Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 05, 1903, Image 8

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will not be too heavy for some time
yet. and what you buy now will be
good the rest of this winter and all
the next. We are offering:
Ladies Swiss Ribbed Vests and Pants, 3 for $1 .00
Ladies Jersey Ribbed Vests and Pants, $1.L'" a suit
Ladies Jersey Ribbed Union Suits, 75 ets a suit
Misses Swiss Ribbed Union Suits, 7o e. or l for $1.00
Don't Overlook
Our Grocery Department
10 e a pound
1") e a pound
20 e per can
L" c per can
lf c per can
1 " e per can
Dried Peaches, jjood quality.
Dried Apricots, jjood quality
lvpicurean Table Fruits
Gold Dust Table Fruits
American Stijjar Corn
Standard Tomatoes
All our Groceries are guaranteed to be
first quality. Ask for our price list.
Premium Cou
pons Free with
each 25c Cash
E. McOarrey Laid
To Final Rest
San FrtiiH-lMco.Cnl., Jnn. 20. i'.XW.
I.nld to rt'Ht In Mountain View
ltd n: 0110 ot tho low from homo to
witness tho last Had rltoM ovor the
remains of tho lute John K. MdJar
rey. I w 111 jrlvo you n nhort account
of tho ceremony.
To Im-kIii with, a morv plct'!rcnpio
or beautiful npot for that hint lon-i
idivp. which Boonor or lator must
nunc to iih all. could not In found
than Mountain Vlow tVmotor.v,
which In situated about two tulles to
tho north of Oakland, Oil.
1 vtf T CI W
t W-saW fcs s
Wiiltt-r iMiko, tho Davis Crook hotel
man, na In Lakeview Inst week.
It wiw a Itiwton Irishman who,
when aatkod by IiIh priest to coiitrlh
uto Moini'thliiK to buy t'oal for t tir
church, said: "Sure, fathor, I
thoiiutit 'I wax hntcd l.y steam.
"You iM't .von."
riout.v cold oiioukIi, alut It?
Wator Street Into lie opened North
to School Stroot.
Klamath FiiIIh is now complnlnltiK
of tho scarcity of wot id.
Horn To tho wlfo of Mark Miim
Krave. Sunday, Feb 1st, a hu.
la your en iloincnt don't (urKi't tn at
tend llio pim-imI ilaneo at lUrrya hatur-
I'on't (nil lo wo thu drama tomorrow ,,rt)' "Uhl. You'll Is aajrry il you don't
t'omo. 0
Water hh wore found froxoii In
many rcslda-noos TuoMday inornlnn;.
Vnitcil stales Land Orh.e. I.kevicw, Oregon.
4cc 11. 1'iri. Notice 18 hereby given lhat in
a-o npliancewith the provisions of the act ot
ougrc of June 3. 17, entitled "An act for
the sal" of limb -r lands In Ihe siateof Califor
nia Oregon, Nevada and in ahlngton I -rri-eery
as encoded to all the I'ublic Land State,
t.y act o( Aug 4. 1!. William A. Miller, oi Lake
'Uy. county of Modoc, mate of ( aliform, ha
this iJajr filed in 'his office his sworn statement
So. 16.M, for the purchase of the s i e 20
i K nw sec W. tp 40 S, Rilt w m. and will
jffer proof to sho that the land souht is more
sa.uable for in limber or atone than for agri
cultural purposes, and to establish his claim to
Hid land before the Register and Receiver of
ht office at Lakeview, Oregon, on Monday, the
"0th day of April liKM. He names as witnesses:
Samuel O Crcssler and Fred Martin of Cedar
ville, California, Janiea ('. Iwtson. of Adel, Or
egon, and Eidon Woodcock and Morris w mg
..eld of Lakeview. Oregon. Any and all pr
.ns claiming adversely the above-described
nd are requested to rile their claims in thi
t.Tiee on or before said 20th day of April, 14.
Jan 15-2 K. M. Bhattain. Keisler
L'uited states Ijind Office, lakeview, Oregon,
fieceuiber 11 Vnrt. Notice is hereby irive'i that
n compliance with tne provisions of the art of
I'otHfr.-s. of June -i. Wd, ntf!t d - an act f -r the
.e of limtjer lands in the rtlates of alifornm.
reun, Nevada, and asliinuton Territory."
j.s extended to all the publ:c land slat- s by acl
.if Aiii;ul 4. lrri. Cm, rue B. H'bbanl, of ' oner
.1' Alene, coiimv of Kootenai, stale of Mauo,
as this dav filed in this office bi swiirn tate
nent. No. for the .iirthne of the ',w
.e w ij s- "4 of s- c 26 tp M s. r In e, .
j, and will offer proof .o s!h vv that the land
Mtiieht is more vhImhI,:-- 'or it- timber or stone
than fur aKru.u.tiiral purpow . and to estab
lish his claim to said land U-:'ore J. W. lUmak-
r, U.S. ( niiimiKsi oiitr at Klamath Kails. re
'ffoti, on ! riday. the lit day .( May, He
:ame-a itue-s s: jHe,,t, rare, of orvali's.
n:hie White, of Uirella. iireuon, Owen T. Mr
"-leudrep. .if (h e urcs'.ii and S. A. I'arker. of
Ashltnd.Or-. A iv and all persons claiinini,'
xdve's' ly Hie a'an-e d- wriU-d lands are re
quested to tile their in this olliee on or
.nr. re id lit da of Mv li :;. 15-S t. V.. BkttaI.s. It.-uister
' ."uit'jrt -'ates Land off'.c-. takeview, oreeon,
:iec,('i. Notiee i- li rel,y civell that in
. oii 'liance with the j.'.i i,:oni of the acl of
oiiures- i jl fine :i, la? eiitit.ed "An act for the
sale of timber lands ::i 'he states of or-enii,
ai.f'.ir iua, Nevada and w a-iii nv: ton 'lV-rri-
try - extend' d t. the I'ublic Land
ta:v-s. b' ae; t,f tj .t. 1, t-'J. Tnoral .-or-veiieu.
of No. 41 N l'.th -. I'.'rtiand. cvmntv of
'I liluinutu !i, stale of ( :, j.ili, lia- til Is day filed
n this otriee h's sworn -'.atemeiit No. 1;:7 for
lie purchase of i he e , aw:,t!, i -c :.
'! '4 nw (- of Sec :)1. tn s. r 17 e, w 111, and
--.'ill offer proof loahow 'r.i the land Mini lit is
oiore valuable for its or stone than for
:.ifricultural purpose.,, and to establish his
laim to said laud befor-II. Withrow, U. H.
'oiiiiiiisiniier at Klamath Kalis, on Saturday,
he 4th day of April, I'Xl. He names as wittics-
s, Kd .aebecr, Williaui Kihlcy, and Charles
tV. KhiVmIv, of Bly, Op inu, and John J. I'u k, of Kertivjiie, ()rei,.n. Any and all per
sons olaininir adversely the above-described
ands are reijuesu-l to :': 1 their claims in this
' tfice on or before said 4'n davof April, 190.1.
u li-i t :. tSK-trraiN, htirister.
Uuiteil States Ijind OttUv at Ijikrtien. Ore.
llHi. ". 1'J. Notice la hereby ulveii thai 111
compliance with the provisions of the acl of
I June :l. 17. entitled "An act for the sale of
I timber lands in the Slates of California, ore-
son. Nevada, and Washitiuton Territory." as
) extended lo all the Public Ijoid States by act
I of August 4. ls'.f.'. the following persiiis have
1 this day riled in this office their snorn slate
i incuts to-wit:
Francis M. Miller.
of Lakeview. county of Lake, slate of Oregon,
nwurn .in'cmeui .n nm n,r nit- niri nw-e 111
the NK'.SK'.SKi NK'4. Sec SI ami s's XWi
8ec .".4 T J7 S K 18 K W M.
Bernard Paly,
of Lakeview, county of Ijike state of Oreiron,
sworn statement No IKI9 for the purchase of
the N1, Sw'4. SE'i and HW'4 NK4, sec St
TS78Klt W M.
William P. Heryford.
of lakeview, county of I Ake, alate of Oregon,
sworn statement No 1H4U fur the purchase of the
KS SK'4. Heo :t4 T 37 S K IS E, and NE'4 S.-C
3T;teK IK E W M.
Thomas V. Hall,
of Lakeview, county of Lake, state of Oregon,
sworn statement No 1M1 for ihe purchase of
the W i, NWi,. N W'l SWi4, net- 3. aud NE'4 NE
'-, Sec 4 T : S R IN K WM.
That they will offer proof to show that Ihe
laud sought is more valuable for Its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes and to
establish their claim to said land In-fore the
Kegistcr and Receiver ot this office at Ijke
vi?w, Oregon, on Friday Ihe itlli day ol March
1 hey name as witnesses : Manuel J Swares,
Francis M Miller, Bernard Daly. William I'
Heryford, Thomas V Hall, all of I.akeviu , Ore-
con .
Any and all persons clainiin.' adversely ihe
above-ll, scribed lands nre reiiUe-ted tu file
their claims in this ottice on or before said ?7lh
day of March, l'juci.
jalll.'. E. M. IlKATTAI.N, Rcgis'er.
Tho I'oldt'Ht IiIkIiI of I ho wiiniiii
was Moudiiy uluht. Tho liovoru
mont woathor Imroau tliiTitiniiicIrr
at I liU nllli o ii-Kl( r-d (I Ih Iuw ii i ci.
Tui'Hilfiy night It wiim li.-low.
Tho likotli'W Hunt ( hil had u
ory I'lijoyaldo and oiit luir t In 11
tlii-ir lliltlul ooyiito dilvo arnuiid tho
Sliii-o tin- roadK haw Imtii lunkoii lvlti ,,f ,. (lfcl. ,vk. a wIIMm.
IhoHtaitoMhavo Uvn makliiK Hiimmor , ,v .Iom. i Ii.iIcii In aumlior ,,!.
I)d A. KiiIht, i..i.moiiI Inn lllllx-rl.
Itrn'o, liitmr, .liw S. stcincr, . j.
V l'"i., urocrrlon; mid ( '. Mi Im jiii,
fiali-suti I'ii., 11 1 1 1 f 1 t liincrt , i'li'.,
wore I ii-re I j 1 l wi'tlt a ml hI 1 iim'i tit.
I III' l.:tkr low .
.I.IIIIIM ,Suljill. Ilia- Wla-I'llll a-
i ii.i 1 1 1 if I .j 1 La- riiiiiif , won a I 'i --1 it -K'I'oll
tin- Millllirlll kIuki' .Ninllilay
d'nlil San I riiin iMi-i 1 1 in IiIm a ti v lo 1I110
nt Mlva-r l.ako. .1 1 1 1 1 li. 1 ss Imi-ii lakhitr
nilit Itrothor." At tin- ronclusl, m 1 n. Wmn.,-ii of Tl. N .0 I.I w til a resi fi.i,, II,- mi.MIo. ami hud a
of tlio rcroiiniiiy a 1m aulifiil lmskot of . N usluiiuioiin luttlulay il.nn a-. .' j , ( ()t w ( ( ( (
ihivvitsi hiis iiivvcivii nun mi' Kinii', l.ilillo lilri- wiim up from HllliiW
Noar tho central porthm of tlio, "IWhhmv 1 l.ovo
tviuotory, amid U'liutlful tnsn, h!o- ' "'phi.
UfX uroon lawim, and ovor hloomliitf. IIiihcuiii I'IhIut ami ( lias. I.litlo
lloworn, tho jrrlof Htrlckon wlfo noloot-j woiv In from tho Won I tddo Monday,
od a spot as tlio last rotitic; placo ot S 1 1 j ( n r uulindal at tlio WimmIiihih
him who w as, .r all. , ,l',m,, hi U a"h-
At two oYltM'k on Sunday nftor
noon January '.'."dli, I'.ni:), tho (ak
laud oatU. Woodinon of tho World. ! tlmo.
fniiiu'd In lino of ma roll at tho uato ' Yadin. tho wi-Htoru ntauo
of tho i-oiuotory, and woiv fi -Hi w.d ; man. arih oil In l.akrvliw ontoi .lay
liy tho oarrlaiioM and fiioiids to t ho ' """"'"H-
! riH-oivlnvc vault w hoiv all that wail Kclouary iMtli is Ihe iluia' ol tho 'il
mortal of poor Mao wiim transforod ' """l'""'' I'roj-ro i.,r it.
to tho hoars.', and tho march conlln-' '" Hayes, a r.uiland linpl. ni.-iit
ui'd to tho snivi', Hero a very Ih-hii-'"'an. arrlv od on t ho w.Mi.rii ti.-r .
tiful and Imptissivo Imrial ei'iviniiin ''a.v imu nlny;.
was conducted liy tho N'olhliors of llvor ( 'harlt mi ami wife ciiino In
Woodcraft. A nialo ipiartot to s.uiy -from l ho X I. ranch at. Alien Lake
"Xearormy (iuil to 'I'hea'" and "liiiud drat of the weak.
linitcal Sthli-s Land Olfice, Ikeview, Oregon,
tab c 5!, lyoi. Notice im hereby given that in
-.ompliaiice with the provisions of tne act of
,une 8. 1S7H, entitled "ah act for the sale of
vijiiber lands in ihcHia.-'Of California, Oregon,
Seva'la and Washingt'in Territory." asezteud-.-'J
u all the Public Land ntatet by act of Aug
Jat 4, lv.e, the ,oilow . n.' persons have this .lay
Pled iu this ottice their h a orti statemc tits,lo-wil:
Carrie V I.undy,
f BIy, coonlv .if KIk:- siIi, state of Oregon,
i, or n statciiieiit No l"i I for the of
I I Sw4 Sec IM, S. nt
I-At SK17K M.
In in T V -elerson
if Hly. county of KU-iath, stat
, and NK'4 sw;4, Hue
a 'ini stateinent No
be w'i, NW'i, sit,
fcr th
1 , and NW
of Oregon,
'iTChase ol
4 SW' a l
be w'i N I" I
I T 11', ft K 15 W M.
Oscar T A vferson,
il B!v, county of Klaii.ath, s'ate of Oregon,
..worn' statement No !'.7' for the imrchaw; ol
be NU NE',4, HW14 NK'-i and f.r. NVJ4 Sec Z
I'arrie H i;a-cbeer,
if Jily, county of Klamath, Mate of Oregon,
s4,ni statement No 14Mi for the purehase of
,f K'i SWX and W'i KE4 ritc T36B K 14 E.
yulnton N Anders.. n,
f Bly, county of Klamath, mate of Oregon,
isworji ftateinent No l'la for tne purchase of
.Ve N'VNE'i. HW4MK!aud NE! 4 N E HecUl
T&bklaE W M. . . .....
That they will offar' proof to ahow that the
tajid sought ia more valuable lor its timber or
uane than for agricultural purpoaes and to 1
.al.lihh their claim to - J land before the
.Register and RajceWer of this office on Vaajdues
:ja the 'ir.ih day of March, 11WS
Vliey name as witnesses: Charles W Embody,
rvin T Anderson. Oscar T Ankerson, 4'nteu
H Anderson, ( arrie H Gasebeerof Bly, Oregon.
John J Cusack, Kernvillo, Or.. John Killer.
old Hill, Or.. Oliver Hlifer, Ariel. Washington.
Any and all peraon. elalmlng 0v"raejy the
.hove descrlbid land, are requested to Hie
tietrclaimsln thl. office on 01 before aald 25tu
Ujinl6fSreb' VMt- t. M.Brr-U!., Re.Uter.
I'ni'ed states Land litin-c at l.akcvieva. ore.,
lcc ll. l.srj. Notlei? 1h hereby n'veli that in
i-omp!i.iiice with the prove. ons of the aet uf
Coinrrcss of lutie :i, ls7. entitled an act
the sale of timla-r lands in Ihe slates uf nhfor
nia. OreKoii Nevada and in asbinirioii Ter
ritory" as i-xteiide.l to all the Public I. and
State-b ac: of Auioist 4, Is"-', the follow iii-rK-rsous'haie
tiled in this ottiee their svaoru
slHtemeiits lowit :
Kred S. Klsher
of l.hli.-v iew, county of l ake, stHte of im Bun,
sv. orn statement No 17i-y lor the purchase nl t he
' e p. ) ,, ii w ! t se 1 1 and e 1 se ' . -c 17, tp :S'i
S, r 1'. e, u III.
William R Heryford. !
Of I.Kke p-v, COIitlly Of Lake, state ol Oretfiitl,
xvior.i statement, No. 17l'i fur the purchaic of
the e ' . ll ' , Ii ll ,, see 17, and lie ; 4 He
4 sc.: fs, tp ::, s, r I'l e in,
Jane s Ii. Heryford.
of Lakeview. county ot Lake, state of a ireif f.n .
sworn statement No. 1711 for the purchase of
the ii w '4. s-c VI, tp::'. s. r Hi e. w 111
That they will offer proof to show that the
land -oui;bt is more valuable for its timber or
stone than for aarriciiltural puriioses and to es
tablish their claims 10 said laud before the
lUxister and Receiver of this ofjice at Ijikcvicw
On iron, on Monday, the id day of March l'u.
They name as w iteesses: .lames Ii. Heryford,
KredM. Usher, William K. Heryforil and C. S.
I'armel.-e, of Lakeview, Oregon, and Almon N.
Lapham, 1 f Vislillls, Orcein.
Any and all persons claiming adversely tne
above desciibcd lands are reiiesled lo tile
their claims in this office on or before said aid
day of March. Ifloa
Jul!. 1VV
when to tho surprise and admiration
of all who had never witnessa-d a
Woodman's funeral, two w hltedowsi
tl uttorod up from ho uravo and soar
ed away.
Tho ooromony lioln ovor wo luide
poor Mao a nilont fartwoll, and woml
oal our ways hoinewanl, wit h hea vy
hearts and tour dimmed oyon, leaving
In that nilont city him who wiw over
roady t lend a holplnjj hand to those
in distroHs, and whose fluent on
wroto many a tender word and kind
ly oxproHsi.ui of thosa who had pine
lioforc. May your slasj'p lie M-aeefiil,
dear friend, and your awakening one
of joy.
The Moral offer inn wore U-aiitiful
and profuse,. A pillow of violetH,
one of pink ami white carnations,
ami the eonveutioiiiil (dieaf of wheat
lioliij; a few of tho prottior ones I
particularly notieod.
Annuio- Lnkeview friends I noticed
I lie I '11 1 nee K.-slaillHiil rea't'lillv oia-a-
ituncii 1 uesiiiay wild a hIi'IkIi ami ; oil ny w . M. Ilutvcy, is lining u rushini;
loud chiming" la-lls.
Tho water coiiipauy should Ik
compelled to furnish its customers
hot water duriii); tho w inter season
(io to I'arry'd hull tomorrow fVoiiiiiK
and see "IVcausel Iive Ton., It is
groat. r.
Art hur
l-'loi-oiioo and family aio
now oa'cupyllitf fia-o. Mate heldol'M
house during tholrahi4oiico In t'alifor
ula. Louis ( iorlier started ".'"."i Ui-f cat lie
last Monday from Merrill for Moiito
Kuo. W. f . Campls'll w as in i har-;e,
says t ho Opiililican.
There will la iitintlicr niie of thnso
popular ihtiit'eH wt Hurry'H hnll Suturdiiy
iiiphl. I '.niie and a-rijoy yniirsell.
Mesisirs I (ilnsi in a ml 1 ia II, in her, two
of t he I'ine I 'reek ailiateui'H, were ill
town Tuohday niakiu1; arra ncenieiils
for t heir show hero Friday iilnht.
liaxors, pocket kniveH ami iillleiy nf
till kin.lsa r-cbtiiirickri. llnu li.illii. M11I1I
W. A. Wilshlie and wife, Miss C0I1I1. : ut Krt.atly prices. W
Mrs. C0I1I1 ami Kssl.-, W. A. Sherlock
and wife, Cort in Vinyard and w ife
and Mao Miller and Poarl Wilshlre.
Si 'Lit a roi:.
Soinel Iiiioh I'lah uiM's 1 lemocrat ic.
jaml solueliines Keplllilicall, hut it
iiovor falls to n as the Mormon
' church wishes it lo.
Died in Baker City.
K M. Bkattun, Register.
United State 'nd Otflce, Lakeview, Or;lfon,
Heciiilx'r 9, Notice is hereby -riven that ill
compliance with the provisions ol the act' of
June 3, 17, enililed "An act for the sale of
limber lauds in Ihe States of California, Ore
Hon, Nevada, and Wasbinnton Territory," as
extended to all Public Land States by act of
August 1, Wii, '.he following persons have this
day filed in this ottice their sworn statements,
lo w it :
I). Hurt Mryan
of Ureckciiriduc, county ol Wllklns, state of
MiiiiiesiitH. sworn statement No 1',1'i lor the e .j
se IS sec 17 and e ' .. lie '4 sec JO, lp;i s. r 1'i e w 111
valllhain lllelz,
of Wahpcton, county ot Richland, stateof Mill
uesota, s orn stateinent No 1017 for the pur
chase of the se '4 see l, tp :vi s, r in e, w 111.
Thomas Lawrence Newton
of llreckiurldge, county of w ilkln, stale ot Min
nesota, sworn statement No IMh lot the pur
chase of the lie 'A soc M, tp: s, r lo e, w 111.
(iustav Wehner
of Breckenrldge, county of Welkin, state of
Minnesota, sworn stateinent No liitS for the
purchase of the r'i of e sec it tp 8B s, r 10 e,
w m.
That they will off er proof to show that the
land nought la more valuable for its timber or
atone than for agricultural purposes and lo es
tablish their claim to aald lands before J. W.
Hamaker V. H. Commissioner at Klamath Kalis
Oregon, on Saturday, the lilst day uf March,
Tbey name aa witnesses: Owen T. McKen
dree of Olele, Oreou, J. E. Htuvenson of llonau
za, Oregon, aud Thomaa L. Newton, (lusiav
Webner, I. Burt Bryan and Wlllham Wetr, uf
Ureekenrldge, Minnesota.
Any and all person claiming adversely the
ataive-deacrlbed lands are raquusted to file their
claims iu Oils oflicc ou or before aaid 21t day
Of March. liaXI.
Jau K. M. Bbatt 4.tN, ReUter.
I Tomorrow, -'rid:iy ninht, will Im pre
t senfed that tin illiio. ilruiou. ' P,.ciiiiNf I
Messie Kinn. uned 11' years, oldei-l, You," hy. the Male Line 1 liitmat 11:
ilaiinh'er of Mr. and Mrs. H. A Kinn', I !N"-',;l'- Kvery invitcl. .
formerly of Lakeview, died at liakei j It cihsIh riieleSaiu l,l'."i0,IHMI .11.1111-
City, Jan. I'l, of typhoid fever. The
funeral was held tho following day
from t ho I'.apt 1st f 'Imrch, Kev. (ioornc
'1'. Lllis preached the funeral sermon.
Miss K iriK had nrown to lio well
liked hy those w ho know her, ami
with her parents, will Kn-atly mourn
her loss.
"itecaiiHe I Iv Ynu" will Im presen
ted hy the State Line Drsatiialie C'luh at
I'.arry'H hull tomorrow niiiht. 5
ally to predict each day the next
few hours' weal her and then he
misses Ii ofi nee I luiu he hiis ii.
McIi'h llri'SM HIlitM, HUC'k Hllitrl, Wllt killK
Huilu; a liix line to Holed from at
tschminck. ('oiiih oarly if you want in
make a good Holectioii. U'i
People that are never known to
work are ohsi'i'ved to ;ot busy t hose
days, when the snow piles up la front
of their n:a to so they must shovel to
net out.
Tho churches of a Xnrv numlier of
Kansas towns are holding Joint ser
vices. In the mime towns tho devil
is holdinn revival services in tho
j That hi rye display of oro-'keiy and
IKliiHHware ut Hchuiiin:kH is fast dinap-
i)Httriii. Itetter make your "election
j before it is all K'"o. tt'l
Tho I .'ill tod StateH 'i'roasiii y con
taliiH ;17.lHM).t4 In Kld, which
weighs 1,'IUO tons, ami it Is worth
oven more than that many tons o
This town of Keno on Klamath
rlvor, twenty iiiIIoh HiIh wide of tho
temporary toriuluH of tho rullroud
now liulhllnj? Into Klamath county,
which has been dead for ho Ioiik, It
is said, Isshowlno; wlrimof life, caused
by the upproach oi the railroad.
IdisiiH-ss ihiIi. instil and aluv, and in tiro-
pHM-d to sa-ivo lhaa puhlli: will. 4Very
II1111K in the 11110 ki t ai slmrl notice.
Turkeys, cliiikeos, uod sinking; iih
haka-al in order, lln-sil ami pastry con
slantly mi liuloi. I'iiccs icasoiiuhle anal
MullsluctKiii iiiliotilea'l. 4'.l
D. It. Dunn, the jjotilal drun clerk,
w ho has hold a posltinu In Heall's
ilrtl store for several 111011I lis past,
left T'ui'sday luoiiiinu for his home
in Spokane, Wushlnntoii. Mr. Dunn
thinks of rotiiruliiK in tho spring and
hsalinn 1 iiiaiiiinl ly In lika-t low.
'J'obucco chewers around Lakeview
hew their liattlcux with much vim
anda nreal deal of satisfaction Uii h."
day s of 1 he w hltodrh en snow . They
sea-Ill to Ih- ncttllin full V 14 1 1 If for
t heir money. When it In liollreil (lint
I hey lent a- t heir marks on t he ba-aill I
flll snow whefeler they jro.
Mrs. (ieo. I'.atchelder who is Jilot
recoverinu-and Is y ft weak from the
i ffei tH of a serious opera I loll perfor
med on New Years, was taken to
Movllle. I'al.. by Mr. I'.atchelder
Tuesday. 'I'hey may hi down to
Los Annelew for the winter. lieo.
only opecls to Im- none abotil a.
im nt h.
f'ou mil met in renular si'ssioii
Tiirsulay. No business of Import alico
was t ransacled, except that of ac
ccptiun the reslnuatioii of ('oiiin-ll-man
Woodcock. The Council will
have to elect some one to till tlio
vacancy. Tho ox port m report wan
not acted upon. Many bills were
presented and allowed.
I'rohuhly tho largest deficit which
will Ih rcportod to tho Ways ami
Means committee Is that broURht
about by tho old bounty scalp law.
This deficit, from tho most reliable
Information, Is from $-10,000 to .'0,
000. The Joint commit ! has not,
ho far, Indicated Its opinion, lis to
w hetlipi'll will recommend an uppro
allou to cover this dellclt, and It re
mains to be seen what action is to
bo taken.
Tho Now 1'lno Creek Hunt Club
closed a six days rabbit hunt Mon
day iiltfht. It was at'ont4HtlH,twooii
thu married men and Blnglo men,
tho limine; Hide to give an oyute r mip-IM-rtothe
vlctorlouH. Thcwlnglemi'ii
won through a foul In a ucoro of 131
to 110. When It become known that
tho slnirio men had Htolon about "0
scalis from the married men and
hunK them on their own belt, thu
victory wan claimed by the other
Hide, and the Huppor will be furnished
by tho other tilde.