1.AKI2 COUNTY GXAMINCK, L.KnVlRW, ORCdON, OCT. J, l2. gaUe QUnmttf ! iittur Pahllahfd Ever Thursday BEACH & M'GARREY Masonic Building (One Year, $2.00 TERMS: J SU Months. 1 .00 (Three Months, SO Sl'At K 1 1 inn S u m 1 yr One Imh Ilivim A w iv fljoo Two Inch i IW S 7lllu Thrr Im-hea. I aw! w tn wImi'! W Ouarter Column ... S w ! l S i' '.urn! saw Half t'oluiuti It w l.s w -.'A iv 4i wj To W One Column ,50 w W 4.S W . wl.V W LAKEVIEW. OHEOON, OcT. aj. loo. Where Is the Populist Patty? Es Sfiistor Msrion Huller, of North Carolina, wliois now iiimU intt his homo in New York City, hen in Wsshiniiion lat eek a heruil in an interview that work wo"ll soon he tHyiui to reorganize ami invitiorute the 1'opnlist !rly. This declaration Ims net the politi -isns to wondering when and win-re Mr. Butler is to find the Populist party in order to reorganize and revigi.rate it. All through the West, where the party was strongest, the I'opulixts have leen ahuorted hy the Democrats, and there is now no discernible line of demar cation between the two panics in this region, generally speaking. This in par ticularly true of thiw Western States which a few years ago were the i'opu )it strongholds. In Kansas, for ei- mple, the fusion between the Populists and Democrat is so complete that the coalition is known simply as the Demo cratic party, and a full state ticket has been nominated under the Democratic title. Senator Harris who was elected as a Populist, is running for re-election as a straight Democrat. In Idaho, here the Populists a few years ago were stronger than either the Kebublt cans or Democrats, the Populist party has disappeared, and Senator Heitfeld, one of the organizers of the party, made formal annoncement last Winter of his complete conversion to Democracy. Like Senator Harris, Mr. Heitfeld is running for re-election a a Democrat, though, unlike his Kansas colleague, the Idaho man probably will 1 re turned to the Senate, since it seems that the Republicans have made no headway in Idaho for several years. Washington Letter to the New York Tribune. Commissioner is making his campaign in an automobile. He is making a good run Salem Statesman). He may make it all right in the "long run," but he is going to his death. He auto get other transportation. For every family dog he runs over he will lone an average of 'steen votes. The Southern Pacific would gladly give him railroad transportation this is merely a hint to the gertlleman. He needn't take the advice. It looks very much like two counties are to be w ipe.i from the map of Oregon, Grant and Harrey, as the forest reserve order of the department, it is rumored, takes all of these two counties except their respective county seats. Fortu nately court can be held in ihe three counties which still leaves the 9th ju dicial district inact. Ontario Democrat. A celebrated surgeon from Vienna is in Chicago to perform an operation upon the child of one of the Armours. His fee will be $100,000, hut he discovered in a hospital a poor child similarly af flicted and will perform the operation free. There is a big spark of humanity in th:s man, as he could have charged Armour a bigger fee. Seventy thousand immigrants entered Canada during the fiscal year ending June 30. Twenty-two thousand of these people crossed the border from the United Slates. Thev will in time re turn to the country of prosperity, and while they were going others were coin ing in to take their places. Chas. Meserve, former publisher of the Oregon City Enterprise, will soon install a new printing plant at Med ford and start a paper there, backed by capi tal, it is said to make it go. Medford must a "go -d thing." There art three papers there. This was a bad break. The Willows Journal says thst a man walking on the sidewalks of Chinatown "this morning" slipped and had his leg broken right be low the opium joint. Renters Take Notice. Those who are renting or leasing land belonging to the California & Oregon J Load Company in I. uko County will please pay rent money into the Hank of Lakeview, W, H. Siiikk, Agent, 41-tf A. O. U. W. BALL. Lakeside Lodge No. Ill will give its first annual ball in honor of the found ing of the order, at Harry's Hall on Mon day evening, October 27. Tickets, in rinding supper, 2.00, Sjmctators 2.rct. STOCK NOTES OF INTEREST Some Big Sales Hade In Lake and Klamath and Much Honey (5 Put in Circulation. Mr. Nwiinstoit Intend to fivtl nbout L'."iK head of unit ton nIuvii at Shnstu and Mr. tietU'f will ftvil about :tot mi Lust river. Mcllonr.v, the ranrher of Mcrvoil, pim hawd over 11 cuttle on Spi-nne river which will 1h wnt to hi vuwt poNNCMdoitM In the San Joaquin val ley. The utiles within the hint thirty days ban Ihvii u nnml breaker ami the California buyers have dropped it barrel of the real tiling anions our stuck urowefx. C. NwiuiHloii took out .VK) bead hint week, purvhiiHed of .lis' Howard of Drews Valley, Picks Hron., and several lots iiiHchaxet( III Iwinuvll and Poe valleys. Mitchell llros. passed through town Sunday tiiornliiK with .'too head of Ixt-f cattle which they were driv ing to (iaxelle for shipment to the southern market. Additional stink notes of import ance from Iike and Klamath, the g;reat stock counties of Southern Orejioii, are taken from the Klamath Kxprvss this week: Heryford Pros., the well known Lake county cattle raisers will de liver their lust lot of lieef on the Jtith at Drews Valley to LotiisCerber and C. SwaiiHtoti & Son. The XL Cattle Company drove 1020 head from their tioose Lake ranch last wi-ek toOazclle. The cat tle were contracted to Kdson Pros., the well known alfalfa growers of that place. Louis (ierlier brought down LliS cattle to the OthVM ranch to lie fed for winter purposes, and yesterday took another band of i20 head from his Prookvale Stock Farm to Is" fit I at Pull Pros., and Col well & Son's an Lost river. Mr. Aiken of the Western Meat Company of San Francisco has jnir cbased over 2000 head of cattle of Muuura. Juu Howard. J. I). t'urr, Si las KHjrore, F. P. IJrohs, McDonald Pros., lieu. Deal, Duncan & Son and severul others. John Small, buyer for the Oakland Meat Company, took to Montague ." bead purchased of Prat tain Pros., Horton Pros., and different small growers on Lost river. C. Swatiston will also take out 2HM) mutton sheep bought of different parties in Lake county. There is probably no town In Knst ern Oregon that is now in course of such a building improvement as Lakeview. Two new brick buildings and at least a dozen new frames are ;oin; up or lire having the fliiishin;; touches put on. Pesldes, there are additions of lare proportions Im-Iiik made to some K"od sized residences about town. The F.xaininer will soon tfive a complete list of the bite town Improvements. nisa Applegate Dead. Miss Mamie Applejiute, at one time a resident of Lakeview, died in Los Angeles, Cal.,on Thursday morning, Oct. l'ith. She was the daughter of Mrs. C. C. Appli'KHte, well known in Lakeview. Four sisters also mourn her death, Mrs. A. McCallen ami Mrs. O. N. Dode of Ashland, Mrs. Mary Clayton, of Portland ami Mrs. JL C. Oakley, of Los Angeles. Syron Buys Hedford Home. (leo. W. Syron, recently from Lake view lias purchased the L. W. .lobn son ten-acre tract of land, on Hear creek, north of Medford, and has commenced the const ruction of a res idence t hereon. Ti e price paid was $1100 and the deal was made through Ihe Palm-York agency. Medford Mail. Public Notice. To whom it may concern : lie it known that ue are the sole owners ot ilie l.imu Kiln and Ledge property on Sec 2H Tp 38-20 in Lake County, Oregon, and are prepared to warrant and defend, not on ly our exclusive right and title to the same, but will utilize said property as we deem best, and will guarantee any purchaser or lessee against all costs or expense of litigation, and hereby notify the author or authors of the notice of Sept. lti-1002, in The Lakeview Examin er of fept. 25-HW2 that if it becomes ap parent that said notice lias had in any one or more cases an intimidating effect villi my prospective purchaseror lessee we will prosecute said author or authors of said notice for all damage attribu table to the notification relerred to K. II. Ilt'ftllH. 41 4t J. W. Iifftus. Lakeview, Oregon, Oct. 15, 1002. SUOAR Just received a new car load. Tor the next 30 day $6.25 per 100 for cash. Our Fall Stock Arriving DRY GOODS We have an entirely new line of the Iate5t Staple and Novelties. CLOTHING Call and examine and you will be surpri5cd. We have Suits from $20.00 down to the ground. BOOTS & SM0I1S We carry the Buck ingham Mecht 5 hoes They speak for themselves. FANCY GOODS Our stock will be com plete by the I 0th of this month, and will then be the best as sortment ever shown in town. GLASSWARE We have the largest line of Glassware ever shown in the town. FURNISHING GOODS Our Furnishing goods stock has arrived and it is all right too. 0 4 ,:l it 9 Bailey & Massingill, Lakeview. TIMHKK I,l XOTKt. l'nlu',1 Siatt't lnd orricv, l.kpvli.w, Or Kin St-pti niln-r, H, Iwt Niiilrv la lun tiy glvra tlial In coiniillmicr lih (h provlnlmi. nl tin, art ( oir- uf Junr S. IxTh. rnll(l-i "An ct (or (tin li' ol tlllllH-r lallitu III Hip StaU'. I it allfiirnla, Orrtn. nd w hlnlini rrrrilory." nu iiil.-il Ui all thi" tii lit li- ln.l Stale, by j't nl AiiKU.t . Ixvl. Il.-hjamln I'aljr ( liki'vli-M , I'liiiniy ui .akr Stall-of OrrKiiu. Iia lain '! lll'-'l in thin tittle hU nworn utali niflit Ni. Illo, lor lie- puri liaiM. of tin- uf nr ;of si-rNn. 9 III l :w S K K w ni,nil will nftr prixif In li"W Hi at tti- lain! umKht la more valuable for lta timlx-r or lonr than for agricultural rurixiM'", ami to i tlll"li hi. claim ! nairt lali'l ts fore 'In- Ki-KUtrr an-1 Kit- i-clvi-riil thia orni' at l akt-i l-w . On-guu on Frlilay, the lat lay of N.ivnnU-r. lirj. Hi-naini-t n m lini-MK-s: Jainra llarrjr. Jaim-a Ailamn Kli lianl Mahom-y and rhaili-a K. Misirr. of l akt vli w Ori-noli. AnyatKl all M-rx)ii rlalm ina ftilverivly thu aiHivi'-il-atrltM.( lanu. ar' riuui' ot lMf.r. Mid S. .l IN 37 ? iiii Btrd to All-their claim. In thla nrnce ou I 'iUI llay "f NoTHtibrf. IWH. . M. SKA1TA1N, Ki'sltir. TIHRKN llrTH K t'nlti'il siat Land oftu r, lai.-vl.-w, On-Ron Atlir SI, IWi. NoIIckIb h r. li Kln-ll that In roiiipllani f with lh- irov.ioiia of the ad of rotigri-M of June ,1. ITH, ciitltli-il "A n acl for the aah-of tlmlK-r lalnl. In Ilie Stair ol laiifortila. Ori'Kuii. Nirtada. ami waiihliiKton Territory." an extended to all the I'nl.llc laud stalea hr act of A UK lift i. Ix'.'J, Alfred Ja.kaoii. of st Caul, i.-ouiitv of Hainaay stale uf Utiiui-aotn, ha. thin day fifed In thla olflce hla aworn atateinenl No. 1249. for Ihe pur ha-e of Hie s K of s c. No. Ti lu Townhl No ;y s, H No 1A K w M, and Hill offer nriHif to allow that the land aniiKht la more valuaule for lta tlmle-r or alone than for airrleuliural purpmua, and ' eatahllali hla elai in to aald land In-fore J. O. Ilainaker t' S Coinnilaaioner at Honatia, Ori-Ron on Saturday, the 2'Jud day of NovcmlMT.I'arJ. He ..ainea aa witneaaea: Owen T. Mi Keielree, Kred M. K-n-dree, Arclile W hite and Uiula Kiil'ltiMin, all of Oleic, (IreKoii. Any ami ail tmhii i UIimIhk adverwly thn alHie-d4-acrllH-d ianda are re iUeted to file thtfr clalma III thla 'iftlce on or ln-lore aald A'ndday of NovemlH-r. 11'. Sept. 11 k. M. HKA rfAlN, KeKlater I see in The Examiner that Bailey i Massingill, lyres. Whitworth & Ayres, and Lakeview Mercantile Co. Have cut Suar to $0.25 per hundred Mis, for 30 days this fall. This is surely a hip; bargain for everybody, nd they arc all ood, reliable firms. Take advantage ol this generous offer to make money. And, incidentally, if you are thinking ol buying anything in the Shoe Line, don't forget that I can jrive you the best Harain in Lake County. All lines. ....Charlie Graves.... The Red Shoe Store 4$ 1 Ladies and Childrens Footwear Ladies Fur Trimmed Garnet Felts Ladies Fur Trimmed Hlaek Felt Nulivettes.. Ladies Fur Trimmed 0 recti Felt Nulivettes.. Ladies Fur Trimmed Kcd I'elt Nulivettes Ladies Kcd Trimmed Black Colonial Felts... Ladies Kcd Trimmed Kcd Colonial Felts ... ....$l.f) ,...$l..r0 ....$l.f)0 ....$i.ro ....$1.7f Laoies F"ur Trimmed Velvet Ttp Kid I:ox $2.r)0 Childrens Fur Trimmed Felt Nullificrs DOc to $1.2." Glance at the Monogram window for a nice assortment of Ladies Footwear Ahlstrom Brothers. a 1 a ? Se-1