Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 05, 1903, Image 5

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.1. A. AihIitnoii wiin In from 1lic
Miirlnti Idiriii'N wit In front tin
X li nint h yctcrlti.v.
Twit Important commtinlriil lonn
were itowiIimI out t IiIm wivk.
Aml.v (Irn'ii wiim In front Col I on
wooi! ycMU-rilny. Aiiily nyn tin
Juk rnlililtM arc ilylnic off liy the
IiiiikIi'i'iIh I Ill-no ilityn, runwd by tin
NIIOW lltl'l rolll MI'lltlllT.
V, .. Monm rnnu'lii from (In1 ilrnrrt
Monday Willi 17 liciul of iiiiiIi'm, hiiI
left next (lil.V Willi tilt lilllli'll for
Willow. 'I'ln rurloml will jirolnilil v
M llllM'l tl till' I'lty to M4-II.
I'. Work of Khiiinitlion, wlm wiim
In-tv yi'Mtcnliiy, ha t-lIl to lorale
at Keno, wlii'in Im h irvpurliiK l
build a hoti'l ami livery utiible. 1U-iutill-an.
Mr. l'I'M'k wiim a resident
of ljikcvlfw wvonil yrarrt ii(;o ami
romturli'il a ImU'hemhop.
I'p to Kolnu: to pnni wi' luivt n
t'l'lvnl no wonl of any (-hnngi In tin
Kciiitorlnl ion I -4 1 at Salnn. 1 'niton
Kaliiril oni vote ami Mit-r lml one
Hlnri'oiir luwt Imhiii. 1 Jit report wiim,
Fulton :UI. iit 16, luiliiliie mutter
Iiik ami nltM'iit. A 'lntiiK' I 'Mi't
! nt any 14 .
Hitve i:llT rainr ovit from Merrill,
Klamath County ,txi l'rltlay on luml
ImihIik hm Pave ayn Merrill Ik I lie
Im-hI nlfulfa rounlry in Oregon, lie
In (eeilliiK Home of III mIiii then- till
lnier. Inlualloii workK wonder
oil Pi 1 1 I like Hint Whlrll HliriolllliU
Merrill. I.iikeroiinl.v hiiMiuany hiii Ii
pliMiK. ami the jiiittlnif on of water
Ik all they lurk of UMiitf JiikI like the
Merrill rouiity. The water Ik JiimI iik
nrreKKlte lien iik there.
M. Kninlei-K raine In from theilenrrl
hixt Friday with a hroii'l Minlle 011
hU fare. When nuextloliixl u to the
i nline of I he wi'lukleK In h Ik fare, he
Klihl that ') Iik Iii k of Know hail fallen
oil the ilenri t Im fotv he left, ami that
all the kIiii men out f hetv were now
wenrliiK their faee In that faKhloii.
Th" ileMei t haK Imi 11 unite dry Up to
the lute htorm. ami without water
the Hliii'p raiiliot Ihe. riiHMeilienlly
when It hlioWK It lnlllK rheer to the
The iliniiieM lire very favorable
thai lion. I'.limer lleriiiauii, who re-i-enll.V
renltflieil UK Ci .in III IhhIi HUT of
Ihe lielieial La ml Oilier, will lie the
KepuMli an nominee for l -iiKrriim 11
of thlK dUlrlrt to till the varanry
runned by the ileal h of the late Con
KreKKiiian Tongue. Mr. lleriiiauii.
through hlKelllrlent reror.l iik Con-Kn-KHiiian
In the pant, Ik reeeivhiK
very uciierou mention, ami there
MeeliiK lobe no iileKtlou MK to IiIk
nbllily ami lltnrs. for the plaee.
Say, the La kev lew loeal exrhanne
telephone k Klein Ik handy, Ihii'I 11?
You ran rail up any Klore In town,
onler your iIii.v'k provlHloiiK ami In a
few minutes the delivery man will
have Idem nt your door. Von ran
nlnorall up 'I'lie Kxiimliier olllre ami
have I IiIk paper wnt to you or Koine
friend for a w hole year for only two
dollar. Then, auiii you inlH'ht
ill need of Kiuiie up-to-dale joli- print
IliU, Kin h iih letter liml hill head,
envelopeH, mid, or anything In the
prlntliiK line, ami In that i'iiki' don't
forget to rhiK UK up.
Ily roinlnn In Jut a day late, Fred
Wetrher, driver on the Lakevlew
1'IumIi Htauv line, npolleil a good
Hlory a utory that inlnht have Imvii
miiI, to. He wiik due from IMuhIi
Saturday evening; hut fulled to put
In an appearance until the following
evening:. Two men were Kent out
Sunday morning from Lukcvlcw In
Mcarcli of tho hiIkkIiih; driver, ami
when they reached Caniiui l'ralrlethey
found the miow nix fwt deep ami
eould o no farjher. They retnrneil
wlthouthuvlnKHiH'ii or heard of Fred.
lut Fred watt alright, ami came In
JiiHt a day late, havliiK utayed out
one nlnht on the trip over to I'IuhIi.
The weather nlnce our liwit Ihkuc
lum lieeu pretty timet like winter.
Fp to Hunilay the wlml blew a Kale
from the north and kiiow filled the
air In a IiIIiiiIIiik Mtorui. People who
ere compelled to l out la It no
doulit Miffcred from thi m-verlty of
the Ktorin. Monday the Mtorm reiK
ed, and the hiiii came out, ami that
1 1 1 u 1 1 1. the thermometer n-RlKtered fl
lielow ero. Nlni1' then the weather
Iiiik moderated ami more xlorm wok
threatened, hut ycKtcrday It wan
clear liKltlll.
LiimI. Friday nlRhta fire alarm wiik
turiiiil Into MarKhal Harvey from
the IMuf." ramp on Hiillanl Crei-k Ave
nue, ly MiikkIc, wife of Indian John.
The iiiHrxliul folhiwisl IiIk nutU
Urolith the deep kiiow to "that
camp that nlKht," and there In-Ih-IiI
Im'hIiIc a hurnliiK calllpll wveral
liurkK ami KipmwK, all full of fin'
water. The real lire wan the fire-arm
held hy SiiKle who wok ho full of fire
water that nIm' wanted to nhoot
MauRle ,,lnear,"and.MaKKletliouKlt
the "ImlletK would K' t In It," ho the
iiiarKhaldlKarmed theimtlve ami thtiM
put out the fire.
ItrpiVMelitntlve Flilliiltt IlliktloW
liiRly creatiil iiilteii HetiKHtloii In the
14'KlKlnture when the vote for Senator
wiim Im-Iiik taken. He wiim not pre
Mellt when m roll wiim called at the
ojieiiliij; of the joint aKKemlily. Pur
Iiik the rail of the roll on joint liallot
he rauie In ami wiim jiiHt In time to
aiiKwertohlK name, lie KiippoKed,
apparently, that It wiik the Initial
roll rail, liiKlead of the roll rail on
liallot ami nluiiited "here." From
UioHt plaeeK In the lloliw it Hounded
iik t IioiikIi he had Kiild "!eer," ami
there w iik a (latter ami a rrauliiK f
nei-kK, for I'.liiuiltl Iiiik voted ronHlKt
ently for Fulton throughout, and
(M-ople wondered what he meant ly
rhaiiKlnK to tleer ami whether otherK
were (iliout to follow till lead. All
IIiIk i-eipiln-d hut a few hih oiiiIk, and
then t he te union wiik relieved. I'reKl-
leut Ilrowuell explained to him the
rolU'all w an on joint ballot and he
voted tor Fill t on iik UHiial, and the
only illverHloit of the Joint whaIoh
t Iiiik h um quirkl. ended.
Origin ot "W'atereU Stock."
The expri'HHloll "wateil'd KtiM'k,"
hlrh ileKcrllM'K ho well the expau
hIoii of I he ntork of a company 1m
yond the value of the proerty,
originated, it Ik ald, in roiiuertiou
with Panlel Pii'W, who wiik once
the wealthiest and iiiohI uniiue man
ipulator In Wall ntreet. Prew had
Ini'ii a drover In IiIk yountT dayn,
iiud It wiik Maid of him that before
hi'IIIiik hU cattle in the market he
would first kIvc them lare uautl
tli'H of Halt to make them thirsty
nml then provide them with all the
water they could drink. In thin way
their weight wiik greatly Increaned
ami the purchaser wiim buying
"watered Htork." lslle's Weekly.
Portraits on Tomb.stoncs.
Loral marble dealers are taking a
kern IntereHt in an enterprise, w hich
lunl its origin in Peinuark, for rrpro
ilurln' t he ilrt llii'H of dead hTsoiik
on their toinbstoiies, says the
adelihla Impiirer. They say that it
Ik very probable that the movement
will spread to America in a short
(line. The plctuiv-on-the-tonibstone
craze started anions' the PancK as a
result of the use of artitlclal marble.
A Punish master builder succeeded In
producing a stone of such delicate
tints that It wan Impossible to dls
tiiiKulKh It from the natural product.
The Imitation of the more expensive
s pi Ties wan found to cost far less
than the natural, and Ik made in any
form desired columns, plain, or tint
ed, ami capitals iik readily tin tlat
slabs. Tho durability In said to lie
an great an that of the genuine mar
ble. It was also found that It wan
possible to reproduce, by curving a
a picture of the dr erased person, In
the Imitation marble, much easier
and far iheaiK'r than the work could
bo done with the uemilne article.
I'liiU'd Mll.- lml otttri-, l.nkt-vli'W, Oregon
NitvitnlMT '.'I. liwl Noilic In hrn-tir ulvrn
llml In ruiiilliii' wllh tin- pruviKioiit of thn
t lit l nllKr. 1)1 Jllllr H, IxTH, l-lltllli'i "All
( I fur tin; !( Umtn-r laiuli In Hie Hlitci
ill r.lifiirnla. Orpim, Ni-vl iid Whlnmnn
ri-rntory." cKlendcd ui all tli-1' lnii
hlnn-n In ! ot Augml i. Iwi. Alonio IJ. Frake
i.l VVanii-r lke. roiinijr i( lkf. tc(ir lerrk
lur )( Ort'K'in, h llil IT llli-il In thin oltire
lilt Kmrurn ml'iiii'nl No Intl. for Ihe nnrhaw
of ihr SWi; KK'4 K,! 13, NW' NK'Hi'C i T 40
K K it K, M., and will offer proof to aliow
that lli land aniiRhl la more valuable for ila
IIiiiImt or alone than for aKrlcullnral purom-
anl to (talillnh hla rlalm to aalit lauil lx-for
I hp Hinlnlir aufl Km-irrr of IhUoltlwal lki-vli-w.
Ori'KUH. on Mull Jay, llie iuib Uayof April,
Ili nami-a at wltm-awa; (ioorif- V. Wllaon,
Tliomaa Ft rrla ami T. H. Waki-flt-M of Warner
l.aki, Ori-Kim ami I.. F. Wlnklcman ol Ijk?-vli-w
Ori-Kon. Any anil all tw?ron rlalm
lii( adrrrwly the abovp-dt'M-rtK-t lanU are
rruurattxl to file tlielr claim In tlila oltlce ou
r iirfor aaid )th rtayol April,
le. 4 41 E. il. bKATTAIN. Ri giator,
t'nlti'it Niali-a uaml office, Laki vlrw, on-Kon,
Nov. l:i, V.tti. Notice la hereby given that In
compliance w ith the pro v Mom of the act of
roiiKrcof June S. l7n, entitled "An a t for the
alcol iliiilM-r lamUin the ulatea of California.
ori-Kon, Ncvaila and waililnuion Territory,"
acitcnicd toall the Fiihllc laud nlnU-t liv act
of .iikui 4. iRif.', Ihe follow iiiK ruiM have
lliiv ,ly lll.'M in tins uUiec their aworu ulale
ini'iitn. lo w it :
I'liarlc. Crew,
of Mountain, eoiitm ol hehll. State of Wali
Initloii. aworn lat. im in No. l-'iHl lor the pur-t'ea-
of Ihe Hi N r. and N1, rK'4, Sec i I.
:tlS. K. l.S, KW . M.
J T.iJnlKt,',
of AlMTileeii, futility of I'hehali". sialf of YVanh
iiiKloii. hworn ainteineiil No. 1V? lor the pur-chau-
of the N' NK ', S.f :I1 and N1, X '
s.f :!.' T. K. l i K ft' M.
Frank llolliiiKnworth
of New berry, founiy of Yamhill. Siale of Ore
unn. aworn ulatemeiit So. I.W lor the pureliaM
ol the SV i. KW i. Sec in S'. SKi4 Sef.iS, and
N W i4 NK'J See J. I Rift F. V M.
That they will offer proof 10 ahow that the.
land noun hi la more valuable for ita timber or
atone than for aurtcultural purtioaea and to es
lahllah their rlaim to aaid land lefore C. II.
W ilhrow . I'.H. Coininiaiiiner at Klamath Falli
')rcKn, on Saturday the IKth day of April
They name aa wltueax-a: William Uck and
Charlea Crew, of lloUlain, WaahtiiKton, Jamel
T. linliiU. of Aberdeen, Wanhlngtou, Frank Hol
llnnorlli. of Newberry, Oregon, and F. W.
Me rrlit. of I'orlland. On (ton.
Any ami all in roii flaiminK adversely the
alHiveHlewrilK'd lands are replicated to file
their flalma in thia office on or before aaid
Hih .lav of April, I'JUI.
Jan.'.M' 4pd K. M. Hrattain, Register.
I' nl led Statea Ijktid Otllce.
I akc vie u . Ore kii, J ll . 21 . I'.n:l.
Notice la hereby inven that III fuinplianee
with Ihf proviKioim ol the hi I of CoiiKrcna of
June a, 1!i7H eiitlllcd "An act for the anle ol
limner lamia In the Slalea of California, Ore
lion, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as
otciided to all the I'lilille Land States by aet
of August 4. Itti.'. I lie lollowiUk' iHrxiiis have
tills day 111 'd ill Ibis ottlcu tlicir aworn aialf
iu ills, to-w it :
Ct'arlcsJ, AmlcrNou,
of Itralnard, coiinty of l row Wing, mate of
Minnesoia. sworn slalcmeiit Nil 17:11 for the
pure liaae of the Sij, NW'( and N'a fW'4, See 12
TulUS, It 16 F. W M.
Floreiif R. Rica) lid,
of Hrainard, couiuy of Crow Wing, state of
Minnesoia, sworn statement No 1 7;2 for the
purchase ol Ihe b. of S', 8eu U Ti BS,K IS E,
Henry J. Reisland,
of Illy, county of Klamath, state of Oregon,
sworn statement No ms for the purchase of
Ihe N'l, of N'4 , Sec 13 Tp X 8, R 1A K, W M.
That they will offer proof to sho.v that the
laud sought la more valuable for ita timber or
Mime than for agricultural purpose and to es
tablish their claim to aaid laud hcfoie J. W.
Ilauiakar, I'.H. Commissioner at Klamath Falls
Oregon, on Saturday, the th day of May lOOJt.
Thev name as witnesses: Franklin W. Merritt
of I'orlland Oregon, C. W. I'aul and J. W. I' ill
of Tinner. Oregon. Henry J. Riesland of Illy,
Oregon and Florence B. Riesland, and Charlea
J. Anderson, of Hrainard Minnesota.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above dcacrilied lauds are requested lo tile
I heir claims in this office ou or before said IHh
day ot .May ltKUi.
JauftM F.. M. Hkattain, Register.
Town Lots For Sale
In Lane's South Addi
tion to Lakeview.
Florshcim Celebrated Shoes, New
Flour from Choice Wheat unmixed
with other crops, Choice Bacon, etc
nnillTQ Regarding the Forty Second Annual
rUIn 10 Statement jrj EQUITABLE LIFE.
New business written in 1901: - $245,912,087.00
Gross assetts, " - 331,039,720.3-
(Jross surplus - 71,726,797.00
Total payments to policy holders 27,714,621.42
During the past ten years, the Equitable baa paid $26,056,381.99 in dividends crt
its policyholders, which largely exceeds the amount paid in divideLds by any oth
er Company during the same period.
ft-?-: as
LEE BEALL, Praprietor
We have constantly on hand a Fine and Complete Stock
of Drug, Chemicals, Perfumeries, Toilet Articles, Fancy
Notions, Cigars, Etc., Etc.
4: Prescriptions Carefully Compounded
Agency for Acorn Stoves and Rangea
Hardware and Tinware
t.akeview, Ja uary, 8th, 190X
Pear Friends :
We come to you again with this personal request for your trade..
You want gotlx we want businens. Your purpose is to buy goods right .
Our purpose is to sell you goods ri;lit. It also stands to reason that wa
are going to make our prices as low as consistent with good business
judgement, in order to interest vou, and, as the largest dealers in Lake
view in our line, we can not be undersold on an equal class ol goods. TLe
reasons are many and obvious. Fiist, we buy mostly direct from factory ;
we buy in large quantities, ship in car lots, and in every y save vou all
the money possible.
Yours respectfully,
Wabash Tourist Car Lines
t.v. Chicago Mondays, 11:00 A u
Lt. Chicago Thursday 11:00 am
Leave Kansas Oity Fridays .20rM Arrive Bt. Paul and Min
neapolis Saturday 7:20 m.
For particulars consult your agent or Address
G. I. Agt., Ht. Umis, Mo.
& Ayres
Farming Implement, Wagona, Etc.
Faints. Oils and Bruihea
Ar. Boston Tuosdays 5:20 p M
A r. Boston Fridays 6:20 rn
V. O. P. Agt., Los Augelea