Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, January 01, 1903, Image 2

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    Xl'.Vltiv', OKliUo
The Da ma Re Done to Oregon For
ests In The Big Fires in .Sep
tember About $3. 000,000.
Tlie Hureau of Kiirwtry h mtivel it
report front one of its amenta wliieli
hows tliRt tlie daivano emisuHl by fairest
fire in NoitliweMern Oregon and xuiih
.estem. Washington ihnintr. opteniluT
mttcli renter than lia Iwii jieiier
ally Mij.MMi. After a careful I rip
tlmmi:h the region devastated liv ilie
fire, William T. Cox, who was detailed
by the bun-Rii for thin work, in a con
rvaiiv eetimim'. i-laoes the damage in
Orrgi ii and WashingUm at flS.Tli'.lOO.
Of thif, f3.P10.WH) i8 in Oregon, and fS,.
857. 1W) in Washington. This intitule?
all lowea ca.if-ed by the lires to fitrtn
ro city, saw mills manufaettired lum
ber, t-tinidintr timler, etc. This esti
mate it based on personal observation in
the hiirned districts, both in Oregon and
Washington, conference with lumlter
men, fainieif and settler?, and other
trustworthy sources of information.
Ow ing to its nearness to market, how
ever, much of the damaged timber in
the binned lesions of Oregon will be
raved, and the 1. et loss will be smaller
than the foregoing figures. In Wash
ington a portion will also be saved,
though a small- r percentage, owing to
its being less accessible to means of
transpor atioii.
Much of the area burned over was
covered with virgin lorests, mainly the
Ponglas spruce, ttdar and hemlock.
Besides the great loss of property, IS
people were killed and many more in
jurec, and 81! families rendered home
less. Much of the large and small
game in these regions was destroyed.
In his report the nuetit of the P.tireau
of Fotestiy ii.clmitd not only thelos-ot'
life and pn petty, but also theiauses of
the tires, the methods used in fighting
them, the damai:e to the soil, anil the
outlook for repnduclion of the forei-ts.
The burned districts were also mapped.
Farm Property Destroyed
Farm buildings and furnishings. f 115,1X10
Stock M.IMK)
Hay and grain 40,1X10
Fence" 20.WHI
Farm machinery and vehicles . 15,000,
Orchards.., 90.WH)
Total $315,000
Pchool houses and churches.... 3.r),0(H)
Wa"on road bridges 7.IXX)
Total . t:57.l1i0
Sawmills and Manufactured Forest
Troducts Destroyed
Sawmills TO.OtK)
8a wed lumber and thingles. . . Iti.tHjO
I-oks (on i-kid and at niilN) 18.01HJ
Railroad ties (on skid and in
roadbed of O. li. & N.i 8,000
Telegraph and Telephone poles
(on skid; . 4,()00
Cordwood (ready for market) . . 33,000
Total. fH'.t.OOO
Rerapitulation of Losses
Farm property, exclusive of
timber $315,000
School houses and churches 35,000
Bridges 7,000
Sawmills and manufactured
forest products 14!),0(X)
Timber . . 2,440,000
Total . .
Kvery Hottle of 1 lianiherluin'n Cough
Keiuedy Warranted
We cuarantee every bottl of Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy and w ill refund
the money to anyone who is not satisfied
after using two-thirds of its contents.
This is the best remedy in the world for
la erippe, coughs, colds, croup and
whooping cough and is pleasant and
safe to take. It prevents any tendency
of a cold to result in pneumonia. For
sale by Lee Ueall, druggist.
The hopeful view consump
tives take of their own cases is
strongly in their favor. Kach
yenr is showing a larger per
r r-tage of cures.
One of the best reasons for
j'oo.l hope is the record of
.Scott's Emulsion as a medicine
f';r consumptives. So long as
I'.e system is stronir euouyh ttj
i...e medicine of any kind it can
use Scott's Emulsion.
The reason for its helpful
ness in this disease is because
of its long tolerance by the
patient; one does not tire of
it as quickly as other medi
cines and that is where the
great benefit comes.
ntdn't Walt to Hear.
Hewitt tJruott twya that you are
a f raid of him.
Jewett-AfrnM 0 him! Why. It wm
only yesterday that I called hliu every
thing 1 could think of.
Hewitt- What did he say? j
Jewett- l enme nwny from the tele
phone ns soon as I had said nil 1 had to
say. IMiilitd. Ipliln Inquirer.
I.nlni? In the Winter foul.
I.ady !t Is 11 wonder you nre not dis
pttsttti w illi the cheap beds hi tln lodg
ing botis.'s.
Tr:un-I 0 111. mum. Out I why I
slept on n wry ti.stty bed hist nU;hl.
I.ady (' t'yV
Trump Yes, i'. 1 11111. 1 sVpt on it ton
of hard oo:t!. t'.i'ejr o News.
"That denier Is a fraud. He said the j
parrot knew a lot of words." ,
"Maybe h doesn't like to say them j
In the presence of u lady." New York )
Kvcnl'.,! Journal. j
Another Slrlile In Srlenre.
First Freshman Hear about l'rofes
or ltristol having sueeeeleil In arrest
ing the tlioht of time?
Second I'reshy Not yet.
First Freshman On the way down
to college this liiornim; he slopped a
minute, he s.iys. New York Times.
A really healthy woman has lit
tle pain or discomfort at I tie
menstrual peiiod. 2Co woman
needs to have any. Winn of
Cardui will quickly relieve those
smarting menstrual pains and
the drawing head, hack and
side aches caused hv fallim? of
the womb and irregular menses. I
haa brought permanent relief to
1,000,000 women who suffered
every month. It makes the men
strual organs strong and healthy.
It is the provision made by Na
ture to give women relief from
the terrible aches and paint which
blight bo many homes.
Oebbwwood, La., Oct. 14, 1900.
a ui uoea vory aicc lor aoine time.
. " wim a aavare pain in my
side and could not get aoy relief untb I
i inoui Dottio or wine of Cardui. Be
fore 1 had taken all of It I was relieved
1 feel It my duty to say that you have a
wonderful nwdioine.
Mrs. M. A. Yovirr.
toBia. "Tlw LallM' A.lvmuiT lieiniiiMii,''Tiia
Chauanobsa Hcdldiie Co., Chauaoooga, Teuo.
I nilcd Klati-H I.ali'I (Jlli, ! at IJikevit-u . Ori'.
Uat.Zl, Mttifwla lnn-lty iriveri that in
compliance with tin: provision" of that aa-t of
June 3, 1H, antltled "An act for the Hale of
tun tier lands in the mates of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," an
extended to all the I'lililic Ijind Htatc" hy act
of AiikuhI 4, 1m'.2, the followintr perttona have
thin day fled in thin othce their sworn state
ments to-wit :
Ifcrmon Thayer
of Kockford two North Kt county of Wlnnchairo
htateof IllinoiH sworn Mati'incnt No I "H : i for the
purchase of the fc; ' Kh'i rice N'i NK'i Hec US
Tp:i8H, Kir, K
C H Thatcher
of BrcckcrtridiiC county of Welkin Hate of
Minn. Hworn Hiatcina nt No l id-l fur the purchase
itf the hJJ hjj Kec 22 Tp ::7 M, It Hi K
Jhiic B. t.riHwold
of Oranite KallH county of Vellow Midii lne
talMtc of Minn, wworti Klatcititrrii No l.Vio for the
purchase of this K' .; WKj Her l Tp liH H, H 16 (5
iiiirlcN i. liriuwoltl
of tiranlte Kalis county of Vellow Medicine
Mate of .Minn, sworn statement No I "; lor the
purehttHu of the VM Ha-c ii Tp :sh H, K Ki K
WiUiain W.Thayer
of lirit-kford !i!ll Nnrih Kt. coiiniy of Wlnni-hsiro
state of lllliioiH, sworn statement No l't07 lor
the purchase of the HV1; ha-c a Tp sis K, K l E
lico. Tliayer
off.'hlcat'O (Ki North Ada ht. catunty of t'aiok
state of Illinois, sworn statement No 1.18 for
the purchase of the SW,' Kee 2H Tp :iH H, It 1 K
That lln-y will olier proof to sliow Unit the
land souifht Is more valuuhle for lis llmhi r or
stone than lor airiculi ural inirpohes ami to es
tablish their claim Ui said land heforat J. W
llamaka-r, IT. H. Ciiiiiinlsslouer at Forrest, Oro
gam on Tuesday, the lid day of March 1 !Si.i.
They name as wiIiii ksi s; I'lius 1'. Orlswold
and Jane It. (iriswohl of (.ranlte Kails. Minn.,
Ilermon Thayer and W. W. Thayer of Itockford
Ills., and O. T. McKcinlree and (J. K. Oeshiier of
Oleic, (iri-non.
Any and all persons clalinltiir advcrsi'ly th
above described laitals are rciiiestcd to file
tlieir cliiiiiisln this oflicuou or helure said 'M
da v of March, l'jaj.i.
Kovli II E. M.Ukattain, Kcglntcr.
A Otifemitnly lllral.
Ivmmtis relsefI
of So. Falls, N. Y., des
cribes a condition which thous
ands of men
and women
find identical
with theirs.
Read what he
says, and note
the similarity
of your own
case. Write to
him, rnclosintj
st.impcd ad
dressed envel
ope for reply,
and ret a per
Jk .A'. v-LavV .
U D. Palmer.
sonal corroboration of what is
here given. He says rcjjardinn
Dr. Miles'
Heart Cure:
"I nuffrrrd a'nnuini; pain in thr left
brraM mid brtwn-n mv sliouM. rs (; ri
heart ImuI le. My heart would pa', i
t:'tr. flitter, thru' ki hra'.s if t I
could no longer he in bed. Nud.i wiu-r
ri ;:-t I walked the floor, tor to lied . -i
wiii! t have mennt midden drjth. ..v
condition fecun d ulrt;, -t hut ! w 1 ti
I hrf.m t i U. , I 'r. Miles' I Ii alt t ute,
bet it helord me Inn 1 1 e I rst. I .1 r
1 took I 'r. M.ii s' N - vine witli I'r
r t I Ci ie nnd t':e t a a t n
v I in ? I ei-ec-v r 'cmiuiI.o ...a
(c:i t.-. to g e tin r I. ..;, i a tllal."
Sold y a!l IVu-lst
on i'. j.iriinlee.
i"t, tsd.
Ktir .tti oi
iit' hi k-k
ir kttlltiir r t-nt-
cm-1. f - r.. tf.
South Eastern Oregon
l'u(j Si.ick Association
5500 REWlRIi
W ill U- KO i 11 for thr i.rrt-l ..n. i i,i , linn of iii m
(Mill Or H-nMil Htt-ulil,.' 4111 . k I'. lliK'illh,'
to iiii-iiil't-m til tin. Iw. ulioti.
J. I). COUdrlLIN,
1 J. H. INN 1-S, President.
In all Its Ptni-t
Ely's Cream Balm
clruiifleM, Hoothcii nud tieuls
the li 1 Illt-lnlirann.
It rurt-cu!urrh ami drives
away a ("Id In the tii-n!
unit kly.
r. itiii Hiilm Is placed Into the iiwtrl.H.iiri ails
over ti c iiii'iuiiranu and i aliimrlK-il. ltelicf l im
mciliate ami a cure follows. Il is not drylnu lms
nut produce eni eziiu:. IJri;e Si.c, 50 cents at Drujj.
X'M or hy mail; Trial Size, ID ccnia.
ELY BUOTIIKItri, M Warren Str't, New York
vaiAti ro YEARS
r ' 'T-S- r-wnrnirrir
Tradk Marks
tTf Copyrights Ac.
An?on nendlng ft iketrh arid deacrlptlnn Rmf
quick)? HMinrtnin dur oplnitm free wfiethar mn
liiTHndon in prohnfl? pMtentuble. Communlra
tWtniBtrtcHf oridi1nt(nl. Handbook on 1'
Wfit free. oiilnHt auencf for iix-urifig pattniiU.
Patent taken through Muiin A to. receive
tprciol notice, without charve, lu the
Scientific American.
A handsomely llantratd WMklf, Ijiririit rlr
eulatton of an? ftrtenilfln luurtial. 'J'f rnm, f.'i a
Tnr; four montba, 9L Bold by all niwpidtaUni.
MUNN & Co.36,Bro-,"'- New York
Branch Offlw, 26 T BU Waahlnatou, D. C. DR. JORDAN'S
( lauai llllll u4 Srraiaia.l Q
Tbslari-MtAaalaaaloai Vusjmbs
Id tli Win t
Urtmlt aUrmatton in On CUu. A
vmUtrful Hytutr ll(.rat
itraBa.ain.HtBrtwllrn. x
M dlaM,aaaltlTal aaraa ky
th via.. biMjiilst ua Ui. f aaiuaa
Coaal. JCUIa.h.dM yaara M
T.iat aaaa aa4 aaittalla f
fcd aaaa was a aaiff.rtaf i
fruia liia iiIhii at youlhlal lac f
flllall akar aaaaaaaa tti h.sim.
7 a. mmrwwm ana PBTaaoai saaailis, lasj- W
aataaajr, lass Msak...! la slUaxua9-
raaa, rvlaiaa, auiaavi. rr.iis.a.i
af Urlaatlaa, ata. y a aauaaluaJaa ut
atiaaa: BMraawtraaa.
rarnaHllaa, asf as rati r. r, Ihs 0Mtw
has aa hl IrtMilaarhl tbai If wlil a. I
Miy siTtr4 liarawrdlala niia-f, but psraaaMat
I ba. aa bla U-Mlanrhi lbs.
i aura.
1 aata
Tba Duotur alaaaa aC alalia Oi
auuiM til la waH Inowa to ba
aaaara Fhralalaa aaaf fturaean. itr
annwa to ba a faalr Ma I
. sonars
alotaa aad auravan, itra-amlaaal
la bla aaaolaltr Olsaaaaa t War
rrlllM Ibaraaahlr aradlealadfraaa
I taa arasaaa wlihaat ska uaaol N.icarr,
Ta silaa Sltad br aa EiaatL aimallaal 1
) aaara r Kaalar., ajtuck and raa ,
ararafM Pllaaa, Claaara aaii rtalalaa.b '
I at. Jardaaa apaslal palalsaa aaslkoila. .
ITlaf kCI aj,lrlm Ktu.wUii.ssrTS
mur aaaiaat aaaataw ol bisennipiami.
' ITiirst iMranlas uteunvM onMtm
I pvary amas w anatorixaa.
Coaailtatloa j'RKlt and atrlally arlTaMa,
irsauasitt aaraaaiiy ar by lauar.
ir noak, raitoiorHT
lIAaBc. Maiiaa fmum. (A valarM i
baik fa, an. a. I aTall ar wtltm
a JORDAN ft CO., 1 S I Markat at, t H f
o i niiin'i rr.
II. '-W li von tench me how to make
love to you?
Sue I vwll If I can get up U chmt.
Detroit Fre I'lesa.
Ilrnl Wraith.
lie dntilileil In stock ami won,
For lie wit a lucky feller.
Not only Out ho mnk hla pile,
Hut lie tin It In hla erllar.
-Topckn llcrnM.
On l II I in.
"Why, W llle. you didn't take off
your ettp to the mlnlatcr!"
To hlmT i rent Scott! I'm Ida end
die!" - Tuck
II r Hall, loal8 l'ald.
Only $6.70 a leaf,
Greatcst Wcdl t!,J Countr-v'
$1.50 HEAR
I n -1 ! II, I p -'t I I" '
Iirl of t!
I'Bt I
Mlr, Cm, 4, 1 1 a, ,d Mnt
TIIH V.I.I KI V 1 1 1 : i N l -l l,,lc)i,..l
and til -at .-. nn W'kl N.w.pii. r In IV-V,tI-!,
;i 4 im a rt-KMUIjr tl- l 'hIukih, or M ilea
lni;r. , f .Vt I. I rat....- Mi-d ll-m- al ,,f,,:.
,i,at..i.. 1.1-" A in iii tl. -nl Ac, I' uttirrtl mi, I
l,,rO t',l.iril li, , I in- tit I 'i, a U ,i f lh
tnaltal ! i-anrtf-iit n, i r i-n ti,l
r.,ait l;ifiyttili,a ttltl-ti la l,aKid in ri-
i.-rl, mi. hi i Ii,
mri i t" H ilc
t Jl. a.
i ll 1 -l- til
..f tl,.-ir
wit , nllt'
iii; tiu:
l Ha f.,;i
Thr lirniiielr llulltllna.
TDK fMlt'lM' tl' rs-.ka lth lha (rastial
n tiaparx-ia In lie fi. Nil Hlstia.
1 UK IIKllMl I I. I aa na. aaill am Hit" t'srll,.
Coaat. II haila .11 l i nlillity, a-ntorprlaat and
TUB C1lltO.Niri.rrs T. I. inithlc fr rta ant
lha latest and iti'-st r-l(atiii. it. Lnai Nrini tb-'
tallest st.d apla li si, and Ha Ktlllnrlala from laa
abltat pens In the r.-unlij.
T1IK ( Hil'lMf'I.K sljrs lfan, sad ah
nays will b, Ihn fit'-n.l ami i-i,aii.ltm of thn
pMiplf, a. sxalnat ?tviiiliil,at!oiis, rllqua, rarpaira
tlams or eppn ssltma a,f any kind. It will h taaia.
prodrat in rer tblotf, na-iitral lu rinllilfitT.
Reversible Map?
Showing- the United fttatcs. Dominion ol
Canada and Northern Mexico
ON M K Ml lip;.
Map of the World
ofr tiim oTimn hiiik.
Beaal i sad (et tba Msp and Wuekly tThpaalraj
tar On Tear, postage pet paid go map sad paaas,
ASU If. rla VCIIINd,
afrotirletar H. If. CkrontaBi.
I'nlteil Htatcs Land lllllee al l.akevleiv, tire
Hon November I I, I'.sri. Nolle. Is lien by xh i ll
that III compilaiiec wit Ii the provlslotia of tin; ,
act of I'oiiKressof June li, Ih7H i nlllleil "An act
for the sale ol timber lauds in I lie Hlaiea of
( alitornln, iin-Knii, Nevada, and In Washing,
toll Tarritori " at olelnl'il lo nil tint Public
I. ami Hlali k l,y hcI ol I, IM), the lollou
iiiK pcrnaiiis have this alay illa-il lu this nllire
their sworn siut'-mcnis, itm It :
I'liarla-s I'rc w,
of lfMiiiaiu, county of ( heliiills, Htnte of Wash-
I i K ton , sivoi n hi ii 1 1-iiii-ii l Nil i.t'.n lor the pur
chase ol ilii-K1. .K'. ami N'a hK);, Hi-c. tn T.
i8, K. lb K, W. M
J nines T. ivuIkk
of Aberdeen. '-ouniy of I'lia-halla, Hititenf Wash
liiKton, iworu siaieini nl No. U'rl lor the iiiii
chaseof the N I N : i s.-e ill ami N U N V l .
Hoc Vi T -Hi H, It lit K W Nl
l-riink HollliiksHiirlh
of Newberry, i-iiuii'.v ol Vinnhill, Hi itat of nr,--gon,
sworn sinteiiii nl S'o l.i'.i) lor Hie purchiisn
ol the 8W ,4 HW i Hec -H, H ... HK i. Hen L"J, uml
N w i NK it Hec ;u, T :i:i h , it l.r k w m.
That they will offer i. roof in show thai Hut
land soiikIiI Is more viiliiablu for lis tlinlti-r or
stone than for aKriiuilliiral put-poses uful to es
tablish lht:ir claims lo stud laud bcfoiai (', II,
Wlthrow, II. H ('oininissloner ul Klnimilii
Kalis, Orcxon, on Hut unlay llie IHth day i,(
April, luo;).
They iiaiui its witnesses; William I.eek and
Charles I n w, nl lloiUinin, Wusliinmon, Jiilnes
TQulif . of Alien ecu, i at-hliiKtoii, Frank llol
llliRkWorlh, of Ncwni rry, Or, .,ni, and I''. W,
Merrltt, of I'm I iitinl. Oni,ii. Any nnd all per
sons cliilmlu- a I vers, I., lint ah, nit ili-sairibed
lamia are reiiiesled lo Uln their cluliiiN In this
office on in ii, hire sub I ImiIi ilny of April IlkM,
JiccC-i t. M illtAl-IAIN, IU-kIsut.
H. K. I.. MTCI;H, M, l.
l'h)nleUH and Muriron.
I.altrt lew, ttr,
orril'K- Hrll'. rn( Mlra. alia an.w.ra
rniitly ilajr or niahu
. K. II. MMITH M l
I'll alrUa anil hurii on
l-akrvlrw. Or,
oKKII'F. Ukfli I'rilK fii t, HUT.
1 lH T V II I.I.
I'h j ali-lan anil Miu acan
t'l-KII'K New lal) iMill.llnn.
lilt O Itr.MOItl.MT
l.akrvlew, Orrita
I'll K'K li.i) II, ill, . ,K
i. r. ttt
.ttlori'i) al l n
l.nkr t It'M, 4rean
nl Kli'K- 0l) lluil,liti(
'. ii im.itt m i l:
I nbnli-H , Or
of r ll-K. O.ll IImiMiiiu
j nooiiK
AlloriM' .
Ijiltr lew , Or
OKKII'K l-l Hull. Hi, .
1. 1 t. i ron
llurir) -at-
IjiiiiI f allria Mirrlall
IH-Ul K I'ok.m.II llllll.llliK.
trlrrlnar) lrti(Ui
tidier Mr, nun Ki ) 1'orral, I nk- lm , r K"ii
tllil llnrara finite uiiiik
) Mi ! on t tie S.I an, I llh i-ilm-.iUv ..f (
i aril in-tMli In Vnlintl. nt n , ,1,. (
i oni n ii ii i r. i on. ii i i urn inn ml, r.
I y iii. i I, i k
Kfffff ft , f f ,
s I. ii.ii. V. lm i l lln- 1. 1 nnd .1 llinr.
s ,ln , v, nliii.--,, i o, li in,,i ii in n,, I , . s
y Iiim ' Hall. I aki i le . W H Hi am,
r. IV, H . .1 M.M.itr. Ttll,.-.
1 I, S, s I s i . j j f j
i t f s f r t t t-' t ' wq
' ...h'twjlits l I'vtu'ns... s
s fi
ItiMi-l-'. HKI: l.liln.K N.i i-.. tm-i-ta
s i-v, ry lu.., I in t-v.iiliif li. Id Ki-lliiHa V
v llnll. I nktl Ii u , I ri'. Vi.llltiK KnlKlila
v' i-atnliall - hit lti...
y M in HiiHriiM, riiatit-i linr rnititiiaii,i-r.
y f. Itana tNUItni. K ul It, and S. J
i y J ' ,s. r , , j r . ?
To Hike ettea t, TnemUy, .ir., I, liKli;.
No. I " NoT v
Mil I, 111. 1. 1 Iteliai Ar .'l 111 i. Ill
W:I7 a. in. 1. 1.. Minium . Ar l:'o ),. ni.
In:i,,'i a. in. I.i i e. ar . Ar i. in
IH:;ki a. in. I i i-'-ir,, A r I In j,. m
ll:l;i a. i.i. I.v... r,,r'v. . At :i::.u i, m
II .'.'i a. in. I i I'M. i itt . r '.':l.'t ji, m
I.' im p. in. I. ( I.... Ai ,. in
U l" j,. in. I.v .. rauiertiii Al 2:n ,. lu
l'J::is , m. I.v. . Hi d ItiK-u r 1:17 . m.
IJ.Mp. in, I. v.. rmisiaiiila .Ar I :.l'i i. in.
1:1 in. in. I.v... Iioile . .Ar ll.'i p. m.
1 to p. in. I.v l.lcKan ...Ar 1J fill a. in .
'ivm I p. in. I.v Amcili'c... Ar r.':lii p.m.
:t:ii p.m. I.v A dee. Ar 1 1 :.'w( , in
HJ'i , m. I.v Hoi Springs. .A r ll:l:tp. in.
!I:'i7 p. m. I.v Murray Ar III 17 p. in
i:X p. m. I.v .. Karlat ..Ar Hi '.ll p, in
U::'.! p, m. I.v... Horse l.akc.Ar I' III p. m
6 :n p. in. I.v... Waia-rly ... .Ar :UI p. in.
I, :;ui p in. I.v... lermo Ar -:l'i j, m.
7:IAa. in. I.v HrnckmaiisAr, 7 p. in.
7:10 p. m. Ar .Mailcliue. I.v 7:110 a. in.
ill kW A VAI.I.IiV HV pm
ft l' pic
II HI pill
7 '1) jiln
in 1 , Kt.i.l.v. I'l urn as. A t .i.on pm U.,ni am
1 1 .ii a in i .v . . i ri la a ii ar:
:i.l.'i pm a tu'ain
J.:in pic 7.o6am
l.tnpni 7 (si aiu
2 .Vialu' l.v.l'lairvillcAr
Tcrino, fur Lakevlew, I'alslcy ami Mush, Ore,
and Kt. Illdwell. I ake I lly, t-tlai villc, Atlin,
Altiirasaiul llieber, I'alif.
Hot MairiiiKs, for Hiaiullsh ami Hiisauvillc,
Iiov - for Mllford, litnesvllle nud lliinllii
ville, I alii.
Vititoii for Lovulton, liowiilevlllc anil Canid
bell's Hoi HpriiiKs. ' alii.
Iti-ckwlth, lor lacncscc, Taylorvllln and (ircen
villc. Calif.
I'liilrville, Mohaw k and ((iilncy, Calif.
Kciio,-coiinea-tliiK u ii Ii piai. I'ac, Co. for all
Dolnts Kasl A West : V, id T. K. It., for all points
i anpaiim mass, iii mi n iiinni.i