Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, March 19, 1903, Image 8

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    -.0V v,V-,- -,ni4 -,,- .' ttW) ia- k!.i"V,
Tliere Never
was a Time
when you could tlo livttcf luivinjr Ikmv
than now. Spring Stocks will soon ar
rive ami vc arc anxious to rolucc our
present stock as you are to save dollars.
Our effort to reduce our 5lock Is
for your benefit. (live us a chance and
we will prove that. Whether you or
der from home or come personally, your
orders are p ven our ltest consideration,
and we "guarantee that you will be satis
fied. Hih Grade Goods at Low Grade I Vices.
Isn't that what you want?
Premium Coupons free with each 2,ct.
cash purchase.
Over 700 Rojal Tailors Choice
Woolen Samples of Spring & Summer Suits
i 6
Will Make the 5eason of 1903 at Lakeview and
New Pine Creek, Oregon
Chestnut liore. broad strip In face, right hi ml leg ar.klc: foal. 1
U'J. Hn il Ly Aiocvr Biu.most, Nursery .-tinl, Kentucky.
f NewiiiiiMrr .
- ( Mars', as .
V Vcii i'-ntif
( 7 Kr-Mila! .ni."
- ! -
-r V Kllt-rniir
Lis (Fi-ur dV
esti ing . .
iTadmor ...
'Mi Helton .
'Mali bran.,
'VeDUH ...
' i ; 1 1 li k Hull 11 y
hanlielccr .
' Hllerdale . . . .
, I.esingtuti
,Nev,minsi. r
'Maria ... .
Ifaiin !, by V halahone
I Banter, by Master Henry
I'r syntax by I'arnalor
" iliaughtcr nl Amir jssxti
t Inn by nltl
" " I 1'a! niyra bv Sultan
ll'owl by Kan Meldletpn
J Belle lauic by Bclshazrar
t Touchstone bv Camel
Vulture '' Langar
I VV tii-kT by ay
.an la by ( t tovian
i I'arllsatl by Waldo.i
I Pauline by,
i-iir Hercules by Wlial- bona
'"I Kcho by Kmihos
I I hi- Karon by ltrl atelier
t Pocahoiita by (ileneoe
( . H-.rii- by iluir. (.nr. y link, r
fiueen Mary by inadialnr
I Hirdeatrher by Sir llelclllcx
" I, ai by Lt,h lirone
I l.anctcoxt by l.iverool
( Agra's Main by Tomboy
) Boston by Tituolooii
'' Millet arncal by .-arpedon
't.U ncne by .-'Utah
' CMrtle by Martm-luke
lTov-hxtohe by Camel
"' f Beeswing by lr Syntax
llfarkawayhy hcniiomixt
" (suspicion by r-iectilalloll
.by l anuar (S li m by Kurzar.l.)
1am Kdaiii
dam Strain
dam Mb Mavcly
t ain by Iiruiif ( Hi-rixl by 1 artar
by Waxy roiH-(Waxv by I'ot-M h.)
by araH ( oun Mar- by ;
dam Jocahta
dam MilkjMtn
dam Miss I'artncr
dam Brown i-arew!!
dam Kay Laytoli x Uain
dam Truo:p..'tt s dam
darn !.av?on (')oli't) fihrb Marc.
Imported. t entoror Kentucky.
by Marclivm (Cade by i.odoli.liin Arabian!
. ... by Comforlh'n Kort r, (('roll' Korrt ntcr)
. . by ( ao- ('ioriolniiu Aralian
. by I'artncr (Jikk by Byerly Turk)
by Maxi'HiIl 1'iicli'ihoriM' Arabianl
by KriminiT I K'Arry 1 eliow l urk J
by Fla", White Turk
by iKiUnttortii Haro
Ki nt'icky given.
ALSO The Full-lilwd Norman Stallion "SHAFTEK," by Imp.
Normany, dam by Imp. liordeatin, un'l tle Full-blool Sbire Stal
lion "KAKNKAN" by Kan of Karn, be by Imp. Black Prince, dam
by Imp Ulorv....
A mtulutlnti wn liitrttiltiti'il In tilt
IOHlslu(urv MiHiii'iuliiikr I lint
wbi'ii tho Iml (I'-slilp KaiiMiiM Is
Iniuii lied tlit I'lirlHti'iilnu; .linll tic
nmdc w ith w ntvr Inslond tf Inc.
inHI. LANK NO riCI!.
I'liiti'd siKtra I and otlllce I ak't len , Hr. ..n.
IVt'einU-r IJ t'V.'. Nome l In n bv aivi'ii tliat
lu coin I laib'" itli i lo' ov i1oii ol t he ai t of
t'oimrvai ot .limr ;l. I;. entitled "an a. t for the
ale ol limber lalida In tin stale ol l ahfoi Ida
tireaoti, Ne ada. and attiuutoii Tctritorv ,"
a extruded to all the public laud tale l. aet
i of AnguH . !. (ieorite H. Hil.banl. of i oner
d Alette, eioittl) of Ko4iti-ual. lali id Idaho,
ban lion tlav tiled III tbla olflee bl ..rtl atale
ineni. No li'Dit, tor the i.un I.m' ol tlo ' ; n ,
ne '4 v t4 1 A e 1 4 of Jo tp v r I tv e. .
in, and v, id offer prool to kIiom that the laud
nought la more valuable for lt timber or Mone
than tor aKrletilturat put ioei. and to eiah
linti bl (Matin to a!d laud Udore J. U' . II am a k
er, ('. S l out lit iMolicr, at Klamalh Kail, tire
I'lttit, on Krldav. the lt dav ol May, Pan. He
nam. w It to : Jaeob W raai, lit I'ortalHa.
rehle hite. of Lorella. Uri Koii, naeii I'. Me
Krudreo. ol tilete orejon. and s. A Parker. d
Ahland. tire. Any and all praotia claimliiK
advetnoly the aimvr dee.riled lauda are re
queti d to rile their claim In Ihla oflliv ml or
before aald lt da ol Mil I'TO.
Jan 16H K M. BKrrl. Kemxier
t' Dltl tatea land off lee, lakettew. Oregon.
IHh . a, IWU Notice l hereby alveli that III
roiupltanct' with the provliooii of the aet ol
Cointreau of June .t, lTv entitled "An aetlortlie
aale of timber lamia In I he alalia id Oregon,
calllornta, Nevada and axhliKtoii Terrb
lorr aa exleud.d to all the Public laud
"latin by act of AtlKitt 4. 1 Ihortal Sor
vi'U. il. of Mi. . N l. Portland, eouniy of
Miiltnnttmh. tali' ol tr. noli, liaa I hla day Hied
In thl office h" nviorn Ntaleiiii-nt No. lilt? for
the purutiae of the ae '4 na 4 r w '4 ace :kt.
ne i, ii w of See .11. t X , t 17 e. w m, and
will off. r pnnd tohoM that the land oui;ht ix
more valuable for Ha limber or atone thai for
airrietiliural puriHiM'M. and to itahlidi bix
I claim lo xatd laud iielore t . II n litirow . I s
j t'xiHintlatoiier at k lamath Kallx. on satnrdav.
I the Ith day ol April, pact. Ho naim ax ttio
J ex, Kd Cax..fH.r. Vllllam htliley. and barlex
W. Ktiili-'.lv, nl Bly. Urt'Kon, and J. din J. u
I xaek . ol k i-ru v il !', (in-i; Any and all p-r-1
aolia clamilt( ad iTx. ly the '.. . e-.t.'- rt l. d
; latidK are re.j .ti-xtcd to Ti ti tlo-ir (lain In Ihlx
, iifflre on or belore atd Ith dai.ol April. I'X't
laiil .- K. M. Kk irrvtN. lit irixti r.
I'tllted tatea land t'rfi.T at lak. vl. u (In .
!(. I . I'".' Notice I hereby i;l ell that III
compi la u c i it li t he pr.o ilioix i.l the a. t ol
. June . I. Ih'.x, entitled "All ail lor I lie ialc of
, I umber Unix lu the Matri of 1 1 1, .r u la . nr.
i Kou. Nevada, and W Hilton I errllori' " ax
J eslellded ti all the PuMli -land Mai. by . t
1 of A iimuiI I, lxt'J. Ihe foll.oilni; .r...ii. have
I thlx day rtled tu tin oltlce tlo-tt xaorti xtale
i ini iila m u It :
Pralielx M Mlll. r.
to I. a xe V te w. ( oil lit V of lake. xl.' of Itr.k'.ill, xfK'.tnelit No b'. b-r t lo- p'l ri lm.-- ot
1 tile . Sh',. SK1, N t.'t. S.-e .11 alel NW,
I -c II 1 IT s fl 1 V. V M.
j 11. Thai. 1 haly.
of lakeview, county of l.n t.-xtate of l ir.-if.iti .
' IH urn xtrt ti lllellt N.i pi.'.' lor the purehMM. of
I the V. .Sm' N 1 i, SK', and s i, N K'. .. ..I
! 1 .17 s la L W M. I
I William I' Hertford
f f l.akevow, i-i.uttiy ol lake, xoitc ol I ir- ic.ii
j smirtl xtalelllellt No 'lolU f..r the pnreha I I he
t SK'.. s.-e M T s K I K. atol K1 . NK', e
I :t I .;- S li la K W VI.
Thomax V Hall.
! of l.akev lew . coil lit y of la We. xtate i (lr.-if.ui
i ion xlatetiielit No Pdl for th" purilooH ol
I tlo- W , N t. N W ' .mi '4 .see 1. an. I NK, NK
!, -e, 4 T. K IX K WM.
I hut Ho y H III offer proof to xhnw that the
I lau.l xoiiKht ix more valuable t.r it timber or
jxtotiethau for axrrh-iilf oral onrpoxex and to
I exlabltxh their claim to xaid land the
Keaixler and Keeetver (d till" otllee n Lake-
vl , tiretioii, on Krlday the '.'"th da of Man h
Tin v name a wit nexe : Manuel J "war. .
Franr'ix M Mtll.-r, Bernard ial M illiam I'
Iferv iord, I houiaa V Hall, nil . I l.ak" n vt , ( ip -
A uv and all ronx claiinliij adversely the
above-ilexertbed land- are re.i ile.le-1 to file
their l lilllti in thlx oltlee on or b.-lore "aid i7lh
day of March, l.a'.:.
janl.'. K. M. BKxrrviv. Ki Kl-'. r.
U hen the cloud break and we hp the aim.
It titakex one think thai prlug haa come.
V little xnow xioriu now and then.
Keiulnd ii it I March attain.
.1.1". P.cnI litis Ini-ii (tilti. Mli k Hie
pilsl Week,
.1. . I .( iff I lis w ns 1 1 if f ( mi Will'.
Iirr I'l ldnx .
Ii dill Held w as 1 1 1 fit mi New I'llic
t'lt-ek 'I'liesiliiy .
Aaitiii I'lrks caini' lii fiiiiti Oonkeil
t peck Xjillirdity.
Hel t Ktn-d entne up frtiiti New I'llie
t'ltN'k Nuiiti-dnv.
Mi-shim, It, '., . .1., fiml fioti. '.
tit lilmnll, tif lliu k Cher I'nlls,
Minn , were tntnsiti tlliK liunl Imsl
liesM In l,nki lew Mniiilti v.
II. I'. l.IHiicsl, who Iiiih Ih-cm
spcinlliii; Ihe wlnler hi I '( nl In in I ,
ii liii Hid tu ,nk- low 'I'tieMibty, up.
t iiiiipiiiilcil by I rniik l.linliilil.
W'c W civ lllbilllleil tluil there In It
scitrllv (if liny IIiIiiiikIihiiI tlic ciiiin
ty Mini Unit tln price Iiiih unite up tit
ftlH-r tllll. HII,VtllC I'.Xpl-CSN.
Another (if tlnixrt pnpnlur d iiicea Nut
tirilnv liliihl at Hiirry'a hull. I vetylaidif
tico. A. (inmlde. tif Ihiltitli. Wh., invileil.
nrrlvcil in l.nkcvlcw mi Siiiulnv.
Mi'IiiIntm nf (lux Hcpulill. on ciiiint
ceo trill t-tiiiinilt Ut hIiuiiI'I rend the
cull fur n meet In In until her ruin inn
nnd K'tvcni t hcinselv cm iiccnrdlni;ly.
W. M. tl'NIel. rcprcHclitlno; (he
Sliiinlniil l 111 ( ii , nnd . II, Ih vin,
ivprewiit Iiik the ( 'nllfi iip In W'lni-r.v,
renislcrcd nt Motel l.nki vl. u Mmi
It leiN W Ini W ImIi to plnli . t their
iIon fiiiiti the tlnu pi iUi itii l' have
11. A Hawkins was In ft, mi th.- Uliir,,., t .r ,,,MM (,, prevent Ihein
k saw mill i. in- dav I . i -1 fr p, klo up Ntia.v plot ex. . ,f puis.
( died incii I .
HaiT.v I lalet on U pnl I in-; a porch ,.,r M.i w ell, w I o w .n M I '.u l .
to l.i- rixiieiic Si.tilh Ih-wex ,,,,n m,, i.,nih no for
""'' ' llloillc.ll I rea I men I . Ih li pi H I. d I o lie
( ieo. I i inn, lite l'nilcy iini'i li.i nt , Iinprov I114. ami iioA a .....ili..n
was in l.akcviow ' on land with I.IIi-ih" I'iaiio loti.e.
'"'"i"' " I lutvo 11 i.l line dried p a. 'he nl ti
,. 1. 1 , , i , . 1 1 colli" l-ci p Hind at t hunt Ki'.l.t it.iiil by
.1. I'o.Uoti ami Irw in ak. tt.lil i v Mil..n.
Twenty con plea wauled nt ll.e aia ial
tliinctt SitltiiiUy 111 hi at l.itrrv'a hall. j
Tom Mulkcy nnd I'rniik I'nxlon
cnine In (nun lln desert Saturday.
A Hon was litirn to the wife of I'.
I!. I iilcheral I t. I'.l.l w. ll on the Mb.
The Ini. ni;s comliicted liy He v.
Sm.x tin-continue to draw many m-o
t I'ooke.l I
of Adi-l. were in town I'lldav on !! If "lit! Sani .
html liii-.iin-.-v io. Mi keixiii. tt lio Ini lin n Mir
l; iim lo'l ktnvox nt.d cntlerv of c liitf some land alioxe l'aili v for
Ihe past few w cc k. en mc do w 11 M 1 iti -
all kiiol ut Set. iiiinck ' tin l.i'inK aula
nl yre.ttlv ro'.iiicd price M'
$25 the season
Good pasturage for mares from a distance at $i.5o per month.
Sfecial Terms will be given for the service of either of the above
.Stallions to a number of mares upon application.
Ii. W. FARROW, Lakeview, Oregon.
TiMiii K land .notice.
f'tii- -1 State I. and nrflee. l.aWetiew, O'
flee r, P"-'.'. Notice 1 herebt if I Vfll that III
i:ompl:ancc with the tirotlton of tie-aitof
Jlllie I. IXTa. elltllled "All act lor the ale of
timlH-r ;ai.l In the si at ex of i alitor u la. Oregon.
Nevada and Waxhlnwioii territory " ax extend
ed to all Ihe Public I. and Stale by ad of Au
n-d 4, li.e.'. the .ollowillif peroux hate thix day
fTled 111 lll'h .dtlee their xworil latellli It :
Carrie V. l.undy,
of Bly. eo'intv oi klainath, Mate of Oreiron.
NW-orn xtatement No P'-l tor the purehax.- of
NW 1 , swt, s.c i.l, Ni sh'4 and NK1, HW See
UT:Mrt K 17 I M.
Irt In T Anderxon,
of Bly, county of ktamath, xtate of Ori'ipm,
xworn xtateiiietit No It'.Ta tor the purchaxe of
the w'i NW4, SK', Nw'4 and NW, sW, See
T I.'. S K 1'. W M.
Oxear T Anderxon.
of Bly, county of klamath, xlati- of Oreifon,
nuorii xtatement No Ito'J for the purchaxe ol
IheNil NK'4. sM4 NK'. andsK', Ml1, Sec a
T:S R I'iK W M.
Carrie II t'axebeer,
of Bly, county of Klamath, xtate of Oregon,
xworil xtatetnetit No 1ihii for the t.tirehaxe of
the N Wi, and IV, N'K'-4 sec u T ; s It 15 K.
(.vuiuton N Anderxon,
tii Bly, r.iunty ol Klamath, atate of f Oreifon,
aworti ftateiuetit No 17P2 for the purchaxe of
tlu.- N'UN'K'., Kll't, NK'i ami NK'i NK '4Sec tl
T:CH ft l ' E W M.
Thai they will offer priatif tu nlmw that the
laud Koufrht Ix more valuable for lla tliiila-r ur
atone ttian for aKri(uiltural puriaiaea ami to ea
tabli-h their claim to aaid land la-ftin- the.
ki'ifixtt-r and Keeelver of thlx oltlce on Wed ilea-
day- the 'i-'jili day of March, I'xtl.
Thev nani aa witneMaea: Char
Irvln T A nderxon. Oxcar T Ankerxon, yultiten
name aa witneaaea: Charles W Kmbody,
United Hlat.-x Ind fir!. -, Lakeview OreKon.
Martli 17. Pl. Notice ,x hereby K'veii that
Jamex . Iiodv.n of Ad. 1 (iri-Kn, ban lied no
t.ce of iiiteinioii to make proof ori i.ix desert
land claim No for the K'i N K'4 N.'j SKji
Wi fcK'i ti- T :if S, it M K, W M, befori
'.lie lli-Kixler and IP ( civ r at Lakeview Oregon
'in Knday the 'lt!i day ol April, Hi:
nainea tbu follow intf witnexxea to prave the
complete irriation an 1 reclamation of aaid
laud: W.Z. Moxx and . . I.olf i .o of Lake
vtew OrcKon, and John l.offnik and li. K. I oojajr
of Ad"i Oreiion.
Mch 1S-11 K. M. BK ATT A IN. B.-irixter.
ri AI, rROOK
Ldinl OHice at Lakeview ((rciioii. Marcli LI,
1'J.i:;. Notice i hereby given thai '.be lollow
iliir iiaiued aettler liaa filed notice, of hia inleii
lion to make final proof in Kupport ol hix claim
and that xaid proof will be made before the
Rejriater and P.ecelver at Lakeview (ire(oii, on
May 1, viz: tieorie H. I'billipH II E No
or the K , HW4 Kef ' Tp 40 . H -a E, W M .
Uu name the follow iii( witnexam to prove
n contiiiiioua rexideiice upon and cultivation
ol aaid land, vim T. B Wakefield ol Warner
Lake Oreiton, J. I'. Dodxon of Adel Oregon and
I-. M. Martin and William Miileroi Warner
ltiW- E. M. BKATTA IN, Kegixter.
The fJnk'on Si-mi-Weekly Journnl, a
Democratic iicwbijuimt, ever fair and al
wiy. free; copies in on y -ar for only
(I &) to any addresw. The Journal, I'.
t Box 121, I'crtlaml, Or.
Lulled Statex Land OHice at Ijiket lew. Ore.,
lice 44, Nom e la hereby fv-ii that in
coiiipiiaiice witn the proviHioux of I lie act of
CoiiKrcxx of June :i, 1x7. entitled "an act for
the xale oftiuilicr landx in the xtatex of Califor
nia, Ort-Koii Nevada and in Washington Ter
ritory" a., extended to all the Public Lan.
htalex by act of August 4, Wi. th- followiiiK
perxonx hate filed in thia office their xworu
Malciiichtx town: -
Fred K. Kixher
ol Lakevli w . ( ouitty of lke, Stab- ol (in Kon,
aw orii xta:eiin-nl No 17u!i for the purchase of tin?
hw '-J tie J i. li !i xe J4 and t- :t . ;4. xec 17, tp H'J
h, r Jti e, v. in.
William ft. Heryford,
of Lakeview', county of Lake, xtate of Oregon,
Hworn atateiiient. No. 17 Jo for the purchaxe of
Ihiiu !, mv i n J-4 nw i, in;ii 17, and lie t-4' uu
'4 aec 1, tp .s'l. a, r It. e m.
Jamea II. Heryford.
of Lakeview, county of Lake, xtate of Oregon,
xworu atateiueiit No. 1711 for the puichuxu of
the Ii w . aee 21, ti,:W u. r 10 e, w in.
That they will offer proof to ahotv that the
land aought la more valuable for itx timber or
atone than for agricultural puriioxcx and lo ex
tabliah their elaitux to aaid land before the
Hegiaier and Keceiverof thlx office at Lakeview
Oregon, on Monday, the mid day of March I'xi.i.
T oey name an wileexxex: Jaiuex Ii. Heryford,
Kred 8. Kixher, Willlain K. Heryford and C. h.
I'arinelee, of Lakeview , Oregon, and Aliiion N.
I.apham.fl Vlxlilllx, Oregon.
Any and all pcraonx claiming adverxely the
above dexi tibed landx are re. nested to lile
their claluix in thia oltlce on or before xuid Z-id
day of Mar Ii, 1W.1
Jati. i M. BaarrAiN, Ki-niater.
N Amieraoii. Carrie II t'axebeer of illy, Oregon,
John J f.'urack, Kernvtlle, nr., John Killer,
Mold Hill, Or.. Oliver rtllfer, Ariel, Waxliington.
Any and all peraonx claiming adverxely the
above (lexer 1 bed landa are rciuiatd lo file
their claiu.xln trill office on or before laid tlAtt
day of March, luuil.
jan 16 l JC Brattaixi Kcgliter.
United Statea Uml Office, Lakeview, Oregon,
Lecinlx r 9, VAll. Notice Ix hereby given that lu
compliance with the provlxlonx of the act of
June :i, H7M, entl.leil "An act for the aale of
timber laudH in the State of California, Ore.
gon, Nevada, and Waxliington Territory," aa
extended to all Public I-and Hlatea by act of
August I, In'.'.', the following perxonx have thia
day tiled In thia office their xworu atateuieula,
lo- wit:
I). Burt Bryan
of Brecki nridge, county of Wllklna, atate of
Minnexota. xworu xtatement No liMii for the e .t
xe 1 . ace 17 and c 1 v ne '-4 ( 4. lp . t 1ft e w in
will ham Dieta,
of Wabp' ton, coumyVif itlchland, atateof North
liakotu, xworu xtatement No 1047 for the pur
ciiHxe ol th- xe ( , see m, tp :v a, r I'l e, w in.
Th'itnax Lawrence New Ion
nl Breckinridge, eouniy of wilklu, xtate of Min
nexota, aworii xliiteliiell t No 10IH for the pur
chase of the lie 1 aec at, tp: a, r III e, w tu.
l.ustav Wuhner
of Breckenridge, county of Welkin, xlate of
Minnexota, xworil nt a lenient No II. Ill lor the
purchaxe of the r'i of 0 ' ec V!H tp 3H a, r III e.
w m.
That they will offur proof to allow Ilia! the
laud sought ia more valuable for lla Umber or
stone than for agricultural luirpuacH and to ex
tal lixh their claim to xald landa before J. W,
llamakcr I'. I oiniiilxsloncr at KlaiiiHlh Kalla
Oregon, on Saturday, the 2lxt day of March,
'J hey name ax wlineaxea: Owen T. McKcu
dree ol tlele, firegou, J. E, Htcvfiixon of Bonan
za. Oregon, and Thoinaa i Newton, (itiatav
Wehner, H. Burt Bryan and Wlllhaiu IleU, of I
Breckenridge, Minnexota.
A ny and nil perxou ulalniing adverxely the
ahovc-dcxcrihcd laudxare re. nested lo llletlielr
( laimx in tins otlite on or before aald 2ul day
of March. I'.XJI.
Jan liri K. M. Bhattaim, Kcglxtcr.
In.V, uml Is I iui U I ii sonic .l:tla of
I lit work lie lias In-i-ii lining
Tlic K lit tun I li I'nlls city election
I'csllllcil lis tollowa; 'll'lle I ccx, A.
IoiiIh. i;. ii. limit. J. it. i it ii 1 1 it s'l I ,
V. T. Sliivc Hint I'riiuk Wn rd . rcconl
cr, I'l'od Si Imlli M k ; In-iisiircr, f 'iil.
.1 . W . Sli-lnclls.
W in. I 'liuLiis of I lul I . k I. mini Ii
I olllllv, Inta Imi II MWIinlcil till- Coll
I I'll! I to I Il 1 1 1 1 n lieu I.l . Ii- lu ronx
I In- K l.t inn t h 1 1 i r n I Kcim. for ?1
(UNI, nlno lo l'cinlr I In- WiNoll lil'lilyc
l.oiiio l.oiiiliolil Is iniitlny; ti. mi on I .in, ilu-r for tl,7..
a.l.lilio.uo ti,.-l nilm. l. I.i,ii,y oc, Wlll. M.fonimek i,. son. W. K.
cii.i.-. l.y.l. Avlniiii.ele. Mi l oi'iiuu k. mm w ,. fr.,.., I'nls-
W.ll. limr ami torn in Invitnl i,.,v last l-' Mr. M. loriiuu k
Wfi-c up fr tin- llarr ranch Is low t was on hU way lo San l-riuu Isc, for
New I'ine t li-eU Ttlesdax . u t w lliolil lis ' v Isl t , w here he iroes
Wiul uml select trintniiiiKH wlicn 1 ,,,r u""',l ,,f I'l allli-
A lilst roiu Itort' in- ifii nl-4 i;ei lien-,
'J h y Inn f itlitii) self leil lint?. 1 1
W. I:, t iilnijiil in an. I .1. Smith of
I'oll la ml. reulslefeil al 'Ihe Lake
View Siittii-ilav .
.1. X. al-o cnine down from
Paisley and sn-nt seveinl (la.t s In ,
Ijtkcvietx last week. !
'. ('. Hoc, a S,in I'ranclsco 1 1 . 1 1 1 . . r
dl'lllllllier was ililc- icw lim l.ake
vletv tleitlel-s Sal ill da .
Mr. uml Mr. Harry llalley enier
laiueda 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n -1- of friends at I'lni;
poll.; I.t-l I riday nuhl.
.on Schiiikle, of the hard wan
house of Shawl '.a teller Co., Sacra
llicli to. was here MolltlaV.
If yon want to keet wurin this win
tor t-et yimrst-lf wn f that warm tin.
rl -rwi-nr at Si hininck'M. f iml cutuo
iirsi ncrvni. tc
.1. S. Kriiiec reprvsent Inr; ,. . '(,ii
o(illuis & 'o.. Itulher ii in I Imi'iiouM
II. T. 'arrol, repn-senl lim 'I'liomp-1 , , ,t. . ....
i denier of Sacranu nl o, pnd ( '. J. I lam-
iiiith repivMciitliikt .M. S. I'.rnndeii-mU-Iu
& '., ti-HM uml coffees, San
I'r.tualHfti, wt-rv lit r last Thursday
lakln; many or tiers.
.Notice tlu nilvertlHt-nifiit In this
HOII-llis I inpleiiielit lo., Sac la -ineiifo,
was hen Monday.
('.('. Snider has tss-n coiillned In
his room for several (lays from an
uttack of stomach Iroiilile.
Hdw. 1 1 a rl .i n, nut of the Nfw
I'llie Crts-k literchaiitH wns dolui;
ImihIiipsh In I.nkevlcw- Sut unlay.
That lurire tlisphiv of cro"kcr and
KlasBware al Sclitninckx) in faat disap-
H'ariiiK. llettcr n.aku your H(lictinn
s-fnre it iH all gnni. WI
Absolutel Pure
lsHU'of tin cekbin teil horMt I'll in rose,
that will make flu fonilug mciisoii In
I.uktvliw. Ilorsciiien wlit) desire (ho
Hcrvlcctt of one of the lM.Ht horses pver
lironuli tt J.nkf county, should
ttVllll tllCIIIHflvcM f HllMllppOlfUlllty.
Mr. Cniiii' llit mult' liuyer piiMMPtl
IhrotiK'li AltuniM tht first of tin
week, with a crowd of vi-queroH, ami
vhh taking a liuiich of 4.1 mules to
Ihe lower country market, Hays the
Xevv Km. He piii'chnsed lliciu In
SiirprlKe valley, ami they wi re a line
lot of li nl inn Ih.
Mcn'a ilrcHH MiiitH, wtirkiiiw; niifH, Hack
HiiitH; a lii lino to select Irnni at
Stthiiiiiii k'ti, Coino Parly if you want
to inuko a Kootl Bclectiun Wi
The lot foiiiierly occujilctl liy the
old I.nlicvli'W IIoiiho whh tniiiMfeirt'tl
last week to ( has Uinliacli, uml that
portion occiiplVil by tin Iteliitrt
liulldiiiK was purchased liy S. V.
Itehait. The lot I'xteliilM liack to
tilt' alley. A.vivm & ScliliiKel will
least' t he lot they now occupy, uml
will not initvp their saloon as Intend-etl.