Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, December 25, 1902, Image 1

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no. ri.
The Government Will Commence
Work Next 5prlnjt Under the
(lencral Irrigation Ijiw.
The ( i f n I 1 1 1 1 1 Im Id - ) i i i i m 'i k
work lii Oregon next Spring uii'li-r
i In general Irrigation Imw. This de
termination has Im i-ii reached after
tin deparmcut had u me over tlx
liiiicii'illiiM of recent Irrlgnt Inn con
t i'ii 1 1 n In I ' il l li tn I . iiikI been run
lin ed i if tin I'firiii'xt icmiv of I In
H'uili' fir I inMTIIIiicllt iild In I In- re
rlii ma I ii in i if lli' scmlmid pnrtloiiH
. .f LaMi i ii (iiiuii. 'I'lii- i liaraili-r
f tin- work llllil the Ii ii nil I Ii-m where
It will In- iiiuli'itiiki'ii will lint Im' ili'-
lilnl liinii until I In- riiiiiinil tin ili'M
lunnli'il by tin- ri in int h mi i-t' il m
ill till' HC Willi feasible j i- ) t m In t In-
-lull', it lii I denlmm ti'M i In im' fi ir w 1 1 1 1 1 1
l li'Ti In tin- urealcst l -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 friiiii
i In- people. Tin' 1 1 ri 'fi ri' i ii i nf tin'
Illlljillit.V Is III III' VspCCi'i III till"
H'lil'k IM fiir IIH I II ! Mil ill'.
'I'IiIm I'tvwii I plan, iih ri iiiy lily i ill t
lilii'il. Ik f"f tin- I ii'iili lulrnl Survey In
-i'iiiI Intu I'iikIi iii iiii iiii survey In
en rt li'M, n hlili will iliui'iiimlily c
.iiuiiii' (!.. iiiiihI iiniliir i-ili-, nii'l
I It ) I ' 1 luiiul' I line nt lli-l , will)
,iivtii fi irniiilat iim pin iim for t he
i i uihI r i. i :. .ii nf xiiii'imt' 1'i'f.iTt uii ,
. 1 1 1 I in i . .1111111 n v inn i n ii'i 1 f.VMtciiiH,
iiihI In I i i Up cm I 1 1 n ii t I'M i if I In' ci ih! i if
-m il n!'U, iih m I'll mm Hlmwlug I III'
.iimiiiiit i.f IiiihI nil Ii will tii lnlui.
Am lull'.; .1-1 till' ll'i llll' I if Hie State
Jil'p (Iihiiiimi'iI toallnw tlii'l'ilnl Kllltc
I ll'Vt lli'l H'llt I ' till U t II V III proceed I
iiihIit its ciiiitriirt willi tin- state, 1
ii'nvlii-) tin' Mtutp'M i lit't ii 111 Ih ui-!
irnvpi. Hip iiivpriiini'iit has im ili-.
-In- In ii iiili'rt itk' it iiM'litinn I Ii in pro- i
jni , ....mitt vutie.v, which
w unlit I'l.iti'rliill.v InU'tfiTP with the
irijuHi"l ilrv pi. iniii'ii t iiii'li'i" tin'
any '.
TIip i' iM'I'liliU'lil Iiiim IiiiiI'i' detaili'd
liifurm.'i t mil regarding Hip IVschulen
lllll'V li.illl IIII.V ntllPf Hl'ftlllll llf
Ililnt.-II. Oregon, but ilitln hiii'Ii iim
arc M i l!. .1 w ill begat Iipi'piI pIspw here
I i y I hi- I .' lii'li I parties l't Spring;
and ! limit.
Tin' i im I li't iil'l m.i vm ii Im nun Ii
I 1 -tu-u ' I i m'p I Iip county i n I r I uf
I l.'itii"v I. "Hut t.iki- up tin' mat lir
if fur, i.i. .'ix data nii'l ini'i ii iiihI ! hi
i-egardiin; re.-tervolr sites which Im in
lip Hl llt t'M'oUgll I III' Ol'1'Uilll llTign
liilll lin ni;l I Ii III In till' il'iiT le-
I hi 1 1 1 ' nl Washington. The
prompt :n-H nf employing a coinpc
I pi t pii i 'Hi'i' in I Iip person nf .1. I'..
.Iii)iiimii!i in i iii i kf it hiii vcy ntnl ruin
.i'p m! i t'-iitpil of I he a. K liability i f
Slh'il'H V.llll'.V, sIlOW I III' ll'PMPIIl
Imii nl a Ii vp I ii I Iip Interests mi'l iIp-
cl.lpliu it nf lltll'IIPV 1 1 1 1 1 -.
'I'Iip ( iimiiI.v ( 'unit nf I .a ki- pi unit v
1 1 1 1 1 J fnlliiw Hum example iiihI nut
allow .'i ny ut her ri unity i f lip'iin In
secure any Irrigation iiIipihI uf iih.
Lake county has iih many and uh
good hII-m fur reservoirs iih any
i unity ia I lu state.
A Fine Edition
The ."x 'lent ille American Ii.'Im ImhiipiI
ihkIci-tl.tlc of December V it Kip(inl
niinilipr iIpvuIpiI tn I Iip Htilijivt of
"'l'rjtiiHiii'tAtlou mi Iwiinl ami Sea."
of Mtni'ly IntJTPHt In t h l-i niinilipr art
pvcriil itt'tUii'H tin t!ip ji'i'iiwinn
I'nilMl SI.iIph niaiiiip. It will be n
inciiilici'i'i Unit nil r MliiiiiH', whirl,
wit irpfi'i',ilily 1 1 M . 1 1 ii n t.fcxlhtt'lice
iliiriiii;' I In-( i II a r. Ii.i- uiily llil.s
yenf 1'p.niipil Hip i.iiaai;p It ivprp-r-rnl".l
In lMil. In iipaliiii: with I Iip
ipvi val uf mil' hIiIi'!iic imluslry, Hip
ScIpiiI Itlc A iiiptiemi illusi i'.iIph mime
MIIIIP (if I III' Ih'hI (,IPM uf nil- III -pa II
ntnl vphM'Irt, n iny ili'tnlN with
which every paliiutlr Aniciiciiii
liiiulil iintkc hlini-i'lf ,iciiiiiiiit(i.
'rite "ii'aiiMpuiiiitlun" niiiuhcr alsu
cunlaln.-) miuiip IiiIpipmI lnu' artlclcH
I ipii tin -dn the Hiiliji i t uf 1 uiiil lien fur
liasMcnupr ( hhcIh ami yachlH.
Ilinlcr (In liPiullnu' ufrallruail Iran
Hi(iiiiithtii in an an mint nf a lide to
rhii'itiio and lnu k fu Hip lurniiiotlvc
tali nf thi T wen I hi h (Vnlnr.v lilinit
pil, whliii will lie I. hi m I uf t-Hjictial
latPiVHt to tin lay ivailiT, w hllo the
mat Iit of ft inure technical tiaturu Ih
iri'H4'ntei under Hie lieadhiK" "Noten
on the HlMtory of Atnerlcaii l,i'uinu
tlvcH. I he l'.luck SlRlinl SyHtetn,"
ami ( utiiircHHPi Air lM-utniitlveH."
I f Importnucc under electric trac
tlun Ih the iIcm rlt loll of a new Id.iMHI
Mill liMiiiilutlve which will Im liMei)
III lllC licrllll ZoHHell ti'HlH.
Al Hip hunie uf Mrn. .1. cnalul'.
hI iiiIIcm Hiiiith uf lwikevlew, WllM M'r
ful'iiii'tl the niariiatfp ceii'iiioiiy unit
Inu Mi'-. 'cnatiii'M only dnuuhter.
IMna IIiimc, to I. i. 'miili i'iiin uf
l'liiiplllp. The cei'eiiioiiy wiih per
fnrillPil III the ifPHpnce nf a I a rife ih-
Mi'iiililayi' at Mull I n uu Sunday.
I'iti'IiiI.i r li-t. Iti-v. Sm I In- did ll
In IiIm in. i t ipiiMiuur iiimiui'i'. Ml mm
N . iialnr wiih iIi'phhpiI In w IiIIp mid
luiikcil er.v npty. Utile lipinlcp
MiiMMlnnlll a ied iih liny In-nrcr. After
I Iip ceri'iui my a hiiiiiiI i t him dinner
w an m rv l-i. and wiih iai taki-ii uf
hi'iitiily. The Huli'iniiity uf the urea
I Inn WaMiilily lil uki'll afli'l Hie cere
inuii.v w iih pcrfi iriiied when I iU Wil
ri. kI ii ii ik li.unl-i with lie' liiidi- mid
i pi in iki-d I he nn uiiii.
M r. a ni l I'm. aiii''i'iinil lll innki'
I lu ll' fill HIP hump III I'l iuPV ille W lli'l'i-
llipy w ill in a mIhh'I IIiiip.
TIip I a in I tier wImIipm I Iipiii a liaj.p.x
and pn i-piTi in- life.
I 'ulli iw iinr Ih a lift uf pri'Mi'iit h:
I Ii. V.'imii.i miIut li.ll. t Hit mi l l,rnl. ; Mr.
Hint M r 1 1 I N ill hi . -ilv r knl t m ti-1 l..rk .
Ni Mmmll, -ilur hhiiki hh.ii mi-l Imtt.-r
knifv; Mr- I II. Vi riinii, iil mkf iluli; Mr.
nut Mr. ink.' 1 1 -1 1 : Mr J.
V. iinlnr. Milu r knlvi'i ami I. irk.; Mr. u l Mm.
W. I.M.M.r.' Mh.-r liull. r iliuli; Mr. an. I Mn.
I:.. i. 'i Mi K..., Iki.Ii' ii,. ili 1 1 1 it-ii ' : Mi i'iik
l.i.rn. Iiirt.'ln, I.. K. Il. ii'li r'iii.ilM'!i-iiti'r;
Mr. .ml Mr.. Ilnrl.f Virnuii, ImtliT illli.
iiiiirKi' llnrriitv, Hlli-r pllrlii-r; Ml.n Mlnuir
V. riuni, 1.1mm ,lli li. r; Mr. mill Mr. W. A.
Man.ltiKill. ( iiuiliiiiitlluii liliu an. I .nil Hllvrr
mkiirnv; r. B Vrriimi, Mlivircanl truy ; J. I.
Hint Mm. N i imlor, ( lilnii ti-a i't ; Mr. Wnatnr.
ml .laMiii Imlilrr; Mr.anit Mm.C W. Mii-rliM-li,
I hill l.tili' lllii.
A Uood Rule.
There Ih at leant one nilit In the
ear w hen iiioHt people enjoy lliein
Mi'hcM, and (hat iilht Iiiim pasMed fnr
t he year. Nearly everyone enJnyH a
i n ii I 1 1 1 K uiuht'H hlii'p. and hlnce
Iiimi S 1 1 1 1 I a v wan Hie HhiirtcHt day nf
the year it naturally fulluWH that
Sunday niuhl wiih t Iip liinireMt nlfiht
mid every liody Hiircly had a Imiy: rent.
TIiIh reuiiiidH uh of a cniiverHation
heard uu the Htreet the other day.
lne uf t lie UVIIt It'llli'M wan telling the
other Hint on account of Mm lciii a
Utile hard of healiliK hln hciu'C of hih'
IiilC w iih much lietter, iih he could
nee I ict I it and farther t lian t heordin
my man. "Yph," nald the other,
Iiiihc e cmIuIiI wiih llut ho ;i im I,
" rule IiuIiIm m ii ii I iii my cane.
M,cyeH are Huinew hnl weak, lint I
can lint Ice that my Hence uf lunch Ih
very acinic, and I can hear the
hIIuIiIchI Hound. I aUn knuw that
ut her pcuplc who have huiiip defect
In t heir aiiatoiny are affiH'ted In the
Hiiiue maiiner. 1 know a inati that
had one Hhort letr. and the other letf
w an much luiikcer." ( Lauirhter. I
Patronize Home Dealers.
H'h a pretty fair Hurt of a tiling to
do HiIm palronlr.liikr of home dealcrH
when I heir prlccH art reitHonahle and
they do Hie Hipim-v thliiK- The cata
Iulcup ImuHP Ih an entirely different
propimltlon. Duliitf IhihIiiphh with
the latter Ih iiHpot caHhileal. It wtM
the price, It HclcctM the article and
you pay (he price oiiHouieHiliiL; your
even have never lieheld. It U unite
a chunk of trust to throw to k1iiu;
eiH. And then there iHiinotherpniut;
when Hull plil'He of youi'H Ih alisolntc
ly K'tiill It'HH uf coin of the reiilm,
w hen you arc dead broke, and uiUMt
have Hour ami Htiar and coffee and
meat and Imlter and shorn and
liulliinn, do you take a cataloLiue
lilank nml make a fat order for some
llrm In a Mt; city to Mitisfy your
iipciIm. I o you? Or iloyou follow n
to the sloii' on the corner or the one
not on the corner, and fink to le
'carried" for a few (I.i.vh. Yew, In
deed, Home are eariied In thin way
year alter year, to the door of eter
nity, who prldo t heniHclvcH on (heir
pupcrWir acumen in Kiuclliii lietter
tliliiijH afar. Oivn'ont'lty KntcivrlHt'.
: Jt - i'?-,i'i.:;:..:u.-t. .... :
u Vt- " s v ' ' 4 ' '' .' -' V ''( '' ' t ' ' t ' .'t '
V ' ".. r'fLt 7 .;." V.v ssi';-; Yv ?v. J r,,;
i t ii-tt-. n (SiWAwiul -...lir '.--- --- - p. ,' ' ' -
Mint (ienevlcve Meeker, who retains the title of woman golf champion
! ""I 'I'.T. ,Jlw'iU,'"i,il,iir L'j.,l,lUl.e-B'IUlifPnJ.rP?i11'' manufacturer.
Mr. Ucorce Jonklna. under wIiono Im-truction she learned the gani0 o7 "eoiL
Mat Wells Gets Off Easy. 1
Mat Well who took a nhot at
"KiimIuh" Iiorney hint week an report
ed 111 The ICxamiucr, apcarcil liefore
Juntlce r.ayley hint Thurndny for
preliminary exu in i nation. The! 'ourt
had two alternatives, one to Mini
him over to a wait the action of the
Circuit Court next May, or flue him
fur aHHiiult. The latter appcalinjr
to In' the ihiikI eHilieiit, ci iliMiilcr
ItiKthat ll would font Hie county
L'lH) or $'' to keep him and try:
him, ho it wan decided to tfive lilm
the maximum line of the .luntice
Court A provino wan added
that he kIiouIi! leave town within
twentv-fnur houi-H, and he left next
The hpui'tliiLr fraternity are very1
;;ln! of li Im departure, fur the reason
that hp wiih a lucky amliler, and,
won a ureat deal uf I he Hparechatikte. 1
Am a iVHiilt of the recent expose of
KiuiiMiiiK In Portland and thechaw
that five policemen were re
celvinn; "jcrnft." Municipal Judp
llokcueiuid II. 11. lUt'kman, who tic
coinpanled the Judkce on IiIh rounds
of the amlillnK houses, weiv Biun
tnoned befor District Attorney
tSeorKt K. I'liainlierlaln. w ho Is governor-fleet
of Oregon, and forced to
tell under oath whom they sawplay
liK on the nikvht of their celeliratetl
tour. The district attorney lmstlled
Information with the grand Jury
charging a large iiumltcr tf prom
inent citizens with gamlilingand will
Insist that their Indictments ie iv
turned. Owing to the prominence
of the persons Involved the develop
ments have cuused a profound sensa
tion. The 1 louse has passed Hip bill to
reduce the duties on the products uf
the Philippines coining Into the I'nit
ed States from " per cent of the
IMnglcy rates (the present duties) to
2."i per cent of those rates. The dis
cussion of the bill was accompanied
by considerable maneuvering on the
lleniocratle side to seeutv test votes
on various amendments designed to
lower the tariff barrier Ht 111 further,
and a record vote was forced on a
motion to recommit, with instruc
tions to report a bill providing for
absolute free trade with the Islands.
The division on this proposition was
on party lines, with the exception of
McCall (Hep. Mass.), who voted
with the Democrats.
' '- i '.V VSi
Silver Lake Water Case Reverted.
Last week the Supreme Court re
versed I he decision of the lawerCourt
in the Silver Lak water suit.
Cynthia I. McCall and W. H. McCall,
ilaiutiffs and i-esponilents vs James
C. Porter ami Josie Porter defend
ants and apK'llants. The case was
dismlsHed by the Supreme Court.
The apiical In this suit was made
last year but Hie luvifs were only-
tilled last July.
This w as a suit to restrain the de
fendants from interfering with the
How of water through the eastern or
McCall branch of liuck Creek in Lake
County. The lower court returned
a decree fur the plaintiffs. After re
viewing the case and the testimony
presented, the ApM'llate court rever
ses the decree of the lower court and
finds that the defendants an- entitled
by prior appropriation to all the
water that will Mow within the
banks of ltuck Creek at the alleged
point of division, when the banks,
a iv maintained at a uniform height.
Morse Thief
Klamath County horsemen are anx
ious for the apprehension of one
Emllle Marchell, who It tn claimed
has lieen carrying on a wholsale
horse stealing business in that coun
ty during the past summer, f 200 re
ward Is lK'Ing offered by the Klamath
county sheriff for his arrest. Owen
McKendree of Hoyston a deputy
sheriff of Klamath was here last
week looking for his man, and pro
ceeded on up Into Crook county.
Marchell has been a resident of
Lake county for a long time and a
nutnlHT tif years ago w hile working
for S. It. Chandler he Urnine Insane
and was taken to the asylum. He
was released after a short time,
evidently becoming tired of the con
finement.' it has since been learned
that he should have been sent to the
penitentiary Instead of the asylum.
During last Summer Marchell herded
sheep for Maloy and Tucker, and
when he left their employ he carried
off all the camp equipage and grub
he could conveniently carry.
Saturday was a good day for
Christmas shopiHTs, and the stores
were crowded all day.
The Citizens of Port Jones, Cali
fornia Were Buncoed by Two
Traveling Crooks Recently
Most of Iikevlew'selt I7-011H will re
nietnlier one "Hob" Homero, a gamb
ler and sport who wati In Itkevlew
during the races last July. Accord
ing to a circular from Fort Jonex,
Cal., he Is a faker of the first water.
The circular says that "On Thank s
glvlng Eve the people of Fort Jonea
wen? the victims of three wilyschera
th. About a year ago Frank Ely
came to Scott Valley announced that
he was a prizefighter, in fact the
"Champion of Northern California."
Me gave a few fake boxing contest
and was what could lie called a
"hangi-ron" in Scott Valley up to
Thanksgiving Eve.
Sometime in August a gent who
answered to the title of "Hob" Hom
ero, wended his ay across the
Yrcka Mountain, with a dilapidated
team and spring wagon, ami droj.
ped Into the usually quite and jM-ace-ful
tow ii nf Fort Jones. He immed
iately intrenched himself into the
confidence of a few of the InfliiPiitial
men about town. He claimed to Isj
an old-time gambler, and alw ays on
the "square". Subsequent events
pro veil him to lie worse than a "fak
er," The next gentleman (?) f'urley
Smith, alias "Montana Kid" came
along in about the same style as
Homero. but he wan engaged in giv
ing a picture show, using a Magic
He immediately made himself
known as a fighter, and In a round
about way was Introduced to Rom
ouwKMMtibly Ida friend. A fight
JMft? Jjnniedjately promoted between
comparative ease, as he was clearly
the master of Ely at the boxing
"Ely went to his home at Callahan
after the fight, and in a few days
telephoned that he would fight Smith
for a side liet of flWl, which defy was
accepted by the backers of Smith
Fort Jones people. The match was
made and Homero was selected as
referee and stake holder.
"Imniediatly after the fight, which
was clearly a rank fake, Homero aud
Smith skipped the country with the
money, Homero lsing stake holder.'
Anyone having anything to do with
these parties are Mire to get the
worst of it.
"wscnirTioN of "noit" homkuo.
Hieght about 5 feet 10 inches, light
complected, light brown hair, hatch
et faced, face deeply seamed with
wrinkles, sharp hooked nose, smooth
shaven, thin, weight about u
pounds, light grey or blue eyes, gen-
erally accompanied by his wife and a
hairless Mexican dog. He was a
gambler by occupation.
alias Montana Kid, alias a few other
names, is about 5 feet 9 Inches lu
height, smooth enliven, light com
plected, weight l.VJ pounds, brown
hair, heavy built about the shoulders.
Has a white bull dog answering to
the name of Sharkey, and Is gener
ally accompanied by his wife. We
refer anybody interested to any
business man of Fort Jones, Siski
you County Cal., as to the truth of
these statements."
The Ashland city election Inst week
resulted in the defeat of the anti
saloon ticket except In one ward
where their candidate forCouncilinan
was elected. Those successful on the
labor union-citizen ticket, which
stood for saloon license, arc: Mayor,
1). 15. Provost; Councllnien, D. A.
Applegate and William Mctirath:
Recorder, Milton Herry; Treasurer,
L. L. Mullt. The new Council will
stand three to three on the saloon
question with the Mayor favorable
to license, who has the deciding vote
Incase of a tie. Licensed saloons
may therefore bo exiected to resume
business in Ashland as soon as prac-
I tlcable.