Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 05, 1903, Image 6

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Jalte ountu ntnrr
MaMato Building
(One Yesr. $2.00
TERMS: Six Month. 1 .00
(Three Month 30
y p ai K llwkilmo Jnnim1 1 yr
On Inch ' '. "' -s 1,1 "-' 00
TWlnoh .11 'i ' I U'l IK rt
olwii- unn. ... -Ml WlMtAvtv ;
rtiil i-i.lnmn :s ,v i.s ii jf. iv n ti
TluM'liowiiMcnn Tout I now two
yonra oM. nml their "win to Ih no
nnxon why It nhnuM not llvt to mn
anothor year roll arouml. from tlio
nppnrvnt liral patroiuw It U n-
cvlvltiK t tho liamlrt of tlio hmiIo of
northern Iwko. Noino ouplo at thU
cml of the county only n-avo tlio
younn nistor ttlx niontlm to live, lint
tWrlr jtoor Jutlifoinont I only mnilt'tl
at ly tlu Tost, which has a fair
chanit of living lonsvr ul nroHHr-
Injr Nttir than Hhmiiich who math
8rt tf Its rxlHtaiut. May your
untiring effort Ih ivwanle.l. Itro.
Tout. In Ions life ami irtierity. nml
may your ul't rltltn list ".row to
HitinethinK less than KKMnm. each ami
every one aiil In ailvanee. with ial-
lun potatoes ami n-mro-i -11..
Between Two Fires.
l.tiliul Ktferd.i
It. A. Kmmltt. the joint represen
tative from Klamath. I .alio anl
(look eounties. U belli'.; petitioned
to nee u re the passage tif the ramre
limit Mil whlcli is heinrf iire.l ly
cattle men ami as stronirl.v opposetl
i.y the nheep men. The sheep men
rejrartl the prop.ised la was a nieuaee
to their industry. The 1-ill proposer j
t,i t lit- henliiu of sheen J
witli'ii two miles tifa tlwellim; house, j
Mr. r.mmit. when passim; throii-h j
Ashland en route to -Salem, did not i
state his own attitude toward thej
law, lut mentioned the fact that the
cattle growers were asking for hiicIi
a law. !
The sheep men point out that it is
an tudireet method to run them off
the rantfi. They say the rattle
growers, under mieli a law. would
build houses at the watering points
and thus practically exclude them
from yrazins privileges.
Then doe not norm to he much
ground for compromise lietweeti the
fonflictinsintereHtfiofcattle men and
! very county and every nectioii of
(refion assisted, through their tvpiv
on tat Ives in th legislature, the ap
propriation of ?),' for the Uwl
& Clark Fair. Kach of these conn
ti. will have to I -ear itw proportion
of taxer to inert this unusual ox
penne. Likowlne t ach county expects
to reap a certain proportion of Itene
fit from the tide of emigration to the
htate durini; the Fair. Fnles a rail
road is 1'Uilt nearer to the borders of
Ivke county, v.e cannot expect tti
jet our share of t la' sei'kei-s for homes:
i.r for that matter, any part of t hem.
I,ke is the most isolated county in
the state of On oi:. and then is not
chance of any om timlinj us when
llier section '. (tenn can offer
Inducements 1 1 .it can le ween alon
jr. railroad. IVt i have to stv this
country to appreciate if; they im
not goiiij; to start out ori a nr ".'to
mile trii through an imaginary wil
ilerness to seek home, even on the
nay so of some one who has I urn
hen. We repeat, that people must
we the county I -ef ore they decide to
locate, and they an not jroin-; to go
far out of their way to sr it.
1 is only fair for the citizens of
Lake county to ak the business men
of Portland what they intend to do
alMJUt takhi Lake county into the
fold, which can U; made Into an im
mense feeding tributary, or let uh
continue to slide toward and into the
firm grip of San Francisco. Now
that the Ix'wis & Clark Fair appro
priation has so unanimously passed
the legislature with the assistance
of Lakec unity, can't we, or shouldn't
we expect that Tortland should turn
a hand toward the relief nf a county
t Iim r ii.'v-if 1 1 ver'i it iks it 1 1 i i i ii irt unit v
.. ... ... count on opposition from m
..r,'rf..r trie metl-iiliii. 11
lis of the state, and receives not hing j ot 1 '''
in return. The people of this section Ifjrnrnn 4 ttnttot lif Tumi
nf Oregon are j.erfectlv helpless ami hv hxal hp.lic;iliiiiN hi ttiey i nnie.t
, reach the ilir-eascd portion of the ear.
iti-sup to Portland to decide our , .J ( t jH oly ()ne way lo (Mlr(. ,i,.;if,-,
.,,,. Bn,l that n'i ..y lon.-ttlutioiia! remedied.,iK m eaiisei liv an llltlameM coll
I iIaHiltonSi
i .v
Wc have an
endless -variety of
Mens, Womens,
Misses,Boys nd
Childrens Shoes.
V i
We are actually too busy moving and unpacking goods rs
in our magnificent new addition to tell you what new A
jj things we have. We will have to invite you to come
and look through our large store and sec foryours:lf.
y If you don't see what you want ask Alex.
I .
i Lakeview Mercantile Co.!
TitmiH i . 1 1 oti : WVW7 VUUy VWW W
I lliU-l ll. Ill'l Off" . 1 ll-V I e . Of (ten
S(;.'. Itm. Nirtlrvla In r. l')' llvrii Oral in 4
r.impllitm III! ill- .r"Hl"N "I He- . l nl
i.-ikT.-.m.f JUIW.1. I7. ml llli 'I "A" Olii
H. ill UmlH-r Ulll III tin- Mtr "I llt-"H. NvmU. mi-l wliiiilrii Trrril.iry.
, .H.Mlil.-.l II Ihr I'lllillc lll'I Slt. tiV !
,il Alinurl . SIllllrl o t rrrr. lJir
t'uv. ..mnty ul MimI.m- ilr (or l.-rrlteryi tl
I ll(.irill. h ltll lllr.l ill till "Itlrr It I . M
5. P. Ahlstrom
Manufacturer of the
.worn niBirnirtil No iw'r. (or 0f I'.orelnj-- ol
tlif N'j SK i ol S'-' 11. I' K "
u ill ..ff. r i.fool to uliow tht lliu Iitli'l trie l I In
...i i.i.. f.. I.. I.r nr l..ti. tllltli for
" k-riiiiltiirl imri"ir. "1 t" riuiin ni
shtro men an each claim itpial rights , iun u i i fi'f N-ion- tie- K. nutrr kikI it.-
1 1 .... lw..r nf lliUi f.rtl.-M ! l-Alli-VlrW UrriVII tltl
oiitheoiH-n ranges ami the former
claim that sheep tlestroy the range
for grafting purposes wherever they
are allowed to roam, so if the owner
of slurp arc unrestricted, it amounts
to giving the range to them wholly.
Whichever horn of t lie dilemma is
Hiezed by the representative from
the so-called "cow count ie.." h.-can
il- t he
IMIII1 O' ' inii-t ' ' -'- -
rrlvrr 111 OlM m- ! l.rVl.- Uri'KOII tn
MoiulHjr tnc .f)tli'ijr i Alrii t:"'. ,
Il immi't Hi iuir-: illlm A. MllhT
ol l it v cl.. Jnir IkmIkiH ol Alrl Or.
ml Morrin'VMimll.1.1 ml Khloii Wmnli-wk ot
I.nkrvlr Or-'KOII.
Any ml ll I- r-" cIhIiii Intr .tv'r ly Hit
l.vr-.t. N rit"'l Inmli r- r jiimlr.l t nlr
their I'Ihiki-i In Mil) illlet! on or li. lori; lil i'lh
iImv ot ; '.
,1, , I c K. M. HKA 1TAIN, K- k'Hirr
CENTRAL OREGON HELD. 'tlition of the uhicouh liiiinis ol Ui
.......i 'I'll'.... k.'ii this tiitrt- i
A hopeful sign is to be si-ell ill the i . ,,,.,) v,,u liavt- a riiiuhliinf round or11'""!
ro'iitiient of iiewsiiitpers and com- imperf.-ct ln-arint'
mi'fi'l.-tl bodies on tliecubji ct of tin
right of Portland to
Trade of Central Or.
TIMHrlt i.Wl OUC:.
I 11 1.-.! Mil." till I 1 'llirr. trw. ori -ll.
II. r 1 ":. No' t'-- Iier.-I.y flli ll tli'. Ill
i,.;ml . illi I! irovll'Mi o( Ihr t ol
I i il- :i. 1- " . t : i : I A n I for tin- ol
1 1 m ),. r Imi'li in tie- Mi.' ol I nillornin. Orr
k',,r Srvn ln. mrl nhlli.'ioii Irrrilciy. '
rxirii.l.-.l nil tie- l ill.lir l-Miel HIHlm I.y I
of ii."ii I. ! ' I. .lion nik' -rMiii hv
II.IMlllV tl.r.l III oftirr lllrir (Horn !lr
inrlltw, to-- 11 .
Vrun-I llo-lm
. f 'miiv. roll'i'i .il I. inn, stlr of Or.-K.'ll.
r...rn -nil- 1. 1. HI No li.J lor the .iir. hu.r of
tie- 1 ,. !J. - r I I r. w III.
i url
..i ill....... ..I l.inn. sti,. of I'rri-. ri.
' for tin? .urrhtt-r ol
RccoanleJ a the liest Vaqucro 5aJlla Q
Waoon ami Uu'v Hanu'ss. Whips,, Koalas, J
? 1 5 i t - . Spurs. (Juirts, Kosoltos. Ktc o- 6- o-
Tiopairiii of all kiiuls, I v conipHt'iit inon. -o- a- J
r-ii i i .... --. n. r Mi. y in.
Htad.ian TuU-. When this taK: 1- in-I ti.hi t.. y 1.1 off -r i;n..f to iiow ti.jtt thr
H 1 1 1 O N-III I .l."l- lui'm " -
.i . .. . .. u .imiihI iiiirhi... I. Hlnl to
ami when it it en-'.. , .,,i in.i h. f,.r I. w.
'. . I ......! I I.. nil:. it the r-Ull. lllill ll.ium. r. I . -. ' .,inmi-.-ioli. r ill K mimlh
ur.le th intlHliiniHtion can he taken . I; "' " '"'"'" "'" "'' "'
. i . . . . . i .A l 1 r i i . i
ommand 1 he ! out and tln tu tie re.-iore'i m n k in.iin.ti , ,, v ,..
c.m.lltioii. herflin will he ile-lioyt-'l hr- , '-..rvmli-. "t
ill. sa.VS the .Si,. ...a of t-n are ca 1-ed I o;. -i.-. Or.-.n. i m
Portland Journal, lint there must hy Catarrh m.rh h i.i.n.nm hut .in in- ; ,,, ,,;,,
I, ...... I . t .1. . .1 I I.O III llf ill - -I'l V CO- . . nl.i. il- IT' '1
II. 'Hi. '. .,'ii'.. ' - -
... i; ... I . ... ...1 1.. ..u M.-ir.iniin
V .. U " V ' lot: ii'lii'ii'.i .'.....
lie mute i ban comment. There must
be s'H.-i-ription of money, cash, dol
lar, that will pay for surveys and
proper equipment. This money
riiusi couie from the prekts of Port
land capitalists.
Shall we merely talk to net forth
die needs of the city's commerce?
Shall we not study the map and
learn what bright possibilities await
the. building of a Central Oregon
road'.' Shall we in future years view
a territory cut into pieces by our
commercial enemies, and divided
amoiio-t liem as tin V will? Or. shall
wt allow our rival-, to
wrest the Central Oregon .'iiitry1
from us and divert its trade t San
Piiiuci-eo to our iriejiarah.e loss
and its permanent gain.
Tiiere remains an alternative
Portland money can be secun d to
organize and build u road into Cen
tral Oregon and innurj that for. all
time Portland fchall command her
rightful field of commercial opera
I'verv bit of work done In perfec
Mug the roadbed would be part of
on. rl.Riu that would bind the n
f ral Oregon region to thiH city for all
o.e to come. Kvery delay rendern
fur any cav; ot liralnei-a I cancel by cat
arih) tiia'. cannot be cured hy Hall's
Catan h Cure, .-end for circulars, free.
F. J. CHUNKY A CU. , Toledo, O.
Sold bv i'nnju'itt-, 7.rc.
Hall'.- Family Pilld aie the 1-e-t.
lnj- of April l '..
JiUI 1 .
... ;tn. .lii-oli U'rniri- ol
own T. Mi K. h'lr.'.'. ol
.. , linri.nril of Illy. or. von,
, ,.f K IhiiihI li Knll-. r. K. .n.
... I'lHIii'llltf K1 1 1 - "-' V Ihr
nfl-lH Hrr rr.)iMt..t lo fll"'
.if!.-.- on or t for.: M '--'I
K. M. liKrriN. l-i-inn r.
To Cure a Cold In One Day.
Take Laxative Ilromo Quinine Tab
lets. All drugmntu refund the money if
it fails to cure. K. W. ('H mtia
ture i on each Imx. 25 c. M ly
California farm for sale at a bi har
liain. I'll) acre) fenced and croHH fenced.
Cont present owner $10,500 hut wi.l be
H.ld for $5000 ; li down and on
easy naviiieiit.-i. Impuire at tin- of
fice. ' 47 lf I.AMI KOTITR.
fllllril HlHtr I.HII.I Ottlrr.
l.ii'vi'W, On-Koii, Nov.'Js, I'Jiri.
Soiiir In lu rrhy (tlvrn lliiil In coiii.lint;
Willi the provimoiiH ol tlio rt il CmiK"" "
Jiinr l"7n, rnlltl. 'l "All l:t lor ltl ! ol
tlinlx r lml In tie- Wi ul Cllli.rtil. Ore
Kon, NrvmlB, ml Wlilin(loii Trrrllory, k
i xlrliilril lo nil thr Hlllillc Itl Hlntm l,y lliu
Hi t of A iikiihI I. l'.r.', thi; followlnn puivma hvu
tills luy tili"l iu thin ofllro lliulr eworu mte-
RlL-llll., lO-Wit.
I.. II it u'.m
ol Illy, county of KIhiiihIIi, nlntn ot Onuon
wornVtulri-i.-iil No lDIti lor tin uurirlimw' ol
ir XKi . SW N'.. SKi.i kllll r.V
1(7 S H l'i K VV Jl.
K4.U 14 T
L'sk Phitu
in' Pii.b Sent inc.
No case exists it will not cure
This internal remedy turei. al
diBeases of the Hiueativa orgatiH.
Fornaie by all druKiBtH.
Pr Perriu Medical Co. Helena
Mont. , , . ., ,
Interestiim pamphlet mailed
free by aftking.
tie- Xp.'4 KW N!a rih'4 aul Hr:
....... I, Ilivnn
of Bly, county ol KUiiihiIi, tit! of Ori'iron,
sUlirtl MHlrlunil Ml l"il, lor I lor "i '-
tin- V.. of N . s. i .'il T 117 W R II: 8 W M.
-Il...,.i,... ..III. .11.. .r.,oflo allow tllHt till1
I ..... 1 mnifiii in morr vulimlile I'.r 11h liriilM-r or
sum.- Hikii (or Hririillnriil iicriiuw n hikI Ui
I n ol if II i il. 1 1 i n i in i " -
11. -.ii. r mi. I 1;. i-. ivi-r of il.: oftl.i- ul I.Bkr.
vi. , orrion, ..n I , h.liiy tl.4 Hint iy "I April,
I in v iiH'.n m- a ii iii--.- I'r.-dl II Vi Kin
it,. .-, o r . r W H..,nl. J I. i Ull, WillliiMl II
I .Mielr-rr u I .l I'.li . Or' Ho".
Anv hii.I ...I i.i r-..n i-lnlciiiiK BilvnrMi-ly ll;!
lihin.i-..-l:l,i I ..unlh i rrnlli-Klr.l lo II i.
r heir i In .mi in th off in: on or miorr kmio
ZIkI Invnl Uriel. KM UA'I'IAIN,
juiio;' Ki-gUfr.
Sash, IJIinds, Mouklint Window and
Door Casings, liechivc's and l:urniturc
of all kinds made to order. Write for
estimates on contract work & material
Hereford Stock Farm
urows vaney. uroeon.
F. O. Bunting, Owner
Largest herd of registered
Herefords in Oregon
'&s-''',-.' . '-- ,-.
Young Cattle for Sale.
'At DOR ALAMO head ol herd
Livery and Feed Stable
fl. W. J. BARRY, Proprietor.
Horiei Boarded by tb day or month. Flrst-ciaM Turut and Saddl
Hortss. Our Specialty la the Quick and Sala IXsllvary ol Paaaaafara U All
Polnta In the Dlnlrlct.
Proprietors of Barry's Opera House. Only Place In Lakeview
HaI. tin U..KII..
the work more difficult and the dan
jjer o! failure greater.