Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, January 29, 1903, Image 4

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1 I a
JlaKr GtowntB Wa.tnr
PuMMrarf Bvmry Tlmntey
.One Yr,
TEKMS: J Six Months. !
f T hree Months,
' -
ppaob ri!lLTTwX!i!-oo
Two mrh iJ : J n
Tbir Inches. .. . , 2 Wj WJilv BP in w
onart.-r column .lyLSSSJlES! Z
Hall Column
U ti!i&im ( snnui 7iflo
One Column
LAKEVIEW, orbqon, Jan. 29, ioj.
. 1 of the sage brush that creeps out
Pursuant to adjournment the ....
- ti t tv n, from lH-neath the rm ks. It Is a hun-
bounty Court of Lake ( on ntj , Ore-,
vi. imi-t n,. ' miles to the homes of the sheep
gon, met on January 2sth, 190.1, Hon. j
, , i,i m, c t T.r, men. and all winter long the herders
II. Dal v County Judge, S. J. I rose,
. : . u ,, i,i h..nff '"" eamptenders are alone, except
!ommissioner, H. R. Dunlap Mierin
and A. V. Manring Clerk present.
The following claims were examin
ed and allowed.
W. 1. Woodcock & Son, Mending
plow for Road District No. ll.fl 50
W. D. Woodcock ft Son, 1000
si Ingles for Court House 4 00
lhas. E. Moore, 11 bunches of
.. 1
Rhine es lor court Mouse ji im ,
C. P. Llnebarger, work on wiu, a hard worker ami ndmlde and
Court House 3 M nn1 the herder got along hand
John Arxuer, work on Court ""',v- Late one evening, after the
House 3 50 arrival of the herder with his flock,
Ix)uleLaubh.dd. work c.u Court Harrison started out to butcher a
HOUHt, 4 00 young sheep tor their use. Suddenly
Thos Hundley, work on Court
House 2 00
It Is hereby ordered by the Court be was dying. He tore at his breast,
that the Bond of Lee Deall as County took some letters from his bosom
Treasurer by The I'nited States ""1 asked the herder to never Iwtray
Fidelity and (iuaranty Company of his nnme. In a few minutes he sank
llaltiHiore, Md. In- and the same is , k "'"1 died from heart failure
herebv approved. without uttering another word.
It is hereby ordered by the County KP,"T l,""v r"K MANV ,,AYH
(Jourt, that the County Clerk sluill. ! The herder could not leave his
at the adjournment of each term of M"i'P to go for assistance. The coy--said
Court, make out for publication tt'H would have pounced down ui
in the County newspais-r, a schedule them and destroyed the band
of all expenditure of the County for which was worth several thousand
such term, as is required to lte'pul- dollars. He placed Harrison's body
lished ly Sei-tion IftKJT. of the generil lli-rh "1 i the wagon where animals
laws of Oregon, us compiled and an- eould not reach it during the day
nutated by the Hon. Charles IS. llel- and stood guard over it by night,
linger and William W. Cotton: that l'i,r ninny days he herded his sheep
the said Clerk shall duly certify to and watched for n passer-by. I'inal
the correctness of such schedule .is l.v a trapper happened to pass his
shall lie published by said himt.
Whereas; It appears from the pro
ceedings of the County Court at the
lireseut term, that an order wis
made, authorizing the County Cle.-k eonveyed to the town, where it re
to purchase postage stamps for the ceived a decent burial,
use of the County otiicers: and where- ihkntity nkvkii iiihi-ovkicko.
lis such order is erroneous and mis- Among the effects of the deceased
leading, as there is no law nuthoriis- w,lM found aletter from a small child,
ingthe use of postage stamps at pub- Jt addressed him as "Pupa," and
lie exis'iise. by any County officers spoke of longing to see him, but the
except the County School Nupt.. Slier- Place of residence had lHm torn off.
iff and Clerk; therefore. I There were also other iaHrs. Two
It Is hereby ordered by the Court, j wepp certificates from ruliroad sup
that no postage stumps shall Is; erintendents as to Ids skill as a rail
furnished any officer of Lake County, j road man, and his long honorable
except to the County School Nupt. ' service. His liaine was not Harrison,
Kherlh and Clerk. And It is further ; but the request made of the sheen-
ordered that the proceedings of the herder was kept. He would not
kjunty Court Is- corrected by said i make public the name of his deceased
Klerk in conformity with the pro vis- . companion.
ions of this order. Through private letters the family
The claim of K. J. Prose, Com. j an,l friends of the dead ruliroad man
'Hilary and mileage iu the sum of $4. SO , were sought, but they could never
wan allowed. 1 1' located. He occupies an unmark-
All other matters js-nding contln- j ed grave In thecemetcry at Lakeview,
ued until next term. j and his child Is still possibly waiting
Ktate ok OnicoofO to hear from "Papa."
1, A. W. Manring, county clerk of BECAUSE 1 LOVE YOU.
Lake county, state of Oregon, do
hereby certify that the foregoing Is a
true and correct copy ol the proceed
lags of the county court of said coun
ty for the meeting of the board held
on Jan, 28th. A. 1). li)3, as 1 verily
Jus. A. Anthany was up from New I Wttlkt'' T,,e P"'" ol this drama
IMne Creek several days mat week I tlC tn,Jrt ,M to UH'1 ,or th,lt I,ur"
making preparatory arrangement ' ,"m?' w are urgiuit In our request
to install his electric light in Lake-;t tl'"1" "'"t weary lu well do-vk-w.
llis plant is in working order, ! b,K" Mal"' "'' ' Ive
and the poles and wire are upi from
the plant at New Pine Creek to Lako-vk-w.
Whenever the weather will
permit he will put up new pole In
town and string the wire. It is Ills
Intention to give uu all night service.
He has not yet decided on n rate.
Continued from lt pngr.
through the foothills and finally
fwnu 111 1 nn the desert. For a
llun,IK.r of years tills has lieen called
Hurrlsou's Gulch." This Is the
I central point of the winter range.
"'-v through the winter months
limv nny ming thing ! found there.
Then when sheepmen can Ami water
n the mountains and gulches horder-
InR the level nl.out the place they
1 send their hands of sheep here where
I they remain through the winter and
! grne on the short grass nt the foot
j from an occasional visit nj mm -man
or the monthly calls of the
packer who brings fresh supplies.
A few years ago a man giving his
mime as "Harrison" applied In Lake-
lew for employment. He was given
the position of camptender and sent
tr thin tiortlon of the desert
he rushed luto the tent as pale its
death and Informed the herder that
wny and he was sent to Lakeview
for assistance. The trapsr rode
nignt mid day and the coroner drove
night and day until the bodv was
Continued from lit page.
to have some of the f uu.
Our young people, are tired of
walking up and down our streats In
mud, ao they have taken upon them
selves to raise funds to build side-
The False KenUurant recently open
ed hy W. M. tUrvey. i doing rushing
busintws both night and day, arid ia pre
pared to terva lht public with evury
thiiiK in the market at churl notice.
Turkeyu, chickeu. and suckling piga
baked to order. Uread ami psatry con
atantly on hand, l'ricea leuaonabls and
natiaiuvtion guaranteed. 4U
To Those Who Arc Not tf
Wc have
wc are
tiuhkr i.An xotk i:.
I m (.- StntM Intl officv m Ijiknuii'wOr.'Koii
Jmiiir-. , Itwi.
Notif). Ii hori'hy rlvfn lhl In t'oniiilmiiri
Willi the iriltniiii ol llif i't of ouicrrw of .
Jinn- S. 1H7S. enllllnl n ' for llu- wlc nt 1
tiiiilwr lands lu tin- Hiaira of l allforula, Ori
Koti. NTala, ami III WanliliiKHin IVrrltorf"
a , x li-liilrit loall llir I'ublli' lentil Hiat.n liy
a't of AKiai tli' follow lna r"ii U
III.mI In luitotllte tlielr worn slaU'iiii-iit, to
wit: ;
Ada M. Illlllii)f.
ol I'ilainl. count) of San Kuriiarilino, iialn of
( alllnriiia, nworn talfnifnl No. l.ITu mr tin- !
pun ha.e ol Hie W , of W ', Src. M T IB S, K 111 !
K, W. M.
Klla II. Bililita
of t'plainl, county of ban Hi-runntiuo, ialc of
( alilornia. sworn Htnt.'nifpi No 1:;71 lor the
iiuri'lia'of the V. ', sV NK '4 W and S
V ,t N V (,4 S.;c. !TH. K. Ill K., W . M .
(.fnrxv W. Itilliriiin
of I nland, county of San UiTlianlinn. mati ol
( altforuia. sworn maicniciit. No 1:172 lor tin.
uiir-'tiasc ol tin- N W '. . 4 T S H, H hi K W M.
liilielil S. Illlinm.
of I'pland comity ol Pan Ucrnanlliio. Stale of
California. HWom stati-nicn'. No 1 :7i for the
pnrchaM' ol tin- S '.. NK ',, SK NW J., mid
N K 4 SW 4, Srt- T a.. R ! f W M.
That thi-y will offi-r proof to aIiow th;it ltn
land sought is mori VNinahic lor its titoUr or
Htone tlian for atfrltMiltiirnl nriioi.'i- and to i-h-taijlisii
liicir clatiii to nanl iHini t'lor' J. o.
llamakcr. I'. S. ( oiniDiNiiiiii-r at KIhidhiIi
fialls, Oriaon. on Kr'iiny, tnc -j-id ilny ol Mny
Tln-y name as wiini'sn'-s: arrlc Honi'licr. of
Healtli-i, Wantillixton. Ali-XHlnli-r Wiilti- hih!
(o-rtrlldti V. While. of ('Ic'lian, w iinliliiKtun,
Andrew HHiisi.nrn, ol Hr"cKiiirnlii. MiniU'sotM.
Ownn T. MrKciidrt.1.', ol olitp, Or-uoii and .da
M. HllllllKH, Klla II. Hllllliu-. li.iilu.i H. HII
linirs and VMiitielil lllllina, ol I pland. I.alllor
nia. Any and all persons clalmlinr advi-ru-ly the
abov ilHcrtbl landn art! ri-qiit'sted to III-
tiittir claims in til la omcv on or ttviorc said aua
day of May 1MI).
Jan. T.. Ji. mt. i i ai. iK-isicr
been very forcibly reminded
getting older. This, of itself,
OUl IT. nulKCS US SHU U) VUIIll.-lilMii.v. hivii cvkbi i votlit
that we have added nothing to your happiness nor reaped the
enjoyment of your closer acquaintance. Wc have made semi
spasmodic overtures for vour trade in
but nothing tangible and truly satisfying has come of it, and
we have concluded that you don't fully appreciate the amount
of pleasure contained in our output and our unhamjerc(l ability
to make things generally agreeable for you.
Come, now, drop in and see us and let us know each other.
Sincerely yours,
Lowest Prices
See Me! p '
: i J".
A Ml , i!
e Mm-
It is Very Hard to Get
A Suit that Suits and
the Experience in taking meas
ures and have a house that can
make clothes to fit and suit.
500 Samples are now on Display
At - The - Monogram
For the Spring and Summer Clothlnt;.
Every Article Ouintd.
of the appalling fact that
has caused no loss of sleep j
Fits . .
M ilk