Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, March 19, 1903, Image 5

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BWMHonal local
Curl ItiMiiio wit over from I'IiimIi
Frank Wllmiiiatnl wltV wen'lnfroin
Cx Cnt'k Monday.
IjMki'vlow ini'Monti'il a lively up
Naranrn Matiinlay. Many pt-nplc
wen- In town HlioppliiK-
H. M. Follctt, pimtmaMlor ami un-r-chant
of New I'lni' t'ro-k, wiololn;r
liiiMlnrMM In Laki'vlfW lax( I'rlcti.v.
A II. WllllaiiiM fit tin liarncMM and
Ji-ntlitT hour' of L. I). Ktone, Sin
l'"r(i)i'Mcii, wan In I .like v If w yi-MtT-lay.
At tin' Marrli term of County
Court of Klamath county, tin- hiiiii
of $! win alliMvrd for rabbit
Tln Iok pulHiiiicr Inn aKiiin hIiowii
IiIm haml, ami in a ri-Hiill m-vcial
fiinliii' vcn fiiiiiiil iliwul lnt Friday
Frank MiiMurnvi' law accepted a
clerkNhlp at Ayrvr. Whit w orth &
AyiW Htore. C. II. Diialap lutvlnn
rcHlKiicd that imimIIIhii.
The MIhwh F.tta ami Nettle Via
yard, who have Imvii tiwulilti the
Lake City ncIh ol wen' hen-the llrnt
( the wivk yimIIIiik with I hell mImIit,
Mth. Kltlini Wiimli-m-k.
Mark Miinravc wan In from the
Itehart rancliSatiinlay. Mark hii.vh
ln liitciidx nM iilnu' up IiIm Hiilplmr
liatliM Noiith of town. Iy April InI,
ami h prcparlii); to lit up a w . unite
n iiniiilii tank for the special uw
of luilii-N.
W. II. Shirk returned from a I.iih.
ikxh tu Klamath lull Sunday.
Mr. Shirk kii.vh that niiltlili-lit e lilenee
hax Ihcii fniind to ciinllriu the huh
pli Inn that the recent tin- at Klam
ath I'iiIIh wiih of lucemllary origin.
It Ih ihiw lip to the nlllrluN to -ap-
t ure t he culprit .
Tliv LakevleW At hlel Ic Inlr Ih pro-1
grennlng. and III hooii Im fully equip
ped. The treafiiry hax accumulated
ahoiit $7."i. and Home new parapher
nalia han Imi ii ordered. Among the
new llilngH w ill ! a horizontal liar,
parnli ll liai'H, piiui hlng dug, and LH
hc In of diiuili IicIIh, rangltig in weight
from 1 to JO pound.
In hI'iiiiI three weekH ll.e Mmuiurnin
will hiive 11 lull line of 1 .allien himmIh.
Sni.ii'ihitik' new in IhCch and triininiiiK.
AhUtnmi UroM. U
The roadH leading into Lakevlew
are m-v pad. When the miiow 1h--
gliiN to nidi In the liioiintaliiH and
II reek h run full, then lookout for
many waxhoiitM along the roadw.
Uoad HiipervlMorH Hhoiild Ik n-iuly
for the Hprlng thaw, uh a little atten
tion at the right time may prevent
nevere dauiagi' to their road.
It Im exH t-l that the Itepnlillcan
county central commit toe Nvill Met
the date for the county prlinarlcH
on Monday, March IWMh. Thecoiinty
Convention will prohalily iH'netfor
Friday, April 3d. TliU will give
amjile time for the dclegatoH elected
to the CongreMHlonal convention to
rench I'.np'iie by the Hth of April.
The Iregon delegation Iiiim united
In recconiemllng John W. Kiiow Ich,
of La S ratal', for KeglHter and Ahii
IJ, ThonipHoii, of Pendleton, for Re
ceiver of the La tirnndo Jjimd Olllce.
A. S. DivHier, of t)regon City, unan-
InioUMly i-eccomended for KeglHter f
thp Oregon City Land Otllco. John
H. Daly, of Henton County, Iuih Imvii
nominated by the Prenldent an Stir-
veyor-tieneral of On-gon.
'Two Htrangera arrived in Alturiu
hint Tnenday Miiyn the Mew Km, Hew
around and procured a Heeiine, then
' How t the cliainlH'rn if the HUjK'rlor
court and by Hon. Judge. linker
1 were united In the holy bondn f
matrimony. Upon a little IuvchII
gatUm wo found that their nainoB are
S. J. lloyt of Texan, and MIhm Kohii
ClemineiiH of Keddln. Aftr the
ceremony theHirnilngly happy couple
took their departure for Lakevlew.
(i'. M. J one of I'alnley, ami John
I'artln of Muininer Utki', xNMit ncvitiiI
day In the county m at nl wet It,
Anion"; other tiling they caniedow n
to pay their taxeM. They iiImo ilrop
mi Info 1'lu Fxainlner ofllce to
If the force wan comlucl luu theta
mHvpm In a projMT inauiier, and to
caution the man with the quill not
to overwork liliuwlf.
Ulank forim for clalum for ncrvlccM
rendered In the Oregon Indian want
of 1k.VV1n.VI will Im- funiUlied clalia
miiIm upon application therefor to
the AdJtitauMicncrnl, Portland
tin-Ron. A copy of the act of the
iVkIhIuMv' AmwiiiII,v. Until, author.
UliiK the payment of clnliuM for their
Knldanee and InforuiHtloii. Clilnm
iuiihI Ih- prepared and pn-wiilcil 011
the pri'McllM-d MuiiIim wliUli lilankM
W III lie to Mllfllclently Indicate
the factH which Hhoiild In- ntated.
Mr. F. I". Light came near 1
lug to death laHt Sunday afternoon
hy accidentally ncvcrlng an artery In
her left hand. Mih. Light wiih try
ing to dig Hoiuv lioine inade candy
from a plate with a pair of mi-Immi in,
when they Milddelily mIIik'i and
pierced the palm of her haml. The
lilood Unw ed freely and liefurea phy
Hlclau could 1m-priH'ini'd hIic fainted
away. The lout of Mood wiih coll
nldernlile and had It not U-en Htop
ped within a Hhort time, the n-Hiilt
might have proved fatal. Mr.
Light w ill Miiffer no material Ini-on-Velilelice
from the accident.
The Soul hern iregon Slate normal
School lio dolllit fil-1 Ipllle proud of
11m (rut ill fortune in receiving ho geii
eroiiH 1111 appn iprla I ion iim It I i I at
the hint leglnlatlve wnnIihi. TIk hiiiii
of ?V,.:iii wan ri-celved liy the win in)
iim a iiialntulnauce fund, and mnni
wiih given for the purport.' of putting
up an additional liuilding, to Hiipply
Die iviiilrcmciit of the growing
Hchool. I'lnli-r the maliageiuelit of
1'IVm. 15. F, .Mlllkey, the Ktliool Iiuh
made material advauceiueiit, and it
envlatile reputation tit Mprea.llng
everv vear. Mii'ienir iroia i.aKe
county are well pica mm I with the
w ay It I conducted.
Fur the Information of any voter
w ho may not lie advlm-d lathe mat
ter. It clltl Im- Htated that legal VotiTM
are not reipilti'd to register again
for t lie coining Kpecial conglVH.-ii mal
election in t IiIm district ill .Tune say
the Tiding!. The law provide for
the n gUt ration of voti r only forger
eral eleclloii once In two year.
For t h" coining Hpcclul election to
choline a KtlcccMMiir to the late Col! Tongue, the hint reglKt ri -tluu
I Htlll In force and tliono who
have ulnce tnH'oine legal vott-rr may
exerrlne that right upon the atlldavlt
of nix fn'holderH iim provided by reg-
Int ration blank "A".
Kt Patrlck'Mday wiih observed by
a large iiuiiiIkt of Lakevlew H'ople.
The day wan quite Hprlngllko and
gtvaii rliilMiiiM airoraieii many cum
... . . ... .
lapel. The HrHt apearanct In
public if the new Lakevlew brum
banil waa made on the ntnvt about
.'. o'clock In the afb-rnoon. I he fact
that most of the boyn never had a
horn to thi'lr llpn two inonthr ago.
they did exceedingly well, and their
iiiumIc wiih thoroughly apprrlut'l
by the large crowd of jn'oplo who
gathered on the HtrcetH. The ball In
the evening war well attended, and
everyone necmed to enjoy theiiiHelver
until 4 tu the morning.
L. 11. Strickland returned from
Ager hint Sunday mounteil tin a
beautiful bay Iioi-ho which had been
Hhlpped from the llnggln ltancho
Del Pano, Cal., and will lc added to
the fl no collection of Ihii-hch now at
the ZX ranch In Chowaucan valley,
thlH county. Hrhir Hill Ih royally
bred, and Iuih a nvord an a winner
of niuneroiiH racer In California. 1IU
Hire wiih Imported from Knglnnd. Ah
Lako county alivady has a reputa
tion for rnlMHig race liorneH that
have made wtnid'h recordn, thin ad
dition Ih expected todo much toward
making the county fauioin an a pro
ducer of blooded Iioi hch.
Attiies, Wiiitwortii
iikmi- iit utii moor
fnln-il Hi Hti-a Ijiml (inicc, jki lew Orrxnn,
S'SiS?SSS:pniHK Regaling the
iSSSSS I fUIH I d Statement L
ol April. ,
Id- nmTnn ili' ((ilUiwIn ttniiwi to provw .
tin- iuiiii!rtr irrigation Kii'l ri-rliiillim of j
alii Imi'l: Wlllimn Mo-. nr. ( IiiikI liixon.
Julia tillnun utiJ Clc-in OlUirii all ol Warner
lak, ir-iriiii
MarJi lu E. M. IlRATTAlN. Kelti r.
i hi. li Mr " n.iih-i- i. iien by riwn ibat I" '
I'nlli-'l Slati i linl onici'. Iki'vli-w, OrcKon,
; iiUaiii.'c nil wit prwiitivu" ui me aci ni
Ci.tiKrfw il June n, !?. (ntlili-.l "An ! lur
iLu ml ol limtiT lamia In 1110 Hialvaol Califor
nia, On g..n, Nevada anil III WauiiiKtuii Trrrl
... i.. ,.,l... I in.ll th, I'utilln lttld Stalva.
by art l A 4 WIIIIom A. Miller, ol lk
i lly, county of M. il, it, tat il California, ! i
tliis May niu.i in nil" onire in wirn inn-
k;.. .'.'.I r... I hi, ,.n ri'hMiu. .if I III" A ' - IW I
n , nw'1, W. l ". Kat w m. and wi 1
off. r pr.M.I lo lui Uiat the land wiukIiI In more ; for Im mnlieror mono man lor aKri
I'lillural purpoM-. and to -Malillh hisrlatm to
aid land tM'forc lliv Ki'tclnl'T nd R.i'iver of
llinotliw al l-aki ii.w,ori.tin, on Moinlay. the
HIiiIhvoI April PH. Hi-uaine a itm-i.M :
Mamuid'o t'ri-Ml'.ranii Kffd Martiu ol fdar
vlllf California, Jaiui-a r. Ilnn. of Ad.-I. Or
lloii.aiil ld..n WiHHliiM-k and Morrt WinK
tJ. I'l ol Ijiki-vn-w. on-Koii Any and all per
oii clBlnilnit ailvi-rn-ly Ihi-
lii.l an-ri iii i. d In ! Uo'lr rlaiin in Una
ottn-i- on or b. (ore md smli dayol April.
Jan l.2 t- M. Ilarri. KeuUii r
1 llllfll niacin . sr'r
Nov. l:i. lrj. N.nti eU hereby Klv. n thai in fcj
eoiiipliani-ewllh Hie provmluni. of the act of ,
i oiiKri.of Jimeit, Kit. entitled "An act lor the frj
aali-ollliiilHTUniUin the matet nl California, ; ft, 2
uri'Kon, Nevada and wanlnnKlon Territory," frM
am iitende.1 mall the Hillilic tJnd tal. l.v iu i fS-i
ol AiikuhI , lhf!, the follawtng pernoiiH have
ihUdny filed iu thin oBice their iworu mate
inuiita, to-it: I iV'
CharlefCrew. feJ5
f Uo.,ulam, county ol fhehalla. PlaU' of W anh- JKt
i'litftou twor'n tateincnt No. fl lor the pur-1
icar.-llheSNKU nd N, HKV Kee & 1-
of Aberdeen, county ot I'hebali". Mate of ash- :
Inaton. worn itaiement No. M for the pur
ehaaeuf theN'.NK'. Hec 31 and N, N '
Hec aiT.iWB. R. 14E W M.
Krank Hollinitworth
of New -berry, county of Yamhill, State of O re
gno, aworn alalement No. I MM for the purchase
of theHW .i SVV i. So UK'; Hec,-J9, and
N W ' 4 N K1 , S.-C m3, I AS K 15 E W M .
That they will offer proof to how that the.
land wiUKht ! more valuable for ila limber or
lone than for aitrlcultural iiuriKwea and to en
taliliah their claim to aald land before I . H.
Huh row, I'.K. f omtnlMioncr at Klamath halla
')regon, on Saturday the 18ih dayol April lu.
Tlu-y name an wiinei : William Ix-ck and
t'harlea Crew, of Honulaui, VahiiiKtoii, Jamet
T. ClulwK. ol AWnleen, WhlllKlon, Krairk Hol
IliiKHWorih. of Newberry, Oregon, aud . .
Merrill, ol Corilann, ureion.
Any and all peraotia clnimiiiK adversely Hie
alKive-dewrltjed landa are reiiieted to tile
their claim III Una oftlee on or before aaid
lhth dav ol April, lXM.
Jii.W-4m1 K. M. BhaTTAIN, RegUter. I.AM SOTM'K
V mted 8taUs Ind Oftlee,
lakevlew, Oregon, Jau. 21, ltkM.
Notice la hereby given that in coinpliauee
with the provttoii of the act of t'ongreiia of
JuneS, 1H7H. entllled "Al act for the aale of
timber Units In the States of California. r
gon, Nevada, and Waiihlngton Territory," as
extended to all the 1'uhllo Ijmd Htaies by act
of AugiiKt i. ll'O following p-raons have
Ihtaday HlJd In this office their swum state
ments, to-wit:
Charles J, Anderson,
of Brainard, county of Crow Vt iiijr, state of
Minnesota, sworn statement No 1..I1 for the
imri liKuo of the H', NW. and K, BW4, See 1J
Tu !t!l S, R 16 K, W M.
Klorenee B. Rleal nd,
of Brainard, county ol Crow Wing, state of
MlnucMita. worn iateineut No I7;U for the
purchase of the H1, of H 80 U Tp IB R 1 E.
Henry .1. lleUland.
of Illy, county of Klamath, Halo of Oregon,
swoni i statement No 17.SS for the liurchase of
the N', of NS. '0 IH Tp M 8, H lfi r., W M.
Thai they will offer proof lo shoiv that the
land soiiifht la more valuable for its timber or
lone than for agricultural purponii and to es their ulalin to said laud hcloie J. .
Ilauiakar, U.K. ComiulHioner al klamain hall
Oregon, on Katurday, the th day of Mav IW
Thev name as wllnesm's; Kranklin W. Merrill
of Portland Oregon, C. W. Paul and J. W. Paul
of I'ltiuer, Oregon, Henry J. Rieland of Bly,
Oregon and Florence. B. Rieslaud, aud Charles
J. Auderson, of Brainard MiHiieuita.
Any and all persona claiming adversely the
above described lamU are reiiieNted lo tile
I heir claims In thin office on or before said fth
tiny of May ltl.
Inu i-.i li. M. Bkattais, Ki'tiister.
Florsheim Celebrated Shoes, New
Flour from Choice Wheat unmixed
with other crops, Choice Bacon, etc
New business written in 1901: - $245,912,087.00
Gross assett-s, " - 331,039,720.34
Gross surplus " - 71,726,797.06
Total payments to olicy holders 27,714,621.42
Purine the past ten vearo. the Kqaitable has paid 2(i)5fi,3Sl.t9 in dividends ot
,t8 Pla'ynoliler", which laryely exceeds
pr Company during the same period.
vv a.-A,. j-v. A-.y , .V7- cJV'l. zot.Aym'r.
LEE BEAU., Proprietor
We have constantly on hand a Fine and Complete Stock
of Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumeries, Toilet Articles, Fancy
Notions, Cigars, Etc., Etc.
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded
Agency lor Acorn Stovea and Ranges
Hardware and Tinware
Ijikeview, January, 8th, 190S.
Iear Friends :
We come to you again with tliis personal request (or your trade.
You want good9 we want business. Your purpose is to buy goods right.
Our purpose is to sell you Roods right. It also stands to reason that we
re going to make our prices as low as consistent with good business
judgement, in ordei to interest you, and, as the largest dealers in Lake
view in our line, we can not be undersold on an equal class of goods. The
reasons are many and obvious. First, we buy uioetly direct from factory ;
we buy in large quantities, ship in car lots, and in every -y save you all
the money possible.
Yours respectfully,
WabasH Tourist Car Lines
Lt. Chicago Mondays, 11:0 a n Ar. Boston Tuesdsys 5:20 T M
l.v. Chicago Thursday 11 :00 i u Ar. Boston Fridays 8:20m
Leave Kar.kaii City Kridaysf 20 rM Arrive St. Paul and Min
neapolis Saturday 7:20 F M.
For particulars consult your agent or Address
O. P. Ant., H., Mo. P. C. P. Agt., Los Angeles
& Ayres
Forty Second Annual
the amount paid in divideLda by any oth-
"TV, -
Farming Implement. Wagom, Etc..
raiuta. Oils and Brushes