Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 05, 1903, Image 2

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Northern PaclHc Surveyors Said
To be In Central Oregon I're
parinjf lor Spring Work.
Mont liHHliH-H men art1 nwako to
tht liiiirtiuuv of l",,,
(inoii with a railron.l that will
draw tlio tra.U- to I'ortlan.l Mnn
,. Is l.ullt Into tho roimtr.v from
the noiitli to.lrain tin- fountr.v for
thr iM-n.-tlt of San Fnuu-liTO my tho
Kliitftlir". U.&
racltii- ivfusr to i.rot.rt
inteientH by hwii a lim-."
wU.l a nu-mlHT of the ( haiulwr of
Ciiiniem today. "It w.mlil l'.v thf
bualnvM imn f rortluuil to i-aiie
bvnilH and bullil the roa.l theniHelvw.
V. A. Mont. ' ,H' traiwitortatlon
committee. In hln annual report nil
viHetl such a plan, ami It I" the only
way to nave the traileof a vatt terri
tory. With the tide of liomeswker
heading thin way Central Oregon
will tie rapidly fillet, and nettled. It
output hint year even a nlmottt
double that of the previous, year and
the next two years will see a more
rapid development. A country so
large and rkh In resources will not
be long without a railroad: in fart,
several of them, and Its trade at the
present time, taking no aeeount of
the future, is worth striving for. It
seems incredible that by the present
mode of travel it takes as long to
reach some of the towns in Central
Oregon as it does to make a trip
across the continent to New York."
A Northern Pacific official says tlu?
Harrlman lines will likely fouled
II they think they can control the
trade of Central Oregon by skirting
Ita borders the same as their lines do
at present, and without building in
to the Ulterior.
"They will le greatly fooled," said
the official, "If they think they will
be able to lock out comietition In
that nianJiT. While the Northern
Pacific is not proclaiming the fact
from the housetops 1 know to a cer
tainty that it now has a party of
surveyors in the field, which is pre
paring for active work in the Spring,
as soon as the weather permits."
"Where will the road find an outlet
in case one is built?" w as asked.
"Tliat isa matter for the surveyors
to decide," he answered vaguely.
"There will lie no trouble to find an
outlet at any point on the Columbia
If a practical route to build a road
can be found. Once a road hits the
Columbia it has the choice of rail or
water transportation. You mark
my words, then' will lie something
doing in Central Oregon next Sum
mer in spite of the fact that it Is
skirted on three sides by the Harrl
man lines."
"We assuredly cannot afford to
let that trade slip from us," saiil a
wholesale man. "I would be willing
to take a big share of stock in a
movement to build a road started
by tin right parties. I Ix'lieve there
-would be no trouble in getting other
business men to siibscrllie, and once
we made a start and raised one-half
of the funds needed it would be nu
eaxy matter to get Knstern capital
to give the other half. Itis said that
the liarriman lines will parallel any
other line that attempts to tap the
country. While those interests
might carry out this programme If 11
coiiiM'ting transcontinental road at
tempted to enter the territory, they
would!liurdly dare to do so if the
business men of Portland built the
line, for in that cast? the local enter
prise could cause thousands of dollars
in trade to lie thrown toother lines."
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Sears the
EUgnature of
Judge Benson Say
We all Favor Fair.
'Judge II. 1 4. Uenson, of the State
Circuit Court In Southern Oregon,
was In Portland the other day, and
told the Telegram that the clttaMis
of the most remote counties of Ore-
gi.u Uikeand Klamath a restrong-
y In favor ofthel-ewls and Clark
Kxnosltlon, and that If It comes to
n vote the enterprise will receive n
heart v indorsement.
"I hardlv expect such a result from
the state at large. However, should
the necessary : icr cent of voters
sign a iH'tltlon to refer the matter In
accordance with the recently enacted
Constitutional amendment," he said,
"and I hoic there are not ,"KMM citizens
of Oregon narrowinlnded enough to
demand this test, thelmre fact of the
nu"stion iH-lng submitted at the gen
eral election of l.MH will kill it or
cause a postponement for two years
more, as the$"H).000 should lie at the
disp.snl of the commission Itofore the
vote is taken.
"I am surprised at (lault, iinieinlier
of the legislature from a Portland
suburb, Hlllsboro, and a newspaper
man, too, opi oniu the falrU the Ueth
of the whole lower House, and I am
at a loss to conceive his motive, us
all Washington County, more than
any other, will lieneflt by this grand
'Should the matter gu ton vote,
of the citizens. 1 fear a large propor
tion of the farmer class would vote
It down, as these citizens are very
ouservative hen it conies to pay
ing more taxes. They would reus
Well, I haven't time to attend the
fair, no how, and I'm not in favor of
paying more taxes just to please
'ortland.' These in-ople do not;
realize the breadth or scope of the
proposed exposition nor the fact
that all our neighboring states are
watching to see what we will do in
the matter before they make a move
to help along."
Judge Benson has lieeii mentioned
as u candidate for Congress to suc
ceed the late Sir. Tongue, but he
denies that he has any Congressional
bug in his hat.
"I just came to Portland with my
daughter, who wants to do some
shopping," he explained, "and I am
not button-holing people for a Con
gressional nomination."
Ti-udrnry or thr rini-n
The tendency of medical science is to
ward preventive measured. The la-ht
tliouiclit of thr world in beiiik yiven lo
the subject. It is easier and belter to
prevent than to cure. It has been fully
ilfcinonsl rated tiial pneumonia, one of
the moet duiiier'u diseases that medi
cal men have to con'.einl with, can le
prevented by the 'ise of Gbainlierl iin'
Cough Kemedy. Pneumonia always re
sults from a cold or from an attack of in
fluenza (tirip), and it has been olwerved
that this remedy counteracts any ten
dency of then? diseases toward pneumo
nia Thin has been fully proven In
many thousand cine in wnicii thin rem
t ty has been usd during the yreat pre
vaiiauue of colds and tcrip in re-eul
years, and can he relied Un with ini
plict contiileiire. Pneumonia often re
nulls fioiu a slight cold wiien o danger
in apprehended until it is suddenly ilia
covered that lliere is fever and (llllicully
in ineathiiit! and pains in tiiechest, then
it in announced that the patient ha'
pneumonia, fie on ttie safe side anil
take ( 'liainlM-rlain'a CoiikIi Hemeiy a
"nun hh the colli is cnnlracU-il. It al
ways cures. Kor sale by L.-e lSeall,
Manager Wanted.
Trustworthy, either sex. by Whole
gale Merchandise Com pany of solid finan
cial standing, to manatee Local Kcpre
ten ta lives who will organize clubs among
conwumern. 4U per cent saved for our
customers, liunine no experiment but
a proven suciess, r-alury f 1H.00 a week,
expenses advanced. Kxperieice un
liecesrv. Address 1. II. (,'lrkon,
Mr., 31)4 Iearhorn St., Chicago 111. 2 7t
iassi's rraparllla Fills
are purely vegetable and chocolate coat:
ed. '1 hey act surely lint gently, cnriim
Coustuiaiioii, l!iliouiies, hick llcinl
ache, l)yss-pia, etc. They purity the
blood ud improve the complexion Hold
in lu-cent and 2. cent boxes by Lake
view iJrug Co. and bakuview Pharmacy.
itute iaxauvu Drorao quinine Tablets, jg
Swea Minion bo aoid la post 1 2 months. This signature,
Horse Wanted.
The ..Id lel.ntd lnifiuMK firm, the
Penile Auction Mini ShIk MaMra, lac ,
which hold social miction 'very
clnv mid rmiiliir weekly suction every
Kr' r.-.ele liorsva I tn UK), on riui
ouiMii'ci.t slid mlvmice nil ulnppina clmr
c il sell on commission, r v.tll aJ
your hill-sen ouliitilit. Il von hsvs any
linnilier of InrstM vou wish In dispose of
nt the Sennit- niiokei price, no matter
how far you are from the citv, w rite lia
full decriiiioii and we will 'et you know
what the . nee- an- and how they are
Kellinij. All e..iri.!""i'li"ie promptly
N T .lolliftH. Mur
N..I. Walker, Auet.
1212 Western Ave., Seal lie. Wa-li 3 -U
l ne Leaoing raper oi
the Pacific Coast,
The San Francisco
The Weekly Chronicle
The very bent weekly News
paper published in the entire
$1.50 a Year.
larMhv IM tmt Hit ml MM
Calu kulM, (Hiii u4 IMxtOT.
It is Isest because, besides
printing all the news of the
world each week in an inter
esting way and fully illustrat
ing many articles, it has spe
cial departments devoted to
Mining Literature
Fashions and Sports. -These
are presided orer by
editors having a thorough
knowledge ( their specialties.
The pages devoted to Agri
culture, Horticulture, Poultry
and Live Stock are well illus
trated and filled with matter
of the greatest interest to
all engaged in these indus
tries, every line being written
by those who are in close
touch with conditions prevail
ing on this Coast.
COPY. It will be sent free.
Do you want the
Showing the United States,
Dominion of Canada and
Northern Mexico
Map of the World
Send 2 and get thr Map
and "Weekly Chronicle" for
one year, postage prepaid on
Map and Paper.
The Daily,
Hr sun, rwi rwia.
Only $7.80 a Year.
M. H. de YOUNG,
"Su Kraarucs Uaraatatt."
San Francisco, Cal.
Land Notice.
Attorney and Counselor at Law.
l3io Conne; leut Avenue
V'a.-.hinti)n, I). C.
AM reron who liav hcrrtofor made FINAL
PkOllH lo any fclnd of l and, Mineral or Tim.
bar I nlrirl, which has been accepted by the
kejlster or Meeelver of nny U. 3. Land Olflce,
can h'.ve the Issuance nt their IJ. 8. Patent for
said l.a-da promptly I to by sending;
me their Duplicate kutim, or Certificate! ol
Entrv, and an agreement tn pay me $10 when
ever said Patents shall Issue.
Oreif- n. California
and Nevada
Mate Agent
;'s V'
f!'ll f
ttas .,HH V
M'jilini.. H T 'M
inir iik-i y '-A
! n t, ,ut A
i-rffpi. All VjL
d (-tint
I mn ii' it .A
' Jt CO., v-
To Cure a Cold in One Day
I'uUcrl BlutKS Unit 0I1W l U-vl. , -run
November la, ! Nnllre In lT tiy Mlo-n
that In iKiniiillanrs with lh- nrm'tninns f It"'
nt riinarnsnl Jum- . 1'H iillilni. "" 'J
fur the sale til llnibrr lanils In tti ,'!? "'
Csllioriil. Orrfon, Nnvsiln. ami In
IB Trrtior" w nn-mlwl m all lh I'lihlle
I anil siaiwi ,y act o( AiiiiikI 4. ISIM, Ihs folliiw.
lug tHTmina have lliti ilay fll.Ht In this nlllca
I hi' I r sworn siaiomxnii, low It:
I'liarles I tvw,
of Itnqiilain. ranntv el flu-halli Ulste of Vianh.
lnton, woriialaiiimsiit No IWI hir Ine nir
rleo( ihrSU NKU aid N1 sK, H.T. ta T.
MS. H. l.'iK, W. 11
Jamri T. IHilKH ,
of Ahiritrn.riiiiitv of Chehalls. Hiatsnl w h
liiKliin, nwtirn ataionuMil Ni. 1MU '"r Ihn pur
chae of lha NUN K K. Sec .11 ami N H "
SroXtTi8. KiatV M
Frank Hiilllnxwi'rlh
o( Nswherrv, pmiinv el VmiitilM. HI ! of t Irs.
roll, aworu iiKtamciit Nu lw lor llu1 pnrcnaw
of thr aw i, s s.r . s SK i4 s.-c rt, anil
NW I, NK Kl K.-C l. T W S.. K A h M.
Thai Ihev will ,ilf.r imnl to nhow thai I lis
lamt noiiKlil l more valiialw.for lis llmher or,
atom-ton (or ajrrlcnlniral purKiw ami lo
lalillKh llivlr rlnluo to salil laml Is (ore I. II.
Wiihniw-, f. H t'nninilaaluner al Kismalli
Kails, on-aon, on Salunlay the lth ilay ol
Anrll. 1WW.
Thev namras w;inrii.r: William Uck anil
fharlrs nw, ul lliMiilani. Vaiaiii.ii. J,mr
Tgulir; ol Alien mn, Wa-hiiiKimi, I f
ltuaworih, til Newnerrv, Oris"11. "
Merrill, ol Cortland. Oreoii. Any anil all pr
sons olaluiliia a.lY.T.i-l. Ihe aboiil ilrcllx-il
Unci, arr iv,iirl,sl in II ! Ih.'lr claims In Ihla
nAlcvun ni bulorr salil isih lay ol April lu.
lec4M K. M. ItMATTilN, Krsltlsr.
J. W. Maxwell
Arewl rar
Ten of the Best
High grade and
standard make
of Pianos
S240.00 and up
Organs 800 up
Beer sold Wholesale & Retail
Delivered any place in Town
Southern Oregon
Marble Co. IK
! Ashland 2." -1 flrpnnn M Jr,
, , Mi, a... -k j, r.
Desle r Is tUrMc. Ortalte. Iras likj
Fearkia aaa GmiI 1u ! ' Jij '
CtMCItHY W0BK Of All HMDS feiaiJ
Kor an) oiw killing ut aual
IliV iuc ht'lontrmg lo Xh
South Eastern Oregon
l'w? Stock Association
Will u, gi,n lor Um arrest and oontk-Uoo el any par
whi or pereona sualliiK any stock belonging
to uiemkere ot this AaeomUon.
J. n. INNES, President.
visit DR. JORDAN'S oaaar
ISataii,aa4a.,.aie.J ffft A
i jk ni"rrattatamioai Viawaai k
l tJte Wui 4.
MlMU . . . . n
r kCT i-J. i " ai aeraaaoani
i C ! aacmi r -s I . . . IV' mT,
u. ;.-T .Tn" "" ii rraaa
T i .mi . v . . I
lsw for a ..T3.I. ..Ti"T"".
earalsr tllaa. trtM
t - nana 1
, iwuai ssnlal
aaa ri.iala.k, '
Li )Na'ise.n:.lal.,t. " - 1,
JifZZ!? OVUM a 9
sm aa tea kMert.Sa. '
m rasjt MdatrlettyprlvaAa,
Isuwull ae mt laliar.
as i ua. larM.'"! ?:"""". T
Writ m . . ' . I
, : ik. w ua tA vaiaaa, i
. houa, for a.ea.1 Call at aiu. I
a jaaoaa a c).. mi Harkai tut.K
Cum Crip
Is Two Day.
-wt-a- box. 25c.
f "rl.( k
d'1".r"l'y""re.ela, t
(rijfcZ i "' BauilaMii Itia laatAa
l'P! -Ui.tlalalra i
I f 1 0D"--HVATI 0I8EASU a
II tt Tr"" " aad Balden F
m tt liua Lbs MMIi af uuu.i.u . Jr m
erelteae ae mau. I, aaatarar x
raaea. VarTouaudpkvataiMblliaa.SaTaT
Pmr, S-a..a,.e)u..cHnaLril.
'- ite. k-e.,H... f
M. K. I..MT'I.KH. M, .
I'hyalelaw and Marg,, I
l.wkevlew. Or,
orKtrr-BsaJPa liniic BVira. all,
pmniptly ilay ar Might,
rhystrl anal Margraa
lkaVlew, Or,
HKhi'l Ulnli DfutO-a. avra.
l'h alrlMM sad Mirgs
OKHCK-Ni-w Italy Hullillni.
lhelfav a 1
lr W, wtts
OKI'ltIR -laly Hiill.llnf
i.. r. oiV
AMwrnry st Law
OKKICK-Haly llull.line.
h. iiti.Kvnri.K
DfrtCK-lialy Ruihllnc.
w j. jiooait
OCrtOK-lMly kulMIn.
1. 1. VKWATesa
A ttarnprHil -Uw
la BattasfaHaW
orrn K-iair huiidin.
rurimmry Itrmttm
OBlc-Orrfun KrKl Corral, Laksvlaw,f
IM HtiwtMMil
urnnnitii nt tut urnmn ui.i
nuuun ur ni nuniu tampK..'
Mraunn the fit and 4ih Wlni4tiJ
arh nionrh In Maaonlr Hll.alni
jjman naii-ai, unatii siHIfliaOilf'
b. N. lML'ian, l.lerk.
V I. o. o. r. nimli in isi anil an Ttial
ilay avvnlncaaf aark monlb In Odd M
Iowa' Hall, Lakavltiw.
W.H. tu'i
W C. p., W. j. Muokk. Hcrllw.
;S ...Knights ol Pythias.
fiiHiuir l iL-r I oiifiv Mm a kJ
I t' svi-ry TiMMlar cvanliu, O.lil 'rf
, 0 Ikavlt.!, Ora. Vlallllur KalU
1 Hiii.n. im.iim! a
M W MDBTos. Chancellor I'mnmaM
:y nusi asiiiBfus. w oi n. anus, j
1 ft K'sr wvj;!WWfij:
To taUc 'ffi!i!t, TiiiisiIhv, Apr. 1,1
ho. 1
:) a. tn
:47 a. ui
I.v ,
l.v. ,
I.v . .
l.v . .
I v .
l.v . .
I.v . ,
l.v .
l.v ,
l.v .
l.v .
I.v .
Kmm Ar
Miliimll Ar
t v ar Ar
s raiK is .. ,. Ar
furily Ar
I' ... Ar
Ihnt . ...Ar
I atiii-riin ... A I
. l.ta k .. ..Ar
( onaiaiiila .. Ar
, Dnvlr Ar
l.foKnn Ar
.Amvifoa Ar
.A melius Ar
lint Hprlnns..Ar
Murray Ar
karln ... ..Ar
. lliirse liku.. Ar
Wave-tly Ar
Ternin Ar
.. llri.DknislisAr,
. MsilKllim l.v
ii:ik', a
Hi:) a
II :l.i a
II &- a.
, in.
p. in
I.MS p. in.
IJ::u p. in.
p. m.
i:l i li. ni.
l i p. m.
i p.m.
: ( p.m.
H:-4'i p in.
St:.'i7 p, ni.
p. in.
ft:.' p. in.
0:i p. ni
6:;ai p. m.
7:1ft a. ui.
7:10 p. in.
I Ar
Mli p oi
A.l pin
rt i.nt
7 JO pin
In Viain.l.v
I'liim as. A'.t.U
II Aram I.e.. Vim. Mi Ar
I? ''ainlf.v.Hii'kiailh.Arl
I'J.Viaiu l.v.l'lalrvllii-Arl
Ti-riim... I,,r Ijikrvli'M. falsify ami !"
. ,. a. ii, n' ii. , IIJ, , vuai..'
AilurMM ami IU..I...P
Um Auiinxs. lur ruamllsh .nil
..... .. - in einiiiiK, inuv.viiiv pm.
villi-, I ahl.
V i ion i,,r I iivuliiiii. Ii,i nliivlllc udl
bi ll s Hut nprmiis, t alii.
Iii-vkwllli, lur (niio.uu, Taylorvlllf slid"
villi, lain.
I'lairvlli..,- Mohawk and Oullirv, ( sill.
l... .. . i... um. .., , in.. ....I km.
Villi, Willi 1-11. , it. - " I
i-iiii Kasl A We. l: V. A T. K. K., for all 11