Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, April 09, 1903, Image 8

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. . . BIEBER'5 . . .
Easter Glassware Sale
25 percent discount on all glassware now on hand
25 per cent Discount on Berry Sets
25 per cent Discount on Four Piece Table Sets
25 per cent Discount on Bread and Cake Plates
25 per cent Discount on Pickle and Olive Trays
In Fact On All Glassware
Will Make the 5eason of 1003 at Lakeview and
New Pine Creek, Oregon
Chestnut horse, broad strip In facet right bind leg whiteabove ankle; foalc
lyj. Bred by At otvr Bklnom-, Nursery stud. Kentucky.
t f NewminHer
C - 1 !
I s t Illusion
7. I
1 ; ( Mar-ya
u: I
( ( ilrvadaiuane
I . i
I I - !
I r l Klleruire- .
5 , ! K.-ii'
ing .
.Tadmor . . .
'Mivi Sellor
.Orlando . .
'Venus ..
F-liuk Bour?
'KMerdalo ...
(.5 ' Fi.. .r !
1 Inigtoll
'Magnolia .
'!- a ... .
t'auiel, bv Whalebone
(Banter, by Mat--r Henry
)IrHytitax by faynator
Slaughter nl Androrrau
y Ion by I tin
I t'almvra by roilta!.
(Cowl 'by Hay Muldleton
(Belle lame by Helrhazzar
tTnueh-totle bv ( imrl
i Vulture by Lartgar
t WhikT tiy Way
iiiarctaby nctovian
I I'artlran'by Waldou
) Pauline by Mow
Sir llcr.-uiea by WhaU-holie
f Kebo by hmilius
.The Barmi by Ilirdcatchcr
f I'lx-aliMj'a.- by laencoe
( Mfllxrne by 11 umpiirey ('linker
f(juifti Mary by i.ladiator
I ltird:atrhef by Sir llncules
M bun by Lih Iirone
I l.allercoit by Liverpool
I Agra'r dam by Tomboy
t Itorton by 1 iui'ilcon
t Allie I anical by ar --doll
('ilfiietH' bv Suitan
(Myrtle by' Mariueliike
lTiurlii.rulif by Caui'-l
ilic-Mting by Irynta
(Hiri.av.ay by Keononiiki
f .-urpi ion by Stieculatiuii
f.:h (km F. no::
7th dam i--hti
:h darn Mi :
Vh earn .
loth 1am ... .... . . .
llt!i dam Jocas-ta
Will dam Miiknon
1 ith dam Mir fanner
14th dam lirow n I arewell
1th dam Bay flat
It'.th darn Trump'.'.l'r dam
I7ih dam
fell darn I.ayton
by I.anear ( lim bv Huz'arl.i
by Wy 1-om- Waxv by I'ot -.)
by i-auitV ( Vcning Mar.-k.- 4y Varake
by Iirone Herod bv Tartar!
bv Mari hi rii ade by Oodolphin Arabian
by Comfortii'i. l-orei-pr. i roll's Forrcalerj
bv Caoe (iiidolpntn Arabiaii
by Partner (Jn;g by Jiyerly Turk)
by Maxewell liiirleilinrp Arabian)
bv Brimmer I Ir'Arey YcKuw Turk
by Pla-es White Turk.
by IXKlitv.orth Barb .
lolet J B.r b are.
f elisor or Kentucky.
Kentueiiy Riven.
ALSO The F'ill-l.l'oi N.jn.ian Stallion "SIIAFTKIC." y
Normaiiv. inm iv Irnii. liunJeaun. anl the FiiII-II'khI Shire
lion "KAkNKA.V by Kan oi Karn, lie by Imp. IlUk Prince, Jam
by Imp Glory....
Kept in Line All Night.
Thrrv wiim a nifut nl Ihf
Kowl.ury; IiukI nllbf to -ct lllinkM nn
tiinU-r biinlrt in tiwtihlrt :;i H.oith,
Hiiiefi- mnl In w. Ht, in iLMiybin
ci'iiiity, whirli wt-i-f inihmI cm r.v
1 wtfk. 'riifiv weiv :L"i nr n ni
! licjiiitn In lint' I'Mfiiilinvr from Hie
, ilnor nf t In I'. S. litn.f i.llicc at K.iw-
litii'i; nut mi the r.i.. vnlk ami far
anniinl the t i.riicr. Tlii-tirnt live nf
I Hit- jiatli-nt Kinii tm.k their ilatiM
if vantayi' i Ulit In tin tnlraini- ..
ilhfilnnr at an tarlv Imnr in the
j morning, of tin day ui'ioiiN, fstab
j liwheil t IioiiimcI ves on cniiii hIohIm
I ami !-oeiftlei toiat I iieir I aval. fan!,
j The irowil Incifawfl with th- Immiim
! ami all nlht Ion- 1 vlifil wan k- t
np ami nntilli o'tl.Mk tin- followlim
i inornlii'c wln-n tin r.- wiim a maml
j runli. SMt-ial linllifiiirli were ai
! iiiiitt'il to n-nTc orih-r in Ihc
I crowil. All t bin liiH-x to hlmw how
j eapTly ( lrt-e;oii tiinU r Inn. I U Iicihk:
Honnht. ( Ircanlonally I here In a x
rnnli to arrivf at tin- I.aki ii-w bui'l
! if lift' a In 'a"! of t hi' ol Iht fellow.
Ijind ortb e at Lake. e. , oriKon, March .'
!l'li. Nolle.' 11 herein Kl.' II lhal Hie lolhiH-
INK named relil. r ha', tl .'! n..llee ol In. u. i.
j tiou to make hnal rHl in uort ol hi rlann
, and that raid 'ioo! a ill be made before the
I keKlutt r lieeeiver at l akevlew Or. (oll, on
; May I. lii;. vi.: John W. ilke. II. K. N. jit.l
lor the MV4 r.T :n I j M .-, It ! K W M. lie
! iiainer I he loiiou iu; w 11 1 'i to irovi' In. eon-
tlllilolir r-Mlie -e li'OTi and eoltUatloll of raid
'land, viz: '. r. j,ffMi. W . K. Harry. John
Ijifftua and Jsiiien Barry, all ol w in,
K'ii. Apr 2 11 K. M. KKATTAIV, KeKlaler.
the season
Good pasturage for mares from a distance at $i.5o per month,
1 ri i, FittniK
i Land Ortlie at l.ak"Vie Ori Kon, Man-li I I,
!).. Notice I- hereby that the billow
; Inir iiamrd M-ttb - liar til, d notice ol bin linen-
lion to n.ake linal ,r,.l in Mi K,rl ol bin claim
,11111! that raid proof 111 be lua'ie l,c ,,r" the
! Ki-Kiaier and Kei elver at Lakevlew Oreon, on
I May 1, l'i.i .iz: deorite II. I lnllipn II K mi alij.
! lor I lie K', riW, h e .', Tp to H. It l K, W M.
f He naiiicH the lollox. tux wnuchM'ii to prove
hia cotitinuoiiH renideDce upon and culiivatbui
ol raid laud, viz: T. B Wakefield ol Warner
Ijike Ori Kon, . I'. HihIhoii ol de OreKoii and
F. M. Mariln and W 111. am Mllh rol Warner
I Lake Oregon.
.Meli la II K M. HKATrAIN, i(eKialer.
I I'Hin omri' at lati-vii'W, or., April 7, riu-i.
i .Mince i iierer.y Kiven mat trie lollowlinr iiaiii-
ed aetller ban tiled notice ol hia Intention to
make linal proof In support of hi claim, and
; that aaid pronl will be made belore KeKlrier
! and Keeelver at ltkevleu . or., on .May l.i, l'tl'
1 Viz: H. K. Hloan, lb H. lor the K1, N K'i
i Hoc i . N W'i Hw. V, T :i M It 1A K.
Special Terms will be given for the service of either of the alve
.... i oi ram laiiu, viz:
Stallions to a number ol mares upon application.
B. W. FARROW, Lakeview. Oregon.
Jacob Meariier, Dwivht foakett, Lninali For-
kett and P. fc. Taylor, all ol Adel, Or.
Apr.V-i4 E. U Brattalll, Kculrter.
- I
Under New Management . . . .
Land onice at Ikelew. Or . April H. 1!i:i.
' Notice ia hereby iriven that the foilowiiiKiiaui-
I mm .na. ani,j irooi win oe lliaoH u'iore tile
I Hi-Kialer and Keeelver at 1-akcvie.w, on May l.i,
! 1'jo:i.
I Viz: Jori'ph I.. Morrow heir at law ol John
W. Morrow deceaaed, lor the S!, Hcc. .VS i
Viz: Kdward L. Neaham heir at law of W I
ter Neabaiii deceaed lor the F.'j N V1 W N
F.'i Hee M I :i'J hit 2 ..
They name the lollowInK wilheHHi a to prove
their coiiIIiiiioiim n riilelice upon and vulllva
tiou ol raid laud, viz:
A. N. Helmut, W. II. Cooper, Kd lionnlvan,
and I., lb Frakea, all ol Adel, Ore.
Apr. nil F.. M. Iikai-iain, Id KlNter.
Having taken pofHt'HHion of the l.i very,
Kie.l, and fale Stable formerly umler tin;
raaiiatieinerit of H. J. Vernon, I will, after April
1-t, be ready to f 11 rtiinli any kind of a turnout
coiifcintent with a First Cla I.ivery Stable.
Horses Boarded by the Day, Week or Month
llet of are l.iven fu Trunaient Mlorli.
Corner Main and liullard t.trt WILL RUSSILL, Proprietor
Uai'ed Ktatei Land Ol!ie, Lake,,cw OreKoii,
u.ri, 17. lima. Notice i" hereby iviveri that;
71...... ! ii.ilu.u of Add ijreiron, tiar bled no-
: .. ........ H, .,, m umbu nrool on hia deaert-
lind cl n NO a. lor .1.,' N!i "
h vfV lee 25 Tp :W K ill K W M , In fore
?he1veK.a.4er and Itece. ver at Lnkev.ew .rcgon
j riday the MtU dy ol April, He
J' ,, , tUe following witnea-e to prove the
SllV IrrlK.-ion and 7''n"',?n0. ate
v'ew Orea-ou.and Jol.ii Lolftuaaud b. K.Cooper
l.'iiited Htatea Land Cilnce, Lakevluw OreK'Hi,
March 4. HHJ3. Notice la hereby lven that
Clarence I'Uonol W arner Lake, OrcK , bar II led
notice of Intention to in ike proof on hiaderert
land claim No 'HI, for the lot ' Hec HI T H'J H, K
H V., V II, belore the Ib'Kiater and Keeelver at
Lakeview Oregon, on Wednesday, the 1 Hh day
of April, I'Mi.
lie naiuea th following wltneHiiea to prove
the complete Irrigation and reclamation of
bald laud: William Mweeny, Claud liixon,
John (iibaon and Ulem Ciibaon all ol Warner
Lake, Oregou.
War 12 10 E. M. BUATTAIN, Reglater.
datum, and that raid prool Mill ne inane i.c
lore Kegiatcr .V Keeelver al Lakeview Oregon,
on May lri, VMM viz: A N. Her it I) H ;ti77
lor the U, , NE!i HW4 V-H M'4 17 Tp l
kiai. vnuur
Land Ofllie at Lakeview, Oregon, April 7,
I'Klil. Notice la hereby given that the billowing
named aettli ra have tiled notice ol their linen
Hon to make dual proof in auppurl ol their
clalina. and t lint raid prool w ill be made l.c-
H H It V.
Viz: l-wia N. Frakci 1) H 8441 for Ihe NF.1
Hec H Tp 40 H, It 21 K
Viz: Alou.o li. Frakea I) 8 1 for llm Y.i,
HY.U K.-C H W !i HW'4 Hee W Tp H, K 'M K
Viz: UjiT'iZo i. Frakea li H;71 lor tho W'.'
HEi K' i HW Hec 9 Tp 40 H, It V4 K
Viz: Natiiau N. Frakea li H aibit for the N'i
HW4 HF.i, V4 tiWk HK'4 Hee ft Tp 4U H, It 21 V.
Tliey name the following wltueaaea to pruve
their coiitinuoua rcaideiico upou mud culllva
lion of ald land viz:
tiuo K. Maiipln, A. N. Bennett, tiuo. V. Wll
oii, T. H. Wakefield, and Lorenzo li. Frakea, of
W arner lke, Or.
Apr 14 E. M. JiaTTAiN, Kegiater.
Jin l'n no fit nil" III fintn the ilrMtTt
II. AmliTrtoii at l ived from Unrmt
11. I.. Hradlcy whk lii'ii- fi'oni I'.ly
VV. K. Ilamtacrrilfy wiim In tiewn
(illlrrrt l,niiain, wan over frtn
Illy Siimlay.
UaHlon of Mlnm'rtiollH airhi d
liciv .Monday,
( inr !!: Kali- In on now lor '.n iI.ik,
AIiIhI nui Uro'n. 1 1
K. It. filiating wan In town at-vi'inl
dayn Innf wrrW.
'I'lnilM'r linn arc ipillt iiiuni'iinta In
lwikf hw tlii nr day .
S. l. nnd 'I . .1. iN-wa. in l ived lirtv
from lui'i'iia. ( nl., lant Tluu'Milay.
It II. Nlnnlrv of the ledai'llr.'
Iteeord went to San I'nimlHro hint
TIhhiihn Meiii'ath Im imaln reiott-
'l to Ih- i 1 11 1 1 nick Mt IiIm raiieli Hiilllll
of low II
Thi' IiIIImii'm lime Im-uiiii to hIhiw
i a llllli' ureen hlnei' tHf weather hn
W. I". Smllli, enim up fi Saeni I U(,.niteil.
ineiito Snmla v. , . v. . . . . ,.
1 .lollll Nvnew liner' li:fii Into tlie
W. IC Seammoii wa over from
I'IiihIi Sunday.
If yiuf need H tie u't tim-at I lit'
Monogram Male. 1 1
lien. A. (lamlile arrived lieif from
Dtilutli Saturday.
Nttthau Smith came In froui the
"ii raneli Saturday.
I'. i. Staik arrived lien- Monday
from Hiu Uov, WiimIi.
hoiiHt' xitalid by I'. O. Ahlitroiii,
l.iNt Mniiday,
lieo. Meliralh eame nil-from Allur
an bint Saturday to bin father
ln Im tiilte nli k .
J. .1. Sitlhilii and It. I. WiiImIi. San
I'l anclm o iIi iiiiiiiii im, hlnpiH-d at tlte
I ,akt' lew Sunday .
County Clerk Mum Inn enl oxer
to bin raneli In Warner IumI week
II. I.. Itradley and .lolm (llll iiau. ami rM-nt rei nil ilaya.
of lily, wvrtt heir I'rlda.v. ! .1 . M. Codu' I and Chn S fj-rr.
liead I Im new ad of the Lakes lew Sn a I "ra in Ut , il i n mnnrM m , .iied at
Me remit ll Co. on 'M paiie.
Harold ami Arthur MIIi-m tame
over front Warner Ttn-Mdny.
V. V. Miller wiim a Ite'itililli'iin
deli'Uate fl-'-iin I'ltlnleV I'l ldax.
C. C. and .1. L. Cannon were t p
from New l.'lne Cni-k Saturday.
.1. V W'aLiMili waHiiluoim the del
HateM from I'.tUley IiimI Friday.
.1. L. Valla, the Klamath Lake-
lew Mlaue man an Im'iI Sunday.
Iiim i. and .1. V. Harker. of Horn
brook have Ihtii here Meveral dii.VM.
.1. V. Sloal rtnlMleled al the Lake
view from La CfoMM, WIm., .Monday.
The program for the .Inly iiueM
Will be published In our In'Xt Irmllo.
I'lirmei-M have toinlueliied plow-
Iiil: ami will mioii put In their empM.
.1. S. 1 SiimIi . a San Fram im o di um
iner Mtopjad at the ikeiew Fri
day. .1. C. Conn, the Silver Lake mer-
i IumI. t ame down to Lakeview Mon
day .
A. V. I'.ryin. Ihe Lakes lew-l'aU-ley
ntane iioiii. w iim ill low ii Mon
day. IHlke I'.i-Uliett eame o if from
Winner Lake on bind IniniiieMn snn-
A. .I.ihhi lire il.-nl roved A1i!ainl llmlrer men. are her
pei ly ediieMilay nmhl of uikc i iiiiihj iiiiiim t.
I lie I ,ake lew l.n-l ivk.
Al I'arrow wiim down front I'aU.
ley IiimI t-flday In a I tembi in ' a I the
I.' iiiIim iiii i hiii etit loll.
I, !. I'nikca niini' otcr Imni W ar
lier Lake l.i t 'I liniitn , lo attend
the II- pllllll. .Ill t I ill I'll I Ii ,11.
I'renl.lino Llil'-r I' T. Siiinie.-rs llle
arrhed in -new lanl ThurMilay
mid proentletl het day lo I'ainley.
Ibin Chandler illllie user from
Ill'eUM valk-y iim a ili-leuale to I lie
lie publieail loiiutt i nliMlil lull I'l'l
LuiiU Waller I ietlier, I w o year old
Mill of l.ollU and Id. t .1. tiellH-r, died
of la r. ii; it In al Kbimalli FiiIIm I.lmI
II. A. I'.ral lain, of PaUley. who
llllM Ihi-II till (til t'Mellded lit
I llliillll I I ret; i. II. wiim In Lake'ew
I'l'. O. I'. Ib-morent rt-l lulled liul
week from Kbiiualb County, where
lie did a lueralltf biiMltiet.H In the
ilolital line.
C. '. Mlnkler. an old reMlilent of
I'iiImIi-v, (laMKi-d tlirouuh Lakeview
laet I'rlda.v on IiIm way home from
I .1 ' A IliCelen.
.lolm Farmer of Clare. Mli lumau
and .1. .1. I'lixtoii, nf MiniienpollH,
inking at
Week. ('. C. Citntioll, i:. F. Foiled. A. M.
It. V. I lint man returned biMi week Smit li and Kd; repreeiili'l
New I'lne Creek at the I Ii hi 1 1 Urn ii
ei hi vent Ion Friday.
MlriH Myrtle Smith eniae over from
Cedarville IiimI w fek, ha v Inw; aeeept
ed the poHltion iim leai her of the
Crooked Creek mi IiooI.
M Imm A it ti it- It. t ii I inn ii who Iiiim
from Lom Alielert where he Mpent the
w Inter.
.Vol what 011 pay but what you
Ui't Im the real tent of Value, AIiIm-
t ruin I'.I'o'm. 1 1
K. i:. Khluehart midwife were in
from the Crooked Creek hiiW mill
I'riday. I Imioii teaehinu t he m hool al Willow
Win. I'.ui'Kiin wiim up from I be ' Itmi' l' '.n 'Kimed lo lent li
Frankl raneli. below New Fine Creek , 1 '"' 1 1,,u-r h -'""1-TueHilay.
1 'toy CoUIiim. of Sunilii ille, ai'rived
John SiminoiiH enme down f, (n !'""'' s '" '''O '" Ml 'pornlm1
I'aUlev IiimI ThuiHdav to allend t he I l-'-rk'H l-oHltloii
ItepilblleiUi ci Hi veil I ion.
Lxiiinllitllioii Im beliiK held ill Ihe1 ,"'u,, ,u,"1.v Im '''
Kth irradv of the Lakeview mcIioi .1 j li'dutenieiitK offeivtl t o I he public to
thin week for Hlale papel'H.
I'.urk'M poMllloii while tin
LakeM it nioiitli'H vacation.
V. I). Tracy wan over from Iiivh h
Valley on Friday, doinx duty at the
Itepiiblli-aii convent Ion.
W. .1. Mllcliell mid Win W. Cur
inlckle, two llinlier land men from
WIhcoiihIii, have In-en here several
ila.VH takliiK a peep at the pine lamU
of Lake county.
Absolutely Pure
at tend the KiiMter ri'eepioln at the
M. I'., clinrih Satiinluy.
Jiim. Yoiiiik CMlne III from IiIm Went
Side ranch Saturday on IiIm way to
I'dtKlf villi', Oil, In company with IiIm
daughter, Mtm. McCoruiat k.
A. 11. Seal, tin' filial coujltiercJal
traveler, npent wveral iIiivm In Lake
view lant week, ami while lit re enter
tained IiIm frleiulM In a iuuhIcuI way.
I have two bujiuleM.a cart, fannlnn
... i ii .... i i i .. , .
j in in. iiim'" ami iiioh ink luuciiiiifM
I which I w IhIi to illnpoHe of at a retiH
I onable lliui-e. I-'Irnt coiim' llrnt nerv
cd. L'lf II. Si UMIM K.
! W. K. r.arry attended the Itepub-
llcau prlinaileH at I'IiihIi IiimI week,
and returned with a hat full of
proxIcM to attend tho convention
Prof. WillllM went to I'alnley and
held mi t'Xaiiiluatloii In the Nlh Rrade
of t hat hcIiooI at that place Momlay,
Clifford .lobiiHoii wiih the only pupil
who took I no Mtntt' examination.
I r lu Wakefield and Klhcrr DoiImoii
tanie over from Warner 'J'ucHda.v.
Mr. Wakefield came over on the very
Important iiiIhhIoii of procuriuo; a
lici;iiMe to wed MIhm I-nora Leiiuett,
daughter of A. N. Jlennett. The
nmiTlatfo will take place at- Warner
today, Tliu Kxjiiiiiner enlendH con-grutulutioiiM.