Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, April 09, 1903, Image 3

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fltftttlonal local
.lull liiul II vi hiindivd yoke of oxen
(ur pliniuliliiK.
Kuypt furnishes JO.imhi.ihhi I.iihIm'Im
of Kinlii l I'ome iinniinlly.
'I lii' vmhm ( ininlrl'-H of tin- world
iiw IJ, ih dli'innl kind f imimIiik1'
Kfiii I'n'ky Krtv.itiii' I i h U - mildeM
.....I I ..-I ' rlit nlrlllllN HTCOIIlClllI it.
f ' - J
I'iiM V kllitf.
Ii inkt H I ln i ini iiiiii lnli'irnf !,
INN) M-lt IHJiU- IIHt ll'-M f'T II"'
(runtlntii'il from '2 iw.)
nf indemnity IiiihI, in pmliidrd to rlimi
the purticuliur IiiikI aH-nnrd im bum: fur
tntcli indemnity m led ion find rnnnot
claim tlir indemnity and iiUo tlir land
in place ( Id.rn Locomotivr Miuhiur
Works v. Amiiiinn Ivmij-rnnt Co. HM
I'. S., ."Ifi-I, r 7 1-) in mtopcl nrosr
n'iiiiNt (l claim by I lie State for Kliy
ot hrr land in tlir township a swamp
laud, and no paitol tlir srlrctioim mi
homim-iI n lnte fur indemnity nclioo!
land w In tii ni it included in tlir Nwniiip
laml lint, lint n sulhriclit nimwrr to thin
i liiim o I'ktiiiitM I lirit ill ilirfiirt, shown
j by thrn-coids of your iillu r, tlwit thf
! Mule nssi i till claim iiinlcr tlir swamp j
hind (Ji nut lo Milxtiiiitiully fill tlir land
J rinlii Mini in thin mritnilir line r nupl ly
utter itn Mil vr v in 1 h7, and has hereto
j tote 1 1 1 ;i i Hid uinli-r that 'raiil iatrnl
I for such lands n mi arn a;r of more
Continually arriving and arc sob
at Bed Rock Prices. Will ex
change for Barley, Wheat or Flour, g &
than twin- that lure in cunt rovcrsy, ami
Mil 1 1 I'll I I in n ii In w by W bleb ha Ml H t;,( ,lr (ni H(, patented and those
Inie Ninifhl Iiv the State are iiilrrsiMTscil
or ills! I iliutcd throughout the so-called
The rv idi ncc established that the lands
in emit 1 1 vei y a t I he ilal r ol the 'runt
were nut the lieil ol n take or apparent ly
I K-iiiiMiit'ii t body ol water, luit were
swamplands, stibjiil at lime to be cn
liielv iixeilloweil. mill at all uriimni
weie tin ii liv reinh red unfit for cultiva
tion. 'Inlc t hese laud ould lor con
filler n I ile k i mils of any year ol ordinary
rain or snow fall picM'iil the npicaraiicc
ol a shallow lake, a rarelnl rtainiiiiilion
woiilil then, or at any time, have ihs
closed from II-. vegetation mid hoil thai
it wan a svtmnptipon whirl) the walcis
lomiu in time ol llooiU weie retained
Iiv the tiponyy Noil, dense anil lallen vejr-
t.itiou, anil lack ol iliainnc channels,
! ami that it was not a lake or ik i iii.i ueiit
liodv ol water retained by coniimiin'
i hanks ( r hln ires.
I -I I ..f M,.,..l. I I Ikl'.o
J III IH H .'Hill II I I "I", .1, l-
ulileli t il II euM't' 11 tcii'linx lo tlir-joii the rant ol Spteni.
nidi unkind Iiiim- tlii'lrli''inllinr'l
cvi-rv four vvih Um.
".lehiif Moon'" W liifky Ii.m I'l'i'ti the
ki'hiu kv miiiidurd itli liK'h l
ITH linvi' I eoinpiiii'il finiK Ih.'iI' It
in thu li'Bt. Ai-k .liiinmi'illml.
(Mir Im'iiiim mid piiiniklii mi' ii"
iIvi h uI Aiiu'i li ii.aiiil wit.' eiilllviili il
liy tin- IimIImii.
'I lii' cii'il nf I In' Hi hI ' l ' Kl " II In
AlinlliM. eitlii'1 fiimi Ma'limiiHiiir.
It wii u eliiiii"'" liiip'H Intloli.
Wiw lui'ii diinU ".li i' Miwiri'" Wlii
kv. I.iIm dunk iinylliliiK tla I'Hrleiidi'r
loi.ix ilium I lulu. Ui' Ifi'
lW II Im'M-IHi'. full 1
nelei I your
u J .1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 it I . j
Amli'lit palntlimH luiir 1 1 1. 1 1 1 I m I
yinlM iihl hhnw phmtliH, liiiiluWH
and land m
TH In m' In I'-ny I1'
Till' Kle In MUl'l.
mill' in one minute I wi nt.v lht hi
iitnlx. In I lit' fnxti'M i.f . i ii Ji . I rti i w. Im.
U r 1 t . supra, provideilthat:
1 he j;rant hereliy m ule hhall not in
clude it ii v lamU v liich the eovei nineiit
,, , , , . . . . i,. I.... I ol the I niled StaleH may have reiervnl,
( iillfnriiiii liirui lor hiiI. lit :i ' , , ,. , ,
unlit, lul ii. ri'H l.'iiei-.l himI eroHn leliei'd. ! fold or .h-po-rd ol (m puiMiame of any
t'uht pie-i'iit o f 0,.'nIII lull M.I ln law heretofore enacted! prior to the con
xold Im f.VUKI ;
rimy pHVinenU.
il;u ll mul I'nliiiH i.' mi
In.piiie at thin 'l
47 ll
uiaile under
lii million of the title lo lie
I he provitamin of aid uct.
It it thereunder contended that land
to which a liht ly settlement of tiling
under the pre-empt ion law of Scptcnilicr
V, lHll had attached lufore issuance
of patent tinder the swamp land j;raiit,
are excepted from that jjrnnl. Neither
Hcttlenieul nor tiling under ihc pre ein
lion law, nor lioth Mich H-ltU inrnt and
liliu' constitute a sale or disposal of the
lauds Iiv the 1'nilcd State such a cx
iludes it from thin Knint. Yosemite
Valley Case (l." Wall., 77); Ham T.
Missomi (l." llow., 1'J''.); Copier v.
KoUrts (Id , Kit) State ol I tali 1..
1 1. lis.)
pvriniliciilH.. I'rivnlc ciiin nmin, n j I lie pic emptiou claim in mcuciisoi
i Amos Itovd is lor a pot lion of these lands,
liif.iri' tin-liitl'idilctlull of tfii nml iows ,',. ,,!, tion filing was cancelled
vnrlnilH j J, v h'.fj, in the contest of the State
Hlllwtl- against the same, hut that decision wan
i set aside l'.l, ls'.l.l. (17 I..
i .".71 and lulv lf, 1S'..", upon the milh
Till' enffil' 1 til I a Hint lull III'' 1 IHI- i mission HI piooi aim pavmeni o, lm ,,..
i'i Sin li'H fur t In- yi'iir l!H"l Is tin- UilH
i'hi In our hii'( 1 ratio, i-xrivillnu
fill- Ilii' llfsl tillli' l.lHMl.tMMl.tHMI piillllilH.
J.'.'ki.inhi.inni Im the vnlili' uf iiiiIiiiiiIh
mid iinliiwil pr.iilin lM cNiioi ti'il linin
iIiIh cniiiitiy liming tlii'uiMt vi'iif.
All Ihii'iipciiti IIiihmIh Iiiim inil.v 71
iii'VMpnpi'r mul pi'i-liulleiilK iiliuilt
iitu'-l lilnl thr ii ii t nl M-r in tin1 Stiiti nf
New Ymlx.
Wlmiion .y. Siniili'n 1'iiUet ntimit'H
to Is- the siiiilnr elnli room. If von nr
liM.kinx for H man you will likely lii 'l
Inn, t t!i.' I'ahu'i'. tieonte nml lflit
nlHvf tri'itt their pittn.iiN well. I.Hli'st
I'ri viitc dull room, tl
Cllffl'l' llll lllllTftlirM UMI'll
klndrt uf lii'i r, mul tliclr unly
lute fur mmar wa-i lumry.
Shirt Waist Patterns
Ladies Facinators
Ladies and Misses Underwear
Ladies and Misses Hose
Velvets and Laces
Kid Gloves
Crockery and Glassware
Mens Felt Boots
Mens Rubber Shoes
Ladies and Misses Shoes
Mens Boots and Bootees
o y s Caps and Hats
Boys Clothing
Tne Best Goods and the Lowest Priced Store in Town
...C. U. SNIDER...
CyrtiN Nnlilc Whisky tlm ohl cliuin
iiion mul Nlill eliitiupioii of tlirni hII.
I'wtl in nil liiHt ehisB phieeii. Ask for
I'rytiN Nolilt' case i mmU when you wut
a uoud dnip lit homo. '17 tf.
Tin' muni vnliiilili lunik In tin'
vvnrhl U MiippiiMril Ik Im' a Ili-liri'W
r.ll.h'. imw In tin' Vatican. Ah Ihiik
lltfll DM l-M'.', I'llpl" .1 llll'H fl'fllHl'll fill'
UiIhHh vyi'lht In Ktilil, w lih li yniihl
milt In SIikI.ikiii.
l'ost iVi Kiiik uif now rci-t'iviiiK liiu in
voireH for their winter triule. All the
Ihiest lirumlH of liipleiiiH nnd ciiUH are
kept there. I'ost Kinii (iirnisli the
home Willi the U'ft liriiniU for mediein
nl piirposfH. -J -t f
Mi'. Miii ki'.v Iiiim t he Hiii'mI iliiini'r
Kcrvlri' in I In' wui'hl. Hi' ftirnlxlii'il
.7fi,iiiNl wtitili uf siher fur It fnnn hlf
liilni'H, ami fur Hh inaiiiifaeHiri' liy
Tiffany K'avi' Id- tdii't k fur l!la,iMiO.
II U ri'pui li'il Hint llu'iv will Im it
lii'itvy luhiH in Miillii'iir euiiiit.y uf
cat He, hlni' ami Iiui hck, i iiiihi'iI liy
tlu'Huvi'ii' winter mul I'H'k uf ftH-tl.
A fi'W htuckiui'ii win) liat fxliauKli'il
lliclr liny mipply, mi' HlilppliiK- In
(urn front NiIhiimKii, niul otlu-r
pulnlH, hut llm tilnioHt liniiaHHiililo
I'Otlllltlutl Of till' I'llHlIrt lllflkt'H till
kind of fi'fil very i'xim'IinIvo for Uiohi'
lis inn rcniolt' from Hie nillrou'l.
Hi'verul ropinii of tlm NorlliweHtein
Stock Kirt'ctory, complied ly SIohh fi
l-inlitly, I'rintem of AlturiiH, luivo heen
lull nl thin olliett for tliHtrilnititiii. It in
u vuIuhIiIu hook lor Hlockinen und worth
ihu prieo. 'I
chase price, Hoyd's heirs wrrs allowed to
make pic emption cash cntrv nnd patent
certilicate was issued to them. Thin jK-r-lection
of the entry constitutes!! salcand
disposal of the lands cinliraced therein.
(Carroll v. Sallord, :, How., I II, 4til;
Stark v. Starrs, C, Wail., 401', -1S;A-jien
Ctmsolidaleil Miniu' Co. v. Wil
limns, ".'7 1.. P., 1. 1"), iml Ikmiij- mmle
under a law, ( actH ScpteinlHr 1. 1H1, .1
Slat., I.":i, and July 17. 1 10 Stat.,
:iO.".) enacted prior to March K'. 1 Still,
find also niadc prior to the continuation
ol title in the State under the swamp
land act (Stale of Minnesota, 'J7 I.. I'.,
I IS, Htl, the lauds cinliraced in such
entries are excluded from that jjrant and
the entry should he passed lo patent
if it In- otherwise regular. If any other
pre-emption entries shall lie lej-ularly
K'i livled prior to the issuance of patent
to the State, the land covered liy such
entries will likewise he excluded from the
(rant to the State. The homestead,
desert land and .t'nnlicr culture laws,
under which some individual claims arc
asserted, were all enacted after March
l'J, 1 Still and therefore, constitute no
liasis for the exclusion of lands front the
swamp land raut.
For the reasons herein j-ivcii, your
oflicc decision of March 'J, lilol, reject
ing the claim of the State is reversed, and
all of the claims adverse to the Stale, ex
cept that ol the heirs ol Amos lloyd, and
any other existing pre-eiuptioii claim
which has been or may Ik- perfected
before this decision is carried into effect
arc hereby rejected.
Your ollicf will prepare anil submit lor
approval ii new swaiuplautllisl.enibrac-in-
such of the lands in controversy as
properly pass to the State under this
Herewith arc the papers.
Very rcsiKvlfully,
Iv. A. II ire' I ROCK,
Sec re I a rv,
$ 2.00 PER YEAR