Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, April 02, 1903, Image 2

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altc QTounlu Ca nincr
PuMLhed E.ry Thursday
Masonic Uulldlnf
(One Year, $2.00
.'SU Month. 1 .4H
(Three Months, 50
n Inch
To Ini tn's . . .
Vhro lut'ht'.
'N.rtlT I'llllimil
Hslf (Vlnmn
Ono Column . .
luk 1 inn . mvfi m 1 v r
l oo, .. m ? n II kv i
l im fi (i III 00 In li i. lO
Urn (llUMMMIi! WH'l (nX)llilo IToIMMtV III
A' IV ii 00 .' 00 SA lli I .M no
An InsjHH'tnr tT tin lVpnrtiueut
of the Interior luix IxtMi iiiv8 titrat
ing tin illepd tlinlxT lfitul fraud
that have Ihvii worrying the honor
able Hooretary of the interior fur the
past year. Our Information leud
hh to iH'lieve tin insjHvtor Is ro
tveriins; nliout his work in a
thorough manlier. Fur thin we are
grateful. We ho. anil believe that
very jrerson whom he calla to testify
will truly answer ail questions pro
pounded to him having bearing upon
thU subject of frauds. We lielievi
the name rvsiilts as wen obtained at
Uoseburg will be gathered here. We
iH'lieve the same fate will 1h allotedl
the Inspector now lien an. In-fell the
Uo.-telmrg lnii-tor. Itovutixe the
honorable mrii'tjwry has made up his
mind to have the I. S. land laws so
amend. d that only corporations
acquire title in the future. With
TllTi million t' irs Ot li,u lttit.1 l'I'lpt
thine outstanding. How will this
mighty acreage l used if the com
mon people are tu have the priv
ilege of buying laud at &2.TM ier acre,
wueu the government does not get
niie cent when script is used. Is It
pohnniie me .Missouri attorney uas
ii' gotten he Is in Washington and J
i t in St. Ioilis?- l'lineville I'cvicw
To Ai.e. Timber Claims.
Assessor Wilbur A. Jones was In
Ashland Tuesday looking after the
work. I le has nvclvcd a legal opin
ion from Pistrlct Attorney A. F.
lemurs In which that otllclal informs
him that titnber lands upon which
final proofs have Uvn made at the
laud otlicc and no patent has been
given by the I'. S. tiovcrnmcnt, art'
this State says
the I'eeot-d. As then an I'M of
claims in Jackson County, It will
ivadily le seciithtit the new assessor
ill add quite a material amount to
the taxable proerty of the county
from this new source. It having Ixvn
the custom licndofoiv not to iisssm
this class of priierty. Much of It
is held by noli nsMents. Assessor
Jones will place the valuation rt
$2.T) per acn. the amount paid to
the goTernment.
In Lake county then an approx
imately only VA) timlier claims that
ha ve lieeti proved upon, but then Is
prolmbly ,riH) tilings that would come
under next ycnrV assessment. If the
!." claims should lie assessed at f.V.Vl
ler ncn. the county would lie ahead
fl.MMI or then-abouts.
The I'ortland I'aily Journal Is fast
forging ahead and is now n-garded
as a prominent business enterprise
instead of nn experiment, as has
been the case with pn iters hereto-fon-started
in the metropolis. The
.lournal will in a few weeks install a
new Hoe press and equipment at a
cost of f.'ji,0K, and when this Is done
it ill lie much improved In appear
and ami news service. The price of
1 0ri"av
frS iL .. r A-r.
Wc have nn
endless variety of
Mens, Womens,
Misses.Boys and
Childrens Shoes.
mi i s
i -s.
We are actually too busy moving and unpacking goods
in our magnificent new addition to tell you what new
things we have. We will have to invite you to come
and look through our large store and see foryourself.
If you don't see what you want ask Alex.
i Lakeview Mercantile Co. li
a. ' .
1'h lit .( Mt.n I n1 'fTii i'. I nk' lt , ur- ifuti,
,fn'. li'. t'Mil. Niiiu-c 1 h-r-l) Ki fu that in
(iniiliAti i u itti tlit I'Ttn iioii ! tin ni t nf
the Daily Journal Is .(ni per vear, I !, " ','!,"!'"' 'V"' ' ".V"'
' 1 , t !- nl iinii" r 1 k 1 1 1 in tin- mi "I nil!
and The Kxiimiiier Imx ttm.l lnl.. i'Uii. or. i;mi. N.-M..U. kii.I lnintt..ii I.
rimry. t-k I 1 1 . 1 I in .11 Hi.' I'm 1 .1 1 I .ml i
ing arrangement when-by the t wo r':;, K&XZlJWZ:
rltory) ol iii.hhi, li. lln .lv J1 1 - -. 1 in IliU nl
fii'f iiu ftworii ttni'-m Nn. I?.'l Itir IftM nir I
i'Iiui' nf trie W N W, .. ! n l . i) .-. K -.'I h. W
M. mi.l will efl. r proiil ( kIhiw Hi.) lie- Uti l '
"iikM i" ittiir. vHlti.l-l.- fur ii. UirU-r ir t'iti' j
J may 1k hail for $.Yno. This price Is
t mailt to botl old and new subscrib-
i ers of The Kxamlner, but must In
Ti;i.i is the season of the year when i variably Is in advance. The semi-
Alanufatturcr of the '0c!hJkir.
J-..ssi)rs l-giii thi-ir work if listing
;t'i?i fur .rti'iiitnrl iiirMi,n. .nl tu ifttitl
h llln l l.ltii to Mill I. lnl to-furi' III.' It' KII' T
! u'l Id'i'rlviT ill till, nltii'v .1 Ijikft i.w Of mm.
w,.kly Journal is $1.:,, per year, but . J.
i..ojrty iu their counties i,d clublssl witllThe Kxamlner. t he t wo ilVlVJr'iu'l .ll ' . L' "Ummi
. ,''nig valuation then'on. n flat-1 may Ik had fur $.i.ixi. The WtM'klv ! ll'iTW. t.'L",'r'".V',,!'",r' ,,".'! U-I.'-''r''-r-l!A
a (iini .Marlon ( ounties it is l-eport-t""!tii;tt
the assessments im ritniM-r
!.. 'ill be raised. This is undoubt
c.i move in the right direction.
1- . .in. hough the market value for
this kind of property lias very great
ly incn-ased in t he last thn-e years,
very little advance has been made in
.Journal is $1.IN). and
nnn.ier $'2.7.
with TH4 Km
K. M . UK ATTAIN. It 'K-t, r.
Itangrr oft olds anil .rl
Tiie jrreatest Utiiiern from cold and !
f'ii is their resiiltintr in ineiuiioiiia. If
rea-iitrmhle care i- n-ed, however, ami I
t'hatiilierlaiu'H t'ntiiih Keiueily taken,;
a!i da ver ill lie avujiled. Auunic the
tnr! (if tlioiiHaiiiU who have used this
reined v for thee dieaes we have vet '
assessed valuation. There is no , to learn of a single i'hm having resulted!
,,,.. , , , .. ' in liiieinnotiia, a liich i-howi cun.lii'.ive-
mon- reason why timU-r land w.,rth . ly hM it N a ,.,.rtllitl ,,r,.VHIlUtiv,. ,
$k) an acre should Is- assessed at 1 1 1 ' i t ilanneroim disease. It will cme a
. , . , , I rolil or a-t attHi'k of the ltiii in les- litne
than there is for the assessment of th ail itn. ltll,.r tniltIm. 1 jM p I
fal in land at the same rate. The a,lt a!e to take. ror cale I..
owners of improved farm and city
prop, rty owe it to themselves to see
that the Assessors put a proer
valuation upon timber lands, which,
though lying idle, are making their
owners wealthy by the rapid advance
in valuu. Oregoitian.
! Bean.
1 l-7t
The Inquiring .Mind.
Mrs. Flon-nce Maybrick, tht? Amer
ican woman who was convicted at
Liverpool in lvr!', tin the charge of
poisoning her husband, James May
brick, by arsenic and whose sentence
of death was commuted to penal
servitude for life, will be released in
July, litOl. The announcement!
copies from the Home Oflice. which
Jiuiuijr I ay, duddy, I want you to
answer a question.
thorizes her Washington lawyers i His Father Whut Is It?
Jimmy Well, If the end of the world
was to come and the earth was ue
etioyed while a man was up In u hul
loon, where would he land when he
chwu UownV
to Cmi; this fact of her release next
year 'is a reason for securing the
postponement of the trial of the
l.twsjits bearing on the prisoner's
iuterjuBt in land in Kentucky,
giniut and West Virginia.
lieyond a naturil division of opin-;
. . 1 I . I l i ...... I . . t
1014 im LU lioill iioiiih i; h-eiecieu to
re'prt'Hent this district In congress
the republican stand pretty well
united. After the convention who
ever is chosen will be the republican
choici and republicniH will line up In
electing him to ctriigress be he Her
mann, Dnvey, Clutch, Vawter or any
Other good republican qualified for
th' office. Kugen'5 Jteglster.
Th'i population of tin- Knitcd
States between 1S00 and 11)02 hits
increased from 0.30S.4S3 to T.t.M'WM
j ' v i y m ;''J:
ri'j' i r;.vv . ji;i.i u-.
i .4
v' Tli ' ' li n lit'V. ' been a re i,- ?
eily t. o. a.:tualiy i ircl i ' tin - y
jZ unti' ii. onu wa- b.-,i. .v.-ioj
If. hy It i f., j. . ' , , , a
it perl -i Iro n ti; g
!: dint i . . h li .t
j ili ..' te -a m t.i i,a'.e ;'
the n ii oerr. t- J
J nei . I . eii t i. dt. -
ani v ta . i 'I. .'t
The troul.le with mont odver
tisers i that they expect Imme
diate return of larjre propor
tions. One prominent udvertlser
lllUHtriites the principle of adver
tising In this way:
"lb moBcy eipr.drd lor
advrrtl.loK I. tbe .am ft aa
II plaerd at lotrrral. The
profits from tbe advrrll.laar
are Tlrlaallr Ihe l.lrrrtto.
Ibe lavr.laaaat.
"The huiiis ri(M-nt for advertising
are prope.-ly charKeahle to cap
ital account hecuuso tin result
ing good will is something that
has value, which, If the udver
tising lian been properly done,
can usually he sold for the face
value of the Investment.
'The. rate of Interest Is deter
mined ,y the nkill with which
the lii vestment Is made.
"Just iih the (julckest way to
Increase Invested wealth Is hy
compounding the Interest, Just ho
the quickest way to realize ro
buIU from advertising Is lo com
pound the return." Advertising
Alvrtliicr ir.t kooJ return
on tli arnriurit Invphii.1 in
our colunirm. w rtucti ttia
Wcco)nled as the Heat Vaqucro 5adtll 3
U;i.'dii ami Mti-v Hanirss. WliijK, Ilolu-s, lU-atas, fj
Hits, Spurs. tJtlirts. Uostdtrs. Kir. .a. .a. .n.
Krpairinir of all kimls, y i-om j u-t t -ni iiwii.
a .
Sash, Blinds. Moulding. Window and
Door Casings, Beehives and Furniture
of all kinds made to order. Write for
estimates on contract work & material
Hereford Stock 5arm
Drowa Valley, Oregon.
F. O. Dunting, Own' i
L . a, mtirf
TW"-" "7 .
i"- .2
Largest herd of i
Herefords in lrtgui
l t m m . a a
Young cattle lor ai.
UIDOR ALAMO heal of he'
Livery and Feed Stable J
H. W. J. llAKkY, Proprietor. L
Mnr.ei lin.rdul by lh. day or mi.nlh. I Irat-claaa Turnout an4 ldl f' Our Hpccially I. the Quick and 8aU Dellv.ry of Passenger. I All .
Point. In tb III. trlcl. .
Proprietors ol Harry ' Oper Houie. Only Place In Lkv Uw O
Tor lloldln Public lintcrtainments. A