l.AKfl COLNTY HXAniNHP. I AKRVIEW, f.HIMON. NW. 20. I O! FKSIITS IN COMiUESS MEMORABLE ENCOUNTERS IN, THt NATIONAL CAPITOL Tral fn In Ik WW Denton llnrvd III llrenat to foot' I'lalol Mlarb on annular Knmona rrlmntia Is the ltonas. Not rIiii'ii niitrlif .11111 ilnV", wlii'll I'll lT tli'lmti' iiii I ln aliivcry iitli'atltill r 'i I ' l tint iirnIhi of nu n to frvn.y, Iiiim llicri" Ixcn until III" I'lcm ill Unit' u H'NIltt t'l t lnll'lll'l' Oil tilt IllMilK llf I'llll tcrcn. Tlir rci'i'lit J'li slrnl iilli'triillotl It! with tin- vii m nntiils from MimjiIi ( 'ni'iilliiii, 'I' i 1 1 tun 11 timl Mil.iiiirln. re iuIU iiiii fn iiii.uk IIcIiIm 'f I'iirllrt lll h, I'rtliiip tin ri-nl'N( it 1 1 tin tli lo 11 ti HKc'l)' III I In' ai'liiit" uiin In Ih.Mi, In n St'iinlor Itfiiltiii iif MIkkiiiii I liiii'i't) J 1 1 H l.li'liHl In Si'lniliil' I 1 1 1' iif MIkhIh Ml'l llllll tllllltl ll'lll III H I JUt l . In iViii Hfiiiiiiir t'lmrli'N suihiht nl MiittKiii'liUst'itH. Ill III" tit l.nlf mi lilt' If Jit'iil of tin' .MIhmiiiiiI i'tiiiiirilniHi', mi In i i'liMi'il II11' nifiii'" 1 1 uf 1 iiiiu'M kn fmii: South ( 'n 1 0 Him 1I111I inn' t.f lln'tii. I'lt t ton S. Iti'H'l.tt, n -ii 11 It ! Mr Siiiiiiii'I lull' In w ii" l il lnu ut III tit -U In lh M'luiit' tliaiiil'ii Id' xiiuil. Iiiiii n- ii-iiltiv 1111 llii- In ml uilli 11 KOllil flili 1 t.'iin- inn I Mr Stunner fell tin- iiii-i'iiiiin in 1 hf 1 it Mr. Sum in r tl il nut littllv I'l-.Mi' finiii li t IiiJiiiIih fur c 11 ii I J fa 1 m llf llf lilt' I I flllll'KIH lij-liix In tin' ll'ill-M' llf t 'l I'll III II I I U'H I'l'il. I'l.H'i' III iMiti mnl iii'iuly Ittl In 11 tliii'l wllli ImuvU LtiHt'M Intuitu Ki.ftr A. I'ryur f iryltcn mnl .1'ilin IV I'titlt i- uf Wla 1 nllhlll. 'l lii- onlv lltlni; iulMr of Hint row Iiii In Htlll II liirliiluT of ciiuki-i-hm In Kt pri'xt iilnllM' 'hiIiikIiii A. liiuw of IVutmj l num. wliu tin yrnr fitllitwlnu wim I'li-fiftl hi'i nl.' r. Mr. 1'ittiiT 'iir unlmi'ijiitiil ly A iiifiltu 11 I'ttiiHiil Kfiiiriil ut Muiilifiil nil.) illi'tl 1 11 el jinr nt liln lioiiif, In VVIm'tiiiHlii, highly ri'Hn'i'tM, nKitl rltlily yi'iirn. Tin' Iruul'lf litlHi'i'ii Si'tiatom Hon ton nml Knot- nrt'Kf out of Hip niitt IiHIuiii ilflnilfH. Kmiti I1111I lK'i'ii rf iiiiirnlely attacking thi' uiollvca of U10 mirlliiTii wnntora In tlii'lr Kllrjr a i a, V - ' i V ' .V'.'-iV.'! -I": . ..' v V:-; J ' i'.'V i OALt'HHA A. OIIOW. townrd the Nutith. St iintui' I'tmle hnil the Hour, 11111I while lie wiim niiikltiu aonii) refi'ielire to Itenloii the latter walked excllftlly townrd him. Sfimtor Foole Niiirted to run uway, and Ht'tiutui- Kenton IncreiiHeil hi it Neeil. Aa llelitoli caiiie lifter hill) Footo htttrled ilt)ii hihI drew n live liHtnliereil revolver aa he ran. Itonton whh In full cluiMf. He did not ae the weitpon, but wua nppurcntly very mi Iouh to ovci taki) Foole. Kenator IoUk if WIhcoiihIii reached Itentoti and box K1 him for (iotl'a aiike to do nolhliiK which would coiiiprotnlNe him with the aetiate. Kenton wua lltuilly pcrauaded to turn and relrttce hla atcpa. Ho look ed over hia aliouliler ami cautilit the llrat alKht of tho Hi'iiitliir from MIhhIh ttlppl with the revolver In liln hand. 'J'hla iiriiiiHi'd hliu to a frenzy of den perntloii. Ho hi'oke nwny from I ih1k" yi ml rtiHhitl hack at Foote. 'lU'iirliiK npeii hla walNicoat nml lit h hlilrt, he Inil'cd hla liri'tiNt to (he MIhnInhIppI hcii Ulor, who wiih lirumllxliliij,' the revolv er In hla hiind. He had cocked the weapon Ha he turned when he anw that he could run no farther. Ilentoa aloud wit hlti a few feet of him and with hla naked Iiohoid as a turret drilliiiitli'iilly cried to Foote: "1 am not armed. I have no platol. I dladalii to carry llreurum. Let him tire. (Stand out of tho way and let the tiaHiiaalu Are." Tho altercation between CoiiKreaa inen Patten aud Pryor oeenrntd over a apeech In the houae by Owen Ltive Joy. LoveJoy'H apeech was a atronjr delivery atfalimt alavery and led to a aeono of extMtenient In which Patten became Involved. lie atruck Ilcpre eutatlve Harkadale of Miaataalppl, knocking hliu down. Aa a reatilt of ; lilowa tirtintiKi1 Jiirtuw I'ryor. who tin alnon liiToinp n -li'iiilliitf liiwyi-r In Nw Vork, rhnllctik'nl I'ottrn to a rltirl. fatten. Im vlritf li-nrni'tl Hint Pryor , wim rittcil nil fipiTt plNtol hut. rlioan ' liowlf kfilvea na llio wi'iiponn lir tip. ' ulrnl to In the pm-ountrr. How I'vcr. Iicfuri' tin rrltlcnl inomi'tit r rlvi'il whi-ii ihf two ini'ii woultl tacv rnrU ')IIiit 011 tlio fiflil if honor iTjr- j or'a Mi'roiiil.t tli row up thA niig y tlcrln rlntf Hint they rotihl not coiumuiI to It l tlii'lr fii-mt'l'ml fllit with luch biirliiiruim "timn. Th t.nmt Word. i.i - "ft" "A niiiiiaii In iifvir lniiiy iinli'Md Kli( iri'in I In- In h? wnnl." "J"ti ji t ' 11 iiiImIiiKiv A wotiinii nl lltt lllklNlH Oil II lllilll IlllVllIK till- III " t m nl. I'M It iiiiinI t'tiini' III Hit for tit uf III lip' lit l.'' ." KtiiiMttt) m n I rrrllttrj, Inn K.iii-nit tviiM lliht 01 k'nnl.i'il im 11 t Tt limy In ls.M, IIh iirt'ii liirliiili'il i;nt of Hit' pri-M iit Mtiili' of ( loliiniilu. t'Xtriiilltit: im fur wi-nt ii" llii' rrrt of tlif It'M'ky ni'iilliiii Iiih. Iit'iivi-r, l.tnil lllf, I'ni'l'lti mnl 1 'i.luni'lii SprliiKH 11 if HOW I'M'lltltl Oil fcH IIItT KllllHJI" Hull. I 'lllltf i ll'Hlf 1 rtl.tllll HI llii" Kfll l ill ti( tin' ttiiiiit ry 1 linn h 1 1 t it her iIi-h-him-" I pill l"Kftlit r, mnl until tlu IhhI (iw Vt'll m H Ht an in ift'tl iiIm i IK' 1 1 r h I l-. F or 'n k' I fill lliunv fill " tliH'turn prtiiHiiiiii'i'il II a lu'ul iliifii-f hihI pri-Hi riU'ti IimhI rcnifilif k, hihI liv iMiiHlnnllv fnilitiK tu cure with IixhI treatment, pimiiiiinteil it int'iiralili. Sfietift linn pttivcn rt arrh to lx a oimtituliunal iIi-mmi ami tlii-ri' lort' rttiiiirf" cmiHiilutiniiHl treat liii'tit. Ilnll ft Catarrh Cure, iiihiiiiIhl' turetl hy K. J Cheney ,k Ct. Toletlo. ( Ihiu, U thti mil v eotinti'iitimiiil in re on the iiutrket. It in tHken internally in iltnteH (rmu ten ilropii to a teappiMiiifiil. Il art! til rift I y 011 the IiIuihI hihI inufnu" urliit'en of the nVHteiu. They offer one hiititlretl tlulUri fur any rm it fail to cure. Sentl fur circuhim ami teUtii'iti iala. Atltlrena. F J.CIIKNF.Y, ,i Co. Tnli-lnt). Soltl liv I iriiKniMtn 75 c. Ilall'a I a 1 1 1 1 1 y pill" have noriiial. Wliah 'l'tiiiriitta Cr Line. j M-Me Cliicnuo Mumlnvii ll:Hl a. 111. 111. 111 . 111 . nrrive ut lliitiitii Tifkiluya "1 :1M Ij'iive Ciiii'ni:o TIiiiimiIimh ; ki 1 p. it. arrive nt lloluti I miIiivh ;i:'1l ii. in.1 I'itve Kuiifiin ( 'it y Irt'liHH ll.'H p. 111. ill rive ill SI . I'.ml A .M 1 niti'ii m ill Nitnr 1st vh 7 :L'n p. m. I'ur iiiitttcuhirM cuiu-ult I your Ak't'til ur mltlr. , ; t Crane, i. I'. Aut M. I.uili-i Mu. j Komi C. Cluie, IV C. '. ,l. I."H Alip-le. ! t or a Unit ol.l j If you luive 11 lnol C"M yu tieet! a lift mil i.'li;il,f mi-ilitiut like Cluiuil.fr ' Iiiiii 'n Cmit'li Kfiiieily Li hi' me an. I re I licxe il itii'l lu nlliiv tin- iintiiliuii nml j ' liilliiimili'iii .t the I Ii runt nml Iiihh. Fur j I mi le nt 1 '.t u I i 'n iiltf Mure w .! Manaf jaiaiiiir'aaiifiwa.at t A Perfect Health BY THB C5E OP Dp. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Mra. IT. A. Alilmiok. of Austin, I.nnoke l't., Ark., wrttra: "Aflt-r live month ol KltBl MlfTrrillK with l.lllllk- wrakllrn. wi ile Una for the brnt lit til other anttrrrra (nun the aiune ufllntitiii. I iltK-lnreit with our iHinily ihyit iun without any kimkI rc ault, ao in v IiiixIuiiiiI iiiKttl me to try Dr. I'ierce'a ini'tlitliu-a whkh I tlitl, with woiulfiliil resullH. I hiii couiptt-lt-lv cuird. I look four IkiIII' of ir. I'iru-e'a I'Hvorile l'rrK'iiilion. fo. of liia 'lliil.lt n Medical Iiim-ovc-i y ' ami two viiila of hia I'leusaul I't-llt'tM.' The Coiiitnon Sense Medical Ad viser, niH large page in paper covera, ia aent J'rte on receipt of 21 one-cent alattipa to pay exiieiiBe of tniiiliiig oulv. Addreaa Dr. Tierce, Huffulo, N.'V. Hiii-:t:i' iiitAMtN James Barry Urmia with Nwallow Fork tu rlnlit ear for ewei; reverae fur wtitlu'ra. Hoiiw vwei Htpiare Crop and HUI lu right ear. Tar Brand 111. Kange, Crane I.aku, i'uainmue audreim, l.akevlt w, Ort gou i ; I W A 151 A! AVcCcI.iUl Prcpnmtion Tor As -simil.HinS rticFiHxJaiulIJcSii!.! tinij Ilic SlDiDtiths aid Lkwob of ni'ASViiliV.-! I'tMil m;is ii' illuT ( ,)illlll..v?H! 'lll t' tliM'MllU'Ml. Not !'.i corn:. 1, :;'ru.riruiKH ."r t . in linn, : ' . 1: . I it 1 : i i :. ;i-,., . 1 ! .11 Wi.rt i--,t 1 :.. :'. : ; t ,111 r.i.-Sn ,! ;,i 11 .'i of L tAACT CCPr OF WRAPPER. j Put your ad in The Iwt On Oct tith, (olf CHte, color while and lilack, U-'ween Coifs well Creek and Lakeview. Finder '-leaae leave al I'oHtollice, Ijikcview. 41 .') 7tl Wriituinrtri Urania with frt.p off led IBU MlllinUIIII ,..r. Hall I'nttt rtrnp n(T i rlicln for ewra; revi-rae (or welhera. Tar II ran W. Kaiiitf, KUh ritk. I 't 1 1 (It 't- attlreM jkl' lt' . Ort'KwIl. Land Notice. JOHN MULLAN, Attorney and Counselor at Law. i3io Connctlcut Avenue Washington, ). C. ' All wronl w ho have heretofore made I IN AL I'klMH' In any kind ol land. Mineral or Tim- : her lintrlea, which haa been accepted by the . ' Kcitialer or KeeeUer ol any I1. 3. l-and Otlite, j can have the laauance ol their V. S. Patent fur I aald Ijinda promptly attended to by aending me their Duplkate Keceiat, or Certltlcatea ol lintrv, and an agreement to pay me $10 when cter aald Patenta ithall laaue. JOHN Ml LLAN. Orernn, California and Nevada Mate Agent Southern Oregon Marble Co. Ashland Orpnnn 1 niaai ---a t Dr alert at Marble, Granite. Iroa f eacl nl Ceaeral Stoat Work CEMETERY WORK OF ALL KINDS Nasal Catarrh quickly yielda to treat ment by Ely a Cream lialm, which ia agree ably aromatic It ia reoeiyed through tha noutxila, eleauaea and heala tha whole aiir aoa over which it diffust'a itaelf. Druggiata aell tha COo. aiza ; Trial aiz by mail, 10 centa. Teat it and you are sure to continue the treatment. Announcement. To aoconimoilnto those who are partial to the uae of atomi.pra in api'lyuig liquitla into the uohiil pnsKitgea for ciitarrhil tron lilri, tho proprif rs prepare Cream Halm iu liquid form, wliirh '-ill ho known aa Kly'a Litiuid Creiuu ltulm. Trice including the ipruyiiiR tulie is 75 cents. Druggiuts or by mail, 'i'liii liquid form embodies the med icinal propertiua of the solid preparation. f A Bib TPoii I Upon trial I can sell you as GOOD GOODS for as LITTLE MONEY as any store in Lake County. QROCERIEJ, CLOTHING, DRY QOObS E. B. FOLLETT, Tot Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought ii Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years P thi ckntauh cMiif. new Toft crTT. Examiner, it brings $ m brewery AYKES& SCHLAGOL, ProP5. . SALOON IN CONNECTION Beer sold Wholesale & Retail lV III VI I'lUVV 111 I U II t PIANOS J. w. Maxwell A tent fur Ten of the Best high grade and standard makes of Pianos $240.00 and up Organs S50 up 0 3 Q n 0 i H Pi BLflCKJillTHS AMD W1QONfl!KER5 Horseshoeing A Specialty Ticadk convince you that I can New Pine Creek. AW U ii f AI 1 h ' ia-c mm 11 ; 5 I Sure Enough Bargain. A nice renitlence property, containing nearly an acr of croftml, jrotxl dwell intra of 5 roorna, harn mifflcient for horaca, wofKlnhetl. jtnoil cellar over ?;ronri(l, and other 011 tliouae, near the leart of thn ton. Hen 11 tndar. It may t aohl tomorrow. It ia dirt cheap ak for price:. tf Siiltwrltwriito Tli Fumlni'i who rmor Ipiin one Itx alli J t mimlii r, ur ' linit ililr niti(Tlfe BtlrtrfM hoiili ri frifmlr 10 tlrtip thU uriiff t urd no thi-lr paper ran lx nA-lri-M'l to the rlht (xwKiifii'e. TUIP DIDCD In krtt nn file at K.r. ruKK' Illl'J rArCll AlfrllttliiK ArtntrAlantliW M-rt lianiii' Kl' tiiiK. Han rrani lrn, al., where I'oiilrm lit (or a'lverll.llif ran le tnado lor 11. Hot 6 Springs Baths Mark Mr";mriT, Proprietor. a 1 t Hatha Neatly Arrant; el an matte coiiTen l nt (or iiil,lle leaa ure. Thi.rnnh r n ovatlon, mat dreaa lull riHiina. Water kept at one terniM ra in re. Kverythlng kept clean and (1.1 Healthful--Pleasant--Cleanly Onvait'l oiic-haK mllea .South o( lkevlew. You Have Done It! What? Given us Prosperity I'.eyond all exiK-ctatioriH. I Wvj hoast of our friends and pat- rotiH. Not of wliat we have done or will do. We most sincerely Thank You THE BOONES. Plui-h, Oregon. JEWELER Mrs. Aviragnete I EXPERT AT iiiiuriiL'ii'r CLOTHING Parlor 011 Main .itrwt. Just north of Fifltl'a Mi-rt'liandiM' Store. Prlt-ea Mmtfrate and Satittfaction Uuar antce'l. tlive uie a eall. Northern Stage Line. LAKEVIEW PAISLEY. A. W. BRYAN, Proprietor. Leaves I.akeview at 6 a. ni. every day but Sunday. Returning, leaves Paieley at 6 :'d0 a. m. every day but Sunday. PaiMnsera' ar $j. Round trip Sf OFFICE- Reynolds t Winefleld'n, LakerUw TIMBER LAND NOTICE f lilted Btatea Land Office, Lakevlew, Oregon, Oit. 21, liiui. Notice Is brrvby given that in compliance with the proviaiuua of the act of June S. 1H74, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of C alifornia, Ore gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," aa extended to all the Public Land States by act of AuguHt 4. Joseph Howard, of Lakevlew, county of Ijiif. state of Oregou, has this day tiled In this office his sword statement No. 1602 for the purchase of the S !, 8W 1.4 of Sec No. 20 iu T No. S, K. No. 17 K, and will offer proof 10 show that the land sought is more valuable for 1'a timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office al I.akeview, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 4lh day of March t):t. lie names as witness es. P.M. lurry, Charles Moure, J. W. Watson and Zai'cheus Whitworth all of Lakevlew Ore gnu. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lauds are requested to rilo their claims in this office on or before said 4th dav of March l'.H;t. Nov 643 K. M. BRATTAIN, Register. TIM It ICIt I.AMI XOT1IH 1' lilted Stales Intl Office. Lakevlew, Oregon Sept. Ill, l'.nr.'. Notice is hereby givcu that in coiniliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of JuneH, 18.8, entitled "An act for the sale of timber Units iu the Sialcsof Califor nia, Oregon, Nevada aud W ashington Terri tory," as extended to all the Public Land tates by act of August 4. 1892, Mary King, of Vistillis, County of Klamath, Slate (or Territory) of Oregon, has this day filed lu this office her sworn statement No. i:wl, fur the pur chase ofthe N W'4 SK of Sec. 3,Tp41H, R 15 K, V M. and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purosos, aud ta estab lish her claim to said land before the Regis ter aud Receiver of this office at Lakeview, Ore- Son, 011 Monday, the 1st day of December, lttug. tie names hs witnesses: 0. 1). Hcacraft, J. T. Hcacraft, James 1. alellck, Joseph Sanders of Vlstlllls, Oregon. Auy and all persons claim ing adverselv the above discribed lauds are re ouesied to nle their claims In thlsoBloCOUOr before said 1st day of Decmber. 1UU2. sepli5aa K.M. BRATTAIN, Register. - - RANK T, GUNTHER Is WATCHMAKER AND