Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, January 29, 1903, Image 8

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: i
This weef we are ottering all line of IWmat
ore. lee wool Shawls, Hoods, Flannelette Skirts anil
Ladies Gowns.
French Flannel Waistlngs at
Actual Cost Prices.
Until February lit On All
After - That - Date - At - The - Regular - Price
CASH BUYERS are at liberty to take ad
vantage of reductions made in each department
Premium Cou
pons Free with
each 25c Cash
United States Land Ofnce, Lakeview, Oregon,
Kecll.lKOi. Notice is hereby given that in
conplianee with the provisions ol the act ol
Congress of June 3, IK78, entitled "An act lor
the sale of timber land in the 8iatesof Califor
nia. Oregon, Nevada and in Washington Terri
tory u extended to all the Public Land State.
'it act of Auk 4. 1892, William A. Miller, of Lake
City, countv of Modoc, state of California, has
this day filed in this office his sworn statement
No. UVM, for the purchase of the I iw I, sec ii
11 S nw sec 29, tp 40 e, R 22 K w m, and will
.fer proof to show that the land sought is more
valuable for its timber or stone than for agri
cultural purposes, and to establish his claim to
ald land before the Register and Receiver of
hitoiaceal Lakeview, Oregon, on Monday, the
iCtta day of April ltM. He names as witnesses:
amuel O Cressler and Fred Martin of Cedar
vtlle, California, James C. Dorlson, of Adel, Or
egon, and ildon Woodcock and Morris Wing
reld of Lakeview, Oregon Any and all per
sons claiming adversely the above-described
, sndi are requested to file their claims in this
oficeon or before said auth day of April, 1903.
Jan 14 2 . M. Bkattain, Register
TJuited States Land Office, Lakevtew, Oregon,
December 12 l'JUi. Notice is hereby given that
in compliance with the provisions of the act of
CongreKof June 3. 1X78, entitled "an act for the
.-ale of timber lands in the beaten of California,
wreAOn, Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
Hsevtended to all the public land states by act
of August 4, 1!, tleorge B. Hibbard, of Couer
r Aiene, county of Kootenai, state of Idaho,
lias this day tiled in this office bis sworn state
ment. No. itifci, for tlie purchase of the s lj sw
ite li sw ?4 sw 'z,!! of sec 25 tp 36 s, r 16 e, w.
m, and will offer proof to show that the land
sought ia more valuable for its timber or stone
(hanfor agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish hisciaim to said laud before J. W. Hamak
er, U. H. Commissioner, at Klamath Falls, Ore
gon, on Friday, the 1st day of May, 1SSJ3. He
namesas witnesses: Jacob Wrage, of Corvallis.
Archie White, of Lorella, Oregon, Owen T. Mc
Kendree. of Olete Oregon, and ti. A. Parker, of
Ashland, Ore. Any and all persons claiming
.dve'sely the aiiove described lands are re
quested to file their claims in this office on or
iforessidlstda, of Mar 1(U.
Jan 15-2 t. H. Bkattain, Register
United states unl office, Lakevtew, Oregon,
Dec. 6, liJ2 Notice ij, hereby given that in
louiplienc, with tin provision of the act of
ongressof June a, W. entitled "An act for the
naIc of timber Unit, ill the states of Oregon,
.siifornia, Nevada and Washington Terri-
nrr a extendi d to all the Public Land
nates by ai t of August 4, lh'j, Thorval or-
. eonn. of xo. ; N i,th si. Portland, countv of
Multnomah, state of Oregon, has this day Hied
in this office his saorn statement No. Irlt7 for
me purchase of the se ',4 nw A e !s sw J.4 sec 30,
ne yt nw , of Sec 31, tp X s, r 17 e, w ni, and
v. til offer proof toshow that the land sought is
morn valuable for it limber or stone than for
utricultural purposes, and to establish his
. .aim to sain lauil In-fore c. If. W ithrow, I . e.
i.onmlsaiuner at Klamath Falls, on Saturday,
tne4th dayof April, Mug. He names as wltnes
Kd.Casebeer, William Fiuley, and Charles
V'. Kmbody, of Bly, Oregon, and John J. Cu
ACk,ot Ktrnvillc, Oregon. Any and all per
sons claming adversely the above-described
lands are requested to life their claims in this
otbre on or be lure said lib day of April, 1IM3.
Jan 16-2 t. M. Bkattain, Begister.
United States' Land Office. Lakevlew, Oregon,
tec ti, IM, koti'v is hereby given that in
vDipUauce with the provisions of theavtof
June S, 1K7S, entitled "An act for the sale of
umber lands In the-tateof California, Oregou,
.Nevada and Washington Territory," as extend
- I Ut all the Public Land slates by act of Aug
'..t 4, ltttv, the following persons have this day
riled In thtsoBiie their sworn siaiemenis,UJ-wit:
Carrie V. Luudy,
)' Biy, county of Klamath, slate of Oregon,
s vuru statement No livvi lor the purchase of
NWi Hwv; S.-c 13, N'jofcji and KK1, oW'U. Bee
liTHa B17KW M.
irvii T Auderson,
of Bly, county of Klamath, statu of Oregon,
urerli slaU-ineiit No ii7H for the ptirrhahc of
me wU NW!,. HK' SwKi and NW isWU ate
si T 3i & R li W M
Otvsr T Anderson,
if Bly, county of Kimuath, state of Oregon,
tOf n statement No i;7v for the purchase ol
t eNU NK-i, HWJ, Ntl4 andhjiji MV bee itt
1 MB kliK W M.
Carrie H Casebeer,
of Bly, county of Klamath, slate of Oregon,
ssnirn statement No liyHi for the piirahas.i of
tie t'i NWJ4 and W', SY. bee 21 T 36 o K lis.
(fuintou N Anderson,
of H'y, oouuty of Klamath, slate ol Oregjn,
sirn liaiement No 1 71i for tue purchaae of
tuK'i Vti, W NK!4 and hl',i NIC '4HC 21
I tt-liliiiV M
Thi ti'iy w II offer proof to abow that the
laud - tht is more valuable lor lia timber or
voih thai lor agricultural purposes a ad low
ib:. 1 their claim to said laud before the
PViri -r and Receiver of thlsoBioaoo Wedues
dii t '.o h day of March, IDoS.
T,i.:v iiane as witnossea: Charles W Embody,
Irrni 1 .ludersoo, Iwirl Aukerson, Ifuiiiteu
f Audersou, Carrie II Casebeer of Bly, Oregon,
John J Cuaack, fjOruvilie, Or., John Kilter,
O dd Hill, Or.. Olivet aliier, Ariel, Washington.
Any and ail persons elalmlug adversely the
aixive described lauds are reu. uesuxl to file
t Heir claims lu this oflioe on or before aaid tilti
Oaf Oft March, IWM. ,
jaa li t E. M.BaATTAin, lUf UWr.
United States Ijind Office at Ijikeview, Ore.
Dec. ti, W02. Notice in hereby given that in
compliance with the provisions of the act of
Junes, ls7H, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the males of California, Ore
gon. Nevada, and Washington Territory," as
extended to all the Public Land States by act
of August 4, 1W2. the following persons have
this day filed in this office their sworn state
menu to-wit:
francis M. Miller,
of Lakevtew. county of Lake, state of Oregon,
sworn statement No )63h for the purchase of
the NKV4 HKW, bFA4 NEV4, Sec 33 and B1, N .,
bee 34 T 37 B R la E W M.
Bernatd Daly,
of Lakevtew, county of Lake state of Oregon,
sworn statement No 1K3U lor tne purcnaae of
the Nk w4. NW14 HK'-4 and BWW NE'e, bee 34
William P. Heryford,
of Lakevlew, county of Lake, stale of Oregon,
sworn statement No IrtAO for the purchase of the
i.'A BK!., bec34T37HRUiE, and EJ, NE!,4 be
3 T 38 8 RISE W'M.
Thomas V. Hall,
of LakeTiew, county of Lake, state of Oregon,
sworn statement No 1641 for the purchase of
the W,; NV4, N W!4 SWV4, bee 3, and NEW NE
JKec4 T3b R Ift K WM.
That they will offer proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for its timber or
stone than lor agricultural ourposea and to
establish their claim to said laud before the
Register and Receiver of this office at latke
visw, Oregon, on Friday the 27th day of March
'1 hty name is witnesses: Manuel J Bwares.
Franc, 1 M Miller. Bernard Daly, William P
Heryforu, Thomas V Hall, all of Lakevlew, Ore
gon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claiits in this office on or before said 27 In
day of March, 1MU.
lanir, 2 E. M. Brattain, Register.
Unlteu States Land Office at Lakevlew, Ore.,
Dei.' 24, 1WJ2. Notice is hereby given that In
compliance with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June 3, 1H7S, entitled "an act for
the sale of timber lauds in the states of Califor
nia. Oregon Nevada and in Washington Ter
ritory" as extended to all the Public Laud
state by act of August 4, I92, the following
persons have filed in this office their sworn
statements towlt :
Fred 8. Fisher
of Lakevlew, county of laki-. state of Oregon,
sworn statement No !7fV for the purchase of th
sw 4 ne J4, nw )4 se 4 and e , ae'.sec 17, In 89
s, r 10 c, w in.
William R. Hervford.
of Ijkkcview, county of I,ake, stale of Oregon,
sworu statement, No. 1710 for the purchase of
tnee 'X nw y. nw 11 i-4, sec 17, and ue 4 uc
Vt sec In, tp 39, s, r in e w m.
James D. Heryford.
of Iakeview, county of lASe, state of Oregon,
sworn statement No. 1711 for the purchase of
the nw ',. sec 21, tp3tt s. r It) e, w m.
That they will offer proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for Its timber or
atone than for agricultural purposes and to es
tablish their claims to said laud before the
Register and Receiver of this office at Lakevlew
Oregon, on Monday, the 23d day of March IW13.
They name as witeeases: James D. Heryford,
Fred . Fisher, William K. Heryford and C. H.
Parmelee, of Lakevlew, Oregou, and Almon N.
Lapham, cf Vtsllllis. Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely tne
above deaciibed lands are requested U file
their claims in this offioe 00 or before said 23d
day M March, KH13.
Jan, V-'i E M. BBATralM, Register. LAKH N6T1UE.
DnltMl Stales Land Office. Laksvlew, Oregon,
Devmber f, 1VU2. Notice is hereby given that la
compliance with the provisions of tho act of
June 3, H7, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber binds In the Stales of California, Ore
gi'li, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as
extended to all Public Laud States by act of
August 4, 1(W. the following persons have this
day filed in this office their sworn statements,
1). Burt Bryan
of Breckenrldge, county of Wilkins, state of
Minnesota, sworn statement No IHeti lor the e
so V4 see 17 sud!, li" sec 20, tu38s, 1 16 e w lu
Willham Diets,
of Wabpeton, county of kichland, slate ol Min
nesota, sworn statement No 1047 for the pur
chase of the se isec 2o, tp 3a s, r IA e, w m.
Thomas Lawrence Newtun
of Breckinridge, county of Wilkin, stale of Min
nesota, sworn statfjiem No lota lor the pur
chaae of the ue '.4 sec 2a, tp3e s, r lt e, w ui.
l.uslav Wehuer
of Breckenrldge, county of Welkin, state of
Miuueaota, sworn statement No HA9 tut the
purchaae of the , of , sec 2V tp so s, r lo .
w m.
That tbey will offer proof lo show that tu
laud sought la more valuable for its timber or
tone than for agricultural purposes and toes
tal'i;sh their claim U said lauds before J. W.
Hamaker V. B. Commissioner at Klamath Falls
Oregon, ou Saturday, the 21st day of March,
They name as. witnesses: Owen T. MoKen
droe of Olete, Oregou, J. E. Bloveuaou ol Bouau
sa, Oregon, and Thossas L. Hewtou, Ousutv
Wehuer, D. Burt Bryan and Will haul DieU, of
breekanrldge, Mluueaola.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described laudsare requested to file their
claims lu this offioaou or before Mid 2isl day
of March, ltsj3,
Jan lo-'i X. M. BaATTalM, lUfUtor.
mintflln Sheen Horns
Found On The Desert
Frwl Mk, who ia henllng h1kh'i on
the "tltnefrt" for W. J. SIktIik-K,
recently found a wt of mountain
bIhhp hornii tlint irn'omin1 15 IiioIh'u
In cln'imift'rvm-t? at tho liaw mid t
luchin In UuiKth. Tlioy wpIrIi about
2Ti poundM. Exiitwurp totlieWonipntst
hiiH rongtipiHHl tlif lioriw and liloat-h-
ed the akull, iit If flxotl up they
would b quite a prl. Fntl aald
that he had quite a narrow etuio
from Ih'Iiik aerloiiMl.r hurt while tret-
tltifr the horn. They were nt the
foot of ti IiIrIi t'llff ahotit 10 fei't high,
ami the decent wan uiaile ihtIIoum
by looffc riM'kis. ClImbliiK back up
with the horns IiIh foot hIIpjkmI and
by the merest chanw he Havetl lilm
clf from fiillliiK backwartln Into the
rtH'ks (? or S feet In-low.
F.d O'Farrell and bride are now on
their J'oIiiihoii creek raiit'h. In Sum
mer Iake.
.InnieH II. Small ol Silver Lake did
not hcII aii.v hoi-wen to W. It. Hamp
ton aH reportetl.
A merry party f huntera (Vi pnsut
etl through Summer I. tike liiHt Fri
day. They paid their rvupcrtu to
Mr. ami Mr. O Farrel.
W. .1. Sherlock Im (tcillii!; a buiieh
of "poor" Khecp at Ills .luhiiHtin
envk ranuli near Suiuincr Lake.
There U a couple of Lake County
cltizeim who arc lirauiiiK about
their skill us liiinliTH ami markHitien.
It 1m Haiti that they killed 14 deer in
three dayn iK'twecn the two of them.
Talk about (iame lions. These are
two "roxor bm'kH" llite thone from
Teachers' Examination.
Notice 1h hereby given that the
county HiiMrinteiiileiit of Lake coun
ty will hold the regular examination
of applicant for Htate and county
paRTM at Ijikevlew iih fullowM:
Ftlll HTATK 1'AI'KltH.
Comnieiicing 'Vcdnendny, Febru
ary II, at nine o'clock a. in., anil con
tinuing until hat unlay February 14,
ut four o'clock
Wednesday I'eumaiiHliip, Hlntory,
SiH-lling, Algebra, Heading, School
ThurHtlay Written Arithmetic,
Theory of Teaching, (irummur. Hook
keeping, Physics, t'ivll (iovernment.
Friday l'hyHiology, (ieography,
Mental Arlthametic, ('oniposltloii,
I'liynicnl (ieography.
Saturday liotany, 1'lane (ieome
try, General HiHtory, LiikIImIi Litera
ture, I'Hycliologj'.
fokcoi:nty i-accks.
Wednesday I'eniiiaiislilp, Hlntory,
Orthography, Heading.
ThurHtlay Written Arithmetic,
Theory of Teaching, (iraininar,
School Law.
Friday (ieography, Mental Arith
metic, l'hyHiology, Civil (iovcrnmeut.
WedueHday I'enmauHhip, Orthog
raphy, Heading, Arithmetic.
ThurHtlay Art of QueHtionlng,
Tlieory of Teacfiiiig, MethodH, Physi
Co. Hup't.
Ahlitrom Itruthera' "Sure Winner"
school ahoea are the atuff for wear and
Absolutely Pure
i im
"Whatever Ifa rlglit!"
Sleighing partlea are nil the go
John Lofftua came over from War
ner Friday.
C. (Juptfin wan In from the 70
Itanch Friday.
F. I). Van Horn arrived from Hl
mou laat Thuraday.
Jik' Stlckel and wife arrived from
Warner laat Thursday.
KHinrn, jacket knive anil cutlery of
11 kind tv Kchniinck, now being Mild
t greatly reduced price. 62
An adjourned term of the County
Court waa held yenterduy.
R. S. HparkH of Itonanaa reglHtered
at the Iakevlew Wetlnentlay.
Uoy IteelH-and K. C. Woodwartl of
I'alHley, were lu Iukcvlcw Friday.
Tom Mulkey anil MIhh M til key
came up from Willow Haiiih Mon
C-iniH to the) I'oot A Kins hull Satur
iHy nitjht where vou know you will Ihj
ehown a iimhI tune. Du cunta lo one
and till. Ijtdies I rue. 4
The long looked for ami much
needed hiiow Htorm arrived Sunday
Then wen' two dauccH again Sat
urday and the crowtln were larger
than ever.
Venterilay wan China New Yeara,
but wan not obnerve to nay great
extent in Itkevlew.
J. A. MorrlH ami wift' are here from
I'IiihIi thlH week. Mth. MorrlH Im under
the care of a ph.VHiclau.
The numlter of new dancers that con
tinue to thick to the Harry hall each Hat
tinlay night only atteata the good time
they are having. 4
At the laat term of county court
Klamath County paid out $741 for
raltbit acalpH. Iake couuty'ti court
pnltl out 9iMM).
Henry Newell came In from 1 frewn
valley Htm day with T. W. Kteveim
and E. ISlumlelu, drummerM. Tltey
left TucNdny for llidwell.
Felix Oreeu retumetl Friday from
San FruuclHco, where lu- went to net
tle up Home hiiHlucM connected with
the X L ruiichfH In thin county.
Men 'a dress ttuits, lack aoita, working
aniu; a big line to select from at
hchminck.. Come early if you want to
make a good selection. 52
W. U. Muyfleld and Kallle Muhhi'I
iimii of Cetlurvlllc, were married
WeilueHtlay evening, Jun. 21, ut the
M. E. parHonage by Ilev. Kmythe.
J. P. Duckworth haa mounteil Ida
delivery wagon on runnerH, and bits
two horaeH hitched to It, and now
glliliiHulong without the iihuuI rattle
Cheater WltherH, nm t)f I'aloley'a
inereliantH, Hcnt He vent 1 (lay lu
Ijtkeview laat week giving moiiic
ortlera to the druinmera that wer
Yea there are others ; lint if you want
to spend an enjoyable evening, come to
the dance in the i'oat & King hail Sat
urday night. 4
lr. Smith, (ioveriinidut tsheep in-
Hector, waa called to innpect a band
of aheep belonging to J. M. Thump.
Bon. in Nevada, eaat of Odarvllie,
laat week.
1'. M. Curry returned from Iluma
Saturday whew ho went to aaalat lu
making omo laud locatlo'na which
he had aurveyed Jnat over the line In
the Hiirna land diatrlct.
It la now in order for the copc of
tho weat aide to announce 11 rabbit
drive alnc u good fall of hiiow haa
cume, which In an ideal time iih the
buniiiua cannot Jump and run jrood
In tho Hoft hiiow,
Dan Maloy, the floor manager of the
popular dancing club at Uarry'a ball as
sure everyone of good time. One trial
will convince you. 4
Oeo. Harrow, who apent two
wwka In Kan FranclHcooiiJoylnghlin
aolf, rwturiicd home laat Friday.
Ooo. Maid ho bought everything that
looked good to him ua long as Ida
money loaU'd, thou he came home.
The heavy ralna of laat week and
the HiilwiUont hoary snow fall haa
made the roatla nearly Impamtlhle
on the weatern atagt) llivo near tlie
railroad, and our mafia have been
tlelayetl In conaequenetv
The Oook County Journal lias
changed hands. W. T. Fogel has
aold to W. (X Itlark V 8. M. Halley,
The Journal la a valued exchange,
and The Examiner wlabea the new
proprietor an much huittmii aa the
retiring elltor.
If ynii want to kmtp warm this winter
get yourself same nf that warm miliar,
wear at hchminck. First oom flrtt
served. 62
A. I. CroHH haa lai-n In Modoc dtrr
lug the week buying horaea. He
purchoaed 411 head of E. Van Loan.
Several head were alao porvhaHed in
thin vicinity, ma-'alug In all uboirt BO
head. We dltl not leavrn thepurrhius
price. I'lalmlealer.
Mm. fleo. C. Turner ami family'
ai't't inipauled by Sallle MuiHelinnn
ami W. H. May (leld arrived here
from Cetlarvllle Wetlneatlny evening
of hint week, ami prtK'eedtHl next tiny
over to the Turner ranch at the Cov
011 the went able oil a vlalt.
The sncial tlancets at Hilary's hall are
growing more ximlr every wmtk. Kol
luw the crowd next Sarurday night and
yuu will have a good time. 4
The tax rtdl of like County tor
the year 11K12 haa Ihvii extended, IM11
waa yeaterday legally turned over
by Clerk Manrlng to Sheriff Hunlan
for collect loa. The total amount of
taxce thereon la M4,ls;, which I
f l.OI.C more than on laat year's
No doubt the auow atorni that
came from the north covered the div
ert, which will iurulah water for tin
dry feed on the lower tleaert. "lt'
an 111 wind that blown uotiody good,"
but a north wind alwaya . bring
hiiow to the doacrt, which In always
welcomed by tln Hhei-pnien.
That large tlispUy of cro-'kery and
glnMiware at hebminck is fast disnp
iiearing. lietter tiiske your selection
helore it is all gone. 32
The ljtkeview OrvhcMtru haa re
ceived two new udditlona. The in
atrutiientation now la na followi..
l'rof. (iraliam anil (1. T. llowman,
lat violin; (leo. H. Nlt kemon, vlolln
cello; Ueo. H. Ayrea, let clarinet; A.
Y. lteuch, lat cornet; C. II. Dunlap,
Trombone; iff. L. F. Conn, Piano.
The big Senatorial tight lu Colora
do came to mi end, torn time at leant,
hint Saturday, when'lleury M. Teller
received the aolltl democratic vote ol
the Joint itHHembly, r.l Innumla-r. Tlie
republlciitiH wei-e not In attendunfe
and cluiui a foul. It la claimed that
they will elected u auuutor alao whlcli
will reault lu a con tent before Con
grcHH. If you want a jolly good time come to
the Post 4 King hall Saturday night.
No distinction. Kverybody guaranteed
a good time.
4 Fnank IUkd, Fluor manager.
A la-w naif won put on tho brick
vault where the county record arc
kept, laat week. Tho old roof wai
rotten and hud been leaking for sli
montliN or more. The Examiner
culled attention to tluf bad ecnidltlon
of the vault roof aevurul weeka ntfO.
mid If It hail licon utUuided to Bt
that time, tho heavy rnln of liutt
week would not have lieat lu.
V. I,. Siutllluguiid Jamea lleryftird
ajmut aeverul daya hunting in War
ner valley laat week . They were op
the trail of aotue mountain ahefl'
that have U-en aettn lu that vicinity
aeverul tliuoa lately, They fulled to
find any trite! ut them however, and
cume buck with only u few tsoyotf
hldi'N on iiiementiNMi of their trip
They are going to try It again Nol("
time and take along a guide. !
aoTHIreO Mm pies at u
St.UI"J Moimaraio. Kit and t !
isiuciion guaraniwefi. Nutica our
this week. Changed every week. Abl
Irom liroi.