LAUB COUNTY CXAniNCR LAKEVIEW, CREOON. FED. S, I9QV i 1 . L , , IEEP LIMIT OPPOSED. cultural Commute Report iimIv on Grazing Bill Now Before- LejflaUture. . h,im ronimltKf on fitf-lcul- Lt.mJun.'J'.M.nn.l ilwlilwl to mi tulviTw n-ort on llurllrli' 1,11,. limit hIhm-p-KTiuIuk; bill. m a v inv imrln Of I'.HMMTII wr Km (rmllHl'l' movement hiw. oV -.1 aunlHHt the nnrratrW'tod line LrniwH .v law lnniilofelnni. Lull Ht.H'kiiK-n think tliKlrlnUT- tw j,Kiinrill"l, inn! Moiiic of the I.miii'ii nrr i i 1 Mnir ilcirliiH'iitnl to the eheep Lm.1 ImliiMtry niut 1 iMMienrlul I'm. LmwhIiiii of tin- I'oniiiiltteetniluy LtU'tiilwl l.v all tin repreaentii- from tin Twenty .tlt-at mid ity-elght llepreaeiitiiilve IU- . it L. llt.imMtf.litiL. Li, IIV A. rv''"".'i - I'li.'ll mill A. MHlwr, ! tt'iwo, i,v . K. HvihIh, ex-aeeretiiry of :rtKiu Wool (frowera Ahmim'Iii. All were oiioh'I to tln I'.ur- iiMiir,-. w lili li provide "Unit ill he unlawful for imy h'ivhim itijr ami having clitiw of imy i.tolllTll till' Hllllll', Or IH'flllit i to he herded on Hit IiuiiIm or 1-MMiry cliilnia of other jhthohh, , lii-nl the HiviiM' or iMTinlt them im-;inm unappropriated land in on,' mill' of tin dwelling L- of tin- owner or owner of miii Ii h or iiimwMHory rlalnw, or with-iip-nalf mill' of tli lionndiiry of mull IiuuIk' or pimwHotory in." . nieiuuint further provide lliia) i, cuttle or hoine cannot run at - In a county In which tin- owner nut nwiilc, uuli'MM a Mrinlt ahull litaiiHtl; ami tin' tux thereon lielMiviiUemh for idieep mill r ht-iiil for liorw-M mill cut lit', if nli)i'imiii iiiH'ur to itKreethnt lroM'r to iintow 11 rt'UHiiuulil,' hi hIi,i'i owned In on,' I'otmty Mini; In another, uiul u liiciiH- urrylnic out that policy will, it i, U' pneiite liy tlicin. Railroad' New Station. KUninlh lt'itililU'an. A. Mrliitir,'. uiiiuuui'r of the iiml-Klaniatli I'iiIIm Miikv Hue, lien the fore part of tin- week, Informed iih tliut he had made hki'iiii'IKh with the kluinutli it. It. Co. to 1 mi I Id a HtiiK ami ylmrii at a point uiiout two niM'-lialf iiiIIi'n eiiMt of I'okt'Knnm, n' tlw company propone to have ot Hint to which point It expert 'live train rinuilu; regularly, liiKniMcim, iH, uiullaud freight, i the next hUi.v (Iu.vm. Mr. Mr.. ri' HltVH th utii.n. Hi,.. ...Ill , .... ..,,,1 in,,. ,1 hi I I 1 "lily to the new Htutlou and can r the ilUtwav f aa .,.M frw, '"'th Full in three orfour hour tlie roailH lire jcood. '! awniupllHliiiiiHit will nnluee I'Mirney from Khuuath KhIIh to hy cunnectlon one-lmlf and will tl ImnlMhlpof travel fur more one-half, for tlm rouich, iiuiun- !,Ui Prt of the trip will Iw en v HmliittU'(l. liet wwu here und fi!tive new Htutlon, the cminiuratlvnly level and umu- ki from deep mud. ThiiH In n Hi'ietliu Kluinutli country will lv reciied from Uh1oh ImoIu, I "Ul uot muiiy moutliH more ro- rioro Klamath FhIIh will have 'I'Ufl ralW(iy connect Ioiih. C'rd to tha Puhllr .?i,.!",,t 01 1,19 mtlmiKl 111 health iU compell-jd to uhaiiKO 1v,j!'!",)U8"ly i no otfor- linn J. i"iipiriy m m pnea ' vrh0rd of In &k II. feCHMINLK. " re?.ti.n? or "wl" 1nda VI rent n.ony into tha Hank of w.U.Hhihk, AKeut. 41-tf Why Me 8obb4. Ijivkcvlfw liaa oraranlwid anothfr dancing club, now having two anch ocletiew, thua tbn tH-tOr to arootn tnodato kivora of tho Terpalclioroati art, aaya the llopubllcan. We may aprprlat4'ly add In thla connection that while thi iKojde of Iake and Klamath count left like to dancenoine, they fall far abort of tha powerful Mtnchant for that paatlrne ixblllted by thoMt? of our northern iMMghbor, If nn Incident, related aotne tlm ago and at tented by ourtownaman, 1. A. Duffy, Ua falrerlterlou: A fewyenra alnee, r'vlval miN'tluga were being held lit frlnevllle and large orowda greeted the evangellat. One night, airly In bia wrmon, tbe prewber'a attention wna at trncted to a young man In the audience. Ilia face wna pallid and tear were bubbling from hla eye and aa the aervlci-e were drawing to an end be waa aobhlng plteoiiMly. 'J'lie prenclier thought be had ImprcMMcd hla aorrowlng heun-r with ti Im ardent nppeal to mIiiihth and that be wna In the tranalent Htute of reiiiorMe and rciMiutauce, Aa Winn iim poMMlble the divine haMtened to the aide of the young man with worda of comfort and cheer, In re upoma' to which he aobla'd: "I'm--aon, 1 feel lmdly to think that thla IlitN'tllig Ih to be cloMed that thin nice, large Hiiillence lato iR'dlNmiMm'd and ai-at tereil without a dunce. If we could dance only until midnight there would Im a little roiiHobitlon. P.ut to aee a rrowd grather and Ih dlHN'rwd without any dance Im n bitter thought, a cruel ahork." Aa he reMuted the worda, tie burled hip face In hla lunula and lujiaed Into an other ronvulaion of team. Taachera Examlnatloa. Notlw la heri'iiy given that the county auN'rlnt'tident of Lake coun ty will hold the regular examination of nppllcauta for atate and county pajHTH nt Lukevk'w an folloWH: roil htatk lui'ena. Coiiimeiiclug Wednesday, I'eliru ary II. at nine o'eba'k a. tn.,andcon tliiulmr until KJiturday February 14, ut four o'cha k Wedueadny lVumaiiahlp, IliHtory, SMlliliK, Algebra, Heading. School Law. ThurHtlay Written Arllbmetlc, Theory of Tern htng, tiruinmar. Hook- keeping, I'IivmIim, Civil Ooverumeiit. ' Friday J'hyahdogy, ( ieogrnphy, Mental Arlthmiietlc, ('oiupoMltlou. I'liynlrul lieogrupliy. Kuturday llotuuy, J'lune (ieotne try, (leueral IliHtory, F.ngliHh Litera ture, rMychology. i on oi NTT r.r:in. AVediieHday reiiinaiiKlilp, IliHtory, rt hography, Heading. Thuradny Writ ten Aritliinet lc, Theory of Teaching, (irmiiiuiir, Hcliool I,u w. Frlduy (ieogriipli.v, Mental Ailth nietlc, I'hyalology, Clviriioveruineut. I'KI.MAKV t'Klll lHfATKH. Wedui'Hday reumaiiNhlp, Orthog raphy, Keadlng, Arithmetic. Thuradny Art of Queatlonlng, Theory of Teaching. Mcthuda, I'hynl ology. J. Q., Co. Huji't. Reduced Katea From The Eaa Coniinuiioing Kebrimry 15tn and con tinuiiiK until April 30ih there will he low r u in in eflutit from the F.atit via the llUiioin Central K. K., to all WaalilnKton, Urt(on and Idaho pointa. if any of your (rituida or relatives in tha Etnt are coining Went wtiila thuae ratei are iu el hint, ( va uk tlioir name and ail d run, and we wilt make it our liUMinaaa to mu tlmt they are fcivnn the beHt potttiblu aorviue. We operate tit rough MrHonally oouduut ed exouraion cam, and in faot give you the I iu no lit ol the latent eoovmiiuiitx) known to moderu railroadinft. We have 16 diflnreut mutoa between the Last and tha Went, and are iu poaitiun to give you the tenant of tha beat combination!. Write ui and we will give you full par ticular. U. II. Trumbull, Coui'l Agent III. Ceut. K. K., 142 Third tot., Portland Oregon. The Oreicun flaml-Weekly Journal, a Dviiioorntlu nawaiiaper, ever flr and aJ waya frees 114 oiiplva In one year for only to any adtlreaa. Tha Journal, f, O. Kos in, ruitland, Or. crallo nwaittier, It liana, full of new all of Id tl a yar to any eddrww. Tit Juurnul, P. O. Vox 121, fortlund, Or. -41 5 T? f AVfrgctabte Vt cparalton for As slmilaiin( fWoodandKcflula Ung the Sktiwtchs and Dowels a ncss ntv1 nosi .Cpnl.iMis nrilhcr OiniimMocpliii' n'.rt)iaral. NotNaucotic. ',''. . WttKLItrCHKIt ." : . . ',. ... ; r'r,' . I It 'i ' .'-v ( .'1 f. .1- .. '- Ap.Tivi IV lv IVr'j.'H'-f'jM lion. Sou' . .:. Won is,( ivu'u..-.! 'U;.i nsh ncss fttul Lt )s or i i.rM. FocSinnb Ki-Jiiiilurc' or Nirv VOliK. rcr Infants ftntt Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of exact copy or wrapper. WW 3- Ah In Use For Over Thirty Years ill SntMnriWatn Tn W"Z ' h eme (h) " r4 M h Ml pP" . irtfi to U right eoun. whreeBtota rot MwUlM b aa4e lor u. . BRKRP BMAalliaV 0-rr- BreHwlieawallew Parana J3oi5S Call J nchl r for w;rTeTe lor wothn. a.Hre frp ael a)U la right r. Tar Bre4 111. Crae taka. Poatofflc drw. lAvlw.Orcaj RraiKla with Crop off left car. Half im rlhl for wn: rTrn lor wlbr TarBraa W. Raf, Flab CrJi. Patoce arfdra Lakrriew, Orra. . Izz Whitwcrth Northern Stage Line. . f .... 1 -1 i 1... "C 'i Put your ad in The Examiner brings Q U iallllllllllllilillllllllllllllllll'lllilllllllll'llll'l!""!'!!''1!!?!!'".1 lllllll!!!!nHilil!WII!'P""mmtfimitimi!!!imta S. J. STUDLEY P. E. HARRIS STUD LEY & HARRIS LAKEVlEW FURNITURE CO, Full and complete stock of Everything in tbe line of FURNITURi jvsZll&: Snider Bai'ding on Water St. ...LAKEVlEW, OREGON... CALL AND SEE OUR STOCK AND GET OUR PRICE5 IHlllilliHililllliiiMlllhliSllillH LAKEVlEW --PAISLEY. A. W. BRTAN, Proprietor. Leave Ialceriew at 6 a. m. every day but Fonday. Peturning, leaves Pa ialey at 6 :30 . in every day but . v- Sunday. huMptl' arafj. ftmm4 trip ( OFFICE - avaal A Wnfl!J' I.krr1w LAKfiVIEW PLUSH STAGE LINE S. L. MrX AroiiTox, Prop. Office at Mercantile Store Mage IraVM Lakeview Mondays, Wed netNlay and Friday at 6 a. in., arrive al Pluab at 9 p. tn. Leave Pluh Taea daya, Thurxlav and Saturtiay, at 8 a. m., arrive at Lakeview at 9 p. in. Paaaener fare $3 one way or 5 fer round trip. Freight rate from May Ut to Nov. lt f .75 per hundred ; from Nov. lat to May lt $1.00 per hundred. Western . Stage .: Line J. L. VADIH. Preavtetar. Office In Unkvillc t!otel Klaaaath Fan. Daily from Ager to Klamath Hot Spring, Keno, Klamath Fall. Dairy, Bonanta, Bly and Lakevit w. Iaily from Lakeview to lily, Bonanaa, Dairy, Klamath Fall, Keno, Klamath Hot KprinK and Ager. Make coiitiVtii'i.n 'ai'Ui afr trains at' Airer. KXPBOITRD Kan Franciooo to Kla.osUt Faila f 17 50 " " BiMtanaa 20 60 " " lakeview 23 00 Sacramento " Klamath Fall 15 00 " ' " IVmania 15 00 " " lakeview 19 IH) Of ERECTED IN 1900 MODERN B4r1ii FIRST-CLAS5 ACCOnnODATlONS SArtPLE Roon For COnflERCIAL TRAVELERS tTTlt: -4 COURTEOUS TREATMENT LIQHT & HARROW, Proprietors 1& as tv-w nar. m-m. I A M3TM Jyoir AItAHE, I Upon trial I can convince you that I can sell you as GOOD GOODS for as LITTLE MONEY. as any store In LaHe County. I QR0CCRIEJ, CLOTHWQ; DRY Q00D5 ? E.VB. F0LLETT. New Pine Creek. Flakevievv Market a8SKS3 a ucur Rann ci kcie leiey snr .a b b ueei, pork, Alutton, Sausage, Etc. J. WENDELL, - - - 4 Proprietor. Good Stock Easj 'Coaches LAKEVIEW ALTURAS STAGE LINE II, X. lUaxu, I'rop'r. Office In Bieber'a Store rtage leavea Lakeview dally, o tpt Sunday at 6 a.m. Arrive at AUaraa at p. tn. Leavea Altura lor lakeview at 6 o'clock a. m., or on the arrival of the etK from Madeline. Ar rive in Lakeview in 13 houra af ter leaving Altar,. Freight - Matters - divert Strict - Attention .... first - Class - Accomodations. BO VCARS Tmoc Maim Diktat, a " 'HUi.a rta fa atetaliaar avat it' tii eJiotl, C'Miiiawi'Cai, llaMu. 1V !MiitiUu4i at4iMjlxala ktm ft'avlaaw MmmuicI palaiav xMitfll aVtUaaa La lJWaidm 11 htHki aU.arcK iat ik MM.aO.i r at. U .