Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 19, 1903, Image 7

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kjyv w.
res .
Xocal Dappcntnod SoI& in parnorapho
Next Huntliy
TIim ilitrk spot In tin centre, of a
tx'iui lilitHHinii la the nearest approach
t lilu k t lut t is-curs lit any flower.
Kentucky Favorite Whltky inildet
Hud ln'Hi. PhyNic.iaii reccoiimnd ll.
lt A King, t'-
Ly until Hopkins Ih now located at
Tnclohaii, Lyte. l I., and hold the
position lit Superintendent f IIII'IIIIN
of t rniiHMirtHt Ion.
Near HaUlmry, In Austria, liven
the mother of thirty-seven children.
Anions them wore twelve pairs of
t wins liiid three seta of triplets.
California Urn fur al at a big bar
gain. I'M) acre fenced and cro tented.
Jot preaeiu I owner 1 10, WO but wi.l tm
old for $r0U0; ft down and lialauce on
ay payment. Inquire at thi of
fice. 47-tl
K' 1,. (ini'ti, who left Paisley a few
week ago In heard) of health, In now
atChlco, Cnl., where he exjHvtn to
remain for awhile.
China Ih short on taels with which
to pay her debta to lite powere, but
ahe tan make It up. If ngneable,
with talen of wm.
Yon won't find "Jean Moore" Wide
ky In cheap place it inu't made lor
cheap men to drink. It ia the html and
demanded liy ttio Isnt jwople. ror sale
by Jaii'uiurlhal.
The longest feme In the world In a
wire-netting fenee In Australia,
inlleH long, Its object Indng to keep
the rabbit from Uncultivated lleldri.
A little New York girl got fllf.OUO
fur an arm that was cut off ly a
street-car. Hut when idie grows up,
many n man will U after her other
Jik k fin Square in one o( the lamoUH
(M Miiiinx (il New Yoik. J lie "Jm knon
NUMie" in l.akevie in one id the fain
IK in iiirkel cigur wild excluidvely by Aid
(irciii Hum. TIiih ti rut alwi bait cxclu
mve i-ulu ol the Iratiraul "liiHtruclora ;"
alno came lliu ever l.iiixiim ilelmonl. ;iiu
The (iovcriiim-iit has withdrawn
from pnlille entry a traet of land
containing .1, Ino.lHHt iu res III the llliie
mountains, Oregon, iim h foreHt re
nerve. Several copies ol the NorthwcHlcrn
Stock Inreciory, complied by tSloi-a A
Lightly, printer of Allura. have been
leii hi tin ollice for distribution. It m
a valuiililu Ixxik lor Htorkuien and worth
the price. ti
The Japanese Induce sleep through
lessening th! blood Heut to the brain
by pressing upon the carotid artery
on eltner Hide la-low the angle of the
No headache, no gaairilib. follows the
um o( "JeHne Moore ' pure whinky. It
doe one good. There ia none oilier to
equal it. For aalo by Jainnierthiil.
The JewMof Palestine are entirely
descended from JewM who returned
to Hint land from Kurope. Mont of
them speak a riinwt form of the
liermaii language.
The scratch ol u pin may cauxe the
Iohh of H limb or even death when blood
IMiimuiinx rcMiillH from the injury. All
thinner of thin may be avoided, however
by promptly applying Chamberlain'
Pain llulin. ll ia an anliatipliti and
ipiick hciling liniment for culn, bruin
ami biiiim. For rale by Lee Heall, drug
ill. The Kxnntlnet', HUo nuwt tU'WH-papei-H,
taken Kraaloh every month
or two to remind eoireHpondentH to
nlwn.VHHljrn thelrown name beMldoH
the non deplume they wIhIi their let
tor HlKiieil, to nil coiiimunleatlonH
they Heml In. Two winkH iitfo we
reci-lved a good romntunieatlon from
Warner without the wtIUth name
attached, coiiHOiiucntly It wuh not
published. If wo Hhotihl publish an
article, the anther of which we did
not know, ami any trouble nhould
urine from It The Examiner would
have no rwourHe, and would lie sole
ly reHiioiiHlble.
The Virginian who Introduced an
nntl-klxMliiK bill la named II. Ware.
1'erlinpM It Im Imi'iiiiiw the Klrla re
peated IiIm name In earnest that he
wantH to deprive others of what he
cannot Ket.
AcconlliiK to a I'tah cha)i, Outlaw
Tnu-cy Is still alive, having passed
throiiKh that state last Full. Tell
this yarn to the Mormons; up here
we know that Trueey la dead,
whether Wilkes Itoot h and 'toloix
an- or not.
Tout A KiiiK are now receiving big in.
voicea for llieir winter trade. All the
Hneiit brand of liipieura and cigaia are
kept there. I'oat A King furninh the
home wiili the Iwat branda for mwlicin
al purpisiea. 4--U
It may not Ihj jtenerally known
that theorlKlnal Idea of the China
man'N plKtull was that It formed a
convenient handle by which, one day,
he would le lifted up to l'nradlae.
Thla curious Im IU f la atlll to le found
ainoiiK the natives.
Last Sunday while Al and John
Farrow were Hcpnratli)KHouH.'horaeB
In a corral Al JuiiijH d lu ahead of
the unlinal they wished to cut out
from the bunch and It ran over him
knocking lilm down ami trampling
him under Its feet. Mr. Farrow was
knocked about pretty rough, but re
ceived no serious Injnry. I'ost.
Cyru Noble Whinkv the old chain-
I, ion and mill champion of Ui.-m all.
Ved in all timt cli" place. Auk lor
Cryu Noble carnt g-Msl when yon want
a uood drop at home. 37 if.
In the reign of lMward III., then
were at IJrlstoI, Kiigland, thrti'
brothers, who werepinlnent clothiers
and woolen weavers, and whose
family name was lllanket. They
were the first H-rsouH who muuu
fact n red that comfortable material
which has ever since Ix-cn called by
their name, and which was then used
for jieasaiits' clothing.
Tim Oregon Keinl-Vci'kl' Journal, a
Ii. tinii iml.' iHWHniier, ever fulr and al
waya flee; Itil t'oplea In cmr yeiir fur only
f I in to liny iiililreHM. Thu Journal, 1.
O. Ilox l'.'l. i'ortlnnd. Or.
Thorn who read the article In hist
Issue, TrapiHT vs Hunter, by Paul
iK'I.aney from the I'oitland Journal,
probably noticed a very bad break
In the makeup. Almost 4 Inches of
one portion was placed about six
Inches ahead of where It should be.
These accident will hap)cii In the
lsst regulated newspajHTs.
County Clerk Smith haa recently
added a line Fisher book tyjH'wrlter
to his ollice eiiulppment w hlch Is es
peclally adapted to the work for
which It was purchased saya the
Crook County Journal. It U an up-to-date
machine similar to thorn to
Ih found In most coiintyclerk'solllceH,
and can accomodate a book of any
size. It Ih much more rapid than
with a pen, and also saves space In
the records, asigie book typewritten,
will contain about three times the
numlicr of records written by hand.
When you feel blue, and that every
thing goeH wrong, take a done of Cliiim
herluin't) Stomach and Liver Tabled.
They w ill dentine and invigorate your
atomuch. regulate your bowela, give von
a reliNh for your food and make you feel
that in thia old world is a good pla.e to
live. For Bale by Lee Heall, druggiot.
The estate of the late Congressman
T. II. Tongue hits Ihhii admitted to
probate at lllllsboro, there ls-lng no
will. 10. U. Tongue, the elder son,
has Imh'ii appointed administrator
and has tiled his bond In the sum of
f70,0(K). The estate la unolllclally
valued at :iT,(HM), and will bedlvlded
a follows: Widow, one-third; the
balance share and share alike to the
followlngchllilren: Mrs. A. K Rennies,
of Jacksonville; Mary, Thomas II.,
Jr., Ilertha, K 11. Tongue, lllllsboro!
Mrs. Frank Freeman, Portland; and
MIhh Florence, student at l'acllk
Continually arriving and arc sok?
at Bed Rock Prices. Will ex-
I f . Ti. I. YTi'. T7i - , - - - .
cnange ior joaney, wncac or riour .
Shirt Waist Patterns
Ladies Facinators
Ladies and Misses Underwear ' ;
Ladies and Misses Hose
Velvets and Laces
Kid Gloves
&ockery and Glassware
Mens Felt Boots
Mens Rubber Shoes
Ladies and Misses Shoes
Mens Boots and Bootees
Boys Caps and Hats
Boys Clothing
Tne Best Goods and the Lowest Priced Store in Town
:..C. U. SNIDER,..
$ 2.00 PER YEAR