Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, April 16, 1903, Image 7

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Two key 'u it heavy rlnif were
found mid li ft it) (IiIm ollh-.
Horn Nonr Willow Itiim li, Oil.,
April Mli, to Hi.- wife of .1. I'.. Nti-llt-lltiK
'i ' hi ul hoy.
', II. I it 1 1 1 1 ! proved tip on liU
1 1 li 1 1 ht flu I r 1 1 , located on I lie I i-m
l 'liiiti-H, IumI ShI nrilii.v.
M aiiiiii-H .M Alt iii um. Oil., Mini h
liMI.I. ,V .1. S. Ilolliioll, .1. I'. I l i I
I. ml to MImh A I i i i l Stimuli.
Mr. o. 1 1 I Mih II. S. IhiiIim k have
Hone to Summer l.llke for ll coltple
u wirU In hiy lit t In' I'lmtrr home.
.In hu m Wnt In of Illy, w lio Iiim Imiii
Xocal Uappcnlnoo trol& In parnoriiplw
AiiM-rli a wn illHrovcrnl on I'rldny,
mid the May I'lowiT landed Km )it
InHi of I Mltf rllllM on l-'rldny; mo lutit-li
for I'rldny Ih hiiii unlucky day.
Kentucky Knviirllc Whinkv in i lili.ut
nun iu'hi. I'liyxii'luiiH ri'i rniiicinl It.
I'itt iV K i tit . tl.
'I I Illllllltl' llll-ll" of till' llevolu-
lion iiicci their name from t In
tel in of tlit-lr i iillxtiiH iit. They were
to wnc nt liny tliiir iiimI on n inln-
UIi-'m notice.
It ha. In-i ll miiil that "nil wliixky in
ITimmI." Ida ".li-mu M.Hiri-" in U-iti-
tiinu other., t-on ti I Ht hII lirnt Iar
. linen. .Imiiiiii-itliul ki-IIn it.
Tin' xti ii Im mii li to hIiIih- In Coloru-
INJFA nnnnQ Continually arriving and arc olas
change for Barley, Wheat or Flour,
at li-inllnu tlic Portland IIiihIiii-hh ! lo iiuhi' iImvm In tin1 yi-nr tliun In
College, returned to li Im Iioiiii' luwt
w n-k.
iro. I'.uti Ih IiIi t riiini- lii from off
tin ili-M-rt laot TliurMiluy ' w It li Ii Im
ark, tin' llrnl inn- to romi' In IMm
Mmikii n - In ( Vdnn illi- ( nl., April
i, I:hp:i, Mr. tiny Winter to MIkm tuna
I lank m, dot li of Luke ( 'II y, t nl, .1 ihIki
I.uiik nllli lal Iny;.
I.. I'. Wliikleiiinn lift laxt I'rlilay
for Silver .tiki' to take charge of .1.1".
any other lialiltnlile purl of IIiIh
country; tiMiinlly hIiIiiIiik nil or pin t
of tin- ilny :iy iIiivm in the year.
Whiky I liul miiiM, tlinl iliM'N you tfooil
Hiill) )llir llltll-xtion Mini BMM'llte, in tllH
imnt htiiff ".Ii-hkh Moore ' ryi or Ixnir
l hi. Cull mi Jaiiiinci thai.
Tin' "tattle of 'n -fill tin on I he dome
of tlie t'apltol nt WaHliliiutnii wiim
llloiei-il Ity an Alnerlrlll Hi'lllptor
ami Im nliii-tivn mid one-half feet hluh
mill vi ixlm 1 1. !:;", pmiuiln.
CvniH Niihle Wlnrkv the old chum-
Shirt Waist Patterns &
Ladies Facinators
Novelties i g
Ladies and Misses Underwear '
Ladies and Misses Hose
Velvets and Laces dt
Kid Gloves
Crockery and Glassware
Mens Felt Boots
Mens Rubber Shoes
Ladies and Misses Shoes
Mens Boots and Bootees
Boys Caps and Hats
Boys Clothing
The Best Goods and the Lowest Priced Store in Town
...C. U. SNIDER...
i L, hi n'y l.i.r ft. .I.. lii I,... m l'l...f.-..l..l.i i I'i'Hi Bin! dill ' 1 1 it i 1 1 I 1 1 i. tliria all
I'm-il in till ti rf t-t-Itivn phieen. Ai-k fur
Ill-will he ilnlie from Shaillko I lll Cl) il Nnhle e;ie n mmU when Villi HHMl
vi'iir I " i",Hl li"p ill hunt.'. :i7 tf.
I "
MUm N.-lli.. Inyar.l. of New I'lnel The f.i nioUH p. J' '"" "" ,"' 1 "lrl",MM
lli-k, piiKM-.l tliroilylt here n few J of I li i veliohll e vv lilell "loli-li from
l.i.VM 1140, on lii-r Way to tnkei h.irce ! i'kI'H"! In lTH nml of wMelt
of the l.lltle Hot Spring a lley t lnee ti nihl eM-r he foil ml , w an lil.VM--i
hool near I .ook'MH --New i:rn. J t rloiiHly n-t uriieil on April tli, l.
In tnkln iiinrm' of the Cliewnii-' ('ulifnrnirt farm far culi hi a hi htir
, , ,,, . k'liia. M) HiTeii h-ln'i-'l ami iTitHt li-neeil.
inn I one .lr. Ilohhr mi.vm It will he : (.lM ,,.., w ,.r io,m hut i.l h
KepiMlliaii In poll! liM In the fill lire, j cal'l !r W ; 'h.w n nml huliim-f m
,,, , , 1 I'tiev I'liviitenlH. Impure :it thin nl-
No llollltt I he I'oct will meet wllh;j(.J - 47 ti
xllrcet. Iielieefi tl't ll.
j 'I'lie eaiaera Im MiippoHeil to have
Wc recelveil IjimI w ti k u ropy 'f j M-n In vi'iiti-il liy im 1 1 nliiiii. I'.npl it ii
the tiri'Kon Teacher'M Mont lily, nn j ',ia. 1 1 H Hik eniuera w ns dimply
up to ilale Mi hool Joiiriinl. 'l'l'l' j n ilarU room w ith ii Miiinll hole Inone
ImhIH' I'olllalliM pletilli'M of the llielll- i H,l,., af ,.r wa n Im II ( leil w It ll linle len-
Imtm of t he la-t li-nUlnl lire. i m-m.
A parly of Khii-phearerM from New
I'llie 1'n-ek wen- III low n IiimI TIhu-m- j
lay, on their wny tohlieni'liiKciimjiM. !
They were ChaM. Mciirls.iii, -Mter
i-rnoii, Henry l iink, Waller I'.utler!
ami ( ha-. IMiinleM. I
l.aM I'rlilay wan Arlior la. , umlj
iim I lie urolllnl WliM rovereil witll
miioW, t he ilny eolilil not w ell lie oli
Mervi'il ly I In' mi-IiooIm. Seholni'M in
I he l.nkevlew Ht hool w ere nh en u
vacation In t he nfternoon.
Whnrlaii A S m i i li 'h I'hIuoo eniitiiiiieB
to he the popular ehih rouln. II vnu ur
look iuk f-ir ti ti i ii ii you will likely tiril
him Ht the i'lihit'e. lieore ami it-lit
hIwhvm tri ii I their put r om well. I.hIi mI
perioilifiilH. l'rivitte rluh rouln, 4-tf
The .lapaneMe, nt-eoriliuv,' to our
hleiiM. leail, Wl'iteiiml Mpenk litlik
w nnlH. They wear white for moimt
lii' where we wenr lilnck, nml re
move their mIioi'm iiiNteml of the tint
w hen eiilci'lun' n Iioiimi'.
The I''.xiiiulner wan tiiiMinformeil
hint week In ri'nril to the elertloll
of V. I'. ilcryfonl iim preMltlent of the
l,nk' County Telenrnpli nml Tele
plioueCtt. S. It. ChanilliT wan elect
eil prt-Hhleiit, nml I-'. M. ' 1 1 ll k 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
N'lee pri'Mhlent .
Murk Miimk'I'iivi', proprietor of the
hot Mprln Imth limine hoiiIIi of tow n
Iiiim reopeneil the ImtliM for the
Hummer run, nml Im au-'ilu runnlnu; n
wiikiiii to town for the ln-nellt of
pntroiiH. Kei'l 1 1 1 r-i ml In another!
column. !
The last Inkii!' of the Alturai New I
Ij-acaine out in an rularnvi! form,
it now lielnu' a li (oluniu, s pae
paper, II now i-oiueM out on W'eil-iit-Mtlay
I ns t -n 1 1 of I'rlilay, nml Im
iniproveil in tunny other wii.vm.
Prosperity U mIiowii In our Southern
Ilunurr ort'oM antl 4rli.
The tireittt-Ht tlimtteiri from cold ami
Krip is their n-Miltinj: in piu-uiuoniM. If
rt'UHonuhle euro in uneil, however, ami
Chunilierliiiii'H ituxli Kemeily taken,
all da kft-r w ill n avoiti'l. Anions tho
teiu of tlinumindti who have imeil this
remedy for thefu tlift-iiHt-H wo Iiiivh vet
to learn of a Kindle cum haviiik' reculti-cl
in pneiimniiia, which hIiows coiU'liiMve
jy that it in a rurtain preventative of
that ilrtiineriniH ilifcaHt-. It w ill cure a
colli or a attack of the (irip in Ichh linm
than any other treatment. J I in plva8
ant ami mife to take. K6r fcalo lv
lieall. 11 7t
1'oHt tt Kinu are now reeelviinj lti( in
voiced for their winter trmle. All the
Iliu-Ht liramlH of liipii-urH mul citiam are
kept there. Tout iV Kiri lurninh the
hoiito with the U-rI hraiula (or meiliciu
al purpoHiH. i'l-il
"Alice In Womlei'liiml" Im prolmlily
the Im-mI qiiotetl hook after the ltiltle
ami SliiikeMM-nre. 'It vih writ ten by
Prof. I (onMirw n, profeKMor of ma the
matic, whoHf literary work ln-fore
hail lieen only In the nnilln-iiiallcal
line. The hook Iiiim la-en trmiMlateil
Into nearly nil liuinunpt-M.
Several copies ol the Northwestern
Stock lhrecloiy, complied by Sloi-a it
l.ilthtly, pi iiilerH of AlluriiH, have heen
left al'llilM ollice for tllHl i ilml ion. It 18
h valuahle hook tor (tlockmen ami worth
the price. tf
The larn't-Ht nml lonu'eht lonveM of
I ilea 'I in the worlil are linketl in
I'ruiice nml 1 1 nl.v. They are luiketl
iim Ioii umhIn feet nml nre deli vereil
early In the morula;;'. The limine
keeper on w iiklnn' llntlrt lier loaf of
I avail HtumlliiK' "I 1 1 1' door iim we do
our nioriiliijj; papei'M,
Win. Mleekle, w ho Iiiim lieen driv
ing on tho Cedarvllle-AlttiiaM HtiiK'e
lino for moiiio time puHt, Iiiim taken a
few dn.VM' vacation. TIm lnit wi'
lienrd of Will lio wum liendlnii up
through tjooMo I.nko valley hut nt
thlM wrltlnn' wc nre not prepaivd to
May what niljiht luippen. Ccdnrvlllo
$ 2.00 PER YEAR
Hut tit,. It j ir 41 ,
ll1 ..( -'t.iM' 'It. '-. i
"Illi .1- I llilill . .
Ill ii vil mi; ,1.
Illi-1" IM! ( ! , , i; ,,
" M. V'o '.'.' ... ;
(ill '' t'.: 1 -it ' i ,
ill ' ilil' III ..
'"liul m: .tin ll f (i o ' it,