Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, January 29, 1903, Image 5

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Htftfttonal Xocal
We arc n llftbly Informed, ay the
Uptibllcn.thiita dual ha lwn con
HiimnmU'd, whcrt'liy what la known
im thePorr tract of tliiilx-r, connlHt
Ing of fourtwn apctlon, ban lnim to the IhiUma t Oiamlifrlaln
LihiiIht Co. tf l'lalnvlcw, Minn.
Tim land Hon In the neighborhood of
AnHn and UnfK laknn, wt of Uppnr
KlnniHtli lake. The purr boner fx-
jMft to iut In it unwinlllH.
DurliiK the quk t time of tlie pant
wwk thlnjt wow pomewhat enllwn
(k1 by tin arrival of a number of live
ly drummer. Anionic tlwm were J.
N. EliiHtlne, Mandel. WelHer ft Co.,
rlothliitf; J. C Kuhaiik. IoiiIm Cllne
4 Co., hat; 8. I Goldman, New
Htradcr Ilro'., furiihthlntrirood; F. 1.
Laytnn. Sax RroV, fancy good; T.
W. Steven, Kt-lillllnir! IVnt; E.
lllumlfln, H. ft W.; Jam Murphy,
Kiirklnghatn ft liecht, ho.
The Itepulilfcan ay "We ore In
tunned that Mr. and Mr. Fred
Moore will remain In Klamath Fall
during th winter, the health of the
latter beliiR letter here than fine
when', and that they will orjcanlne
another dramatic company to trawl
In the uprliiK. Abto Mr. and Mm. II.
V. (talarneau are here for the winter
and limy remain eniianently."
Tlielr many friend of Lakeview will
lie greatly dlwappolnted ou learning
that tliey will not return to Iake-
rlew lor the winter a untlcapated.
Joint Installation. . . )
Th Odd Fellow and lU-bekata
Lodge bold Joint Installation lat
Friday night. After the ceremony
the laric crowd that wan prewent
enjoyed the remainder of the evening
In playing t he popular irame until
lunch time was announced at 12
o'clock. After lunch dancing wa
indulged in for aeveriU hour,
The officer who were installed In
the RctH'kah lodge are a follows:
N. J., Mr. Maud Wlnkleman; V. O.,
Mr. Johanna Avlragnete; Sec., Mr,
tilady Hchlagel; Trea., Mr. Minnie
Light; Warden, Ml F-hW Unpton;
Conductor, Mr. Amelia Wilcox; U.
S. N. ., Mr. Mary Snider; 1 S. N.
O., Mr.C. A. Knox; U. K. V. 0., Mr.
Mary Heryford; I S. V. O., Mr. 1
J. Magllton; Chaplain, Mr. Minnie
Wllllt; I. O., Mr. Mary Ahltiora;
f). ., C. E. Fuller.
The officer Installed in Lakeview
Lodg? No. 63, 1. O. O. F. were a fol
low: N. (1 J. I). Venator; V. O.,
A. W. Manrlng; Sec., A. T. Beach;
Treit., Harry Bally; R. 8. N. F.
I Light; L. R. N. ., J. W. Tucker;
It. H. V. O., Cha. Tonnlngaen; L. 8,
V. G., A. L. Howell; Warden, 8. T.
Fletclier; Conductor, E. C. Ahlntrom;
I. (J., J. Avlragnete.
Ity n hill Introduced liv Bepmieii
tutlve Hale of Joxephlue, It I pro
poned that each county In the Mate
lmve tin proMH'Ut.lng uttorney lu lieu
of the pretH'iit method of electing
them lor a dlMtrlct eiultriu'liigacverul
I'liiuitleM. The meaMiirc provide for
the election ot mu ll ofllevr lu 11XU
itxl pvery four year thereafter,
I'lic proiOHed miIui'Ich In the eon ti
tle of thin dlMtrlct are a follow:
Jiukmill fllMHI: JoM'pliltlc. 1(MH):
Klamath. mh; Ijike, f sou. The bill,
whit li Ih in the IihihU of the Judic
lry Commit te, alHo provldeM for the
iiH.iiitin'iit of ilepiitieM in eucli
ItlHHald that Senator t'oiiggliin,
if ( ulloriiia Im already at work on a
III to provide fitO.IMM ou the public
iKliw ny from Madeline to Lakeview,
n-Kdit. That fact will lie highly
ippreelated by t he teoplo "of Modoc,
Rv tlie Cedurvllle lUword. If thl
uwotiipllHlied It will only tlie more
Innly rlvlt the trade of Lakeview
mil Lake county to Kan Franclaco.
low I'ortland will Home time awake
rini It Kip Vau Wluklo letlwrglc
late and attempt to told Into It
una thl large and growing trade
"il find that It Im too late; That
hleh Jimtly lielong to them, but
'live never had, will lie forever ce-
'nted to California, uii1hm a prompt
I'lil vlgoroiw move I not made to
Wect thl county with Port land.
The Point Klehmond Dally lUnioitl
I".vn: M. it. iiH, ..i.... i.. i..... ..
fMuaii L. U. Hvach, of the JUicord
I'lmiilial fono, arrived from Iiktv
u(t Itwt night and may decide to
'"ke Point lUthinoud hi future
''" Mr. Hart ha been lu butil-
"w lu Lakeview, Oregou, for a num.
r "'a lat, but ha dtxddwd to
IBLa i
ciiun in location. Ill wife
pmiiftuld him.
V- Avl,wl-r and L. C. Viuyurd ar
to day from Modoc couuty.
"y are friend of Clearry Pollott
1,(1 L- U. Beach ami Cttlue ov,.r lrwu,
l-'nuiftm-o to Khake hund with
Bt'litleuien. They lire looking
,tH;'itiou and think 1'oiut Itlch.
M'llO U MM lKlillo- Him wlninH
- m
wrkeley wim i.i- , ...
- IH-tllll, W IIP 111
"X'Htenlay.the guentof Mr. and
'" (I,''Ty a. I.U..M it.....
'''hIh. . ,
The Weather.
A complete chnnge In the eatker
took place lat wek and coutlnued
during nil of the w-k, and up U the
preneiit time. Italn fell quite copiou
ly nearly every dny up till Sunday,
when the cloud cleared away and
It lieenme h little fooler. Sunday
night It licgau Knowing, and lnut
Mtioweil ome every day ulnce.
Since Monday, the lVth, theiv hn
2 tnche of rain and melted niiow
fallen, and l.Tjj hu-lie of now. On
the ground nttlie prewtit writing
there Im about (I Inclien of uow.
Lattt TueHilay iilghtthe Hky cleared
away and remained ho until lifter
midulght, but uow wiw falling ngalu
lxfore morning. That night It wa
4degn- colder than any thin winter;
the thermometer wa down to ero.
The miiow hit lieeu piling nt pretty
fiMt in tlie inotilitaliiM which Ih much
appreciated by tlie faniierH mid
HtiM'kllien, tin it OHMiire plenty of
iiiolMttire In the Spring for gruMm and
Florshdm Celebrated Shoes, New
Flour from Choice Wheat unmixed
with other crops, Choice Bacon, etc
Aykes, WnirwoErai Autses
fnll.-d Htie lod oftioe, UJiftIvw, Orcfon
Korrmbar III. Wut Noto U torrrby firm
UikI in notnplUDC wll tb f.rollimi ol th
mt-l ni ronr-tJJun. ck cnUllod "An
ci tor the Mis ol ttmlwf lol lath etale
nl Calllnriilk, Orcvna, Kertda o Wublmilun
rrrrliorT." uriU'XM lomil tut roDirc una
Mil.-. 1 rt of AuniM 4. WS, Ikilioll, Ttrnke
i a
tilimonrn lal. mrnt No U, lor (he pnirb
lrf)ql Orrt-in, ku Ih
of lli W
Olvd In Uila olBo
nr (he .urrbM
NK'.Hw M Tp m
III unr frwi w suuw
k ia . W V .. sad
that lln- land aouglil la nr raiuabl lor lu
iltntwr or .tone than tot acrleultural purptiwa
and lo ribllh hl claim to ald land brl(ir
I he Kejuau-r anl Ktwlver of thUollleeal lke
!., On iiou. ou Mutidaf , tbr Ml aa) o( April,
He whim aa wlincamw; iror V. Wilana,
Tliouia Ki rria and T. H. Wakrnrld of Warner
takt, Orrn aud L. P. Wluklvroae of lkr
vlrw Ortn.n. An and all iwrmna rlalrn-
I lie artvm.-ly llir abovr-dwerlld landa ar
or belor aaid an b da j .l A i.rl 1 . w.
dui'4 a
rruuraUKl to nlv tbrlrelalma In thl ofhoa ua
t. M. bkA TTAIfi, Hilnl,
PfllllTQ Regarding the Forty Second Annual
New business written in 1901: $245,912,087.00
Gross assetts, . 331,039,720.34
Gross surplus " - 71,726,797.06
Total payments to policy holders 27,714,621,42
During tb past tn jrert the EqiUble h pi 126,056, S8 1.09 ia diviJend ot
IU policyholJert, which largely exceed the amount paid in dividekUs by any oth
er Company during the same period.
No Senator Elect Yet.
Theiv In no material change lu the
Oivgou Kenatorlal CVuitent nltutt tlie
firnt vote a amiMiinivd In our lattt
Immiic, except that Goer luut lomt 3
vot to l'ultoii, inaklng the latter'
vote Jt!. and tlw fiiruier 17. Tlie
democrat con tin lie to vote for Wood,
delte the fact that lie notified them
that it wax hU wlnli that they vote
for lieer, but they cnu't t It that
way, and the contet Htlll gje ou.
The 17 (ietr voter have iUi1xh1
the iiimoIvcm to Htay with hliu ft long
im he had a, chauee of elect ion.
t'nitodalatM Land olfloe. Lakvrlrw, (irraon
o. in. lrj. A.mreia nruy xivrn maiin r
ootii.ltatiei wllb th .rovlf.otia ul 111 wi ol j K'
o. UK !..( .luuek, w;h. rutiilnl "An wt lor tbe
aatr l tlmlwr lauilain th lla ol alllornla. ! f -
or.', N.'vada and aanuluglon Terrllorjr," I
aavati'iiil.'d Uinll Ui I' Laud atau-a Lr art i
of AiikukI 4, 1W, I ha loliowltiii roua bar f'ft
I 111, .la) nii'd lu tula oniov tlx if aaura aiat- w
uiutiu, lo-all: ! v,
( harlr, Orrw. 1 VAJ
of HtMiUiani. comity l t butialla, lat of Waah- V'Jf
Inirtuu. aorn aiaf-iurnl No. 1.) for ilia onr-iv-,',)
waa..oltbM', NtJ. and N. rt', tvm J. fe,
KIM. K.ia.KW'.M. Esj
Jainra T Jntif(. &
of AIh'Mwu, eouuty ol t 'h.'balia. State of Waah-! WJii
iugtou, aarorn r ai. ii.piil So. l!v lor tbe tur- j 'V,
ihaa. ol ui ,, Ml Nne aud tin "4
BwMT.8il. K.16K W M.
Frank Hollliifawortb
of Kcwkterry, tsiuutx of Vamhil), Ut of Or
Kn, axoru alaurnirni Ko. IftlM fur lb burobaaa
of Ilia HWLIKLM w. HK'i thcj, and
H' H NKlJaWa, tub KU K W M.
Tbat Ibry wul offer w.h.1 to aboar that Iba.
laud aougbt la mora vaJuaula (or I ia timber of
atona tbaa lor aarlrullural paruoana and to aa.
tabllab tbrlr claim W aaid Ia.-d UXuta ". H.
Vilibrow, V.. CoainlaaloiiKr at Klamath Falli
'r. on, oa naiurday tba 1Mb day ot April laua.
TliryuamaMwIiumaaai M lliiam Lwk aud
I'barUta t raw, of llwjulant. Waablutoo. Jamra
T. Uuliig, ol Abvrdoan, HaabifiKtou, f rank Hoi
lluaawurlb, of Nvttbrrry, Or.(oa, and F. VY,
Mrrrtit, of rortland, Orvaoa.
Anr aud all uaraoua claJniBa advaraal tba
abovHlacrlbad landa ar rvquvalad ! Bla
thvir clalwa la liiia oSioa a or bufor aaid
LEE BEAU.. PVaprWtar
We have coiutantly on hand a Pine and Complete Stock
pj of Dru8e Chemicals, Perfumeries, Toilet Articles, Fancy
l'nlu.4 Mlatoa lnd onto at l.akvvlear Oreaon,
January M ltiiat
Nottoa II bari-l.T (Ivan that In coanpllauoa
wllb tba orovtaloua of tba not ol (Uiuareaa of
June I, vutlilad Aa ai lor tba aalr of
ttsunar lamia In tba aialaa of California, On
on, Navada and In Maaliluatou TarrUorjr" aa
vxtoudad to all tba f ul!t land Htatna by am
of Auguat4, l"W, tba followluK bvraunt hava
niuu iu luiaoo.w iivir aworo aiaioiuauia tow It I
airaauuur wniui,
of Clixballa, oouniy ol ll. atalaof Waahlng
ton. aworu Malwtiul No IrtMi for tba purvbaat
ol tba w ), ol m w. To a, a w g, w M. V. VYhlto.
of Chahalli , county ol Lawta. atata of Waahlaa
ton, aworu atalaui. nl No Mnw (,,r tha purvbaaa
( arrle R. Ikiuohar,
of IM Nliintaantb Ar..aaiiLa. uni nf win.
atata ol waabluitoo, aworu ataiauiant No liMai
lor la uumuaacui Ilia N. dWkiud W), NKa
IHNIIW Tu 7, H la K, Wkl' .. 1 '
A .. U .. 1
of BraokaiidrUlga, ouuuiy ol wllkln, atata of
a.oooaoia, aworu aiaiwumni no 1K7H lor tbe
iiurobaaaof tba W U HW '4, UK it tiW 1 aud
few l BK Si Ha.i Itt T.V .. R. U K,V. at.H
Tbat lbi.y will oflr proof to ahow tbat tha
land aouKlit la mora valualila lor lu tlmbar or
aloiia lor aari.HiUural .urnMa'a aud to i'a
laiiUab tlutlr ulalm lu aaid laud onlora 1. o.
Haiuakor, IT, . tloiuuiiaalouar at Klamath
fa I la, Otvfou, ou aaturday Iba WkJ day of May
They namaaa wltuaaaaa: WliiMtf. Bllllnaa,
Ada at. hilUuaa, Klla . Illllluiia, and Hour
W. nillln.a, of Cpland, f alllorula, 4 arrle It.
Hiioobar, ol avail lu, Waahluniou, Oertrude V.
Wblta and Alvaandar Mbita, of I'ht'balla,
Waabltiiitou, Auurnw Haiiahnru, of Urmkiu
rl.laa, Mluuuaoia, Owen T. Mt'Keudroa of Olula
Any and all riii ulalnilim adveraely the
aliovu-(ltiaurllud aru ruiiiivtud to Hl
ll.alr elaluia In Una ulllua on or bulorv aaid Kid
t. M. BHATTAIN, KugUur.
day of May, IMi.
laib day of April, Imub
au. t pa
It. it. BkATralM, Riatr.
Vnltad auttaa Laad OSoe,
Lakeview, Orvyua, Jaa. U, laut.
Nottoa la hnrvby (Irea tbat lu euinphaiM
with tbe provlaluua of tba art of Cuncrvaaof
June a. Ik7a, auutled "An a. t f.r iba xi. ,.1
timbrr lauda iu tbe MUtra of California. Ore.
on, nevaua, ana Tiaauiua-toa Territory," aa
extended to all tba fublloljind ataxee by att
of Auguat 4. 1M, tbe lollowlna peraona have
(bledey BI:idlo tbla otttoa Uieir awora atata
uieuta, ttt-wlt:
. , CoarleaJ-. Anderaon,
of Braluard, oouuty of row Wlna, atata of
Mluneaota. aworu alal. un-m No 1MI fur tba
nun'baae ol the H'i N WUaad ii'i nWU. beu 11
Tp mi , K 14 K, W it. -'ow"
r'lorcuoa B. ad,
of Bralnard, oouuty of t row Wing, ttala of
Mlouvaota, aworu atatruieut No for the
puri baae ol tbe oft of M , (mmi U fp W B, 14 J.
' Henry. Belalau4.
of Bly, oouuty vf kiamatbatata of Oraaon.
awora atalement No 17iuH.wthe purrbaaa ol
the N of N!., B UTp H e H 1 k"w mT
That they will or proof to abow that tha
land aouxbt la mora valuable for I la Umber or than tor ayrtoultural purpoaaa aud to a
tabllah tbelr to aaid iaudUft?; J. W.
Hauiakar, t'.. Couiuilaalouei atKlauialb Falla
Orou, on batur.Uj, the th da- of Ua laua
1 hev name aa witueaaea; rraukll- w. Herrltt
of fortland Oregon, v. W. f.ul an 4 ). W. fail
of fllluer. OrKou, lleury J. ainiand of Ml,
Oregou and rlon-uoo M. "3 Char
,t...,iin.wramin lainueaola.
-1 '', ',,r"ou1,''l'"i'lt a.iveraely tha
above dianrlbed lauda are ... hi!.
Ib..r In ,bl. oOUm ou or U- or, Ji 'h
(lav of Mav limn. M rKU
Jau KM ft. at, BkirraiM. R-u.-,
Town Lots For SIV
In Lane's South Addi
tion to Lakeview.
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded
Agency for Aoora Btove and Ranges
Hardware aud Tin war
rarming ImptemeBta, W tooa, Kle.
ralnta. oil and Bruabaa
DoarFrUmd.t-, Ukertaw, Jaanary, 8th, 1003.
Wcon to you again with thlt peraonal for yw)f
Voa want goodkwW w.Dt bu.lnaa.. Your parpoa. I. to bay goo-W ,,gh.
Ou,purpoa,,ll yo good, right. It .t.d, to rco that w
r going to mak. ou, prioM a. low a. coa.iatant with good ba.ini,
judwt, tn ordr to ioterwt yoo, and, aa th targeat d-al.ra in
to our lin. wacan nnt h. n.u,.i.i .
.. M mu etjiun eiaag 01 gxia. xi.a
reoo, ar. .y .Bd 0,vlou.., w. buy .Uy dlract from factory ,
buy io larga ouaalitlea, .hip , ctr lot,( m4 ,0 J
- ' y it mm av
Youra reapectfully,
Wabash Tourist Car Lines
L,.Ch.oa,oBd.,.,ll:o,agJ Ar.Boatomu,.,..,,,,.
L,. Chlcaao Uurada, U M m Af. Boa ma.,, , .
L.v.KMiMaOtrTld.,.,;y. Arr,v.8,.,.,fcl .M
aeapollt Baluiday :)k) pm.
F partlouW coo.ult your autor AdJr.o,
ol;,. ;
r. C. P. AgV, Loa Aug,, a