LAKECOUTNV HXAfllNCR, LAKEVIEW, ORLUJON, JAN. 8, loOj. I nMt.t.Atin. Unrnl li 5 IMi k Hniltli of Klamath KhIIm, Iiiim Ixi-n cliM'ti-.l ii f it 1 11 if tin Cnlmiitili rnlviTMli.v, N. V. fool hull li'im (r in-xt hciihiiii. Smith U u urnliiiitc of the I'nlviTMlty of On-Roti, ami In known tlirotiKliotit tln I'mlllc North-wt-nt mm mi iithli-te f more limn iiMiml ability. Will Iti-liurt n tuiiH'M from Hun I'ritlU'lMCO Wt'lllll-Mllll.V nllit of lllMt wii-k a well 1 11 11 11 . Will wi-nt to tin City (M'vcral month no with m j m-ii -illi-tt Im. iiihI utter Im'Iiiix oMTut-i on by tin' pliVMlclnti hi wax kIvi-ii up (im ilyliiK- Hut hi'llvcl to ti ll thi tal.'. lllnl Im now li UK' rlij lnjr lift'. MIhm Vlro duty of l!l.lwi-ll mnl Imiuu- Nkllliiiii.ii of l.lki l.v, -iv nnltcil In th' holy IhuiiIm of unit rliuotiy on tin Will IiihI. tIm ervinony wiw iM-rfiirnn-il by Id v. .l-iim-ii nl th honi" of MImm A huh WllllmiiM. We extern! to the yoiuiK coupli- our lieurtleHt loiiurulnlatlotiM. I'luln ili-llliT. T!m Kliinulh I'.xpri'MM miivm, Hit- town board Iiiim I'liKHR1'1' h crew of men mnl they will iM'tfln In a few iIii.vm to limit MiiwiltiMt from the mill nnil Jint tt on t he Htni-tM. They are Kolnn to rover the mud from the lirhlto-to the Hour mill Hint JilMt ft mi exM'rlmeiit ami If It Im a hih'ci-mm, they will put a roalliiK of It on all of the illlli'liiil ntreetM of the town. That Imtkh ili-pUv of cro-lccry anil gin Hfe Ht Sili ti i Ink h is lust iliaap tieariiig. lUilrr u.ake jmir arlii-timi Ix'fiiri' It i mI! k-'0'. '- Mim. (I. I.. Stanley !i-lratl her lilt h bil l IhIii.v hiHi Sat unlay ntthe Slinlley ranch hi nille South of l.akevli-w. 'I' wo of her rhllilreii ami their fainllliM were ui'Miiit. ami a IIk dinner wmm nlven In honor of t lie h'i'uhiii. Mr. ti ! I Mim. Stanley luie Ihi ii iiiairli il nearly A' yearM, ami w 111 mooii ivm-h. the time when they ran ei li lnate their KoMeil weil- tllnir. The 1'iu llie ealile Im colnili'tei to llniuiliilil. ami the II rut liii-nHiie wiim riH-elveil at San I 'imiuImi-o at ll::Mi New Yearn' iilulit. TIiIm wiim a iiii-h-Miit;e of eonuriit iilut Ion from (invent or lne to I'lVHlileut llnom-vell. It WIIM reeelvetl lit the White Holme uliiiut It A. M , I . t 1 1 time, after I he I'li'Hlilent hail ret ireil. Theralile worked w ith Knit If.vliitf M"-!-'! ami ar urar. . YVnalntiglon'H hirllnlav will Im prier ly i-t-lt-lirHt i'il in I.ukevirw lv u itraiul lull) to he given by I In) W.(. V. l-oile. It will Im thu uruiiilent tiinu this year, lie Hiire ami go. 1 Not only Hhoiihltlie law rcKiihit'ui"; 1 rout HhIiIiik. Im' HochmiKeil that they may Im-caught In winter when t hey are Ix-xt to cat, hut the law nhoulil iM-rmlt Mcllliitf IImIi toalimlteil iletfree kii.vm the Klamath Ueiuhllean. Ac cording t the prem-nt rt-NtricttoiiH, trout enn't Ih'hiiIiI hirlii the oi-ii M-aNon, ami thiiH thoHe who liavn't the knack for i-utchlii"; them am! an nul the reelplentHof Home IUIii'I'Iihui'm pinerimlty, iniiMt Kr" without. Wholesale hi-III nu' of HhIi lli-eil not Im allowed, hut a mlihlle courne follow eil, h.y which the Hinall, Iim-iiI deHlre may he HUjiplleil. Many of Lake Coiint.v'H nliei-puieii will Im- Holly to learn of the ileutli of .lolin K. Moihc, who dlei! of typliolil fever while In the performance of duty at AllM-riiieiiie, Tcxuh, two week hk'o. Mr. Moim wiih well known In Iwike County an the n-pre-Hi-ntatlve of Justice Ilatemati & Co., the larjAK wool hotiHe of HoHton. lie cnuMeil the wool men of thin County to realise the hcut prlceon thelrwool that wiih ohtalnahle, urn! lie pur cliOMeil one-tliln! of lidko Co'h. ellpn last hciihoii. UIm untimely demise Is to lie greatly regretted liy Ids lminy Lake County frlciulM, as lie will Im midly missed from his annual visits. Ho wiih not only a man of uluvwd htislness ul ill I ty, hut wiim u perfect ji nt li'tnaii. tock News Prom Summer Lake. J. II. Small. .1 . It. Ite.ldlu' mid A. (iraf neently hronnht head if lamliM In Crook County paying f 2.'Hi n head. Iteddln ami (iraf drought the MhiH-p to Jim SiiiiII'm Summer Lake ranch, where they are now fi-edlnn hay. Felix Duncan Mold to W. It. Hamp ton of Ontario, (ln-Kon, !." head of "unhroken" kcIiIIhk t f-.xi, ami one "hroke" hore for f .VI.ini. The ChrlMt iiiiim Tn-e mid dance at Silver Lake, on CIii-ImI iiiiim eve ami night n-MMi'l Ively wen- miicci-mmi'm. There were two t recM very prettily decorated and the entertainment hy the scholars, ami their frlemlM of the .Miitiniii'r and Sliver l.k mcIiooIm wen- exc Ilnyly good. A dialogue "Tlie Country Sipiln-" dewrveM mention. The entertainment rcllcctcd the jealoiiMUi-HM of Mr. Jackson the pn-Heut teacher at Silver Luke. The "dance" wiim a success, in that then wiim tioholMleroilMlieMM. They daliiN-d until daylight. It Im reported that. Mr. I'.mll Kgli of Silver I Jike, Im iiilte III. Lost, striiyeil, or Mtoleii.oneyoung (ahout yearM old ) eyclone. Itpuss ed through Silver Iike valley Thurs day afternoon. Iist Mcen at the Itoot Itanch hy "Sam" Johnson. I'.nrrowed a wash holler ami can of coal oil, and completely demolished Mr. JoIiiimoii'm store-house. Later Tasscil Christinas Lake and still had hnrrowed proM-rty In Its possession. I''. M. Chrlsuiun has completed a hrmich line from his store In Silver Lake to his ranch on the swamp, a distance of 4 miles. J. II. Small has had a 'phone Installed III his house. llMsle Cobb (Iraduatea. The many friends of MIsm Lssie K. Culili will Im- pleased to read the fol lowing Item clipped from the San l-'ranclsco Kxamini-r. "Iist Monday afternoon, Divein Is'p theLVnd Mrs. Margaret S. llam htetoii of L1!) eleventh street gave a l-ecept Ion to her pupils from one to four I'. M. Then-w asan Impromptu program and many entertaining uumhers were rendered hy I he pupils. IMplomas were awarded to Miss Lsslc K. Culili and others. After the presi-ntatliiu of the diplomas the class presented Mi's. 1 lamhlet on w it h a hauilsiime statuetle." MisH. Ksslc I). Cohh 1ms many friends in Lakex iew and thesurronml iug country who will he glad to know of her success. We understand that Miss Kssie took the highest holmes In her class; she Iiiim hud a private tutor since her ret urn to San Frnn-i-Ihco last fall, and idle Im now ready for the highest grades In the city high schools. Mth. V. Conn returned from Lom Angeles lust Monday accompanied hy her brother J. N. Long. They proceeded on to I'alsley yt-Mterday. lr. (). V, Ienion-i.t and tlim ehll dren started for Salem yi-Hterday, go ing via Sacramento. Mr. Demoi-est will remain In Salem until next spring am! Mem! his children to school. Mr. am! Mrs. V. L. Shelling gave a watch meeting party on New Year'M Kve, and a number of invited friends enjoyed a very plenHuntevenlng'M en tertainment.' (inmcM of dlffen-nt kinds were played, ami ivfrcslmicnts were nerved, while they watched the old year out and the New Year In. MIsh Alice Applegate gave a Holi day party last Saturday night to Home of her fellow teaehern and friends at Hotel Lnkevlew, Amus ing ami novel gaineH waw the pro gram of entertainment for the. even ing, and prlxen weiv given for the beHt playern. The evening wan very pU'iisuntly passed, and Miss Apple- gate wan declared a moMt charming hostess and entertainer. The Ort'Kon Hiinl-Weekly Journal, a Ih'mocriitki ni'WHiapir, ever fulr and iil wiiyn free; lilt copies in one yi-ur fur only $1.60 to liny uiltlri'Ks. Thu Join nut, 1. O. Mux U'l. 'oil hi Oil. Or. j NEW GOODS l . . I DRESS GOODS CLOTHING Florsheim Celebrated Shoes, New Flour from Choice Wheat unmixed with other crops, Choice Bacon, etc LIBERAL DISCOUNT FOR CASH Town Lots For Sale! In Lane's South Adtli- S) m Put inur prl in Iho Fvminop it hrinnc uri a M . iuui uu III I II V B.AUIIIII1UI It. Ul IIIUJ J7 a m tion to Lakeview. BAYLEY & MAXWELL, Agts, TIMHF.K I.AXI .OTI K t'liltfil atati-i IjiiiiI nfflw, lkevlpw, ort Ron, Oi l. Ill, liny. NiH' la hi ri liy nlvi n Dial In ciiiillaii('' Willi tin- provllnii of the art l i-unirii of Jinn 8. 1HT, I'litltli'il "An ! for the al.-ul II in Ix r lanilaln the alait-a of California, ori-iciiii, Nevaila anil wanhliiKton Ti rrltor jr." aaetUioileil to all Ihe fahlic 1-aml nlalea b ai-t of Aiikui-I IM'''. the following iieraona nave tlila ilay Itli'il 111 Ihla officii llu-ir wuru slate UU'iim, to-Mit: Bertha I. Turner, of Illy, rminty of Klamaih, aiate of Oregon, worn mati'ini'iit No. V. for the imn'haiu' of the HWij NW-4. N', HWi4 ami St St'4, luTpM S, K 14 K, M. NUyme H. Turner, of AiirterMin, lll'i KletehiT SI. loutitT of Mailt vin. aialeof lnllana, aworn ttaii'iiietit No. l'" for the ax, hae of the NK'4, S. c Jl Tp : S, K 11 t. W M. Harry O. Pee, of BIy, roiinty of Klamath, Mate of Oregon, attorn xalemeiit No I .7 for the inirchane ol the N W 1 4 Sir M T. S. R U K W M. Ijiwrt-iin- B. Turner, of Illy, rotitiiy of Klamath, mate of Oreiron. aworn ataiemeiil No. l.'aix for the tiiirehaae of W M. arlolte Iki' of Illy, county of Klamath, lIe of Oregon, worn atateuu'iil So. Iwi for the purchase of , the sK'4 s.-e M Tp !U H, K U K, W 1 That (hey will uffer priHif lo ahow that the1 laml aotiit hi ia more valuable for lia limber or i atone than for axrleultural puriioaea ami to e. j talillah their elalui lo aald anil before ('. II. Willi row. I'.H. Conimixaioner at Klamath Falla, 'reKn. on Saturday the iMli day of April ltkU. They name aa wiun'iou-ir C K. Toll of Med ford, Oregon, May me B. Turner of Anderaoo, Indiana, and J.c. Hamuiell, Edward t aebeer, K. K. Kilburn, tieorife E. Dee, Harry ti. Deo, Bertha 1. Turner, and Charlotte Dee, all ol BIy, Oregon. Any and all neraona claiming adveraely the above-dimrlbeil lamia are requested to file their clalmi In thia office on or before aald 2Mh day of April, VJM. Not. i:t S K. M. Bhaitain, Regiater. the sWi4 Sec 'M Tp .tl S, K M K, i in m m m l:j LEG BEALL, Proprietor LAKEVIEW, OREGON. We have constantly on hand a Fine and Complete Stock of Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumeries, Toilet Articles, Fancy Notions, Cigars, Etc, Etc. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded !? vrs; ,i.,(VW..IVW.iV-.ii-it-,,j7i4AiW TIMHKH I.AXI NOT1CR. United 8iate Ijind Office, Lakeview, Oregon, Nov. 4, lri. Notice la hereby given that in compliance with the provialona of the act of Congreaaof June 8. l7h. entllled "Ad act for the aale of timber landi In the Htatea of California, Ore gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," aa extended to all the Public Land biatea by act ol Augual 4, IKtfi, the following peraona have thia day ttl.'d In thia oflice their aworn atale nieuia, to-w il : Herman F. I'oliland, of Algonia, county of Kewaunee, alate of Wia conalu, aworn alatemetil No. 1 77 for the ur chase of the bW',, 8ec i. Tp 7 S, K 17 , w m. John 11. KoIhtIk, of Lake Benton, county of Lincoln, state of Mlnuctnta. aworn statement No. l.'iTS, for the purchane of the HK'4 Sec K0, Tp S7 8, K 17 K. That they will offer proof to show that the land aouuht ia more valuable for ita flintier or tone than for agricultural purpose and lo e tahllali their claim to said laud hefoie I'. II. Withrow, I'. H. t'oiniuiuioner at Klamath Kails orcitou, on Katurdai, the 17th day of Jan. I!. They name aa wimeaaea: Tom Newton of Klamath Kalla, Oreiron, K. R. Kilburn ol BIy, Orcirou, Herman K. I'jlllaiul of Algoma, Win conain, and John H, Knhcrta aii'l W, H. Kobcrta ol Lake Benton, Minnesota. Any and all peraoua claiming adversely the above deacribed landa are reijueated to tile their dahlia In thia orllce on or before aald 17th day of January ItaXI. Novl.S-16 E. M. Bhattain, Register. Wflr rM-ttlrnirnt f final Arronnt. In the Comity Court of the stale of Oregon (or Lake Conn y. lu the matter of the estate of Alfred McDow ell, deceased. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCKKK: Notice ia hereby given, that tint undersigned adminis tratrix ol the eatate of Alfred MclHiwell, late ef Lake t'ouuty, Oregon, deceaaed, haa filed her Final Account aa administratrix of said Estate, In the Office of the County Clerk of Lake roll my, Ore., and thai Saturdav, Jan, iMtb lUCi at J o'clock f. M. ol said day, at the County Judge's Office In the County Court House of lke County, Oregon, in the Town of Lakeview haa been appointed an a lined by llou. B. Daly, Judge of aald Cmrt a the lime and place lor the hearing of objections lo said Final Account If any there be, aud the aelllemont thereof. Dated thisjdlb day of Dec. 1S. 6'J-U I. A VINA .NfrclViwKI I., Administratrix of thu Estate of Alfred Mc Dowall, Deceased. Agency for Acorn Stoves and Rangca Hardware aid Tinware Farming Implement, Wagona, Etc Paints. Oils and Brushes J. E. BERNARD & SON- lakeview, Jautiar, 8th, 190S. I tear Friends : We come to you again with this i-orooiial request it your trade. You want goods vie want business. Your lurpoee ie to buy goods right. Our purpose is to sell you Roods right. It also elands to reason that we are going to make our prices as low as consistent w ith good business judgement, in order to interest you, aud, as the largest dealers in Lake view in our line, wecan not be undersold on au equal class of goods. The reasons are many and obvious. First, we buy mostly direct from factory ; we buy in large quantities, ship in car lots, and in every -ay save vou all the money possible. Yours respectful', J. E. BERNARD & SON. r Wabash Tourist Car Lines i L ) G. P. Agt Ht. Louis, Mo. I Lr. Chicago Mondays, 11:00 a x Ar. lUwton Tuesdays ifl at I.v. Chicago Thursday 11:00 A a Ar. Boaton Fridays 6 '.) Leave Kaunas Oily Fridays 9:'JUf u Arrive St. Taul and Min neapolis Saturday 7:-M I-M. For particulars coiisult your agent or Addrei C. H. CRANE, ROSS C. CLINE F. C. P. Agt , Loa Aagelei m m. m m m 0. 1