Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, December 11, 1902, Image 4

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lirtM Count u VLxa uitttT
PwtIUfcd Bvr Ttiarwlay
Matonk Building
(One Year, $2.00
TERMS: SUMontha. 1.00
(Three Months, 50
. One Inch
Two I lichen
Ttarts I lichen.
anart.r Column
kit I ulnnttl
One Column . .
;1 k 1 im S m m' 1 ir
'II ii f.t hi .i ( s ui rt)
I I Oil .S ll 7 HI II H! I J (
. I '.' l 10 HI lt tvj .'' HI
S HI HI S l '.II HI Mill
.. ll HI l.S HI AS Hi ' t' HI
i (V '.' H .' HI tv'i HI l.V IV
Bill to Repeal the
Timber Land Act.
A lull In repetd l lie timber aiul Mom1,
dewrt luiul, cninmntatitui land act wit
introduced in Cmigres on lec. 3d.
Author allege whilenale (rand under
cover of those laws itnd lux mitn tgetnent
of the land otlice. The bill is approv
ed by the Senate committee, but oppos
ed by the House coin m it tee, which nays
its palace would out off the irrigation
fund. The bill provide that any entries
initiated under I hew law prior to the
pas-ane of the act shall p ics to patent if
found to comply w ith existing Ian .
The House public land committee
is unalterably opposed to this bill. A
canvas'!' of its member how that muM
of them are hostile to the proHsed legis
lation. On the other hand, the Senate
commiltee will prohahlv make a favor
able report in a fhert time. The hoetil
ity of the House committee will probab
ly defeat action at this section.
A treat many people and new ."paper."
have been making a great howl about
the taking up of laige area of land in
Orecm and other ue-tcrn states by
t-peeula'.ors ai.d corpnratioi:ii. Admit
ting it to le a (act that huge area are
being taken up why isn't it a benefit in
stead of a detriment to the country?
Now , isn't it a fact that the ones who
talk the mot are the ones ho sit idly
by and watch the land go and never
take advantage of their own right to ac
quire what is justly theirs from the fact
that they have been living near the laud
lo, these many year.
Why is it a detriment to I-uke county
to have all this land taken up? It is
nut a detriment, but a blessing instead.
ViirfieTufft Vfii'.Mwtfhty" fuHV W
saw mills will be built that will give
employment ti hundreds of people,
w hich in turn makes business, for mer
chants, blacksmiths, farmers, stockmen,
fruit raiser-i, and every industry will be
augmented probably a hundred fold. I
Another argument in favor of having
this land taken up is the advanced val
uation of the taxable probi ty in the !
county, Every foot of this land should ;
be taxed fi.oU per acre. Today there is !
asses-able projierty in I.ake county that
should go on the tax list that should ;
augment the courity'o finances at least i
fflW.lXiO. This can he done bv order of
the County Court, am1 it will cost 10
cents on the dollar to procure it from ,
the Land office.
We fail to see w here this alleged fraud
is a detriment to the country and should
cause such a great howl. Surely the
poor jieople who can't raise f 4 )0 to
prove up on can not take up the land.
Someone that has sufficient money to
take it up must do so, or let it lay idle
for the forest fire to destroy and thus
will be. of no use to anyone.
Irrigation In Lake County,
loo. II. ntul .In men M. Siimll of
Silver l.nk made- application for
two reservoir site to lie constructed
In Thompson valley South of Silver
Inko. The-application wen' tllcil In
the b Hill l.iind otlliv on Sept. 1Mb
nmV were approved by the Secretary
of the Interior Nov. 1Mb. The work
of cotiNt tic t Ion has already begun ami
they will probably hi' completed by
next fall. T he sites cover an area of
ltia and 140 acre rcsnctlvcly. and
will irrigate 1 .") acres of land.
Nearly thirty other applications! for
reservoir sites and rights of way for
ditches were tiled In the land olllce
previous) to these In this district,
but have lint as yet Im-cii approved.
Civil engineer lieu. S. Mckersoii did!
t he ctmliitvrhig work and made the!
maps. Held notes and other papet-N
that act panted the applications
for the Small nwn oir. The rapid-,
lty with which the depart meat acted
on t hese denotes the skill id the en-;
ginecr's work. j
Stores Will Close Sundays. j
We, the undersigiie I agree- lo close
our respective place of business, an. I ;
not t open the same to the public on
Sunday from and after the ;lst day of
lVcember. ptfj.
Lukcview Mercantile Company,
Itailey Mas-mgill.
II . Schininek A ."on,
Ahlstiom Urns.,
J. W Howard,
C. I'. Snider,
Kevtiold A Wingtield,
Avres, Wliitworth A. Ayres,
C S. (travel,
Pernard v Son,
County Clerk M.iiiring ami Ivptity
. i k I'.t nil started out I'ridax morn
ing by pri va to coliM-yaii'-e
sniiville. as witnesses ill the Ncihui
bninl case, ami after traveling elev
en miles over a bail road, arri-d
at the coinliisii m that they hadn't
recti ved Slllticiellt 1 1 1 1 nil t ii Ml- in the
case to carry t hem all the way . and
returned to Lakeview. The stage
that came in just as they were lea v-i
in" v;, lii.iileil down with instrilc-
, limit lur k rh u loi r (i I ).iirKnn-v nml O, r(ili
tiolis ami paM'!'s III the ease, and i In. .-Uiin M UinI l..'ln ,.. I!,kii, r
.1 , ,i , i:,.... ,i...,., Kiel Iti-i-i Hi r nl l-nk,-! l' i , ori K..ti. i,n I ie tiln
they put ta the day leading t hem .,, , Mltr,. ,. ,,.. .
over. Tlli-V left lll'Vt tlav nil the n- -' I''' 'tirl.- .k. A M.
. smith. Kiel I v i l.iiif hlin. l Ni I'iih
sunt hern stage, a ml if t here is no tie- : t r, t inv-en Aiih i.l nil .tr.,ii lUun
i:.v- will reneh Jacksonville hist in "'- "'V'A "'"'V ''' " '"H .'' '""J1" rr
n'lc-it'.i l,',u"; uijjr ioii i i i ii :m wild' i,n ,,r
Nttv. ' ' i.V ' ' K M rr - y, -i , ,
TlflliMC I, M Nolll K
I'll I Oil !! I .n 1 1 1 1 I irtli '. I.nk.l It'U . In
NliVi-llllHT l. I'lli Stit ii.- I li.-r.'l.v ui.,,.
lllt'Il of A. .1. Ni'iloll which enlivened : that in i iiiiiiliniii i- illi Hi.. ,r.n ii..ii ol Hi.-
m l el t uiiuri s i.l Jiinr ;l. Tn. eiioil.'il - n
Our Fall Stock Arriving
We have an entirely
new line of the latest
5taplc ami Novelties.
Call and examine ami
you will be surprised.
We have Suits from
$20.00 down to the
Krou nd.
HOOTS & 51101:5
We carry the Uuck
inghamiS; Mecht shoes
They speak for themselves.
Our stock will be com
plete by the I 0th of
this month, and will
then be the best as
sortment ever shown
in town.
We have the largest
line of Glassware ever
shown in the town.
Our Purnishiiitf goods
stock has arrived and
it is all right too.
Bailey & Massing.!!,
iriiu.w i ami noiici:
I' ie ! -t nt'-v inlet i lTii.-, ink' ii.'H, i ir,-Ki in ,
I , (.. '.rj Vi.llir 1 Ii. r,-l. KIM'll lllltl III
r.iinpiHilli Willi lln' r . . ih:..i ..( the n. t t.l
I I.Mfclli---el line 1 H III l! .1 'All Mi t li.r lln-
smI- .,f timii.T limits hi Mii-iiHies ill or. k'l-ti.
i m 1 1 1' i r 1 1 1 tt , Ni'.ti.U Hint u n-loiu'tiill liril
luri' r!.ii'.'l I., nl! II..' I'll I.l Ii- mini
-li.' l.V h. I i.f Auifuil I. I'.'. M lllinni III
r.-nt. tif Neil I'l in- I ri t-k . run i 1 1 il Ink,-. Int.
nl nr.'Knii . hn i .u- .Iny III. il in llu eltlie Inn
joi urn Hint, -mi. mi Null..;. Im- ihr un lint,,' i.l
He' S 1 t "' s" M' " r -1 "
H till ill .rT T I'T.i.if In hIiiiu ttml (lit- Itotil
.unlit I nn.r.' Kltiil'if fur tiinli,-r nr .t.uii.
time. '
WitiiesseK who huM'gttiie tna I tend
t he case i if Lake ei unit v vs t he In an la
in the circuit court of .lackst hi ci unity : m i (,.r u.
at Jacksonville yesterday, are as bil
lows: sheriff II. I:. Imulap: clerk,
A. W. Manring: liepnt.v Clerk. Thus.
I'.eall: 'I'reasiirer. I-e I'.eall; K-ifp.
nty Slit-riifs Jim I .a tie and I'. I'.,
iloiistoii; i:.-Troa.-ui'er S. I'. Ashl
sti'nin. and i;.-Ct iiinty Clerk ami I e
puty Treasurer Win. i nut her of
Klamath Calls will be there. That
includes ncarlv all of the oilict-rs of
I tltnln-r ninU In tli, Sfut,..
I i niifumlii. or. ".uii. N.'. nnl Wn.lilnHi n
I'crriiurj " k. cxi. ii.l. .1 t,, ti,. I'' I .111. 1
stnli' I.l ai I nl iiu 1 -t I. I'r.'. M11111, Ii. I rnk.
nl w itni.-r I tiki , l i.iiniv 1,1 I nki-. Mm,- i,r o rri
O.r.Hi.l Or.'ii.iii. I,m. Ilin iUv liliil tn till, ullii ,.
In--wi.rtt -int. in. -ni Nu Imi. ,.r r I . .or. Ii,-.-,,(
II,.- -W - i, 1 M.i,,.,,. .., 1 ,
s. It .'. K, W M , kip! 1. if, r ,n,( i.i -hu.i
tlitit lln Win, I fcithirlit 1. i,n,t,. inlnnl,!,. .,r 11
1 1 in In-r ur -tutii- Hum fur ntcm-nlt nrnl .iir 1
Hli'l to 1 M Ii is 1 Ii, 1 In 1,, .,u. Uli'l I,. I.. r.'
ii..' II, !!. r ntiil lo-, . u. 1 ul iln.utlir,. i
vi. 11 or. K"tt. "it Mullen) , tin- .iiri, .ir ,,1 prii
!( num. - to, 11 11 ti. ss. t.i t , r ir ' ', W1I-..11
1 hulioiK I. rrm nn.l I . II. W uk. tl, I.l nl ,,ii,.r
1 Hki
tr kfutl ttml I. !' Winkl .11 ..I I..L,.
I .a Ke coil 1 1 1 ' , past ami ptvsciit. J hi or. fin. .nv nn.l nil ,,r-nii, iinini sli.. til, I -.11 1... t.nt in i .. '"" "''n '- ly lln- hIm.v. --I. k, rtl.i-.l Intnl. nr.
the. sllnllltl .III be pill III j.lll OMT r. .f-l...l 1,, i I,. , ,.., r ,., , , ,,,,, ,,.,.
there for six months we could run "r '" ' -"""' '') '' a i-ni. 1'm.
, ll', ' K. M Mil VI 'I IS. Il.-Kl.l. r
t lungs over here to siul our selves '
p-p5J?3ijpii 1 iv '.T"!
! 'li;,.!! :V;' Mil':. , , ,
: vi,','"' 'd, ' i! ' .ii.ff? . J
,.. : mly ,: ; . 'V. i: ' ,
" -
Lowest Prices
See Me !
Bids For Wood.
f-ealed propoHala addressed to the Re
corder of the Town of I.akeview 'will be
received by him until 7 o'clock p tn.
Jan fj, PliJ.'J, for furniehini: anil deliver
ing 5J0 cordB of wood. iJidnwill be re
ceived in "0-cord lots or more, and mtiMt
state the earliest possible date of corn
nierjcecnent of delivery. Kach bid must
be accompanied by a certitied check
upon the Bank of Lakeview or fault, for
ten cents on each cord the bidder offers
to furnish, which check or canh will be
forfeited to the Town Treasurer, in
caHe any bidder receiving an award
tshall fail to execute a contract with
Xood and sufficient HuretieB; otherwise
to be returned to the bidder. Wood
must be sound and well seasoned ant)
must be in the yard by November 1st,
The Council reserves the right to re-
i'ect any or all bids, or any part of any
W. 15. S.VIDKR,
49 4 Iiecorder.
for awhile.
A great many Luke county people
will remember the beautiful horse
Altamont. the famous sire of fa
mous pacers and I rot tcrs. He was
j one of tli' greatest sires tint 1
I lived. lie was bred in Kentm
ami was brought to Klamath Co.
by Jay P.each, in 1S"7. His celebrat-
et get forms a large part of the his. n
lory of Oregon's glory as a region of '
great horses, with such as these as1 V
"" '
' 'sj j s Ys s fs's 's''s rs' '-s ty'V e '
ver' 51
Chehalis, l':ii,';, hohlerl N
Grand Mask Ball.
Christmas night will be the scene of
the greatest event of the teason. Don't
fail to prepare your suits and attend the
mask ball at the iiarry Opera House on
mat mgiit.
Renters Take Notice.
Those who are renting or leaHing lands
belonging to the California A Oregon
Koad Company in Lake County will
please pay rent money into the Hank of
Lakeview. W. JI. Fiiihk, Agent. 41-tf
There'l lie a warm time in town
Christmas night at the .Maxwell Ai
Lutchelder Mask ball. 4H.
his progeny
of the world's champion two-mile
record of 4:1!); Del Norte, 1:0 Llla
T., L':0k;; inn: Sperry, L':0!i; I'ath
inont L':0!!; ami t he trot tern Alaine
tla, 'J-Mli ami Atlas, '2M. More
than fifty standard performers were
gotU'ii by Altamont. He diet! in
California recently.
There Is no reiiMon why Lukevlew'n
electric light system should not lx;
made to pay and give satisfaction to
everyone who iiutronly.'H it. Other
towiiH that own ami operute their
own plants pay, and why nhouldn't
Lnkevlew. In Mpeakliir of thu HyB
tem at Medford, tlio Succchh Hays:
It Ih Hftfe to Huy no Hinall city In , the
State hurt Hiiiterlor wTVice If Indeed
any equulrt that of Medford. The
rates, to consumers of both light ami
water are lower In this than any
other town of Southern Oregon, ami
besides, both plants belong lo the
city ami are beginning to pay u nice
dividend Into the treasury. Sixty
electric meters have already been In
stalled and so far as known, are sat
isfactory to the consumers, while
applications have already been made
for "5 new ones, ami these, will be
Installed wit Ida 11 few days. The
city authorities have 11 plentiful sup
ply ami furnish them to all patrons
at cost.
Christmas Goods
Arc all In and on display. The
Largest and Grandest Display ever
made at the Monogram.
Stop in today. The article you
want may be sold tomorrow.
'Our Careful Buying Makes Bar
gains for Vou.
Watch the crowds. They will show
you the place to buy is
The Monogram - Ahlstiom Bros.