Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, December 18, 1902, Image 3

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1 -t
Mew Going Through Saddeit Eco
nomic Experience In Iti History.
Well-Ureaaa1 I'rlal el Her llaelaeee
ratal Itetaoe llae tuftrtl
Itroafck Itlaa-raeef al rraaae.
(lertiianv I uiiiimibteilly K"lir
through ita atuMrat eoininitili' e
terlrnce a i tin empire was fiiuml
eil, aa tlir llrrl.n rnfl -iiiIi-iiI of
the New Void Journal of ('iimim-rca,
The jiriile with which
flerttinn business mm lntte litlnrlo
oon tt-in plti I ! their rrcllriit repute
lion Hlirnttit for couiiiierciitl lionur ha
euffctiil n limal aetrrrr blow. The
frank f urii-r .eituiijf admit in a r
oenl imtrlti'l reticw tlml in no iu
liar period of bii,uca depression In
tirrinunv hate i many caar of "tli
frnrrfnl fininN nml emu ninn atsifitl
lllif" been rspositl. Il.iwrver. it Is
fell here ) ia t I hf sennit Ii.nul t-liar-aelt-r
of mailt of the tlis.i-lira of the
past yvnr lutve Klven fuiiign otiaerv
era an r itvi:irtiil liiiirmion of I ha
a talc of tiniiir prevailing in tn-r-mitnj;
mil only Dial tluc ilialii
have itiiiIiiI a faUe ! a to the
average of Ot-rinau busim-m InWjfil
ty, tint llmt I ! Iinv n.n .'iilflcil un
illlly I In- iri.inr1 inn of tin1 inllnim
rims nk 1.1111 friun abrnuit. It is
pointed oiil Unit irrinnn.v has a total
of itliutit '.i ill Jililit stork t'iitlii;i n n-a,
illlfl lliilt llir number of i o In hi li it a
ihut linn- r.uliit 'r ittn into Iiii.iii
I'iitl ! i Mull 1 1 us c in I it lite hut n sliciit
lr t Hull of 11 1- liolr Mill tlie
Oiiii:-.! liittfc llir sitlliilinn trit pS
tint.1 i i ii'Ii. Ili'kn!i a tlir ninny un
t n t hi ii lle fartmn In llir ailutillon
ttki'lf, Kttiiit niiml iinri'i t n i nty come
from the turilT nri I n t mil l''inri
mi n ili ti': Know s 1ml will their
itmif j I inn under tin' nets tnrilf law
which (.'urs into rlTrrt .) n ri im r . I'jui
The rrrnt t-rinia ill tin- t.i ilium iron
muIii-I r v. f"r rlnMipIr, in rhi-l! due
to tin- fnrt flint nil roimuiiii'rk of
pltf ci'ii. nut li .l tlie vaM fully at
hp lii'llit of tlir liooin of ilni'ini,'
ion I rail i f.. irmi for mmimI villi
in ii.ixniu r. iin.l ut tin- lii.'li (iru in
I In n ir- lulintf. Many of tlir oii
laliata that hatr rrri-ntlv iottrn
I hriiidatura into linnnrinl llflii'iiltir
lironnlit on theae tlifllrultira hy ri
.'ri rximnaion.
Aftrr thr Jirmrnt rriaU l ovrr an
intrrantliitf rhaptrr rnn written
upon thr intiinntr rrlntion of thr
Wrm.nii 1 .n uka with iniliiktrial ritnl-
tllkt. The jaunty roiillilcm-r with
whirh all foreign crlt irlnina of tlie
jrlrm wan iliatnlkaril hirr up to a
yrar ajfo Km a rrrtninly jfivi-n plnra
io n more rrtirmt attitudr aiuonff
tliianrirra, and thry arr now much
more willing to admit the danir. of
thn ayat-r in
-aala iiirani aad Ilia Mrla Art
lka ob laa Oaaaa lit Taiala
all lloat.
Ao lnroiniDtf iteAinvr rr porta ha
Inff naiad the Dark Sri rrt, tha lit
ilo rnnvn rovrrril fold iyjr-lion t in
vhich ( apt. William Andrew and hi
I'ridr Mnrtid for n houry moon triy
a.-rona tho Atlnntic three dny ajfo.
llir liltl rrnfi wn rt'porti-il to Im
ninkln fnir lirndiMiy, thoiiih pouinl
"lf K""1' '"I owinjf tu lyuitf ait
low on thr wnirr. Tho ); r k Secret
M 14 fret in li-ntli nml kill danger
.oialy iU-rp in ilic water n Wiw re-
(ilt iif Ihe iiloreii which hn lieen
packed In fori nook of thr bunt and
tier 3ixi poiiinN of lend Imllnat.
("apt. Andrevvk menna to hold hla
uurie toward the Alore ialnnda. lie
-ipecta that with ordinary fiiir
veathur he will mnkt them in rltfhl
rka. II count on Uia Dark Se
cret making ten mile an hour. Ha
a alone, in the ballaf that a he will
make that time. Half the apt-erf la
what la givtn her hy many author
itlea owl n(f to Ihe liilit anil curried
and the peculiar linild of the nrk
iecret. Throe or four month may
i mi neoeaaary to make u aurcevkful
Cnpt. Andrew ha achieved much
n voyage in amall lion t a. He nitled
the dory Nuutiliin, a l.V foot limit,
from ItoHton to the l'nri expoeitioii
'it liTH. On thia Hip he wit accom
pnnied by hla lirolicr Waller. Thr
sLy ftTe laated 4S ilnya. lln wan 12
i.iyu nlom on the ocenn in the lumi
Dark Hecrel, IS feel long, in
He aailud .'14 iilmiu in the enn-taa-coverod
folding-lioat rimntom
Ship, a 131-foot craft, in lhUM, und
1.000 mile ill. me in the Dover, a 12
foot Iniat of thu aaine atylu, in Ihuu.
Tbara la now I.UHa Oaaiaaal for
aalrlla Uara Mad Ualaaalvvlr
la Maw York.
"A few jenr ago Ornuire county
made more npplrjnck thitu nny other
ounty in the union, New Jeraey not
liarred," aaid an old time farmer,
ay a ipecinl correaponden t of the
I'hieago Inter Ocenn. "In tin town
'f Warwick ulonn there wire 27 np-'
I'lfjack diatlileria. Wa turned uul irailon a year and pnld the
government IIJo.rxKl a year tat for
doing It. There wa aearealy a town
In the county that didn't ijeie It
(piota of apple into rider and eon
rrt the elder Into applejack.
"Orange county hegan the making
of npplrjnck liefore Ihe revolutionary
war. Thrre I In uae In the Hayre
diallllrry near Warwick a kettle and
worm, the produet of which In apple
jack paid earlae duty to King t.eorge
III. It wa then In a atill aonM-whrre
In the Hiidaon highland. The hnytf
atill I the only one left out of t'e
'.'7. All the old atill in other part
of the. county have diaaipeared
Thrre nre prrhnpa not more than to..
'KKl gallon of applejack madr in
Orange county to-dny.
"There waa a time, not long agof
when one would hear no other tipple
aakrd for hy the hihuloualy -inclined
In Orange county. If you naked for
whlaky, applejack would invariably
he art out to you. To-day If you aak
for npplrjnck right here in II a old
time home the Inndlord will hnt to
lake a look ovrr hi atoek to ear
whether he ha got any. It wa no
iinromiuon thing for a high a ten
dollnra a gallon to he paid for apple
Jack known to lie from aome partic
ular atill, or to hate hern a certain
numlirr of yrar In the fnrniera' cel
lar. Some of the heal applejnck rer
made I lying In farm cellar to-dnv
There la aome more than 40 yenra
old. Hut aomehow the proent g'-n
rrntiou hn gone nwny from thr good
old tnte of the father, and apple
jack that ought to he worth one dol
Inr a drop i ignored for tuinultuoua
rye and chenp deer.
"The diatillrr thnt are left in
'ratine eounty nay there I no money
in npplrjnck any, one renaon
lieing that rj e and corn whiaky can
he made ao much ehrnprr. So the
l-lcirj of firangr county applcinck ia
I'niie, and it really IM'tkca lilt'e ilif
ferenre now whether her orchard
Iw-nr In the rn-n or the odd numlirr
yenra. or whether they nt all."
A lagiifilloa Iw iealaa,
Thry had jut aeateil thimrlvra in
a ahaily inn,k hy the r'Btaile aftrr a
cut irrmi cuiint rj . and a conflict with
multiple fnrui Imrrii-ra on thr wa
Af.r a pmikr he glanced it I the trle
grnph wina overhead and rcunirkril:
"I In .r no i!.uhl thai it niii 1 1 . . t he
mailt jrar before thr prrftcliou of
wirelea telegraphy will do away w ith
all thokr unaightly blur un our rural
la ndaciipea."
"I hope ao," ahr replied. Then, with
a rurfui glance at her tttril akirt,
hr added: "And I further hope that
the aniue (frtiiui will go on making
progrraa in that line until w are
bleated with an era of wireleaa fence."
- lloiioii ( ourirr.
How la I'rrvrnl ( roup
It will lie goiMl new a to the mother of
amiill children to leit'ti (bat croup can
I prevented. The lirnt xitiu of croup in
lioiirkeiieh. A day or tw o belore t lie at
tack the child become lioHrne. Tbia In
'"ii follow ed by n i e 'iihar rough cough.
iive (.'Iminberlain'e t'oiigli Keumly
freely as noon s the child becometi
IniHrne, or even after the rough rough
appi-Hrx, mid it will diiel nil aymptoma
of crniiti. In HiIn way all danger and
anxiety inny be HVoided. Tin remedy
in ueif by many iIiouhmiiiIh of mot her
ami hit never been known to fail. It in
in fact, the unit remedy that can Im de
pended upon and lliat ia pleaaut and
Mitie to take. For rale hy Lee. Keall,
ForEuse iclHng
doc not take into consideration the one
rkciitial to woman' happiness wom
anly health. There in many a woman
whose future wenis absolutely uncloudet
who is marked by her own condition for
future disappointment ami distress.
I lie woman who
neglects lierhealtlt
is ncijlecting the
very foundation of
all Kxl fortune,
lor without health
love loses it lustre
and Ktild is but
VVomaiily health
may lie retained or
regained hy the
use of I r. Tierce's
l'livorite Prescrip
tion. It establishes
regularity, il r i e s
the drains which
weaken women,
heals inflamma
tion and ulcera
tion nml cures fe
male weakness. It
makes weak wom
en strong, sick
women well. I
Sick women are united to consult lr.
Tierce ly letter J'rvt. All correspondence
held as strictly private and sacredly
i i in I n It-nt ut I. Address ir. R. V. l'icrcc,
llullalo, N. V.
"I have taken six Ikiltleiof lr. rierer' I'livuf.
lie I'H M-i iplion." wi iten Mi M l; te. nl tn ilia,
hiiiu'ie C"., tlnl.iii.i, "anil two fM'llte i.l' tlie
' rieasani relletH' hh vim iiilviNett Inr etuitri i.tioii
til lilt-in, iivaiie. und weukiieMt, sail can kitlely
say thai your iiieiliL-inr hat been the iiieana nl
leslitiiiiK me In )iiimI health rikfat i ii. which I hail
llnl liail ovet Itliec eill'N, until talillK vntir
llleilu Hie. I til. ink you very lliu. ll lot yniil klllil
mill I'lullipl ullc lit ion tu Illy letter Skki 11; uilvlee."
"1'avoi ite Trescrijition " has the testi
mony of thousands of women to its com
pute cure of womanly diseases. Do not
accept an unknown and unproved substi
tute in its place.
J)r. Tierce' Tleasant Tellets clear the
complexion und sweeten the breath.
.'.it 'ml' i " i iS l'i
AS'cRclablc Prcparnlionror As
similaiin Htc FtxHl nml HcSnla -ImU
Uie Slouuidis otvi Lkrwcb of
I'romotcs l)ii:jP3lioivCUi,rriil-;
nesnantUVsl Cnuldiiis ncillrr j
(hmiin.Mdi'pliiiti' nor
()T ?;AliCOTIK.
VikVn .'if, J
. 'It iii ir I
ilH i -V Ii,.-: r I
. .
I'M -
Aperf.v! ' i '
lion. Soui' . ;. : . ' :' vt
Won. is. I rnvi.: iv-, i v.-j i sti
iu'ss fiiull.i. s o. i ixi.r.
rncSinulc Siwnnlurr of
Put your ad in liic
Land Notice.
Attorney and Counselor at Law.
iJio Connctkut Avenue
Washlnjcton, 0. C.
All person who have heretofore made FINAL
PKOOF la any kind of Land, Mineral or Tim
her Rnlrles, which has been accepted by the
Hrf later or Receiver ol any U. . Land Office,
can have the laauance of their U. S. Patent lor
aeld Lands promptly attended to by sending
me their Duplicate Rccelsts, or Certificates of
Lntrv, and aa agreement to pay me J 10 when
ever said Patents shall Issue.
Oregon, California
and Nevada
Mate Agent
You Have Done It 1
Given us Prosperity
Beyond all expectations.
Wo boast of our friemls ami pat-
rotiH. .ot ot what we have done
or will do.
We tnot sincerely
Tliank You
jan 10
Plush, Oregon.
Nasal Catarrh quicWljr yieMs to treat
meut by Ely' Croam iialm, which is agree
ably aromstio. It is received throiiLli tha
uoHtrils, cleanses ami lioivls Uia whole ur
fsoe over which it ditfUBr itself, bruggista
it'll tho 60o. sir.e; Trial size by niuil, 10
conts. Test it ami you im sure to coutiuua
the treatiueut.
To aooomtuoilittii thuso who nre imrtinl
to the use of utiiiiorH iu iilying liijuiils
into the nasul )nssngt'8 for oiUirriuil iron
bin, thn tirtiprit - irtt irt'iare I'roam Hulm iu
liijuid form, which -i 1 1 bo known its Kly's
l.iijiiiil t'rcitiu ltitlm. 1'rico inchuling tho
imiyiiiK tube is 7" cents. rtiggists or by
niuil. 'i'liu liiptiil form t'lnbotlit's tlie uieil
icinal jiroportit' of tho solitl jTi juirutiou.
A I5ii Foir
i awn v mm un iaiuyyt.y l nin .ji m. m mm unjimiaut imi msaaa f j
Upon trial I can convince you that 1 can
sell you as GOOD 000DS for as LITTLE
MONEY as any store in Lake County.
E. B. F0LLETT, New Pine Creek.
i PlVulaV Li i!i
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Examiner, it brings ts !
PT t 1
Beer sold Wholesale & Retail
Delivered any place in Town
J. W. Maxwell
A rrnt rvr
Ten of the Best
high grade and
standard makes
of Pianos
$240.00 and up
Organs S50 up
Horseshoeing A Specialty
M y aw
cs n sCv tA'iM if?k n n
in m ti a h r y ti n e i nr-
tms ccNmua cownv. hcw vona errv. j
' ' ' " reV i
mm m&s 1
The fyrruon Beml-Wiekly Journal, ft
cmncrHtlc, ever fnlr and tl.
ay free; 104 ropli tn one year for only
l.fc to any adilre. The Journal, I'.
O. Itoa rortland. Or.
Orcai.n Imlly Journal, a Ixniocrallo
dally n-niHiMT, rl-ht to 20 pngn. 14 a
ear: 12 for nix month. Thr Journal ia
a tic winpr. H'-nl In your aubncrlptlnn.
Interial your nelhrKr In The Journal.
AdilrcMH The Jnurnal, Kox l.'l, f'ortlan4
'hi (Ignature la ot every hot o' the prninne
Laxative BromoQuininc -iicu
wmvl - M in el.. .
TUIC DIDCD "ci.t n file t K.r. f)ar'
inid rArLII Avertllng AK-ncy M nIS
Mi n liaiu' Kxi'lianie. Han yraneiifo, '!.,
where cotnraei for advertlalni ran be made
for It.
lamoC DarrV Hrnrta with Hwallow Fork Id
J TICS Dull J right ear for ewea; reverae
for wethera. Home ewea Pijnare t'rnp and Hill
In right ear. Tar Brand 111. kanice. Crane
Ijiki-. Pnat'ifllee addreaa. Itkevlew, Orefon
7ir VUhitUnrth Brand with t rop oft left
LQj T? IlllrVUl til ear. Half Cnderernp off
rlKlil for ewea; reverse for wethera. Tsr Brsn
VY. Kaner, Flh :reek. l'oiofliee address
Ikiriew, On-KoD.
Southern Oregon
Marble Co.
; Ashland,
n 4
I St
vivMjwii r$j
Dtslert I sJsrkle. Crarlte. Irs
i rx is MS1 (truer i Stsac Msrk
For nearly
half a century
hare trow i nit frtmoDt !nrTy
akJ . us s-'Ls C ' ' v ;wi r, (tim ilj
eUMp-ua tr to Ail Appli-mutaV
' .V kalaV ' ' e- & .TataaaBI f '
Northern Stage Line,
A. W. BRYAN, Proprietor.
Leaves Lakeview at 6 a. m.
every day but Sunday.
Returning, leaves Paisley
at 6 :b0 a. in. every day but
Passengers' are $ j Round trip Sj
OFFICE- Keynolit.t 4 Win?field's Mkevtaw
I'mleil StHtt't I.siid Olttce. Ijikcvk w, Oregon,
Ort. L'l. liarj. Notiff is lun-tiy (jivcii tliat iu
PotupliHiice t ith tin' iirovidii'i'iit of the set of
June . lTt. eutitli'.l "An act fur the asle of
I un In-r lands in the States of Cslifurnis, Ore
gon, Net sits, stul WsslitiiRton Territory," ss
extended to all the I'ublic Land Stales by aet
of AiiKuxt 4, If'Ji, Joseph How aril, of LaEeview,
county of Ike. ktste of Oregon, has this day
Hied in this olttce liii sword statement No. l.Vfi
for the of the 8 SW ' j of See No. 20
iu T No. to S, K. So. 17 K, and will offer proof
to show thst the laud sotiKht is more valuable
fur is timber or stone than for agricultural
fiurposea, sud to estsblish bis claim to said
and liefore the krg-isier and Receiver of this
otttce at 1-skc vie w, tregon, on Wednesday, the
4lh day ol March V.KKl. lie names ss witness
es. V. M. Curry, Charles Moore, J. W.Wstson
and Zscclieus Whiiwurth all of Lakeview Ore
gon. Any snd all persons claiming adversely
the stKive-descritH'd lsuds sre retiested to file
their claims iu this office ou or before said 4tb
day of March M.
Novli J. M. BUATTA1X, Register.
riiiteil Stales 'ttnl ottlce. Lskeview, Oregon,
tH'tobrr t. Notice is hereby given that in
compliance with the iroviMiuia ol the act of
June 3. ISTS. euil.led "Alt set for the sale of
limber lauds iu tlie Sisles of California, Ore
gnu, Nevada, slid Washington Territory." ss
extended to all I'ublic Laud States by act of
Augiibt 4, Imi.', '.he fullnuiiig persons have this
day tiled in this orlice their suoru statements,
to-u it :
John McIUiftie Campbell
of Pulitth. coiiniy of St. liuis. stale of Minne
sots, euorn niateineiii No nil tor the purchase
of the S K of Sec. ti, T :I7 S, H 17 K w in.
ticorgd It. Young,
of liulu'.li, cnunty of St. Louis, state of Minne
sota, sworn statement. NoU'iJ for Ihe purchase
ej the M W (4 01 sec 5 T S7 S, K 17 K W M.
I'st l.iston
of UuUitli, county of Sr Louis, slate of M nne
sota, sworn sistcinciit No U.'l for the purchaso
of the N K 4 oi Sec 7 T 7 H, K 17 K w 111.
Areliie Keuuev
of luilulh, c tit 11 1 01 St. Louis, state of Minne
sota, Sit or 11 statement No U'i for the purchase
of the w 3 of w ' -j of See , T ;I7 ti. K 17 E w. lit.
That theystt ill utfer proof to show that tbu
land sought is more valuable for its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish their claim to said land liefore J. W
llaiusker, I'. S. Commissioner, at forest, Ore
gon, un Monday, the IWth day of January, l'AU.
They iiane aa witnesses, John J, Cusack, of
Keruville, Oregon, tleorge II. Yotinir. I'at l is
ton, Jnliu Mcl. t sinpbcll slid Archie Keiiuey
of Duluth Minuesols.
Any and all persons t'laituing adversely the
above-described lauds are requested to tile
their claims in Ibis ottlce ou or before said ltflh
day of Jan. l'Mi.
Oct Iti il K. M. Br.tmi.s, Register
kr'V w XJT u
1 I H