Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 19, 1903, Image 3

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    LAMi CUCMV fiXAfllNdR. : LAKEVIEW,' CKI200N, FEB. I, lOJ.
11mt It a III Deficit In American
and I'orelf n Market t)emnd
Heavier Than Uat Year.
H takf tin following iwt ""-
Ttilnc thn wind Httuatlfiu bir-Vv
tmry, from Jutlc'. litTiuun ".
monthly idn-ulnr, whllt In roinildrnHl
very rellnld.. Tho wool market uvt
Mm j.rvwnt firm totio from tlti fu t
hat tlw roHMTlty of tlm Ann-rUnn
hoIi H4NMHH utilliiiltl, ami they an1
liivliitf thHr ability to pun hum
inor woolen textile than Aiiieilian
iiiIIIm fall lrcMluce.
That ilonieHtle wool Ih how iihhIi
heaMT to the Ainerlian maiKifiu t
nrer than any compel Iiik rhkIi-m of
foreign. Ih alxo an Important factor,
Imparl Inn Htrcnuih to I he market.
A Ml 111 mole fnvoralile llilliienee Ih
Hie roiivlethiti that the Miippl.v. In-
Indluu nil wind ownel by Ihe mill.
Im i 1 1 1 1 I ' I t ; 1 1 lo ke'p I he IIIIK lillHT.V
riinnliiK al ll pnwiit rale until I In1
di'urt'r, which, if rourw, mcanMhtRh-
r coat for woolen tntllwi tlw world
Among the clrcuinntnnc that usu
ally affirt irlcn for woolen textile,
ntv thowe that Influence the price of
raw material, and them) InTArlwbty
precede price chanjcen for flnlnhed
The facta which now force them
Helven modi prominently upon the
notice of the trade fire then': Flrnt,
the en tin? ntock of wool In the United
KtateM wait 2T n-r cent larger at thin
tlinelaMt year than at prenciit, ill
thouuh the cotiMiimptloti Im Rrenter
now than then; mid Hecond, that
while American machinery HcemM
likely to rcijulre mun- wool lictwcen
now and clip time than InM year,
there U leHM of It, not only hen, but
aUo in the direct purclwiMi'M III South
America and AiiHiralla, which have
fallen off r0 per cent.
ThU Im Iii the cam-, where Im the
dellelt to Im obtained?
Am the neiiHon In the Southern
I liinlnphere Im pracl Ically clowd,
! KuroMan liiii'UelM me the only
place where Heeded MipplieM llll Im-
I'Iic t-luullii'iiuce of thlH
11cm in the 111 (It'll higher relative ponl-
n.vt Hit. w ill be available In .Ittl.v,
i i . i oblaiueil
I Iiiim neei mkII at Inw; heavy ImportM of 1
fi.ii-lL'ii wihiIh. all uraileM nf vv lilrh
. . ; lion nf prlci-M abroail, iih eompared
li.ive Imi-ii hIihw In an npvv ard ten-1
with our ow n.
'I 'hi' f-l 1 1 1 1 1 1 tit t inn ; eliet t ol propter. iam raaarllla I'tlla
live a.l.ll imI American bu.v in in "r," I '"' W1';" and .l,..o,Ute oat
I'll. I hey net nurelv I 1 1 1 (fi'litlv. ciirinu
li.reluu inarUelM. vv 1 1 ! 1 1 vv M inn a .vi ae ; ,
have Mixlaiueil an average advance
if more than twice iim much do.
Iliexlle llUllUi'l", lelllnVi H ail llleai- j
ih-km nln.ul I he Mlabllity or vnliieH of j
di iuel If vvo l I
ii-al i ii,, Men llt'iel-
mlie. jlynp pla, eic. 'I I lev purity I In
IiIihhI ml iniirnv.' the .oinplexiDii Sold
Hi KM enl. Hint rent ImiXcm hy Luke
view 1'riin t'u. Hlel l.iikevievv I'hai tiniey.
To Cure a Cold in One Day.
; TuLu lU.ll... I., II,....,,,.. Tul,.
ll.e Mil nation now Im . Ii I..-I ler ; A f itki-i r.-lniel Ihe n.i.ney if it vv;iM on.' v ear a-it. for I hen
fol'i'lUII HiarketH Were below ilollleo
I le, vv lille 1 1 lev a re now a bov I hem.
At t he ipenillK of tin' I i Ii-1 M-rii-Mof
IhU Venl'H i.oluliill Wool AllelloliM
on .launai.v -oi h, ineriuo and Hue
eroHNbred woolMMiiltable for America.
iM'tied at ."ier cent above I Iii'i IohIiiu
It IhiIm l'i ( life, I.
Ill le I- on nu ll Ihix
S . (n live Millie
X-. M Iv
Renters Take Notice.
Tlm-e H hu.iri' U'iiliiii or lert"iiit! IhihU
belniiKiiilf lo the Ciililiirniii .V (
1 1-H' I C' i m 1 1 iii l.ake County will
Jile;ine :iy rent inoui-y lulu ihe I', ink of
.ukevtew. W. II. f-iin:K, Aweiit. 4 1 -1 f
KcUucetl Rates from The Cast
I ttn lit iiii 1 1 iru 1 t ii u n,i .,,
of the lieeeiulN-r Sal.-M, while coarmj , tj,,,,,,,,, until April ;Wili there will t
lo rie- in efli'i'L fruia lliu KhhI via Ihe
liiMirotiM Lincoln crimMbredM, to llie
MiirprlMc of the t rade. ad vanced 10 per
With the exception of the eloMim
lay, the at tendance vviim lare and
I he coiujM't It loll keen, keeping priceM
Mteady and firm throiiKhtout. (In
Mome ila.VH American competition for
mi ime of the choice rroHMhred cllpH
eatlHcd them to fetch l'i percent above
flie lieccmlM-r Auction prlccM.
The Miply of wool In Kuropc Im
very low, with coiiHiimpt Ion IncrenM-
Iiik, no t hat t he UHUal KuroH'ail dt
uiaiid alone, without any nupport
from the I 'lilted SlaleM, Would prob
ably have iM-eiihtlllli ient to ha v c 1 veil
an upward ImpulHe to pllccH.
What will take place at the huIimc-
pient. mjiIcm when American conietl-
lioll Im eeeted to Iiicivuhc may be
aMlly HiinnlMed.
Ah the ijuaiitity of wool reijulred
for American machinery fit Itn pivH
ent rule of coiiMtimpt Ion In nearly
double the pri'Hent American wool
production, there miiMt be more ami
more di'iM-ndency each year upon for
inn iiidrkctM.
Thin hIo wn lu the lucreuKe over
t he previous year, 40 mt cent In the
imports of foreign wool In IW2,
which year opened with a tmpply of
wool left over from liWl, i.'." per cent
ureaU-r than that oil hand at the
oeiiinji; of the preneut year.
It Would tliereiore Meem to Follow
logically that with niu-Ii a reduced
tiantlty of wool on hand, ntill lui
H'V Iiiijioi Im than thone f last year
iniiMt be bought during- the coining
year, brluKiiiK AmcricaiiH us lucreaH
ed buyers Into foreign market m where
prlceit have already advanced more
than twice an much im la the Tidied
Tbn Mun the ciimo the wonder Ih
that iiiniitifaclurcrH nhould have
openml their IIiich of Hatnplee of
heavy-weight ki'(Ih at prices mo Ut
ile lu ail Vance of last HeaHon and not
In proportion to the higher coHt of
raw material, although the verdict
of the London Auctlono, Junt cIohciI,
Im wooJ of all iitialltlen Im much
I lllimiR Vntriil Ii. U., IohII WHithinKton,
Oitvnli mill bliiho iiiiinlH. ll any of
your IrieniU or relrtliven in the Kant are
eonuiiK Went wllo thenc mievare in id
feci, Kive n h their name and a.l.lro'. and
will make it our luifiiici"-, to we thai
thev are fciveu the let pofHlile rerviie.
w e oiM-rute throiiiili ihtnoiihIIv conduct
ed excurNion earn, and in fact uive you
mil iieiu-iii in i no lalet-t convenience!!
know n lo uioilern rmlroHiluik'. We have
1) ditlereiil roulen bel ween the KhhI and
the Weft, Hinl lire in ixmitioti to ijivt-i you
the lieiielit o( the iient cotnhinationa.
Write 118 anil we will uive Villi lull nur
licular. H. II. Trumhull. ( 'oin'l A Kent
III. On:. H. K., U Third St., Portland
oieKnn Pally Jnuiiiiil. a !'mucratl
dully iii-WNiiii-r, elKliI o I'D iaKM. fl
)enr; f2 for Mix miintliN. The Journal la
h uewpaicr. Heml In your Hulmertpllnn.
Inteiif.1 your iieli(lilor In TIib Jmiiiiiit.
AitiliTHH The Jiiiiriuil. Hox 1JI, l'oitlanil
Hnif and Half.
a The dyspeptic may well be reprearnted
pirtoriallr a iM-in' half tnanculine and
Imlf fciiimine, and coinhitjinjf the least
desirable characteristics of either ae.
He hat all the atuhhomueas of the man
with the peevish ir
ritability of a sick
woman. He's not
pleasant company at
home or abroad.
Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery
cures dyspepsia and
other diseases of the
stomach and associ
ated organs of diges
tion and nutrition.
It renewa physical
heulth which carries
with it cheerfulness
of temper, and makes
life a pleasure instead
of a enance.
The " Discovery "
purifies the blood by
eliminating the cor
rupt and poisonous
accumulations from
which diaeateishred.
It increases the ac
tivity of the blood
making fjlaiuls, so
increaslui; the sutnil v
of pure rich blood, which gives life to
every organ of the body. It gives new
life and new strength,
Vour 'fiolitrn Medical IMncovery' hai per
formed a wonderful cur, wrilcs Mr, M M
lluuar.ofCliarlniluu, Frsoklla Co , Ark. I had
llie wort can ofdyipciMua, th doctor, uy, that
tlieycyer w. Aflrr Iryins Hvti doctors sad
vrrythliiv I could hear of; with uo benefit, I
tried Dr. f'iercc'a OoJdeu Medical Uiaoovciy and
auw I am cured."
Accept no substitute for Golden Med
ical Discovery." There is nothing just
as g xtd' for diseases of the stomach,
blood and lungs. f,
The Common Sense Medical Adviser,
Ixi8 large pages in paper covers, is sent
free on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to
ay expense of mailing only. Address
Dr. K. V. Pierce, Bulfulo, N. Y.
I-r (n fl (i jll))iM
it V i, ,iu, f ,,i
XVcCclablc Preparilionfor As
slmilatinf ittcFoodandRefiula
Unt ttte Sloinacro and Uowcls of
Promote s Disl inn C 1st rfu 1
ncssaivlPi"'' rpnbttns nfilluT
Opium b' r-T Mineral.
'in 1 1.,...
iicss mid I .1 : .
Vac Sim '. Si Jni.iei . i.
li 111 IIM
Tot Infants nd Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Laact copy op wwappc
.1 M IV
if is A
Sshaerlbsrt te The Kiamlnrr wbs fvmerre
from on locslliy lo another, of rhanr
Ibelr poetofllr s4drM IknulS reaeaiber m
drop th la elN s ear4 MtkHr sr eaa fcs s4
drrseed lo the right feetoSee.
TUIC OIDCD ltoiai.C. Durt
Jnli rArtn AdrtlBf Aer4ad
ffrrchsnie Kxcbsnge, Maa rrsatrbno, Cal.,
where eontracta for adrsrtlaiag eaa he sas4a
tor It.
lamte? Parrw Br"4 mlth "J0 ror
JfliilO DdliJ right ear for ewj reverse
for wethers. Some ewes Ssaare Crop sad BUi
In fight esr. Tar Brssd 111. Bang. Crane)
Lake. foatnfllc address, Laksvlew, Oregon
Zac Whitworth ear. Half Oadererop
right for ewes j reverse tor wethers. Tar Braa
W. Range, Flub Creek, roatofllee address
Lakeview, OavgoB.
Northern Stage Line.
A. W. BRYAN, Proprietor.
Leave Lakeview at 6 a. m.
every day hut Funday.
IWuminjj, leaveB pHUley
at 6 0 a. in every dy tut
Pasacngeri' are Sj. Round trip Sf
OFFICE- KvnoM. Wncflelit' l."-nw
m Put your ad in llie Examiner, it brings g
w - ,
S. I.. M Nacoiiton, Prop.
Office at Mercantile Store
Mafe leaves lakeview Mondays, Wed
riepday and l'riilayw at 0 a. in., arrives
at IMiihIi at il p. m. leaves Plush Toes
diiyo, Th'irilav and Saturdaya, at 6
a. m., arrive? at Lakeview at p. m.
PafeiiKer fare one way or $5 fT
round trip. Freight rates from May
lut to Nov. lt f .7r pi.'r linrdrd from
Nov, 1-1 to May 1-t $1.00 per liumlred.
Western . Stage . Line
Full and complete stock of
Everything in the line of
Snider Bui ding on Water St.
J. L. VAUIN, Proprietor.
Office in Linkville Ifotel
Klamath Palls.
Daily from Ager to Klamath Hot
Springs, Keno, Klamath Falls, Dairy,
Bonanza, Bly and Lakeview.
Daily from Lakeview to Bly, Bonanta,
Dairy, Klamath Falls, Keno, Klamath
Hot Springs and Ager.
Makes connection with al! trains at
Aer. Also connects at Klamath Falls
with the stage for Ashland.
Good Stock ... Easy Coaches
LIOHT & HARROW, Proprietors
f A Bid For Tiude
II. E. Harker, Prop'r.
Office in Bieber'5 Store
Stage leaves Lakeview daily, ex
cept Sunday at 6 a. m. Arrives
at Alturaa at 6 p. ru.
leaves Alturaa for Lakeview at
tl o'clock a. m., or on the arrival
of the stage from Madeline. Ar
rives in Lakeview in 12 hours af
ter leaving Alturae.
Freight - Matters - Oivert
Strict - Attention
first - Class - Accomodations.
Upon trial I can convince you that I can
sell you as GOOD GOODS for as LITTLE
MONEY as any store in Lake County.
E. B. FOL LETT, New Pine Creek.
Trade Marks
CopvRiOHTa Ao.
lakeview Market
mm., n H...L - ii.a.i i -i : . .
?ase33e uuur nunn ui nuiei lauBview
Beef, Pork, Mutton, Sausage, Etc.
J.WENDELL, - - - Proprietor.
Anron. amrtlnc iketrh and dfwcriptlon mar
DuloklT uraroilii our opinion tra whMhar an
Intention is probably pittuntabla. Com mun If.
tloit..trtotlfOoiiQd0ntlaL llandbooll on FatMa
ojii ir. uium avenor ior aetiurtlujt patanta.
raienia utaen inrouto Muua (Xk n
mtriiu wik, wiinout onaria, la IBS
Scientific Jlntericam
A kandaomaly tllnatralad waokly.
Ijirr.t ot.
1 xriua, ai a
oulaUon of any .caenuflo Journal.
ruar I four luoutha. II. Bold bw all nauii&JaM
fMN&Co.86' New tort
Bnuwk UOoa. & W Bt Waahtuatou. ftC,
Card to the Public.
On account of the continued i!l health
of my wife, I am compelled to change
location. CoiiHoquently I am now offer
ing my reeidenco property at a price
lower than was ever heard of in Lake
view 1 am also selling out my entire
stork of Kooda at coat.
47 H. Sciimihck.