are thor- oughly high-grade and reliable and its prices very moderate. Then make your own conclusions and sit down and write what they are. The contest In going to lie a big one. and much larger than we thought It would. Guesses are com- lng in from all over the State and It In a great pleasure for un to learn . . ... i li., i how many people, even the little folks, are familiar with ami apprc- elate what we have done In supply-; lng high-grade instruments at low i prices. You do not want to miss the opportunity of showing how bright you can lie and of getting a prixe, too. Here is a list of the prizes. They are worth trying for. For the tiest letter (2: (HI For the next liest letter 1 (HI For the third liest letter 10 (Ml For the fourth liest . (hi For the next ten lest letters 1 (H) All children 15 years old and young er are alloweil to guess. .o letter with later 'otniark than May :11st ...mi T , w 111 w nocepted. lin.KK Piano House, Washington .Street. Cor. Park, Portland, Ore. WAXTKD SEVKRAI. IXDfKTRIOfH PER uina in each ataie to travt-1 lor houw Imbed eleven y.-r anil with a larire capital, tu rail upon nun hnl ami aKenn lor nuccwlui ami prontable line, fermaucut emraftemi'iit. Wei-kly caah aalary of 1 ami all travlinK ex pi-iia. ami hotel billa ailraneeil In caali ea. h wei'k. Kx ix riem e nut eswntlal. Metitiun ref erenri ami enclose nell'MiMrenHi'il eiiveloiH;. TIIK XATIOXAI., iM Ih arU.rn St., ChitaKO. HANDICAPPED. The man who started to run a race is cbains and fetters would be visibly handicapped. No one would expect him to succeed. The man who runs the race of life when his digestive and nu tritive organs are diaeased is equally handicapped. In the one case his strength is over weighted, in the other it is under mined. Success demands above all else a sound stomach. Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. $3,000 FORFERIT will be paid by World's Dishknsarv Medical, Asso ciation, Proprietors, Buffalo, N. Y., if they cannot show the original signature of the individual volunteering the testi monial t-low, and also of the writers of every testimonial among the thousands which they are constantly publishing, thus proving their genuineness. "The prnihe I would like to (rive your ' Colilen Metliei'l Discovery' I cannot inter in wunla or descril- with pen." writea Juniea H. Ainhrose, i;sq., of Mifllin Street, liiiiitifiKtoii, fa. "I was taken with what our physii iuus here Kui'l was indigestion. I doctored with the best around here anil found no relief. I wrote to you und you kent me a question lilanlt to fill out, and I did no. and you then advised me to use Dr. I'ierce'a Golden Medical Discovery. I took three bottle and I felt ao (food that I topied, being cured. I have no aymptoraa of gastric trouble or indigestion now,' Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, sent free on receipt of stamps to cover expense of mailing only. Twenty-one one-cent stamps for the book in paper covers, or 31 stamps for the cloth-bound volume. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. V. , VT VU1 A J Tci3 Larrative Bromo Qinnme TaMets.c i Seven rSl'fen boxes o!4 In past 13 moritV. Tl.l" fTtSrtHT-f A Good nh Story. "Senator William P. Frye I an ar dent lover of the sport of llshtng. Once, after bin return from hi Hum mer' outing." say the Saturday Evening l'ot, "he met the celeb rated naturalist, Agassis. Glowing Sen ator Krye descrltted hi excrlencen. " 'Among my triumph,' said he, 'wo the capture of a spec kled trout that weighed fully eight pounds.' Dr. Agassis smiled and said, 'Re serve that for ti e credulous and con vivial circle of rod ami reel cele brants, but spare the feelings of a solicr scientist.' "'Thin In not a campaign whop Hr I'm telling; 1 weighed that trout carefully, and It was an eight-pound-er!' "'My dear Mr. Krye.' remonstrat ed Dr. Agassi, iermlt me to Inform you that the Salvcllnun froiitlualin never attains the extraordinary weight of eight pound. The civn- your claim.' " 'All I can say to that.' said Semi- tor Krye. "I that there are. then, bigger fish in Maine than an dream- yuur lence.' . ,.Tu, ' m.xt ,. ,. ,.IIIIKlt (l trout that weighed nine pounds. He packed It In Ice, and sent It to Dr. Agassli. A few days iHter he received a telegram, which n,Jl(j. ' , , " 'The science of a lifet hue kicked to ii"iitn ny a iaci. Agassu. To Unrmt a KUk. j In nlmoHt every neittlilmrliood miiiip- : firiM Ima . 1 1 , I fruiii un .Murk nf culii (if ' clll,era niorhtiH. .ilien heli.re medicine I cutilJ lie procured or h plijun iHii mui.i- moiled. A reliable remedy lor these dis ease. hIioiiIiI lie kept ai hand. The rink is too ureal lor anyone to lake. I ham berlain'n Colic, CIi"Itu and !iarrhiaa Kemedy hax iimloilUtrdly mived the lives of mine people and relieved more pain and suffering than uoy other medicine in urn. It can Hlttayn lie ic'inied up on. For tale by l-ec Kenll ilru yui. Heaiues & .feuuiiigs, ot The Ilrlck Store, have recently put on a dellv erT wagon, They take orders and I l"!'ver (roods free of chnrire. Khun-! nth Falls now has two free delivery wagons, the firm of Schaliis-k &! Daggett having U-en running one for ' over to years- I'.esides thesi. tien(' Is n city express wagon, run by D. K. j Hisedorf and a draylng and transfer service, conducted by S. Cmpel.' Express. Mr. Joseph I'omihville, of Stillwater. Minn., after having siieiil over f 2,(MXI with tlie best doctoiK for Hlomacli trouble without relief, uHudvtHcd by bis drUu Kist, Mr. Alex Kit-hard, to try a box of Chamberlain's Moinach and Liver Tab let. He did ho. ami ix a well loan to day. If troubled will. iniliifMion, bad taste in the month, luck ot appetite or conelipatioii, jiive thene 1'ablela a trial, and yuu are certain to be more than pleased with the recall. For nale at 25 cents per box by Leu Ileal I, ilrdKKinl. The large windmill belonging to .1. K. Jtaker was put upon Its tower by E. (i. Scammon and .1. A. Yater last Saturday. This mill Is the highest In town, as Is located on an NO foot steel tower. It Is located near the river, and will be used to pump water Into the large tank which Is soon to be constructed on the lot of E. 1. Scainiuou above town. New Era. a. CO YEARS' Jw... fli I Ft A Oat mf1nO rraw.us Copyrights Ac. Anronn n11nB a ikfrtrh and rtorrtnt Inn nn qiilfkif AM''friHiu nir opinion fre whihr mi tiiVMritinri m prohnhljr pHtentitbla. onintunlr. llMiiniricllrcoi(dlBiilfaL IlttiMliHirk on -attti'. aunt frwi. OhtwMt HueiM-y for mtn-urtug patfiniH. 1'atMiit taken through Muun A Co, rocvlrt $perUUiuiticet wit hout chwrtfu, u tUo Scientific JTtnerican A handiomelf IHnitrnte4 WMklf. J. urgent rlr dilation of anj tntlDo lournal. 'J'nrmi, $.'( a Thnr; fourmonttia.fi. Bold by l I newlBairu IWUNN & Co.88,Bro'd"'' New York Braach Ginua. 016 V Bt, Waabliivlou, I). C. 1 Pi Vv-if37?t75J i vsmm J-eKJt '4 1 Otftr- ffc aT11 ?rt OriA Tlr Cures Crip V U VafkAVa 111 VliV stUjr In Two Days, li In kept on file l K.C. IUii'i AilwrlWhi ! M ami imn. San tranrlM'n, ('!., hnro oonireuia lor e.lvrnl.liif ' I n1 fur li. StiWrllwrf In IhK K.emlncr who fi-move Inint in Im allty I" eiiinhi'r. ur rhli itirlr iMxtuftW aililrM hinlil rt itn iiilM r m ilrnp lliln ortlcr a rani mi llirlr ar run l l ilrrMi-il In tho rlii In iniatoAti'n, l-'AKMS TOW N LOTS. Imprnvi'il ml titiliiiprii.nl iui mi i') Ill- mllini'iiia. I ai.il Ti'l. KtamliK"!. Ian Segollali'il, Thii'i Mikl Afiir. Ki'iila, Notra. ml At'l'lllllllB t'llllri'tl'l, r'lri' litHiirHiiri. HKAl. M ATK ami (litnral llii.lii.Ml Agl-tlla. HAYl.liV MAXWI.l.L. IIUSIMiSS I1NII:KI'KISI:S it t ( .aKeview rewery AYKCS & 5CMLAUCU Prop. SALOON IN CONNECTION Beer sold Wholesale & Retail Delivered any place In Town Southern Oregon Marble Co. Ashland, Oregon Drilrrt Mrlf. Crtrltf. IrM I fx I I M Grxril Smm Mrk ClMfHRT MORK OF All kllOS Land Notice. JOHN MULLAN, Attorney and Counselor at Law. 1J10 Connrtlcut Avenue WashlnKton, D. C. All pcraon who havt htratofor mad TIM AL PKOOP In any kind ot Land, Mlnaral or Tim ber lintrlc. which hat been accplrd by lha KcglaUr or Hccclvtr ol any V. 5. I Jnil OffWa. can havo the Itauanc ol their V. I'alrnl aid Londa promptly allended t; fty unjM m. Ihelr Dupllc.t. V,fUU( ft Cartlllcatm of hnlrv. ond an .grtmtnt r,y . wW ever laid Pt.nt ahall laaae. HH1M Mt.AN. nr'l(on, Calllornla and Nevada State Afrnt LOOKOUT 551 For mn onti kllllnir ur itoal in If stock tK'Iont;Uij to li-m South Eastern Oregon live Stock Association $500 REWARD Will lie given for the arrwt ami uoiivlrtlnn of any per on or pvraone aluilInK any lovlc U'longlnir la nieiiilH.r of tlila Awtx latlnn. J. D. COUOrlLIN, J, n. INNES, President. Secretary. 111 mjfy SvjZyT oi every H THIS PAPER Mcn-liaitia' Kxoii a imm miiiiMn 11 m i ymmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm V' " I oar tar t v. nrmam v r r ntmrrsiatsrtr; T5?v f nu 1 m PROFESSIONAL. R. K. I., MTKIN KH. M , . myslelaa mm4 MriMi. jikvlw, r. orricK-rviri tmi( nvm. rn unmil rmtiiil)r tlajr of night. K. II. SMITH M l lkrlr. Or, orrit'K Uk.l. lmx CoV Hu.r. IIHT V II A I.I. fhj-lrUaaailHarsr.a OKril It- N'W Hull. ling lK O r lKNOHl:nT Itrwllal likrvlrw, Urrgtua OFI'ICR - Pair HulMl.n. I,. K. 4-UJ .4 Horary al lr Ijtkrvlrw. Orra OKrirlC-lial llulliling. V. II IIU.HVMri.K AHarar) -al.tiw. Ijikrvlrw. Or. nrfli-R tly liuildlng W. J MUOHK At larar) .a. w , IJikvvlrw.Or m'K-ii iiuii.ii..f I. II. VKHATUa Allarnry .al-law ln4 Mallrra Mprrlalljr orru e !aly Hull.llng. l II II A HTN O li rr Akrvlrw, Or. W00D1EN Of THE WORLD iVN.T m on Ihx til ami 4lh Wr.lurUy of Lvmrh rii' tilh III Maunilr Hall, al . m. nu t. iiiimi i uinuiamirr. A Hyi mil, I u-rk. -J . --.- r I.AKKVIKW KM AMI MKNT. No IS, J Ihtira. N ll rrl. $ 1. ... r. nirris inr ii aim ail intir N itay Piriiliixaof rarh IiimiiIIi In O.I0 yi lim-nail. IUcvlrw. " . S. tuna, '. f. P.. W. J. Mimas. Bi-rll. 0 liiHa' Hall. Ikrvlnw. W N llm, V. I UVH I'ffect, lueaday, Apr. I,1IH)2. ,i -Qf -n- i--iorrofwu WOODMEN Of 1H WORLD I'X", No. a ft -mi p. m 4 Ml p. m. 4 - p. m i In p. m :i i p. in MS p. Ill 'J IN p. m 2 Mi p. 111 I :7 p. m. I :U p. III. 11 p. ro. i f) a. in. U l( p.m. 11 '( 1. 111. 1111 p. in. In 47 p. in. lu'.ii p. m. p. . St'o p. m . S;:iA p. ro.. 7 :M p. in . 7:; a. 111. He no Hlllllllllt . r Kranrla I'urily I'liimaa . Uial I aiiii-rnii . . II.-. I Kim a . I iilinlalilla iHivlf . l.li irmi . . Amiln . . , A ItH'illM .. , . Ar Ar Ar Ar . Ar Ar . Ar Al .Ar . Ar . Ar .Ar Ar Ar Hot HprliiK..Ar Murray Ar Karln .. Ar llurM lj.kn .Ar Wavi rly . .Ar I.r inn Ar lln 1 k manAr. Mmli-hiii. ,v 7: p. in. 1 Ar 5II KKA VAI.I liV HV &.00 pm 6 4l pm i).:i pin 7.2U pm Id .'Mam, I.v PI 11 in a. Ar, llm iiinS.Sti am . II aiam I.v.. Vinton Ar l."l'iiiijl.v.ll.-ikllh.Ar VI .V.. 111 1 l.v.l lalrvllli.Ar a.lft 1. 111,11 40 am J.wipn- 7.h6am l.inpni 7 (10 am I'ONNKCTION WITH STAtiK AT: Ti-rino.-Jiir Uki vl. w, l'll,-v anil Hn.h, xrn. ami Kt. Hl.lw. ll. Uki. city. ( udarvllU', Aillii Altiirananil Kli-lx-r, l allf. Hl Horlnica.- for Stamllnh am) Siiaanvllle) ".'iTV'",1, MII'oM. Jamnvlll.. ami Bimtlu villi', I alif. Vlnt1.11 - fur Uivalnm, liovtnlcvllle ami Camd Im'II'h Hot HprliiKu, t allf. li'lkral'!r'"r '" "' Ty trvlll. ainKiri-i n. I'lalrvlllc,- Mol. aw k ami Oulney, l allf. I(..ii, -iiii,-,-tiiif win, ho. Phc. id. for all. Koii't'I," W '"' : V' 1 K- ,,,r 1 viair DR. JORDAN'S oaiarl museum of miom 1061 MARKET ST., IAN MANCIS0 . CAC Id Ilia Wur a. A milrmiHtm la Me Cihk A W.r(ll(ll;(l(llt I Hk... . . I ad Ulu.raliva7 oared kr f oiaM spniKiiitiiu ttie faetma Coaai. ictauaaaed M y.ara. A B jninia.umiT. ........ ""-rnirnia wistHSl mtfm aad nal4a)lo ' fiuia lha uoli ac yeulblal taoi eailitiiai haa aa " kla lra.im.1. 1 thai fT bTali r . i:'.' br.'m 'S-VSJ I " mimim aeraarea I la eU knn.. . k. . I.i. I . ..a . ..f.n, r'a-eauaaak aolaltv.laaaoa t Weal. T. p,,' emdleated (reai fitted kff aa K.Mr. M . '. SJaauro aad ri-(ail K 'a aeeial naMilaea ai.Uiuda . n.ki.ra. a . ni... ...a SSAII analrlnf tooamUl foaarn iMnUnol alaeiiiinl.liii iiniuiiarirH m.a.) Caller write iSKOAN It CO . 1081 Market SI, . IV No. I : a. in. I.r V t, a. in. I.v 111 l''. B. III. I.y HI l . III. I V II a. 111. I.v 1 1 Vi a. 111. I.v IJ iM p. n. I.v IM" l. III. I.v I !!:: . 111. I.v U :M p. in. I.v 11 1.. m. I.v I to p. m. I.v V:'.iip.in. I.v S:imfp.in. I.v XM p. 111. I.v 3:'i7 p. 111. I.v 4:'.A p. in. .v n:'A' p. 111. .v, (:' p. 111. I.v p. in. I.v 7 a. in. I.v i.a.aa v iii wh 111 aaaMrer aadaraleal neMIU, , I. ' 'aiofco la all luo.mil ..HCftat VAV;Kfflv35r f m reaiaaeu Write fnf ilM'm.ll; er by l.u.r. A) ra.1'"kO H'-OI-IT- 9 aeukfer 1." '-' I ftm