mtnifs VOL. WW. bAKKVIKW, LAKH COUNTY, OUI.GOX, TIIUUSDAV. .MAI!. 3!, l!H)'i. NO. 12. DECISION REVERSED Secretary of Interior Reversed De cision of Commissioner Her mann In Warner Cases. WASHINGTON, March I7.-Iu tin- f .1. I.. Morrow ami n.i,l,''ll'H o llu- CoiiiiiilHMli.iM r of the against the State of Oregon ami (lie WuriHT Valley MiK-k Company. In- lll lllg HOIIU' tllOllMalllls of iu ivm of Mvani, laud located near .nkcvlrw, r., I In- Sreivtary of t In- Interior Iuih leverm-d n iIim IhImii of tin1 CuimiiiIm xluliMr of I ln lii'iii'l'al Land (Jlllre ami directed I In- hi 1 1 in IhhIi iti fni' ap iroval of a lu-w Hwamp html IIkI embracing mh Ii of t he lauds la cna I rovri'Mv iih iroii'rly piiHMi-il in iln-flali-. 'I'll 1m i Iii IhIiiii I'i-Ji-cIm all claim adverse In tin- Hlali-, excepting I ha t i ,l""1''- appeal Him thru taken ..f tin- heirs of Alno 11. mi ami aiivl''-v ""' w,irl"'' Valley St oik Coin- other eltlug (in-fin t Ion rlnlin which Iuih la-en perfected U-fnri' the lir-li in Im in i rii i I Inln effect. Thi-fnlliitvllit; lilwtory of thr raw IH IIIinII'i In tin- t H-i-oiilaii. "Tin' hrli'f 1 1 1 -1 1 ; 1 1 . 1 1 fi'iiin U'ahliiK liia nlimnilii'i'H SiTii-tar.V 1 1 Iti hroi k'H I'-i ImIimi fu fiuor of tin- ronti'Htii'H or li'fi'inhiiitH la t hi' riiHf of .1. 1,. Mnr iov el al. vm. the Stati' of t Iri'Kon Jiml tin- 'aiiii-r Valley 'nliiiuny net. lleK a rout roviTHy of uk Htamlliitf, iiml one that hllf exrlleil tniirli lntc-r- Ml In l jiMtrrn Oii-koii. Nearlv WHM) la n-M of laiiit, prartlrally all Hwaiiip, all' linnlveil III !. ,. land viiim reliirneil hy tin' Ih-pllty Surveyor In 17."( iim Lake Warner. In 11 Ihew InmlH wen- purrhawil Irolil the Hi lite hy Henry Owen iim mi it 1 1 1 J . ami iim mh Ii moi to K. I'. Mc- t li 1 1 J 1 1 1 u I iv , s 1 1 Mild t hem to I he Warner Valley Stork 1'oiiipany. I'.etwii'ii lsMiand V' a larue nnm-Ih-I' of peojile Mi-ttli'il upon thi'HelamlM ami roniliienreil rolilrHtM, iiIIi'kIiiw that on Marrh 1:', lMi, the date of I he Hwaup laml Kraut, tin-He landM were dry, anihli- lamlM, ami would, wlthoul rei In unit Inn, p induce an ajjrlrultui'iil rrnp. liming the yearM lV ami Ivhi IIii-hi' roiiti-MtM. US In numlier, were tried liefnre the laud otllre al I.akevlew and derlMioii In every niHi- ivmleivd ill favor of the ta1e, hlrh, on apiieal, wiim alllriued hy t he ( 'iiiuiulMHloni-r of the (ienernl I ,aud Hllre. In four i'iihi-m an appeal wiim taken to thr Secretary of the In terior, ami tin- derlHlon of the lower olllrei'M wiim an'iiln alllriued and the IjiiiiIm approved to I hi' Mtate. 'I'lie conteMtautM then ahaudoni'd the dry land theory and linked thr Srrretary of tl' InU-rlor to net HMhle IiIh approval of tin land and deter in ln-from tin- ovldi'iire whrthrr or not. tin-He landM were not the lied of a perinaiirut hike on March 12, lMK). In l)eceinlM'i,1 1MII1, tlio S-cri.-tary of the Interior rendered a ih-ciHlon holil Iiik that at thr date of thr HWaiup land Kiant tln-Hi- landrt wrrr thr brd of an apparently prrnianrnt hike, and ordered that tin- claim of thr Hlatr hr raurrllrd, and, upon million for rrhrarhiK', nlllnnln hln foriurr ilrriHlnn. In isiis tlir Wanirr Vallry Stork Company prtltloni'd tho Srcrrtary of tho Interior to ivoprn 1 ho cji, for rriiHoiiM, ii i'h t that no Ihhuo wiih ovi-r i-iiIhi iI iim to whrthrr t ho land wan or wiim not a lake In t ho local laud oilier, and the petltlonoi'M had no op licrtiinliy to prrHrnt their evidence, and, Hi-rond, if the land wiim a prr nianrnt lake It brloiiKod to the State of Oregon hy vlrtuo of lirr Hoverelyn ty, and conHequently, to thepetltlou- r I'.v vlrlui' f a deed i in- state i of Oregon. 'I I Secretary granted (In- li,n and h trial was had Ixfore tin local oIIIcith nt Lakeview. Iteglstrr Itrat lain mill Kcci'lvcr lliilley decided that the land was tho bed of a per iiiancnt Id kf. Tin Warner Valley Stock ( oiniany appealed from tliU General Laud Olllri'. CnuiiiiiHMloucr lli-riiiaiin IiimI it iMTHonal a r:i rnont of llif cumi- In-fore lilin, which lanli-il nearly two ilayn, ami after u thorough l oiiHlili'iatliiii of the raw, decided that the land wiim swamp laml, anil directed that tin chiliim of 1 In-Mi l lliTM Im-canrcli-il, hut It InhiiIiI that, finding IiIh (,-.lrtl(,ii ciltlilwil hy tin- Inial papers, hi- recalled (, ami ilis M.'il tin' caw thi iithi-r way. At any rati-, tin- iIitIhIhii wan ho I pany to tin- Sit -rotary of thclutorlnr. whlrh reMiilled In a n-M iNal of tin dei'lMioii i if the 'oiiiuilM-dourr. 'I"!,, Siclelary decided that the land wiih, ! on March J, lsila, HWaiup, and that to hnhl that it wiim the Im i of a per liianent lake would he no lieiiellt tn the Mi ttleiM, iih the laml in that event would In-lone; (he State of (Ire Ron. Ill Ihew ciiuti-HtM the Warner Val ley St ock Company wan rcprcHcutcd hy C. A. CokmucII and V. 1). McKln nry, ami the HettlerM hy Captain .lolui .Mullen." The dlMpatrh from WaMhlnKton Im ..-nimHIT IIT ITTTnTI IIM III UUIKC- tlU' full mraliliij; of thr iIi'cImIoii ho vax'ir that it Im not quite midd'htmid hy t hi' people. 'Chat the ileclHioll Im aalliMt the net tlel'M, t hell' Im imilnulit, hut why new IIhIm are to Ih made, w hat Im to he Included ami how Imiu a time will he rci'nirod. Im lint ap parent. Ilnw many clalniM that have Ih-cii or will hr perfected ln-fotv thlM 1 1 leinli hi hih'M Into effnrt Im not known. The I'.xainlncr Iuih alwayH taken thr nettlerM view of thr ciiHr, and we hellevr that nlnr-trlit Iim of the pro plr who arr In any way familiar with the cane mi' norry to nee the (IccIhIiiii made iiKaliiHt them. Mont of t lii-Hi" people have lived on thr laud In iui-Htlou many yearn, built up honii-H ami rained 1 heir familleH, ami now, after a loan Htrun'Kle of -ndlrsH trouhli'iind rxpniK', it nurely iIim-h lint Hrrm rllit that they Hhould he kicked out and Ioho all their labor and property. Local attoriieyN who have boon IntcroHted In the cane are L. V. Conn, forthentate and CIiiih rnibarh for the HettlerM. The Portland Telegram Hay editorially: After many jearH of vexation and expeiiHlve litigation the Warner val ley HiuatterH have limt their landM, the Sorretary of the Interior rovern ing thr latr CommiHHionrr I irrmann'H Hi-rond drclMlou, and holdliiK that the landM wrrr "Hwamp" when taken hi nut1 t went y yearn ago by the late "Hen" OweiiH. Whatever may have brrn the ciiho iim to tin-He IiuiiIh, it in well known that a great proportion of alleged "Hwamp IiuiiIh" were no more "Hwamp" than Mount Hood 1h a hole In the ground. A. lK'vlno liiHt week Hold to W. lhiyley hU Iiouhh and lot juat eimt of Mrn. Kuox'u photograph gallery, lioren Itailry and family will hoou move there. Mrn. lievlne'H health Iuih iH-en (jultu poor the piiHt few yeai-H, and will Hrek a lower climate. Sho will probably go to Oakland or Sim Fi-uucIhco. 7 f'w r 0 J ' iM'. V MRS. JOSEPH CHOATE, WIFE OF OUR AMBASSADOR TO GREAT BRITAIN. It I Hiitil Unit Mm ( li,,!i. wife of court nf Si .us ih uinMiiihiv fiij-iyini; the no-lal nlile of diplomatic life, .iitf'i' I:: v !.. In l.i.iiiiiin and mpin to he highly popular Tup I'd '"ti with tli I'rvHltlciit KoiiHevcIt Iiiih diTided to visit Oregon and will leave WaMhing ton on April 1t. The preHldnit will arrive at AhIiIuihI on May "lnt and will alnr. ntop at Salrm and 1'ort laml. Thr tour Im given iim fnllowH: I it'll ve WiiHhiiigton Vpril 1 In Chicago Vpril In YelloWHtonr 1'ark April MoiM In NebraHka, Iowa and lllinolH April '.'.1to2!l In St. LouIm April :U) In KatiHiiM City May 1 In Uenver May 4 In San FranrlHro May 12 to 14 Arrive at AHliland, or.. ..May '21 In Salrm May 21 Arrive in Port land (after noon ) May 21 I it'll ve Portland (morn')Mny 22 In Tnroina May 22 Arrive Seattle May 2:t Ix'ave Seattle May 24 In Walla Walla May 2: In Spokane May 20 In Salt Lake May 20 In Cheyenne May 111 I it'll ve Cheyenne on re turn June 1 Arrive In VaHliiugton....June 4 fourth of July Meeting. There will be meeting of the citizens of Lakeview next Friday night, March 27th, at s o'clock p. in., at the court bonne, for the purpono of making iirrangrnirntM for n 4rii of July celebration In Lakeview. Kvery public Hpirited person Hhould at tend. Ladlt'H Invited. II. C. Wiin woinn, Mayor. MoHt of the merchants arc quite buny theHO dayH taking Invoice. A crew of HherpHlirarerH with Jack (irccn iim foivuiau, left Lakeview hint Sunday for Morrill to nhear three bandH of hIuh'P for Dave Killer. Among the crowd were Kd Wallop, liCHter Vernon, Steve Down, (Jeorge JonrH, r. Wynian, CardlniiH, and Frank (irllllth and hou. Thin will lie I the fli'Ht Hhcarlng of the beanon. "1 t ii 1 -v . 'i V -.1,' i tin- faltwl State ambassador to the PurHiiant to a call of the chairman of the Itepublirnn county Central Committee publiHhed hint wi-ek, a meeting of wild committee wjih held hint Monday afternoon in the court house. Chairman W. A. MitHKingill called the meeting to order, and ap pointed L. F. Conn nee rotary pro torn. The chairman watt author ized to make temporary appoint inrntM to fill vacancloH of non-attend-Ing inemU-rH. The meeting wn repreiionted as IoIIowh: Silver Lake, T. J. Labile, by C. D. SoHHioiiM, nppointod. Summer Lake, (J. H. Ahldrich by C. C. Cannon, appointed. PaiMloy, Wiu. McConnack, by K. M. Hrattain, proxy. Crooked Crook, K. E. Uhinohart. North Warner, W. K. Hurry. South Warner, W. F. IiOinlK-rgor, by E. Follett, appointed. South Lakeview, W. A. Mannin gs. North Lakeview, J. E. McUarrey deceased, by L. F. Conn, appointed. Drew8 Valley, G. 11. Newell. (loose Iiake, Geo. W. Noble. Cogswell Creek, C. C. Cannon. Thomas Creek, S. J. Prone. The time Bet for holding the prim aries was Monday, Mch. :!0th, to lie held at the polling places of the several precincts. The convention will bo hold In Lakeview ou Friday, April .'Id, at the Court house at 2 o'clock p. in., and will consist of CI delegates which were appointed among the several precincts ns pub lished in the call in another column, which was ordered published in The Examiner. W. 1). Woodcock & Son have been making some improvements in their blacksmith shop lately by building on an addition to be used exclusively for shoeing horses. Corwln Vlnyard has accepted a position and will soon begin work la this department. A paint shop lias also been added. A heavy cart has Just boon tnado for tho Z X ranch, which will lie used ex clusively for breaking; horses. WANTED A GRIZZLY Three .Tenderfoot Hunters Come to Lake After Big Game but Run at Sight of the Bear (I'At L flK La 5 RT I PORTLAXD JoVRNAL.) The cmsiuleM of "Old Club Foot," tin-famoiiM Southern Oregon grizzly Iwiir, as well iih the fivjiiont raids of the grlzzlyM from the range of moun tains that divide Lake and Klamath .Counties In the valleys Ix-low int-arly j days made the country famous as a, lear country. Hunters from many points came to the mountains on hunting expiditioiiH, and along with the many HiieeeeHfiil hunts some humorous episodes took place. It Is j well known that many jK-ople do not j hunt bear and that many w ho do find U-arat the last moment do not enjoy tin-sport as much an was ox- IM-otoil. A party of well-armed and ej nipped hunters arrived from across the Cal ifornia line and stayed over night with an old rancher, who was a MisHouriiin, at the foot of the nfoun taiiiM, requesting an early morning hunt. There were three in the party and they talked until late with the randier and his son about the boar and were anxious that they should not fail to find them. The old man informed them that his son would ta.kt. I'.'l'.'-K'i?? ttlomrwhich-hiwi i. ,. he thought there would le no trouble in finding the big game. Two of the hunters were well-to-do merchants and had sent Kant and bought guns especially for the hunt, and the other memlier of the party had borrowed a gun from a noted hunter, and both the gun and the hunter had a wide reputation. He felt safe with a gun that had Ikh-u proved, though the guns of his com panions had cost larger sums of money. l'l.AXXEn THE IIVXT. They discussed the matter until late In the night, ns amateur hunters do. They nettled the question of who should have tho first shot, who should shoot next, how they should divide the game, and one of the party eniHt-lally desired to take home with him a large grizzly hide. They also settled on the point that if they should only find one boar all should share in the honor of killing it. i.ineii t i' koh nrsixEss. Notwithstanding the fact that they kept the rancher and his family awake until a late hour the hosts were up and had breakfast ready by break of day and theparty composed of the young Missourlan, his two dogs and the throeCaliforniansstart ed out on the hunt. He escorted the throe into a deep gulch, along by the side of the stream in the bed of which there was a dim trull. He told the hunters to lino up by the side of this trail at convenient distances apart and that ho had hopes of running a bear out by them. Thus stationing them ho crossed over the hills witli his tlogs and took a ciivultouscourse. In search for the game. IIKEW BTKAWS FOK I'OHITIOX. Iu spite of the ngreoineut of the previous night tho hunters were in clined to dispute over tho points at which they should stand. Each wanted to take the station farthest up the gulch, ns that was regarded as tho place whore tho first opportun ity to shoot would come. It was argued that the "front" man would (continued on 4th page.)