LAKR COI NTY EXAMINER, LAKE VIEW, ORBOON, MAR. 1 9, 190.1. 0 X - y local Ijappcnlnoo Goto In pnraornplw M. I. Hicks was In from ('rooked ( 'reek In m t Thursday. A. N. I.npliam of Ylxtllllx, mum ii Lake view vlxltor lllMt TIlltrHilllV . Ml MM Ji'XhIi' ClllllllH tl'l lll'lll'll ImhI week to Iht Iioiih' nt IC im I lit- WiimI'. A it I'lM-nrt'Hi timiiiiH'r fur .'flli'i i. tic iH-hcri in iiikMi Myrnr iri(i- iiiHiitiint'iuriiitf rnun-Mi HulMiy Uti'' llmi'linl I . 1 1 m r r m.iiilli rttrn i n 111 in in-(mm mni 1 k 'M 1 11 . 1 1 vi II iiitilri"! 1 111I Inm milt ki-i 1 1 r I f v r'iiirrl. II'-. I nf rif i-rcnr. A ' I ' I r . MnnnKi r I'. II. Iln .'l.'l Man Y unu i. (Hill. HI Light tV HlllToW have decorated till llllll'l xuloilll WllulllWN W llll MOUIC r i IK- ml 1 ; 1 1 1 1 1 x K cui'lulnx Mrs. S. T. 1'itlvln rinni' I 1 fruiii I In l'nllu in 1 1 1 1 'I liiiihcln v mi a till t with In r daughter, Mix. I'. '.. liar- tlx. A, M. Smllli anil w 1 f . wen1 up (ruin New l'luc n ek luxt TJiurx.luy. Mr. Nun) h brought up a wagon loud n( lllli' bacon In made Ian! fall. A hiii' 1 1 1 1 u ' 1 1 y nf wla-ky i lik 11 tine 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 v hi nnvtliini i-li-f. Ii cnxiH h llttli- Im.le, (ml Imtliiiik I" K'Mi'l for lia An.i'i u niiH. Inrifl i'ii I. living Ji-km-Jim. ii'" Uln-ky. Afk JuiiiiiiitiIimI Maxter Kmui llartla rami- up from Kcihi luxl week with W, A. MaMii. gill, inn.' Im vixlting uilli hi uncle mni unit Mr. nii'l Mix. It. ('. Kcbmliick. Tin' Silver l.aki Itullltlii In tin latent Journullxtlt' effort. W 111. 1 1 ! I -it ami W. A. Hell mv the publishers. It In very nrat mni well 1 1 1 I . mni IhhUmum (hough It come to stay lllllll tin' tllllUT l III! gone, at IciiHl. W li..r li 'ii A S 111 1 1 Ii 'h I'tilace rout Inlle to U' ilii Hiiiilnr ( lull riH'in. 1( vim r liM.k ihk (r it 1111111 yim wiil likely lii (I llllll III till I'llllll'l'. (il'olt' UI'll ll'llt mIw hvn treat llii'ir r iim Hrll. Latent H'i i' iilii ii In. l'rivulu i luh room, )'.' l( X. Line was iivcr from Warner at tending to Koine laml IiiihIiichh hiNt Week, MaJ Maya the dust wuh blow ing w lii'ii lie lf t . lait In aw none on tin way over. Hecncountcivd snow ni-arly tin entire dlxtnixv, nrnl In Camus pralrlr it Im quite ilii'p yet. Kllliitt Lxoiih. tli murderer of Slirrlff W, W. Withers 4 Lane coun ty, HUH M'Utt'llCcd .'it LllgCIIO ll.V .Indue lla'iilltoii lo Ik- hanged on Irfday. April 17tli. Tin- trial of Lyons, lasted only two ila.VM, ami the Jury (li'llU-rnti'il only a fi'w min utes Ixfore returning their verdict of k'iU'.V of inunliT In tlicllrMt iIckiii'. Jin kmin Sipiaro in 0110 of the famoiia iKalitii'" of N"' York. I'lio "JHi'kmm SqiiMiu" in Iikt-vieiv in aim nf the turn tioH nickel ciitHrn wiliI ecluxivtl)' ly Alii Ktrom HroB. TliiH llrm mIho Iiuh t-xclu Bivn nale of the f rnnrunl "liiHlructora ;" alnu currii'H tliu ever fmnoiiH iicliiiont. !in Kcpn-Hi'iitiitlvc WllllmiiHon ami Forincr ItcprcHcntatlve Mooily wcii' HHHincd oil 11 vlnlt to tint Inillaiiolflci' at WaHhln;t on on Sat unlay Mcli. 71 Ii, that ut tin-1'inl of the year AtMit ). I'. ApplcKatc would Ih cnntliiiicd In chnrgc of tin Klamath Indian Agency, only IiIm tltlo would Ik I'hanuri'd from AKcnt to Superintend ent, and tho Hillary will Ik the name II H tM'folV, An olil-fiiHhioiied toildy either hot or cold in n (jrent drink il Hindu of .Ichhh Moiimi WhiHky. A little tnntur, 11 little water, then tho pure ntulf ".lent-e Mooru" Whinkey. Jiiiiinierlhal keepB it. tieo. M. .Joni'H of ralwlcy, wan ut "UlH,U" .Mm 1'oHtcr'H Siiinmcr Lake farm 0110 day hint week, miyn the PohI, and ivporln liavlnu: w ltncHned Iho lnanufactiiri' .if p'liiiltio maple ny nip l.v "Aiinlle" FoHter. Tho nr llchf Ih homi' production; the maple IreeH grow In (he front yard at the ToHter lioine, mid were tapped re cently mid Mr. JoncH wiyH they are "running" nicely. The My nip, Mr. .Ioiich MayM, Ih of unexccllent quality, 11 h "Auntie" I'onter Ih an expert on maple Hyrnp mid the raw material wan of the liest. Imii'I It, ah. ml time Nome one Wan .11 - . .... iiixcovi riiijf a row mine in-re aiioutn. TIiIiih have Imiii ultoK't her too ipilil In that Hue In Nil'. The IiiihIiii'hn men of Anlilmnl mi M pi If on I Home time auo nfi'id to clime their placi-H of IiIIhIui-hm lit l o'clock every eieiilny. They have found that they had done JiihI uh much IiumIikhm, ami tin pulillc Iuih not Imi'H I11r1.1m and It. Ih quite HatlMfactoiy to all couccriied. The hyuleiilc craze U hoIiir to ex. tri liiH. I'.y onliiiaiice In Neiiark, X .1., a liarlM-r may not l.loiv the hair cllpplucHfrom a ciiHtomer'H 1111 k w it I:- out Vk Iiik milijcct to a line. AiitUi'i lie tootliplckn are a. I vert Ihc.I l.y a him II New York n-Hiaurant. Cach Is in M parale i rapM-r nud liolh tin polnlM liave lieen treated wll Ii a (ferill- di'Miro.i lntt preparalloti. Kinlinky I'tiv.irile Wlil-k v uhMci-I mni Ih'xI. riu f u hi 1. h ifcciiiiicinl it I'oct K il.if . liealern In inohalr mv 011 the uroiind from the ICant for the pur- pow of luiylliK up the Oregon crop of mi:!, which will lie on the market next mouth. Mohair Ih largely the product of the Willamette valley. mid the crop of laxt year muoiiiiied to Iihi.ihhi p.iumlri. it h cllpH'il from the liackx of the Angora Koatn la Maicli. ami the market om'im thin year at -i centn M-r pound. June- 1 1, hi I 'll v Time. SuHpciidcr, lial and other furnixh iiiK'x al S haiiiicka are l.eiiit: cluwd out rHpidly at end. A man had u niack ul Silver dol hllM. When lie htacked tliem III (wo pili'M he had one left over. Me Htiu,k- ed them In three pik'H m rne left over. Hp tiled ?tiuklhs them In four pile, with the Hiituo tohiiH. Wlien he nlilde live pllcn he iiIho had due left over. He tried xt licking them In xlx different plIcH ami xilll one wax left over. When he made Kcven pili'M of tledolla'-H he found they came out even. Iloiv many dollarM did he ha ve'.' Ex. I'lixt tV KiliK are now receiviiiK hi in v.ii. i x fur their winter trade. All the linext l.rHU.lM of li.pii-iirH and ciaiH are kept there. I'oxt t Kinit furiuxh the home uiih the U-xt drumta for medicin al purinxex. 4ll-tf Here Ih an editor who Iiuh come clime to hittiiiK the nail on the head. He hii.vh: "The ni'WHpapi'r Held Inn wide Held, and full of roncH ami thorax. When you roaMt the preacher the un godly Minlle; when you roant the un godly the preacher MinlleH. If you roant the xaloun man the teetotler HinlleH; w hen you roiwt the tetotlir the niiIooii man MetH 'em up. If you Hiveur you are a w icked man, and If you pray yon area hypocrite. If you have an opinion you wt cuhhciI and If you don't have any you mv a non entity. MoMt people know 11 threat many tlilnx; the JournallHt Ih expect ed to know everything." Cyrim Xohle Whixkv tho old cham pion and alill chainpion of them all. I'Ht'il in all tirxt-claxH plnces. Axk for I'ryux Nohle caxo itkxIh w hen yon want a uood limp at home. S7 tf. Catn mv no numerous In I.nkevlew, that tho average cltlwn has become ho acciiHtomed to them that they rail not even tell tho color of the felines If they had junt obnerved one or more la their playful aiitU'H. We have catn of all coloi-M of the rainbow In Iwtkevlew; MalteHO catH, yellow cats, Hpotted catn, gray catn,; cats without any ears or tnllH, catn that have tenor voices and cats wIUiWhh volceH,.biit a cat with a palo voice and clad In a coat of fur of bright red, attracted Homo attention tho other day. A clone observation and Inquiry dlHchmed tho fact that this cat makes Its bed In a barrel of dry red mineral paint, mid hcciiih to think that Its new abode Is just about the right thing. MPW nnOHQ Continually arriving and arc sob 1 d V V 1JJ LO at Bed Rock Prices. Will ex change for Barley Wheat or Flour. & & & & ' & & DRY GOODS Shirt Waist Patterns Ladies Facinators Novelties e Ladies and Misses Underwear Ladies and Misses Hose Velvets and Laces at Kid Gloves GROCERIES Crockery and Glassware Mens Felt Boots Mens Rubber Shoes Ladies and Misses Shoes Mens Boots and Bootees Boys Caps and Hats Boys Clothing Tne Best Goods and the Lowest Priced Store in Town ...C. U. SNIDER... t V T f f f V V i THE LAKE COUNTY EXAMINER THE LARGEST AND BEST NEWS - PAPER IN SOUTH EASTERN OREGON $ 2.00 PER YEAR JOB - PRINTING - - si LATEST DESIGNS LOWEST PRICES WE - GUARANTEE SATISFACTION