Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 12, 1903, Image 5

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Iiiooiuouni luxni i
Dr. (). I'. iVinotvNt, rcluriinl from
a vImII to lli VIIIitiirtt vnllcy Hut
unlay iireiiiiiiiilci by hU twit Hill-
(Inn. iht Dr. hail In I iI'l to K"
mi to K I j i ii i it 1 1 1 toniity for a few
inuiilliH In do ilriital work, I in t. In
found loo nun li work itwiilthitf him
lien, no will n-iiiulii.
What are von lining to give your lx't
girl lor m Vnlt'iitini'7 llim l h auugi-a.
linn Ink tuT In tlm Imp at lUrry' hull
hatunluy, tlio evening i( Ht. Valentines)'
Win. (JiiIkIi'.v if IUvithIiIi', Klainatli
rlviT. wild a liiiiu linf 40Ih ikI nfMtiiT
to n lniti Iht at ItowlitirK, Or., for h
rciitM. They Htni driven tliroiiKli
Yrekii lani wii-k ly hi buy), and
kIiIik.'iI norlli. Qululey hud imtanil
liiK offer for 7. hihI tin' Yrvku butch
er would hiive kIvi-iiH If In k'it tin-in
to limt of February. Yrekii Journal.
Your watch ii iur lo get out of r
pair or iih1 cleaning in time. Don't
waste any more time but bring it to
Ahlitroiu liro'a at once and have It
Thrtv Im a ntroiiK iroliallllty that
W. 11. I learnt will lit- iioinlnat4i tor
I'rvMlilent by tlii-l'iilon I-alxir inirty.
We do not believe, however, that the
iH-iniMTatli' jiarty will ever lie
brought toeiulorMe litm I liciiiwh the
Ih'iiiiH ralM have done mime very fool
ish t IiIiikm. Hut hIioiiIiI hiicIi nil unto
ward event htiieti well, we will
train with Teilily. AltiiraM I'lalii-
OHicats amlmenilMiri of Uooae Ijikc
lodge No. H&, K. nl I'., am eiei ially re
quested to attend liidgti at 1. . O. F.
hall Kelt. 17, I'IKI. I'rgeiit liua.ueioj lo
Im attended lo.
Adrian Miles, a tailoring iiiiin.iiKid
4D yearn, died Monday uiortiltiK after
a nix week a IIIiicmm of typhoid luieti
iiiotila. Mr. Mlli-H wtw horn In St.
.lotuili. Mo., and came to Iikevlew
hint Miimmi-r fnuu Portland with
t wo ihlMreii ami two brother, who
Miirvlve Win. UeV. Hmythe eainn up
from New Pine Creek to cuitdiu t the
funeral servleeH, which were held
Tucnday afternoon.
WIkiMoii Smilh'a 1'alai'e Continues
to lie ihe jHiimliir club room. II you ar
looking tor a ui'oi you will likely lind
him Ml the l'lilme. tienrge and rent
always treat their patron well. IjUchi
perioiiualH. Private, club nxJin. 4'-' U
The Oivkoii House nf lviVHelitll-
llviMpaxMd the iletlcleiicy npproprl-
,,1 ,.ii lilll n poi led several iIii.vh iiro
by the wuys and iiieann committee.
TheHiim of Vi.(mm Is appropriated
for exiieiiws of the 1 'kImIm t u rt and
for salaries and mlleaue of iiiemlierM.
The bill sets aside nearly f.MMK) for
dellelenclcH In Htate liiMtltutloiiH
and 77II1 for iletlcleni li'M Incurred
under the scalp bounty law.
The liel pbyHii. "Once tried ami
you will always una Chamberlain's
Moinacli ami Liver Tablet," "ays Wil
liam A. liirurd, Pease, Vt. Thee Tab
let are I bo must prompt, moat pleasant
and inont reliable cathartic in use. For
sale by Let) Iteall, druggist.
The small boy Im K''UlnK lil '"H
ahare of pleamire out of the nnow.
Felix Hereford nearly every day
hllchi-H IiIh pony to IiIh hand Hled,ai;d
half a dozen other boyH hitch
their hIciIh behind with lon ropeH,
and the tandem will lie Mtretched out
for nearly a block In lcujjth. The
fun coineH when he hit the pony
mid then tuniH around a comer
and KplllH them all out In the miiow.
i;. 11. Henry of thin phue Iiiih pur
chaHed of A. T. Lanp'H f llonanr.a
the celebrated horm', OakwiKid, and
he will make the hciimoii at the J. I'.
1ah ranch near Keno mii.vh the Klam
ath KxprcHN. Oakwooil wiu
brounhtto Klamath county ten your
aui aHayearlliiK by LoiiIh (lerlier,
who purchaHt'd him of L. W. Sheepo
tf Stockton, Cal. Ho Im by Fellow
charin and he by the fuinouH Long
fellow, (lam Aruch by Imp. (llennary,
winner of tliuKpolu dertiy. All of
Oakwood'ii Kitaro Iniautlful liorwH
and IiIh colt Alexander wiw the lawt
t hree year old ever ralwd In Oregon.
He Ih a InrKntliormiBlibnMl wel;hlnK
nearly HUM) pounda. We eoiuniend
him to hoi-He ralner.
An liiMlnleiit blade wan iiIiiimm! In
ltd Infancy hmt Hatunlay inornlii(c
by Dan Maloy, Calhoun, tlm paint
er, wan working on the Innlde of the
Iiiiich hoiiMc on Water Ktni-t, ntul
had built up a big fire Smoke wan
noticed iHMitlng from the roof In a
hi rue voliiiuii by Mm. Illalr imtomm
the atrei-t, and ahe gave the alarm.
Dan Moon put the fin out, which had
catluht In the roof, with large allow
bulla, and t him miivciI the Iioiimc, an
t lie painter wiim not aware of any
D. I.. Nli-eier, HKiinl agent of the
general land oltlce arrived on the
Hunt hern HtaK" Monday night. Mr.
Necier came direct from MluueNnta,
where he luiM lai'ii Inveat Igat IngMome
land uiatterN, but bin home Ih at
Iwiwtou, Oklahoma. He coineN to
take t he phu-e of Hniiil agent dry
ula, who liaa I ki-ii here for a month,
and will continue the Itivi-xt Igat Ion
of the many HiuImt entrlea In the
I. ake view land office. Mr. (irygla
haa lai-n called to another field and
will probably leave for Portland
thin week.
1 will pay a nultable reward for the
recovery of a black man branded J 2
on right atlfle and L on right
ahoiilder or any other ho men with
the " on rlRht ahoulder.
Merrill, Ore.
T. It. (iooclpaat un- ban nold IiIh
forty-acre tract of laud, altuated be
tween Medford and Phoenix, to a
Mr. liaher, of AhIiImikI. The price
paid wan $iHHI. Thla place la Hltuat-
ed on lUwir creek, adjoining Sam Van
Dyke'n placeon thcHoutll. It la flrat-
claaa fruit and alfalfa laud and Im well
worth the price paid. Mr. Goodpas
ture bought the land a few inoutha
g. paying .naiu lor me auiue.
Mcdfurtl Mall. ThU Mr. liaher ta
uppoed to la A. 11- Flaher of Iake
county, who Mold out iul went to
Jackaou county to ha.-ate.
Local effort nrw belilg put forth to
perauaUe Hr atnle t-Kltntiire to pr.
mlt llahlng In Klamath county the
year around, under proper n-atrlc-tioiia.
People an now prevented
from catching llah at the time of
year when they art' the la-at to eat.
( )ur at i-eaina donot run through other
count leH of the atate and ao no other
county ahould la' Inten-ated ill tell
ing ua when or how long we ahoidd
HhIi. Kepiiblican. Tin name condl
tionaexlat In Lake county, and aii.-h
a law would lie greatly upprtHiatcd
by the jM'ople of thla county.
The Palace UeftHiirant recently open
ed by W. M. Harvey, is doing a ruHhing
bUHineva laitl. niglit and dny, ami ia pre
pared to seive the public with every
thing in the market at Hhort notice.
Turkey, rhickeim, and Buckling pig
l.alo..! to order, ltread and nastry con-
atantly on hand. Prices leasonable and
aatialactiou guaranteed. 4!)
Sheriff W. W. Wlthera, of Lane
county, wiih fatally ahot while try
ing to arreat Klllot Lyona, SO lullea
weat of Kugene, laat Friday. The
aherlff illts I next day. Lyona nerved
a term In the enltentlary for horae
Htealing. and wiim again wanted for
the name offence. When the aheriff
found IiIh man at hla home with bin
family, three women grabla'd and
held hlin while the hornet hlef nhot
him In the neck at clone range. The
fugitive made hla encape. Sheriff
Wit hern, who In a couhIii of .Judge
llrattalu of Lakeview, wiim an ex
ceedingly popular ofllcer, and made
a record laat year by tracking
through three ntateH and finally cap
turing llert Hcator, who murdered
lien Tracy, a year ago.
i L. BAILEY . . 9
7 A Complete and Heatl- k
fulllufiof Ham plea) to H-- 7
Z Irct from. 9
Atbes, Whitworth
1'nllcd Hiato lncl I mice, Lakvvlew, Orenn
Norrinltrr 21, luut Nolle it hvtehy Klven
thai In compliant' with thr provlnlont of tho
act nl t oiiKri'U of June S, 1K7H, ntltlcd "An
act for tin aale ul timber land! In till KtaU
ol f'allforiila, Ornron, Nrvala and Waahlnitlon
rrrrltorv." aa ritcndtsl to all the Public Iind
hialo by art ol AUKU't 4. lKVi, Alonjo 1. Fraki'i
nl Warner l-aii', t-iunt nl lke, taU(or K-rri-
lory) of Ort-ioii, nan thla day r
hla nworn nacrmi ni No lnutl, lor the purchase
ol the nW't , HK1 K.-C IS, SWU NK'i Hrc 24 Tp 4U
H. K E, w M., and will offur proof to abow
that the land aouxlit la more valuable for Ita
timber or atone than for agricultural purpanea
and lo eatabllnh lil claim lo aald land before
tne K ltT and ticcclver of thUoWcc at 1-ake-
f. ort-gun, uu jionuajr, the jumaaroi April,
""iianu- ai lln': Oeorari' V. Wllaoo,
Thoinaa Ki rrn and T. B. Waketlrld of Warner
tjikt . ori'ion BU'l I- f- Wlnkleman of l.ake-
le"reF". Any--a f
Ilia adveraeljr the aboee-deacrlbed land arw
requested to flic their claim In thla office on
or before ald iith day of April.
decltii fc. M. bKATTAlN, rU'gliUT.
I'nlU'dalalra Uind office, l-akevlew, Oregon
Nov. l.t, llMI. Xolliel" hereby fflven that In
t'oiupllaiicc with the provinioiia of the art ol I
oiiKrei.of June!), 1K7H, entitled "An act for tile ,
al.' ol lluilH'r land In the "talc ol caiunrnia,
(ireKon, Nevada and wahlne:lon Territory,"
aneatended toall the Hnbllc lud utatea bv a t
of AiikuhI 4. Ihwj, the folloHinit x-riionii have
thla day Hied In Hit omcu their tuuru simiv
uifiil", tow it :
CharleN Crew.
nf lln.lilni, count) of t'helmlln. Hlate of acV i
Inifioii. orn lati ment No. lul lor the pur- I
rcaacnltheni. N K'. and N1, hE'. 'M l-j
x S k. 15. E W . M
J.tni' T Quiffs.
ot Aberdeen, county of ChehalU, State of Waili
I ilk-ion, worii caieincnt No. 1V for the pur- ,
chaw of Ihc NU NK 1. Sec 31 and N'i N '
. . .... 1' ,1 U U I'm fc" A" VI
CHt; J- l, .w I'. ... J" " "
.-rank Iloll IniMwnrth
of Newberry, county of Yamhill, mate of Ore
van, iwnrn utatcment No. for the purchae SW
f the aw i4 HW 4 Sec PS HK; and j $4;
111 at tney will uurr mini uy- ""
land aoUKht la more valuable for Ita timber or
tone than lor aurlcullural purtxiae aud to en-1
tabllah their claim to tald land belore 1. M.
Willi row, U.H. t'ommlwiloner at Klamath rails
Oregon, on Saturday the 18lb day ol April liwa.
They uame as wltneaaea: William U-ck and
Charles frew, of lloUiam, Washington. Jamea
T. WuIkS. nf Aberdeen, W ashlnitton, Krank Hoi
llnKiworth, of Newberry, Oregon, and r. .
Merrltt. of I'nrtland, tiregon
Any and all iiersoti
TalininR adversely the
.lu.....I..M..rilw.,l lallil.
cl land are rciucsted to C 1
iM,r,iliH claill
their claim In thla office on or before said
lMh day of April, l'AH.
Jan. ;vt pa
E. M. Bhattain, Regliiter.
(lulled 8tats Land Office,
Ijkkcvii'W. OrcRoii, Jan. 21, l!Mt.
Notice 1 hereby given that In compliance
with the provUlom of the ai t ol t'otiKreu of
JuneS, 1H7H entitled "An act for the sale of
timber land 111 the Slale of California. Ort
Koii. Nevada, and Washington Territory," a
extended to all the I'ublio Land Stale by act
ol AiiKUKt 4, li2, the followlns eraons have
Ihl day lll.'d in thl oltlce their sworn state
ment. tO'Wll :
Charles J. Anderiuin,
of lirainard, county of t row Wing, stale of
Mluiiuaota. sworn statement No l?:il for the
purchase of the Si.. NW''4 and Kl, eW'ii, Sec 12
TpMS, It 1.1 K, W SI.
Klorence R. Klesl ml,
of Hratnard, cotiuly of Crow Winn, state of
MiniiCHOla, sworn latemeiit No 17: for the
purchase of the S, of S', Sec 1J TpM S, K 15 ,
U M.
Henry J. Kelsland,
of Hly, county of Klamath, Male of Oregon,
woru statement No 17!;iforthu purchase of
the N', of N , See 1:1 Tp X3 S, K 15 E, W M.
That tliev will offer prHf to how that the
laud aoiiKht Is more valuable for its timber or
stone than for aitrlcullural puriHiKC and to e
tablUli their claim to said laud befote J. W.
liainakar, I'.H. t'ouuuiiuiioner at Klamath Falls
(ireKou, on Saturday, the vi h day of May 1iS.
Thev name a witucc: Franklin W. Merritt
of I'ortlaud tirefion, t'. W. l'aul and J. W. I'aul
of rtunor. Oregon, Heury J. Rlealand of Hly,
Oregon and Klorence it. Kieslaud, aud Charles
J. Andcmon. of Hraluard Mlnneola.
Any and all person claiming adversely (ha
above dcscrllied lands are requested to ttlu
their claims In this ortice oil or Utfore said Vlh
dayol Mayliio:!. ,
Jau 29-4 E. M. Bkattain, Keitlster.
Town Lots For Sale
In Lane's South Addi
tion to Lakeview.
Florsheim Celebrated Shoes, New
Flour from Choice Wheat unmixed
with other crops, Choice Bacon, etc
PfllHTQ Rgaring the
rUlll 10 Statement k
k' I ...
icw uusiness written in
dross assetts, " . 331,039,720.34
Gross surplus " . 71,726,797.06
Total payments to policy holders 27,714,621.42
During the past ten years, the EqiUble has paid $26,056,381.99 in dividends ot
its policyholders, which largely exceeds the amount paid in divideLds by any oth
pr Company during the same period.
ToS Esoi1?
LEE BEALL, Proprietor
1 )&i
We have constantly on hand a Fine and Complete Stock
of Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumeries, Toilet Articles, Fancy
Notions, Cigars, Etc., Etc.
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded
! iUff.
Agency for Acorn Stoves and Ranges
Hardware and Tinware
l-akeview, January, 8th, 190S.
Ii'r Friends :
We come to you again with this personal request for your trade.
You want goodswe want business. Your purpose is to buy goods right.
Our purpose is to sell you goods right. It also stands to reason that we
are going to make our prices as low a consistent with good business
judgement, in order to interest vou, and, as the largest dealers in Lake
view in our line, we can not be undersold on an equal class of goods. The
reasons are many and obvious. Fiist, we buy mostly direct from factory;
we buy iu large quantities, ship in car lots, and in every vsy eave vou all
the money possible.
Yours respectfully,
Lr. Chicago Mondays, 11:09 A at Ar. Boston Tuesdays 5:20 r M
Lv. Chicago Thursday 11 :00 a n A r. Boston Fridays 4:2 tm
U-ave Kansas Oily Fridays :20m Arrive St. Pad and Min
neapolis Saturday 7 20 P M.
For particulars consult your agent or Address
(i. P. Ag-t., St. Louis, Mo. P. C. P. A t., Los Aug-clca
& Aybes
Forty Second Annual
M . -
iaui: - s4fs.9i2 087 nn
Farming Implemenu, Wagons, Etc
Faints. Uils and Brushes