Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, January 08, 1903, Image 8

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    LAKG COUNTY OXArt.NER, tAKUVlG A OR i 1 ) 1. J ft, JJJ.
There are many m ho watch the
paper carefully for our adver
tisement. There are other",
less wine, who skim over them
am! fail to take advantage o(
what we offer. When we my
we have haryaina, the wine know
we are tat ki n; to their interest
and take advantage of our offer
ings. We are hire to inlereet
veil .
A a reporter! In liiat woek'a Kxntniii-
cr t he marriage of Thomas N. Hand
lt'.v nntl MImm lA'tn Wendnll took
place on New Yen tm mill the real
iliMiivot the tirhle'N parent on Main
Street. Tlie novel hour of Midnight,
when I'ather Thins repreHeiitlng
l!NL' wiim la the net of Jumping off In
to oblivion. and Cupid holding Jim:i wtvU holiday.
HtcpM on t he Htngv of lifts wax Melirt - ' The New Year in Iwike County
ed an the time for erformlng t he ! ocnei up mild and warm,
eeivmon.v. A few friend Ik-mMcm t he j Mattel and l) a Chandler arc tpilt i
relative weiv In attendance. Judge ' nit k with It nhold i .ii.mi in nlo
I'al.v performed the ceremony, after
l you write It l!K.l-.'
County Court la In hcnmIoii.
School U-gnn Monday after n two
whicha Hue aiipH'r wan partaken of.
A Morenadlng party railed on tlietn !
A large crow d at tended the baptis
ing at Crane Creek last Kiiudnv.
At present we are offering better induce
ments to Cash buyers than at any other time
in the year.
It's stock taking time here and many odds
and ends are sold for much less than their real
value. Come hereyou may find something
you want.
1 i lt Vi 111 f I m rf tlatr aiiiiil nt, I f .
Nhortly after they were we.hled and j WanhiiiKlon hirthday parly.
nnng a-few Hong. MImm Kuby Wen-; I,.,,, Hert ford hn .,lte
dalln-t urned from San rrnnclMco to Mnk x), ,,.
Ite pivscut at tlte marriage. Soiai
sl k
very tine present were received.
AhlNtrom I'.rot hers. Handsome
Viw Lamp: I'.alley A Mawslngill,
Water Set; .1. M. Ilaudley. Silver
Hilt tcr lih; Mrs. Muniv. ISerrySct;
N. I . Asdell, ( 'art lag Set ; .1. . Me-
I "ii-li, I'.i-rry Set; Mr. and Mr-..
Master. Silver t'ileher.
The I'.xn miner extend-, ei nigra t ilia
t lolls, and W ishes tin- li appt i -1 1 j -1. -a
long and pn wpeii .a-. 1 1 1 1 1 1 r -
Mr. ,. Y. I '.each went dow n In
Willow Co mil yesterday on a week'
v Nit.
John ILuily. representing I Mnki-I
spiel Co., dry goods, I- hei-e this
w eek .
Uf- l.-r, i iN mi l n'lier tuiiii-di-
" kT HI ; -liMiuiekx are lu-iiifc' nut
I it i 1 J n( I.
S. S Slili -. ri-pi e. nl lag
Imii a. -i I A M ii !ial. was Inn
w eek.
Mr. n I., i -..a Hi. I two d. right
.ire r.ipidl.v ii . iim-i in- and vv ill si
If Well.
i-. r. i - -1 1 I., i in- ..ii i ii
W. K. Harry thla week rloed the
livery atadle recently pure hosed from
N. J. Vernon, until aprlng 1 1 in II In
kImm. The Oregon Feed Yard haa
alMo Imh-ii cloMed for a like period.
Felix (lii-cn necotapinled liy Ml
Fdnn lleryfonl Malted Si.tilrday
for Mllh I lie, Cal.. where MU I'.dna
MlllvUlt with relatlveM. Mr. lircen
w ill go mi to San l'i ain l-i ii (or a
ahort Hta.v .
A. A. ilraliani w rltea ieo. ith
that he will arrive In Lake lew In
teiida.VH, and proe I l. makear-
raugiMiietitM for hU future rexldeim
In t Wm pla. e. Mr l ira liam w III ii. t
eoini until Spring.
("n't fiiiif.-l tl , I,,,,,. ,., vvr
I'lwt 1 Kiiik'' Siitm.liiv Im. ' ( '.,,
eyervlhMly nml l.tiiitf vmir licul (,'lrl.
Ych and yuiir hecnml hc-l to. I
t l-e lll.ll
I I.
The Lake County Examiner
The Daily S. F. - Bulletin
I Kl ve H K II 111 Illl'l llll I' r KlltV
1' fl -tl r ii r v
nnilJTQ Regarding the Forty Second Annual
I Ulfllo Statement EQUITABLE LIFE.
.New business written in 1901: - $245,012,07.00
Gross assetts, " - :i;Jl,0:il),720.;il
(irnss surplus " - 71,720,707.00
Total payments to policy holders 27,711,021.12
1'iiriiiir tlie past ten years, tlie Kipiitahle lian paid $-;.a."ni,:M.!ii in dividemlN lit
its oliey holderi), whieii largely exceeds the amount paid in riividet.ils hy any oth
er Company uurinu the same pemxl.
llert Wadj Now Cli.implon.
Steve I low a w ill have In liil again
! I'ine Creek is never .i lie nut d.-lle III
'anything if there i- ai !mw t..
win. r.ert Wade, the Sail. low of
that little lierg learning of th- won.!'"r" isil
dcl flll feat performed Icy Steve low a I "I"1"" w-allM-r,' lat we. U
ly Ht riking '.inO pounds on t he mu h-j '"'ought eggs dnwu fr .Vt n-nls
ineat Post KingV, came up (,, ; lo cent H-r down.
capture t lie cliampli inship fm- his' I lie Yv inuIiih-ii I . I g .( I.ukcview
lion. Ilerolleil up Iiih slei-ves and
showed lliu lira way arum like the
... 11. 1. . .1
iuiry iiiacKr-inn n H inai were as
hard an Iron hands and Htralght
way plunged his list Into
lon.-d l.unper. The Indlcater -wiftly j Mr ""'IM'H ' "I" "1
ascended up the hhaft to the p, ,' I 'l -w ,I"-VM '" '"" l,(sweek from
reached hy Ion.and glided l.y wit h j ' ,"',r '"- r""r''
a movement that was not drlilr. ! 1 hank has a new up to-date
The !Hl notch was reached, and yet j 1 k protector, and Ills hii ImpoH-thei-e
wiih no stop, until it came to j H",ll"' to raise any chi-cks it Issues.
l'HHi pounds, and the limit of thej Oeo. Harrow left fnrSuu 1'rani isen
machine was reached. Then- - im last Sat unlay fi ir a few weeks sta.
telling where the indicator would '". N jut going ilnwu for a in a
lia.Miii.iid Pall ird i nine in from
I he iI.-ni l ( Tuesil.n , x ,, ,n N
.'i.' I the dry , , , Br(l better than
' it has I ceu for a uuiuli.-r of yarx.
.,, i lnt linn i,,ry lit t legr.-ill hid, and
-Her I- ;.re ty w ahr.
P. I "aiiUiu aad I Lira l-lm.i
Tolerw.-it married a! n h'ih Iui L oii
New . ., - , e al Hot. I ,aU. lew .
.Iildgc hM i.tlliialeil II,,. p,,, II. m
all.-v last Saliir.l.M ! arrived i . ai Oavls I nek earlier In
the evening and returned ,.t morn
ing .
The ladies of t .c V. ( . T. P. cuter-
"1 1 fhe ml .Ii , Scvv WarS.
,lf,,','' a. hy rendering a Mhorf )tV,,.
gram ami rcm lug cuff,,, and cake.
Unit" a numlrr during the
aftenionn ami ca).,y, d I lie entertain,
I UOlh. Prepare lnr it.
The Muiiroe I . h trine was upheld
ill llutte the other day , when Jeffrie
faiUil tu kuiM'k out Mtinroc.
sti ippei
It .
aga in
Men m ilr.-.H nun., .nek unit, uorkinvf
"Uiln; n hitf him (. m-livt fnnu ,u
f '1" kN. Cuiim enrly if y,ni i,i,t t
lliuke a KihnI Mele. l.on. fri
Klamath County stockmen gh,.
notice that i s ting will lie held at
Itonoiica on Jan. lath. IimIU iinh the
cat He and sheep 'iM-slioii that wun
so vexatious last suinmer. This Is u
ci.iaiai iidalileuiofeaiidalliliffereiiecH
should lie satlsfai torillv sa-i-d.
ilnlV'i. e-oln. Ii.-i.l flu- I..I. ..f fl... I.ii. If
I "l ' I lie S l-L .ii V...
P.l.ilM. iMii-L.-t Luie..u mi. I .nit..... i
, . . . .... ,, , eniereil Volllln
cnin iii'km. n. nv lieiin' nii a
all kinds a
Resolves Par IVOJ.
(i ovriNi m ri:oi i ties r i- vli:. I
as committed in the other, is a mat-
ithur, as the priest used to sav, av
I' ii : t.-.l sinii-- I. tie I oiti. in Ijik.vii-n, (if, i esh t het ies pu ri-l v, a nd Hot a uiatther
On t, :'.'. Nici.-t.- in lnTi-liy Kivi-ii Unit in
cuinpli nut- with tin- pniviiiiin-i ( iin- art ul av ethics; a lid ill fact the galuliliu
l oiajri-Mi of .lull? .1. 1.7. -ri 1 1 1 1 -i 1 "mi art ti.r i
tin- j-iili- il tiini-r in tin-.tHi ..I (nlifur- i)idv might In- as damaging to the
, tiin. Ori-.iii N'-vm-Ih hii'1 in W N-tnni(tiii T'-r-
on Jan Nt
With ( hat Isiie
, ul Ifieatly reduced prices. itj I he paper iIoiim a new dress mid
liev. Sun the had a call t .. let urn 1 1 '" " n,'u ha-- an s col-
to his old home iii Minnesota, lull he
declined with thanks. He t-ay s its
t to ci ild l here for him .
Pnitel Slates Land OIIi.;e, Lakevievr,
Olefin. Oct. '22, l'.))2. Notice is herehy
(riven that in compliance with the pr'i
nsl iis A the act of Conure-s of Jane :i.
1x7s eiititlo-1 '-An act f'r the sale of ri,"r" 'tt.-ii.tiil in hi! tin- Cuiiin- . community and more so than
, , i . i . . i- t:.' .:. rjini". i m; iii fliiKN'-l . l'-. lie- nnui nil: I
Hiulter land-) in the htatHS of Calilor iia, ,.,,. llKW. (ii(.,, , tlll tt - u.r ni I gaml.lin tough.' for mind v e, tie nn
KJri-iion, .xevaua, aiM w asinntioii i er- HHti-m.-nti. t.m it : -
riturv," as extended to all the public land ... , , V. Mulir
u i ii . id i.i i, ;. "' Sun h Ynkiiuii. i-niiiity of . nkiniH. wnti- of
Ii. I. ,'lai'K. ol Itaots, ciiinty ot Lincoln, .nrrlii- m th.-1- 1 2 1 , me ?:i n
state u'f i .rvgon, has tiiis day filed in this '-' i"' "' ' i "' ''j -e 'j r i ". . m.
Olhce hi" svoirii staleinent 1524. tor pur- I f OMmMl. r. ounVof .-tat- of WhsIi-
Cha.-e N 'v N SV1 SK'4 N V',' SW '4 N K'4 j ini-tiiii. .worn iit.-iiii-ia No I'.io for ttn- pur-
cim v- 1 i no- w 11 w 1 aii'l 11 4, str .1 to
fcec. o5 Tp 34 S k 1" K, and will offer
proof to show that the land ouuht is
oiore valuable lor itH tunler or stone man
for agricultural purpowis, and to estab
lish his claim to nai.1 land before the
Krister and He. eivt-r of thi office at
l,ieview, Oregon, on Thursday the 8th
day ot January, l!)j:i. He names as
witnesses: John J I'usack, Kernville,
Or., Jolai (iilman, Kd Caselieer, Wm.
W. Kinley, lily. Or. Any and all per
Hons claiaiia adversely
Hcritied hind? are reijuested to tile their
claims in ti.U otlice on or before said Sin
fiy of January. 19015.
N ,vi 44 i: M BKATTAIN, Register.
I) i sintu-1 I.ani Offi'i-, I.ak-vii-.v, On-fiin,
(t '.t 1' -. Nolici; in ln-ri'tn' kivwii ttial in
ii-ili j ' i ft lie-- with tli.t pro-.i.toiii ot tru: ai-t of
J lui 1. 17. i'lilit.;il "ll act for tie- .ah' of
UTuiwr la :i l i ii th - S'.nte- of alitor ma, Of .-on,
K -va'la an 1 a-.uiii0'i'iu f'Tritory." a- i-xt'-inr
h.1 tii nil tin- I'iltilii: fi-lle! .star.-H 1v a'-t of A lu
ll it 4,1", tie-nil-iwirif p -rvin. li.e. thi-ilny
hlj. in th i- oili .- th -ir n 'irn malt-in -Hi it :
Klla VVillar.t Ka.-iluitM,
ttl VV-ti'-rl i. i, county of itlai k llavvn, S:k": of
!.. sworn alatiitiiiMit No IV.I7 for tie: purnhas.'
il lb- ii 1 : of ii i i H to f, t l i i.-.
l'ir.iy I). Katman
uf Iyni'tir, coil illy of Oram, siat- of Wist-on-kiu,
nworn stateinint No U' lor lie- puri-lia."
ul (lie w iiw , -c 11, in: ami let Yt
te y, .!( 11 Ip i't , t l' e, w in.
llavl'l katinail
mi l.anra.t-r. county of l.raiit, .Stan: of Wii-oon-awix
n staliaiieiit No 1 4W for lie! puri nain
o?i;'i, uw yt cc ltmi'l e t uc ;4, li, tp
tTt5 w ni.
Thl locj ill oner pruoi in auow um. mu
Imci lomnl mora vaiiikuie iur iiw uuiwr m
aWiif- tbu 'or auriculiural iiurpoHi.n ua to
tai luh tbi'lr elaim to aaid Iamln ls:fore ( . II.
uTvLj. r H Couiiiiiiiaiouer at Klamath Kalli)
Or-NP.o. on Momtay, tbe htb 1ay of March, lwi3,
TUey naiiiu a wlttifnnei.: Kliaa Willar'l Kaat
BlD of WaU-rloo, Iowa,I.eroy 1. KaNtmau ami
iivi9 Khlinaii, of lani aler, W Ihctiualn, and
j a farker and JtarrU Isanti, of Bly, Oregon.
Any and all iieraouii claiming advrracly the
aavira di- riued land are reomnusd t nle
iu4rftalun in thin oHice oo or Ltlure aaid ttiu
Ua, f.rGarb,l'Jtl.
Mar. lit 46 E. U. Biattaik, Kcgnter.
a-i .., r 17 c, w in.
K'lv. in V. Pollard,
of Ot-traniler, roiaity of llowlitz. .tate ot Wa.h
ihilton, Kwuni htati:m.:iit No I.Oo I for tin- pur
chase of Ilu- : 'j nw aud w 'a u !4, M.x-X', tp
" , r 17 t-, in.
William K. VVolvi-rton,
of Vam-ouvi-r, eouiity of f 'lark, htati- of Wanh
itiKloii. Kuntn ktati-nit nt No lii'i for the pur-cha.t-
(f the aw f, aoc I'J (ii M a, r It. i w m.
Himi-oii C if yl loll,
of No ."7.' North Kronl at. 1'orllatid, county
of Multiiotnali. Stati of Orfiron, aworn atati:
incia, No 1 .Jt. for the purchaav of the lie t at-u
111 tp ''-') k, r 17 i, w in.
I.'harlen VV. VaLa,
uf Wi-t purl, county of Clii-halia, atati- of Waxli.
iwiiru .futi-ia-iit No l.Vi for the puri-haMj of
the hiv ) ,, fee M tp H-'i a, r 17 f, w in.
That tfii-y will offer proof to ahow that the
land miiiicIii ia more valuahli: for ita titula r or
atoiii-than lor aKricultural puriaiMra and to ea
tal.liah their claim to aald landa la-fore ('. If.
Willi row , t 'nili-d hlatea oniinlK,ioin r al K lam
ath i alN. Or-koii, on Hatunlay, the 71 Ii day
of March, Hi:i.
I hey name aa vi itnenhea: Jam-" O. Walt, of
Hly, ore., .lohu J. i uaai k of Kernville, Ore.,
Hiuieoii (J. llylloti of Portland, Ore.. Jaeol. V.
.Mohr, id North Vakiina, Wai-h., ileiirv I'. Hall
and K'lu hi W. Pollard of O-tramler. VanhiiiK
ti.u, Wiliiaiu K.Wulvi-rioii. of Vaiieoii ver,
u in I Ii ii r 1- s V. . Valla of Weapon, V ashlliKlou.
Any and nil per.oii. claimiiiK adver.ely the
a l.o e.ili'.en l.e.l linn, are li ijiii sli-it til tile I
llieir rittiiiiH ill una oiuee on or oeiore .am
7lh(lHoi .March, I'JJJ. K.M if All AIN.
Nov. I ; li. HeKi.ler.
fiiilcl -latei. Land oilu-i-, Jjikevieiv, Ori-ftoii,
Novenilar a P.HM. Notice In herehy Kiveii that
in coiiiplinneii vvitli tlie provialoua of the act of
CniiKrexx of June :i. 1N7H, cntilu-d "an a. t for the
ale of liiula r Inn. I. ill the Istatea of California,
On rfou. Nevada, and W aHhiiiKtoti 'I ei rilory,"
bh emended to all Ihe pillIn; laud Mlal. n hy act
of Aul'. 1, 1U2, Phineaa I . Hill, of Kullon, coun
ty of Multnomah, .State of Oregon, iiaa thla day
filed lu thia oil lee Ilia aworn la U-inent No l-7ll,
for the purchaae of the a ' j li of ki.-u 11 tp :fi a,
r lf e, win. and will offer proof to aiiow that
the laud Bought ia wore valuable for it timber
or atone tliau fur agricultural puriKjaea and to
eatahliih lila claim to fald land before I'. li.
Withruu, I'.H. CommiHhioner at Klamath f all",
Oregon, on hatnrday, the '-iiat day of March,
PW:i. lie iinuiea aa w llneaaea: ffarrla i'ean, W.
It. Werka, J. t:. llaiiiinell and VV. II. Palmer, all
of Bly, Oregon. Any and all peraona claiming
adveracly the al.ovo deacribed landa are re
(jueati d to til their rlalma lu thla otlice on or
before aaid "lat day of March, 1WW.
oV. 16 ii t. tt. JaarrlS, Kegiater
man, it is dacint divilt hr.v that Im t he
t hing a v all t hiiigs that heliK kaie
iudacint divilthry in coiiutenaiice."
"So, (lie me man. kaie a good
hoilld on t he resol ven ye have made
for year l!Xl.'i. And whin ye go to
town tomorrow moruiii and the mill
Hiiy hello Ole, whin did ye come in,'
don't hlitay ho long that whin your
money 1 fill gout; they will he lift her
Hiiylngtoye. 'Hello Ole whin are ye
goin out.
"There gocMthiiu poor iIIvIIm nv
Hhape! fioodhy, reinlniher yer reHol-
om if fw
4 1 J
i . a iinereMi lugcommumeal I oil from
I liitM. ruiliacli written on I loan I t he
j llaiiiliurg-Aiiieiliaii l.lne Hteaiaer.
! will Im- published ia our next Immiic.
j County Assessor ;,ir left this
j Week for Silver hake where he will
j remain until March 1st, at which
tillU- lie will begin Hit' l'.HI.I assess
' incut .
It in iinilerslooil thai n measure is
to la- llll ri . dll lut Ilu- next session
of the legislature to I luillge the date
of tlie ( Iregoii elect ion from June to
If you want to keep warm thin winter
Ket youraelf Home of that warm under
wear at r-chininck8. Ir'imt come lirat
Btnrved. fr
The Iteliekah Lmlge had n very
enjoyable time ni it Hpeelnl meeting
on WedncHiliy evening of hint. week.
tiaincM, dancing ami a lunch were
t li order of the evening.
The W. ). W. anil Circle Lodgex
held Joint Installation last night. A
supper with fresh oysters as an Im
portant Item oil the incline, was the
main feature of the evening.
The A. O. I W. Lodge of New
I'ine Creek Ik going to build a large
new hall nt that place. C. (1. Key.
iioIiIh went around one day hint week
and necttred $7W toward it Herect Ion .
Kverthlng 1h on the Improve lu the
State lint! town.
The Palace Heittaurant recently oiieu
ed hy W. M. Harvey, 1h tloing a riiHhiiiK
huHineHa both itigtit and day, ami in pre
pared to heive the public with every
thing in the market at abort notice,
Turkeya, chicken", ami micklin pigs
baked to order. Kread and pantry con
Htantly on hand. Trices reasonable and
BfttiHlactlon guaranteed. 4!
"in" folio Instead of a live column
ipiarto. The i:amitier evt.-inls the
l.est VV ishes of I M- New Veur.
riogi-am of I'ortlaud tliirlng pHi;t
Hit' that the Columbia Cher Is
I"' I lo mitigation, and a mini
littilt Into lentml Oregon. Win,
will la- the st;tj-i. manager III the
eiiaeluieiil of t Ills ilraina of progress
and enterprise" - I'm iland Journal.
l-'irat urnde HhinyI..M will hereuiler he
w.ld nt our mill f..r fl.:) .r tli.,i,M,in, ,
and deliveied in f.akevicw at fl.lMl.
1.. I. Hub in-.. hi ,v Son, W2-M
I'l iiuk .1. Im tt ho, it w iim re.
ported, had killed Jim Kendrlrk In a
iiinncl, wi ii.iH The Kxamlner t hat
It wiim a mistake, and that Ihe re
port wiim iiuuU- out of tvlnde cloth.
HfHiiyM "l'lruje nvtlfy thin inlMtake
and put me buck U-fuiv the people
im a man ami not a murderer."
W. It. Hertford and Morrl Wlng
lleltl uiveut h putting upa neat pickvt
fence In front of their reHhleiieeH on
Dewey Street. Thin tdri-et Im iu,w
lined with gootl it ml HiibHtam lal re
MhleiiciM from CIium. ). Mouiv'h oii
the North to I . J . WileoxV ouihe
South, a distance of about j bhtekM.
The New Year liroughl linppneHM
to al leant one family In l.akevletv.
TIiIm can lie accounted for by the np
pearance of a line boy horn to the
wife of ('. It. AndeiMon on .Inn. M h .
II Im hard to tell which of the (wo Im
imomI proud of tl ew- hoy, I'lipa
AnderHon orfiriimltna McMillan
Special Meeting.
AllmeinbeiH of the liegnrof Honor
are reipicMted to be prcHont Momlnv
at 7::i0 p. in. lliiHlncHHof tinportuiieo
wlllfoine before the Foilge.
Anna M. Nellon C. of II.
Mne Snider Km:.