; v, ' - . .. . , ' . . ' 'hit. rm tho wet- wlijr r8, I to S- - Oh. XXIV. LAKEVIEW, LAKE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JAN. 22, 1903. NO. 3. i jsTORY OF ' OREGON LAW MAKERS FAIL TO CHOOSE U. S. SENATOR. I BURGLAR GETS $175. A Lone Robber Breaks Into Cobb tlenkle's 5mloon Sunday Night Leaves Only His Trucks. . TONGUE DIES SUDDENLY. WAOONTIRE That Well Known 5pot en lilt e Lake County Deaert Re vived Name Ram' Peak fciy thing happened In iMke f in an early day, and the hle Hpot are quite numerous. lite ljmey, formerly of Lakevtcw, hinn written the "Lt.Td of Tho t," Ih now on the staff of the hi Dally Journal at Portland. K I.atiey ha written many In Mug thing conerning iMtt ty, ami the following short Hi of the Range." arc no lea Htlllg. 1 -"' erlor Oregon, t lint Is, 1Ih Isolat irtlon, contains mun.v Intercst- .iidiuark that are famlllnr to tuckmeu of that section, and li will Inter lie regarded as u df the twist Interesting history lit wonderful country. Tliinf nurkH are far apart, and In ling through the country one ,vn flmlH It necessary to cover distance lierween two of them v day. They are usually water iluetM, and It takiM a hard day's ! from one to 'another III mtmt Ih and In Maine case It require il deep Into the night. They lid out In the great Oregon "dee- like the Itencou lights ami gnld IMilntato the iiiarlner at sea HliK'kiiil n or traveler who tits' know the landmarks of the Ore- range Im In iih much dauber an pilot at sea who In Ignorant of rliurtM and umm of the country is in. k.vm's i':ak.4U( waoon'tiim: if of theuiowt interesting of them.' mi's Peak, or Wngotillrc Mmiii It Ih marki-d on the map an i'h I'eak, hut few stockmen knu ,V that name, They nil sis-nk of Wngotitire. and thin mime t ar with It anient ileal of speculu- oii the part of those who hear Htor, , and tin- story In n romantic too. This mountain Ih nit tinted tin1 Harney and Lake County It Ih supposed to lie geugruph- hi the center of the desert. A creek How from it foothills, a miniher tif spring hull out in ItH hiiHe. ' l :M to W) mii.-H ft'omthlH point any tn recti oil to other water. water from the creek and spring fwKi.ut Into the plains and Is drunk y the dry snntl. Hut along r channel and foruinuy iu-ivh dle- t 11h niolnture cauwn vegetation nprhig forth like a well cultivated ileu and all lid rrretatlon al- grew here, und now a few dy ranchera have eettletl at the ' aud hae fine inendowM and "e are heijlnnhn: to ralne veuo- 'le and Irulut. ItamV I'eak waa inerly a treat uniiie country, and o a great rendezvoue for the Jn- nu. When the latter were hard 'm'l ly the earlylay lmllau liter they would hie thuiiiMiilvee owi the dtmert aud take lefngo In foothill where game and water d grium wm plentiful, while a kout from the poak could tdiMerve ly approach of the euomy. f'w'r, antelope, elk and amaller me were an pkiutlful cattle aud rc are, now. Id fuit, Uiore le trctily a 0j tlii preauut time tthi anUtlope do not ilalt tlie Id of freu grami. 'J'Ue aeitlurs Id their houioMi aud watch thom m uiuoiik their cattle aud lioreee SALEM, Or., Jan. 20. (Special to The Examiner.) The first ballot for United States Senator took place today in the House of Representatives with Speaker Harris presid ing over the joint body. The vote on the first ballot was the same as had been predicted for several days past, as Irollows: Pulton (R) 29, Gccr (R) 20, Wood (D) 1G, bal knee scattering. Necessary to elect 4-6. Tboee who vottn for Fultoa were: Senator Booth, Brownell, Carter, iMinmk k, Fulton, Ktiykendall, Maretem, Kami, Smith of Yamhill, Steiwer, WIlllamMon, RepreHentatlve Booth. Carnahan, Cornett. Edwardi. Era niltt, Oiiult, Hale, HnimlirouRh, Harrln, Hermann, Hint, Huntley, LaKol-k-tt, raulmn, I'helm. Partly, Kiddle, Slwlly, Total 21). Thoee who voted for Oner were: Senator Crolwui, Daly, Farrar, Hob eon. Howe, Johimon, Mulkey, Kepreaentatlven BurKewt, Danneman, Davey, (ilnn, Hnydeu, Hawklim, JohnHon, Jonen, Judd, Kay, M ilea, Simmons, Whealdon. Total. 20. rr m -ywP.-. - - I ii .if lfeV'J7 Wax 'ft - ?- - J. : ! r m V MISS MARION COCKRELL WHO IS SOON TO WED. MIm Cockrell In the daughter of Senator Cockrell of Miourl. 8 he in a fttately and beautiful young woumn who bit not ouly been a U'NHhlnirton Ixale fur aevrl eamina, but hat made "the triantl tour" nbroiid. where he w much eduilred.' Kbe la to luarry EJ"mi K. GnlluuUet. aon of Hie prpi- ' (lent of Qallaudet ctillcc. Waablncton. The you lit ninu la eiiiiie-tud wlt'u tbe Crampa ahlpbulldiiiK firni. The wedding t to occur In February aud will be on. of tbe events of the Waablngtuu aenaou. - monotony of the isolated and lonely miction, where a trai;tfer is eoiue- tlitiea not well for month. OIUUIN Vf THK NAME. It la claimed that the came on the juaji orltflauted from the fact that in early day there were hundred of wild ehcep on the mountain; that ttieae an I mala came down Into the meadow a occasionally and when liard preted would climb up among the peak aud look out from the overhanging rtxk and ldgea at their enemy and tauip their feet with all of tlie kuowu liupudenue of the mountain aheep heu once out of danger. There ai-e old timer yet who atlll remember wheu an old ram etood guard on the hlgheat iaak, aud they claim that the name of the mouutalu originated from this par tlcular raiu. v . WAUONtlBK. But the name of YVagoutlre origi nated from another' caue, and no one who ream t he plolua will per mit It to be called any tiling elae. In early day a large pile of old, woru- out wogon-tlrea were found. Ueur a am lnir at the foot of the mouutalu. eort of way of breaking the' A trail ied oeroae the deeert at tli'a place, aud itwae naturally preauined that an iiuiulgraut train bad found it way to thle polut. But do per: aon ha ever tieen able to explain why or how the old tlree were placed there. Tbe luyatery about tlie mat ter lend Importance to It, aud for all thee year there Lave been all kind of ejieculatlon about the wagou tire. . THINK TilKKK WAD A MAHHAt'KR. There ure thoee who think that an Immigrant tralu wandered thl way In the early day aud that the Indian attacked It and inawwacit-d the Im migrant and destroyed their wagou and took awuy their anliual ami property. They thluk that they burned the wagons tn a heap, and for that reaaon the tire were found iu aplle. But tbie theory la otfeet by the orguiueut thai no skeleton were ever found at the place, out that had there been murder commit ted theae evidence 'would Lave re mained undeetroyed. But there are tuoue who argue that aoiue member of the party may have eecuped aud afterwards returned and buried the Cobb Henkle's Saloon was robbed hut Sunday night of about $175. The person who committed the lar ceny Was evidently somewhat ac quainted with the pre mines, and and awaited his opportunity with a great deal of Judgement, Jack CoBman Is night bartender, and clos ed the saloon at 1 o'clock, and it was some time after this that the thief stepied tip on oue of the rods In front of the glaiwi on the front door, which was bent In the operation, and from tliere he puhed open the trannom, breaking the inttide fastening looms. It was then an eay matter to crawl through the opening aliove the door, and etep down on another rod on tlie innlde, the Intdde rod wm alno bent. The night combination of tlie safe hod not tieen turned on, aud this fellow was evidently familiar with the day lock. The safe was ofiened and all the money, about $173 in all, was taken. There was one sack containing about $35 in nickels and dimes, and about $00 of tbe re roainer was silver, $18 of tlie amount belonged to Irvln Gentry, a Klon dike dealer, and with this exception the loss was Ccbb's alone. Tbe cash drawer was alao opened and a few dol lars in change was taken, or all the drawer contained. Tlie thief again alio wed his familiar ity with the place by going out the back way. Two doom had to be gone through, but they were lock ed on tlie Inside and the keys were In the door. Aliout a half or three quarter of an inch of snow had fal len early in tlie evening, and the burglar was easily tracked out the back way. He tiptoed out to the alley, and then went north, but chauged hi mind, orfearing he might meet some one, came back and out around Hotel Lakevlew, and there his tracks were mingled with a mul titude of other tracks, aud were soon lout sight of. The tracks were easily diaeruable, as the shoes had been haif-Moied, and the track a alio w. ed quite plain. Cobb takes his loss quite philoso phically, and In a Joking way, said lie would't care so much If the rascal would come around and epeud a few dollars during the dull peU. W. D. Woodcock on learning of the robbery Immediately went to his safe, thinking perhaps It might have been ruled too. He found that It had been tampered with, but tbe culprit bad not been able to work the combination. Woodcock says they would not have been paid for their trouble If they had opentMl It. Moral: It la a bad practice to leave more than six bits tn a sheet Iron sale, enpcclally when there are 'youudors" loafing about with no visible uicuna of eupport. Our Congressman 5uccumbs to An Attack of Heart Failure . White in Washington. (to be continued on 4tu page) Mabel Chandler Dead. Fanuy Main a Chandler, eldeat daughter - of Jd r. and Mrs. Daniel Chandler, died lifter an lUness of two weeks with typhoid pneumonia. Mabel had been going to school prev ious to. her sickness and was well liked by her school mates. She was aged 14 years, and 11 days. The funeral was held from tlie residence at S o'doA Sunday. Hon. Thomas II' Tongue, repre sentative In Con grew from the First district of Oregon, died very suddenly and unexpectedly in his apartments In the city of Washington, Jan. 11th, 1 o'clock In the afternoon, of paralys is of the heart.' No Intimation of Illness or Indisposition on bis part bad been received by his friends tn Oregon, and the news of his death came as a great shock to thousands of hU admirers and constituents, Mr. Tongue has ln-eu very much en grossed wltb hisdutles since the open ing of the short term of Congreas anil remained at Washington during the holiday recess. Always a hard worker his unremitting toil has doubt leasenfecbled an otherwise wiry physique. With tlie brilliance of his mental attainments and the knowl edge of legislation which he had gain ed during his succesaive terms in Congress, his death, at this time, is a serious loss to the people of Oregon, He was elected last spring to servo his fourth continuous term In the lower house of the National legiula . ture, and his growth lu the esteem of his constituents vat evidenced in . steadily Increased pluralities by which he was returned to Congress. Mr. Tongue was an effective, fluent and logical speaker, and his address es on the stump and in tlie halls of Congress always commanded wide attention. Ill grasp of national affairs and questions was equalled by few men In Oregon, und he was regarded as a strong man, not only In his own state, but in the country at large. Mr. Tongue was a native of Eng land, where he first saw the light June 23. 144, and where he resided with his parents until his fifteenth year. At that time his family came to this country and moved directly to Washington county, In this state. Young Tongue was sent to Pacific University, where hegraduated with honor In 18C8, aftr which he read law with Hon. W. I). Hare, and was admitted to the bar In 1870. He ' soon took a leading postsiou among: the lawyers of the state, and wan elected to various municipal offices In his city of Hllluboro. Ho became Identified with the Republican party at an early age, and of which he has been a lifelong and distinguished member. He was elected to the state senate In 1888, and served dur ing his second term as chairman of the Judiciary committee. He was chairman of the Republican State Couveutlou lield at Tortland In 1890; was a delegate to the National con vention at Minneapolis in lsu.', and was for several years chairman of the Republican State Central Cum-. mlttee. lu ISM lie mode his first rati for Congress when the odd seemed to be hopelcssy against him. Ill cam paign at that t ime is memorable, Th o silver craxe was at its height, but "Tom" Tongue never wavered a moment in his advocacy of the gold standard and by his unanwerabl login on the stump he mode converts by the score. He was suves.-JuI over Vandurbrug,' his Poptiltut op ponent, by a plurality of 74. In ls:i he triumphed over R. M. Veatch by a (continued on 4th page.)