Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, November 13, 1902, Image 3

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Xocal ibnppcniiiflo Holb in paworapbo
Tiie Dog Wan't Deid.
While mil mIk t Invc ducka mi Niiv.
Weddlnu at Cedarvllle
A tllt' W'lHlilllltf luilk plllce liereilll
'..'ml I'.lll.v ili' n litint nil.v kiimm a ; tuber 2'trd nl the rc-ldeme of Mr.
himl if lily; lulu Mm llcitf. Tin' ' n lll M M. Jl.hll Frit X W llll'll Jollied t
iiiiIiiiiiI una in. I ilnliitf hi work mm 'wilier till' liven lf .lllMIll PdlltlMIIII
it retriever t mm 1 1 hl minder, iml ami MImm MhkkIo llonnh, Kev. WIImoii
Hilly" Intention wii In "n'imt" i olllcliitliiK. Only n few friend i.f I ho
lilm hIIIiII.v Illi fine mIm.I. In ml- runt nut liijt purt Ii-m win- pnaeiit,
take In used tin- barrel hmdcd with' nml after tin- ceremony I lie newly
heavy lnl. When In-departed from wedded pair left for Fort Ithlwell on
tin Iniiitliiu ".round In- Ml hi ilo ' ii Mhort vil In relative, any tin'
Kiim.Iiik. ii" l tliouulit. Ill tin lat j Ce.liirvllle lb-cord. Tin couple met
throe of death. Hi-mIIm-iI tin col Mi-viMi or clg;ht year iro and the
larfroiii tli vk of IiIm dyliiu: friend, ' uroom an eatliniilile young; mini li ft
In kirp ii ii memento, ami nii li) lit-re innl filially nettled In Kcatlle
"koo.I l.yc" In Kurmw, !.at Ttic. j ami iMi-iimtilateil a neat projK-rty
day iii.mln t ho dog; mm. to town j ami iiiint' tiiu k to net IiIm choice for a
and nought out hi tiiatcr. and chid-! life partner to Hhare It with him.
I him In ' .Ior fiihlon" for leaving: J Thv left Frlilay for their home at
him to ill nloni'. He had ri"covercd Seattle, followed l.y the l-t wImIh'
aranraobo . -1 r- r.i tyzi..- m
cnangc ior oaney, wiieat or iiour
from IiIm wound, anil It I wife to
any that Hilly Colo' dog; will n Ive
I ln N'Mt treatment a niaatcr ran
offer In thi' future.
.4 da ataraaparllla 11 1 la
are pntely vegetable and i-liia' coal
ed. TIh-v art surely hut Ki'iitly, curing
Constipation, Hilloosiii-aa, Sick I IcM'l
arhe, lvcM .nin, etc. They purily the
IiIihkI ami improve tli complexion. Sold
in 10 cent ami 2.Venl is.xea hy IjU
view IlrogCo. and I-akeview Pharmacy-
HI (.in.
I're-Mlitorlc Kelk.
IjihI Moinlay polllk" wan for a
time lal'l axhle ami ulllr IntereHta
ronreiil rat4-i on a n'lnarkulile llml by
Alex t'offer. Mr. ' waHruttln r ork
to In- umi-iI In IiiiIIiIIiik a tire proof
vault for Mr. linker when he 1iik out
aplereof KliiNM-IIke lOilmtiinre that
hud evlilent ly iHt-n fitMhloiieil by the
haml of inn ii. To nil aipeiiram-eH It
wiim the lll of an urn, lieaut Ifully rut
ami about four lurheH In illaineter.
The Hione from whli h It wnariit wiim
of a Hoft voli'iinlr formation. The
hit, t he only part fouml, wiim binlly
ahattereil from a blow of tin' axe.
but wiim put together nml little
iloiibt remain t hat It wiim iimm by
miiiiii' pre-blMtorlr rare whlrh lived
ronteiuieraueouM with the maMtailou
elephaul . ulraffe and other tropiral
iiuIiihiIm uhiw foMHll reiuiiliiM are
Meal tried over t IiIm roil u t ry. Alt uraa
Ki-nliiiky Kavmitu VVhinky nillilect
nml bet. riiycirlttim rrriiinllielid it.
I'ohi .V Kimr.
tiel n line hoi bnlh (iM.rrrlMill tub), a
rlriin luivi- it-id anv ctyle hair nil at
Krank l. MmlliV. next d.oir to Hunk, if
.oember I rloned the miiihoU for
killing btlrk ilWr. unlelope ioKe
nml tii ill ii I ii ill heep. The rlow Men
Hon rout Iiiui-m I i J ul v 1.".. l'.HCt. TIiim
law iipplleM to all loiintleM In tin-icon
except Malheur, Harney ami linker,
where t he r limed mi'iimoII rominenred
on Oi'IoImt l." and rontlnucM until
the lxt of Ii IoImt, l!M:t. The penally
for vlolalln; t IiIm law Im a line of not
IrHM llinu .fj.'i nor more than "MI; Im
pilMoninenl for not Ii-mm than :HI daya
nor more than 1J dnya, or both.
The rbmeil MeiiMon for trout nlMorom
inrlii eM on November 1 and rolit Iuui-m
till April 1.
When vim ack Jeen" M"re Wlii
ky be our- i'l il. 1 ti t lei anyone
tell you they have f -il.i'i! j'i-t a
good, hre J hiii nivrt Im I .
I.i-r Itiall, the ilmnniHl, Iiiih j t re
reived 'rli tlioiiHlnl imiuiiiIh nl new
dni a, toilet art idea and drupii ti' mm-drii-K
11 von waul tho pinrHt, luteal
and lieat, I'leuU'a in the plare lo net it. -I I
lllh Holler, a .voiiiik man "liamly
with the briiMh," Iiiim Imi-u dolim
Home window di-rorallve work in
Iwikevlew the pant week. A very
pret ty hIkii nppeaiH on the window
of Frank SiiiIiIi'h toiiKorial parlor,
and an appropriate liiMrrlptlou ran
be nerii on the window of Weudell H
' meal market.
See Mra. K. I. Smilh il voil hi to
onler HiHl-rlilMM wruliH li mi tail" rtiiailt'
...Im. Alm'iiI for I he l.iiuolM ivtMiiru
of their frleinla.
ft U aa'd that Tbotnaa A. Kdlaon taif
nvrr owned a watrb. "The one thing
I want I Mint of all to know," aaya be,
"la tin time."
John Halnt Io Ktrarhry, tb (Kjltor
and owner of the l-onilon BpTtator,
will make a flyliiK vlalt to tbla country
in November.
William Kdmond Curtla, aaalataut
as-retnry of the treaaurjr under Ireal
dent Clevrlnnil, haa Imvii appointed ojr
Mayor biw a iiieiulier of the aqueduct
i'ouiiiiInnIoii of New York.
'u in II l Flaiuiuarlon, the aatronomer
and aorlnl reformer, baa Introduced a
bill In the French chaining of doputlea
for the ratlonallfliitf of the calendar.
He wanta the year to at art with tbe
vernal huIikx and to conalat of S04
Admiral Schley recently celebrated
Hie ttilrty-iilutb annlveranry of hla
weddltiK at Ijiconla. N. 11., and tbe
vllhiue folk a preaented to blm ft French
rliM'k and randehibra of onia mental
dealKii wrought In bronze to eipreaa
their gratitude for tbe coinninnder'B
perHoiuil aervlce to New Ilainpablre.
Ixird Fruncla Hope baa finally fet
tled wltb hla ICiikIInIi credltora on tbe
buala of a en ah coiupromlae of $2.60
on the K)imd aterlltiR. Tbe claltna
amount to 91(R.lU). In addition to
thla amount a claim waa lodccd by
lila former wife. May Yohe, who naked
aled by the debtor.
Colonel llnrdy W. 11. Price of Clay
ton. A In., Im one of tbe few atlll aurvlv
In who tHk part In the buttle of San
Jii'lnto. which iliM-lded Texna Inde
pendeniv. In luile and hearty and re-meinlx-rt
the I. utile im thouKh It tin l
peiied but yealerdiiy. He Is eighty
live yeura of nuc, IiiivIhk Iwii iKirn In'eeomlH' county. N. C on May i.
tietiernl OltoleiiKhl. the military In
structor of the present klnc of Italy.
wiim n i;rcat favorite of Klnc Humbert
mid yuren M.iruhiiillii. lie la an or
thodox Hebrew, mid while he waa
military rouiiiinnilei' In Turin he never
necleetiil to vlalt the ayiiiipi:m'. Hla
rxiiuiple Induced aeveral ottlccra of hla
nice who lind K'ven up their faith to
rein l n tn II.
Shirt Waist Patterns
Ladies Facinators
Ladies and Misses Underwear
Ladies and Misses Hose
Velvets and Laces
Kid Gloves
Crockery and Glassware
Mens Felt Boots
Mens Rubber Shoes
Ladies and Misses Shoes
Mens Boots and Bootees
Boys Caps and Hats
oys Clothing
Tie Best Goods and the Lowest Priced Store in Town
...C. U. SNIDER...
nvi. moor-.
l and ffl at ikrvli-w, omton.Oet. 14, IIW2.
Noilm U hrrlr (Ivrn lliat the following
li a in il xillir liaa IIImI noiHr nt hit lnt-n(iun
! makr final proof In nHmrt of till rlalm,
anil thai aalit iiroot all! Imi mxlr Infurr
lh Kinlili-r and Kwlv-r, al l-akcrli-w, Orison,
on NofinlMTo, IIWJ Hamiirl K. Nulil-iu
II K No r6 fur the K' HWi4 K-r a . NK't NW(.
NW'4 NK'4 M.-C 7 T ;5M. H U K WM
ll-naini-a the following alim-nwa to pcove
IiU runtlniioiiii ril'lim-t upon anil ciiltlvatlnn
of l'l la ri'i. via : William II. Il.-to-n.-l, hrl
ll. kin., William II. TlmriK-anil :. W. in-nt.
all ol I'liiih, tin goii. l K. M. fiRATTaia, Ki-iflatcr.
Ijinil Ofrli i- at lkevli-w, Ore, Oct. , 19H2.
Nolli-cla lien-hy glvrn that thf following
naini il ai-itlrr haa flli-rt notice of hla Inti-ntlon
to make final proof In aiiiiurt of lilarlaim. and
that aalit pnaif Mill Im- made tx-lore the Ki-rla-ti-r
and lli ci-lvi-r. I'. H. I.and urflce at Ijike-vli-w.
Ort-ifiti, Novcmlx r to, VMrt, rit: a
car T. Aiiili-rnon, II. K. for the HK'i
8c. 17, WU NK.',. NK'-J NK'J Hec. lT :1 B K J
K W M. lie naim-a the following wIuiihim lo
prove hla rnntlnuoua ri-nld'ticv hikiii and rulil
vallon of aald land, via: J. W. Weill. T. 1.. Leon
ard I.. lirlAn, H. Weill, all of Hiy, Or.-gon.
K-tU K. M. HlimiK, Krglitcr.
I'nlti-d Htati-i 'and Oftlre at taki-vli-w, Ore
gon, Nov. 1, iwrf. Notice la hereby glen
that the followlQK-tiained aaltler haa died no
ti e of hli Inti-ntlon to make final proof In
iil'ixirt of hli claim, and thai aald prinil will be
made before the Kegliter and Kerelver at
laki-vli-w, Oregon, on Ifc-c. . lit. via:
lavlna Mrfiowell, widow of Allr.-d Mcpowrll,
d. ad. UV.tfM for the NK'. NW'4 St hKi
N W'. H T XI H R -a V. Wll.
e.he nainei the following wltneaart to prove
her rotitlnom rrildence upon and cultivation
of laid laud via: K A Hradley. William K Har
ry, I'nlllip Lynch Klihard (jululan, all ol
I'lmli, Ori-giiii.
noven E. M BRATTAIS. Regt.ter.
SeohSKow LIGHT & HARROW. Proprietors
Timber lt Satlrft.
fnlti-d Klati-i ljind OBtce, Ijlkeview. Ore.
Oct VI. l. Notice la hereby given that In
compliance with the proviiloni ol the act ol
I 'on if Tm of June a. 187a. entitled "An act for
riuirv." a i i l.-luli-il to all the ruouc lanu
Hiatci h-act of Auiiiiat 4. law. Kliwurth Kua-
III. of IJikei lew. county of Ijikc, Hate 01 r'
gon, ha Ihlidav tiled III Ihia offle' hli iworn
.lli ni. nl No Utifi. lor the piircheaoof the HW '4
M. N f K'4 Hp ' 4 K' of no No. 27 In Tp No.
Xt n, Range No In K. and will offer proof to
hou thai the land nought l re valuable for
in. limber or alone than for agricultural pur-imi.-
and to cbIbIiIIIi lux claim lo iaid laud
l lor.- I In- Reglaii-r and Receiver of thli ottlce
at laki-ili w tinvoii, 011 Wedm-Mtay. the 4'h
lav of March. I'a.l. He tiatncn an wltneaaei:
W.' A. W illure. m. chlldera. Oils Fullell and
Manuel can-. all of l.akevlew Or. Any and
all i-ron i lainiing adveraely the above de
w rilied linid are n-i ncied to rile their elaitna
111 Hint ottlce on or la-fore aald ih day of March
"novIHI K. M. BKATTAIN. Rcgixter.
Tl. 1 1 0-1-ti. im Co., I'lii tn;o
-:-1 f
Itenl uiiallc.
"Im Hlie irett V"
"Why, 1111111 till ve. Iier fnther'H wortb
fkt.t'N. Of eouiHe Hlie'B pretty I"
New Yorker.
Take no oilier, litive no oilier, urn' no
..ii,..r u liUkv 1 Ii h o "JeMHe MiMiie."
lieiter IIimii Hiiy nt Iter, bimI vmi chii Imve
it lor the iiHkinu. lint K'l It. jHllil.ier-
tlial keeHit
The Columlilti Soiitliern Hallway
t'omimny Iiiih completed the nurvey
of IIm Hue to a point within I'd mileH
of the propoHfil teriulniiH on the Dt'H
t hnttt'H Hlver. K. K. L.vtle. i.iVHliIent
of the foinpan.v, wan reeently report
eil iik lm vliiKoiiei'iiHt to make ar
niiiK'i"'H '("" thi't'tenloii of the
Full and complete stock of
Everything in the line of
fM VI ft 'if -av jruixMta
It liaa leaked out Unit Laurence
HoiiKiiian, a literary man of Loudon, la
the nutlior of "An KiiBllsliwoniun's
l.ov Letters."
lleiiryk Slenklewlea. the nutlior of
"yini Vadla." haa a atunewliat peculiar
ha hit. He Invarlahly iikch red Ink
when wrltitiK hl inanimcrlins nnd ean
Iiot he Induced to use Ink of any other
Dr. Edward Everett Hale lias the
till tlnetloii of helnit the oldest promi
nent American author nlnce the death
of Thomas I mini KiikIIhIi. Colonel
Thoinas Wentwortli 11 lKnlnmrn. who
coiucb neat, will he eighty In lecetn
ber. I'aiil du Challlu. kindest and most
elieerful of iravelers, has heen llvlui;
In Husslii for the last year, buttled la
the eolleetion of material for a boffc
deiilliiK with that country. He mcanii
to devote three or four yearn more to
this preparation, perfect Inn himself lu
the laiiKuak'e, of which he already hug
an excellent knowledge.
The IIcmI Itemed) lor t roup
ll'rniii Ihe Ali-lilimoii, Kan., Pally filnbe.
Thin is the hchmoii when ihe utuiian
ho kiniwH ihe hest I'eniedieH for croup
ik in ileniai d in every neinhhorliood.
due d the most terrihle lliinii" in the
world im to he awakened in the middle
of the nitflit iH 11 w hoop f in one of the
-liililreu. The croup remediea Hie al
moHt an Htire to he lost, in t HHe of croup
, . . . i... i .... :.. ........ ...
hn il revolver im sure to nr 101 in i nrr 11
hiirlars. There .ised to he an old hndi
ioned remedy for croup, known as hive
MynipHiid tohl. hut Home moilcru inolh
e'ra'aay that Chainherlnin'H I'ouuh Item
edy is better, hiuI docs not imihIso much.
It canseH tlie patient to "throw np the
phleifin" ipm ker, and niven relief in a
shorter time, tiive this remedy hm noon
hh th eroupy couwh appears and it will
prevent the attack. It never lails and
is iileHsant and safe to lake. For sale
at llcall's Irun Store,
I'll lied Stale! 1 .a lid iilttce.
Lakeview. Oregon, Oct. a. Wi-Notli-e
l hereby given that In compliance
with the provision of the act of t'ougreaa of
June a, l7S, entitled "An ct tor the iale ol
limber landi In the Hate, ol allfomla, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," ai
elleiiii. il to all Ihe Public land Slate by the
act of Aimnit'.ri, the lollnwing mtkoih have
thli day tiled In Ilili ottlce llieir awora lale-
nienli, to-wit :
Rose II. Shoemaker,
of KiM'k li-land. Rock Island county. tatc of
lllliiola, sworn Maleinent No. 1MU for the pur
chase of Ihe K NV 4 andfi N t t rk-c SI. T.
M si, U II K. w .
May l. SbiK-niaker
of Mil sea Hue, county of Muwatlne, State of
loa, mrn malement No. I 'll, for the pur
I'hase of t he N K 4 SK i . , Si e SI w ',w and
Mt aw ' sv-e JST. HI S, It K, W. M.
Henry Hrown
of Wilton Junction, couuiy of Muscatine, atate
of lna. sworn iiaienienl No 1.M2 for the pur
i' ii H'- ot the w !. and N iw .', sec 1, tp
M , It. M. t. w. X.
Cora C. Moler
of Montcinma. county of I'owe.blek. atate of
lowa.iMoru slalement Mi. lius " "- I"
cbnsc of the nw sec JTi T Mi,rH e, w ui.
T or. Smllll
of M intra tine, comity til MutOatine tle of lie
wa, iworn stKtenicnl no. lull lor tno purcoc
ol the w ' sec '.'.' ip :11 . r II e. w in.
John Moler
nf Montezuma, county nl Kowesheik, Htate ol
low a, iworn sialcmi-nt No IMA lor Hie purchaie
of tt.e n sw . ae L4 iw '4 cc 27 nd ue 4 mi
' sec M ip 'M 1, r II e. w 111.
Kranklln I', Shoemaker
of Muicatlne, eoiinlv ol Muscarnc. stale ot li-
w iworn ataleineut No 1M7 lor tlie purcnaie 01
t lie e' ol e'.t s. e 2 tp :tft 1, r 14 e, w III.
Kdith M. Iteynobl
of Mai.uakfta. eounly of Jncksou, Blalii of low,
sworn sialcuicnt No. IMtl for the purchaiu of
the le '4 eo 47 Ip III a, r II c. w in.
Utilise N. Shoemaker
of Muscatine, eounly ol Mur aline, statu of
Iowa, iworn alaleiueiit No. l.ilS for tho pur-
5 I
lakeview Market
i uoor norm ci noiei Lawnew
Beef, Pork, Mutton, Sausage, Etc.
J. WENDELL, - Proprietor.
United Stales Land Otlico at lakeview,
Oreiion, October 22, 1902. Notice is
hereby ijiven that in compliance with
the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the
sale of timber lands in the States of
California, Oregon, Nevada, and in
Washington Territory'' ae extended to
all the l'uhlie lnd States by act of
August 4, 182, the following persons
have this day hied in this otlice their
sworn statements, towit;
Walters. Maihieson.
of St. Paul, county of liauisev, State "f
limited States Land Otiice, Lakeview,
Oregon, Oct. 21, 1902. Notice is hereby
given that io compliance with the pro
visions of the act of Congress of June 3,
1878, entitled "An act for the sale ot
timber lands in the States of California,
Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Terri
tory," as extended to all the Public Land
States by act of August 4, 1892, the fol
lowing persons have this day tiled in
this ottlce their sworn mateuieuts lo wit :
Helena Johnston,
of Portland, county of Multnomah, Btate
. v.. 1 l Ul wieiiou. bmuiii Bvairiiiriu i.. j luiv. .v..
Minnesota, sworn slatensent o. 10.1 wLM ...,cr,
for the purchase of the SeSK4', S-. 2, ! "V"'"'T l"
NWi4NK4- and NKN W'4. Se.. 11 T. . P S K 14 E.
US It 14 F W l Kwgene S. Chfum,
' James V dsmSon of CaHl,e Ilo,"k county of Cowliti. state
of lit. Paul, comity of Hamsey, State of WMl1i11gu.11, rrn statement No.
.Mini eso.a swon, statement' No. 1522 ! f ' l. for the pundiase of the SL N Wa
for the purchase of the SFA4' N Y',4, j S 1 4. W V4, sec 4. tp 3o
I()Ti V4 tjastie uiK-a, o.nuy o
trmley, State of ot Wafchiranton, sworn
,asr,t No. 1523 15.2, for the purchase of
sw w sw'H, tp 33 hi k it
. ,T.' . Martin
statement IN 3.
the SEJi". sec 4 x-tl - 11-1 CI.M' s... ! T -Ai K S, K 10 b.
? ;ri a " ' Fred Leonard.
ti r... . . I u Crtle UiK-a, c,nly of Cowlitz, state
of St. Paul, county ol Kama
Minnesota, sworn utahpiwerit
r . . 1 . O ,' 1
ior uie .urcnase ,n ."w.:4 ""-4. Milrli t.u.
That tl ev will .dlr proof to .how XVisoonM,,. -j-"
that the land sought ia more valuable he pur, diase of V g
for its timber or stone than for aitricul- .NVi c 11. tp W
ttiral purposes and to estal.listi iheir h lk 4 .
chase ol Ihe 11 w iuv 11', nw '4 ec 2 and no 1 claims to aa.d land ttetore V. II. Willi-1 ' .
'4 nc '4 ice 3 tp H. i. r fl e. w in. rn,.
U. S. Commissioner at KlumaVh 01 l -ortianu, f. 20 Harrison strwet, county
of KHKletlrovemnvolWrlKh.. .late of h Falls. Orecon, on Monday the 2d day of f MHnon,h .Mate of Oregon, sworn
wa sworn aiatl'ment 'Nl.! im" h.r th. purchase March, KHCI. They name as itnesses : ,,:"''1"t No- b7f"r of
of ihe nw ne '4, 1. nw and se 11 w yi,,,, Maihieson, James F. Adam-1 the N hL4, sec 4, tp 3d S, K 15 t..
a.-- 111 tp It) il a. 'JT"J,,ltu 1 gon, James Maihieson, of St. Paul. Mm- That they wi'l offer pr.aif tot-how that
of Kaule drove, county of vrtiit, aiateof low , nesota, F. W. Merrill, Louis Nips Hly, J the land Hwigl.t is more valuable for its
swoin itaieuieui 1M lor ine purenase 01 me (w.,,,,. Anv and all persons claiming j timber or sUme than lor aifriunilural
adversely the descrilied lands are purposes and to establish their claim to
requested to tile their claims in this of- j yaid land Isidore J. W tJuniaker, U. 8.
Hce on or before said 2d day f March, ' (.irumissioner at Forrest, Oregon, on
1IKKI. Friday, the til It day of March, 1903.
NovO 44 K. M. HKATTAIX, Registei They u.nie as witnesses: Helena
! Johnston and Frank Van Stralen of
TIM lit-It (I'l.Tl'ltK I'Hoiif j pM-iatid, Ore , Kucene Clifton, and
t'niled Wales 1-and Olrice.
son. tlct. 27. ism. Notice il h
l u a. .11 i.u Ml. ..I ...t.i..b
make Anal nroof before the Keaiater and K.s W. Merrill of Illy, Ore. and l)aniel Kus-
eeiver al Iheir ottlce ill lakeview. Oreuoll, Oil iu.ll i.f I lut rxinlor U'ukIi A. iv unit all
iker ofMiiieailne, Iowa. Arthur II. Iluruei. I Krlday Ihe ftih .lay of neeenil.ex u .im- ,.liniing adversely ihe atiove
.1 KdKr B. M.H.II. ol Kaale lirove. Iowa. . H' re am. ica lo. N-V.."'1':.. ' r '.J 't L-eiU-l 1 iJ T ,,..,l , tZ.
i.,u.,lulli,..,.,.ii. ..iM.inlinr uilv, TMelV tllU'nn1. H-u P. v.'., 1. "j . one 1.1, I II .w n, s ... - . v, . . H ..v.. . v... vv. o
ahove-deacrlhcd lands are renuesled lo tllejlSKWM. lie nainei al witness,-!: Joa.-nh 1 their Claims ill this otiice 0D Or before
I lo ir clalnii in thli ottlce on or before aald 7th baii.ieri, ti saimeri, Aiuert 11111. iienry said tit h day of March 1!K)3.
an 01 v isiiiiia. i.ruuou. - . . .
sw i4 ae '4, lie ' sw '.4 ami s', sw '.. aoc . ip n
I, r 11 e, w in.
Tluit Ihey will offer pr.a.f 10 show that the
lainl soi.Kht Is more valuahlc for iia liuils r or
II than lot MKrli ultural nurinmi'a and to
cilal.lish Iheir claim to laid laud belore I .
II Wilhrnw, I'll licit Klat.i t'ouiinlasloner at
Ko real, tir. K'.n. n Krlday the s7ih day ol Keu
rin.rv, n.:l.
They names! wltucsics; Itoae V . Shoemaker
of Kock Island, III., Henry hi own of Wilton
Junction, Iowa, t'oia t' Noler, and John Mol
er, of Moutciuuia Iowa, Kdith M. Keyuoldi of
Maiiiakeia, Iowa, May 1. Shoemaker. Cora
Smilh, Krankllii Sho maker and Un.ise Hhoe-
Hee, UaeiU-w, Ore-1 pre,i limird of Castle Kin k, Wash.,
lom'of'iU'n'lion I Mar-in ly lUKh of tjreen Hav, Wis. F.
day ol Kehrnry-
Nov ft II
I all of VIstillis, tirunon.
K. M. BaTrtN, Kegliter. Oct 30 SS
E. M. BlUTTAIN, U ulster.
Novtl4 K M. UUA fTAIN, Register