Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, March 12, 1903, Image 5

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    lakh county examiner, lake view, Oregon, mar. 12,100.1.
ItoMtionnl local
Mr. iiml Mr. Ih-xtor Amlck wcro
11 iiioiik t In vlHltorn fro 111 New I'liin
CnM-k, 'I'ui'nila.v.
CIiiim. Iturki-r run iimi extra Miiki
front AlliiniH Humliy, I r I i a 1 i k In h
lut of'i frvliclit that Iiml in
ciiiiiiilntiMl for mum' tlim piiMt.
IM A. Unlit, lirothiT of I-'ruiik
I.lKlit. Hiul fnrmi-rly of Liikct li-w,
ninntl.v tinili'rwciit a hitIoiih oM-r-ttt
Ion at Knri-ka, Imt U now Improv
ing. If ymi fnvir lUiwnil ln'fore you slmuM
ntlcnil llipSt. Patrick's ilanca next Tuoa
ility night at I'lixttV KitiK liitll. 10
Mr. ftiul Mr. Corwln Vlnyiinl n-
turnril to tlii-lr Iiouh at New Plm
Orwk IumI vii'k from Oaklaml Oil.,
wlion tliry luivo Umh mmiiIIiik tin1
A trai-lii-r'w tat llfi' i)lilomn Iiiim
In('U ImhihmI liy tin atnto tionnl to
MInm r.lla 'illinium, of Uikevliw, a
terminal' of tln Noiitleni Oregon
Statv Normal Krliool.
Tin AnIiIhihITom ii Talk linu Iiiiiik
i'i haiulH ami iiami. It In now puli
lldhril by A. (', Jai-olmon anil It
nimii' U tin- AmIiIuniI Trllium. M. I.
J."KRJntoti will (-oinluct
tin" editor-
lal i1i'iartmi'ii(. !
I have a lut ( 11 nr dried arhc at 0
penta Mr 'iiikI at China Restaurant liy
Hrewery Kalmui.
.t ' Wong Shiii.
Fred I ImIht iiml w Iff rami In from
I ti 7U riLiu-ii tu PrvWM valley Sntnr-
Im.v, iml lu-otiulit lii tlu'lr llilli'
ilailulid't for lili'illrnl treatment.
They returned Monday, wlili the
twiliy apparently well.
.Iiiim A vlriKiii't' linn muted hi
tailor hIioji from tin' Kehai t ImllilinK
Into (Iiiim. I'mliaili'M oltlte liiiildili
reeeiitly moved to tin- lot l.v tin flre
lull. Mr. I mluuh will oeetipy the
rooiiiM vtu'ali'il by A vlruniiete.
J. Wendell, tin butcher, while mvr
1o I t. Ulilwi ll lii4 wwk, ptiri liwi'il
from Monroe. '.1 bend of tat Ixi-f
btii'lM wtilrtl will Ik- delivered In
Lakevlew thin week ami placed on
feed for tin iM in tlt of lil. 'iiHtoiuirM.
Mcn'n ilri-BH fiiilH, winking nnit. nark
(nils; h lug lm tn Ht-lii't troni at
ht-liiiiiiM k'. ('miie curly if ymi want
t make a immJ (.election .'C
A. Vrliator Iiiim illxpoHi-il of IiIm cii-
tin nlii'i'p hoMlii"., coiim!! Ug of
M'Vt'llll t llollHUIIil, to OIIImIiIc llll,t CI'M,
w ho, hi' iiinli iHtiiiiil, an In tin1 mar
ket for more. We are Informeil the
prlee wum very hii t Mad ory. Iturim
William SlierliM-k anil IiIm RlMter-ln-law,
Mih. It. Sherlock paHH
throuuli Silver Luke, enroiite to
Shanlko the tirnt of the week, nay h
the Silver Lake Central OivkoiiIuii.
Mrn. SherliM'k w III k to I'ortlaml,
where hHi w III enter the lioHpltal for
meilleal treatment.
Ht I'Htrii'k'a Iny will I appropriHtley
celehrateil nn the evenini of the 17th ly
an all nitrht dHiire at the l'oat A Kinit
hall. You are invitpil. 10
Local uportH were Homewhat niir-
prlHetl TiieMilay mornliiK when Joo
Lano riTi'lveil a telegram from l'ort
laml Mtatlnj; that Jack O'Kccfe hail
won from Jimmy lirltt tho llwht
welnht rhampionHhl)) of America on
a foul In thuHlxth round. The con
tent wiih to Ik a 20 roiiml bout and
the liettliiK wan 10 to 7 In favor of
Fayette Cannon uml l'eto Follott
were Ui from New l'lno ('mk Mon
day. Mr. Cannon received a letter
written by IiIh wlfo tho other day,
utatliiK that nlie win now well, and
would iv turn homo on the '.MHt.
ThlH Im gratify Ins news to her Iiiih
bond and friendri who feared hIio
would not m'over from tho uerloiiH
runaway lU'cldeut that happened to
her laHt fall.
An all nitcht (Ihucb will lie sriven at the
1'ont & Kin hall on Ht l'atriuk'a Day,
March 17th. Miitiio will be furnlnoed
by 1'rof. A. A. Urahain, violin, L. 1.
Kobiau, violin. (!co. Held baea viol,
Mra. Frank Ktml niann. The dance will
be all ninlit and th ticket! will bo f 1 .00.
Everybody invited, 10
Tax en are belnu paid la to tliei
Sheriff (iilte lively t hem day n. From
the lt nf March up to yinterdny
noon flll.Tll.! had been paid In, mid
Sherirf Duiilap mil Icljiatea from $0,(KNi
to f 10,000 more by cIonIiik time next
Saturday, that Ik'Iiir the lant day
on which the 'J per cent rebate Im al
lowed. The flrat Imhiii- of The (Vtitral Ore.
Konlan came out 1iBt Thiirmlay at
Sliver Lake, publlMUi by italley A,
llluk. It Im a four column, four
paw Hheet. Another pner to Im
called the llullet la, will apear tliU
week. When the t wo other projirt
ed pupi-ra have Marled then, the
lontf lii'u'iiteil neWMpaNr Held at
Silver Lake will uenrly In filled.
Idotipm, piM-ket kiilvi'n and cutlery of
all kin. I at Si liinlni k'ii now Ix'inu wold
at greatly rixluuetl price. 52
Major L. T. I'.arln. one of (iri'Kou'N
old Itepiibllcau War hurwn, arrived
herefrom Portland lawt week, and
1 1 an Imiii looklliK Up Home tllillx-r
land iH-fore the land office. The
Major panned throiiKh hen In
lnfon then wan any town. He
nerved nine dearn aa reenter of the
)rKon City land Olllce, and w an at
one time I'. S. Mamhall for Oregon.
The report that cattlemen nhot
and killed over 4K head of nhccp In.
IoiikIii( to W. V. Ilrown on tbe
rnnp near llituipton Itutte, not
lone ao. In not iliought to In true
It In kuown, however, that Mr.
Itrown w an lu-cuwd of Informing on
nome cattleini'li who had ni'iiue uiv
ViiiineiU laud feiii eil. which had Uj
In torn down, and tliey renelited
thin action, and look n-venjie on bin
If you want to kep warm lliix win
ter itet yonr-elf nonie of tlmt wiirin nn-ih-rwear
at Si hioiiu k'n. I'irnt come
tlrHt aervml. 62
A larne coiiuar came ipilte clone to
town early Monday inornlni;. H
came out on to a point of rock on
the hill eant of the m hool bonne, and
KttM the reniih-ntn In that vlclulty
qulle a Hi'iiri1 when he (tuvt Vent ti
oi r two yelln. Some thought
the animal had came down into
their back yardn. but Invent Ration
next day nhowed trackn In the nnow
aboiit yardn from any houne. It
In thought the cougar came down
In march of rabbits for an early
morni:i meal.
Tom A. Smith, the well known
manager for linker A: Hamilton for
thin dint rid, arrived hint Sunday,
accompanied by P. A. Pinbrow rnd
W. F. Wallace. Mr. Pinhrow Is the
traveling naleniuan for &
Hamilton, and taken the place of
L. K. C. Jordan, who ban laen pro
moted to the iimnatti'iHcnt of the
hardware department A the bonne
at Sacramento. Mr. Wallace ha
come to Lakevlew to remain nr-
niantly, and w ill tuke charm of the
hardware a'n 1 implement branch
That laive 'ilinpUv of cro-kery and
glaHRware at Kchtnincks is fant diMap
earin(. lietter make your selection
before it ia all gone. 52
Purinj; the pant, two wtvka the
work of cuttliiK mi arch throiiKh the
brick wall between the Monogram
and Schnilnck'n ntorea, and the
rhaiiKlutf of nhelvlni, countern and
moving of kooiIh, etc., ha canned
aoiiie of the uninformed to Inquire,
wh'at'M up. Ahlntroin Ilro'H uro pre
paring to extend their buHlnenn, aud
on April lnt will ocupy , both store
bulldlngti, having bargained tor the
toek of goodu of II. Schinlnck & Son.
When them young buMlnenH men are
comfortably bwated lu their enlarg
ed qunrterM, they will be In a por
tion to nupply any needed want from
a dluli of Ice civatu to a red llaunel
Hhlrt or a tluvbhlug machine. Start
ing an thene young wen did a few
yearn ago, with a Hack of pcuuutu,
or lu other words, a very small
inventiuent, all due credit nhould be
given them for the upright manner
In which they have forged ahead,
until now they occupy a high and
enviable ponltlon In the retail bunl
nens of Lakevlew.
1 tL
Defense of Hermann.
W. T. nurney. ex-nglnler of the
Oregon City land office, In a letter de
fending Kx-lJind Cotnmlnnloner Iilng-1
er Hermann from the attackn of,
Si-cretarv of Interior Hltchcoi k, who
mieeceded In forcing PrcHldcnt Uoone
velt to get rid of Mr. Hermann,
clown bin article thtin: "If I'.Inger
Hermann In known In Washington
an the( (n-goti thief, we, the jn-ople.
an partlcepn crlniinin, for we are In
ponnennlou of tlie goodn."
IIK.M KT u rHoor
t'nlli-1 HUI' iJina OBICf, umeview orrfnn.
March 4. 1U. Nullcc ! hcrclir Klvcn that
1 Urclicc IUxonul irarrui',iirn.,ninira
toller of Inu-iilloii to mkr prmiloii lna rtirarrt
IkihI rlalm No .Ht?, for ilir lot I Krc .11 T 39 n. R
2 K. W M. In-lorr tlir llfilrr ami Ki-cflver at
Ijikrvlm orrgoii, oil W nliifartay, ttir l.tth day
( Anril. l'Atl.
llu tiamr Hie following wtinf to prove
tin- roioilctr IrrUatlon and rrrlamaliou ot
.tiit laml: William hw.'eiiy. Claud Inxoii.
Jolm t,ll' iii and Ch-m Cilmnu ail of W arurr
l.ak, On itou. ...
MarlilD E. M. UKATTAIN'. K.(iirlt?r.
riitti-datatra Ind oftipe, utLfvlrw. or.'(fon,
ov. Notice 1 bcrcby (then thai in
coinl'llancc with the provisions ol the act of
coiiKrcMiol Jni', ISTS.emltli'd "An act for tho
ale of timl-cr lllUln the Ktalea ot California,
oreKon. Nevada and Washington Terrilory,"
aneilended toall the i'libhc Land late bv art
of AiiKt . I"-'. Hi followliiK )crionH have
this day tiled III this orlloe their kworu mate-
Dieum, lo-li:
naricit rew,
of Hoqutani, county ol t hehaliti, State of Waiih
tiiuuiu. iworn iiatcmrnt No. lfU for the pur
ceaaeof them, NE and N tec 28 1.
.tl n . IV. Id, K " -1
Jamci T.UuiKK.
ot Aln'rdeen, county of 'liehali.
Htate of Wah-
Inictou, iwurn atairinenl No. ISW for the pur
chase ot the N1, NK. '.. Sec 31 and N' KW
Hec Si T. S3 . K. 15 K W M.
Frank llolllngawortb
of New berry, county of Yamhill, State of Ore-
noil, sworn alatenient no. iraa mr me purcnaae
of the NW i.4 HVV i . Hcc SI Hi. K1 Hec,, and
NW ' NK' Mec n3, I !., K IS K W M.
1 hat tney win oner prooi 10 snow mm mw.
laud aoiiKht la more valuable for ita timber or
tone thau for agricultural purioe aud to en.
labllah Ibclr claim to said land before ('. II.
Wlthrow, l'.8. t:ommlnaloiier at Kiamatn raua
Oreaon, on Haiurday the lHth dayof April
Thev name aa w ltln-.' : William Leek and
Charles Crew, of Hoquiam, W alilliK'"i'. Jamcl
T. cjuiKR. of Aberdeen, H aahiiiKlou, Frank Hoi-
IIUKsworin, oi rewoerry, Oregon, aim r.
Merrllt. of Portland, Oreaon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described land are rciieslcd to file
their claims in thia office on or before said
lath day of April, 1W. ,
Jan. l pd K. M. Brattain, Register.
United State lnd Office,
Lakevlew, Oregon, Jan. 21. ltMI.
Notice Ii hereby given that In compliance
with the provlalona of the act of Congress of
June S, IHtk. entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands In the Htates ot California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as'
extended to all the Public Uud Htates by aot
of August 4, HUM, tbe following persons have
this day HI d in this offlcs their sworn scate
menta, to-wlt:
Charles J. Anderson,
of Bralnard, county of t row W ing, state of
Minnesota, sworn statement No 17HI for the
purchase of tbe I", N WJi and K' bWj,, 8cc 12
TpiUB. R 15 E, W M.
Florence B. Rlesl nd,
of Bralnard, couuty of Crow Wing, state of
Minnesota, sworn statement No TM for the
purchase of the . of h' 8ec 1J Tp as 8, K 15 K,
Henry J. Reisland.
of Bly, county of Klnmath, slate -of Oregon,
sworn statement No 17S3 for the purchase !
the N!,'ol NW, Beo ISTp 8S 8, K 15 K, W M.
That they will offer proof to show that the
laud sought Is more valuable for its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes and to es
tablish their claim to said land before J.W.
Ilamakar, U.H. Commissioner at Klamath Falls
Oregon, ou Haturday, the lib day of May 1W.
Thev name aa wlluesscs: Franklin W, Merrill
of I'ortlaud Oregon, C. W. I'aul and J. V. Paul
ot l'luuer. Oregou, llenry J. Rlrsland of Bly,
Oregon and Florence B. Kieslaud, aud Charles
J. Anderson, of Bralnard Mlanesota.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are reijucsU'd to tile
their claims In this olllce on or before said Vth
day of May 1UU3.
Jau 2iM E. M. Bcattain, Reirisler.
Florshcim Celebrated Shoes, New
Flour from Choice Wheat unmixed
with other crops, Choice Bacon, etc
, nn , Tn J' , .1
Mil IN I 'b'3'1111 11 1'-
I U 111 1 0 Statement to
.New business written in 1901: - $245,912,087.00
Gross assetts, - 331,039,720.34
Gross surplus " - 71,726,797.06
Total payments to jtoliey holders 27,714,621.42
Purine the past ten years, the KqaiUble has paid (26,056,381.99 in dividends ot
its policyholders, w hich laryely exceeds the amount paid in dividends by any oth
er Company during the same period.
j if,'i
1 i.
; W;
i Uj
! 'AV,
I -V,
LEE BEALL, Proprirtor
! tf'
. ft
I ji;-
( mJ;
We have constantly on hand a Fine and Complete Stock
of Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumeries, Toilet Articles, Fancy
Notions, Cigars, Etc., Etc.
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded
Agency for Acorn Stoves and Ranges
Hardware aad Tinware
1-akeview, January, 8th, 190$.
Itar Friends :
We come to you again with this personal request for your trade.
You want goods we want business. Your purpose is to buy goods right.
Our purpose is to sell you goods right. It also stands to reason that we
are going to make our prices as low as consistent with good business
judgement, In order to interest you, and, as the largest dealers in Lake
view in our line, we can not be undersold on an equal class of goods. The
reasons are many and obvious. Fiist, we buy mostly direct from factory ;
we buy in large quantities, ship in car lots, and in every wsy save you all
the money possible.
Yours respectfully,
if Wabash Tourist Car Lines
Lv. Chicago Mondays, 11:00 a m A r. Boston Tuesdays i M r m
Lv. Chicago Thursday 11:00 A a a r. Boston Fridays 8 :30 m
Leave Kansas Oity Fridays :20 r a Arrive St. I'anl and Mia
neapolis Saturday 7:20 m.
For particulars consult your agent or Address
T?,, Cd.J A4.-1
L -tty ttejt-twuuw iumuai
Farming Implements, Wagons, Etc.
Paints. Oils and Brushes
P. C. r. Agt., Los Au.-eles