Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, December 11, 1902, Image 8

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Christmas Thoughts
As we get nearer and nearer gift-giving day you find this
Store by comparison the best place to do Christmas buying
Large Stock better varieties, more comfort in shopping, and
last but not least, the economy demonstrated time and time
For jour Wife, Mother,
Sister, daughter or sweet
heart. Dress Patterns ranging
in price from i.5o to 12.00
Ice Wool Shawls for 1.00
i.5o, 1.75 and 2.00.
Fancy Wool Fascinat
ors 5c. 1.00, 1.25, i.5o,
Handkerchiefs, a large
variety from 10c to 50c
Kid Gloves, Silk Mit
tens, Golf Gloves.
Fancy French Flannel
Waist Patterns from 1 .80
to 3.5O a pattern.
For your Husband,
Father, Brother, Son or
An order for a Royal
Taylor to Order
Suit will make the most
acceptable Christmas
present. We make them
to Order from 12.50 to
Fancy Neckwear, Silk
Suspenders, Fancy Shirts
Silk Mufflers, Silk Hand
kerchiefs, Hats of Latest
Styles, Pocket Cutlery.
Duke lti'imrlt en mi' over from
Warner Saturday.
Mnk Hull ('hrintnum. 4
Alturan too, Is eotiiplnlulnit about
lu cnrclty of w I.
Social dance Saturday ninlit.
IJnlpli Day mill wUc lift moved ,
to tow 11 from Winner.
Itny your (ilnvoa al Srluiiinrkii. 47
M. M. Itl'uttnlu U hating a new
roof )uit on IiIn residence.
tin to llu uncial iiini' Saturday ni(!it.
Frank limbs ninl wife arrived
Tuesday from liiniriH'k much In
Coal hurt been discovered near Al
t uriiri t lint burn readily. A fewloim
conlil easily lr disposed lit t III m place
J 11 11 1 llow.
Toy ilihlii-K ninl cvcrythiiiK thai lh
little tol would itclit;ht in for h Clnit
iiihk present lit Wileni'it. I'.l
Itev. Ninytln will preach next Sun
day ut Col toiiwiiod, Cnl, at II a in.,
New I'lucfrii'k nt I'ii. in,, ninl Lake
v lew at 7:.'lil . in.
Till' lll', I ill Hir tillllt Ill'M'tTM Ht
Stl i in i tic k m They are made to admit
luro chunk" to lust ull dav. 17
The shotv windows of tin' stores
lire resplendent m It li beaut Iful I hrlst
IUIM Ltootls, wlilrll lit 1 1 lo t a t; It'll t
ilriil of at tent loii.
I 'oii't fornet to make pri'i'it' nl iotii for
i from Klniunt h I all to t he .1. D. Cnt r '"' nia-'k letll to lie Htvcn hy Ma. tell
1 fundi tV Han'r ul Ititi rv 'a Ii di. H.
! If you want a hu'V rli.-iip. ac ' Waller l!ice of Orhind. I 'alif iruln,
I St lillinii k. 17 . iK inl 1 1 1 ik II frw days in L.ik'tlrtv
I N. W. Taylor of tin- t hewniicnn u " M 1 '"' '"'"" ' I'" ninrd
I'oHt, visited in l.nk.t i.'w VV A M ' I I .
! ninl Sunday , II anv kid i a I yoti i ( i t ! r
you II Mow yotirii for a 'lull. mnr
llllil M't' HI' l,lte. I I'.l'.lll I'.l
I'll I O'Dotle iiimI tile Hi'MOli Mill
liu i' anot lior t lui I in 'I in- I ' x 1 1 1 1 1 1 it-r
iicxlitiik on Iniiiiiin eipinllit ami
tin- Wlnilolil "f Sololllllll.
lioti I hi r-4!i
Doll'l (.III to Kl'l Itll'licr'a
A tt'll'llOllt' lilll' till M iH't'll l' ll'lhll'll
Fancy Glass and China Ware make useful Christmas
Presents Table Sets, Fruit Stands, Vases, Berry Set
Fancy Lamps, at Prices within reach of everyone.
i. ; "J"U.l
Premium Cou
pons Free with
each 35c Cash
! Mill i hit v ninl bats at ninl price
; m. i iti.i'H.
They Mfin to In' 1 1 : i 1 1 1 u tr.iiilili'
Willi ( 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -illltii; uhl-d.y o
I ndiiius in All lira-.
j Don't (.ul to n" to lli. n l.i! il.iinv Sal
ii r. tii y infill.
I A dill w iim III I n n I need In l ho Si n.i if
( I'm tal. lulling t In- 1 I -i i if I ii I In t In'
1 Philippine I -dale! v
I it 1 1 1 1 stove it j i :
S liniiiii kH.
j .l.iri ill Sin mImi a
I ho Summer I .:i 1.
i l.llki v ii u Iiih) w i i
I iinl.i-r In
r i i i i i i r ,
, 1 1 1 al
- 17
lltiT ill
Mai In
l i:uin'K, ilruin
at WilioxV.
.Ii.-li r.illln-
i of nil kiiuls
llillli U Ilk.'
Cull mi In-lit ill I-' it-Ill' 'tort'
nml net' I In' ki k i if in il I n.i-r v Htil hat
W 1 1 ull ih lii-iii!.' mil. nt rt"l I fl o n in. -t'1
.1. W . I 'Iih' li t iirin-il ft i mi t a k I. mil ,
I ill , la-t Wi't-k. mil! (in i-tfiliil lo 111
linini'lii S.iiii.-r Mr. I Iiu- lint Ufii
a I ti'inllli xrln ii il in I In- ril .
Till' n i HI I.I r .lllli' of ill!4 1 1 k
Ii in iviii liml l.aki'li'W, a ml t In- Ii inn
llltfl' I'M'lllllt ale ellj..ei (o Hie
tlllli r.1 l lelil liy lie en I llllxlont 1
I 1 1 1 ! I r on iiml to i-hf (nr toi Julirlx
m.i i, lo 'J, I .nin-rlv h.ilil lor (I i"i, ( 1")
nnillTQ Regarding the Forty Second Annual
rUm 1 0 Statement $ EQUITABLE LIFE.
Sew business written in 1001: - $245,1)12,087.00
Gross assetts. " - ;W 1,0:19,720.34
Gross surplus " 71,720,797.00
Total payments to policy holders 27,71 1,021.42
I)urinj the past ten year", the Kquitalilf linn paid 'i,0.'i,.'Wl.i! in diviileniln ot
it4 poliey liol ler.j, uhi:h largely exi-fetls the amount pai'l in tliviilei.ds hy any oth
vr Company durtnir the eaaie fn-riod.
I'liite I Stated Land Office, Lakeview , I
Oregon, Oct. 22, 1".'. Notice is hereby j
sfiven that in con.pliarue with the pro- I
I'i-ion-' (f tl.e act i Cotitrre"-!! of June
H7m, entitled ' Ai. act lor the Hale uC
nuilier larnl.1 in the tiite-: of (.'alifornia,
tlreaon, Nevada, arid Washirmton Ter-'
".lory," a extended to al) the public land 1
Mate- by a''t of A:i' i-t 4, ls'C. I .-rini j ,
... Cu-acii, of iootn, enmity of Lincoln, '
hlate u! iri-uon, ha-i lhi day tiled in thi
o:hce hi-i Hwom nlaleinenl "'J4. for pnr-
l,a-e N'.. NV'4 SK 4 NW'.., SW. NK'4 .
cut. '.' Tp ''A h I: 17 K, and will offer ,
l-oof to nhow that !he land fought U i
more valuable for itH timber or stone than
f jr agricultural pnrpohtiH, and to estab-l.-di
liis claim to said land before the
Krister and He eiver of tliii ollice at
l.akeview, Oregon, on Thursday the Xth
tly ot January, !')3. He namei a j
witnePHeH : John J C'ni-ack, Kernville,
Or., John fiilniar,, Kd Cabebeer, Win,:
V. Finley, lily, (Jr. Any and all er-!
rons claiming adversely the above-de-i.oriled
land are requeeted to file their )
claims in thin office on or before ttaid Sih ,
ilav of January.
liJviHI K M ERATTAIN, Register, t
I'liiii il Mbteii I,anl ';.ri', lki-vii-w, Or (.ri '
n. in. Vn. Notievit Mtn,y nit-en ""! '"I
I t'lililidlli'i' Willi t:ie J rot it-, oil III tri-ii tiii
J : in- :i. 1T. i-llli tfl ' All hi-i d,r lie? mle oil
Itfiiln-r ihicI- in I he Ma ol l ,.!,li,rniR, i recoil.
N 'vttOH tiiel Wnhli.1 i,''.i r, 'I i rr.tiiiy." n . T -t i ' 1
l-. to H I J lie- I''.'i SlhKH liy Ml' i,! Aui- '
l'if i. "'!"', Ill'- I'lllu.' I.''. Iim , r Iny j
fc'.-l i ii Hi .t!'i' tie i i.i n ' i -r 1 1 -; , t - v. it':
hiiitH i i Ui 1 hi.T.i'mn. '
III Wgii-flnii, i-nlllllf ..I Ji!U' il Jlhltk'. .'' of
J.i'Aa. yuoni stntOfi;i', No H'i7 for On: j.'.n hu'i.
in lie- n ul ii l-i i.c It to ;if. c r I'j i-.
h'Tuy V Ktt"tiuhn
ni I'.aiii'iiu r, cuiiiity i,l i runt, i-'bh- i.f Wi-ciin-kiri
nwurii htateiiHji.l J.'o Ji'ih for thi- j.'iri ini!'
Ill till- MV ' II W i, h -(. I:;, H t II.: ' , tt'nl .; I j
b ' , . Hl) V h, I V: " X III.
Uavnl Kn-liiinii
ul I.iiicH.tcr, fijiiuly ul i.rnt, hirii: of iViccon
mi hvvurli h'Hli'ineiit Hi H'j'j for Uii- .'in-loiv-in
Uic k nw H : 14 rnl t ut yt. .:: li, iji
K-i s. r I i t w in.
I tint ile y will offor '. -)l to nhfitv lliHl th
litit'l Milium in moo! vit! otaljle for it lunijurnr
fcunie itiHii for itirjise aiel to i-k-til
iifcli lln ir eluiiii Ui wtiil Ibiiih In Inn; ( . Ji.
V. Throw. I'. H. Count. iii r at KIhiiihim I'niln
On-u'on, mi Moiiilny. tlie oih day of March. I'rtiS,
I :ii'.v imiiii- an Nrildi-nf." : KliuK iiiar'l l.n..i
loan of U aicrioo, loa, f.i-roy Ii. KHstmau an i
J'a ill hastiriau, of l.n.i Mer, V ihi-oiikin, ami
J. A . I'ai Id-r ami il ar.-.b In ui., of lliy, or. turn.
A ny aid all iiemoun rlaiiuiK a'lvi-rhrly tle
miovi' ill-will"!) laii'H re rt'iiiikiud in fli;
their cluliim ill lliia c tin or tieiuru ea. I 'J'.li
11 o' -Martti, 1M
Itof. l:i-44 B M. BaiTTAlf, Rvgiiter.
of WH'h-
Hi- .i.r
, IM.-C 'J" l.
fniteil ti.. I.ani oiin .- al l.ak.ili-w, (ir..,
oet i, lurj. Nniii e In hi r. liy uivi-n ihat in
i:i,nj!uin t- with the irow!on of the act of
' 'nni(rvia nf Jinie .1, Ih7. entitleil "an a-t for
itic i.rtie of tirnhi-r laiiilx in tie' -laics of ( a ;for
niit. Ori'iioii Ntvaita Mioi in Washington Ter
ritory" le ext. leli ! lo all Hie I'lil, in- I. nil I
Uii-n l.y hi" of Alivilst 4. I -', tie- fol!oviliv
n Taoii, Ii h e flli-il III thin oltice tlli-ir sworil
-trtU-iiu-n;.- t A
Inc.. I, V. Mohr
nl Ynkilim, county ol 'HkilIla. S'Mte of
Wit -i, i;.si.,. . v ,,rti .tali liii'lil o 117" for !l,e
iiir.n-.i. ol thi- s ' j i- ' , vc ;'.l hs i4 ny t m-i-JI
aiel !! i , io- i . -( I', !. ; r I" e, w m.
II. nrv I . Hull
of O-i raieli-r, conlil y of l litz, Slat
iiii:hi;i, .-wiirn Mat.-i.'ii-nt So 1-Viii fur
ni-- of tin' w ' i iiu ' , ami ii )a k (
ft, r 17 e, w in .
Mv. in W. l olUril,
of Ootraii'li-r, county of l owlitz, slate of Wa-h-1
loitoti . sworn xtati-mi'iit No l.'iiil fur lln- jiitr-
Chase of till- e J j nt HICl It 1 , HO J,, M-C tl
Wi a, r 17 u, w in.
William K. W oltertoii,
of Vaiu-duier, comiti of riark. stale of Wash,
itiion. auoru statement No l.Vii tor the pur
chase of the stt- lt. i-r 'j ti i, r li; c tr m.
ftimeon i:. iiyltoii, '
of No 57'. North Kront h. i'lirllanrl, comity
of Miiltnoinah. Slate of Oregon, kttorn slate
nient, No ISjii for the purchase of the lie !i k-c
si tp a. r 17 e. m.
I tiarles W, Yana,
f Westport, county of ( hehalia, state of Wash,
sworn iCalciiient No 15.1.1 for the purchase of
tin; aw yit oc :n tp SI , r 17 e, w in.
Itiatlliey w ill offer proof to ahow that the
lanil soiillht is more valiiahle for Its limner or
stone than for agricultural purimses aii'l to es
tablish their claim to sall (amis Id fore I'. II.
Willi row, I'niteil .-latesCoiiiiiiissioiii-r at Klaril
a'h Kails, On-Kon on Saturday, the 7th day
of March, l'si'..
i hey name as w .tm-.vr-s: .lainek O. Watt, of
H.y, (ire., .Iuim .1. i usai k- ot Kernville, On ,
nimi-oii ('. fit Mon of Tori land, ore., .lacoh V.
Mol. i . of Nor'ili l akwiiM, W bIi., Ifi-nry . Hall
and Kdrt in W . I'-oia.i of O-i randi-r. W ashing
ton, W nl win I'.W u1 rion. of Van en ii vi-r. W all.
and ' liHrles W. Valia ol ti-sport, W ashlliulnn.
Any Miid a;: f.ii -on inn ininir ad v r-i-i y lie.
alio ,'i-d---' l ! I, ed Jand an- ri-ij ui-li-d lo Iii'i
llieir ilalljii HI t '.- offli l: mi or In fori- Mild
7ilida.vol March, I''.'. KM liAl'IAIN,
Nov. II II lC Kit.-r.
I 'lllll-d Stales l.alld ollii e, l.akei lew , Oregon,
S'.ii'i-iiilii-r : I'ni-i. Noiiee is lieri-hy nivi-u that
in compliance it ith I In prot isioiia of the ad of
Coniresi ol June I, W, entilted i-au in l for the
:-nli- of timher lauiK in the Slates of f'alilorniH,
lin.'KOii, Nuvada, and WashiiiKlon Ti-rriiory,"
as i iM'iidi-d to all lln: 1. 1.1 1- land stad-s ly act
of Ann. 4, i. I'll i in i.i T. Hill, of Kulloii, i ou li
ly of M ultnoliiali. ."tale of Ori-Ron, lias IhlH day
lili-d in this ortlce li sw orn statement No l Wi,
lor the puii hase of the s 'a a i-v of see 11 tp Ivi a,
r 11 c, w in. and w i! i offi r proof lo show thai
the land smiKht is more vrIiihIiIi- for iiu tlinhcr
or stout- than for agricultural purnoscH ami to
esiahli-h hi-claim to said land before '. II.
Vtilhruw.l . s. t.'oininlssliilii.r at K laiualh Kuli".
Dii'Kon on Saturday the 21st day of Maich, J
lM. lie names as w itiiesses : Harris in hii, w.
1. W erks 1. 1 . Ilai, no "Il and W . II. l alim-r, all
of Mly, flri-Kon, Anyandali persons claiming
adversely I lie aliiitc desci'iUil Janda ar.: re
riii'sl"d to file the.r hiiiiis In Ihis ollne on or
beferf Slid "1st day ol March, pact.
Nut. 11 Cj t. M. UkATTAlN, KiKi'ter
AllMit inlllir liinliT of tin l.iike
view Itiiinl ami orchi'strn Hlleiitly
Ktolc nwny from l.nki-i lew 'I'lii'Hday
lnorniiikC wit hunt lent iny hU futiiif
nddri'SH, tukln t if li hiinfit'o. KiiiI'm
violin n ml he rejitetsi of his rri'ditoiv.
Whei'lM 111 t he hi'lld irt said to be t he
c.-illse of his sllildi'li ii'mrt lire, iim hi
coilld not expert to find II place
where he couhl do better llinii in
I,.ikt'vii'W. lie had a Iniisic clasHof
''it pupils, ninl was iiinkiiisC about
s -r week. Towiih soiitli of here
hate been notilieil to look out fur
A joekl'.V (-1 1 1 1 lilts Ihh'U often nl.ed
in Alt urns, vt it h i:. I.nuer, president ,
mid C. A. JJuker, sn'i-retiirv. The
lliclllbi rshlp fee is .on. They will
have races in the Spring ami I'all,
and a slake luce fur the district for
I wo- ten r-i ilds wilh a pnr.-e of Inou
or more Will be a fea I lire. As I. like
county was included in the diMrict
at Is presum
ed that it will also be in this. The
horsemen there have woke up and
Mil-the necessity of ndvaiicliitr. the
Htock IntereHtH, which the Lake coun
ty Htockineii should ilssIsI In.
I'Jcliard F.vmIi, who was pastor of
the M. K. Churtli at Lakeview for
five yearH ntid afterward lielntr
stationed at Ft. Klamath for about
twoyeaiH, then rcinovinic to lnde
pendeiice, Cal., has Imimi appointed
by the J'resident iih Iteceiver of the
Land oflicn at the latter place. Mr.
F.vhIi niade many friends durliisf Ids
ri'Midenee In Jwikeview who will be
Kind to learn of his K'ood fortune,
lie has been ipiile active ill politics
since removing to 1 1 1 1 b i k -i 1 1 b n i -i- ninl
owes his appointment lo his own
The dale seems rather unseason
able for luscious st I'll wherries -Town
in t he open, but Ashland is slill en
joy iiih the fruit of the perennial and
herbaceous plant says the Tidings.
Mr. .J. I', i'.olloii, who from his Har
den on the outskirts of town, has
been continuously snppltin- Die
market with Ihis delicious frail,
had a dozen boxes Saturday, that
were a spleiided specimen of Hie pro
ductiveness of this locality and of
1 he mildness of t lie climate. In the
lal'sii' Laslrril ell les nl Ihis time of
tint year this fruit would be worth
its weiKlili in ko! i.
miinny. a I rue idea of uudfl."'i, now lel.ii.s; I. a
its value lint ill mc Iim' it ."
Io!l, PoIIm, lolls, nt all puce at Wd
i:ux'h variety titorc. I'.l
I'ent Smith has Hinted from tin
Walters addition Into the residence
'.nl tenia a
operator I'.uike hus had a brick
Vault built to keep I he liaf lilies of
t he Cullforuiii Oregon Telegraph
line III, mi i they will not frecic or
vacated by Walter Sharpe. I evaporate.
John Venator ha moved Lin law of- State Li-prescnt at 1 vn It. A. I :inmlt t
Hi e lo the Italy huilihiiit. VJ panM-d t hroiikcli I Jiket lew on bin way
A lare nnml r of Lakevlew'H res- u Klaimilli county, Saturday.
Idetits havetconeto California mid ,ro,,, ,h'' 'l' country where
other points f,.r the tt Inter. I '"' haM ,M''" "'rveyliiK.
Mm. Kieht ban purchuaed Mr a. (i. K
Kaaier'H atiak of iinlliiiery 'imiiIs and
lints, and will close it out al a r. at re-
The House pasM il the bill appro- 'bietloii. '
I priatillic .'n,non o pay II pelis--s! Miss. Alice A. Appletcale I he new
of the coal strike colulllisHioli. ! teacher M ho came to ass e the
: aloti.. Ill I I u llrlt-.te'-, t,.j.tii n rri lh.I
I ii'ir iii-si jfiri eieeis in sei
the iniisk ball ('In i-l mas.
CloailHf out p'l ' on a'l men'M ready
made clothing nt S hininck". 17
ton at
from Klamath l ulls Saturday, and
U'Kiin her dill h'H Monday luornlnj;,
Victor Maxwell left for I'.urcka.
al., last Sal unlay, w here he im-s on
a visit to his home, lie expects lo
be none unit a short time, bill 11111
i cone hide to remain t here huh fin licit .
,At " M " of the Council j ,, yoll WHnl ChUnlwll.i r j,.Welry ou
Friday nlht. coiinclliunn W. I. i clone maritin ive uh a chance at your
Woodcock tendered his residual Ion. wad. Wo won't hit you very hard.
I -I'.l ' lU'idl's Store.
Moriu-pnsil and water-proof clothmn
lit Sctiiniiick's Just the thiiiK for this
Weather. 17
Mrs. WnlterSharp left on Monday's
sta;;c for Sacramento to meet Mr.!
Slia I p, Mho is look Int; fi ii' a local Ion.
If you don't attend the Maxk ball
Christmas, you w ill miss a lvhmI tin r
I'.lasliiitC on flu' Klamalh Clter
Ibiilroad call be heard at Spencer
Creek, In mile.-. Wcwi of Klamath
No latter prii e-ever n'lole, I on kthlMH
ware and crockery in I. akeview than at
Schlninckn. 17
The town bus rented a room In
the post ofllce Iniiiiiin- tt here the
council Mill hold Its inieliiis III the
fut ure.
Those line xold watcheH and cliuiiiH at
SehniinekH Bre just the tiling for a
ChristinaH present. 47
ICx-SH'aker of the House of Itepre
HentatlveM TIioh. 15. Heed, died In
W'aHhino;tO!i Dec. Till, from kidney
Absolutely Pure
j IConer W illla ins m iis fniiud Kuill.v
in I he limit l ' - of Is laiuat Ii
c on n i t of t he Ini'eeu.v of ii sieer, and
tvns Mi'lllelii ei lit ,liilt;e Deiisoii lo
' serve t hlee yen rs ill t lie pell i I el it hilt.
! Iieputy Sheriff Tip ker mid Deputy
Clerk Dlair ttanl lo make a record
M illie I heir chiefs ale Hone, so pay
up your taxes and secure your mar
I'lilL,'1' licenses while I he reduced rales
are III force.
The bicxest anil lineal time, to be had
thin season w ill Isi the inaiupierade bull
to bo wm'cn hy Maxwell tV Itatchelder
on t'liriftmas ninht. 4H
Wlllard ltiiiican, foreman for the
XL firm Informs the I'laliidealer
that cattle, especially cotvs tvlth
calves, are coming In quite t bin. Dry
cowm mid Hteers, hotvever, are In
14-ood condition.
There Is a happy New Year In pros
pect for at. least two people in Lake
view. There M ill be a weddluK oil
Hint day thai, very few people know
a bout , n nd The llxii miner has been
I n worn 1 1 1 secrec v .
; Having moved my ollice into the
Daly bllllililif, I w ill be pleiihed to nt
I tend lo all maltc rs hefore the Land ollice
I and otherwise. J D. Vknatoii, 'I'.l
I ('has. C. Kolierlson Hie telephone
I expert who bus been here for Hie
past month pulling up Hie local
system, left for his home in Cortland
Monday. Ills brother Is private
secretary of Senator Mitchell.
Coi'M lii Viuyurd ninl tt ife are nott
In Oakland, Cal., where Ihoy expect
toreninln for ntthile for Mrs. VI11
, aid's health. Cort in tt riles The
Lxuiuiiier that I hey Inula line trip
down, ninl Ihal I lux like Oakland
llrst rale. They find hmccI polnloes
pleul Iful dotvu there but have failed
to net! tiiu pimislii.i ,Vcl.