Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, March 12, 1903, Image 1

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NO. 10.
Uraphlc Description of the Sutxlu
Injc of Piute Indians in l-ake
County by General Crook.
(I'auu l l.r I I'imTi nn Jul ti .) General Crook's arrival lit
t Mil Camp Warner and hlMMiilitMHUMMit
removal of III" command Fort
Warner In l.nke County, I In Flutes
ami their allies, coiiHlsllngcif maraud
ing bauds from different t lu-r trlln'M,
liul Imm u 1'iirryliiK I IiIiik their own
way throughout t lit Southeastern
Oregon country. The commanding
Ulcer wIhi had pit-ceded lilm was
liraVc enough and kept IiIm turn nit
flic alert, lull In1 W ill unfortunate In
llliillliK I Ih Indians. Tlu'.V W ! gcli-
rally lii Ui-ii up III m i ti it 1 1 innriiiullng
-lllll'U, klll'W I III' II III II I IV Well, llllll
iifii-r raiding n wl I lenient i r Immi
grant llalll 1 - I across I lit desert like
Arabs and lii'l In nihiii- kiiimII valley
i it'll with uracH ami surrounded by
i'o-k-rlll'fil moiintaluH that were
illvldeil troiii the next rangi'by a Ide
I'XpaiiM' of ilexert. When tired of their
retreat tln-y would break fort h aualn
and another Indian raid, leaving
i' I line and death ill It trail, would In
eporteil at military headipiarterM.
I'he Holdlera would niHli out to the
purHiilt, but the ImliaiiH had already
nviirrally made their ew'iiMa even !
voml f'.mllng their trail.
ciioi.k iNHi'iiiKii ioNrini:M i:.
t ieiii-nil l 'rook's arrival at 1 Md ( amp
Warner, fivnli from IiIm mu-eeHMful
1 ml Ian eampalliN In t he Middle Wi-hI ,
illlllieiliiilely IllHplli'd new confidence
in the men at thai place. In fat t. lie
liad been M-lit out from Fort Holse
iiiimt'iiiately upon his arrival there
with a miiiiII rompaiiy, which wum
to escort It) i to his new comuiaiid
at Fort Warner, and on his way he
hail Hot liecu Idle. He had made a
circuit from IiIh main coiithc more
I lian nine i m I he way to attack In
dians w ho had commit ted depretla
lionslutliCHctllciucutH. The fact that
with lil-t Kiuall command he had done
more Indian fighting on his way from
Itolse toOld Camp Warner than the
large command stationed at (lie lat
ter place had done In more than a
year, led the men to Is-llcvc that there
was now going to be something lin
ing. Ills first act was to build a rock
till across the lake, cross over and
establish a wcll-equlp's'il fort at Fort
Warner site, previously selected by
the government. In the meantime
la) kept small scouting parties out in
every direction watching for the In
dians and gathering information as
to their strength, place of remleivous
and hucIi other knowledge as he de
emed valuable. Ills complete re
organization of tht forces gave new
life to the whole command.
Kveu the Indians knew that a
change had taken place in their en
emy's camp. They lost their bragga
docio spirit In a measure, anil their
raids were less frequent and more
guarded. They neemed to realize
that the end was close nt hand.
When Crook had completed his fort
and the buildings about the place ho
prepared for unceasing action. Jle
had engaged the services of Indian
scouts and these had not been idle.
They Informed him of t he movements
of the Indians, the numlicr and their
many places of rendezvous. He sent
out detachments of soldiers ami kept
the various bands of InillaiM on the
go. They were practically squads of J
lirlgauds ami never strong enough
give III'' soldiers it standing Unlit.
Hut lYook's pursuit i.f I In-ill was un
relenting. He would not give llicni
linn' In rest or n-cujiemte nt any
place. Assoonns they WOllId find
what they dn incil a safe retreat his
men were upon tlicm and they wen
kept upon tin run.
Tin vurloiiM band of marauders
Isgnu lo get together for mutual
protection. Their provisions were
running low, tlii-lr horse were Is-lng
reduced to skeletons by constant rid
ing f i ixl no fi-oil or n-st. They liml
inn' resort which 1 1 io white iiii'ii had
not yet discovered. This was a sc
eluded valley where two river came
together lii'iir I Ik foothill of Stein's
.Mountain, far away from t lie wild lerx
ami tin- fort, Here they had long
ki-pt their wives ami children, while
tlii'y raided t tit desert. Chased from
oiii point to auotlii-r on the desert ly
I ii ii ik " mi'ii, they lcgau to nalliir
at tlil point. Ili'iv tlii'.v Is-gaii a
! rminrll of war ami decided lo make a
final stand not where they were,
however, hut at Hiuiii' nlliiT point on
tin desert, while their wive ami
children remained here in wiurlly.
A iiuuils'r of t heir leaders were still
on tin plaliiM, dodging the soldiers,
anil It wax iIi-nIiIi'iI to wait until all
were In Im'Ioiv tin place to make tin1
llnal Miami should In ilftrniiliu'il
I'lliniK I.IK'ATKH 1 lltM.
( rook'H h4'oiiim lH'atil tlit lmllaim
in tln'lr rt'tri'at In tin NU'Iii'm Moun
tain country. They iiiuuiHli.'itcly
nia-li' I In' ri'poi t aiil Crook orilcii'il
pri'parat Ioiih for t hi- man Ii. Ilclcil
tin' roiuinaml in piTHon ainl marclii'il
nllit it ii I ilay to t hi' ilai'. I'ortuni'
fa'oti'i tlii- iroopN, too, ainl t hcfati'H
Hii'inril to aaiiiHt tht' IniliaiiH.
A In-avy hrail riw In tht- rivi-r foiu-
pli'ti ly licinini'il in tlx ImliaiiH. ami
upon the arrival of t ho hoIiIIci'm t ln-.v
found tlicin at tliflr incrry. Crook
liml Ihvii trying to Ri't thi'iu to ru
nnn' hlri mi'ii In llRl't for a hui); time,
hut thi'y had I'vadi'd him. Thi'lr
mauiu'i' of at tmkliiK: Immigrant
traltiH and HtnallHcttli'iiii'iitHaiul tlu-n
hhlliiK thi'iiiNt'lvcH until they appear
ed In Hoini' other depredation had
a n e ifd him very inmh. Iiut he did
not I owe IiIh Hplrlt of humanity. When
he had Hiirroumled them ho that
there wan no ehanee to ewaiH' he
offered them terniHof Murremler. Hut
the lndlanM prepared for battle and
the great battle of lhimler and UIU
en followed.
It 1h well known how It terminated.
It wan but little tdiort of a lumtHiiere.
After the IikUiuih had been routed
they plunged Into the Htream and
many of them pertnued there. When
the mnoko of the battle cleared uway
only n few women and children were
left, who were taken an captlven.
Some of the warriors enoaped to the
other Hide, but a majority of them
had lout their liven.
I'pon Cook's return to Fort Warner
ho Kent out hU moHt trusted hcouI
to find the Heatterlng bands of In
dlaiiH and Invite them to como in and
surrender. An Indian half-breed
finally located tlio bulk of the iv
malnlng I'luteMnnd their allien and IiIh
work that followed waa regarded as
the m oh t daring and mont valuable
of the time. It cloned the Piute War.
lie located the band composed of the
fragment of the varloim marauders
of the denert. They had Just been
routed at Dunder and llllxen, and
many of .them had witnessed the
slaughter. They knew that the lialf-
r - U"
1 .
f.cnernl Greene l a gruilunte of West Point ntitl lin seen aervlre on the
western frontier. In Cuba ami in the Philippines. For gnllant and distill
gtilHlicd wrvlce at Manila he was made brigndier gi-neraL He Is the author
of several txjoks on uillltary ubje t.
lirccd scout was against them at
that place. They were sore' with
grief and mad with revenge. Not
withstanding this fact the scout rode
Into their midst. He talked with
them caiuly as he dclht$etl Cook's
message, while they fairly Scowled
ami made threatening gestures. His
bravery probably saved his life and
brought them to terms. He showed
them the utter UKelessness of contend
ing against the great white chief:
they and their wives ami children
and their horses were starving.
Theiv was ample food at the fort for
all. If they would come In ami sur
render they would lie fed and clothed
and taken care of by the great father,
while If they refused they would le
hunted ami killed like coyotes, should
they escaic from starving until over
taken by the soildiers.
The scout returned to the fort ami
reported that the Indians were com
ing ami that they were starving.
Ceneral Crook prepared to receive
them. He had camp prepared for
them some distance from t lie tort and
several fat bullocks brought out for
them, lKsldes sending out other pro
visions from the fort. They fled
across the old stone bridge at the
lake, a haggard, dejected looking band
of Indiana. The men were nearly all
mounted w hile most of the women
and children were on foot. Their
clothing was ragged, their moccasins
worn through and but few of the
men remained armed. Their cheeks
were hollow and their limbs were
When they formally made their sur
render (icnernl Cook poluted to the
bullocks and told them to help them
selves. This was received with great
Joy. They butchered the animals in
their own w-ny and their hunger wan
such that they did not wait altogeth
er until the meat waa cooked, but
ate It like animals while it wns still
raw and the blood dripping from it.
The general was alarmed for fear
that they would kill themselves, but
condoned the gluttons feast under
the excuse that should they tile they
would die happy.
The Indians were kept there and fed
until arrangements could be made
for their transfer to the reservation.
. . ' t- TIW
' . ' . 'i '
In a few days they ls-gan to ivcujier
ate ami under thesupply of food from
the government, such as they had
never had is-fore, they thougt the
"(ireat Chief was all right. . After
their transfer to the reservation old
Fort Warner was abandoned art n
military pout and General Crook's
work was finished In the field of Ore
gon. He was sent to Vancouver,
where he remained in charge for some
time ami afterwards followed out
the aHslgnments of war with an hon
ored career.
Indian raids ceased in that portion
of Oregon and teace has since reigned
throughout that portion of the In
dian F.mpire. Where General Crook's
men scouted and fought Indians are
now proHjterous ranchers, and old
Fort Warner Is itself one of the most
prosjH'rous in the country. .
Big Timber drab.
Iast Monday !10,409 acres of tlm
Imt land lying in lake, Klamath and
Crook Counties was filed on by part
ies who hold lieu land script. It is
sahl that this script was issued some
time ago by the Secretary of the In
terior in lieu of forrest reserve laud
InCalifornia; that this forrest reserve
land has had all the timber cut from
It, save one or two seed trees per
acre, and the saplings. Now these
!cople como to Oregon and gobble
up the liest timber land to be found,
will cut the timber from that, and
then apply to the government for
another exchange. Fine laws we
have that will allow the lands di
vested of its timber without remun
eration, thus depriving honest cltl
sens from filing on the land. There
Is said to be hundreds of ieople
awaiting for the snow to go off a
little so they can file on the land
that Is Included in the above scrip
lands, and will be greatly disap
pointed when they learn of this
wholesale grab.
Governor Chamlierlaln has ordered)
a special election for Mouday, Junel,
to select a Congressman to fill the va
cancy made by the death of Thomas
H. Tongue. The Sheriffs of the bcv
eral counties will now notify the
Judges of election to hold a special
election. Printed notices for the
same must be Issued. Nominations
for Congressmen must be filed with
the Secretary of State not less than
4." days prior to the electlou.
Wealthy Taxpayer Saved 5o Cents
At Cost of $5oo to Poor Scalp
Gatherer In Lake County
Tlie taxpayers of Lake County
have not saved a single dollar
"through the wisdom of the County
Court in refusing to issue warrants"
for scalps caught in the County
"after the Stat refused to pay her
part of the bounty," that some hard
working citizen dM not wrongfully
lose through that same "wisdom."
The State of Oregon never "refused
to pay her imrt of the lwunty."
The Governor Is not the State, and
those who "placed so much reliance
in the Stat? were not deceived nc r
wronged by the State. The feeling
that "a great Injustice ha been
done" U very strong, but docs not
apply to the StPte. The State will
do Justice when the nlistructionlst
is removed. Hundreds of scalps
taken in Luke County, which the
law expressly provided should be
accepted and paid for, were refused.
through an imperial order of the
Lake County Court, contrary to law,
thereby entailing heavy losses upon
poor persons, who had "placed re
liance" in the County court to do
Justice and oliey the law. This con
fidence they found to be misplaced
and have iuund, to their great sur
prise that, in their immediate house
hold, "things are not always what
they seem, nor what they should lie."
Can any virtuous citizen lie proud of
money saved to the taxpayers of the
County "through the wisdom of the
County Court" that with holds from
holiest men the legal wages of honest
toils the iH'ople did. Trust the Leg
islature to do justice by making ap
propriation of money to pay that
part of the scalp bounty, for which
"the state was legally and morally
liable," and their expectations were
realized. The same statute by
which the State became "loyally and
morally liable," bound the Couuty,
through Its proper officers, upon
proper proofs, to accept and pay for
every scalp presented, and the people
with equal confidence, relied upon
the Justice of the County Court,
which forgot justice, and displayed
only "wisdom." "Wisdom" thus
saves a wealthy taxpayer fifty cents,
which he was "legally and morally
liable for," and loses a poor scalp
catcher five hundred dollars, to
which he was "legally and morally"
entitled for work done. For a sav
ing accomplished In this way, it is
expected "tax-payers will generally
feel thankful." There are people in
Lake County, and tax-payers, who
are not deceived by iujustice, mis
called "wisdom," and who will not
"feel thankful" that fifty cents nas
been saved to them at cost of many
i i.iu i,iii.irs to others, who
lived a hard life, and did the public a
real service, In earning the money
unlawfully withheld from mem,
iirHoii was not left in any
Court to refuse payment In any
other contingency than a ianure i
make proper proof on presentation
of the scalps. The County was as
firmly ami legally bound to accept
and pay for all scalps legally pre
sented, as the State was 10 reuu
the County, and both obliga
tions even as emphetlc as the statute
eonld make them. Tke State never
sought to avoid its obligations, and
will pay every dollar. Tne ouuiy
did refuse to" pay, and uow, never
will pay. The facts In this ease are
too plain to lie put out of sight by
"wisdom." M.