Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, January 08, 1903, Image 7

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TLocnl iMppcntnoo
It wi very ( In Luki'vli'W dtii
Iiik ( In 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 j I M,
Sliiiiikir tin' iIi iiiiiiih r Mint I"
I'.ldwt II IiihI wiik.
Lllllllllll lllUa llVI'l' MM! Mllll'liml htU
III. MM, icIihIvi lif Klinrl 'IIM.
IkhI.v M-lulihm I (xhiikI on fit rlli
U I. III. I Vtl'lull 27 llU II I M .11 till
Kentucky I itvoiili Whinky-mildivt
iiml lii-l. physician. tiM iiiiciiil It.
Pont V KlUg ''
W. A. hiincuii an. I II. Inhuman
iiitIwiI lirii from LuiikHI MillfV IiinI
A liliu k Vt IlltlUt llll Ini'll iUiiicIvi
In IViiiif.vhunlii which Iiiio Ii"' hIh-II
of a hickory nut.
Tom I 'art In IhhikM 2n lira 1 1 of n tuck
cuttle from thex. I'lirkor Tiu'mIii.v, t III I 'l il
(ii t ii line lint luilli (Mirflnill till'),
-l-uti Iihv- it'l l iiiiv stylo lnii' cut ft
Frank l. smith's. m-U door tn I'.iink. tl
lllh t o 11(1 M of till' IOllllllt Ion
of l III I'llltl'll SIllti'H ll In lw 1 1 "f
J.'i.inni or moii' Inhabit nuts.
Wulliui' Taylor and wife a
down from lii-wiun iin htfl week anil
n'm-iiI the Now Your In l.uko lew .
Till' I'l'N I lllllcM I'.lllO lllllll'K out
and ndviM ill.'- tin' clod loll of Pilncl'
1 1 r 1 1 j 1 1 1 for I'lilti'il Sliiti'H Si-nalor.
A man Ilium H.'.'Mmi hihIi till of
1'iirt Ii In diuliiK an art f uroiiml,
ami tin- Hull In- lnii movi'd diirluu hi
Wol'k Ai'lllx V.II tollH.
".Ii-cpi- Mi.iiri" U'lii-ky linn I'M'" lln'
Krnlii 'ky M iinil.nd itli w liii li ll ntli
th Inm Iwrii r"ilinti'd hiiiri 1'd It
in tin' U-ht. A-k .liiiiiiiii'rlluil.
Suiitli Afrlra Im of volcunlr origin,
and tin' land In tin' vlrlull.v of Klm-l-rly
Im ho MilliuroiiH llial i-i'ii iiiiIh
raiinot I'xUl iiion It .
liVo. I f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 of I'aUli-y wim Ih'Ih
Sat urda v t o H'o i' 1 1 1 on Mm liomi'-Klt-iiil.
.1. S. i:id.'i' and A. .1. S.otl
I'll llll' I lo II IIM V It III'MHI'M.
Tin Nliorli'ot i I'll' III HuroH- aii'
llir l.ailain!.'i;. Tin' Ih IkIiI of int ii
iivi'i'iiiii I fi'i't II Inrlii'M and I la
lii'lyllt of tin wolilt'll two Inrlii'M li'MH.
('ulifnrriU (una Inr Mile ut :i I'iu Imr
KUin. 1U) uiti'H fi'iiri'd ami rnmN fi'iiri'd.
Cit jin-Hciit ovv m-r IHi.fKKi luit wi.l In
uold for ri(KH) ; j down and lulauren
iMiny iiiviiniitH. IiMiiiri' at lli (
lift. 47-tl
Tin total value of farm ruHrly
In tin I'nili'd Stat.'M In liHMi waMinon
than live tlini'M iim Krcat iim la IsVl,
and in.-I irr i iMit Kii'atcr than In lVto.
CyriiH Niililo Wliinkv thu old chain-
Iiion and itill chaiiiiioii ol tlicai all.
'hi'iI in all tirNt-rhiHH )iu'h. Auk lor
CryiiH Nolilu ciiHti k mhIh mIicu you want
a itiMid drop at lioiin. ' tl.
Tin Hi'mI Si'rki'l piar trit whh iIIh
(oriii'il In a thlcki't ni'iir riilladcl
ihla. Tin Ili'Nt .li'ffi'ilM appli tnv
Kivw in a rli'iirliitf ni'iir Wi'mI t'lii'Mli't',
I 'i'il n .
Whorton A SiiiiiIi'h I'iiIhcu rontiniii'H
to Ih tin ioiiilnr chili room. If von ar
lookiiiK for a mini you will likely Iiml
liim at I Im 1'hIiii'i. (ori; mid Kent
bIwiivm I rent tlu-ir piitroiiH well. l.ateNt
lierio'diealH. I'riviittM'luh room, -l-' tf
AhIu'hIom IowcIh arc anions the
eurloMllli'H of the day. When dirty
It In only neccHMary lo throw Iheni
Into a red In 1 1 lire, and after a few
mluuteH draw Iheni out fresh and
liny ll.imerHly wrllcMThe Kxaniln
cr from 1'rcc Water, r., and hii.vm
"It may hcciii HlrnriK' to you to hear
from me up In t IiIh part of t he World,
anil wanting t he Lake Co. Kxaiiiiuer.
The enilKi antH are Hi 111 t'liiiilnu' from
Ihci'UMt, but I think there will lie
Home of them drift to hake County
In the Hrin'. We have not had any
winter lien yel."
GotD in parnorapbo
In. 1 1 . ln i-k who wim marrlril to
MImm Lltu llnllc.v nt HVtio riTi'iitl.v,
tin vi tTliii in '1 t I'nUli y for ii xhort
Tin t won Hi lnl -Wi-i-kly Join mil,
ii iri'x iiiilr in H.iii r, inr fnlr mnl ul
wuvn fn-c; I'il iiipli N In "ii" v nr fur only
II Ml In liny ihIiIm-mm. 'I In- Jmirinil, I.
II. Mux :, I'm llniiil. r
Wim men drink "Jennc Moore" Whin
ky; I'Milmlimk anything tin bartender
I, iiiuii them, lie in nelci t vour
own ln-vi-iugc. Call on jHiiilticrlhitl.
Nlllllll UllklllH llltM IllOt'l- llllllllllH,
(ll.fHHi) lliiin niiy other Stale Of
the terrliorli'M, Indian Territory tin
'il.iHMi and Arizona L'.'i.Inhi.
Hie Mm. F. I. .viiiiih if you wifh to
order tlrct -i-Iiimh wraim ami tiiiloriiiudii
! KimhIh. Aienl Inr tin UiiioJh I'Mward
I It. (roHhinaii Co., Chi aito. 1
MooiiHhliie will not liijnreany liody
nor le any material help except on a
'dark ii Ik Ii f . and yet there an thow
lei are afraid of thlnn that iii-cIi-hm
harmful t hail iiiooiihIiIiic.
I nr a Imd tuMi in tin uioiiih liike a
lew i..n' of Cliiiiiilii'i Ihiii'h Stoinach
1 1 I Liver 'I I'ri' '-'' rentH.
M ummied lo run. For rah iy l-e
! I'.i'ull, 1 1 1 1 y i f I .
I The New Yeardillli e Wa. ijillte all
eiijoyal.le affair. It hinted mil II -::'
a. m. .Nolhliiu hut round iI.-iiiccm
wrreoiilhe prouraui. which run iim
follow h: Wall r.. TrtoMtep, Scliot.
tlHi he, I'olka.
s..k,.,ul i.i.ii'i ol the NorthwcHtcrn
! Stuck I'liei lory, coinpied hy SloH .V
Litihtlv, iiiiiti-ri o( AlluiHH. have leeii
li-lt in t In ollice lor iliHiriluition. It in
a viiIuhIiIc to"k lor utockineii and worth
! the price . t'
I I. ,ll. I ,..,...,' II II I I lllil ill-Ill wiimI
' I
coUMUIiiliiatcil IiimI week when A. A.
Wit ham pun linncd one of the Wit hern
raiichi M for .f:'NiiHi. The place Im the
me know n iim t he i urrier place, and
coiituliiM l.'iiiacreM. I'omL
1'imt A Kiiii! aie now rei-eivini; hit in-
voicnlor their winter trade. All the
lini'Hl liraiidn ol tuple ur mid cihin are
kept there, i'onl K i ii f ill nif Ii the
hoine with the U-fl liriiliiU for inediciic
! ut pill poM'H. -tL'-tl
If all the laud planted In colli in the
l ulled Slati M he-t year were iiiiimkciI
I he area would ciil the l'.rltir-li
IhIi m, I'oland ami r.elKiuincomliiueil,
or four-tiftliM of t he area of I'renceor
i ieriiiauy.
Jacknon Sipiiire in one of thu Ihidoiih
M'alitien ol New York. The "Jacknon
Sipiaie" in Ijikeview in one of the faiii
iioh nickel ciniim uold exclm-ively hy Aid
Htroin MroH. Thia tinn alwi has exclu
Hive nale ol ttie Irairrant "liiHtnu'tora ;"
bIho curni'H ttio ever Iuiiioiih Heluioiit. Iim
.Mount Ktua Is found by rrofcMwor
Klcco to have lowered Mlxty-llve fi-t
on theHoiilh nlnce l.stw, and twice at
much on the north. The top Im Hiip
poHcil to have Im-cii mIowI.v Mow ii
ii way ly the wind.
"The nicent and iileananteHt medicine
I have lined for iniiiitcHlion and coiinti
nation ih Cliiiinherlaiii'd Stomach and
i.iver TahleiH," naya Melard F. Ciaiw,
of Middlerove, N. Y. "They work like
a clmrin and do not niipe or have any
iinplcaHHiit effect." tor nalo hy le
iSeull. lrii.''n'iHt.
The San FranclHco ICxaminer hii.vh
that CalkhiH ItrotheiH have Hold the
I'ncllic CoiiMt Miner to W. .). .lohn
Htone of tin i:ny.inecrliiH; and Mining
Journal of New York, w ho will puh
llsli It iim a weekly in the future.
.1. W. I lemli'i'Hoii returned from an
extended IhimIiickm trip throughout
tin Willamette valley Friday, and
reporlH ha Inn' had a pIcHnut time.
Mr. lleudei'Hon Im thiukiliK' of imnln
ciiKalnu' In IiiimIucsm In rrlnevllle.
A. C. Aulon foi inerly of Lake lew ,
lint who haw Leen located for Heveral
yearn at Zlllah, WiimIi., wrltem Tin
ICxainlnei that kin Hfctloii of the
country Ih enjoying winter in true
eateriiHlyle. The t lienuoiiictcr jcoch
down to IS and 'M below xero wllh
out any trouble what ever.
change for Barley, Wheat or Flour, &
Shirt Waist Patterns
Ladies Facinators
Ladies and Misses Underwear
Ladies and Misses Hose
Velvets and Laces
Kid Gloves
Ti.e Best Goods
I'lilii-il Huii Ijunl otli.i., ki-vlr, Orrgon,
in i in. lima. Niiiii-i. u Iiit. i.y ctri-ii tli.i In
en ii .lla ni l- Ith Ilii- iiruvUliina ot III'' vl lit
I iiiir'Bft 't Jiiin- H, InTn, I'tiiitlcil "An net tnr
tin- mi- if UiiiIht Ininl In tin Hmli-nof Cullfor
til. Ori-Kiiii, Si-v.'la tut In W ttnlilfiKlun '1'i-rrl-Inr
i'ftti'iiili-i in .11 tin- I'ulilie IjiiiiI htati-a,
hy mi l nl Aiiku.i 4 ''n, Mury K. Itrnxli, of
l'ori!.nil. i-iiiititt nt M'lllniini.h. Mian i,f Or.,
Imn ItiN iiy flli-'t In lien ifflii- hi-r nuorn ntnf-iiii-iii
So HVi. f"r tin- iiiirrh.M- nl tin i of
m-r .1. Ii H.I n, r l.f, w in. .nil Htll nffi r priMit
In nlinw lli.t tin- l.n-l kiiiikIiI In limn- v.lti.lili
fur Iim llmlM-r or niuiif lli.n fur nirlriiltnr.l
iiiiriMiM-n. mnl In flMlillnli lrr i-l.liii In nnlil
ImiiiI iM-fiir J. W . llmimki-r, I'nlti-il ntiitii I'mn.
iiiUifiin-r .1 K.iri-iit, Ori'iriin, mi W i-ilni-mlii)-,
On- ili lint- n( Jminmry, lo a. ("In- rinnu it
iii iumh: K w. Merrill, .ml t'. A. I nrri-ll, i( III,
naitoii-l A. Itrnw ii, i,t I'lirtl.nit. Ore. .ml I'.n
Itnnxll nl oir.n-i-r, W Any. ml .11 inr
miiin I'lnliiiUin .ilvcrin'ly tie- .Ihivi'-iIi-mtIim-iI
Inti'tn .n-ri'ipii-mi'il in lili tlii'lr I'l.lmn In thin
nrtii'i- mi ir In-fori unlil lh iliv nl J.mmrv.l'.ai-'t.
.Nov. II li r.. M. Hh.ttais, Id-irfnii-r
TIiiiIm r l..n1 nlp.
I'lili. -t -ii- Ijiii I orlii'i-, jiH- ii-w. orn
Oi l .1. r.'J. Niitli i- Ik In ri l-) itivi-n Hint In
rntniMiini-i w llll tin- l.inv ml 'inn of thif .it nf
I iiimri nl Jinn- X, ln;n. t'titltlvl "An ai l fur
tin-)' nl llmlii-r Inmla In I In- Hi, i.f I nil
liirnt.. Ori'K-in. Ni-vmlit, .ml W.nliiiiKtnn J -r-riinry,"
i li'inliil li, all tin- I'ulilli' IjiiiiI l-y m l n( An nut I, ln'.rj, Kl-txirlh Kun-
ill. n( tain I- . 'niiity nl IjiIi,-. iii- ol ori--It'in.
linn tlilnilny tll,-il in tin ultin- hln noirn
i at 'im' nl No I l'i. f . .r i In- I'lirt'li.i"' "I tin- hW i,
N', 'K'. ', i-K1, nf M-c No. T, In T. Nil
'in H. Kit So 1 K. Ami Kill iifTi-r priKil In
alinw that tin- laml anuclit la nmri' vnlii.lili- for
ll ttmlH-r nr alum' limn Inr .KririiliurHl iir
(hmi i in i'rtlalilli hla rlalin in i-nul IhiiiI
.-liiri-IIh- Ki'Klnii'r .ml l!i- i-ln-r Hon oltlre
nt jik'i'i'li-vv Or. y-ili. ntl W I'tltii-ailny. tin- llll
Iny ill March, I'.ai-t. Id- rinim-a na Itni-mM-n:
IV, A. W IMiln-, W in. hll-l. r. OHa Koili lt .ml
Maiim l nwin-i, all nf I k. n- Or. Any ami
all iM'r4ina ilainiiiitf a-lv-TM-ly thi- .Ihim-iIi-i
rMM-tl Inful n- r- n m-nli! lo till- Ihi lr c laima
In Una i nn " mi tr Ii inn nnl I.:, uj;- ol .'luicli
,Snv It II
K. M 1)P..TT. I V. lt.-t-l-t'-r. I.WII MITM K.
I'nili-il M.ti I. .ml orlii.
I.alo li-w, Or. von. h-i.
Nnliii- la hi-ri'liy irlo'ti lli.t In 1'iiiniili.iii'i'
K llll till- -rnvlalnfi of tin .1-1 nf I 'lillt:r.-nl nl
jinn- .1, InTn. i'imtli-1 "An ai l for tin n.l nl
llmlx r lamia In lln- kiii-..i uli.rii. Orv
linn. Ni' ami W aalilnitton Tcrrltury," a-i-xu-inli
il In all tin- I'titilip hlnt.-al'j' tin
ail nl A lltftlat 4. lnr.'. I In- Inllnu InK pi la-illf
Una liny llli-it III tin i.ltut tln-ir nwnru nlalc
n.cliu. to n ii : a
Koai II. Slmi-iiialo-r.
if Km k I.Ihii.I. Knck Ulaml i-iinntr, Mate '
lllniiiia. nrn tMii-nii-nt Nn. I'-ln fur the pnr-cha-M-
nf tin- K 1 a N V 1 4 nilH SY. rx-c ;.l. T.
.;t S. K It K. w m .
May i. shiii-tiiak-'r
of Mnn- Kllllr, iiiii I y ul M uu tlllll'. nf
Inu a. 'turn i N tilinll t Nn. l-ll, fur tin- piir-cIih-i-
of tin- XK I.M-: 1 .. !. i- '.A w , Sw 4 .ml
m: w '4 (v-i- :.' T. M S. K H K, W. M.
Iti'iiry llrntt n
i if W 1 1 ton Jnin'iliin. i nn in v of M iim at inc. nlalc
of low., awnrn taii-im-nt Nn l.'ilj Inr tin- 1-nr-i
lian- nf tin- w . 1 . ami N n '4, nc 1. Ip
;i'i a, K. II K. w. H.
I nr. I'. Moli r
of Miiiiti-miiiiA, t'nnnly of t'lovt-nhlrk. 1.ti' of
liiua.avtnrn iali-iiniit No. 1-1:1 fur tin- i-ur-
i nf tin- 11 w 4 m i- .'7 I' M , r 14 ', w in.
nr. r-mitli
nf Mnacatliu-. i-nunly nf M iiacaiftit' nl.ti' nf Io
wa, awnrn atatciin-nt no. 11,14 Inr lln- purchaat'
nl Hit- a !4 x-u il t it '. r 14 i-. w in.
John MnliT
of Mniili-iim., rnii my nf Piiwcnln-ik, Stale nf
Iowa, nwnru im'iit Nn 1616 for tin.' iiiiri riH-u-nl
tin- ii i, aw 4. av 4 nu 4 m e 2"i .ml lie f no
!4 ace 'J tp M n, r 14 e, w in.
Kr.nklln C Stinem.m r
nf Minx aline, cnnniy of MinxaCnit, al.'c of I-
. nwnru al n ti -in -1 1 1' N i 1&17 Inr the purch.m.- nl
I he i" , of r, nee i t ( :.' a, r 14 e, w Ul.
Mull M. Ki-ytuilitn
nl Mm.iiaki la, enmity of Jacknon. nlalo nf tow.,
nwnru aiati-im-nt Nn. 1 : . I is fur the purt' ul
the 4 aii- tl tp 'M n. r 14 e. w in.
Unilw X. Shoein.ker
nf Munc.ttiu-, cnniny nl Mua-altne, IHte of
Inwa, nHnrti niateini-nl No. l.'ilH Inr the mr
I'hiMe nf Hie nw 4 ue4. li1, uw '4 nt-u 2 auii tie
4 ue '4 nee :l tn ''' a. r 1 4 e, w in.
Arthur it. ltarma
nf KaKle tirove, i-mintv nl W rlnht, nt.te nf Io
wa. nnru nlaleiin lit S'n. IMli lor the piin
ul tin- ii u '4 lie '4, n nw '4, ami ne !4 uw ;4,
nee 1U tp III S4 n, r 14 e, w in.
Kiltrar K. Sentt,
nf KhrIi- lirnve. rnntiiy nf W riiihl. mate of low.
nMiiru ntnieuieiit Inju fnr the nf the
nw 4 ae 4, tie ' ' "' hW .' i w'c o, tp 14
n, r 14 e, m.
That thi-y will nffi-r proof in allow that the
I. ml nmiKlit In more nlualile for I'.n timU r or
alone I han fol aurleultnr.l tinrpnnen ami tn
ental-liali their i liui.i to nahl tn lnre V.
II Willi rim. I ' ii licit Malcn liiiiiiiitnainmr at
Knrenl, Ori-uii, on I-rhlay the 'Tlh il.y ol Fe ta
rn. rv, If-i;!.
They nmiienn wlluer-M-a: Kune
nf Knck KIhiuI, 111.. Henry llintvn nf W i I toll
liiiii liioi. In vi a. t'nra i' Nnler. .ml John Mol-
cr. nf MnulKiiiii. Ion ., K-luh M. Keyunliln of
MaiiiakelH, loua. May l. hliociiiaki-r, ( nr.
Suiilh, Kratiklin Slmcinaker .u-l lmiiie Hhut'-
inaker nf M iincalim-, Inu , An hur II. llnrnea
.ml Kiltnr K. K' oll. of KhiiI-' l.rmc. Iowa.
A uv ami all iM-rnnun elrtliimikr .itvernely the
aline-ilcncrtlH-(l IiiihIh .re rciiiimieit tn hie
their i liiiiiin in tliia otllet- on or In line nant -Till
day of Keliiary, luull.
Nov li 14 K. M. llKArTAIN, Itegisier.
, i
' Tradc Mark;.
CopvsiiQHTB Ac.
Anrnn. a.nitlng nketrh and di-nrrlpllon mar
qnli-alT Mttirialu our oimilnn free wtietlitir ail
liiveiitlnii la pmhatilf paluntMbl.. 4'nniinunlra
tlimaairletlrcniitlileiitukl. llaintbonk on I aiiu.'.n
ant frM. Dlrlaal awi-nr' fur aix urliin patanla.
I'atanl. takau Muliu A I'u. rvclvt
tprciat mufiM, w It hnuf. oli.m lu tli.
Scientific Jlincrlcait.
rulfttloil ot MOT t"-itnt.dc lounial. 'l ortui, fit a
vnri fimr luiHiiiis
l.fla DiHU VT Mil ItBWBUWttiflrn.
seiBroadwsy. Npw Ynrk
brauob 0ltlo, I
K UU. " 1 1
ma. its r Pt WMbtwilun, D. I
limit, D. C.
C ( C W C Continually arriving and are sold
dJJUD at Bed Rock Prices. Will ex
and the Lowest Priced
LIGHT & HARROW. Proprietors
Full and complete stock of
Everything in the line of
Door North of
Beef. Pork, Mutton, Sausage, Etc
United Stater? Lunil Oftici at Lakeview,
Oregon, Octoiver 22, 19J2. Notice is
hereby iiven that in compliance with
the provinions o( the act of Conprese of
June 3, 187, entitled "An act for the
ale of timber lands in the States of
California, Oregon, Nevada, and in
Wanliinuton Territory' as eitended to
all the 1'ublic Land States by act of
AuguHt 4, 18'.I2, the following persoiin
have this day tiled iu this ottice their
sworn statements, tow it;
Walter S. Mathieson,
of St. I'atil, county of Kampev, State of j
Minnesota, sworn statement No. jf21
for the pnn-hace of tfieS'SE1, Se 2.
NV4NK'4 and SKNW, Se2. 11 T.
34 S., K. 14 K., V. .M.
James F. Adanisn,
of St. Paul, LOtinty of Hamney, State of
Minnerota, sworn statement No. I.ri22
for the piirthace of the SE1 NW'4,
SV4 Nh4', W SE4' Sec. 12 T. 34 bj.,
R 14 K..NV. M.
James Mathieson,
of St. Pan I, county of Ramsey. Stale of
Minnesota, sworn statement No. lM.'l
for the purchase of the SWW NW'4',
NS.iSW'4 and S't4' SW'4. See. 1 T.
34 K., R. 14 K., W. M.
That they will offer proof to show
that the land sought is more valuable
for its timlier or stone than for agricul
tural purposes and to establish their
cluiiiiH to said land In-fore 0. 11. With-
I row, 1'. S. CominiMsioiicr at Klamath
Kails, Urt'iron, on Monday the 2d day of
March, liHJU. They name as witnenson :
Waller S. Mrtthieson, James F. Adam
son, James Muthicson, of St. 1'iiul, Min
nesota, t. V. .Merrill , Louis Nip, HIv
Oregon. Any and all persons claiming
adversely the aoove described lands are
teipu'sted to tile their claims in this of
fice on or before said 2d day of March,
Novii 44 E. M. RKATTAIX, Registoi
Card to the Public.
On account of the continued ill health
of mv wifo, 1 am compelled to change
Ii cation. Consequently I aui now otter. I veil of Ostrander Wash. Any antt 1
ing my residence property at a price I persons ilaimiiig adversely the above
lower than was ever heard of in Lake- describe! lands are requested t lan
view 1 am also selling out my entire their claims in this office 00 tofora
stock of goods at cost. ! said (ith day of March 1!03.
47 II. SniMiuoa, Novr44 E M. URAFrAIN. Refci..
Crockery and Glassware
Mens Felt Boots
Mens Rubber Shoes
Ladies and Misses Shoes
Mens Boots and Bootees
Boys Caps and Hats
Boys Clothing
Store in Town
Snider Binding on Water St.
Hotel Lakeview IJ.
Umited S:a'a Land Otiice, Lakeview.
Oregon, Oct. 21, 1!)2. Notice is hereby
given that in compliance with the pro
visions of the act of Congress ol Jo nt 3
1878, entitled "An net for the sale of
timber lands in the States of Cal ifornia.
Oregon, Nevada, nd Washington Terri
tory." as extended to all the Public La&
States by set of August 4. 1802, the fol
lowing persons have this day fileJ in
this ottice their sworn statements lo-wiic:
Helena Johnston,
of PortWmd, county of Multnomah, staO
of Oregon, sworn statement No 1570, fer
tile pui chase of the S1 E, NtE.1
fee 1, tp 3Tj S R 14 E.
I Lugene S. Clifton.
of Castke Rock, county of Cowliti. state
of Wasliiiitfton, sworn statement Now
1571, ftir the purchase of theSEl4 NVf"
N.'i SW4, SK'4 SW.i, sec -C tB.3:i
S, R 15 K.
Frel Leotiardv
if Castle Rock, cwnty of Cowlits, 8tRte
of Washington, sworn statement No
1572, for the purchase of the SEI4. eec 4a.
tp 3Ii S, R 15 K.
Martin PeRotfr,
of ireen 1'ihv, county of Brown, state oj
Wisconsin, svoru statement No. 1573.
for the purchase ol the SW,1 SW.tjt, st-
2, N'i NW4', SK'i NVYI4', se lL,t3$;
S, R 15 E.
Frank Van Stralen
i f Portland,! 2 Harrison street, county
of Multnon all, state of Oregon, morei
f.atcmeut No. 1575, for the purchase oa
the N E.U. fee 4, tp 33 S, R 15 E.
That thev will offer proof tosfaow. tviat.
the land sought is more valuable fonitss '
! timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes and to establish their llf.un to
1 saul laml before J. N . 1 Jaojake.-v U.
I oninussioner at rorrest, Urtx'tn,, im
Friday, the tiih day of March, 1903..
They ntme as witnesses: tlttlea
Tohiiston and Frank Van Slr&Uit ti
Portland, Ore., Eugene S. Clifton. ani
Fred Leonard of Castle Rock, Wah.
Martin le Both of ttreen Ray, W is.,
i W. Merrilt of Rly, Ore. and I!i.!tjli Mo-