Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, October 30, 1902, Image 5

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Hlttonal Xocnl
Mtm. .luhii Scott iiikI MIhm m Anna
ami I'riiiHiM Juni'M nrrlvi'd fnmi
I'hImIcv hod 'I'linrHiliiy. Mtm. Neott
In vImKIiik Iht KlNti-r Mr. IMck Wllt-i.
nnt I ln MIhwh .Iihii'h iin kih-mI of
Mm, (JfiirK JolniMun.
l- W. Vnllli', uMMlMtnnt hiimtIii tn
drnt of tin rnllwity mull wrvlct', wiim
here IiihI Mnt liriln.v Iuk'ntI In if the
Iih iiI ofllii MinlHtnr riutfl'ii.liiK In
to l,iikcvlcv, .. li ft for rrfni'vlMc
Monday on Bryan' (iri'iil N'ortlii rn.
W. K. Lnwri'iu-. of iMnvi-r, It. II.
Hewitt iiikI T. W. KoIhtIm of
Auk' I''". "ii'l Miinni-I Alviirrxof Him
City of Mrlro, have Ix-en looking
over tin' horM fttld Ihtc for mi mil'
tlini'. Tin y arc to wiul a limit h out
Cyrus Nnlilu Whiskv the old clitm
lilun anil mill cliaiiipioii of tin-in all.
I'aed tn all limt claim plrtir. Auk for
CryiiN Nnlilu raMi k-xmU when you want
iiimmI (Iki at hum. 'M tf.
Tlx foundation for the Wilcox
lirlck luia 1mm-11 t'onili't'i ami na
0011 an t lit Hiillcy (l MiimmIiikIII ami
lfc-rnnrd wnrrhomM la flnUhi'il tin1
lirli k Iiivi tm will K'i'n that hnlldltiK
Itit In ilnrliiK tin wi-vk ih-lnyi-d work
Will ClilliliTM wiut nrn-Mtcil lout
Knt unlay evening upon a warrant
worn to ly IMatrlct Attorney
Itriiini'M, on aclinrio of forgery. 'I'll Im
la the cam rvfrnd to a coujilc of
wii'kN ago hy The Kiuinlner. Tin
yotitiK man waa locked up to await
The Kimnlni-r wantn wooil. W
don't can' a miiiiji whether It m woml
on MiiliMcrlitloii or riudi on delivery
wood. W I anybody Im kind
mioiikIi to lirluu; um wood. The Kx
nmtlier In going to Im a hot Mheet
tlila winter and the fact Im we iiiiimI
have wood. Come on, now.
heveral ci'l'iii of the Northwestern
Mm k llireclnry, rom plied hy Hon fi
Lightly, irititirs of Alturaa. have lwn
led at thm ottli'M for ilmirlhiiiiun. It in
valuable Imuk lor slock iiien and worth
the iirlto. tl
th'orgv W. Hradley and MIkm (ireta
Mnrple were married at Klamath
Fall. Oct. "IM. at the niddriicc of
the hrlde'M parenta. The unmm la
the popular aMMiM-late of Itllly Hunt her
In the hiinii'MM and naddlery IiiimIim'mm
At the Falla. The lirlde Im one of
Klamath'a tnit young women, am)
Ihim many friend.
l'r. (tud Mr. Wlthum wen hen
lnat week on a brief vImII. 1 MirliiK
hlaatnyDr. Wllliuiii waa admitted
to rlttzeiiNhlp ly Judge- lleliMol) and
Im now entitled to runt a good "
publican vote. Friday evening the
Ir. livelved a telephone call from
I'alHley and accompalned by Mtm.
Wltham left for there at N p. m. to
attend the Mick.
I'ont A King are now receiving hit? in
voice for their winter trade. All the
fluent hrnnda of liipienra anil ci(jaia are
kept there. I'ohI A King liirnixh the
home with the Im-hI hraiuls fur mi'dirin-
1 purpurea.
W. M. Harvey Im having the old
Payne rt-Mtuurnnt n'luodeled and
n-novated and will Im prepared next
week to offer the pnble IiIm aervlci-H
iim a cnten-r. It Im the Intention f
Mr. Harvey to conduct a tirMt cIiimm
reMtaurant, (nkht and day Mervlee)
and an eating eMtabllMhment that
linllcH and gentlemen will not Ik
axhami'd to enter.
Win. Vincent wiim up from New
I'lne crei k TiieMday to tile on a tlm
Iht claim Mltuated In the Tine Creek
Heetlon. Mr. Vincent mii.vm It Im high
time IndlvldiialM wen' looking after
their InteivHt hi thl regard iim tlm
Imt Im belnu: taken ho rapidly that It
will mooii be a cumc of "no wood, or
a wood truMt." lleluiM taken a 40
to proteet hluinelf.
Whom hi A SiiiiiIi'h I'alrtce eonlinnes
to lie the popuhir cliihriMim. If yon ar
looking for a iiihii you will likely tied
him at the Palme. Cicorjre and rent
alwuvH treat their patrons well Latent
periodical!. Private cluh riMiin, 42-tl
I.Hoblnet t and Hon of Willow Uanch
and .lanieM Klrkpat rick of IhivU
Cn-ek. were hen hiMt Ttienday. Mr.
Itoblnelt dellven'd U head of line
iMvftoMr. Payley, at Likely, ami
Mr. Klrkpatrick dcllveivd I'l'-l head
to the name nenllemaii. They nay
at the prcMcnt price of rattle, the
Htock raUer can afford to hUi.v In
liUhlneHM. New Knt.
The reinaliiM of the late Kve I-4'wIm.
wluiHe death 4it the aH.vluni waa an
nounced InHt wii k. arrival here late
riturdny nlRht. Th- funeral wm
heUl Kiinday aftermnm under the
auMplceM of Kaki Hlde Uiilp No. 111.
A. ). V. W.. '"id Kakenhoiv KimIp
No. 77, leRiw of Honor, A. O. V. W.,
from their lo.luv room. The funeral
wib In I K"' J' t'',,,,
The town election will Im held In
Lake view next TueNilay. Aiihhik the
cltlxeiiM apoken of for town olflcea
are It. C. Whit worth for Mayor, W.
I. Woodcock for (toum-llman, and .1.
L. Smith for Keconh-r. It la pn-Miim-ed
that aome of the preMent Councll
liien would not object to re-idectlon.
Mr. KchliiKel will not run aKaln, and
Mr. Itlela'r, pri.nt TrcuiuriT, will
have no oppoaltlou.
The IiIk ( al atrlke iM'tcan May 12;
the numlM-r of men out wan H.IXH);
the total coat waa f i:ir-.U70,000; the
Iohm In atrlkera' wiiucm waa I'JH.rioO,
(XK); the iLtiiiitife ti mlnea waa $il,!V00,.
The ball Klvenby the A. . V. W.
lodKe lmt Monday evenlriK la aald to
have In'cn a mimt enjoyable affair,
a lively, rollli klriK dnrn', and all who
attended any It witM a moat com
plete miicccmm from a ai.clal point.
The nupper waaKlven at The On-KOtl
and waa heartily enJoyl. The mu
alc waa flrMtclaMM. About forty tick
eta wen Mold.
K. It. Sublet te returned from Calif
ornia laat Friday, and will Im here
for a few weeka nettling up hla IiumI
iii'mm affalra pn'paratory to aeeklut; a
new home. Hla family la at Chlco,
and Mra. Sublet te'a health ha Rrad
ually Improved alnce koIuk to a low
er altitude. Mr. Sublette la unde-
(ided aa to when he will liM ate. He
n'porta ii(nn tlmea all over Califor
nia. Jim Ime. who haa Imi-h aMlMtlnK
In the carpenter work on the Kehart
tmllil tnic. had hla arm broken laat
Monday In a moHt (M'cullnr manner.
While piimmIiik aloiijf the aide of the
lailldliiK ii le'e f tlmUr waa
thrown throiiKh a window ohtiIhk
by Clint LlnebarKer, and the tlmU'r
atrlkliiK Lane ontherlRht arm broke
thelarg bone about an Inch la-low
the elbow.
S hnilnck'a Im the place to p't K"od
Kioda cheap. Selling out. i
Kd litnb waa down from Summer
Lake laat week. He and L. 1'. Kllp-m-I
an aaaoclated In theah-'p btial
neaa lii Sumtm'r IjiWv Valley, and
have had remarkable luck. Iaat
May they bought IsnOaheepat I'rlne
vtllo. drove t hem PMImlleH and bunch
ed them with (JtKl otherM. In the fall
count they found that they had loat
only elht head durliiK the entire
Tin phoni-M and other apparatua
for the telephone ayateiu to U'liiHtall-
ed In Ijikevlew have arrived, and an
electrician left Portland hiMt Monday
to come heiv to put III the ayatein.
Pn'Hldeut Wm. Harvey if the Lake
County Telephone Co., Ih takliiK a
lfn-at Inten-Mt In the new enterprlMe
and will NTaoiially aupervlMe It.
Mr. Harvey Im determined that the
nervier- ahall Im tlrnt cIiimm.
A happy event occurnul at the
home of Mr. ami Mra. Thomaa Mul
key at Willow Kauch, laat Sunday,
October -Mlth, when their dauuhter
Pelva waa Joined In marrliw to Mr.
Wyckllffe Kaater of New Pine Cnrk.
The ceremony wiim performed at
twelve o'clock III the pn-Mcnce of a
number of Invited K'tictH. Pride and
uroom an each popular and highly
ratermed, and have many fiienda
who wlnli them haiplueHH and kooiI
J. M. Pierce, public, adiiiiniftrator of
MihIiki county, and It. tiiumtad, were
here yeaterdny fmni Alluraa. Mr. Pierce
ii a c.andulrtle for re elm tion, hut de
nied that he wan doinK politic in Ore
Kon. He "aid he was liKiking for hia
old friend Pinkney, MimI.h-'m treaniirer,
whom he underHtood had Mrayed off up
here looking fur votes. Pierce can ifet
voted in uny country, and the other fel
low uiUHt be ewift on toot if he catches
him. Mr tiaiistiid is here to meet our
huHini'Hs men and may come often.
Kdward S. Tull, who with hla aon
Im eniiiiKed In th6 cattle bualneaa In
Loan Valley, wan In Lakevlew thla
week on land IiiihIiuhh. Mr. Tull
Hiiya the atockmen of hla wet Ion turn
off about five hundn'd head of beef
each year. Thorn who did not well
too early thin aruaou are well aatla
lled with the prlcea aecund. Tull &
Son turned off about 7" head and n
irlved f:i;i all round two-year-old
ateera and old eowa. He went down
the valley Monday evening after hla
winter aiipply of fruit.
Jackson Kcinare , is one of the famous
localities of New York. The "Jackson
Huiliue" in IJikeview is one of the lam
ims nickel cinars sold exclui-ively by Aid
stroin Hios. This firm also hus rxclu
sivo sale of the Iraitranl "lnstructora ;"
a I ho carries the ever famous Uelmont. 3in
We. vour committee appointed to
draft resolutions of respect 10 the mem
ory of Brother Eve Lewis, beg to iubmit
the following :
Whereas. It has pleased the infinite
Father to rail from among na our es
teemed brother Eve Lewis, who was a
native of Ohio, born September 4, 1853,
and a charter member of Lakes ho re
Lodge. No. 77, gree of Honor, organ-
ImkI May 17th, 1900;
Kesolved, That our Lodge is reminded
by this, another call of our Heavenly
Father, that the messenger of death
come alike to all. "In the midst of
life we are in death."
Resolved. That we extend our earn
est sympathy to the heartbroken wife,
family and friends, who have so tender
ly nursed him during the houra of sever
est pain, and commend you to Him, who
sHid "1 am the Resurrection and the
Life." He will bear your burden and
comfort you in your sorrow.
Resolved, That a copy of these resolu
tions be sent to the family of the deceas
ed, that a copy be spread on the min
utesofour Ludue, and that copies ne
furnished for publication.
Bertha Fitzgerald,
l.i 1 Harris,
A b Harvey.
Acknowledgement of Kindnesses.
The undersigned desires to express
her deepest gratitude and sincere thanks
to thooe who assisted her in her late
sad bereavement to the members of
the lodges A. O. U. W. and Degree of
Honor, lor their devotion; to Mrs. J.
V. Brown and Lallie Brown for drap
ing the grave, to the friends who sent
(lowers and to all who asnisteii me 10
make grief Iuhs hard to lar. All these
acts of kindneps will ever be a pleasant
mt'inorv to me.
Mrm. Delia Lewis.
Lakeview.Oot. 2".t, W.
Card ot Thanks.
I want to ex pre s my thanks to Mrs.
C. V. Cannon, Mrs. (iiblmna, Mrs. Hart
tog and Uev. Vinyard of New Fine Creek
for their kimlneHs to niym-lf and family
during the illness and death of my
daughter. Monoe Henry.
Town Lots For Sale
In Lane's South Addi
tion to Lakeview.
t'ntlfd Htl-i OIHi-e, leviiw, Ore
Kn, H'. '27, iWt. Not toe ti iier,by given tlist
J.ilr.1 8. Tull BU'd uotlce ol intention to
iimkH Dual l rool before, the KegUter and Ro
eeiver si their oflli In tkelew, Oregon, ou ,h Ml, ilv nl Deet-niber. ltWJ, ou tlm-
tn-r eullure aiilktlon No. MM. tor ihe N'
Nttl. Kl.
lAK'w M. llo'ume witnesm-s: Jow-pb
hamtters, B Hiider, Albert lull, Henry J'lits,
n n m '4 " r " "1
I all 0! ViHtlllu, ilregou.
OitSOSi K. M. BKA1TAIN, Register.
HXAI, iMoor
t'nlted HUie Unit OHIcu l lakevlew. Ore.,
Oel , I'ATi. Koliee in lit-re by given Ibst Uo
lollow lug limned eiiler Bled notice of tiis
iiitentloii lo umke flnsl rmif tn kuiort of his
vIkIiii, nd thai naid prooi mill be made b lore
Ihe KegiMti-rand Receiver at lkevu , Oregon
011 Nov. iil, ltf vis: tieorise V. Wilaon, It. K.
No iH0 lor the iw aeo 1 T M) H tt M K, w. m.
lie nainea the following witiieiiaeai lo rove bis
eontiiiuoiii rei-ldenee HiKiii and cultivation ol
hh Id laud, vis : Aloiiso l. Krakea and Thomaa
KerrU, of W arner 1-al.. Oregon, anil John bar
rv and 'I In 'alderwKl. ot ol Adel, Oregon.
Oe.i hi-41 i:. M. RRAITAiN, Keglalvr.
Jut received a new car load.
For the next 30 days $6.25 per 100
for cash.
Florsheim Celebrated Shoes, New
Flour from Choice Wheat unmixed
with other crops, Choice Bacon, etc
F-yfl tit ti SS-.tS
LEE BEALL, Preprletar
We have constantly on band a Fine and Complete Stock
of Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumeries, Toilet Articles, Fancy
Notions, Cigars, Etc., Etc.
t Prescriptions
Two Car Loads of these
Wagons on
1'yc school where thorough work is done; where the reason is
always given; where confidence is developed; where bookkeeping
is tanght exactly as books are kept in bnsiness; where shorthand is
made easy ; where penmanship is at its best ; where hundreds of
took keepers and stenographers have been edocated for success in
iTe; where thousands more will be. Open all the year. Catalogue free.
Carefully Compounded
the Road.