LAKO COLNTY CXAniNCR, UfcEVlEW, LRtlOON, Ff!B. 26, IWJ. 5ome Are Too Shod Mjchtsd. The LewlM und t'lniki' lx p hI 1 1 iti nliolllil lltlil will Ik- thf llli'ltim of IpiIiikIiih ii wi-lrnine (It I urn lit lllVKiill If i-iiicrl ihIm'I'IIwiI, nii.V A. W.t'lii-ni-y In the Pi u 1 1unl .1 oiiiiwil. Ami a larRi' jiii'iiii'ImIIiiii mIhuiM Im mi-I umIiIi' fni-advert Wuk I Ih' 1'alniinl I In1 Mlatf nf On uiMi. It Ih Iiiimm llil tu Imvi' iiiiexlilMtlnii wllh tin1 imiiiiy at liund Dint will nittrlviil r riiiiic hiiwIhti' in-ill tin' Nt LhiiIm l iilr, iiinl tin- iiiiiniii;i rx f tin- I-wIn Mini t'hirke I nil- mIiuiiIiI Hot tr.v It, lint llii-,v nui, li.v JnitlrlniiM iiwiniiui--ini-nt, ninl.e inn- ilnlliif tin iih fur n two In mi mil l pi l-u' nf tin imli'iit tin- si. I.c.iiU nrtnlr, Im-k-i hell U iiliiiiiilmit i'imiiii fur Ki-iifli-i'H In net In llu-li wink. If tin I-kIhIii-livi- hill ul lim i-nrli i mini niii'ill"n hi xn-iiilim I."hmi f,.i- ii-1 vi i 1 1-1 iiu iiil-n ihi-h mIm in l I pnoN II hIioiiI'I In' mil ilt" iii,iinl:itiil', fur i-mnitlr to iii'inl I lint nnmiint. If I'luh rmiiily would in i Im-iih n ri ult nf him Ii nd mtIIhIiiu i ih'W 'Hi I.i'Iih Mini would Invent In f.iriii I In-.. n lil lie ninil,v ri-utli lint iiinn.v nn- wi uliort hIkIiIi-iI llint tlii-v i nn Mi- lii iii mil In ndvi-i-iImIiih. Tin- different ' Iim iiIUIi-h i-uiilil t Ii iim help tin- t 'it I r innti-rinlly liv put iliiK fnrlli Hi' nt'unini'iil I lint I'hi."i w nllld lie .1 U'h "I I Inn- to IhII their -ai t l n n m I nl mi i mf t In- I 'nlr. Wi mill I .on Alii'IrM it nn nil I In half iih inlirli lillt fur til'- Ili-VI-r rt-llolim Ml renin l if j I -1 r 1 1 h i 1 1 k llmt ! rifi-lvi'M friiin ni'M chim i h. iiiinilili'l. rnlli'imilM .mil f.i iiiii i-. San IHi-yn. width m cliiinti-il U lli r In limn.v wii.vm n til liu Im-I til i-1 1 1 1 1 nn r i 1 1 in ii t -. Iiiih nut tit el i-i tin mlM-rtixiiiK Hint I .i ih A nui-li-u linn a li I hi-liri' im-n not .nl vain r ih-arU a fat. It IhchIIiii-ati-il th.'tt uxi'l- .'I.ihhi liiillilln-iH were Viiiteil in l.i in Aiiki-Ii-m Innt .xt-nr, wlilli- I iluiilit if a Ii ii i H I ri-i I win- put up In S.ui I'ii'n. Tin- main ulijit t if tin' l-'nir hIiuiiIiI Ih-In j-,rt people flnlll the Kant In t Ii-1 1 Oiviill II IK I I lit t 'mint titul Hit fur I Ih-iiihH vi-h tin-l'lllll-HH n-niillll-i-H nf t IiIh purl llf till I 'niti-il Stati'H. All lailruailM hIihiiIiI follow til- i'ri-lli-iit plaiin nilupti-il l.y tin' O. K. X. iiinl Ih-kIii tnp-l tin' I'.iiHti-rn i hi1i-'m i-vi-h ii n in tlii'Cunnt Imnr i-iiui tli aln-nil ti li-t tin inti-lid-In; vlniti'in 1 1 n -pa it fur tin- trip. Willi li-n-iHialily low in 1 1 mail rnti-n iiinl UU-ral uilxi-rt Inluu: t In- I'alr will In- II Hll.'ee. It -jfiirun I'amiol llf uri-il )y lorul uiplii-ntiim tin ttn-y riinnot 1 ii hcIi tin- tiKi-iiKi-il hii lion nl tin- i-ar. , I I. i'ii- m imty iuiii way to run- ili-afiu-Nii, nml Hal n liv roiiHtitutiumil n-mi-ilii-H. ' I ti f rii-t-H i-ritiiHitl hv tin iiillaini-il run- I htmu of tin uiiii-iiiin lining nt 1 1 1 r Uil-i-lrtcliian TuIm. Whi'ii thin tuU' in llu'iii'il vmi tut v u ruiiihliiiu huh ml or t in mt (' t hi-Hi nikt, nml ht-u it it t-n-timly rloHi-il, I ii-itfm-hr. im I hit ri-tull, nml uiiIi-mn tin- i 1 1 it a n t in it t ii hi can Ih taken nit iiinl I !. ii titht- ri'Hioti'il In i t k mirmitl 'omlilinii I t-:trniu u ill he ili'-tiuyi'il fur i vt-r. Xiia' i at-H mil ot ti-n urn t-iiiinitl ly Catnrrli. wlm-h ih nothintt Imt an in- Ihtmi'il r. in. hi inn iif tin- 111 llt'i ill H hi'l vi.'i-H. i i' will u'ivi' Om- llumlri-il iMhtrti tar any citsi- nf I Ii-iiIiii-nh icuum-iI hv cat mill) H al riiiiiinl In- i'iii'i-il I y llaH'H I 'ittiti rh ( 'mi'. Si-ml fur i-trt'uhtiM, fri-i. I-. .1. I IIKNTA .v. (HI .T.iI.mIii, t). Sold lis I tt liniNtu, 7"tc. Ilall't I -' - I'illH nn- thf U--I. Sheriffs Organize. Klxl--i-i. u thi' ShfiirfH iif thf Htali' Iii-IiI ;l i i i m I i 1 1 1; In Sali-lii nn I't'h. Iltli ami lii -t-l i-cl the ui'nanUnt lull nf I lin Sherh'fs' AHHiti-Int Inn nf ()ri-:nii. The purpiiw nf Ihi'hi- ullkiTH In tniiiil Inj; toRi-thi-r U tu piuiiiuti' it lietti-r nriitiniiitaiit'i' a iiiuiik the SheriffH of i he Htati-ami by n full eiuiHlili-i-atlnti tf tnuttial Inti-i'i-HtH ailvaiit-e the ml iniiilHtrntinn nf Iiiwm In the npprc lnnillriK nml ret iiruln- of all t-llilin-rn to their l-i Hpet tlve HeetlntlM. Sheriff V. A. Htdi-e.v, nf .Multiniiniili, wa iiiailo preslilent nf the orpuil.n t lun, a ml Sheriff 1'.. It. t'nlliatlt, nf I'nlnn toiinty, wiih natiieil for Hwretnay. Tho (Shei luV AhhocImIIoii wllf liu-et In Haletn next September tliirlnu: thi mchhIoii of the State Fair, iilthniih (ho lut-Hlilcnt In nnthuiizcil to call a meet liitf -it any time the InteroHtH of tho inetnliei may require. The Oretsoa Woi-kly Journal, a Demo matlu newMpupt'i-, IB piiKt-a, full of newa nil of It I tl a year to any actilreM. Th Journal. I. O. liux 1:1, i'erUuud, Or. I. I. AiiliRiiti' rtl uritiMl Niuidii.v evening fruin WiiMliltikrton, I). ('., Wlll'IV III' ho Ixi'ii In tlx Interest of I In- Klitmtith I milium with referent tu tlx' Klninntli n-Ht-rviitlon line. Hi' Niiri-it-ii'i In k' tliitf Meimtor Mllrlii'll to nlliu li tlu Mil to tin Ki-ii-i-rnl linllan npprnprlnt lun hill iiinl It Iiiih not yet Im i-ii ni-tcd tipuli. Tin ImlluiiM wlin nccninpnjili'U Mr. Appl--uiti- Imvi' nut ,vi-t ri'tiirm-il, ii ml In Huyn that tlii-y mi' KtliiHT very liuiiH-Hli'k. Ih' ti-lln hi Mm IiiukIwiIiIi Ini lili-ntH t hut iH-ciirn-il n tin' trip, if In iw tin- wnlli-r KlrlMiinuwil tlii-m-hi-Ii-h In taking tin' nrilrrn nf tin ItiillnliH. I'll-., nml iHM-rlnlly nf tlx iI'iIiikm nf ulil "Ski'ihlililli-" .IlirkHiill, I'll pltllllHt . I'.Xpl'fHH. Keduceil Xaten I'rom The llaat 4 'i i ii in 1 1 -1 1 1 l-'i-lirnnry I5tu ami run tiimiiiK miiil April :i(Hli llii-m wiM U low i-hii- in i-ITi'i-l (ruin tlni KmhI vim Mm I lunula (Vlitritl It. IC.,tiinll V hmIi it ik I uti . (Iri-Kuii Hint hlnlio imiihIh. II any nf your Iru-inU or rt-Uhvi-ii in tlm Kul an i'iiiuiii U'i-nI liili- tlii-Ki- rnli-nari' in i-l-fit'l, (in, i' ut tln-ir iimiiii-anil . It rH , nml mu u lit inuki- H our liin-iiii-i tu w tlmt tlu-V un hivi-n tin) Im-1 mihiIiUi Mrvir. 1- OpITHll- lliriMI(ll MTKOIlHlly I'Olllllll-t- i-i i-xriiminn rnr, himI in (ai t u i v yon tin- U-m-lit of tltj iMti-ct i-oiivenifiici'M ItnnMn to iiio'li-ru rHilrimiliiiK. We linvt l.'i ilitli-ri-ul ruiili-N Iii-Iwi-i-ii the Kaxl nml I In Vi't, himI nrt in iHiniiion tu Kivti you till' hi-IM-llt nl till in-lit l-olnlilliHt ioliN. W'riti- iih ami i- will Kvtt von full par 1 1 -1 1 1 it r H. II. 'I riiuiliull, Cuiii'l Aki-iiI III. (Vii. It. It., H2 Thinl St., I'ortlun.l I Iri-Kuii. ( 'uli- Yiiuiiiii-r. t In iii t "I'll hih hunk rnhU-r nml pnrtni-r nf tin .Iiiiih-h Unit lll'I'M, W lift VWIH H-Ilt tu till' Miu- ni-hiiln M-itlti-itt iary nt St'llwnli-r in 17'i. wan pai'ilniti'il nut li-l triinry 7. mi -! 1 1 1 ! n t hilt III Wlllllil imt ul luw liluiHi'lf fit Ik- i- hililti-il in nnv miiHi-uiu nl' i it her pluri- In-iv n rhnrni- Wnlllil In- llimli- tu Hit- III III that In'li-itM Mliiiii'Miit.i. A lolKrr' ICrmtiimr mini Ioh I hit vi- u "I'll ('hiiniUiritjiii'ii ('iiiiiIi Ki-uiitiy (urH iiiiiiiImt of vi-hm himI havi no hi'xIlHIK'V in hmviiik 'hnt it in tin- In-xt ri-iiii-ily for i-ouhti, -oIiIh h ml rroup I havti i-vi-r uni-il in my family. I havn mil VKinU to i-xpri-HX my roiilidi-nri- in I hiii tr-im-ily. Mhh. J . A. Mi kink, North Star, Mirh. For tilt' l.y I i n ltall, ilnnj KINl. Tin' .Inpiiiii-Hi' eat iimrt' (hi than uiiy ittlii-r n-npli' In tin-wni'hl. With tlu-lil ini-ut i-ntliiK Ih a fuii'lh luvn ratloii, I'uiillni'il tu tin-rich, ur rat her, tu tluiHi- ili h pi-.tpli- nlm pivfiT It tu tin uatluiial ilit-t. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Taktt Laxntivi' llroino (Jiiiaimt Tab-Ii-Ih. All ilriiKKiHtH ri-lunil tin tiioiu y if it fail to I'liri'. K. V. (irnvt-'H hikiiu-turt-in on t-Mt-li Imix. 2j i. M y Renters Take Notice. 'rhn-c whiiHit- renting- or It-a-unit luntU iH-lniiuiiiK to tin (.'alilorintt (lri-ou UihiI I'ompHiiv nt l.akt County will t. Irani- pny ri-nl mont-y into iht- Itaitk of I.hUi'Vu-w. V. II. r-iiiKK, Atit-nt. 41-tf Frequent Throbbing Headache. . ln.liMi. Tlnre'8 many cm Men are not often trouliletl by heailachea. When they are it la generally due to bil iousness or indigestion. Hut women have headaches which aeem peculiar to their sex, frequent nervous throblnng headaches. Does it not seem as if such headaches peculiar to women must be at once related to womanly disease? Wom en who sutler with disesses peculiar to the sex do not realize the drain of vital strength anil nerve force they undergo as a consequence of disease. It is this which causes the familiar headaches of sick wotneu. . . l)r 1'ierce's Favorite Prescription cures' such headaches by curing the cause irregularity, weakening drains, inllanitnation, ulceration or female weak uess. " Favorite Prescription" invigor ates and tones up the entire system, en courages the appetite, quiets the nerves and gives refreshing sleep. " I wa troubled wtlh conreUon of the uteras and female weukneM for five yer, wtle Mr.. Hot. Kerwin, of Albert, ifwltoss Co , Out Wii so weak and nervoua I could hardly do any work. Had aevere P'n S ? '" n"ia and pain In head. W heart would lal ao hi" andTaat at time. I would have to .it .till till I not all riant again. But after taking four bottle? ot Dr. Hmt'i Hawwtle Irecripiion and " of hi. 'Ooldea Mlic.l DUcovery I lelt entirely well. I al ud one boa of Won Tablet. ' aud one ol ' Suppoaiiorie. aa directed. All the .viuplom. of my trouble have dnutp peared and I am completely cured. I thank you lor your kind advice aud your medicine.1' Dr. Pierce's Pleasant PelleU dear the complexion and sweeten the breath. II llllfc M-1.. rr". "' "' Tli Kind Yon Ilavn Always In ue for over 30 yoem, All Counterfeit's Imitation and " JuHt-u-jrood" are but KxiwrlnienU that trifle with and endanger the health of lutunU and Children I'xpcrienee against llxperimeni What is CASTOR I A Cnntorla In a hiirinloHH Hiibntltute for Cantor Oil, Pare frorlc, ropn and Hoothlnjf HyrupH. It U lMeaHant It rontnliiH neifhr Opiiiin, Morphine nor other Narcotic HiihNtance. ItH age Ik lt guarantee. It deatroyn "Wornm and allay IVveriHhiieMN. It cureit Diarrluea and AVind Colic. It relieve Teething Trouble, cure Contipatloii and Flatulency. It ainiilate the Food, regulate tho 8toiiiiu-h and Itowcl, Kivini;. healthy and natural itleep. The Children' ranacca-Tho Mother' Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS S7 Bears the The Kind You Me Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMI ewTfcUH COMMMV, T9 MUHMV TflCtrf. M fOM erTV. Ulilllllll' S. J. STUDLEY 5TUDLEY LAKEV1EW FURNITURE CO, I Full and complete stock of Everything in the line of FURNITURE m just opened. qooDS ak- RIVING ALL THE TIME. ...LAKEVIEW, OREGON... m CALL AND SEE OUK STOCK AND GET OUR PRICES M HOTEL Lakeview . , . ERECTED IN 1900 MODERN THROUGHOUT FIRST-CLASS ACCOMODATIONS SAIIPLE ROOH For COnriERCIAL TRAVELERS COURTEOUS TREATMENT F P I.K1HT I liTHT jC- H UliO tlAKMOW A Bid For Tkade Upon trial I can convince you that I can sell you as GOOD GOODS for as LITTLE MONEY as any store in Lake County. I QROCERIEJ, CLOTHIIQ, DRY Q00D5 E. B. FOLLETT, New Pine Creek. lakeview 1L fees Door North of Beef, Pork, Mutton, Sausage, Etc; J. WENDELL, - - . - Proprietor. WM, HARVEY, " r-i THE PALACE The Only First t'lass Restaurant in Lakeview. Turkeys, Chickens and Suckling Pigs baked to order. Bread and pas try always on hand. Excellent Service Trices Reasonable. TTi Doiifrlit, anil whk-h liaA been liatt borne the Mlfrnatnre of ami linn been miule under hln per Honal Kupervlwlon alnce It Infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in thin. Signature of F. E. MAkKISfe & HARRIS il,wlKW.'tgMati Cnirfpr Rim rlinP nn WatPr St. w...Mw. -"Q V AnDAU D-n.w-ia.-t! Market Hotel Lakeview l'ROPRIETOR. RESTAURANT WWVVSw'' " X Stibwrlhr. m Th IimlnT who fmoTS from on ImalHr i-i annihcr, nf rhans thrlr iKHiloffli'e aitdrmw nh.MlM rrmrmber UK drop thin offlre a rard o lhir paprr ran be ad dr4rl Ui tbK rlshf ptwloflc. TUIC 0IDC0 I. kpt on llloal r..f!. Dssa Inl4 rArtn urllln Ao-ni-yMandS MiTi-hainn- K h.nt. rt.n Cranrliifro, lal., whr contract, lor advrlliilng can bemads for It. MIIKKP HH.t ! ISM. lamoc Rarrv "rntwtih Bweiiow rorti in JdlllCd Ddl Ij right rar for ew-a; rreer.s tor wethirr. Homo mti M.iire Crop and 0111 In right ear. Tar iirand lit. Kange, ( rans Iakft. fiMlnOire adirt-a, Ijikerlew, Oregon Zac Whitworth ear, Half t'nd-rcrop off rlghl for tun; rerr for weth-r. Tar Brao W. Kange, Flub Crirek. I'oatoffice sddreas lki-vli-, Ori-goo. Northern Stage Line. LAKEVIEW -PAISLEY. A. W. BRYAN, Proprietor. Leave Lakeview at C a. m. every day but Sunday. IVturninfti leaves I'awley at G a. in every ilny but Sunday. Pa.scngrr.' arc $j. Roand trip f OFFICE- KnoM 4 W inufleld'a I.nlceTUw LAKEVIEW PLUSH STAGE LINE S. L. Mt X ai'oiito.v, I'rop. Office at Mercantile Store Mae leaves Ijikevievr Monday1, Wed neilayH and Fridays at ft a. in., arrives at I'ltisli at SI p. hi. Leaves I'ltish Tues day!!, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 6 a. in., arrives at Lakeview at tl p. m. I's'senger (are f'l one way or f- for round trip. Freight rates from May let to Xov. lt f .75 per hundred; from Nov. let to May t 1.0) per hundred. Western . Stage . Line J. L. YADIN, Proprietor. Office in Llnkville Hotel Klamath Falls. Daily from Acer to Klamath Hot Spring". Keno, Klamath Falls. Dairy, Bonansa, Hly and Lakeview. Daily from Lakeview to Bly, Bonanza, Dairy, Klamath Falls, Keno, Klamath Hot Springs and Ajrer, Makes connection with al! trains at Atft-r. Also connects at Klamath Fails w ith the stage for Ashland. Good Stock Easy Coaches LAKEVIEW ALTURAS STAGE LINE II. K. Bakkcr, I'rop'r. Office in Bieber's Store Staue leaves Lakeview daily, ex tept Sunday at 6 a.m. Arrtvea at Alturas at G p. m. Leaves Alturas for Lakeview at i o'cliKk a. n., or on the arrival of the stane from Madeline. Ar rives in Lakeview in 12 hours af ter leaving Alturas. Freight - Matters - Given Strict - Attention ... first - Class - Accomodations. kfclMf BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE D Tradc Marks DraiQNS Runieun IL r"r w - a m BAtnain as aikaktk anrt flnatfH nr liin IMA quick ty ascwrtMln our opmin free whether an In vent ton i prooaoif paieuutoie. tmi muuira-ttoiiB-trlctlTCouttdeiitiitl. llatiabookon l tu; .out fr. ldt avencr for .ecuriuv putent. l-.lent. taaen lurouin Muun a, . ajwlol notic, II hout cbarva. In tns Scientific Jlmcrkaiu A naniuoni0i7 nninniim wwi"if iwwi cul.Uou of any .clentlSo journal. 1'eniia, t'i a rmirt four months, L Sold by ail nawadoaltra. Card to the Public. On account of tho continued ill health of my wife, I am compelled to change location. Consequently I aiu now offer ing my residence property at a price lower than was ever heard of in Lake view I am also selling out my entire stock of goods at cost. 47 H.ScnxivcK. a . , i a.