Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, January 08, 1903, Image 3

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Who 5uctccJcd In Capturing Old
Hjran Chief of the Han not k In-dlarM-.l.nke
Co. Resident
rivn Crow" d'ulia-t rn l " , one ol lite
muxl h-ilt'il Umatilla Indiana Iiiih "!
fnun this earth into the l. M'I')' hunting
Whisky w its tli rnuso.
Sunday l-'ive ('rii w.t ! I ""'
well. I e left hit w ignit'ii on the reer
Viilion iiii'l alarto.l HHtii li- liii ony Inr
A lliellil, w hern he began In llll Hp on lire
w.tter. In the evening he tri-l liifnt
nnil Monday moriiiiiK hi body wan IimiIi'I
l mg in tin' r.Mi.l ul ll." II ink Vaughn
11 !. a low mile Imiii AtliioiH.
l ive (Vow ' m 111 y i taiiiiug ti"d
i, ti fence ioht near II I1 body, which
w .l lying slri'tchcd out in ilic nii'l'lli' of
t lie road, ll it ni;ini-"l lliat In' wa
tun drunk to kim I ! t he wan doing
lili'l llmt I"' g"l off h in burse, I icl it to
I lit fence, I tt i I down mi'l froy.i' to death,
h tin! night ,ih very flul'y.
I-ivt' ( 'row i vtiti in tin' iieighhni IhhmI
i 7v) year of ago. J I w n well known
mill ilitiii;iiilii"l Idi iiu't' of tin- I'Hit
In- played io Ho' li.iiiiini'k war of l".
I I hi Ik' w li i k illed I . tin' (ain"ii
1'. iiiiini k i liii f, w ho w ii leppuimibl.' f r
1 1 ii irii f i tt of I"' I'l.tini" k.
Ill WH tin' llltli''ll of "l Uli li
who were 1 1 v 1 1 1 k in tint fiiiitry uric
pivt in.: every iUy to In' mvn I d n
tii.iu t y tin' ll.uiii K'kn Hii'l seal, id.
tive. Crow huh a joting until mi'l
I Mlti frit'ii.l of tlit' whites, Hin lather.
I ivtt Crow n, w ait lli rl.iel of tin- v -tmc
I nil. aim.
F.gan rifiijfiii.i'il as lliu nhf re-
I n m I iitnl it uhi thought that hi 1 1 1
!.e !m outwitted mill slain or captured
t lie backbone n( the uprising would Id.
I.mkfii. r.gan was u wily olil cliiif,
however, nml kept him-ielf in tin- hack
.'loillid, where ilwa impossible In riti
lure or kill lilm without Mratcgv.
lit witii i-uiii m-iI with hi limnl of war
Kirn in tlx' lllOHIlllllll" Ullttll of Iii-m
tii! nt .,tinnnii u laul on the hiiiellul
,1 whiten tli.-n t mniifil nt the tu'eiii-v.
I lliiiime, imotlier In. n l nl the w liile
-t-ttlera, Weill to tin- ki'lieral In f.'in
inuitil of a lit 1 19 hoMu-r hau.l nt tin
.nielifV niel Hii'l that 1 1 ft .ti I-1
l he iroiohei raiil. A.v.rilinj:ly lie went
. ii 1. 1 . i , i , i
..ithehloiHlthiiHty lan mnl tt.l.l 1,...,
that he IiikI t'oine to ta'.k over it uoliii!ile
,, ,, ., , ,, i .
itlluuie.' w 1 1 1 1 the I inatiil.i lu.liaii in
the iroioM.i nianHuire of the wlntef.
I liia . lean... I I'.ktuu itn.l he itave I'mapme
a lu'oiiiiueut -i t i n in hin iirmy.
I in a ii ii f then Im'hii to plan to k i.l mt
I'au mnl Nenl wonl to the Hnltlier at!'"
I he HUeiiry to he Htat inlieil at ll tcitain
ilaee leaily to hwuu ih iw u iiion I lie i! v
eh ief w lien t he until w at rfiven. I fai inn
I learhery mi the .it it of t ' i i ii . 1 1 1 the
sol.lierH reftiteil tn un, Hil l I'mapine M'lit
lor a iiuiuher of I'liuitillat, hiiioiiu theiu
U'itiK Five Crown. I'inapilie loltl Chief
I'K'tn that hin frieicli tMthe.l to join in
thu killiiiK of the whiten mnl they were
ii.lmitteil to Kkiun'a tent. At a hikuuI
from I'lniipine the warriorn iitiniiceil iiji
ui Kkhii, Imiuii'I him liaiul uml foot nml
Marteil to tarry him away, hi noiuc
inanner the wily chief tot hia IiuiuIm nil
(iiNlemtil iiml wax tfoinu to kill l inapine,
when l-'ivt) Crows iletettetl what he uuh
iutemliiiK to tin ami Ntahheil him to
'I'o cniivinre thu w hiten that the I'niit
tillat ineaiit to he true to them nml tuat
they hail iHH'omiliHheil their purpose,
I'Viiii'm hea. I was nevereil from the hmly,
plat'eil on the eml of a pule ami eanieil
lo thu attttiiey, where it w AH hliil til the
feet of thu eommnmliiiK ollk'ers.
Thin wan a K"i'Hoino trophy , hut the
kiieht of it brought relief to the hum!
(nl of snltliera ami w liite aettlcia cinl.lletl
ut tho UK'eiiey barrackH, as tlif-y knew
that in thu tleutli of 1'gHii the lianeoik
war had been ended .
Chief Five Crows, father of the blayer
i f Kgan, was one of the leaders in the
Whitman iiiaNsuere. Ho was a peculiar
character and always longed for a white
wify. When tho men were all killed in
the Whitman mapsarro li iseleote.l a
white, woman Mini rrrit-l her away with
hi in. 1 1 f r name waa M in Itewley, and
nho Man taken lo tint chief's lioinu on
the Snake Kivitr, where nlie was treated
royally until ransomed hy thu rmtinher
of tin' ll-ili-on liny Company. ' Several
member of his company Here sent to
the chief hointi with a boatload of
blanket nml trinket. After a "reat
ileal of talk ami liMruttiiiin! it km aitriH-tl i
tlnil f ir f'llXI nml a Uri' miioiml of
jjihiiIn of iliffi-rt'lit kiniln the I'hief vtnnlil
(ive lii Minn I!e ley. lull he in naiil to
hitvii fht'il triirn at the n rl i r-K . j
lounJ Land Ofllce All klgfit. j
l,il Uniliile t 'lirnnlrle: Hull. 'I'liuK. 1
MrNilll, N M'4-litl nueilf lit the liflienil
l,ninl (Mtlt'f, l.iurtliiflit uf t hi-Intel' -Inr,
W In i WMK Mt-nt hell' Hevei'lil tlll.VM
imu In I in I il I it' lulu n It' I exiiliillie the
lilli'K1'1) frti i it 1 1 1 It'll t eiilrlt'H tuu'le lit'
the I'liltetl StnfiH I -ami Olllce In thU
city, uf uhleli llmi. S. ( I. Swiit'khalii-1
er Ik iveelver anil Hull. I'.. V. Iturtlett
m I't'tilHter. Ik Mtlll wit h tin. Mr. Mr. :
Nut t , miii'e hU nil hnl here, Iiiih nunlo
it t hurt ninli In vent l(iit lull uf the en-,
ll'IrK innile nt 1 1 1 1 m tilllii', iiinl Ihim
fuiiml every) hlnu ifrfeet ly Hii(nfir-j
IIom ThU
We offer (ne llumlreil lnllurn -anl
f ir uuy i'iie of Ctitnrili tlntl c.tii.
n..t In- eiiretl hv 1 1 1 1 1 ' Crt'nh ('tire.
K .1. CHI NKY .V CO, ll.
V.', the liiiilernlKiii'il. Iiiv k iiom II I.
.1. Chent-y lor the lt 1'. ear, niel he
lii'Vt' ! tit t -1 1 1 1 y l.iiiiniiilili' in ill Inini-
1 1 H t rilllMII'l lollH Mil. I lililtll.'lllllv Hllle t
t uny out any oMi.iIihiih iu.i.Ii' hy tlieir
V.:i .V: Tiiew. 'lio'''.il" Iriliiilt.
Tol.'.lu, ll., Wai.ihmi, Kis.x Mahvis
Whnlfllltt I rUjtIMI , Tult'iln, U.
ll.illV Cmarrli Cilreii taken intern
aily, in line ilir t'lly 1 1 1 . 1 1 tin; ami
lliui'ont nut fueea of the HVnleui. Tenti
iii.iiilttli w nt free. 1'riee 7'n: jier hot tie.
.-olil I'V h 1 1 I r n .' i -1 .
Iliill'a I'iiiinly I'll In are the t .-1 .
There i Bin h a itiffere nt:e in at il. Some
men !n not fare to Noil their IihihIh nor
their I'lothea ami yel they exieet the
Ktiil to tin w hut the tltiHoileil IiuihIh will
imt ilo. Sniletl I'iiiuIh an. I worn tiver-
; hIIh i tile often mean a (iro.luotive noil.'a Haraaparllla I'lIU
lire iiiicly vt'iti'tahle unit t'lim-oliitc eoat
iil. '1 iii'V ut'L Htirt'lv tint ti'iitlv. t'liriiti.
t n t t t i n . HilioiiH t, Si,:k Head-
I ".. .Hia, ele. They purify tl,..
1.1. m I mill improve the .'.uuiili-xi.iii Sold
j,, il-.vut nml "." t t-nt hoxrit hv l.ak
view . run Co. ami l.akeview rintninu v.
I'fin 1 1
Renters Take Notice.
Tlioe w I n i ii re rentiiik!or lei-intt IuiiiIh
.1... i .l.i :.. .
" i""ii'iiR in v mil in mil i t'lfLIiill
ua( r,1IIIIHnv ju uk,. t.()U1tv
JileiiHe iay rent luniiey into ilie Hank of
llaikeview. V. II. .iiiiik, Atfent. 4l-lf
1 j
f .r. trun Imlly Jnuriiiil. u I ..itinera I Ic
ilallv in sia. r. . IkIiI In "'i ;i K'-h. l n
iiu; 12 fur h!x iiiniillis Tin- Jmiriial In
it in fiin i'. Heiiil lu yiuir siilmii Inn.
Inii i. si v.uir in luhluii In 'I'll.. Juuriial.
Ail. In Ttn
J. mi ii.. I. Ilnx 1.1. 1 'mi la ml
Was no tnatfli for the lnierolie. Ciatits
lie minht slay hut thti tnieroseoiiic or
e.iiusin le lied him, nml in tunny a c.un
Jiaiijn more men were destroyed hy camp
discuses than hy the enemy s awortt.
lite one way to
arm against micro
keep the hlotxl pure,
Iiuiuire IiIimmI Uth Tlj
l r e e d s and feeds
The signs of im
pure blood are easy
to read. I'implea,
bolls, and emptious
generally proclaim
the blood to Ik tm
pure. Scrofulous
scores and swellings,
salt-rheum, eczema,
etc., are other signs
of a corrupt condi
tion of the blood.
I loctor P i e r c e'a
Golden Medical Dis
covery purifies the
blood mid cures dis
eases caused by the
blood's impurity. It
cures scrofulous sores, loil.s, pimt)les,
er.etna ami other defiling and disfigur
ing diseases,
"It Rive inc Rreitt pleamire to epres my
fttilli in the virtue of Dr. ritrer' nnUlt'ti Mctf
ieal l.ii'uvery,i' write Mr. Kxeklc-I hluro, of
Graytowu, l.ttawu Co., Ohio. " 1 differed every
thiiut lor two vrara with humor oil mv fiu-e.
whu'il Imfttrd the skill of aoine or the moat 1
tinted phymcittu. Wita at once ailvturtt to go to
the hoitpitni ; wu doctored, there for three
mouth without aucceaH. Came home tliitLsiur
hkciI, Then tieaau to doctor with a 'cheminl.'
He alio failed to help me. Then I begun Dr.
fierce Goltlen Medical Discovery, with no
faith whatever in it. Did it only to pleaae my
wile ; but I am happy to tell you that after lk
tug five bottle 1 am entirely cured." (
Frsr. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense
Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt
of stumps to pay expense of mailing onl
bend 31 one-cent stamps lor the book to
paper covers, or 31 stamps for the cloth
bound volume. Address Ur, K. V. Pierce,
ButTulo, N. Y.
ASTDRjfl IVcpnr.ilion for As -similaiini
lint die biouiiitris and Dowis of
,LF.'A- n,
rroinnle I):,1J'u.lion.Chi,rril
nt's mvl Pe: l (Yi.t.ii! neiilwr
()j)iiim.,".i I'Liiie nor? Iiiu'jyiI.
:; ' '
A ,''
! i '.v:"Ufnauw
.jr in. n
ii.: '
j .
l: -
lion. Sit;!-.
Won i .( i
ni'as oik! i.'
FflC Sin lit; hi! ' if
Put your ad in I he
Land Notice.
Attorney and Counselor at Law.
i3io Connctlcut Avenue
Wa-shlnton, D. C.
All . n . k kn k.t. Ii.,.l.ln,. n.J. DV 1 I
pkOH , ,ny klnd of Land. Mineral or Tim. ,
brr I'niriet, which ha been accepted by the
Kei(lter or Ueerlter of any I'. 5. I .a ml Ofllce,
can hae the iMuance of Ihelr I'. S. Patent for 1
aid lnda promptly attended to by tending
me Ihelr Duplicate Kcceist, or Certificate of
l:ntrv, and an axreemenl lo pay me $10 when,
ever ald Patent shall lue.
OreRiin. California
and Nevada
Mate Agent
t'lillcit siiiti I hthI titfl.s' at Ijtkrvlt'iv, Ore. ,
Ot't.21, Ntitice I h.-ri'lir given that ml:
f.uiipliaiii't' with Ilie prnvikiiiim uf the act ul ' i
June :i, li7K, ciitiil,..t ..An t,,r . ,,f
limlu-r Irtiuls in ilie siaie uf t'Hlifi.rnlK, tire-! I
gnu, N. VMita, ami W m h n i k t . v 1 1 Trrntory." a !
i xi.'iiilt'.t t.i all the I'ulilii" I ami Slate I'f act i
f A iiKti-l I. Is'fJ. tin. fiilluwliig ..tiiiis have '
lliii. .lay t'li ii in tin uiln c their uuru tatt.- ,
iiieulH l.i-u il : t j .
Ileriiiiiii Thayer j
uf Hiit'kfunt .'..hi Nurth Si ton nl v of WluticliHgo :
si HI." ul 1 1 1 1 tn mm .Hiirn Klal.'liioit No l.'4:; fur I lie j
l.iiri liHu.. ul the K' SK'iSi f 91, St. SK1 . See ".i
Tp :tf s, K 1.. K
f S Thatcher
of Hrceki'tiriilKt' eouiily of Welkin utat.i of
Minn. Hwortt iHt..ii. iit So fur the iiun.'liae
ol the K' K' Sw i! Tp 117 S, K lii E
.iHitf H. l.rlKWolil
of firaiiite Falla eniinty ut Yelluw Mcdit'lue
mate of Minn, vwurti Mateiitent No l.aVi fur I lie
piirt hHM' nt the K1, V'a Sec ti Tp M b, K 16 K
t'harle )'. l.rimtolil
of liranito Fall t'oiitily of Yellow Mi'illiine
male of Minn, civoru utai.'nii'iit So l.'mti lor the
purt'lmsu of the SK1, See 6 Tp :t K, K It) E
William W. Thayer
of ItiM'kforil .' North St. cotinty of Winnetiago
Hate of Hlmum, mtorn (tatemi'iit No 1.VI7 iur
the ptirchaw of tho SW'4 Sks' H.Tp ;i8 H, It 10 E
tieo. Thayer
ofOhleaifo Htl N'urth Ada Ht. county of f'ook
Male u( IlliiHii, Kuoru alateiueiit No l.'W fur
the pun-limn' of Ilie X W4 See 2 Tp :W S, K It. E
That they w ill offer proof to kIiow t lint the
land sought Is more valuable fur il lltulicr or
stone than tor agricultural and to i s
lahliidi their claim to said laud tic fore J. W
llHUinker, I'. S. I iininiihsloni r Ht Forrest, Ore
gull on Tuesday, the Hit day of March l'i.l.
They name as II uesscs; i'Iiks. p. i.risuolil
and Jane H. t.rlsrtold uf i.ranili. Falls. Mum.,
Ileriiiun Thayer ami W. W. Thayer of K.ickiurd
Ills., and O.'l. .McKcndrce and f. F". ticsMtcrof
Ulele, Ureguii, ,
Any and all iktsoiis clHluiing adversely t!u
aliuve .Icscrilicil lauds are rciiiested til tile
lliclrclaliiislii this iitliec on or tu'dire said ad
day of March, l'.rn,;.
Ninti ll E. M.llltATT.UN. Register.
A Bin Won
Upon trial I can convince you that I can
sell you as GOOD GOODS for as LITTLE
MONEY as any store in Lake County.
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears tho
For Over
Thirty Years
thi ciMTuti eeatnMT. Htm Teaa err.
Examiner, it brings $ B
Beer sold Wholesale & Retail
Delivered any place In Town
J. W. Maxwell
A rent rot
Ton of tho Cost
high grade and
standard makes
of Pianos
S240.00 and up
Organs S50 up
I' nited Slates uaud Office, Lakevlew, Oregon
Nov S, Notice i hcreliy given that in
compliance with the provisions of the act of
t'otigrcssof June 3, 1ST8. entitled "An act for the
ale of timber lauds in the Slate of California.
Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
as extended to all the Fiiblio land Stale by act
of August 4, law2, Samuel O. t'rcssler, of I-ake
l ity, county of Modoc state (or territory) of
I'aliforttia, has this day tiled in (Ills olhce his
sworn statement No ltn, fur the purchase of
the N'j HE4 of Sec In. Tp 40 M, KS3 k, W M, and
will offer proof to show that the laud soul; lit is
more valuable for its timlier or stone than for
agricultural puriHises, and lo establish his
claim to said land before the Register and Re
ceiver of this oltiet" at l.akeview Oregon on
Monday the A;;li day of April;.
Ilo names as witnesses: William A. Miller
of Lake t'ity t'al., James t". Hudson of Adel Or.
and Morris Wingllcld ami Eldon Woodcock, of
l.akeview Uivgon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
alm e-iti scrilie.l luinls aro rcpiested to tile
tlirir claiiiis in this olllce ou or lie lore said -Mill
lav of A r 1 1 l'.u.i.
dcc4 4t E. M. BUA1TAIX, Register
Tkaph f
New Pine Creek.
lak't'tno HI" t.C fAt'i
Ailft-rllnlni Afi'Drr M n1 fA
hancv, Hn rrn Into. Cat..
Iter et.ntracta for atlrcrtlilng can b mad
for It.
nuvr.r HHAXim
lamoc Rarrv Krinif wttb Hwaiiow rork i
JdlUC DdllJ rlxhl tt for cwrt; rTer
for wrth.-n. Horn twrt Hqaar Crop anil Hilt
In rlht car. Tar Brand Ul. Range, ( ran
f-akn. fiMitnfncc addrraa, Ijikevlcw, Oregon
Zac Whitworth
Brand with Crop off left
ear, Half Cnl"r rop off
rlKhi for twin; reirrm for wether. Tar Bran
W. Kii((., rih f.'reek. I"otomne addreaa
Ikrtlew, Ort-Kio.
Southern Oregon
Marble Co.
Asnianq, vrcgon fMM
Oetltn la MjrMe. Granite. Iroa
Fractal ti Ceaeral Stoae Work y,fiA
CfMftfBT wOBa OF All KINDS fcSiiilraW
Northern Stage Line.
A. W. BRYAN, Proprietor.
leaves Lakeview at 6 a. m:
every day but Sunday,
returning, leaves Paisley
at 6 :30 a. ra. every day but
Paf.nger' arc fj. Round trip t$
OFFICE- HfT'tolt's A WingfleM's. Lakerlait.
When tlie ordinary citizen wants to
pn east, or send to friends or telatives
to come west, the choice of routes is al
ways a quest inn tisat bothers him. tie
wants to know if the same route he used
once, some time ao, makes the same
time, same connections, if the price is
the same, if it costs the same lo in east
as it did to come west. I'ossibiy he has
heard or read of famous points of inter
est in the West or middle west that he
overltKiked on the trip he made. Did
not see them beoauce he had not time:
did not know he could for the same
money; did not know he could get a
stoKver. There are hundreds of ques
tions he would have asked, many things
he would like to have seen anil many
accomodations he could have enjoyed,
only, lie did not hnve time to look into
the matter, and it was too much bather
Here is a sueyc-stion that will save
you all that trouble, vexatiop and regret.
The Illinois Central Kailroad Company
runs east and south from St. 1'aul, liina
ha and ft. Louis, and north from New
Orleans. At these points, it connects
with all the western trunk lines, and
through them, w ith their western con
nections The Illinois Central does not
care which line you use in the west,
northwest, central west or southwest,
because it connnects with all of them
and is absolutely impartial to all. All
you have to do is to drop us a note; tell
us your destination and your starting;
point. Is there anything; in the whole
glorious west that you want to see on
your way? Mention it. We will ar
range for it if it can be done. Perhaps
you want a stopover. We will arrange
that too ii it is possible for anyone to do
it. Just make a suggestion as to the
western line and we will elaborate it for
you ; tell you the time you should start
and when you should arrive at destina
tion, what accomodations you will en
joy, what it will cost you, an itinerary
for the trip, and w ill do anything that
we possibly can to make your journey
pleasant ami comfortable. That's what
we are here for. We have headquarters
in Portland ; agents in Portland and
Seattle, and traveling; agents that wilt
come and talk it over at any time with
you and at any place in the northwest
without its costing you a cent more than
a postage stamp. Chicago business is a
specialty with us, but we have our own
rails in a dozen different states east of
St. Paul, Omaha, and New Orleans, and
can ticket you to these gate-vavs over a
dozen different routes. Write us. By
the way do you want a nice wall map of
the United States, Cuba and Porto Kioo?
Send me six cents to pay postage.
Ii. It. Trumbull,
Commercial Agent III Cent. ll. It.
142 Third St., Portland, Ore.
Paul B. Thompson,
Freight & Passenger Agent,
43 111. Cent. Ii. R., Seattle, Wash.
MiTrhamn' Eirr