Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, January 29, 1903, Image 1

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    VOL. XXIV.
NO. 4.
2000 RABBITS 7
A Big Rabbit Drlvet?) Was Had
In Warner Oreat Success
Piutes rlav"Blg Eatum".
iiator Canyon and Harrison
bulchon Lake County Desert
Named by Track Deaths.
L.ftth tlie desert to naturally
d(r tliiin when the unfortunate
Lit Ik lil" last on h comfortable
mirrotiuded by mlnlUrlng
ikIh. Hut hi iiip of 11m death that
l(. occured on tin1 Oregon dccrt
,y wlih them etorlo of the nd
i cIiihh. Tho pints "f rock nt fllf-
nt point on till' plain toll of
ny of thee. Many of the name
victim nre lot mid IN-lr lat
)lllK place WOtlM In- hMt alo
for the precaution In piling theac
U upon thc-lr grave.
Imi riM'loi were not piled tncre a
iiiiment, however, but to protect
dead from the pro w II ng coyote.
hurled In the Hand of the desert
left only thu protected t he coy-
would dig out the hodlctt and
ur them within 24 hour. For
m rciiMon tlnine who have died on
desert have lawn placed deep , le-
v the surface and Htonew piled up-
t heir grave to prevent the ma
idlug tienMtrt from dtolnterrlng
Ir remain. Along the old Ore-
n trail the monndii still mark
way, and near many a deserted
hip In the desert inny Ite found thin
IrHce of a Had atory.
UHt ncroaa the Mallieur river from
town of Vale, the county neat of
kllHtur County, there ton iiuuiImt
these mound. Tlie immigrant
tlie Orcgou trail UHed to stop at
h point to rent their horse and
air there wagons; mid they were
coiiiN-lled to atop here during
III water time and wait until the
T became fordalile. Then they
'PM-d hereto nunte t heir nick and
t tlieiu from the effect of n long
rney over rough rid and u
iterletm reirlou. Till Win a irreat
lUcrliig place. Here both kind of
ter could lie obtained. Along the
uk of the river at t hi point hot
'lug boll out from t he hunk, the
iter from which I no hot that a
itliiual t renin of vapor Mhoote up
the air aa the liolllng water
iikIch with the cold nlr.
jl'licac prlug were lined by the
mlgruiit for medicinal purposes,
fact, they have long lieeu Useful
F many purposoa. The Indiana In
i'ly utoo used them to boil
lr food, and the rancher ue them
lay lu scalding tto-lr hoga at
tcherlng time.
U the foot of a mountain near
point a grave far away from
foup of other. A large boulder,
part of the great heap of granite
at furuWhea the foundation lor the
'iintalu, to it headstone. Fpou
' vast lnonumeut to Inscribed the
ito: "Johu Henderson, Died Aug-
1 . 1X02." The oldest Inhabitant
u' I'othhur of the clrcumstancea
"U death. The grave and the
muiueutnre the only 'thing left
Ml the atory. One to im familiar
Hi It asunothcr. Whether he died
p from disease, wot killed by hc
'"nt, murderod by the Indian, or
piatever may have been the caue,
evldout that hi companion,
fv hliu the beat burial wlthlu their
WT ft"l then crudely chiseled out
' uue and the date of lit death
't he might uot occupy nn unknown
J - v . - (.....
"V .' "
This Most Thrillintr Drama Was
Produced by New Pine Creek
Amateurs With Succoas.
Thl pture give one en ides of the Inalfnlflcent little Venesoeton port
which of late ba been ao much tn the public eye. The ragged mountaloe
In tha twrkgronud rtoe almoat perpaodlcularly front the ahore. Over tbelr
rrasta and aoma alx mllea back from the coaat to Caracaa, tba capital of
Hurrounded by an Irregular Itorderof
mountain and rimrocka near the
eant iHiuudary line i4 Lake County,
to a deep canyon which lead out In
ijr-ng coure to another plain.
There are many canyon leading out
from thl hoMlu, but thia one to tlie
mo! noted, by reoMon of thehtotory
which gave It It name. The baln
cover mauv thouand acre of
ground, and upon approaching It in
mimmer, from tlie dtotauce It look
like a vaHt Huowtleld. Tha traveler
know thto cannot Ite true, for the
thermometer rtoe far above t lie 100
IntheMhade, when a ahade can le
found. 1 1 might becallod the "death'a
valley" of (r'gou but for one rehem-j
lug feature.
lu Hplte of the alkali that Ilea deep
upon the Miirface and blind the eye
during the Miiinmer wind etonua,
giving the whole country theapear-
auce of mow bank In the dtotanoe
and the apearancof vawt lime kiln
at a nearer approach, near tlie center
of the plain a large aprlng of pure
water boll forth and la drunk up by
the alkali dut, but not until it baa
flowed aotne dtotanoe and formed a
Miuall lake, which to designated on
the map aa "Alkali" It to after the
death of the niau for whom thecal-
yon waa named, wlume remain were
found a few mllea from the place after
a fearful death from atarvatlou and
4 Old jnun Venator, of liakevlew,
On gun, which to about 75 mllea from
Alkali, aturtcd alone ou hoi'Mcbock
Into t hto it'glou lu aearch of hoi-Hea
that had waudered away. After he
waa almeut many day hi friend
became alarmed aud went In aearch
for him. Iarge reward were offered
tor hi discovery, aa be waa wealthy
aud the bead of an influential family.
After many day the borne he bad
ridden waa found near the eprlug la
the center of the alkali bed browalng
on t he ruuty, dry grow. The aaddto
waa at 111 ou the aulmal aud a frag-
Hu nt of rope about It uwk ahowed
place at which It bad tieen tied.
The back trail of tlie horne waa
followed Into the mouth of the can
yon many mOe dtotant. Here the
ot her fragment of the roj? waa found
tied to a Juulvr bunh which told a
atory. The honte had to-n tied tlwre
and when the bltlngpanga of hunger
and thirat could beeudured no longer
It bad thrown it atrength agalimt
the rope, broken It, and made lta
ay to gran and water w Itu animal
The arvh waa then renewed for
the lout man. Finally Ida tracks
were found leading along the foot of
the rimrocka, atflrat. and afterward
leading out into tnld-deaert. Then
they found where he had pnucd and
walked about In a circle. Tlien the
trail led out again In auotWr dlrec
tlou, the feet having auuk to their
auklea In the aoft alkali enud
Then they came to hole dug In the
heated aotl at intervale along the
trail. Tliey ranged In depth front
alx luchea to two feet, and tlie mark
ahowed that it bad been done by
mean of a pocket knife aud tlie mik
ed baud.
They at laat came upon hi Ixidy
which ahowed that be had died an
agoutolng death. lie bad removed
one of bl boot and placed it under
hi bead, lie atill c1ukm1 hi pocket
knife, and by bl aide there waa a
deep hole which be had dug in hi
delirium, doubtlea imagining that
be might obtain water in thto way.
There irregular mark of tlie laat
knlfe-etalta were atlll vtolblo about
the bole be hod dug, which ahowed
that to hi laat breath he bad faintly
plied the inatrumeut.
Wince that time the canyon baa
borne hla name.
Htlll farther into ,tlu heart of the
ditaert, 25 inMe from the aame place,
to a narrow gulch that begin at the1
loot oi mountain and lead off
Altho tlie evening waa atortny and
very dlaagreeable tKJ It waa almost
Impoaaible to get out on account of
the mud, the Cannon hall waa aoon
packed, and long liefore the appoint
ed time for the curtain to rale there
waa a larger audience than to usually
aeen at the State Line. ' 1
As thto waa the first appearance of
local talent at New IMneCreeka great
many were, of courwe, speculative aa
to what waa forth coming. And
while all realised that there wen
many Inconvenience for the Ama
teurs to contend with, and in out of
all their paraphenalla ordered from
the east for the occasion did not
arrive, neverth'.'le, with Improvised
a words and gun and other thtnga
too nnroerou to mention, the com
pany produced one of the !eat dramas
ever given In thto part of the country.
There were twelve characters:
Bucks Tyson, a glpay tinker, waa
represented by Ian Funk. Thto
character waa the real comedy of the
play and only those present are qual
ified to tell bow well Dan did it.
Indeed, Dan was alright.
Nance, Duck's wife, was well repre
sented by Ettie O'Neil.
Daly Robtnet took the leading part,
representing Horace Verner, an artist,
well burn, genteel and honorable
tlie hero, and lielngthe hardest char
acter on the Hat to represent well,
they did well to choose Daly for it.
Dink Potts, chum and companion
of Horace, waa Justin Glbblna. The
par J waa well fitted and Justin seem
ed to like certain parts of It exceed
ingly welL
Imogene Courtly, Eva Gibblns, a
rich young heiress Is courted for her
wealth, by the Villain, her Cousin,
Ira Courtley (Warner Clark) and
either did the part In a manner that
places t hem among the best A mateurs
of the country.
I'rudence Freelieart. maid to Imo
gene, and a young lady bordering on
the old maid 11 t waa Alta Hpray.
She made a giddy effort to attract
tlie attcution of Major Duffy (Win.
Lemon) a confirmed old Irtoh bache
Sylveaten Uallagher, the Dude,
must certainly Imj a dude. He could
not have acted ao real II he were not.
Clarence Boy se, representing Squire
Riply, keeper of tlie inn, waa a good
JXhe little gipsy fortune teller, Under
tne caea of uuck Tyaon, her aeaumed
fatlier aud mother was very prettily
represented by Ollle Cannon, aud
one seldom aeea one hi age do so
Mge, tlie Negro, by Henry Cook
waa alright.
The proceeds of the evening were
f!8.00. Aud owing to the luclemen.
cy of tlie weather, thto amount was
much more than could have been
hojMMl for.
A great many were prevented from
cofniug by the mud and rain, and
they have asked the Company to put
the play on again ia tlie near future,
assuring tliem that they will be well
paid, as their flrat effort U a good
ad verttoi neii t for them. '
The Company expecta to go to
some of the neighboring towus and
give the neighbors an 'opportunity
j . I - ii.,iMiim.i ,i .u , . , . "
j out fro Kret boala I that it had broken loose fi-oiu some (coutluued o4th peyi.) J (continued ou 4th page)
The beautiful anow has come in
Tluab and laid the dut and old
cows rally around tle bayatack, and
all iadlcations of plenty of atonn In
In eight.
The main object ot my commun
ication to to inform you of the ruc
cess we had at the jock rabbit chase
which came off here a few days ago.
The bugle call was sounded by
Harry Kolierta, the general foreman
onthe7T ranch, and was starter
of the enterprise. At the bugle call
the ieople responded from all part
of tlie precinct. There were pheep
men, cow men, coyote men, wood
men, workmen nud other men. v"-',
The meet was at the east aide of
Warner Lake, and a half circle wax
formed by order of General Rolierto,
and with a whoop from all bands,
several hundred rabbits were crowd
ed Into tlie lake. The general got
his crowd Into line again back of the
7T ranch, and being close to the rim
rock where horses could not travil,
be picked out a tew men who are fleet
of toot and stationed them on the
side hill. The foot racers were W. R.
Bond of tlie homestretch, William
Fetrle, home of the weary, and Pbll
Barry ot the Midway. The signal
was given and in a twinkling, rab
bits were going in all directions, but
were quickly rounded up iutoabuiicba
Bert Harlior lassoed 4 rabbit at one
throw. Dave Jones let a yell and v
six jack rabbits fainted. One rabbit
broke up the mountain and W.R.Bond
took chase, tripped the rabbit and
both he and rabbit tell, and rabbit
came to grief. Fhll Barry took
chase and fell on top of a rabbit,
bruising him up considerably. Wil
liam Tetrle run 50 porcupines and 14
coyotes out of the junipers and run
them in amongat tlie rabbits. By
that time Ed Bond and Joe Jonca
who were In the rear talking to tho
ladies, come up, and Joe Jones killed
10 rabbits with bis Hatchet, and Ed
Bond bolted 4 coyotes. Bill Barry
fell off bis gray Tony falling upon
and killing several rabbits. Said
fall was caused by too much orange
cider supplied to Bill by Jeff Pariah
of the Elephant, All hands worked
hard and In a little while rabbits.
squirrels, porcupines and coyote
were la the corral, and close on to
2000 rabbits were slaughtered. Our
own folks were there in large num
bers, and cried "whoop big eatum."
One economical duaky brother said.
me takum load porcupine to Lake-
view, one man Bill Harvey and two s
other chinamen keepum restaurant.
He llykum porcupine." Another
brother aaye, "uie take load Jack
rabbit to Frank Light, be keepum
big brick hotel, be llkuuijock rabbit,"
and ao they hauled off two taw
horse loads to liakevlew.- J you feel
like to eat when you come to liake
vlew, call at Bill Harveya tor a por
cupine atew.
II Indulf lag la buoM,
And rou rou rouu4 at aWjkt,
Ut a jack rabbit bah
From our Corporal LUM.
Moat Ohsequoua,
McCahthy Come Down.
I B. Wborton lost a buckskins
purao containing a 30 bill some
place In town. A reward will Im
given for iU return. 4