0 Mint Jf II m. A II J LAKKVIKW, LAKK COUNTV, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAK.5, 1903. NO. 0. VOL. XXIV. rf -all 1'lti: In mi lii k i if prosiMTtn ohstablc In their power In tin- way I ' fur railroad In Lantern Or-j of ot her mad building Into t hi mv I ..uoii. or wl.nl Ih known an tlou. while they n funetn build them- . . I lit.- Interior ptirt i ti or tin man ....... n .l.mrnnl. It now more of a qu.-Ntloii aM to which railroad will In- l.ullt first to reap . I lit from... f tlierlen-Ht ! II. Id In tin I'nlteil State. A Hi'oie .if eoiiull, consisting 01 rook. Manny. Malheur, Lake ami Klamath Counties, larger tliati many Kantcrn State and rl. hi r ami inon i rm m reef ii I aii'l a greater producer, i without a railroad, nave that the (. It. A X. H.VHteln loen touch the northern boundary line of Malheur i 'oiinty. Isol.ATKIi I ol VTICV. Within thin territory, whleh Ih ap proximately :mx tulle square, then nre four thriving young titles, nall in In; the largest In tin worl.l at ho ureal n distance from rnllroadn or water navigation, rrlnevllle, the county wilt jf Crook dainty; IJuniM, the county neat of Harney County; Lakevlew, the county hi-iiI of Lake County, ami Klamath Fall, the enmity "eat of Klamath Cniinty. Kuril of these town average from soil to lj0 population within the w -w M',m'" " ' narrow cor-porntc limit., and enrh of tlieiu Ih HurroumiiHi ny a rani eountry rich In ri'Ki.imvN ami thickly populated. Oim- of the (argent of them1, ami tin one fiirtlient away from a railroad. I UiiriiH. which Ih 175 inllen from Ontario, Itn Hhlpplnu point on the O It. tV X. Ilallroad. I'rlnevllle, the county wat of Crook County, Ih iKI iiiII.-h frt.m Shanlko, the lermlnuH of the Columbia Southern. I.akevlew Im now about 110 iiiIIi'm from Termo. the IiiiiiIiium of the Ncvinla, ( jilifornln (i-eKon I'.ail roa.l. In IwiHHen County. California. Klamath KaIIm Ih at prcneiit about (Ml mlli'H from the m u rent point of Itall road. w hich in Athland. Oi-e., but a new road Ih rapidly U'Ihk built from a Hinall Htatiou in California on the Southern I'm lllf to that place. HattldeH then five couiitlcM, four of which are not even touched by a railroad or within many iiiIIch of one, Wumco, (lllliam. WJa-eler, tirant und Wallowa nee.l inon1 railmadn ami the products and n-nources of the country would Jusf Ify the build-. ing of roads Ii'fo these pronwrous counties. nri.t'tsiitKHs niAN.iKit. There are n.'iny reasons anslgued for the delay in building roads Into these section. It is claimed that I he Isolated i mailt Ion of t he country makes travel .iittii ult into the Inter ior, and for tUU reason (lie railroad niiiKli'i ten h;ii' ncvei' visited the MTlion ami kimw i. t what U in j-lorc for tin i i tli.'i'e. It is also .ialmed that ll -,v know In a measure what is there trom the great ship ping receipt at the stations along their lines lioi'd.-rinu on thlscouutry, but that they d-cl safe In holding the trade any way, and for this reason delay building loads Into the country, as well as connive together In pre venting others from building Into I hat lich field. It is claimed Ilia I IlieO. K. & X. on I he north, and t lie Southern 1'aciilc on the east have thrown every I II... I '..Ititttl.ln M..nt tmf.l w.... Iliad to make all klu.ln of comcnslonn to the higher power to pet an far an MianiKo, an.i uini now n . ...... until the spirit l.ioveHtl.e power 1- ... .. . i . I. 1.. l.t...iLi..t hlml the throne. It In alno claimed that the Neva. la. California & Ore gon mail fairly sneaked In li.v nteallh from Iteno, Neva. la. ami that the Southern Pacific lion Is-en doing all klu.lH of liarterliiK "'we It started, ami Iiiih even gone ho far iih to pre pare to liull.l an oppoHltlou mad, In-glnnlng at a putnt on It m main line In California, u survey having hmi ma.le ami filed to that eff.-et. Thin alleged Jcalouny and "dog In the manger" net of the ol.l cstnhllsh el road may ! untrue. It may ! that they would or would not tike to Niv road built through thin coun try, but there Ih one thing certain, ami that Ih, that roads will Imj built there, ami the time Is not fardlstnnt. auil It Ih safe- to presume that the enterprlnlug old muds will not In k-ft out In the building. HIT TUK.T WILL UK IU H.T. If the present cheduls are carried put k. will not bm very Ug U1 plentiful wctloii of that country for ahY Im mellate purpoHCH, and that thm will lie Increaned an thej' ar needed ami the Increane of IjuhIiichh Juntltleit their bulldliiK. For thin n-nnon It Ih cnHldenHl that thin Ih the opportune time for tluwe portlonn of the otit Mide wcirld that exiH-ct to avail them hcIvch of the trade with that rich miction to liejrln to UHtir themwIveH. I ONTKMI'I.ATKII IIOl TKH. Many nurveyn have lieen made and protllcH tiled to hold rlj;htH-of-way, and while there ary roil ten from north I to Mouth and cant to went that are ': feaHible, and over which mad could Ik coiiHtructed at a nominal coat, I yet t hene an? few, ho far iih croHHlny j thu entire country Ih concerned, and ' thorn' w ho K't In on the Rround floor and hold It will Im thejfn'at wlnnerH. NOHTII TO norm. The road from Iteno, Nov., nccord liiK to the plans, will be continued to Kakevlew at once, where It will fol- ji)W aa;0id survey mode years ago from a point on the Southern l'aelflc Itallroad lit California, to the O. It. & N. line at Ontario, In this state. This survey occupies the only feas ible route from north to south via Lakevlew. In fact, nature seems to have prepared the way. Lakevlew is situated at the head of Goose Lake, which Is 40 miles long, 'M miles of which In In Oregon and LI) miles in California. After the Nevada, Cal ifornia Si Oregon Itallroad reaches the south end of this lake If only haw to follow its shores through the mountains and rlmrocLs that sur round It to Lakevlew, where the cost of building will be nominal. A rail road could reach the town In no other way from the south. From this bolut on to Hums, l.".(l miles away, and thence to Ontario, the proposed route, or Nyssa, in this state, a rival route, nature has made ample provision for one route, and only one a major portion of the way. NATt HE II AH I'Kri'AlU ll A WAV. After leaving Ijiikevlew the Hiirvey follow Horne Cm'k, W hl. h floWH In to the head of (ioom Lake near Lakevlew, up an cmmv Kra.le Into ItH headwatei-H In a level plateau, and theme xl rlken the head wa tern of the Chewaucau Klver and follow h thin dow n to itn mouth at AIm-i I Lake, ami theme follow AIm-iI Lake, a dlHtauce of LI) luileM, when iiiitun Iiiih pn-pan the way lliroii)ili a mountain raajfe that could not 1' croMHed at any other point exii'pt by exM-iiHive t lililicllliK. lb n- a de-p canyon Ih formed through the moun tain ranne. Junt the rluht width forn waon or railroad, ami Ih now lined by nt.M'knien InpiiHulnjf from ue m.c tlou .f the country to the other. From thin point It in practically cany huIHiik to Iturnn, from which place the nurvey leadn to the head watem of the Malheur Klver, and them e down thin to Vale, the county neat it Malheur County, and then the grade In wy to Ontario or Nyn na, both on the O. R. & X. road, which route may lie Helected. HUH I'KOWIlll. IlarrluK & few points ou thin ur- -ey, it run through one of thu rich eat Meet lout of thCvKtate. . Goose Lake Valley, which In one of the rich-4. eat In California or Oregon, cover a large area and Itn product coveni a large variety. Ik'Hldca the huu.lredH of thouHandn of poundn of wool, the thoiiHandn of head of cattle, ahcep anil hornen; grain, vegetable and frultn an grown here to an enor mouH quantity. Stwk of all kind an raised nil along the line, and at County borax mines are being work many points, grain, hay, fruits and i w fortune on profits, that are vegetables are raised. At nil points J wan-ely known to tll portion c.( along the line all of these may be! the State. At present the products raised when facilities for shipping lire given, ami the government plans I for irrigation nre completed. Wlth- l out tlieiitd of the lroveriiinent. the products are such as to excel those In many of the so-called rich valleys along the present lines of the old railroads. KHOM KAST TO WKST. , Another survey has lieeu made across the country, which runs from east to west. This Is called the Cor vallls & Eastern Hue. This Is also a feasible line and would be a paying one. This lfH';would be a direct one from the Southern Pacific Hue at Al bany, and would have an easy grade to Prinerllle, thence to Hums, and along the survey of the road from Ijiikevlew to the headwaters of Mal heur Klver and on to Vale and On tario or Nyssa. AXOTJIKK SOI TIIKUN Kol Ti:. The contemplated route of the Col umbia Southern could not be a In't ter one. It Is now within 00 miles of Prlneville, and every Inch of this country Is a producer to this point. From thence it may continue south, and via Silver Lake, Summer Lake, Paisley and on to Lakevlew, where It may meet the line from Nevada; or it may take the Ies Chutes route ami cross over Into the Klamath country asd meet the road that Is being built to that place by the Southern Pacific. not i.;xci.rsivi:i.Y ox imckii. None of these proposed lines is ex clusively on jiaper. The surveys have lieeu made, and the start lias Tin- UUUlrn Ki-miim-fM Thill A waU the Atlwut nfu lliillroml lMen made with actual railroad build- Ing at one or the other endn of the linen mentioned. That they w ill not ntop at the polntn alnady reached In certain tor a In-tter field lien lefon' them than han yet In-en K-ne-trated. To tell if the n-nourcen of thin wonderful wet ion noundn like romancing, or attempting to boom It, and the railroad mngnnten who pann along Itn border and glance at the old time mapn of the nectlon, im HKlne it a barren waste liitevl of a fertile region ciigettted with re nounce and productn. OKKAT I'KOIH'ITION. The prluctn f Crook, Harney, Malheur, Iike and Klamath are nl m ply wonderful. Every one la noted for itn range and production of stock of all varieties. ItenldeH thin, every vnlley in t bene count len will produce everything that grown, and large quantities are already le- Ing produced. Then, besides these products, the mountains are covered with great forest of the flues t tira- ln?r, outside of the coast country, Ip the world. The tnonptalns nre alno filled with rich minerals waiting to be developed and many mines are now being developed and paying well in spite of the lark of transpor tation facilities. . HIDDEN RKHOt'RCEH. Oil and gas are being discovered at many points. Many resources not yet published are found In this county. In Lake County, there are salt mines where hundreds of tons of salt are being taken out annually. In the southern portion of Malheur nre InMng hauled by wagon to Wiu neiuucca, Xev., which town Is reap ing the lienetit of our product, in fact this portion of the "inland Em pire" is n world within Itself that ought to Im connected with Port- land. WANT TO COME TO POKTI.AXD. " The iH'oplu throughout this vast section are very patriotic. .. They would like to give their trade to Tortland. Hut the present transportation-facilities deny them this right. They cannot do it except at a sacrifice. 'Lakevlew, by reason of her isolation lias become practically a California town. She does not like to le classed As such, although she buys her goods from Sari Fran cisco, and her jveoplegoto that place as their main city. She lias offered Portland her trade upon equal terms ami a few- Portland business uteii have done business there at a loss. The excessive freight rates ha vestood between them and equal comiK't it ion with San Francisco riieivhants. If this barrier could lie removed, Port laud business men would ship tons upon tonsof supplies Into that ec tlon of country annually. It is the same with Klamath, though not to so discouraging a degree, and In a measure Portland is hampered in securing a large bulk of the Crook, Harney and Malheur County trade for want of railroad facilities. The cry from those peo ple to Portland to aid In building railroads Into their country should not Im slighted. KLAMATH FALLS FIRE. The Post Office and Hammond's Store are a Total LossSome Lakevlew Mail Destroyed When the western stage arrived from Klamath Fail Tuesday minus any mail, an Inquiry brought out the fact that the Klamath Falls post office and Hammonds' store hud lncn burned early Monday morning. The contents of both buildings were a total lonn, includ ing all the mail from Lakevlew going went, and letters that had been dropped In the office Sunday evening. The mall bound for Lakevlew from the railroad wan saved, as It had Just arrived a short time lefore, but In the confusion was not put on the stage for Iakevlew. A letter from Klamath Falls under date of March 2.1, says: "The-post office building and contents were destroyed by fire lost nitfht, and the mall arrived from Lakevlew last evening won burned. The post office and Hammonds' store are a total loss, the latter being Wells Fargo Sc. Co's, express office. Van Valken berg's Jewelry store and a barber hop Were also damaged. Only the efficiency of our water works system prevented a big conflagration." The fire started under Hammond's store. The origin is not known, but lis thought to be lncendlay. itome of the- mall was evidently- saved as some cards for Lakevlew were notic ed to' be pretty badly scorched. ' New Electric Light System. . A great deal of lute rent was mani fested andnollttleexcltementcreated last Sunday morning when a crew of men. under the direction of'JTV A'. An thony the New Pine Creek electrician, began the erection of poles and the stringing of wires In the principal thoroughfare of Lnkevletv. Sunday was a beautiful sunshiny day, und people were out In large groups watching the proceeding and discus sing the outcome of operating two electric llghtiug systems In Lakevlew. The poles were set, the winn strung and connected to the wires running from Mr. Anthony's plant at New- line Creek, 15 miles south of Lakevlew. By 8 o'clock that evening the wires had been run lit onid attached to the old drops In tlte Lakevlew Mercantile Co's store audi the.cutn'nt turned on... Tlp new light attracted considerable atten- t ion; as they gave a very brilliant v. i and steady -Hglit. Since then the lights have been extended to the Mure of Reynolds & Wlngfield. Mr. Anthony says he expects to run all .night and charge a reasonable rate. The city authorities claim Mr. An thony run la on Sunday to avoid any trouble with the city laws, and had It lieen on a week day he could have been prevented from doing so J?,v injunction. Whether Mr. Anthony has a legal right to operate his electric system in Lakevlew, The Examiner does not know and will await t ho action of the parties interested before ventur ing to make any comment. There aiv those who favor a competing system and those w ho do not, so the matter stands. Jesse Fisher Is the new night cook at Harvey's restaurant. Mark Mus grnve having resigned his position and hasgoneout to the ltchart ranch.