Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, January 29, 1903, Image 6

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gafe 0unt nlnrr
PaMtalMd BfT nmndmy
Mirnk BiMtaf
(One Year
TERMS: , Six monmi,
(Three Months, 30
mi-inrn... - r . ,H ,
Three lnrh. ..
JHaftar Column
Half Column
On Column. .
v. mi
.':& una on t u)j ixoo
It in unite evident from th- follow
ing fnni tlu' Oreoiiian That that
paper ioef not favor a land lenninir
hill. It ilix's not seem im-w thutCon
urest will imoB any kind of a bill that
will allow the Wjiatock man to gob
ble up tlu rang'- from tin- small
The Orepotiinn nays:
Itiin;iv rattle interests ;.re contin
ii.illy crying for ineiinuren that will
preserve tlieir luin im-sH. Free use of
ttie Government domain ha leen
holdly clenuuuleil as u rirlit. and
when those first established in any
region have felt eompetition they
have frequently not hesitated to
fence public land and by might take
advantages that were not theirs bj
right. Now that this sixt-ies of
usurpatiau will not longer lie toler
ated, there is a desK?rate effort to
get sanction of law for the practice.
1 1 is now to le called land leasing.
The stockmen are striving to get In
this manner the control of vast
areas, under conditions that will
enable them to use the land without
limit and at a much less cost than
would Is? involved in Its ownership.
Livestock interests of this country
are large and are entitled to consider
ation. But the general public also
Il ia interest that are quite aa Im
portant to protect. The whole
theory of the stockmen's contention
is that the grazing country of the
great West is fit only for the use
now made of it. Granting that as
uuuiption, their reasoning lias merit,
"out that is not a sound basis. It
cannot Ite assumed that the best pos
sible use is now made of the soil of
Oregon or Montana, or even of Ne
braska. Wide stretches now given
over to range stuck will some day
it" occupied 1 y small farms which
will have more livestock thun are
supported then-, and in addition all
the products and activities of gener
al agriculttre.
Kffurts toward land leasing are
not directed to the development of a
new country. They rather tend to
arrest Industrial development by
making the conditions unattractive
to the settler uiid holding the land
To uses that are rougti and waste
ful. We shovld have irrigation to
reclaim the Iuttd and settlers to oc
cupy it. Then there would Is- no
trouble about the lMjef supply. Hut
If the ranges ar- tied up with leases
to cattlemen, r will lie a long time
before their iu,M is shaken off ugain.
The livestock industry should not
ask the Government to endow It at
so heavy an expense to the general
An old hen W-i aging to Airs. Al .A.
Hiormoiit, a't ii'Wa woman, began
laying late ii: the full and was so
persistent that -he laid Vfteggslx.-fore
she conclude'' to stop. I Hiring all
this time !, had neglected her
mourning and when she finally got
ready to shed her feuthers It was
tlfc middle of winter. In a short
time she wa almost bare and suf
fering from the cold. The Misses
Silorinout, toeing Iter predicament,
and appreciating the value of her
services, determined to come to her
rescue. They took her measure
ments, made Ler a suit of fluuneh) to
fit, and then released her. Her lady
ship took the n.atter philosophically
and h us tied off apparently comfort-
In the dent h . Congressman Ton
gw the State of Oregon sustain a
great loe: a Ion" that at this parti
cular time will lie practically Impos
sible to supply. No lmxerlenred
man can step Into his place and do
the work Oregon had reasons to ex
pect from him, and which to him,
with his stoiig hold upon his col
leagues In the house, would have
lieen a much lighter task than his
successor will find It. Mr. Tongue
earned his advancement In the house
by the hardest kind of work. He
was true to his state and the Indian
war veterans, as well as many other
citizens have reason to remetnlter
him with the kindliest feelings.
Myra White Is known as the queen
of the gypsies. She lives at Terre
Haute. Ind., but with the opening of
the spring memlKrs of the party are
scurrying about the towns picking
up nickles and dimes for fortunes.
The queen Is not a fortune teller, but
clings to the dross of the gyisy. She
is a woman of education and while
she makes her home in the wagon
during the summer months, the lit
tle room assigned to her is made at
tractive by books and pictures.
When the summer months are ended
she returns to her home and spends
the winter In Terre Haute.
The Salem Statesman is making a
big fight for Kx-governor (ieer for
the United States Seuatorshlp.
When it is nil over, and the Ex-Gov
ernor gets it in a large plexus
of the nervous system, the
aforesaid paper can Bay: "Well, we
did all we could for you Thurston,
but we didn't exiect you would lie
elected anyway. Your election last
spring was probably what did It.
The people don't like to see one man
run for the same office twice within
so short a time," or words to that i
ISishop Scannell of Omaha deplores
the tendency of the times which
places women in business instead of
keeping her In the household. He
said in an address to young women
the other day that the stringency In
the domestic labor market wa a
direct ""result of the educution of to
day, which is trainingglrls todespise
menial tasks. The natural result of
such education would lf a decline,
physically said, whose place in busi
ness was lMiig usuris-d by women,
would have to leeonie domestics to
preserve the social equiliilirium.
A few days ago a man in New York
gave up $:,sm to the Conscience
I'uihI. 1 1 seems lie had been cheat
ing the assessor for years in giving
in his property nud to ease his mind
figured up about what his taxes
would amoi'iit to if his prowrty had
lecu honestly returned. Wonder
how much of a fund Lake county
would have if some ot our wealthy
men would get honest for one season
In the matter of returning their prop
erty to the assessor.
There lias leen a great increase of
iusauity In Great Uritain, said to lie
due to consanguineous marriages.
The medical men ami the clergy are
both taking active steps to prevent
such marriages.
No caae exiaU it will not cure.
This internal remedy cures all
nutcase ol tlie diKetitive organs.
tor esie by an druggists.
rr I'errin Medical Co. Helena,
Interesting pamphlet mailed
free by asking.
1 (V
We are actually too busy moving and unpacking goods
in our magnificent new addition to tell you what new
things we have. We will have to invite you to come
and look through our large store and see foryoursclf.
If you don't see what you want ask Alex.
1 i
I Lakeview Mercantile Co. i
United State Land ORIco, Lakvvtcw, Orrgnn
Not k. 19IU. Kotive la taerah atren that In
compliance with th pnivliloua of the act of
conicretaui June 4. ifra, eutitieu "An act tor me
aaleof timber lands In the Staten of California.
Oreeon, Nevada, and ataahliiRton Trritory,"
aa extended to all the Public Laud State, br act
ot AurulU, HU. Samuel O. Creatler, of Lake
City, county of Modoc itate (or territory) of
California, ha. Bled in toi ofncu hi.
worn statement No I6I9, for the pun-ha1 of
the NU SKA; of Sec IN, Tp ) 8. Ktt K. W M, and
will offer proof to ahow that the land aniiicht i
more valuable for lu timber or ituuv than for
airriculturai purpoaea, and to eatablish his
claim to aaid fand before the kegtat.r aud Ke
reiver of Ihia office at Lakeview Oreiron on
Monday the Hu day of April 1I1.
He name. a. wltneuea: William A. Miller
of Lake City al.. Jame. C. IohIiud of Adel br.
and Morns WlnaBelil and Elilou Woodcock of
Lakeview Orrnon.
Any and all persona claiming adversely the
above-described land are miiietted to file
their claim" in this oOlce on or belore aaid SJlh
day of April lWi.
dec4 W . M. BR ATTAIN, Kegiiter
United Htatea Land Office, Lakeview, Oregon,
Oec li. l'JO-J. Notice ia hereby given that in
compliance with the provlaiont of the act of
June , W7, entllltsl "An act for the aa of
timber lands in the Htatea of California, Ore
iron, Nevada, and W'ashluirton Territoiy," as
extended to all the l-ublic lud States by act
of A ntcut 4, Wti, the followiuir persons have
this day filed in this office their sworn state
ments, lo-wil:
Margaret Hodea
of Albany, county of I.niu, state of Oregon,
sworu siatemenl No IGSiH lor the purchase of
the se sec tb tp s, r H e, w m.
Carl Holes
of Albany, county of Linn, State of Oregon.
worn statement No. lftfci for the purchase of
th se '4 sec v. tp Wi s, r Me, w m.
That tiiey will offer proof to show that tin
land sought is more valuable for lu timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes and to
f"lljlnh tbeir claim to said land before J. W.
Hamaker, IJ. S. CommiMionvr at Klamalli
Kalis. Oregon, on Weuuesday, the tiA day of
April, lUtl.
Ibev name as witnesses: Jacob Wrage of
Corrallls, Oregon, Owen T. sIcKendre. of
Olete. Oregon, (Charles Barnard of Hly, Oregon,
and Joseph ('.Smith, of Klamath Kails, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above descriled lauds are requested to tile
lhi-ir ciaibin in thisohice on or before said d
day of April laoS.
Jan Ui i . M. Bkattain, Keaister.
United State. Land Office.
Lakeview, Oregon, Nov. 2, Inc.'.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of tba act of Congress of
June 8, 17, entitled "An act for the sal. of
timber lauds in the Stales of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as
extended to all the Public Land Stales by the
set of August. IM2,tb billowing paraons have
this day filed In tuts office their sworn Stste
nieuts, town:
James II Owen,
of Bly. county of Klamath, slat of Oregon,
swurn'stalement No IMS (or the purchase of
the NE '.4 HWi., N HKJ4 aud Sii 8K4 bee U T
37 S K lti K W Jl.
Mary E Owen
of Hly, county of Klauiaih, slat, of Oregon,
Horn staii-iuenl No IH17 for the purchase of
the N'.j of NJ4 Srt''HT:f!HliaWM.
That mey wlllolter proof to ihow that the
land sought is more valuable for lis timber or
sujie- than for agricultural purposes and to es
tablish their clalui to said Isuds before (he
kvgirter snd keei-iver of this ofHt at Lake
view, Oregon, on Tuesday the ist day of April,
'1 bey nnmo as witiiesw-s; Creed H McKen
dree. Oliver W Howard, J L lull, William 11
asebner, all of Hly, Or'-gou.
Any and all perou claiming adversely the
aljive-ilesi:ribed isuds are requested to file
their claims in Ibis office on or before said
Xlstdavof April, 1W1. J1U BA'f'l A I N ,
tuV,i tUsUter.
We have an
SHOE. Mens,Womens,
Misses,Boys and
Childrcns Shoes.
S. F. Ahlstrom
J KecornUed as the Best Vauuero Saddle 0
& Wagon and Buggy HarneHH. Whips, Robes, Ilcatas, C
Bits, Spurs, Quirts, IloBettos, Etc. -4-
C Rq)airing of all kinds, by competent men. -f. Q
Sash, Blinds, Moulding, Window and
Door Casings, Beehives and Furniture
of all kinds made to order. Write for
estimates on contract work & material
Livery and Feed Stable
n. W, J. BARRY, Proprietor.
to22E?.' " " D"'V ..'. U All
Proprietor. W0n Momm. Oaly PI.c, la Uk.vl.w
For lialdlis U.ikll .
. . . MUMb
m if
Stock Farm
urews valley, Oregon.
F. O. Bunting, Owner
largest herd of registered
Herefords in Oregon
15 Registered Yearling Bulls
-IOO, 125 and IDOeaoh
IAID0R ALAMO bead of herd