Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, January 15, 1903, Image 2

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    I.AKEC0l'NI HXAM.NtiK. L. KriVUiWfORL(ON. JAN. 15, IvOJ.
U. F. Abshier While In Portland
Tells Again the Sad Story of
The Dire Silver Lake Fife
(hrUtnin week will 1' a wiikoh
of km (I nn!cuibr.inecforthecoplcof
Silver iik for a 1. .inr time tocome."
xntd V. Abshicr. of that Iowa ton
IVrtlnn.nclciiriiintvpoitc. the other
Hay. "The recollection of the fcnr
ful hoi.. aust that occurred at Silver
Ijike on rhrh.tni.-i eve. M. "till
Ki i.h i.s from cclcbrntlnu that cvcn
inir as other coininunitics lo. an. I to
most of us hristnias is a .lay of sor
row rather of Jov as It shoul.l
Mr. Abshire was in the tin- that
burned up '' person on that
eventful evctiiUsV. 11.' lost his wife in
tin flames an. I onlv save.l his .".-venr-old
son by the merest chance. The
lad who is now 1:1 venr old. is with
him. but does not like to talk about
the night when his mother was tak
en from him by the eruel flames.
One-fourthof the population of the
town and vicinity had assembled in
the seeoud story of a frame building
on that evening to take part in the
Christmas tr.s-exersis.-s." Mr. Abshire
mid today. "Several of the little
children had appeared and rendered
their recitations: a ( hrisinias earol
had N-en sung by the Sunday school
scholars, and all were in anticipation
of the gift distributing when a young
man in the ro.nii decided to g out.
In doing so lie stepped on one of the
Improvised w l.-n 'iiclie. his head
Htruck a large Kochest.r l imp con
tabling nearly a gallon of oil. The
lamp Ml to the floor, the blazing oil
covering him. but he tried his I .est
to.picnch the tlam.-s. Other men in
the audience sprang to the rescue.
They pulled off their overcoats and
attempted to smother tin- lire. This
only fanned the flames and the blaz
ing oil scattered all over the room,
l-'iiiting the women's dresses. Many
rushed for the narrow entrance and
instead of escaping Ix-canie blocked ;
in a crushed mass. Quicker than I !
can tell it the entire room was a;
eethiirr blaze. The few whoesenped 1
did their lM-st to help the others and ! i
the weight of people oil tin- li.-u .v
porch caused a crash which cut off
lielp until ladder could be procured
ri. to little ..ill was seen hanging by
Iter hand from a window sill. Mn
wa told to drop and wa caught by
the men Is-low, her hand badly
burned. In a few minute all wa
over, and the ruin of Chrisman'H
utore were smouldering over the re
iiiain of our ireojile. It wiw u wad
thing for the p-'ople of the Count to
read about, but how much sadder
for those who tood above the burn
ing einlH-r.
'We have now a neat monument
erected to the memory of those who
IH-rished on that dreadful Chrlrttma
eve. It istaml in the Silver Lake
Cemetery, and on one Hide of the blue
Vermont marble is the incription:
To the memory of those who
perished in the fire at Silver Lake,
Pii-eiul-er S, K4."
-The panel on the side of the
Htonc contain the name of the 4:i
who died a a result of the fire. The
marble cube in surmounted by an urn
mad on Christina dav since then
the people of Silver Lake visit this
t . . ...... I .f ,.,.1,.1,1'nt lliir
vol l e si on-- iiisn-.i.i ii -
( hrist lints or ( ln ist ma i-vi
Of eonr.-.- linn
much of I In- sa-liii-i-
iiiglit.a tin- old resideiil will di.
off or I1IOV ;r.vuy and Other pl-ojlle
from tin.- outer world will take their
places, but as for tm- or my boy
there will be no joy, I am afraid, in
attending Christ mas tree festivities
any more."
To Cure a Cold in One Day.
Take Laxative I'.romo (Juiniiiu Tab
lets. All ruk?gihlM refund the money if
it fails to cure. K. W. irijve'n hiitia
ture in on each box. 25 c. 50 ly
Left Her Happy Home
Tor a (lood pasture.
The wreck of once happy home
circle, through the machinations of
a iH-rtldtous neighbor and the flight
of a faithless wife, wan the tale of
Horrow unfolded In Ashland this
wek. says the Tidings, by l I..
Stewart, a substantial resident of
l.ane county, whose home Is near!
Kugene. Mr. Stewart who was on,
the tra k of his runaway wife and!
their little son w horn she had taken1
with her. hpent a day or two in
town, leaving on Tu.s.l.iv morning's j
stage for Klamath l-all. While here ;
he made various imputl. to aid him
ill his search ai'd told the story ot
his troubles.
Living near his home v as a neigh
bor by the name of I Soo.lp;ist inc.
who been men siiitorfor Mr Stew art's
b'.- ear-old .la uuh t. r. The suit was
opposed by the father, but fa voli.l j
by Mrs. Stewart, i ioodpast un- was '
tinally successful and married the f
young lady. The match was not a!
happy one. and after six weeks of:
married life the young lady left for
Ohio to visit her grandparent, to
make an indefinite stay. Some time
following thi event, Mrs. Stewart
and the little boy suddenly and m. -terloiisly
disnpiearcl from home,
a id the absence of ioodpiist lire was
li.ite.l at about the same time. On
I he Itth of PeccmU r last a man. giv
ing the name of ( ioo.lpast ure, accom
panied by a woman and little boy.
arrived ai Wiiulci's M-da Sprintis mid
spent the midit there. While there tl e
mail, l" Mi-n.ed t" be el raih.-r il
r.i..n,... ill- HH.I;. LaC .'lit ill.- 11.1"!-
llialii'li. that he as..ii his aj t" l al-) -
ern o,(. ii i.n.l I... kit K f"r land .m j Civil Service lixamiii.tlion.
which to 1. cute. The party left 111 thej pn n i,i I l,e car .-inl.,; .luno iiu, l!i-,
liiorninv, their pi. M.mptive t-st ilia' I. II t here ei I I .'.":! pcrvii,- apK.inte.l to
hcinn Paifltv. Lake Later -b- I pn.-i! i.o.s in the I' S Clas-ilic.l Civil
veh'iemelits show that the voiman m 'L .-crvii e. wlil.h a A.i''' more than
little I o l.a.lbccli quests at the A i-1 i ' w ,.rt. ,.Vcr I .-hue a ,. pointed in a simile
html lb use 1 l"ie len t j"U td at the year. Ii "U wi-ii ini"i mt ion about
..ptiii-- by l....lpastnie. p"siti"iis ..( tins kind ;. ..u can ohtain it
Mr. Stcwait, while lo re said hit 'e j tree by wriiil'tf h-r tl. Civil Seivn e an
i.iirnose in suit a the recovery ol j noiim enn t of . t he ('"Imii.oiuii Coir.-n-
j ids con ; the wife would be allowed to
! l.urMie the path the hud chosen limits- ,
tm it.(, , y .
Special Representative.
t u i-ee.nt council of the Klamath
iiiliiiu. I. P. Aiililcgate was selected
tu n a ,-ffort to w-ciire t ne pas-
sage of a nieasiiie imw before oii-
gross looking to payment of liilnisi!
f, r land erroneously excliu ed from ;
tl,.. ....... i.t-iiti.. n mid he leaves for
Washington about the middle of the
mouth on that mission, says the Ke
publican. Mr. Apph-gate has had
ucceful experience ill that line in
year pout and the Indian have
great confidence in hi ability, which
they ejpreHwed at their late meeting.
AlHoMr. Applegate contemplate a
trip to the Philippine Island und i
arranging hi affair ho he may go
directly there from Wiihlngton, if
he wiheto do no, without returning
here. Hi Hon, Morey Applegate, 1
now at the head of thelarget theat
rical company in the lland and 1
doing well. HI father will try and
persuade him to vlit Klamath couii
t v next summer.
liHlorntrd T tahoul.lrr
Mrs. Johanna Soderholm, of KeruuH
Falln, Minn., fell and diHlocateil her
(shoublor. She had a vuriceon Ket it
liack in place as oai ati tx-HHihle, but it
a. ii nit k Horeami laineu ner very inu.;n
11... ... o...i.ii" thiit lot hail see n
' t.'haiiiherhiin ram Halm advertised lor
1 sorainn and soreiiesri, nml i-he asked hnn
I. . . , j . 1:1 i .1.1
I nri n-ni -
' to ri.iy her a liotlle ! II. WHICH lie inn
! I. ..ol..1 It I-..I lei-oil her and enabled h
as e e. i o "" "
to sleep w hlch she had not done lor K-v-will
obliterate ; ,,1yH 'J'he nun wast-o greatly pl.-an-of
that fateful I ed with the relief it liavt; bin mother
that he haa mnce reco'iiiiiemmn li i
many others. Lor hale by I -en lieall,
; ilrilgLJIht.
The title of "doctor" wa inveiiled
In the twelfth century, and conferred
for the first time upon Ineriusof the
I nlversitv of J'.ologiia, state the
Metaphysical Maga.ine. 'Jhe first
"doctor of medicine" was (iiiilelino
(Jordeiiio, who received the honor
from the College of Aosli, nlso ill
Italy, In lL'l'O.
Mlrmh Wat Certain.
"iVath robltcd the State of Oregon
of the best Senator who ever rcpiv
sented her. Me was Hot Senator
v hen he died, but, Solomon llllsch certain of t-li-ctlon t that
otli.-e as I ' am that my home Is In
I teuton t'.Snilty."
State Senator . I. I. Paly, at the
Hotel ImnVHnl. made the above
statement to the Cortland .lournal.
Senator Paly I" ivcoKtilzc.l as one
who supported the late Mr. llllsch
strongly during the life of the latter.
Now that llllsch is .lend, it Is said
I he legislative ballot of Senator Pa l. .
of r.enlon County. Is being warmly
sought atler by each other possibility
ill the race for I'li'lte.l Stales Senator
f r. nt I ireg. hi.
"I was a strong supporter of Sol
Hits, h." said Senator Paly, "and I
--1 A i 11 of elec tion. Now tin-
, UUl)i ls ,, ,. .,,,d t.,v U little!
v ,,f ;nivoiie making a c.u -
tV)., r,, ,.,.,. ,.t ,,( 1 1. result,
..j ,,. received no Instruction
f,.,,,,, ilio,.,. vlu t-la-tto.l me to olllce
and cannot say, a vet, for w horn I
I shall cast my vott. All I can say I
that I greatly deplore the death of a
I mall w ho would have been elected
beyond doubt, and of whom the
i i 11 ii. mil' lit wi ll l.e nroiid. I shall
vote for t he one w h. mi I .insider to
lie t lie best mall."
Mr. Paly strenuously denied that
his presence in Portland any
thing to do with politics, although
It Is well known that several pro,
pective senatorial cn'ndidates would
like to count h'tn annum their hen. I -nidi.
,ml. mc ('"ll.U"', Washuiv:!"!.. P. '.
'J he i vil .v. r . ice Com missi. m w i I hold
cx.imiiia! ion- to -. cure yoni'ii men ami
women f-.r I l.e pla- Ii ing March
.mi Peiidletoii ami I'oi thmd.
I rom :; Ol'i appoiitii,ei.i dm in..' t he
,,( ,. , K in lev 's ad m
kinley s ailmilil--
1 tration, thev l.ave miease. to nearly
( live limes that nil in li. . I'tcM'h I 1
,si,. ,. i in it lirm believer in t he i it
system, ami as ..i,k! as he i president,
tin se appointments will cont null1 t in
crease. Don't (iet (lay.
( In t. nm nil I'ust.)
The J.akevlew I'.Miinliier say that
Prof. Miller, the violinist, hooded I'.'i
people in I.akevievv to put In fi"
each to purchase a band Inst ruin. 'lit
for the tow ii, and then left w ithout
giving but a few lesson on It. A
f iij.'i band Instrument I get ting right
up Into the loo class.
There 1 nothing too high for I.ake
vievv Pro. Post. We have the class,
the inn an. t he band Instrument; or
Instrument. And we are just now
waiting for ome oilier yap to come
along to blow the hoodoo.
y.vry Hot tie of hniiilierluln'M ousli
It e no-ill M'urranteil
We KiinrHiitee every hotlU of C'liHtn
heiliiin'B Cdiiuh lieineily Hiid will refund
the money to anyone w ho is not miUNlied
lifter using two thiols of its contents.
Thin is the best remedy in the world for
la wrippc, counh, coldn, croup uud
li'iopini; . -niigh and in ple.i-.ant and
safe lo tnke. 1 1 prevenlH any tendein-v
of a cold to result in pneumonia, l or
hale by I.e.- lJenll, dru'ist.
inlU " I.ANU N0IICI:.
I'nili-.l St n i en l.innl illn-i-, l.nk. n . on run,
Novi'inliL-r lli-.', Sol if" Is In-reiii un . n llnil
in cmiii'lliinc.' wllli Hi" provisions nl Ihe m l nl
I i mi.' i hs of .In tie :i, la; a, enlillcil "mii u. i lor tin'
sale nl limlii r lainls Iii lln- sinli s nl California,
Oregon, Ni.vuila, ami WasliliiKlmi I i riinty,"
as Kti-iiili'.l I.i all Hut .iil. Iiu linn I siitl. H hy m l
n( A hit. I, IHiri, I'liin.-HH T. Hill, nl I- nl Inn, i on li
ly of Milltll.minli, SIKli: nf Or-K"li. lias tills ilay
lilml III tills ..nice lilaamirll si n to m.-li I No I .'ill,
fur tin: piiri liaac- nl lln- ' a nl si c II lp ,
r I'll', u in. ami ill nffi r pmnf in lin lliai
Ilit-lHiHl amiKlil l more vbIiihIiI.' fur ils llinlii-r
nr slnnc Uinn fnr agricultural purnnsia uml In
eslHlillsli tils claiin In aaiil luml l.i-fnr.. '. II.
Willirnw, I '. hi. :oiiiiii iMHioticr at Klinmilli l alls,
Or.'Kiui, mi Satiirilajr, tin' Hlt "lay nl Mar. li,
IDiil. He iihiiiis us iliiiM-a: Han is l mi, W.
II Wi rka, I. (', Jlaiiiiii.-ll ami l . II. I'aliiii-r, all
ol Illy, On K"U. Any uml nil p 'lsniis i-jmimi Iii
a.llcis.'ly Hi.' Illinve ili scrl li"i lull. a. M.! rn
iii.'sii il tn III.! their .'Ulina In Oils nllli e on or
In-fore sii iUi ilit . nl March, nm i.
Nov. M tU l.. il. IIIMTT.UN. It.'KlillT
The (front eat mnlillloii of Amer
ican men and women N to Imvo
home hlcaac.l with rliihlren. The
woman ntllirte.1 with fcmnle di.
case 1.4 Constantly 1 1 O 0.141 't I llitll
lnvoiiiing n child lea wife. N.
me.lieine on it loMore dcinl or-
grins, luit Wine n Citr.liil doe
regiihile del iiigeuieiiln licit pre.
Vent ; doe prevent
iniscui rlaj-e : ilmn rtl i vo-iik
funcli.m-. .-mil sli.iC-f.i ido-n
mid il.x'4 l.rinjj bahles to I "tt:i
h.-irn-n ninl desolate fur venr..
ilu- of Cunhil .' women tin.
licullli ami -II cii); III to hear lie tl -
t tl V chil, licit. "II cull L'et h
dollar bottle of Ine of (urdul
from your dealer.
14.1 .MarVrt Mrrrt.
Mf.tni.lila.1Vnn.. April U. lwul.
In Prhruar . iwil, 1 i.a.k uuo Ixitiieor
Wini. of fnr.lnl ami on inrkmrt of
Th.'.iror.l'i lllx-i lrnu(lit. 1 hxl Iwon
nirrtrt f)fttHa vrm and h-ul nH
Itlvfn birth In i-lill.t until I Un k W i tt
ofcantul. Now I -tin mol hrr of i Inn rlrl hloh ru Ixiru March SI, 1 wo I .
Tba Imliy waijcha (i.uitr. n Kiunila ami I
ff-al aa woll aa anr ponton eoulil frrl.
Now my hi. ma la lipy ami I navnr Kill
bo without W luc.f ranlul In mr lioiiaa
again. Mra. J. W. '. riMITII.
tt lulvll-a mnA B.I.I -mM vl.lli
-Mlill4li, .'11 A.llr' .V !i-.J 'jM-l-all.
- . T" TUlHJi.g X-alli'llHi I I1ii.ali,
iMkllauuBica, 1 tin.
t lill.-.t Mateo I an. I oflh . allak.xi.w, Htf
k..m S.iM-iiil.. r I 1 l .' .v.. II. .- l li. r. I.y Klv.-n
I I in I 1 II ci Ml l I n In u 1 1 1) III.' I ri V . Hi. .11 -i "I III.'
a. i ol ..n if "I I. l null. -I "Vna. l
!r fie- -alf ol t i in tier In tin- sinira ,.f
. allfxriiia. Or.'K.iti. Vi-a'1n. ami in Wn.liliiR
lull I .r rin.M " n rtinul"! ! all ilu- I o 1 . 1 1 .
I an. I slnli-s I.) a. I ..I Vlia-ii.l I l-'.l-. I In- InlloW
1 1'K- i-i'fsi'ii m lia w I Ii l"i 'lav l.i I In M.l.'
(In ir ..rn -ilai. to. nts. i.. n :
. I. ail. i l. .
nl 1 1. ( ii I mil. ion nl V ol lii hah lnli ol IV a-li
I "h'li.n , v. or ii si ii'.-iiii n I So l'. ."I II. I'.o
i I. a..- ol Ho- s. M . an. I ' , sl'4. e . I
. : s II I.. K. W M
James I'. Ij ilh' '
,.f tl.. r.fii'ii .'olllio of . If ha. Ii S'nti- ..I V asli
IliKli.ti. v or. i sia'. in- nl N. 1 '"f lli' I'tir
-lias.- ol il i , S I- , -.. i II a ii' I S 1 S 1 1
s.-r U I t. S, II I i K W
trank ll.illliit.ui'rlh
el N'- lu-rry, i oinii ol Van, I.I, I. si of on
j-i.n. sworn -i'iin nl Vo I .'M l..r II..- -nri lias
ol lln- s stt ' , s e h, s 1 , s ' s. . ."I. ami
Ml i.M.i, s. i- I a . Ii 1 . K l.
Thai in. will oft r i-ro.'l n. !i.. ilia! Hi.'
laid I'liitlil is nmr. - taiiiaMi- lor Us tiinix r or
sfnne ttiiin for airnrultiiral i-urp-.s. mi-l in
.nl'ilsli lli. lr i lain s i. sn:, lalnl ". II
Wlllir.'W. C. S . olil ii !.. oil' r a! klatua'h
lalls. i.r.K.iii, on l .v tlii- istli .n ol
A.ol. !'!.
'1 In-y lialio- aa w .1 n. s.-ii : Wtlllatn l.i-i k alel
I liar li s l ri' . ol II i.ili la In . W i li-1 on. I a no
I .iU : ol .M.i r.'.-i ti. l a -In n tl i on, I rank II.. I
II iik-m or! I. . of Siutiirn, or. k.ii. ami 1. W .
Mi rrlll, ol I'orllan.l. ot, K,,n Any nt-.l a. I I- r
soti. i-liiliiiilikf I. tl..' at.oiil .lisi-r il" .1
liouls nr.- r.-i'i-sl.-. !,. Hi- "Ii. Ir i laln.s in llils
olil. . on ot I.i Inn- I I Ism ilav of Vi'ril l'i'.
li l 4 is I-. M Hit i i o s , I;. K isl" I
For a.'t '!" .lliii "r
llli; iliM-a In. Ion .-in toll'.
South Eastern Oregon j
Stock Association
Will U given fur the irrrt anl win lln ot any r
mu tit :run UllfiK n Um k lM?iiiigtnK
to nicinlirr of thu Ammm-UII'ii.
j, n. INNRS,
'visit DR. JORDAN'S ohkat
(IMsaia Slaia aa4 tXaata.J
Taalaraaat AaaWBloat Vuaavai
lltUWMl. f
OnmfH mltrmttUm (a th Clip. A
vtmndrfU tluhi IT vfcrtfara. 9
IKfii llaa. ! I ! r
I I U 4aM Bpwlaiiatuii tba l'aA
. Uw, KatatoUabaa 7aia. m
mmmim ui Hl J JI. f
ava1 bmbi all ar auflartaf A
from Iha aa-aeta mt foutkful InaXa-
ravWaa r aacsaaaa In aaalwrvr A
aaawa. Farriiua an ayn-ai anar , . a-
aiulvaiar , boat (lauatooai la an iiaauiaan.
I aaikjnal Nssia.aislrl.Ma, tratr-
rkaia. tuasnbaa, Wlrri. rrtqafat;
r I rlaiavilaiv. ! a oou.toliiatl.ia l J
rarnailla. w' laat auratlva iuwfi, li Iluotaf w
liaaa arraaac iih lraaiml inai it win aai m
aaly aa'ir4 rrllrf, tut fai manai.t
onrc. ! Ihtcvir qoh nmi aiann iof.ain.raa a
I . . -I S... Ball S .m H I.. I,. - I .. Ir .Ma BP
aiiara I'lirslHan aail Wurttsfni, iira-arulaaai s
I lu filaspeol-iltr ar-laaara 4.1 Flan.
Trnil.lH ihamii(i.iy arsi'ii-aiaa rran .
I tli a ayataui .llhonl lh !' nf ! r . f
Traiaaoa flllail bt aa l--til HiHBt .
tar. Inr llaalnra, A i I. K ami rcWK- il
mra for hl. l.sara ami I l-lulsa, k
lr. Jiirri.n aviei-lal puncrsa rnaoi..',.. ,m
ETKIir HAK annl vlnt to lia will rasala
I our htmrt (.afnl'j'l n" liljri.i ..pliiliil. J
1 If. will liunrimlf, a l-O.dilVM Ct7Ja
, iwrv IW i' l liii'f'rf"ll. .
1ll.-i,!'i nu.1. I"ni"'ii'ilii'"'.n.
bHAGrn runr kkso.ahlu. 4
Traalwaiit Mraaaall). in I'T ' 9
Writ f .r Hook. Hilll.oiorilT .
mmniSa'. MinrpKnaa ( vaJaaAl B
aaualor Bi.a.) Cailorwrlla
ifl J0H0AN CO.. tOBI Markal,. P. I
s-'lv'lsi'a. 0
i'lila alKiiHtnro la or. very h.u ot ilu. grniiin
Laxalivc Iomd Q?;ciric rMt-
.11 roiniKlv tb t '' ll lu lo
m. i.. t-r m. ii.
lit alt-lam anil uiai nn
l.akrvli-t. Or.
imi'K llralla I'r.ig Hti.ra alia nara
roiii.(l .lay or htglit.
K. II. MltlTII M l
I'hjalrlan anil Xioa. oii
l.akr li-t . Or.
HKKICK IjiKpvI.. liniK I'o'i N..r
mi t v ii i.i.
I'h) ali lan aiiil m a OM
Oil-II K N. I'al) I i i . 1 1 1 1 M at
till O r IIOHIHI T
l.akri i , Orriaa
Ol I I. K I'al) HillMl.ij
i v o
Atl.ll l.t) Ml I III
l.nlii in , Or ai
I'l I Ml I'lll lli.ll.lihi:
ii lit m i l;
Ainu n. ) -at-l.a
I l.akrtlt-M , Or
III Hi I: ll I'
J 1l4Mltr:
tlnri.r) .at-1 .an .
I.akr lr , Or
nil I. I: iNti) iiuiMhik
1. 1 y.y itiih
AMorxr) -al-ljin
! I tlatlrra MTlall
liflli I I n(no'll
i II I.OIIr'..
elrrlnar lrnlll
in (nil K. . ii Corial. I nkr. . . . ii. k..m.
Olil llnrora Vfaclr tnlin
fiooDim Of the iioRio.-Vvo-.ri
) Vl.-i ( ott llir ;. at ml llli W. .In. of
i m Ii nr. mil III Masonic Hail al a lit.
) I s It ti : i v i oiis'i . r. t
Jj K. N . It4ilf.i Ii rk
' s f ? s f r ' f .' t'P
I Ikl'llltt IM IMIVIVI. v.. H. '-.,
v o. i i tn. i t 1 1.. I -i .i i. I I I Imr
v ! , . Iiilik'" "( " a. h I.'- in . ' M I r! - t
ions' Hall lak. tl.M s It: th. "
s ( . I' . H.I . I-.
; ...knights o !' (Iii;ts... s
!' " '.
y i t k i. I oi".K S" .. in ' i. .
, n.n til.-lnv itililti. oil lillorts s
.' Hail. I.eil'i, i.i.-. V.sitlna- ki.lh-lils
i olj all III. It' I
x l noittos.. . I. alter !..r f, .tun. nli'lir
l . l'...- IM'I a-ov k .1 Ii. aid S. "s
v -v
To lake e:fe. t, I'm I l , . Apr. l.l'HI-.'.
N... i S... i
I a iii. l.v Hi no t r m . i t
... t a in. l.v snililnif . A r I a i i. in.
lll i" a. in. l.v ' ar At ..' I' III
li::;n a. in. 1 v t-ran. . Ar I In i In
111 I a. m. I . I'lir'lv . a r I -J. ' in
II a. ni I v I'lo 1 1 -. - ir 1 7 t. i. m
I J os -. in I v . I. a' ' r .'Is (.. tn
' Is .. ni I i imr i '. 1 1 ' In .. rn
I.' is ,. . , I I i il I ' . Ir II. .. in.
I J '.rsl . iii. l.v . iiliatali ! la .Ar !:L. i. 111.
1:1 in. in. l.v . I'livle .ar l l'iji. in.
I -tn . in. l.v l livan .Ar 1 J s i . m.
J:li l I'.ni. l.v Aiiicli-.' Ar IJ I.ii . ni
.llnlij, in l.v A in. 'ilff . Ar II J'l .nt.
Si), in. l.v Hoi S, rlnya Ar II lip. .
II:. '.7 .. in. l.v Murray . Ar In IT j., tn,
Jii ji. in. l.v . Karln Ar In M . in.
!::, .. in. l.v. , Hnrsr l.alo . . A r t in .. in
!: i. in. l.v Mau ri) Ar H:n.. in.
i::m j. in. l.v... Ti'rnin Ar :.'. .. tn.
7:l'ia. in. l.v lln rk uianaAr. 7 ...i ji. m.
7:n . in. Ar... Vlailelini- l.v 7:'i a. tn.
n.U) pin in :i. ain.t.v. I'l n in as Ar .im pin II in am
fi C. pin II Ji a in l.v. V I iin. ii A i vl.'i pin a.l.i'atii
il Hi pin IJ. iiain l.v.lli-i It llli A ili.:m pir 7 .'-A a to
7 pin I.' v.a in ,v . lair. il. A r I 4niin 7 im aiu
Ti'min, lor Lalti'Vlcw, I'aUli v iitnl I lush, orv.,
ami l-i. Ilnlwell. I a.' li. ' oinit III.-, A, lln,
Altnrns ami III, l,i-r, I'alll.
II,, I nri mks. lor Hiatnli'li
i alii
piiv e fur Mllh.r.l, fan.'.-. .
villi-. alii.
V i ti r ot inr Loviillnn. hewn
lu ll's lln! sprniKs. I alii
i. ml Susan llli,
uml it it it 1 1 ii
v ille ami I ainJ-
lin k wiili. inr i.rin si e, la . !, r . illi- ami i.r.-.'ii-
Villi .1 Illli.
. lalrvilli , VIiiIihu Ii ami i, . tn v I'nlif.
Ki'ini, eon iiei-i I ii jr ttli -! lie-, tn. fur all
pniiits I list a w . -1 : V. .1 I I; .'; , fur nil pi. lata
Sim Hi.
til."' ". a njati jij.. sy.T.taaiaaai aiu iis.waaa
i -.vs. -?V-'A- sr-N
,'..r-.',-.. N V Jc 't
. ai..i '. " - .-?'' aVVif s "