Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 26, 1903, Image 8

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We're Reaching
out after new trade, and at
the same time taking excellent
care of the trade that is already
ours. Ifyou haven't been deal
ing here, there never was a bet
ter time to begin. If you are one
of our patrons, we have some
specialties that will make you
glad of it.
You'll Be Safe When
You Buy Here, Because
We watch our stock,
We watch the prices,
We buy Carefully'
We sell close,
We make bargains
We Save you cash.
Our guarantee is back of every
article that goes over our counter.
Premium Cou
pons Free v ith
each 25c Cash
t'Min'.l t.Ainl ofti ,-. l.tili. vi.n. Or.'iion. I
9- -ILI-m-J. N.n'.v is lii r. by kiv.-ii t.iHi 111
;n ii.hiHOi!h tin' i-r.n niiMi" ( the -I "t '
(iir. of Jiiik- M. I7". . iiiiUi .I -An h.i lor ,
i! t i in " r iH'1.1. i:l On- of CuItfiT- ,
am.'or -u.iii, NVv.ii ami in tt !irmtn T. rri '
.orv as :.-n. l.-.l i" H it...- I. il.ii.- I n.i s.i-a.
lv art of Van 1-i iiani A. Mi'.l. r. ..I ' l.ako
t iiv. rniintv i.t M .!.' . -til.' ol ralif.irnu. lias
:l:i iIht fi j'-.t in 'Ir.s ortii--ln s.m sinl'-iuiMit
No. I'lM. lor tli.' .iir.'lias. of ik' ', s-v sec in
. i ..... -.a i..i. u '-' w nt. H-ni wii
f!. r priH.f J. hnw tnat tin laml -oiicla Is ninro
fa.uaiile for ils imiUrur sloiu- tiiaii for nitre
;uUural .jriKst-s. met to liisi-lalm lo
taiii lHiiilt.. fore the K.-irisliT an.t K.f. iver of
.Ins oltiif at Ijiki-vi-u , or-iton. mi Moinlay. II,."
ilth davo" H" nam.'s as witn. ;
vtmuel O l"r-sli r an.l Kri'.l Mar'.in "I .'.'ilar
1l,e. California. J.ini.'i! . lHlin. ot Ad- I. Or
Hf.m, ani Ki.lou a;i 1 Morris intf-l-iil
of Ijvkevi.'W. orviriMi Any ami all (K-r-Milii
claimintr rs 'ly thr aiivi-'l.s. riiH'il
.amis art-r.s)ut"ieil to til-th.'ir claims in thin
rhcv on o Ulure saiil 'lay of April,
Jan IV 2 tl. M. BArrl, Kirxialcr
t'uiteit states Land Oflicf , Lak.-vipu-, Orepon,
tivcvinU-r lHu-.'. Xoiici- is lu rcby Kivon tliat
in comi.lianc." with ihi? provismrn of the act of
L.'euKr.'s of June :i. IsTh. cnliltc.l "an act for tin;
ulv of timber land in tht Slates of " ali.'ornia,
Jreou, Nevada, and Washington Trrriiory,"
ascTicndisl to all the public land stat'-s by art
jt August 4. lleorxe B. ttibbar l. of out-r
T Alciie. county of Kootenai, Mate of Idaho,
'jaa this dav tiled in this otTice bis urn utali
inent, No. Sl'rt'Wt, lor the iircliite of the s iw
(ie i i sw '4 e '4 of .'c ii tp :tii . r Hi e, w.
ai. aud will offer proof to show that the land
ought ia more valuable for its timber or Une
man for agricultural puriisea. and to estab
lish his claim to naid land before J. W. Hamak
tr. I'. S. ommisfioner, at Klamath Kails, Ore
.Von. on Kridav. Ihe 1st day of May, lti. He
aatnesas itnem : Jm ob VVraa.-. of I'orvaUia,
rchie Wh.te, of tx.rella, Or 'Kon, Owen T. Mc
ten. tree, of Ol.-te or.tji n. and H. A. farkt-r, of
Vihland. Or.-. Any an t all . raona claiming
Ive'sely-the above de riU .I lands are re
uejted to Ble their claims in this ofti :e on or
V-'fore said Ut da of Mav Vi3.
Jan li-i t M. rlKATTAis. Reniater
I'nited slates Land office, Lnkeview, Oregon,
flee, ii, l' Notice ii hereby tfiven that in
caupliance with the f.rm iio:is of the ai l of
sUKrf June 8, l7s. entitled "An act for the
ale of timber land in the sian a of orecon,
California, Nevada and wai-liinu'on Terri
lorr as eitend.-d to all the Hublic Land
lte bv act ol August 4. Thorval Hor-
-nie-n. (if No. 4ufi N Itlth st. Foriland. county of
Multnomah, state of Oregon, has thia day tiled
id Uils office hs morn utatement No. Hi 17 for
Hie purchase of the e A mJie '3 sw '.4 iec W,
ae nw A of Sec 31, tp -'li s, r 17 e, w m, and
will offer proof toshow that the land sought la
more valuable for its limber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish his
c aim to said laud before C. II. Wiihrow, H. K.
I'oHimi.sioner at Klamath Rails, on Saturday,
Ue Ith day of April, l'i. He names as witni-a-es.
Kd Casebeer.' William Kinley, and ( harlca
V,'. Kmboily, of Bly, Oregon, aud John i. 'u
sack, of Kernville, Oregon. Any and all fwr
oua Rlaming adversely the abve-descriled
tiads are reiueaied to B:e their claims in thia
VtS on or before kaidtib day. of April, 1(.
au VJ t. M. Bmattain, Kegister.
fulted fiiates Ind Office, lakeview, Oregon,
1kC V. 1o2. Nolic is hereby given that in
ooliuiuanre with the provisions of tneaelof
J ii rre 8. 1M7H, entitled "An art for the sale of
t.tnber lands in IheHiaiesof California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory," as eiU-nd-
ed to all the Public Land mates bv act of Aw.- i
it 4. 1h-, the ,ol lowing pi-raous have this day I
iTed ill this office their sworn -wit :
Carrie v. i.uiiiiy,
of lily, countv ol Klamath, Mate of Oregon
... .. i... ..,,r,.l,.... ,.(
V i; Kw'i Sec i:i, Ni, !jK-4 and Nfc'4 MW'i, hec :
II T :i4 S K 17 F. W M.
Irvin T Aiiili-rsiui,
ui lilv, county of Kluciaib, Mate of Oregon,
ssoru'siKt. n.eiit No H.7h lor the purchase ol .
. ,,. wi.: v. F.K'4 N w4 aud N'W 'i SW'i Hec 1
2' T ilS s )'i W M
Oscar T An l-rson.
,.' m, ..ooniv of KlHinaih. state of Oregon. '
a Yoni ilHt-uieiit No 1. 79 lor ll. e iiiirebas.- of j
t ie S1-.. NK-i. SW, Ntt ami HK' N4 Wee
1 ;ii k V, L W M.
. arrie II . asetieer,
f Hlv. countv ot Klamath, state of Onviin,
srn statement No li-fU lor the purchase of
f.K S WU aud Wi NK'4 Kec ittlKSK Fi E.
(Julnton N Anderson,
of Bly, county ot Klamath, statu of Ori'ipl).
aorn flatemetit No 171 for ihe purchase ol !
Lie Ni.;NK'i. HWK NE'i' and N!4 NK !;sec Jl
V 8 ft 1' FVW M
That they'wiil offer proof to show that the
land ".light Is more valuable for its Umber or
s'one than tor agricultural purposes ami to ;
tahlish their claim to said land before the
Faalster and Receiver of this ollloe oil Wednes
uV the 'th day of March, Us!.
They name as Charles W Kmbody,
1-vin T Anderson, o.ear T Ankcrson, (Juinteii
N Anilersoil, arrie II as. b. er of Bly, Oregon,
John J Cusack, Kernville, Or., John Kilter.
Oold Hill, Or.. Oliver riMcr, Ariel, Washington.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
aWe duacribed lands are requested to tile
tiSrclalmsio this ottni on or belore said tth
Vl"l":li1tiM .BATmMl.ter.
riiilr.1 Slt. s I mi. I oiri.o t 1 .l.-v i. . On.
,., . .. S.... t- Is le r. 1:1011 IMut in j
rouii.liani iili ilu' .rim.n el I In- I ''
J1U. ;t. 1s7h. -nt 1 1 :.- I ' Vn m l lor 1 1 1 krI" h i
, j , t.r ls , ,,, ( ,.. K1. if I :f..rnt. i in- !
K. ,.i w! -MiaMn I rr;t..r ." as ;
,.,.,,., t , ;i ij,,. 1 -. I . : ; . I an I :, I y '
..( Auitu.M. 1 '.'.' t li- (; i'-'. In ! 1 . r-..n lisv.- I
tins ilar f!.'. in tins eiti. Hint mum sis'..-
mfiiia lo-u it : !
Kram is M Mi'.l. r.
.. ,...,. . i- ... itii;.- ... . ot or.'L'oit ' einci. . .. i " i ' I " ' ' "
the XK'.SK',. K', NK4. -c .i.1 an.. NW4. I
.vc ;i T slii K w m.
11. rnaid I'aly, i
of I.akcview. rountr of I-a'-c stt of Oregon, I
sorn sTatem. ft No" lw,i t,.r th - purehaM. of
111- N', SV i , .-K'4 and .sV M.1,.' .11
William I'. Heryford.
of l akeview. countv of I ak.'. state of Oregon,
sworn staleineiii No 'li.iii b.r the pur. base of the
r , SK' 4. :u T .7 K Is K, and K', NK'4 r c
3 T as 6 k IS t W M.
Thomas V. Hall,
ot Lakevtew, conn' j of Lake, mate of Oregon,
suo'ii statement No 1M1 lor the pun-haw "t
theW, S',, XW4HW4, .sec :t, and NK'4 N K
Sec 4 T:w S R is K WM.
That they will offer proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for Its timber or
stone than for agricultural niirw and to
establish their claim to said land l fore the
Register and Receiver of this nmcc at 1-ake-vi'
, Oregon, on Friday the STlh day of March
They name as witnesws: Manuel J Swares.
Francis M Miller. Bernard lialy, William f
Heryford, Thomas V Hall, all ol Lakeview, Ore
gon. Any and all peruus claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to Hie
their claims in thi oftlce on or belore said 27th
day of March, luu;.
janli2 K. M. Kp.attaIS, Register.
United States Land Office at Lakeview, Ore.,
Ivc 14, Nonce Is hereby given that In
compliance with the provisions of the act of
( oiigr. s of June !, Is7s. entitled "an act for
the sale of timber lands in the slates of Califor
nia. Oregon Nevada and In Washington Tcr
rnory" aa extended to all the I'ublle Land
litaK-s by ac: of August 4. I'W, the following
H-rsons have filed in this office their sworn
slateinents tow it :
Kred fi. Fisher
of lakeview, roiintv of 1 ake, Mate ol Oregon,
sworn statement No 171 'J lor the purchase of the
sw i lie',;, nw i4 se 'i and e i se)4,scc 17, tp M
s, r 16 e, h m.
William R. Heryford,
ot Lakeview, county of Lake, state of Oregon,
sworn statement. No. lTlu for the purchase of
the e ' , nw ', lu. ; uw '4, sec 1", and lie 4 ne
sec h, tp s, r lu e w in.
James I). H.-ryford.
of Lakeview. c.uuty of Late, state of Oregon,
sworn statement No. 1711 for the purchase ot
the nw '4, see 21 . t p it s. r Ifi e, w ni.
That they will offer proof to show that Up
land sought is more valuable for lis timber or
stone than for agricultural purisiaes and to es
tablish their claims to said (and before the
Register and Receiver ol this olfice at lakeview
Oregon, on Monday, the Sl day of March 15tt.
They name as n it ceases: James I. Heryford,
Fred h. Fisher, William R. Heryford and C H.
I'arinelee, of Lakeview, Oregon, aud Almon N.
Ijipbam, ( f Vlstillis, Oregon.
. i . -.I........ 1 . , n ..
(Any ano an irsous ciaioiina ,i'ri"pi?
aUive deacriled lands are requested In file
their claims in on onice on or ucioro .sin m
day of March, 1M
Jan. 14-V E M. BraTTaIN, Register.
United Stales 'and Office. Lakeview, Oregon,
Hecuibcr V. VK. Nolife is hereby given that In
roiupliance with the provisions of the act ol
JUSV.1, ruu.ii-'J n i . ..."
timber lauds in the Mates of California, Ore
iou Neva. la. and Washington Territory." as
..i,.nil..,l I,, '! Public I, nn. I States bv act ol
August 4, W. 'In- following persons have litis
day filed ill llni oltiee their sworn statements,
to wil:
I. Hurt Bryan
of Hreckenrnlg.-, county of Mlklns, slate of
M inncsol m . sworn tatem.-nt No li.H. lor I he e ' a
he'-isec 17 and e''.. ne i,se ..), t.:s. r lei ew in
Wnlham IdeU.
of Wah peton. con ie y'of l.lchlaiiil, stale of North
Dakota, sworn s'.a'eineiit No 1H lor the pur
: I . Lute ..( I lie .1- . ..- in tn 'M s. r 1U e. w III
I Tlioma. Lawrence New ton
oi Breckinridge, comity of wllkin, stateof Mln-
nesota, sworn statement No liilH lor the pur-
chase of the ne!4 sec tp.JIs, r HI e, w m.
, (n.s'av VUhner
of Brcekenridge, comity of Velkln, state of
Minnesota, sworn slaleinent No li.l'J for the
urehasu of the e1, of e !, sec -it tp a s, r ID e.
w in. ... .....
That they will offer proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable lor lis timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes and to s-
lab hah their claim lo said lands before J. VV
llamaker I . K. Couimisnioiier at Klamath Falls
Oregon, on Saturday, the 21st day of March
They name as witnesses: Owen T. McKen-
dree ol Oleic, Oregon, J. r.. nieveusou 01 oounie
a. Oreuon. and Thomas L. nchIoii, (iuslav
Wehuer, H. Burt Bryan and Willhaiu Met, of
Ureekenridge, M itineaola.
Any aud all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are rm nested to file their
claims in this 01 ou or before said 21st day
Of March, HUM. ,
Jan li-i K. U. BtATTAlN, Register.
Silver Lake on the
live of a Ulg Hoom.
Silver laiiko. Ore-coll, IVIt. '.M, l!KKl.
Kit. LvKkvir.vV Kxaminkh:
Fur the hut week I have hoard
that the tittle town of Silver Lake
was. crowded with Htraniffr and
that It whh luiptmslble to urt (
coiiimodntlons for nil. 1 had "I""
hoard tlmt n iicwspiior wonlil be
published next wiTk by a Mtrnnurr
whose natu In Itnlloy. To day I
went up to town, unit I found the
half had not Imh'M tol.l. Twenty-six
men it til nit, vvoi.iini nil Mt rantiTs:
, , , , , , ...
j an- in n- tot al iiik oumht mini. j
jdny. Ctivd Conn Introduced twoj
i men to mo. oiu l.y I do nan f I'.al.l-'
'win. tin otlior I have ton. i
Thov aiv also jioini; to start an-i
other newspaper as soon as t doy i
i i iiii jivt a bnlldinx erected. Think of
.it: t w o iicwsiinicrs In t his ono tlino
M.lo.o.l ,.f Id. wav an. I
ihiM'Mivnii' mm I lenient In northern
1 Lake countv. Aiol .oi niiudl say
almost Mirrouiided l.y a desert
country . 'I'doy toll us tliat tliere
' will I'.' f. hit Iiiiii. I re I oiuiu rant s look
lu.j f. if In linos ii to I locations mi tin
desert, and tliat Sliver l.ako will Im
: tdo rout rati .oil point of l.ako county .
A man was dir.-. I t.. haul out a Ion. I
of day to tic Mi art dy ranod aLmil
: IJ miles from town, and do was
irivoli twenty doll 11-. n t ton
Tdeiv Is iiii.loii!ilo.l a iU'l in I In-
! woodpile." and those parties are on
j a dot traok. There l lots of room
fi ir dollies
II the Silver l. lUo desert.
:, , ; v el over I dree 1 1 II II 1 1 fed
miles t dl.s Hlimmor II. ! t" wo Id. III.
n nialiv plaees, w .i t. f w ill l.o f. mild
ne.i r t lie Mil l. H
H ill say there is coii-iilvrnlilc e i ilo
inont anions the pii-M-ut population.
My mi-i-hl Ii- "Sen r Faeed
t harlie," l.ul it ain't. I yiie-s I
won't change my name fr a while,
Imt aall under the old noli do plume.
More Anon.
I,i. 'N V..
Manly Whortou and Miss .lessle
Nynownruor. doth of Lakeview, were
united In marrlaue last Friday even
ine( fit the residence of the I. lido's
father, ly l!ov. Smy tho. The wed
ditiK wiih private, only rehitlveH of
the contnictlu-; parties lu'luupri'iselit.
A weddinu siiiper was aiiiionnccd
after t hecoroinoiiy. The ne w ly nmde
lirlde and Trunin at tended t lie WimmI
liiaii hall tliat eveninir. The l'.iiin
inor extends cm mm t ula t hunt.
The A I turn Plniuiloiilos- very truth
fully Mays: "Wo are at all times
pleased to receive coiiiiiiiiulcinions
from friends and patrons. Hut we
must ask thein tuconllne'tlK-ireffortK
to matters of news. Polities lilid
religion are nil well enough, tait we
have the writlnns of the lirlhteMt
minds to wlect from. 'irn'sptnd
cnts should also Is-ar hi mind tliat
our spiue Is llmileil and should
therefore, rtindensw an mucd as p
Mihle. What we want U ih-wm.
Notice to Public.
I will nut Is responsible for debt con
tracted by ( Uy Hands), nor da he au
thority to transact btisinesH for me in
my name.
Absolutely Pure
Con iit,v court next week.
i:1 Fond came nwr from Plush
Chan. Lobivnuel rainc over from
I'IiihIi Monday.
It. V. Farrow, of Paisley . wan In
i Lakeview Sat nr. lay. i
.1. II. Stanton of Silver Lake wa.
In Lakeview Monday. j
' Social dame Sutiuilny tilirhl at Hnrrv'n
ml S
,(,lfv vulll.r of Alltnus ai rived
,u ,llk,,.w Mmnlay
Frank T. Uunlher loft for San
Francisco Tuesday mornlm;.
I,. I'. I'iiiim returned from Sal. -in
via San Francl-.. n Tuesday nlulit.
; 1 1 ,v " :"" '""" ,u ""' M"!!"
Corn -In Lakev low , Fed. -tlh. to
I do w Ifo of Coy Pa toii, a la poinnl
In iy .
(',. Met .lor. oi I it or of I do I'aW.y
Cost . was In do . I i-opolls on Mon
day. I lie I'.
I : I w . Hart o- t do I'lne I lei
rlia at . was a liiisiness visitor S.i I n i
d.i.v. Ymir ilnll'ir will iihvnvs liiid i
at the Mui'Vi .on-
t lllvor rhnilloii an. I I'- l I W .
Now Fine I iv. 'k w ere in low u
,. , ,f
Wall.ii e I n d .1' and Innltey lr!;ii.:sj
oa mo d. iv n fr mi t do I: i neli ;i I
iird.iy . j
I 'A. I I T.i l oll .f Summer Lake vv ill
lllll Ills cattle ill I'oliT five I, lllis
I' .... I k 11 I I U.'ll'IIMIl. Ill till Slll'lll
id...... ,.i lUrrv'e hull Mitiir dv niifhl.
A. W. I try an. t do 10 .1 I lii'in slue
limn, calm over from ( lover Flat
, Sat unlay .
! Allot dor coy oto hunt at New I'lne
j Creek last Friday . The result was
j not learned.
j The Hotel Lakeview wine roolll
has Ih'cii Is-aul Iftill.v ka Isomlned by
Artist Clark.
At nutiini do we aacritlf. ipiflity to
name a low price. Ahlslroiti Urn's. H
Mrs. ti V. Johnson returned
Sunday from a visit to the .lone
ranch near Paisley.
C. I'. Murphy, an attorney from
MrKvvcn, 1 r.', w nsidoliii; buslnessi In
Ijikovlevv Saturday.
.las. C. I'.lalsdell das n-l lirned to
lily after a visit to relatives ami
friends at Jacksonville.
Ylscul nil makes and kco,t your slmoa
waterproof tiot il Iroui V. S. tiraves. Ii
Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Itlnehart. were
In tow 11 several days last week from
the Cnsoked Cnek saw mill.
Mrx. ('. K. Hherhs k and ehlldreii re.
tnniisl Tuemlay eveiilii"; from a two
months sojourn In California.
Meswsr. tlowdy and KisW of Hllver
Ijtke will past u iv their cattle on the
ranch In Tlustaisrum valley this sum
mer. Sam plea of new (maimer drees fabrics
jiiit received at Itniley &. MaMinfill's;
ltead alon -ltd pae. n
'1'be State Line Draniatlt- Club
atculn protlnceil thedraina, "IhswiiiHe
i Iav You" at Nrw IMne Creek lant
Friday nlRhtto a Rood hoiiHtt.
.1. N. Watson returned TiieMday
from an extemled vIhU t() California.
He came from Madclciie with his own
conveyance, havln l''t It there on
IiIh way down.
MIhh Frances. Jones returned to
her home near I'alsley Inst Sunday
after an extended vUlt at her broth
er's! home In Laki'Vlew. She wmh
accomianled by V. II. Hnlder.
That lart?e display of crockery and
KlttBHware at hchuiincka la last uiHap
pcaring. lie tier make your selection
before it is all gone. It'i
The Lakeview Mercantile Co., are
having the sidewalk In front of their
wareliouse lowered and widened to
conform with the walk on eltherHlde,
which will be au Improvement aud
convenience .
ItiHpltoof tin unusual rodl and
wnovv In tin mountains, t do iiuilniint
t'd railroad mi'ti continue to conn
nearer every day. Inn. few week
the rond will lie nt FokoKama nayn
(lie Itepulillcau.
Last Monday l.ouls ti. rls't lai tod
sun dead of inuttou sdei p front the
Call rain h for Moiilauuo mi the
Keplllilli MII. V. Cut Kill islef w a In
i dni'ne, Mr, liorlior si III das i no
more drive loft at Mot rill.
Itl-V. Slliytlie closed Ids InootlliKK
lit New I'liiol'reok Sunday eveiiliii.'.
and wild Mrs. Sm.vtdo returned lo
l.akovlew Monday. I l-v . Sinytdo
was rewarded l.y I'eeelvln; 1 1 1 1 1 Into
t do clilir. d .llll'lnu t do ui' ! mi'-.
Vlriiil ' oiui, (In- I'alhl.-y nier.'liaut,
let iirued Saturday on lis way hniue
from San Frain lseo and a vUll to
the seal of t he reoii Seiiatiflal
loiilest. Mr. ( oiui dioiiuht dome
wild dim a I .lew .-Uy n -I !! do-, a
lieni h w inner.
i Siimiili-H i-f I In Itit-st sin hi in r diess
Nt" I "III' I 11 1 sle 1 1 i'Iim lis l.i .licit f 1 III
lit It.llii'V A I,IS-.' a. M
1 I1.1- i'liiuitio will delve
II I nil 1 1 Si I I I Ii II. I of III t t I.' III llll I lie X
1.1 1 1 . 1 1 lii 1 lie vv a ilia 11, to I lie r-ink 1 f
1 'el. I' I I el, , oil I do li'.i I I !ll 'I I 1 1 f
' ' III i-t li'i's I .Ike, lllll il ( I -.irts ill
Sli'iill, W dii II 1 eiei le. lo In1 III
11 In Hit to. 1 day s
1.1 I I'.illil 1 1 1 ii vv 11- a .a--. . 1 ii T oil
I lie Soil! !n I II sl;m.' ..' Il -l.o Mot.
day. w l.i re d" 1 . lo n.ilrli lie
vvoiUInu and lia n. I ! i n if I do k
oil I lie 11 , ,e I I ill fold Mo. Iv 111 I In 1 11
dmliiU 1 1 1 i 1 v 01 in a-Si.i 1 I. . I rank
I '' -'""' " "
VV ock.
A. Vena tor Is aaiu al.le to Is on
the stns-ts after weeks i f
Hi-v ere silffel llin from t Islli.
TuoHilay he had a letter from the
ranch HtatlUsC that the su.ivv had all
disappeared fl'olil there mid that tie
last of the Venator shis-p had bis-u
put out on t he rant;. . Ilnrus News.
I'resloy llortisloft yesterday nmrr-
liitf for the lower country with mi
head of dorses w lilt II he w ill place 011
Hie market. lie recently returned
from the city, and us thai
I lie horse market Is slightly 011 tlx
ihsline, and that the lssf market Is
it shade lower than It has been. New
Ladles! Your especial atlonii. .ii is di
re ted to tliH ad vertiseineiit ol liailey .s
Massiniiill, which aps.ars 111 today's
Kxaitutier. H
Louis Gel Imt lufol'lus lis t hat I here
was over r.'.iHNi tons of alfalfa raised
In Klniuath county last year, ami
at the present time there Is not -i"i
tons for sale lu the entire county.
ct them raise ,r.O,onn tons and It will
tell, says Mr. (Jerber. There Is money
In It at fi a ton and ax the hay In
creases mo will the demand. Kxpressj
County Clerk Manrln returned
from Warner Tuesday, accompanied
by Jeff I'arlsh, foreman of the J .1
ranch. The Clerk nay he wan not
lost, but wan merely brnndlnn a few
mules he found over there. The Kx
amlner caution the people of War
tier to keep an eye on the County
Clerk If he should Is! found over In
that neighborhood.
Two weeks lino The F.xatnlner, by
request of several Lakeview business
men, called ulteutlou to the fact
that in order I o have a -ltd of July
celebration lu Lakeview that would
be a iliaw lnu' card to the siii'loiind
liiK country, It should be taken hold
of at once. Don't Halt tint II the last
moment before making preparations,
but rail a meet lnf and select t he sev
eral committees without delay, bo
they will have plenty of time to act.
X uieetliiK linn been called In Vreka,
and arrangements are hohitf made
for a bin time. The celebration In
Lakeview thin year should eclipse
any former It h of J uly. Ia-Vh Ret a
move on and have Hoinethlnj doliitf
at once. A race program should al
so be atTatiKt'il at an early date.