Mtmtw mmtne LAKKVIKW, LAKH COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JAN. 8, I9K). NO. 1. VOL. XXIV. v L CHRISTMAS AT PLUSH. McCarthy Taken a Trip to lily Sec an Ocean of Mud--l)c-ncrlbc I'lu.tli Chrlatmns. I II la tiilglilb-r than tl"- a word, II ilmndera 'round limn aliur. I aliurr. A ii. I II la lr llllnlill' f llill ll'' thulld. llhK r aiiuoii'a r.r. Ilnrruli for the voice and en. Like Sunt Cluua. I .i4.i to purnue my weary mortal found" Ht Chriat man, and h.ivi'irf i'oiii (r nil lli weal I wouldn't ,tk the KtiiU" t"l' 'lh I Urli i know 1-1 -! all ritflit.i We wen Ic I our way c.i-tiitd toward tnc inetropoti, arriving l tin" iinlniioiix j Drew. Valley. Had hick " Drew, j liaca mud. Your informant wanted to' i 'ii 1 1 uimI ni.-.-t (lot tuiiiiorul Mr. mi I MTU. II .Will I d that pUce, but when we . nlle 1 to Imlt, In, und behold, tli poor Mutfe driver with ) ih broad Icathcri-hcat pioli-i tor t 1 1 1 1 mi tin Ilium with nil III tuighl, but Couldn't lliakt) till-Ill novo out "I tlu ld rut. Then ii kept tin- tmt k an Jar an Dan Chandler, tin t thumudwna h i deep we had to look nwav up lloi iiioiintuiii to - lund ; and (iikhiiiK by lint bitf 0 lUnch hotel on-! id the Mn'tit.rK nay therea' a tent. The J driver unid tfiit In d d. that in the i II ery ford hotel. Hut the. mud aw l il deep; we ilo)tdml along and churned mud, mid if tin" lirirk maker followed iit behind what a Hii-iidid lot of drii'k could have Ihtii maile. Arriving two layt late for the Chrinlinan id IW2 in l.akeviaw. but ervinaj Rood pur nil the name, we were in ti'iiu (or Mi. Itliiirn' entertainment, which wan upto- , date, aw ay abend of Fred Moore. Fori in thin ca-e Moore in 'can. At the metropolU we met our lt'nty, ' who ban been taking ileum for our bene- ' lit from tlie Harney county line to Mud 'reek, Lake county, Oregon. Tlie fo. ' low lug in (lie auhMaticc ol bin rcpi rt : I In any 1 1ml on 'lirintiium night Hindi j broke nil rccorda to date for new (angled ' ailiUhemeiit. II lid fcnt iviti'-H. lie miynj I liey bill tint word of God, dunce mid j ong, and the elixir (if life deMtributed j under tlie Name roof, nud tlmt Kev. I'ep j iioted Ir. in a well known quotation J in the Ilible wbiidi Biiyn "drink that you may foivet your tro"b!en, and lliink ot t liein no moie." And referring to the I'owboyH froni tbe 7t raui'li, be huvh : A klrtiiK ol i n Ihi i iii.-I I In- in. 1'liey i .ri'il mil tut I In- clilll t iUiu. Hut lliriMMli lli' iiuel mnl miri' ill'l trmnp, Uid on liy I hurley W anl. 1 hull Ihruu.'li the tuli a Iht-.i tint mill Anil look tlo' ui-arem run. I tu I'IiihIi, Junl to h.iri- lilllv I hull, AiU ralM the l.iint. Whiuuhiiri'h convened the xIiiihth met, Hoiun howpit tlieir lieaMH In .ml rrgrel, And Mid tbu time, art) liard. Wlillt olta.ri ui to Keanininu went their whlntlr. lor lo WPl. . And try Ihur trolibl.. l furgvl, And praUe the Uinl. tieo W.iliniKtoll Wine did beat hi. breit, Ho prayrd way Ood ly .Inner, real ; lloo. know. I alwaya dwiir my beat - luy dobta to ay, Hut I Uk. a drop loo iiiurli with extreme nut thuu' wlial they aay. Hut that liu.e lhata' ii al Heainiuou'i alore, I never saw thu like before. I'd harrow one thousand dollar, inure To huy aui-li .Hilt. You think It hard, Hut Hcauimoii anld, atiiml Imek old man, Voiiv'e Kt vnuliKh, iio ihIm' I lir I. nr. I. Tlio Olirittuiaa Iron und performance loiinue.ted tbieewtlli wiih extremely ntiperb. Much credit indue Miss Bolton, teacher of the 1'lunh ".nuninar school, lor the aplutidid bbowin her pupils mudo, their correct einphiiHin and elo- ijtionco. V'helher acquired or natural might cope with that of (iratton or Sher idan. The dance Dec. 25th was out of mikIiI. The crowd wits ho big there was not room euougli, so they had to do like our "thoroughbreda," stay out in the Hugo brush. Even when a man moved Ida jus from one sage butili to another '- v M rninnmiiii i in - -r ' - - i f - r .'- ' : .: ' ; . . liiidi'if;i-i'n inn- .- ''i m' ; irr. imr-' -1 1 ' ' " f 1 '''"' READY FOR THE HUNT AT TUXEDO. Hire Ih aliuwn Mr. Frank liriawold Sin v. nin-t.-r of the Tuxedo bouuila, waltitiK for the aliiiinl to be kIi-i to hi ml ii.e iliu-i-. he found two juga there ahead of biin. Talk alxiut muaie, and Orphean drawing treen, atone and (bxxln, but linten for a' few moinentn to J. V, Wine, and I tie j moat enthralling Mina Wine, and you j will av irpheun beloiin where he in. j in oblivion. Talk alxiut your hontenn' and entertainers, Imtcouieto I'lunh and ntop at rM-ammona' and m what Mr. Scaiiiuion ran do. and you w ill nay you have seen noiiiething ahead of the time. KverytMxly bad a debit lilful time. Money wan no objert. Willi Seituiinon know, how to treat bin palrotm right. He ownn the Klepbiiiil Kefrehmeiit 1'arlorn. Wine avenue, I'IiihIi, tmik in f'MMIon Chrintmitn night. Now, I wih to remark tlmt it wan a uiintiike hIhhiI Fi ltoiid hucging the fence pont. It hnpened thin way. Fverybody hhI up all night, (which in nnlnritl ) and were in a te uii-Houinoleut ntate. Minn Wi.te, who liven clone to the 'Flephunfon Wine avenue, bail thrown a cotton every day diens on top of a fence poat to dry, and Joe Joueg panning at tw ilight naw the dreni on the fence jKiNt, and eaiil : "tiood morning to you Minn lluriin, winh you a .Merry Christ ina. You look an bright and tdiarp an n new hatchet tliia morning." F.d Itond came along a few minutes later, and pee ing the apnratioii, and an before men tioned, was in a ntate of aouinoetice, lava : "M inn lloltou let me offer you my congratulations for the splendid manner in w hich you conducted matters at the C'hrintniaa tree, and the grand w ay you had trained your pupils. And now my dear Miss Bolten, you are bolted forever to my heart, and the prayer is from your dear Ed liond that you shall be bonded to my soul by the will and ower of all eternal beings now and forevermore, amen." Flush at the present time is away ahead. We have the bent climate, bu(t land, best people. Jeff Fariiih, for in stance, would not step on a worm, but move anide and let the reptile live, and would not have the neighbors' calf, un less said calf had a certificate that it was on its own hook j anil Harry Koberts is humane that if he saw 1000 head of his rattle in at a neighbors' haystack he would not drive them out for fear they would get hurt by the wire. Frank Kiggs will get out of bed at any hour of night and go after a doctor for a sick neighbor, drive the doctor through lakes of mud, water und ice, and w hen the team gives out In the last lake, pack the doctor out on hit back ant' send him along to relieve the lick. N : Jim! think of it, ixune of the greatest men in their line the world has ever pro duced, hauling our mail to I'lunh. There wan a universal boast made alxmt Hank Monk driving Horace Greeley acronn the mountain. What did it amount to. Just look at Fred Fletcher, an unpretentious man of the present day driving the mail to Much over a road where Horace (ireeley or Hank Monk dare not tread on at the present dav, and you will meet Fred loaded with four men and four other barrels of whiakey.or a threnhing machine at the name time. And on bin journey back to lmkeview has hauled in on his tttage a fiurham bull weighing a litUe lens than nkk) poundn. i or biii'Ii U Ihe raw on the road lo I'luah. Mi ll do IhliiK" that are airatigt' on (he way to I'lunh. Soma li) iiintlM' calves. And rail"'' inrn'a better halve To iill (or a bit. Ill i'luah ; hub ! MokI ()lineiiioun, McI'authv Com Iowx. X. 1$.: Jan. 4. Uovernment Land Fenced In XoveiiilxT ii cuinplnliit was Hindi In 1hi I nitcd Stilton Court iitfiihiHt William W. r.rown of Crook County for having lllej;nll.v fonivil in Hcvernl thousand acres of Govern ment land on Wiitfon-Tltv Mountain. InspiH'tor Heady was neat out to sv the offender, who iitjixwl to innove the offemllnK fences as soon as the weather penult toil. Hrowu filed an aflldavlt with I'tilteil States District Attorney Hall, hIiowIhk that the man who hud Informed again t him had also Inclosed 400 acres of the public domain, himself, In Lake County. In addition he gave the district at torney the naniea of 17 other persons who have inclosed an atfKrvKiite of :!0,(MH acres of j;overiunent lauds In Crook, Lake and Grant Count leu. I'nited States District Attorney Hall Immediately wrote each of the offenders, notifying them to remove their fences. This was tin Deeeiuber 2:1. So far he received answers from two of these. These have agreed to obey the law as soon as the weather permits. In the meantime this man has t ut his fences every 200 fit't. Mr. Hall says that about 110,000 to 40,ooo acres of public domain will thus be thrown open. The second writer nlso nays tlut ho will furnish the dis trict attorney with the names of other offenders. Win. Dalgielsh came over from Adel Monday. HERMANN RESIGNED.! Secretary Hitchcock A.aks Com mtasloner to 5tep Out Row of Long Standing Cause. Kinder Hermniiu, Coniuilssloner of the General Laud Ollb-e, ri-nau', I i:. 2i ami will lie wieceeded by William A. Hlchards, now the Assist ant Commissioner of the General Laud Ofllce. Mr. Hermann's reslg tuition was rei nested alxiut. two weeks ago by the See re I a ry of the Interior, and was immediately pre- resolve to ! a Itetther man every seiited. j Xew Years ave. And with the ex- ('oniiiiisMiniier Hermann said that j eep inns av a little piiiuh at I'hrist aflernooii that tin- eliaiie will beenins. and on the holy f.-ast days nK-riitlve February Iwt. The rela tions lii-twii'll Secretary HiteheiM'k and (iiiiHiiUsiiii.-- lliiiiiaim have In-eti strained for a Ion;; time. Charges have Ix-en preferred against Harry King and Fred Met.ker. As sistant chief of the Draughst men's Division of the Government Land Ofllce. The former Is charged with neglect of duty and the latter with mismanagement and unsatisfactory administration of his duties. Metz ger was formerly from Kansas and was once chief clerk of the Geueral Iind Ofllce. A Washington dispatch adds that Mr. Hermann has had the misfortune to disagree with Attorney Yander venter of the Interior Department on several tsrasions. In one of . these cases a clash over forestry reserve lanos (Kvupiwl by private owners Commissioner Hermann was over ruled by the department, and Con gress afterward passed a law which virtually upheld Mr. Hermann and overruled the department. The unofficial allegations against Commissioner Hermann are that he is not a good executive officer and that he has lieen lax In his methods. Fault is found with some of his deci sions, also, though there has Imhmi at no time any charge that iiniteach ed his honesty. Secretary Hitchcock is said to have stated to friends that Mr. Hermann has not lieen active enough In running down timber thieves and that none of the prosecu tions under the theft law has been due to Investigations made by him. The forest reserve controversy in volved a decision as to what should lie given settlers on reserve land In exchange for this land when they gave it up to the Government. Com missioner Hermann held that It was printer for the settlers and owners of this land to receive laud In exchange, but that they should receive it under the homestead net. Attorney Yan derventer held, on the other hand, that these private owners should be allowed to select any government land In lieu of their property In the reservations. Mr. Vanderventer's views were adopted by the depart ment. Stock Items. Klamath Express. C. A. Hunting took 2-Ti head of cat tle from Merrill last week which he sold to Mr. Aiken of the Western Meat Company, Oakland. lUoomlngcanip ltros. sold 100 head of lieef cattle to C. A. Hunting last week. Louis Gerber started 2.'h0 beef cattle last Saturday for Sacramento. Vv". D. CamplK'll was In charge. TheCarr Land & Cattle Company sold 300 head of beef cattlo to Mr. Aiken, the cattlo to lio delivered the j .'0th of January at Gazelle. f RESOLVES FOR 1903. Pat O'Doyle and Ole Olsen Talk About New Year Pledge and Why They Should be Kept I'at O'Doyle talks to his friend Ota of our morals for I'M).',. "A Merry Christina to ye Ole, ami may yex have (nanny a Happy Xew Year. It's mesilf that have made some good resolutions for 1:hi.'I, and. pleas the Lord, I'll l afther kaplng t Ii i tit . I always make it a pint to a id bone-fire nights I kas- me resol ves. A v course at a wake we must honor the corpse and say a goixl word for the man thnts dead and ilhrinks to his health." "Yah do, I tank the Swenska iteo ple ban always tnak resolves on Christinas sangerf(st, uu ah banmak me resolves ta bun a braw gossin. Ah tank dis ban a pnrty glide eoun thry for morals, but ah tank lady folk and yantleman's have Itetter morals than Sweuska and Irish man's. I tank no ladles and yantle man's could do bad tings and I tank if every man's could l like the ladle and yantleman's of siK-lety av ban have gude morals." "Ole, me friend, ye are all wroung In the slhudy av linmnu nature agin. We poor dlvilri are not much differ ent In our morals from thlm society fellows when wc come to compart! oursilves in the mathur av morals. The difference !etween pfwnat ye call the refined and the poor divils av society is wan that consists less In the amount av iniituity distin guishing the two respectively than in the method and sthyle uv it. The civilization av today Is not so much an improvement in morality as it is the adoption av more cultivated and iligant forms av immorality, as Father Charlie used to say. As peo ple Itecome civilized they do not nee cessarily sin less, but they lam tosin more artistically; they do it in ways that a tv lees dhisgusting to a culti vated taste. Min don't have three wives now, but they git a divorce from a woman whin they are tired av her and begob thin git another wan. In that way they save gitttn their skulls cracked wid a shillalah. for whin two or three ould wlmmin lolke my Bridget put their heads together dhil a wan could live with thlm. Of course sum nv the ladies av society gets dhrunk but thin they do so in their own parlors. Its all a matter av taste. A downtown saloon Is very different from an up town clubrooni different In everj--thlng excipt In that kind dlvllmunt which goes on In both, and tan-hups they are equally bad, only that a gilded dlvil Is. If onything, worse than a divil upon which no decora tion lias liecu put. I wanst heard a man say that he saw the dlvil and I believe he did, for lookln glass were tnvinted Itcfore that." "Now Ole, the lady who gambles In Fifth avenue, New York, Is doing the same thing as the 'tough' who gambles in a lowdown dive. The 'tough' would not enjoy himself gambliug In the ladlea' parlor and the nice lady would not lujoygainbl-. In In a saloon. Now mo friend, the only difference, though, between the vice as committed in wan place anil (CONTt.NUKD ON LAST TAOK.)