LAKECUUIM HXAHINER. LAKtVltW, ObttlON. AlWL . I0J. gah fentnttf C itlnrr BEACH & MHARREV MtMk feriMlaf One Year.. $2.00 TERMS: Sl Month. 1 -w (Three Month. 30 H Fre4 Qroha Dead Fred ir.lm died at hi hm In j Auhtiro. Thnrwlny nft-rnMn. March j !l";th. of lM rt illm-an.'. 01 w in n iH-; hud Invii i urvat miffvn r for wernl ' , month 'it. I Mr. tiroh moved to Klamath, County in 1v- mar tin' I.ake Comity line. hre he went Into the cattle ! tiiiNtiHtui. which he tondin ted until "Ur;:'lo;;i!. 1.1- death, h.- i.- i..i . - in. :iiii. i" ,Vctve to fifti-eii hundred trend of cat-1 lie ai one nine. '!'- riii I Iti lN."i to MIhh FoMisa Itrandeau. a native of New Orleans, and a daughter ol Jolin Frame-au. of .li- . . izr. tlnnnlshcd ancestry. Mm. i.rotm Wf.K, wa hcr-clf a very Htirt-ri. r woman. ' r,. 'SO 'The union wa..l.e. .HI. Dies in Portland. cmlilrvn t,uIirviviim meu.u-r Iiijj: Fmma.ihcr fattier m.ti. k.. p- en. Minnie, (the wife of lr. William Martin, of San Fran. ix-..i. Jewel, (wife of Kmorv arjntt r of Fen..'. Frank, (in harire of hi father cat tle ram Hi. and Udlye, the oiinucst. l li. lu.itlu r .li. l in lv7. Mr. (.r..h LADIESJ YOUR ATTENTION FOR A MOMENT On In. h.. Two i nrh Otirl.r t nlniim Hf l ..himti On luinn s.t. t . vm i i i is ci ! T11 iw H ll S (V t .' t Jl IB LAKEVIEW. OREOON, APRIL. IW II. W. forU tt. ex-hanker an. I for liter Fnitcd State Senator from this State, died at hi home in Portland, Tnewlav momin. March ".I. from. heart trouble. While ll death : tmdden, it wan not entirely un.x- i.fti-l. as he hart U-en in J.oor health Va,t,.r MaN41l , .t. h for some time. Only the lay u ,,,rv t lat jM He w nlo a m.inUr Mr. forl-tt. realiiimr that hU ( tf i t,.r .,,vill Arv, Ma..,!,,. Ktri-nth wan failing. r.i--ne. ,. .. ... , , M;1I1. olitii-M l.e wan a Ivinornit. .. ... F . J1.... L im-rtlilellt ol tile ix-w irt ami " nun j iMition. He wan relui taut to take thirt tej. art he ha.l taken sn-at j lntmt in the eoinin -sHitioti ; anil ha.l Mii.wriUil li' HtCM'k. Trains To Won Mi) Ut. H. rvey!J-y. of the K lion i-rally to the: miiiin firm of M.imhi. I -in. I ' A 1 .. wl.i. h irt at tie !,... 1 ..f the Klam ath l:iverl:a'.!r..i-l l.ti n,ri-'- alilioi;t;.-e. Henry W. forU tt w ;u for many w hile in .hl,in.l. Ti:'lay. that re yearx one of the 111. t e. .ii.U uou i;ir trainn w ill U run on the new "men of affair in hi a.h.pte.1 State. ' r,Ki. May 1-t. The train n ill ti ll w a-i one of the 'i'THri, an.l it of an engine, a i.mlinati.n a ha.l tak. 11 a lar-r part in the ii- M-n-, r ami hauuaue eon. h ami an Imildiii of I'ortlan.1 than any otluT .ar im r o.a.-h. Knowing that you do not want a Dress like others in the town, we have ordered a complete line of samples of New Summer Fabrics. Come and select a Dress or Shirt Waist Pattern. By taking advantage of this line you can get your Spring and Summer Dresses, and have them made early. Our line of Trimmings will be here in time to use in making the garments. one man. He wan inteivM-l in al most eety eiitt-r.r!e of imp. .rtanee that n.M.-il to the repi tatioti of 1'ortiaii'l a a rominerrial renter. Xlr l.ll-tt rallie Vrt fi-olll N'e York l.y w a in W1 an.l .-tuiun-keil in the lry v U liii;n .. He li' . r ma.!.- a l.n.iire of any eiiterpii- he tonk iiji or uriiiiate.l. an.l tin- r.l. n- li'l fortune If ha.l at the time of his lenth was a y irnl jmlv:.--iiiei.t. thrift ami attention to l.iii-i- He was proiiiineiit in IU pulili.-aii politi.-rt ever siii.e the party wa foutiile.i in di-tuoii. ai .l I-. pr. s.'iite.l hlrt State in the l lliteil State Senate from l'i7 to 1T:'.. He took a pi-oni- w I.I. ti w ill run from I jiir.lrt to P .kf oreiron. a .Utnnee nf :ui mile. Stae will ronn.rt at the latter p!a. with t he t rain ami eai'ry pa-en-er an.l l.;i-;;.r.' to Klamath Fall. ; 1 1 1 I Mr. y think that a to';n'1 trip can mal.' t-tw.-eii i.ainl atel Klamath Fall in on. lay. A rolit I II. t ion fofre of m. u i now aial for rtoine time t,a Keen employ ei on the rua.'. Tin-re Will Im tW'O I'T tllt'll month' Hulk to lie .lone at 1 'okeama. a (t. r hieh. Mr. l.iii'lley i-ay . t he line w ill j t 1 -a he puhe. on toward K!a mat h Fall. i nnir'a pr.-liinin.i i y Wolk, however, to lie attellcle.l til li.-fore tin ea n lie ilone. niieh a en riti a riirht of way, urey. ete. BAILEY MASSINGILL Kino us U ,,n tu. I'Iioik- it' yui want An tiling in our Line. L. BAILHV .... PAIVTLR . . AM) PAP1R . HN01R onijil.-lr nil. I ll.-autl-rulllnrnt Main ile lo nr. Irrt rroni. WORK . til AKANTI FI) PKICi;S . KliASON ABI Inent pail in the early work of Imil.l itm the Northern I'ai-itn- Kailroad ; Tidili ami t lie I Ireoll Miort J.nie. in i:i(. on the eM.iratioii of S-iiator Mit chell' term. Mr forUtt wa ap-l foiinty School Siirinteii.en t point.-.l hv (oivernof I.rd to fill the 5chool Apportionment. W'illit on tin- 1-t of April mail- t he following apportionment of the rti-hool fnm 1 of Fake fon ii ty: vjwaijry. Mr. foiliettV early commercial en terpri-e in Oregon are ipiite inter-; i.i-t 'tin. In Wi.'. In M-ure. the No. 1 Jovcriim.-ii! eontraet for earryiim - the mail l.etweeii I'oltland and1 ' S.u raniento for lr'.t.uo", and mi.-. i - I fully com I net el t he l.iiine imt il hi " election to the State Senate in 1117. In I'.Kl'.J. after four year of a more or ' Ich l.ackvarl e.i.tanci', the FitM s National liank of l'ortland fell into ' .Mr. f orln-t t'rt hand, and in a hort 1" time he made it what it is conceileil ', 11 to he the foremost hank in t he I'aci-; 1- tii: Northwest. In addition to his j 11 connection with thirt hank Mr. f or- j lett wan a director in the Oregon I Hailroad and Navigation Company. 1" He helped to liiiihl the Fort land or-1 Is daire Works ami the Fortaue Lin-i 1!' K-dOil Work. He wan also inter- 1" ested in I he ( )reyoii Transfer st.M-ks, '-'' in the Security Savings and Trust! Company and in the Fort land street I railway linen. The l'ortland Hotel, j The Decision, oncof the finest in the Stale, wartj For the l.em lit of Fxaminer t he result of hirt eiiterjuirti.. ! eirt we ni ve in f ullt hirt wtt-k the de- Mr. forliett waH a delegate to the I cision of the Hecrctary of the Interior Itepiihlican National f onvent ion j in the Wa rner Valley Fa ml rase. The which nominated fii'ant. ami 'ol fa x settler of Warner do not appear to in I.'.-. He wan chairman of t he i Im- much dirtconserted or disliearlen- 1 l.liliK K. W. Follett i'.. '. 'I'hru-toii S. P. Vernoti li. W. X'ellioli .1. I'.. l isher J. II. Newell Mr. M. Snclliiiir .1. M. Ha iiiinersly II. A. Hawkins I). W. Prose .1. I). Farra f. Smith f . f . .l;ickson P. 1'. I'.atniini, A. 1). Frakfrt i a rt Fnphain Mr. N. .1. flelaml II. F. It.-ed W. I'.. I'arniiin P. F. Taylor Total VM.a AT 1'71 I'U 1 -'I'..". LH l '.il p.m in ir. l.-.ll i;i; l.-.s :.a:; :, II ;.l".i mi :i: :ia! 4 .11 r.l j; is l:s: 4.' sii.v.:! tij MOT 5PRIN0 Bath House MARK niXiWAVI;. I'rop. Hath N'eatlv Arranged nnd Uiade OIIM-lielit fur lillhlie pl.-HHiire. 'I liiiriiii'h renuva ti'.n. neat dr. H-ini; rumiiw. h'.niid Trip, i'.. t. i:;itti ;.")i :-. Healthful, Pleasant, Cleanly HIGH SHOES Lowest Prices See Me ! G R A V E S u rit. f Met 1 I.' ' TOYS PEHllToUSEP-il 5512 fCjiesjRAU-sJ vumnvVovr famous l'ortland fouimittei- of im), and wan a prominent im-mlicr of the Portland Water Committee since its formation, lie was the first presi dent of the Portland P.oa rd of Trade, and haM filled many ot her hij;li olIiccH ed art a result of the decision, hut claim the controversy Is a lonx way from heiny: set t led yet . Art the case hart lieell liefore the rteci'etar.V two llllies before thirt last ieciioll, alld lioth times wart decided in their ill the life of Portland, lie was 7'i favor, they think they have an eipml yearn old and left a fortune estimat ed at .1,(MI0,(MMI. Federal Money For koads. Secretary of State F. I. Duidiar last week apportioned anions the Meveral count ieH of the .tatc I he IWa.lH) recently received from the Fnlted Statert Trcnuury on iweoiint of t he ." per cent urn laud sales fund, for the year VMi. Tlie apportion ment wart made according to the acreajie of the Keveral couiitleH, and tlieri! in a total of W ,7W aeren of land In Oregon. 'I'he apportlon ment per acre w an .iny.',s::',-Js ctM. JackHoti i-ounty with 1 ,7s(i,ss( acien of land in apportioned yiisii.'.t.'t: Jose phine with 1 ,!!,.": ucrert, .L'1.4ii: Klamath with :i,idl,:'H) acres, l.m Fake, a.l.'io.JlH acres, l!!i;is.l:!. chance, if not a shade the lies) of it yet. The FxaiuiuiT hopes and ln llevert that (hey will win out in the end. It lis claimed that the present decision irt made solely on the evi dence of the state, ami that no part of the evidence that portends to prove t he set t Iitm Hide of the case, Is used ill making I lie decision. -If You Do Not- V Attend - The - Sale - this week at - LI r? m m 1 u Monogram g Bucks Wanted to II, rd. I would like to secure not: over too lan k to herd during the summer in the Thomas Creek country. The bucks to lie delivered to lue at Mul key'rt Hhecp corral lK'tve'ii AprllJDIh and May 1st, and Mill he herded until Oct. 1st, at $1 per head, and will then lie delivered at the same plaec. Not lfy me li.y let ter a t Fake view with the number of bu. ks you will have. Hoc Aii.vms. You will Miss Many Bargains and also Lose Money. COME-IN -TODAY For the Article You Might Want is sure to be Gone To morrow. V CLOVES -HATS -SHOES LiulifH f .-jr, l in,. M m, f.jr f .ic, I.K lien t:!..Vl fut.-nt Tip, itpern fl.n.e, f FudieH I unry (Ufaril fyr$I..Vi FmlifH f.'t .'ill I'wix Calf tourisl hIhh! ha Fiulii H fFL'.-j Whiio f iniva t ixfuriln h.r .ti.'i FadicH 1 .." Kid dacK -iiNHiirled tans ur f 7a Muiih fi.Ol) ( f..r f:i I") Meim 12.75 (iiiaiaiiteed Slum fl.7." Menu 5.0il SletHun HalN or fi.fii MeiiH i'i.W StetH.iu HatN (,,! ).la .Venn fl.ltt (il.ivc (,,r f ..-, Mnn 7"i ct Sniniiier Hutu fnr ."kl c. Ahlstrom Br's, Hundreds of Other Articles Sold At Slaughtered Prices V V