i IM1 mmimt LAKKVIKW, LAKH COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JAN. 1, 11)03. NO. 52. VOL. XXIII. TONAPAH WILL BOOM An IntcrtMintc Description ol The Celebrated Nevada Mincs-ln Destined to he Very kith 'I' III- f.illnwlllg Illl.TfMt illU teller .ll'Mlliblllg TnllOpilll. U llllll lllll. Wlngllrid, a young lad who Iff t Lnkr- Mfi-iiil vrnrn ngn t'i inakr his it lie) ri M thai could grt out nil Dm' nlngi went and what could iml gojoii xlagex walked, went mi fn-lilit wag HUH nr anyway In gi-t nill. Spire tlll'll tlll ll1 llllH lltll.V ImI'II H lll lll llM iiiiiI inn1 of Hip k it Imnili'lilc. Tin1 only onr In (In- lilMtnr.V nf I In1 ramp. TIht U iiliinii :t,".v people here liow. Tin' rough rlrliirlil soriililliinn In mining -f i iiim In rry Hriirrc here, lug U high; board U from ' a: 15 up prr inonl li, w lilli- single iik-iiIh I aiv.Orriitx and up. I'nniiix nrr frmn , 75 trills In I .. u night, nlnl in de-1 l.iiluiii'. lb-had im inmn y and M""i maini ni any prlre. Wnml Im I5 m t '. II In I a plnlrxxlnll, III)'! linW 'r In- Iiiih Min i i i-ii "I In Im I Iff tnl'l III Ms ..wnwmdx. Hi-h KiTii-laty uf I In I'.iimIoii Toimpnll MilillluC i iiupa ll.V , ami ha IiiIim-.'1k In mlnr mining .rnMTly llial In- xpi'ilU nf. Tnimpali. N'-v.. Ni-. K :mj I'lit: V. imim ii. I ,nkrx lew, trrgnii. Am yim wmilrd miiiiu' iii'iM (inin I iiimpiili I w ill iflvi ymi a lit 1 1 - IiIm i niy nf I In- ramp at iii-ar ax I ran. Ti.ihimIi wax dlxi nvrivd li.v .laiiH'M 1.. r.iHll-r May I'Mli, f.Nll; hr m.- urnl ".vi-ral samples frniu i mien ipplug l.-dgi-n nml (nnk I hrm In Klnli ki ixniall ramp 1-' milt's smith I. Thr IIMMIlVt H tlll'll ( III Mlllt lllt llllll' f i In- Muiipli'M ami tliri'W tlnni nsldr t Itl nk I ii liny were lint wort Ii ummii.v lug, Mr Bllllrr still thought Well nf I.N (Iml nml securing nmri' samplm In- tmik llii'lll In A nxl m ami lift la MlriirllniiH to have llii'lll ilMMiiyiil, I lii'ii went lo bin home In Hrliimnt. The assay at Austin run very high. Tin) Klond.v kc iiMHiiyiTH heard nf I lie lari' iimmiivm, nml tln-y trli-d what liml Imvii lift Willi tliriu that tiny l linnv In inn' hIiIi', nml Imnul tin-in IiiIm- rlrh In Knhl nml mIIvit. Mr. MlllliT with hlw wife thru lift IVI iiif tut .li. -'I. 'nr thr lirw iliUK'liiKM. 'I'liry rriM'lii'il hrrv iiftrr lhri' ilay loiirnrv ai riiHX thr l.arn-n ilrwrl. uml "r,i7nli' I. m mum, liArriuti I in' K !'' ' Mlpah Irilur. Tlwlr iiioiniiiiriilM wrrr Inilll from lUh nrr. rmppliiK linlll t In Mlpilll h ilr. ti tlirri' Im Ho i iiuU r nf liny klml Ii hm than Miirn iiiIIi'm. 'I'liry rrturiH'.t to J'.fliu. mt nflrr making Ihrir Imatlnn. Miw :hmhu unv tiikrii llh thi'iii, ami i hr ivhiiMm wrrr ivm follnWM: I 'Ii mI . MUnuiicrM Milvrr ami -IMi fct ! 1 Si'i uml. I.M l lilr.l. !t 1' Tlir next l" iimm.-ivm w nit Jl". """ M,ivh. I"i iimrr avrra'nl $1.1 ' Mi'hm' I'.iilli r, .l!r ami I'.miiuhln Imiii hr tmk Iti anil k'HM' " ilitrlTMl Mi-h, Mlarli'il fnr lln- rw ramp aiialu lrl. V Tlir.V Hiihk a Mliiall Mliaft ami I nnk nill two W.'iunn IniliU nf nrr Ii-iiiii thr Mlpali ami haulril it In ISi'lini.nt llfly i.iil.M. In on llni' iliry MlilpM'i It In San I 'ram Imi-h. Tin' rr I uriiM uflrf all !iiiiiu mcl illi'llln rxprlihi N url Iril thrill mIx rnril. Tlirrr Im a Mliiall wati'l'MyMlriu ' hriv How, plpi-'l from a Mpllnu tlirrr! uilli'M away, mo watrr Im .ihi M-ri liarii'l now, I.iiiiiIm'I' mi'IIm fnf.ii."(M'r ! Iikmi, xx hiln hay In ami fin a Inn. Vniii'Hiiiv iilxn vrry unotl. MIiiitm! I tfi t $1 ami "( a ilay O hnuiMi whllr. I i nrprlilrrM ;rt Imiii "i In , all-l j nl hrr lalmr III llkr plnpnl llnll. Tlir i mil ulilr IH'Wm paprln liavt lirvrr l'-I y nil In It'll I hr I rut h u In I In- wrall h j nf I hr lllllliM. Tlirrr U i-mI illiatnl toj hr frmu .l,iHHl,ihMI n .1'.hi,iiii,ihmi n , Hlulit nil thr Tnlinpall l u x InlllfM J lllnlir. Tlirrr nrr lirw Ml rlkt'H Ix'llln j lliail.' rXrr.V frW ila.XM nil nut ti' ; cmuml. Tlirrr In iml our mIim Ii nil thr market that Ix iml ml vmn-nl frniu thr original Hrllliitf prh r. Tlirri' Im a larr in IniTiit Im'U rimiilliic mil t Ii ami Mtilllh. Whllr tlirrr Ik tfooil pro'r. tli'M on thlM Ix ll Inilliiiiirtliamlxmitli fnr iiiIIi m lin lmlliiK Sllvt r I'tx k. Kloti- tlykr, l,nlir Mnlllltalll, Gnl'l Motlll- tnln, liny DlMtrlrt. MImtIv, whlth Im inlli-M north wiih moIiI a frwilayM a no to Urn Cramp, thr inllllmialrv nhlplnillilrr from Malnr. Tlirn In Brvrral proK'rtlt'H nrar thr Tonopnh Co'Mthat havr miulr rlrh Mtrlki-M, In cIuiIIiimT I hr Mmilaiia, Tnimpali aiul Mlzpali rxtriiMlmi. Tin y Inith hnvo K'lnil (rr. Our coiupmiy IIi-h rlht In U't wrrn thr t wo ami wr havr a !nrc 'irr rrripplni; v Mi Ti Ts a 1rt- trr hhow line than rit hrr of I In iu hal. Wr nrr Mliiklnu; ii two roniparlmriit ' Mhaft Juxt :kmi fis'l from wln-rr thr) Mllpili rxlrlixlnn Mlinfl Im xillik, aiul ' lln-lr Iriliri' Im poliitril ilinvtly fnr tliix ! Mhafl . I mn alxn In trivMi-il in a n I many nthrr mining prorrl Irn hriv, j Ih'mIiIi-m liohllnu; lilni kx nf xlnrk in I nrarly rvrrythlntf hriv. Wr luivr; nnlrrnl ll TM hnrxr powrr Mtriilil I 1 rii- lni" ami a car Inail nf liiiliilir; I iiiarhlnrrv that will arrlvr in a few ' , tl si:',;- ':,'- ' ' .'V'-, ''' l j. , - - I Illl.llll III II II I MR. EDWIN HAWLEY. WHO IS COMING INTO PROMINENCE AS A RAILROAD MAGNATE. ItAllmnil innt'tiiitin nrr mt lrvrloiMd In a dny. but nn abruptly do tby orrimlonnlly rite from otmrtirity that It altnoxt rrtns as If their wealth and powrr lind tx-rti riiilrrO hy nintrio. Of tbla cIom Ih Mr. Edwin Hawley, who hohln a rnntrtilllnjr Inlrrrnt In tin Mlnnrnpolln and 8t Lnula. the Iowa On tral. the Colorado nd Soutlirrn and tlir WIconiln Central rnllrnada. In Wall trert ho la now rtx komx' tm a K)vrr. and be baa Just purchased a palatial rinldrnr in Nrw York l'hlx will lit' mir nf I hr Itt'Mt npilppril mining plautx in thr ramp. Thrrrwlll Ih'ii 11 Im h plpr llnr layril i hrrr frniu Twin rlvrr, tui iuIIcm tlis tanl, in a xliiiit 1 1 ii if, fnr minini; ami milling purpnHrM. Tlirrr will lr Minrltri'M ami rln tiii' wmkx fnrhaml liiitf Toiiopnli oivk lirfni-r .Inly lxt nrxt. Ami wlirii thry havr ways of worliliiK thr orr hrrr thry will pro iluir liiilllon mo faxl it will Kurprixr IhruatlvrM, ami w ill makr Tnllnpah liiimlrril riiiM)) ilnllarx w ith thai I (.,,f t. U-Mt prnilurrrs thr worhl monry iniiirrx were hlrnl ami mtivi", ,m rvrr know n. Tonopnh liux nrvrr . I..v,.l. ti il it'url. ii kin liii'iii'i'i I ' ' ' -"l I'roni t IiIh on i vrry t hlim waMraxy ami tlir milieu paid for thriUMrlvt'M. Mr. Itutlrr mid UHxiirlatrx had many IrlliptillK nfftTM, but I'onillltlril to Iranr. A Ira' w;i .ri)x HH)frrt , nml iim liluli iih $;iMI,IKM) was takrn out of our -1iikIi' IriiMK In Ichx tliHll :ttK ftvt tlrpth. .Many of t tio 12l) Irnxcrx ytit Imlrprml ratly rlili, many takiuK out from $-.'.'i,(MM up uftrr nil cxpciiKrH. Coiiht- liirntly tlirrr wax eight inllllonM of ilollnrH taken out ln-foiv thr IriiMTH rx pirrtl .Inn. iHt X'Myz. The ininrM wrrr xi. hi In .llinc, VMY1, hut thr IruHt'K ntlll run on iim Mr. Itutlrr had that umlrr mIooiI Willi thr liuyrrx. Thr purrluiMr (trier wiih $:'t(i,IUtt, aiul thr royalty )i dim t hr orrH f ri n i .1 ii i it- until Jan lxt inoiv than paid tlir piirelmnr prlrr. 'I'hn lirw ownclM fornirtl ll -HtoeU roin pany mid Inrnrpnralril for 1,(kiu,imki i-liarrM, nml put. it tm thr niarkrl fnr nii( tlnllar prr Hli.'ii'r. Now it Im nrar fJO prr Mhnrr. Tlirrr Ih Ki'ro-t pllrn of what wr term Heroin! elaw ore lnyluu on I hr dump t hat h.ii hern Hortril over and the iK'Mt of it Mlilpprtl. Tlir hit oiitl eliiHri uru will avri'MKr about flnO per ton, but will not pay to mIiIjiow I to thi' hlh lrcllit rate. On New Yearn VMY1 thoro wrr ntiout 1-100 peo pie here, ami lit I'h.s than one wrek tlm inimlH-r w&h tvilureil to 2.r0, ow. ft to an epldemlf of Mkkiirnn whleli (anted for thirty dayn. IVople wpiv ttytng at the rat ot frtuil toTinday, , , . i i..., i... llllll ll linillll, I ill l lllin fin- Iiliinii, Tlirrr wiih onr lot mild for Itl.atN) a few ilayn njo, ho proplr muMt have eolilidruee. Nearly all the old tlmrrn aro hriv yet. they are thr one that have made iimxt all the money, and they all Mt It-k toicether yet. Oneoanhroak the other any time, and what one known thr other known. A lirtter lot of proplr you lirvrr kiuv than tlir old time K'11'K that have built up Tnimpali. There In x-ery llttlt idck iii'hh ho far thin winter. Tonopnh linn made more poor men rlrh than any other mining camp In the world. Tnimpali han nrvrr naw Itn lieHt tlayn yet. fnr there will lie more money miulr hrrr In thr nrxt year than rvrr wan. Your Truly. ii:o. Wii;m:u. Mrilford rnjt i.vh a iIIhI Inrtii in xha ml by vrry frw, If any, townn of Itn nl.e onthtii'oaHt, that Ih, that tlirrr In not a Hlnglr ChlueHO I'mldlng wlthlu the elty limltH, nayn the Mail. No omployo of Orentlnl llneatfo can ho found lit dhr elty, and wo arc rather proud of the fact. There are one or two ChlurHO employed at ranchen an eookn In the Hiirroundlntf country, but thry have been there no long an to have almoHt Imh-oiho part of the laiulncape. It la to bo hoped that a long tlmo will elapno before we have any more Chlneno Inhabitants. hat Irrigation W Has Done, Will Do. The following from the Klamath ltrpuhllemi hIiowm what irrigation it. hi T ! ' i t i ! ' ''.. ti,. i'Ti roiinty. .liixt an mtirh ran Im tlonr luoMt any plarr In Lake county. A ilam on Cottonwood civrk mid a rrHrrvoir madr of liotllry vallry xvould nttre Hiitllclcnt watrr to rr clalm the entin' xvent Hide, and the land would he worlli an inm li H-r lien' iih tillotrd Ih'IiiW. Thr Tulr Iikr MtH-tlon In onr of the richi'Mt ami mont proini"lng agricul tural Hpotn in Oivgoii. It liax mailr wonderful forward MrldrH thr past frw yearn and accordingly han at tracted many new InvrMlom and nrt tli rx ami Iiiih grown rapidly into popular favor an an Ideal winter feeding ground. Merrll. Itn thriving town. In ktvping ntrp with tlir drvel opiuent nf the Hiirrnumlliig count ry. Among rtH-eiit nalrn of real estate mid proJrclH In proniect In that vi cinity, may be mrntioiird tlir follow ing: li. T. Conner nnhl 4KI neren to John Slum for f 11 prr acre. J. I'. AilauiHHoliI L'O neren to .Inlm Davln for $"0 jkt acre; alno -0 acren to H. T. AmlerHon for :Mt jn-r acre. All thin land mild by Mr. Adams In unimproved. KldonC. Hall Hold by Mr. Atlamn In unimproved. Kldon C. Hall Hold KM) neren to IM. Terwllllgcr for f -1:1 iht acre. The Little Klamath Ditch Co., whose pivsrnt Irrigating canal In nlxty fr't wide ami fifteen allien long, han decided on an Important enter prise which will lie undertaken nest spring. The company han bought a thvtlgrr and Itn first xvork will lie to dig a ditch from Lower Klamath lake and connect it with the main ditch, thun adding a large volutin of water to t he present supply for Irri gation. The proposed new canal will be thirty feet wide, four feet deep and four miles long ami it will cost ',1,0(H. The contract for thin xvork han lieen let. The machinery of the new dredger xvill weigh 00,000 pounds ami It will be capable of handling 1,000 yartln of dirt per day. llenlden digging the nexv ditch, the dredger will Imj used to reclaim lands con tiguous to the lower lakes. It In Hald there are 40,000 acres which may thun be reclaimed and brought uadcr cultivation. yyiasquerade Ball Success Financially While there wen not no many maskerH attended the ball Christmas n!,it A -. i.x tlir iiMuaf custom It wmm tpiite a niicrrsH noeiully ami financial ly. Nearly an many went unmasked iih were nwisketl, anil the crowd In cluding the KMctntom xvan up to the usual standard. Thesupiier wan fiirnishrd by Harx'ey'n new nstnur ant, ami xvan of unusual excellence. Following In the list tf those who masked: , Laiukh Miss Kate W nodcoek 1 " Nell SimpHon " A unit l)own Twin Sisters Portia Mrs htlie Nysrwarnrr . w. .-i-, . i . m ' i i I School (ilrln Ada oodcock t 'arrle Tonningsrn, IM'k & Wh't .Iran " Stdiool (ilrl Jrssie Nvsewarnrr 1 Herald & L. (Junther " Keddeu. " II. ll. Dunlap, " Kstella " Miss (irace Striplln. " Ida II)wanl, " Kvh I "earl Moss, 1 Examiner Moon mid Stars (iuren of Hearts Moon Fairv I'icuette Pimnontl !irl Sil-er Shoxvern Sntw Flake Selma Avlragnete, Ciirmelita Jessie Combs, Fancy Costume Ollie Heryfonl. Spanish Dancer Frances Avlragnete. Purity Fannie Tonningsrn Native Edna ltchnrt f Colors Gkxti.kmkn Kobinsou) There were lots of home Christ maa treea In Lnkevlexv on Christmas eve, xvhlch Is tho usual custom ot many famlllea. Two of a kind Old Maid School girl On ton and Alphonso From New York Cloxvn Esquimaux downs Court Jesters Sailor Somet hlng Nothing Old Maid Just Hnpiened Kaluboxv 11. Yount T. lturson. .1. Partln, Fred Ahlstrom Dan Malloy j J. Avlragnete, (Jro. Itoblnson, F. Mc Broom. Itnljdi Konxrr, II. lleryford Perry Striplln, W. Nynexvarner, (J. Marshal, E. Lalrtl, W. Hoytl, Man YV hurt on, L. Hen-ford. O. T. Pratt, Spanish Hull Fighter Archie ltchnrt, Sloppy Mary t'l.v;li,t,Iplnp-r nowll8 Pat t offinnn Clarence Dunlap, I key Inestien Mrs. E. M. Itose presented to The Medford Mall last xveek a branch from a raspberry bush, groxvlng lu the oiH'n air, xrithout especial atten tion, on which were clustered as thickly as possible large, rliw, red iHTiien and a whole lot of them. Mm. Itose Informs us that tho day before (Friday) alio had picked from those bushes sufficient lienies tosup ply her family each with a dish of the luscious fruit and that there were many more left. Of course, tula thing of rlpo berrlea In Ieember la not tho rule In Southern Oregon, but Instances such as tho ubove are by no means rare. OGLESiiY MARRIES Minnie Robinson Is True to Her Sweetheart and They Become Man and Wife After a Year Tlirrr nr many who will mnrmlier the hold up of thr Paislry-fjikevlew stage line but little over a year ago. says the Itrddiug Searchlight, ami t he Hrnsat Innnl developments which followrd, in which it was proven Itolnrt OgclMby. the driver, had rol In'd lil in HM-lf. He xvn caught shortly after passing a marked bill known to ha ve Imi-ii put In the pouch the day the roblH-ry occured. It xvnsru niorrd at that time that Ogrlsby had commit t'-d the crime that lift might secure mean; to wrd the girl hr loved. I'-ut tin romance of Ogcls by mid Miss Minnie Kobiusoii s.fin Ingly endetl at tin prison bars, and the parting of lox-cr ami HWix-thrnrt wan a sad one to witness. A Dunsmuir Nexv man met Koliert Ogelsby on the train Tuesday, a free and happy man. He wasonhiswny to Agi-r tti there meet his young Hxx-eetht'nrt, yet true to him; ami to gether thry returned to Medford, Oregon, where they were married. Thus ends a chapter In the Palsley Iikevlrxx stage hold-up. Koliert Ogrlsby comes of good fam ily. The ox-erwhelmlng evidence which convicted him and sent him to the enctentlary for a year came an a surprise ami a blow to hin numer ous friends. Robert says he has suf fered and to shield another but will go bock to the scene of his. trouble ami try and live down tho stain upon his character. An Important Decision. A person holding an unrecorded deetL giving absolute title cannot have his deed defeated by the con-x-eyance of the property at a subse tpient time by the grantor named In the original Instrument Is the sub stance of a decision rendered by Cir cuit Judge Boise. The case passed upon xvns that oi Mrs. Bessie Kan dull vs. C. i. Lingxvall, being a suit to quiet title to a residence and eight lots In University Addition to Salem. In lws. just before O. P. Kandall married the plaintiff, he transferred the property In dispute to his brother, Thus. J. Kandall. Three yearn later the brother reeonveyed the property toO. P. Kandall, xvhoxxith his family subsequently remox'ed to Southern Orrgon. The latter failed to have the deed recorded, and in the spring of lsits he xvas droxvned in ltoguo river. In the following spring Thos. J. Kandall transferred the prbperty by xvarrantly deed to Llngwall, for a consideration of $10."0. The deed of reconx'eynnee from Thomas J. to O. P. Kandall, execuUnl In lsDl, xx-as afterxvards diseox-ered by the widow among her husband's effects, and a suit xvas brought to get possession of the prcqH'rty. In deciding the cam1 Judge Boise hold that Llngwall purchased and took possession of tho property with the knowledge that It liclonged to another party. Thoina Randall in also dcvlared to have wrongfully ami fraudulently convey ed the projierty to Llngwall. Tho decree of the court orders the deed from Kandall to Llngwall be sctasldo and canceled. Jeff Couldn't Down Him. Jack Munroe, a Butte Montana, man, xvon a four-round contest oxer Champion Jim Jeffries In Butte Dec. 20. At one time Jeffries xvas doxx-n on his knees and a knock-out looked possible. The Calif ornlan had posted a forfeit of f 250 for any one to stand against him four rounds and Munroe, accepted the challenge. Munroo was still ready to fight at tho end of tho four rounds. Tho Montana man made a showing that surprised the iieople, and tho crowd went wild xvith enthusiasm. Munroo Is a miner, lias lived In Montana two years, and holds the amateur cham pionship of California. Fltxslmmona has posted a forfeit of $500 to put I Munroe out in lour rounds. t'i 4 c. I I I & 1 ! ! n