mint LAKE VIEW, LAKE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY,, 1903. NO. MM PL. XXIV. feTORIC FT. WARNER. e General Crook Subdued V Snake Indian The Old tone Rrldge In the Lake. country lying about old Fort r and t lio two Warner Lake kc ('.unity, Im otic or Hit moHt if III til" Ht 11 1. Hoflir IIM JllollMT mill government InrtH am con I. It was nt thl point that il Crunk formed iIm hal of icrntlotiM ngntnwt tin- Hnake in uml where hi" received tho Iito tliriiotorloiiN trllM'. Tlin . of fort building and thi old i I'm iiii'tlmd r croMHlng Lake r with lilMcniniiiainliiri'iuilitwi tint;, ami they nl the same liiHtrnti' the determined spirit IVIIIlWllI'd Otlll'Cr. l Warner witHfli'Nt CMlalillnhi'il not of Lake Warner, but up nrrlvul of Ucncral Crook from City, lu immediately moved the lake ami cMtubllHhcd a i tlic mountain on tho wet oh) Kurt Warner In now au (I raurli niaiiy miles from any Imliitatliui. Tin- ranch house tlie.ild pnrndc ground, uud itlfnl meadow wprcad out In anil from thin the stockman "ugh liny annually to feed IiIm naalght nuc would not nmog- evidences of th former day, itfh- Information uud a further ifiitlim one find enough to 'vmiethatlt wn really a fort, re are inuiiv t tiiii(?M to remind thl. An hl i-.Hk chimney nlnin on tl.t- lillUidc near the liiiiiM-. It .1iouh awkward, iliHtniitiul ioiiMtrualoii. In tl' Hre-place cut in thl old y the foundation log of the building still reuiiiln. Then InveHtlgut further, pile of it l.nmd her,. U1, there and mdiitinii leu of other titilld ihHw wcr.' the oiiU'ei-M' niar- K fit Ni:UA.l. i Iiiiok t.MKll. ''K't that only one chimney iiiuiiiN h looked upon liy the with a slight degree of up- tl, I'hrv I. ii ikkiii , ... I. Imiiey, and Hhonld any one t to lflu - It. except to en- ." imii.c ..n It, them would objection. The ihiiiiIht of ct luto thl hard roek '"t Mllliv (MMlllllI lkfl fcf&k tilultil ""t point lu the Oregou dca- '"V ailluMtroiu railroad und fHt coach.. n fart. ,lllir '"I to It., 'ilinmy win. the one t,ttt tho .moke from General imtrtr while lie wn ata ftt Fort Warner. Jt aeeiu re. bt the atiM-kimm that nil of ''"Should fall and that thin l0ul'l Miualu perfectly intaet "n1 "I'lm It (m II Hort of im mil. ' tl.hrave old mIUcV. and r""'1 K't have It fall for " H Hhould U.'irlll to lot ler " th"r would doubthtmi rwHort itok.,i UHUndlnffinni(Mll. grant seneral. 0THKH KVIi.KNI'KK. f"4 are n. n....... i.. ... c umjr YHIOUOet. (,f l Kovornnumt'a i 40 yean, o "P01,,Uj !d.. of t.h ftitnthu oiti,- fe ui,i,. .... lan " co,"l'J. Xfuund nul..Mh.M i,.... I'rt & Lawog and traw, hrldlr. btta and many otlwr t IiIiikk t hat wen- reqnlml to handle tlieM' anlinaU. And about the frrounda may N found old cooking nteiiHllH, broken aabra, ofthwa' rpauleta and other mount of thn eiulpmentn of the fort which were abandoned by the aoldlera nion leaving It. Tim uniform Initial.., "V H.," dUtltwiilnh them from j.roiH'rty formerly lMlontrinK to Indlvlduala. Hut up on a hill nearby, aurround ed by n trrore of towering pine., are midder evident em of tlw former day a. Wooden headboarda here and then1 lying about the ground tell In very dim let ten. of the deat h of thin one and that who wait a memter of a certain company, while the pout that Nitpportcd the fence around tin little pint have fallen down and the rallw have long Mince Imi-ii hauled away and deMtroyedj The fort wan iihiindoncd in the flrnt of the Meveiitle after (Jen. ('rook had routed the IudlaiiM at Duuder and Itllxen and they had come lu and Miirrendered. l.CK ATION nr THK FOIIT. 1 he Mel.H-t lou of the place waa made In keeping with the government' can and Judgment In much matter. The place I Murrounded by mountain with only one outlet. It could not have ten appronclied but from one direction by the enemy, and then one rapid firing gun could have de fended the place ngalimt a thouHAud warrior. A large Mprlng; of pure water flowed out of the wide of the mountain near the fort and thla fur iiImIiimI a Minall wnterworka which Miippll.d the Holdler with all of the pun water that w o needed. The mountain were covered with atately pine, aid from thlMforeMt theywH-ur ed tlinUr to coiiNlruet the govern ment building, and woikI tor the fort. A xiuall Hawmlll wan et un lu tho.- .lnya and while Nome of the Noldler were fighting and Mcoutlng other eieengagd lu logging, aaw lug and carNuU rlng. Cauip Warner, on the oppottlte elde of the lake, w n llrt lniadi)uarter if t he eoiiiiuaiid. The place waa e. tabllHlied contrary to government order. A Mcouting party hud len Meut Into the heart of the Indian country from Vancouver to mdect a lte for the fort. ThU party waa In charge of an exterlouccd official and he (j.lirted the point now kuowu a old J'ort Warner and a coiumaud then Mtatloned at Holne City waa or denxl to go to the place and build a fort and Mtipurvaa the Huuke Indlaua w ho were theu on the warpath. The command notched Lake War ner and the dlwovery U'lug tuade that the 'lake waa many nitloa lu length and that the country border ing Ita ahorea waa rough and haiard oua, t he commanding oftleera decided that It would be bent to eatablUh cauip on the ahore of t he lake. Uy iviihoii of hi Inactivity, or failure to bring the Indian trouble to a clow, lien. Crook waa dlMpatched to the country to take command of the noldler uud terminate the war. When the noted general arrived at old Camp Warner with hla plana of the fort and found that t he command had never reached the right place he waa Indignant. "Why did you not proceed to the place named In the order?" the general la aald to have Inquired. "We could not croaa the lake," replied hla predeceaaor. UK roi'Nii A WAV. Karly next morning every aoldler mm 3 txvxv-i 5 vvv-c Xx . LOUISE OF SAXONY THE RUNAWAY PRINCESS. Crown Prlncaa Louise of Baiony, wbcMw reeeut dtMppearance from Dresden revaakwl the whole history of the hidden scandal of the court of Dresden, cornea from the Hips bunts of Austria, a family whose loves and marrlagve have far half a century resulted In sorrow and tragedies. 1 la math Opposed To Scalp Bounty. That tlie condition of the t woalater countica, Lake and Klamath, are at variance, and wide apart, aa far aa the Uck Interests are concerned, is (coutluuod ou 4th page) Frances de la Ouerra flpftnnvln Drlenn Last July, mm waapuhllMhed In The Examiner at the time, the charge of bigamy wan filed a gal nut Mr. Kltx- gerald de la (Juerra, formerly Mr. Fanny Hehart of Iikeview. Tlie pretty well IHuMtrated In the action trial terminated ut wek In a verdict of guilty, ami t lie xliortet, term In prlMou and the lowet fine waa I in- ptHM-d a a wntence. The acutence waa that ehe pay a fine of f 150 and lie liupriMoned at Kan Qulntlu for the term of one day. Amotion for a new trial waa denied by the Judge, but he granted a tay of teu daya la the execution of the aeutettce ao that au appeal may lie takeu Jo the 8u reme Ctmrt. Mra. de la Uuerra, ho I In poor health, collap.d for a few momenta iik.u the auuouncemeut of the Ciiurt, but was mooii n-ntond to COUMcloUMtieMH. Mra. de la Uuerra, after having had alx huMbanda from whom tdie had lieeu fitnil by natural or legal pro ., waa wedded to W. A. Fltiger aid lu llKM) lu Iam Augeles. Two yeara later, U-lievlug, ahe anya. tliat Fltigerald had obtained a divorce from htr, aa helutd threaUuied to do, ahe became the wife of Carlo de la Ouerra lu Kau Franclaco. I-ltiferald aaw lu a uewMpaper that ahe had wedded agalu, and he lost no time lu Netting In motion the machinery of tho law lu order that ahe might be convicted of bigamy, lllsefforta have Uh'U aucccaaful. taken by tlie Klamath County Court agaluwt tl coyote bounty law. It haa been demoUMtrate.1 that the best iutereta of the Lake County stock men are lt aerve.1 by tlie bounty, and the killing off of tlie Increasing multitude of coyotes. However, the Mheepmen are the greatest lowers by the deprclution of tho coyote, al though they are not backward when they are huugry and will tackle a calf without hesitation. Jiuk ral bitaare aiwopretty uumerousiu lake cotiuty, but there la no la-n'eptlble IncreuMe during the past few yeara. Thl may 1h iiecouuted for by tlie uumerou coyot.-s who prey upon the buuules. Hut rabbit do not eat sheep or cuttle In thia county, and there are other means of destroying tlie rabbits thau by raising coyotes to eat them. The following from the Republican ahowa the way Klamath county feela about It: "The commissioner of thia county have combined In a note to Represen tative It. A. Kmmltt, urging him to use his vote and Influence to aeeure the reix'al of the law granting a bounty on coyote acalpa. lUbblta are the most destructive pesta ranch era have to contend against, and aa "''"t" of t hem fall prey to coyotes, It New X Ray Machine. , l ot deemed wise to hire the hater Dr. J. 8. Herndon hua Just added k'lk-d. Of course, coyote should not to hla alivudy well equ1ii d ottlwa a ,w prot.H te.1 aud ought to be killed apleudld X-ray max hlne, t he first and ou K'ral prluclple aud tnany of only one lu Ashland. It la a Walte 1 luIU luv dying ol old age, but & Bartlett machine, of 10 whet ls. ilt ,- thought the good they do In weight 000 pounds, aud haa all the j 'jueuUy on raLUUshould lateat lmprovemeuU. Tlw doctor i warrant WUug the reword which ha made an exhaustive etudy of j na hitherto hung over their heade." thla scientific marvel, aud Ita ad- dltlon to hla aurgical appliances haa boeuchoaeuou mature hulgemeut. -Tiding. lr. Herndon waa u . resident of Lakevlaw, aud moved to Aahluud a little over u year ago. The heavy auow atona waaptvtty severe ou the uumerou quail that abound la cauyona and on the bill. Many peopW are feeding largw flock of them, and they come down to their ranches regularly for their ted. ILAKEVIEW 7 HUNT CLUB. They Take Their Rrt Run With Th Hound on Coyote Cha Around Head of the Lake. t rtrly Thumlay morning tho cltl- S4-na of Lake view were awakened by the deep baying of the stag hound . and tla clx-ery bugle call of Mr, I!illl MaaMlnglll, master of bounds,, calling the meinlM-ra of tlie Iakevlew Hunt Club together. Iter, Hmytb . on hit coal black hunt horse "fike- r view," Mr. jee ISeall mounted on Mr. , IUll Ilnrry'a pkndld hunter "ile Carthy Come Down," answered the call. Tlie "mnnter of hound" look- , ed w ell on N. Waldo Taylor's lit i;lo mare, Itutierfly.''' The hound a , wery In the pink of condition and everything promised well for n fine day' M.rt. The club iwt nt Frank Duke's ranch. Frank, a, whipia-r-tn, rtle a noble looking animal. The taenty-one memlier rode down to the nelghlMirh.KKl of Cogswell . creek, then out toward the tutaa near the lake. A little north of where tla peniiiaula reaches out from the main land a fine wolf broke cover and the twenty-one fine charge were off. Tne master-of-hounda hail a hard time to keep hla little Arabian from going attend of the hounds, and at the first fence Hlllle waa leading the twenty horaeiuen. Three gentle men whoeeduty It wua to keep to the west or lake aide of the run being Joined by two or three othera sue -ceeded In keeping tlie wolf from tak ing to tlie treat-heroua Ut on the lake. Tliese gentlemen gave such an exhibition of skillful riding that they at once became the pride of the hunt. One young geutk-mau on A grey borne headed hla companion lu dan -gerou going all along tlie edge of the hike on tlie east aide, and around the north end, and heroically kept . hla seat lu the saddle at every ob at ruction. Ilia companion were scarcely Icms akllifuL On the east or mountain Hide of the run things were ludeed exciting, the little "Arabian" with tho "Master of hound" outshone everything. Not once did her clever rider let her down. , Not once did slie full atajump. Yea In one place when her rider deemed that hla ouly way of steering over the high obstruction waa to put hla arms arouud her nock, he never fal tered, but hugged her close and man fully eueceoded In getting her over. Everybody who witnessed the dex terotw s.ud daring performance cheer ed and cheered again. At an open ditch tlie little mar again showed her high breeding; coming with & , terrific ruah, with head up au dilated , uostrlia aha leaped over aufely, A little way from thla daugerou ditch) r waa a high lKanl fence;afewoulMk- , era fcured for the little mare aud her . during rider. Tliecry waa, "he will get hla Waterloo here." Tlw ulie hud their hundkerchlevea to their P eyea to shut out tlie awful sishL Every liea rt Jxat loafer, every limb trembled, Very momeut until ho readied the fence aeeiuod an eternity. , A givat cry arose "they'r over." Huch yelling, shouting, throwing ot hat. Eveu the Ue. Ueutlemau fir got uhj fiuxustoioad dignity ami shouted. t acem that when the lu trepld horaemaa aaw tlie danger v that the noble mare waa lu, he thoughtfully Ud lu the tirrupai and grasping the horn and cautU id (coutluued vaHUi'ti j?) A.