Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, March 19, 1903, Image 4

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    LAKE UM.H inn hXAfllNOR, LAKEVIEW, ORMON. MAR. I9, 1003.
Pfellafc4 ErfT TrJjr
mMHlc BalMIng
(One Year $2.00
J SI Month. 1. 00
jThree Months SO
M'ih '1 ' mv m m I yr
One Inch..- ill ' ' I? ' I"
Two Inchf 1 IW ' ' " 1 1 1,1 l" "
Thm Inrhe i"! , W If '
auarl.r Column SW; rt IM Jtov V'
all Column '11 I ' ' w
One Column '! l MW l
Central Committee Meeting.
Notice Is hereby given that n meet
ing of the Kepubllenn county central
committer will U held at the Court
house in Lnkevlevn Monday, Mi l',
2Sd. at i o'clock j. in. Ibislness of
Importance Is t W transacted, ami
every ineniler Is requested to lie
W. A. M assiniui.i.. Chairman.
Eugene The Place.
The Republican Congressional com
mittee, representing ho 17 counties
comprised In the FirstCongtvssionnl
District of Oregon, met nt the Ini
iterinl Hotel in l'ortlantl last Thurs
day atul tok action as follows rela
tive to the selection of a Congress
man to succeed the late Thomas H.
Tongue: Nominations will U made
in regular form, by primaries and a
general convention to lie held at
Eugene on Thursday April it. There
shall be 17:t delegates chosen to the
general convention, the basis of rep
resentation licing that of the vote at
the last Congressional election.
County conventions to be 1 it -1 1 not
later than April 4. The representa
tion will be as follows: I'.eiiton 7,
Clackamas 17. Coos n. Curry
Douglas 4. .laeksoii ll Josephine 7.
Klamath 4. Lake 4. Lane 1!, Lincoln
4. Marion i1 I.inn 1:5. Polk !I. Tilla
mook .". Washington 14. Yamhill 11.
Total. 17.!.
Representative Jones, of Lincoln,
who gallantly championed tin-cause
ol IJinger Hermann in the Senator
ial fijrht, was at the meeting, and he
thinks the late lain coinnusMoner
hasa very good show for the nomina
tion for congress. There is no doubt
but what Mr. Hermann is the most
popular man in this part of the dis
trict, and should lie 1' nominated
lie would receive a larger vote than
any other candidate.
Oregonians Make Big Winnir.g.
One of the biggest clean-ups of the
entire rucing season was made at
the Oakland track on Murch loth.
The ' killing" came off in the fifth
race, when Forest King galloed
Lome a winner. He had been hocked
heavily in every book in the ring.
The oening price against this horse
wan .V) to 1, but he was regarded as
Huch a good thing by his Htable con
nections that they were prepared to
accept a much shorter price. The
tip wan general and the price was
cut to :ju, I'D and then gradually
down to 10 to 1. The "bookies"
took more money than Is customary
on a long shot, aw Forest King less
than a week ago ran absolutely last.
There was nothing to the race hut
Forest King. He soon took the lead
away from David K. and won with
great ease by a length.
It is estimated that :i0,(MKj was
taken out of the ring on this race.
It wan averitable field day for Orc-
gonlans and .ortnern people, as
every one from the Webfoot State
seemed to know that Foivst King
waft going to win, and the fact that
1)11 Fountln wan betting on the horse
made numerouH betters, follow him.
Forest King in an Oregon-bred horse,
lsi'ing by Handsome, son of Hanover.
He 1h owned by S. J. Jones, who ran
Misty Morn at the old Hay District
Bookmakers did not take their
medicine with much grace, and there
wa an Indignation meeting after
theraceH, at which the Judges were
roasted for ullowlng such reversals
of form without taking action.
What He Bought With It.
Fw ihrv ! y- "J "n h ,",,r' 0
Ami hor.lcl Blunt (ml iUjr.
I'nitl hl form Mill nd ''.
HI I ! U huwi'il and gray.
For ihrw aeorr yar h tarvcl tiima II
Ami lough t llir bimy ertiw.l
To av a million lnnl to buy
A roffln and a ihrouj
- tlllllrtlll.
(Continued from tirst page.)
Oregon will own one half of the
taxable proorty of the whole State,
and jtcrhaps will have nearly one
half of the population.
I opposed the repeal of the scalp
bounty law with all the seal and
determination I could command.
So much so that I was commonly
dubbed "Coyote' Kintnltt. Hut the
facts are, It was traded, exchanged
ami delivered for the Portage Rail
way on the Columbia river, which
was to bent-tit Portland. Kay of
Marion who said the jieople of Last
era Orvgoii made a business of rais
ing 'Scotch terrier" dogs forthepur
pose of marketing the scalps, was
mutinied that lhcople of F.nstcru
Oregon were equally as honest ill
their vocations as other people oil
the Pacific coast. He was also re
minded, by referring to the record
which shows a decrease of coyote
scalps in Marion county, and that
by reason of his own zealous opposi
tion to the law. It might Is- suppos-
eb that "Scotch terrier farming did
I not pay In Marion county. He was
the same individual who Introduced
! ainl caused the passage of a bill ap
ipropriating J14..VHI to purchase a
I residence for the (ioveriior of i Mv-
j gon, which he oppenly sahl In
(' , I
; not want. Whet her Mr. Kay nveiv
' od a commission f r t he sal
of t hi '
property, or whether It was solely
I in Marion county, or both, would be
; difficult to determine, but he did it.
'and I feel congratulated to know
J that the (iovernor liad the good
' sense to veto the measure.
The Portland Hoard of trad.' as- 1
snmed to dictate to certain ineinls-rs )
from Lnstern Oregon
lloW to Voir
I on certain irrigation measures.
Tli.. '
idea of H resident of the Willaluet tt
vallev assuniing a kiiovlodg
f ..
Thev are in error from the U-gin
, .i . , ,E
lung upon the assumption that la ml
...... ... .
reiUirillg irrigation is unfit for agri- ;
, , , . , . i
cultural imiposes, and the further.
, . I
they proci-d the more erroui-ons are j
their conclusions. When we auk for
a few thousand to bore a limited
number of experimental artesian
wells, and proposed to furnish three
fifths of the expense ourselves, then
they suddenly rememls-n 1 thiit they
are exM.-nding too iniich of the js-o-ples
money and express sympathy
for the poor taxpayer. I mean these
same individuals who bought a resi
dence for the liovernor.
I am glad that Portland did not
get the C. S. Senator, and I will
guarantee that the jieople of Oregon
will never regret the election of Mr.
Kcsp. yours.
It. A. IC.M M I I T.
Colonist Kates
Through Mr. John M. Fulton, D.
F. & I. A., Heno, New, the Southern
I'lu-ific Company announces that
Colonist rates have been put in effect
giving stop-overs at Heno, New, as
New York ?VJ 00
Pittsburgh 4-2 00
Buffalo 41' 50
Chicago :W 00
Peoria ."H 00
Sioux City !'." 00
Omaha -'" 00
Kansas City !'." 00
On deposit of the Colonist rate fare
from any point with Mr. J. H. Will
iamson, agent, Southern Pacific
Company at Keno, New, all arrange
ments can be mailt! ho that parties
In the east can le furnished with
tickets to Keno, ll-l't
Interest Will Stop.
Notice in hereby given that there ii
money in the treasury for the redemp
tion of all county warrantH protected
prior to and including July 7th I'.lOO
liitereHt ot the name will rcHHa from
tliiH date. I.kk I'.kai.i..
10 2t Treasure of Lake I ounty.
Dated at I.akeview, Or., March 11', l'.j:i.
Knowing that you do not want a Dress like
others in the town, we have ordered a complete
line of samples of New Summer Fabrics.
Come and select a Dress or Shirt Waist Pattern.
By taking advantage of this line you can get your
Spring and Summer Dresses, and have them made
early. Our line of Trimmings will be here in time
to use in making the garments.
I inuiKit i.tM mitii :.
1 l ull, il M!r lullil OnW t Laki'llU'W On-Kiil!
Hki.v:ktiho w.
.Imiii.ry. '.'.I. I't.
'.it l.- i ln-p-t'y 1 Ivrn I hut In in ail Iwik''
I u it d.tln' i-rn intn tif tin .( CoiiKrf.t ol
lunv ;i. lTi. i iitnii 'l "mi 'l l"t 1 1 lr ol
r 111 lh.' Slain ! alllornla, Of
. .v. va.U. ami Hi lniiKi..M I . rrili.r)
tl. li.l. il l.i all llif ril.!h- I ail'l Slal. a l.v
"' ":' " Oi' Inlli.w lnit t"1i haxo
til. ! in Un i llii'f ilu ir i.rn ii. nu ni. 10
I A. la M. Hllllnvi.
1 of I'l.lau.l inly ol Sail Hi riiar.lliHV ial nl
i 1 a!il..rnia. vonrii tai. n.riil o. 1 i" Inr IIm-
! .nr. Iia I tin- V ' ill . :t T. 17 .. K lii
; K. W. M.
Kiln II. M i i : I r-1.
nf T'ilanil. ei ill llf ft "all li rtiKr'llli". lafi of
I aitiorma. NWnrii nta( nu l l n 1 '71 fir tin'
.r. liK-. ul IhP W, s ', SK s i, all. I s
; W ,S W i. Sc. T ; - K. i. t... W. M .
l.,i,rur V. It 1 1 1 ok a
"' J " (! n1 . r tyi.fs.u lt. ri.r.lin.. .t,t.. "I
i Hhiorria nuurn nat.-iiii'iil. No I l"r 1
if ! ! ''Vvi.ii.-in "iTiTi tiT' "
"' l"ll'l l II I el sail IliTliarilllm. Slali-
i nlin.rniH. viorii ihi--iiu'Iii . No I "il fur Hi"'
1" rvlirt- of t hi' S 1 ., Nr.1.. r. ' .. .NW
S K i. -VV ' ., Sit -Jit :i7 .. K li f. M
I" .'lirt- of I h s 1 ., N K r, N . , ainl
lliit iIm- HiilofTi-r .ri( in hlll thai thi umiKlit In inori aiuaMr fur I ' a mille r nf
! ion' 'linn fr HKrlfiillnrl i.iir.o- aiil in i-n
' ta'Mih itn-ir i Ihiiii to hi. itiiil I., lor.- J. o,
! II n i! ii ki-r . I'. s. Coiiiiiii..ioiii.r at Klninaili
if i ... . . - .....
i r n i, ii i kiiii, ou r rioa y, uir -.:i iiht oi jiay
'I lo'V iiainr hh u iini-i.! . : ( nrrli Itoiirlirr, of
m.ui; . w a-innitioii, .M.xnu.l.r wini- an. I
'.'rlrmli' V Uhili'. of ( Ii. hall- alilliKloii,
.Mir. -iin-i urn of llr.i!. Mnnn .ou.
' ' .11 1. Mi Ki''i', of oi ii', or.Knii an. I AiIh
M ni l,,,!... Kiia it. nn:n.i.-. i....r- ini-
ll"K Kli'l W inlii'M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 u . ol I plan. I. ('alitor-
I uiv n.i'i mi i MTon rial in i hi; B'ivirriv in
niiov.' ij.-Tri'M-n i.ii'Ih ari- r. i u.-t -! to in.
tti.-ir riaiinn in (lit otllri.' on or liWort' nal.l Jul
ilay of Mav l'.io.I.
laii.wi K. M. IlltATTAIN. Iti-tMi-r
us up on tlio riiouc if vim want
Anything in our Line.
Lowest Prices
See Me !
i . iii.rik.v . ,u -. , .til
, . ,i.i.l
sHQj fvrcrjcs qvTraus
Your Measure Taken
The Monogram - Ahlstrom
' '3
.t. ii tii '.ij
IT" a" -a M
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