LAKO COUNTY cXAmiNER, LAKCVIEW. OKlXlOrv OCT. 16, lH)2. fiahe (f ount o Wa nlntr Puhllakvd ET Tnaraday BEACH & AVGARREY Muonlc BaUdlng (One Year, $2.00 TERMS: J SU Months 1.00 (Three Months, 50 . si'ai k iiw l mo s ma f m i r',t'. Vt iiilnntor. when I tiuirrv Ar OnrliK'h.. IIM ti wjvs ti H.mhii ... , ....... .... Tjrolneh.' Hi Sou TWllmj law Thrvc liu-hea. 2ti ( WW laU'l if.MW Cuarl.-r l-.ilunill ... I Sim; VIIII.Klll '.MIHl HA 11 Hitif ciii in ii iii .'.Mm w TM vni ionium. .v w ,.i w w w m wi LAKEVIEW. OKEQON. OCT. 16. looi. Williamson Doesn't Like Coyotes. Hon. J. N. Williamson delivered an ddresH at the Woolrowers Association meet inn at Pendleton recently which was listened to with marked attention i by Hie members present. In part the icentlemiin said : "Speakiim for myself, it is my desire to go upon record as one who believes the law should he continued, one who believes, that, tnkinu the money out of the pockets of certain of our citizens, ml in the transaction destroying the oyote and saving a los of five times the amount of the money involved in the transaction is a CkI investment. I ant to no on record as in favor of con tinuing t tie law fur the reason that it is direct benefit to the home builder the iiiaii from whom much is expected in the way of exploiting the great uude veloped resources of Kastern Oregon, i want to no on record in favor of a con tinuanre of the law, sin 'e its feasibility baa bcei: established, and since the ma- j irity of the .xpense has lieen paid. For these and a mini her of other reasons equally as valid, I do not want to be misunderstood. I am for the continu ance of the la. J. Fierponl .Morgan, the great trust magnate, is determined that President Roosevelt shall not succeed hiuised in l'J04, because the President has liecome Piateful to J. Pierpont owing to the chief executive interfering in the trust Fiueiness of the said Pierpont. The people of the United Mates will give his impudent coxcomb and all his ilk 3th a s.ap in the face in the next nat ional campaign as to knock the insol ence out of their millionaire "not gins." President Roosevelt is the man of the people and not the tool of millionaire boodterg. The rank and file of the A tnerienn people are proud of him and h.;will be the next president without doubt. Vox popuii, vox ei. Senator iJavid to. Hill . ules the Demo-racy of New York. Big Chief Deveiy fc-rmerly head of the jioli.-e department of the city was refused a seat in the New Y"Lk State Convention though he held a regular certificate of election "because it was explained to the con vention that it was Senator Hill's de- ire," that iJeverv be not recognized, and a motion to that effect was carried with but few dissenting votes. Devery in tiie leader of the ninth district, a Kwerful one, and he warned the con vention upon his retirement with his iriends, that he was compelled to ubide !y the will of the convention, "but fcouie of vdu here will have cause to re gret your action." The Portland Journal declares that, despite the repeated denials of HurVey 'Y. Smtt, the Orejioriian Kditor U an out and out candidate for L'nlted States Senator, and that his tri across the seas was devised by his astute mana gers, Siate Senator Mc'iiun, City Editor Kd Piper of the Oregoriian and W. F. Matthews, Chairman of the Republican committee. Mr. Scat's voyage, the Journal says, w as made in order to keep the candidate "fr.-e from the snares of Ine Philistine." The Buffalo Courier says; "After ma ture deliberation, Theodore Koosevelt ban concluded he would rather be Pres ident than be riht." A duly, not a theory, confronts the ltuffalo Courier to point out where fioonevelt is wiong. The people of every nation know that he is President, de pi;e the I'lforts of the boodlers and Ikihscs to dictate his course. A 17-moiithh'-o!d child in Trenton, X. ! J., lias a head 2.'ii inches in circumfer-! ing it one inch. Should the operation le successful, says the Portland Journal, he will have an immense field as a spec-; ialist. That doctor could get forty or more cases to work on right here in! I.akeview outside of the newspaper j offices. I Adam' Muruiurilla I'll I are purely vegetable and chocolate coat ed. Thev act surely hut gently, curing Constipation, Biliousness, Sick Head ache, Dyspepsia, etc. 1 hey purify the blood and improve the complexion. Sold in 10-ceiitand 25-tent wxes by Lake view lrud C'o. and Lakeview Pharmacy 40-Gm. A 5EMSIBLE tllRL. Snrali tillfrvy, tlu ihtiitfhtcr of tin Nonnte'8 mvtllnir clerk, iiml nlwc o( Kx-l'oiint.T t'uiniiiliwlmier, (loor L. (illfrey i( tlilM county, wild to n cor respondent: "I inn K'lnil toln' onfc of the American kIi! who enter jiraetl- J cal iroteNt iiKaliwt niarrlao' with a j foreigner. My formal proteKt will le entered Octolier Itith at St. Marjjar- nior mini 01 .ew mm I would rather marry an American ! p'litlciiian than any jirltuv, duke mariuiH, count or baron In the wide world. And why not? Ourinen live In acouniry where there are not tit 1'h, and our KirN do not ittvd the word duke. earl or count NtamMd on t heir husband to know that they are no-at men. IWIiIch. the ilukon, counts and things our ulrU marry when they jo abroad are not men who won their titles by merit. They are inoutly money -nccker. It In Just as reprehensible for an American nirl to marry a titled fotvitftier as It is for an American man to rellnijnish his cltixenshlp. She. too, renounces her cit Ixeiiship, for she takes her tins baud's. I have much to lvmvt at not beinir at home to have an American wed ilini;. I shall take my honeymoon mi an automobile through the I'.ritish isles." M lOO Kom unt HM. The readers of this paHr will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science lias leen able to cure in all Its stages and that is catarrh. Hail's Cat arrh Cure is the only cure now known to the medical fraternity, (.'atari h lie iug a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatui-nt. Hull's Cat arrh One is taken internally, acting directly iiou the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroy ing the toiindaiion of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Do'lar for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Addre s, F. J. Chknkv A Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists. 75 c. Hall's Family Pills are the )est. "If Christ should come to Ashland," is the theme for next Sunday's morning sermon at the Christian church.-Ash-land Record. For a theme, the subject is all right, but the preacher should have left Ashland out of it. There is no hope of Christ ever voting that tow n. There are too many "press agents" there. lie l.rarurd a rrat Truth It is said of John Wesley shat he once said to Mistress Wesley : "Why do you tell that child the same thing over am' over again?" "John Wesley, liecaust; once tolling is not enough." It is for the same reason that you are told again and again that ('hauila-rlaiu's Cough Homed)' euros coids and grip; that it counteracts anv tendency of these dis-ea-es to result in pneumonia, and that it is pleasant and safe to to take. For sale at Bead's Drugstore. Kr) tn Ihf Pnxzler. No. 3. Concealed Word Square: 1 Tack. 2. Area. 3. Cent. 4. Kale. No. !.-Illustrated Rebus: People who live In glass houses should not throw stones. No. .". Decapitations: Ouelpli. .1. (J ore. 2. L'-saire. 3. K bony. 4. I.-oft. 5. P earl. ;. H-cnrth. No. Mi. Courtship of Selim Standlsh: Transpositions 1. Desire, reside. 2. Tired, tried. 3. Severed, deserve. I. Perverse, preserve. 5. Discern, veto vote, rcsclud. (J. Unite, untie. No. 57. Double Acrostic: Prlmals Schools. Finals LesHons. 1. Soul. 2. Cite. 3. Hems. 4. Odes. 5. Ohio. f.oim. 7. Sas. No. .'.X.-Enlgmn: The letter V. No. .r)0. A Trlaugle: 1. Exude. 2 Tral. 3. Air. . 4. Ly. S. E. Left s!de Elate. Right sido-Eyrle. No. 00. Gates; Derogate. Mitigate Castigate. Fumigate. Music Lessons. Mrs. Bertram! Blair is now prepared to take a number of pupils to teach them instrumental music, at her residence. Half hour lessons 25 cents ; one hour lessons 50 cents. l'i-lm S CHRONIC CASKS lire particularly dcHiroiiH Vou can only cure pilon by reiiiivin: 1 he ciiune. Vnll cnlillut K't nt the ciiiiHe with nnythiiiH: but mi Interim! remedy. Chronic enses, make the most cut hiiKlast ic adver- t iseiM of I hiK remedy, be- caiirte it cureM. it 1 (,Wno FATU0L 3 X SHOE. I We are actually too busy moving and unpacking goods in our magnificent new addition to tell you what new things we have. We will have to invite you to come and look through our large store and see for yourself. If you don't see what you want ask Alex. Iti 2 The Palace ii lar la e. view Oregon. tieorge and Fent. Pop. tiood treat incut. I.kc IS tf (iet a tine hot bath (porcelain tub), a clean shave and anv style hair cut.Bt Frank D. Smith's, next ihsir to Bank, tf TO CURE A COLl) IN ONE DAY Takx Ijixitlve llromo quinine 1hI!c All uruifKlsl reliimt the mniiey II II full, to cure li Vv. lirovr'n lK'iH'Ie l "li . si ll Isii. is:. 4lt. rhta lmture Is on vry Ht of bo unnuln Laxative, Bromo-Qtiininc tmu o. nm1v th - - In www TOIHK.K l.M OTI K. I'liitoil Huin IjiikI oillc c, l.aki-vlow, Or. ir.ui, A UK- 'ii, l'Joi. Nollic la lori'l, Klvill tlial III ,n i in i 1 1 n li Willi III'' provl-ioim of tin- m l of J ii ii,. :i, IhTs. I'lill'l" 'I "All ml for I lio nulo of limit r lmi'N lit Hh SihIi r nt iinr uia. r.-iru. Ni''l hikI W sliiiiirinii l. rniory." l in. til to all llif I'lll.lir I.Hlot slulcn l, m l of Auk ii-t 4,1s'". Iti" follow iuj ,' r-on- liu i' I hi" liny llli'il In Hi U otlii-.' Ho Ir mt ',ru ini. iii' iii. lo II : KvHhiif jH' k.oii of l.aki'vlcw, rmini ol I n kc. i nic of orvvoti, a worn mal'iii'iil So l;i for llo- run tia.- of Hip w i j aw i ,a. c II ii a ""' -, 1 1' " " "17, K. ,)a I liiOni'll of vi.', 'o'llllv of l.ak", s ( H I of Ori-Koll, awnrii KtKii'iri tit .So l.i,.i. for Hie I'lin iia... ol till' ',' , I" - -w w 't ' i- II - li w '4 11 w 1, . 1 1 ', II , K 17 I-. That llo y wi.i off. r ,r"of to linw thai llic laid wonylit U incr'-Hhirtl, for tin if iiiImt or lone llian lor airi 'iilmral j.n r iso, hikI lo lalniill llolr 1 ' In 1 11, I" anil lalol la-forc Ho' IS"II"I' r all'l Ki'i ' Ivi r ol llil" "Mo ' l l.ak !' , Or'ioii 011 Moii, lay. llo loin ty ol Sioi'iniM-r, l'urj. 'I'to-y iiaini- h. w ii io-. a: I'ta ( ' 111 Irarli , K vail no Jac.aoli. J. A . W ill 111 Ilia, .1. K. Slllili-r, J. s. Ftilh-r all'l Jamoa iiT'-i-n, a;l of Litki-vifM, Orison. Any nl all .iroii-. rlalni- nur aiKcraly tli al-oi'.'lcai -iti' 1 Iniola an' ro- ,Ui. -!,'! lo flic ilo ir claims 1 1 Una "Iti. 11 or l-lor cal'l UHliitav ol Novo ol,. r, I'.ar.'. S .t. 4 :fi K M HK.TI AIS, K.-KlHli r TI.MIIF.K I.AI OTI:. I'llltt-'I slal' a l.alnl Oltlc. ! I.aki-v h-w, or' Koii, A 1 ac . 1.1, I'm.', j S'otlK' l lo r !' uiii-ii iliat In 11 1 ,l 1 m ri' v illi I lie ,roviMoii of llo. io-I of 1 miiiri-.. of I .1 ii in li, I "7a, out Itlcl "All act lor llo- aal. of tlmlx r laiola In llo- Slate, ol 1 a. norma, ore K011, Si va la, ami VVaililiiKlon Territory," aa I'XKliil'U lo all tin' I'nlilli' l.ali'1 Slat"aly I lie ai t of A iikiihI I. I''J lie follow I ijk laoiia liavc Una ilay flli'il III tnia ofli tlo ir aworn male 11. i' 11 Is, to w il : John H. KINIiy. of AhIiIhioI. 1 ii 1 11 1 v of lai kaon, Mali' of On koii, aworn aiaO'ini-iit No II I'.i, for llo loircfiaao of the r.'a of K',, See :i:i, I' :im h k Id K W M. Harry H. riixl fo I n-r. of f'orvHllla. l oiiiily of Hi limn, atato of Ori'Kon, worn alalciinlil So It'll, for the- ilircliaa- of Hie N W'4 sW1., HW, SW4, lii" 3 met 4 Hee :i T K HI K W M. Kti-lla I'l t'-raoli, of CorvBlllK, coniity of Mi nion, atate of On-Koti, aworn alalcini nt No ll.'l, for Ihu iurcliaan of tin) HK!-4 "' :,IJ H K 1,1 K w 41 OuHtavi A. Sclini'lili'r, of f!orvttllis, con 11 1 v of M' liton, alato of Ori'Kon, aworn alatciin-ni So ljri, for I ho u rchaae vf llic NKJ , Hoc a I : S, K Hi K. JaiiH H', of CorvHlllH, ciniiily of lii'iilon, alalcof Orcuon, aworn aialiiiiiiit So 112:1, for I In; iiirchnac of tlic S H'i4 rii c 1 T ::!i s K Mi h W M. I.ucrclia It. Cox, of Allmny, con my of I, inn, aiatc of OriKon, aworn aiiili'ini'iil No ll.'l, for the nircliaac of tin: t hi e H T :m s It Hi K W .M. Jneoli WraK", of f 'oriHlllM. ci ti 11 1 y ol 11' 11 1 011 , aliilc of On koii, sworn atati no iit So ll:'fi, lor Ihc nircha of tin- .-.hi Sec !) T ;w H It Hi K W M. KdzhI" Hi K. ox. of Allmny, comity of I. Inn, alato of OrcKoii, aworn Mint. .mont No I Jill, for I he piircliaai' of the K'i V .. S W' i hW ; ami VK4 MVi.., H. c I, r :n..s It n; i'. w m. A'lolpli V. I'eleranii, of Corvallla, coiinly of Henion, auite of On xon. aworn atalcllielll. No l.'d'J, lor Ihe Jilirchllac of the N K 1 4 Hoc 4 'I' WH It Hi h W M. Krwln Khoifell AlexHinler, of I'lirvalllN, ciniiily of lleiiton, alale ol Oregon, aworn ai-aloniont No IHIM, for Hie iiiiachaac of Ihc t-W 'i SK1;, l,ou 1 ami 1, See !., unil Lot I, hoc I T :ws It iii K W M 'flint I hey will offer proof lo alio'V that I lie laid ,HoiiKht la inorc valniilili: for ila tlinlier or alono'tlian for HKrlciillurnl iiiroai H, Hint Iiioh lahllnh their claim to aaiil laid I, f. O. liamaker, I'. H. coinmlaaioiier at r'orreal, Orc K"ii, on Moinluy the 27lli ilay of Ocioher, '.ri. 'I'liey iiami! ua wil neaaea : Julm H hilahy of Aalilaml, Uri-Koii, Harry H f lloilleller, ho lla I'oti'iaon, in. ' live A N li 111 I'ler, lanicH Mm ki n I, ;, Jiieol, Wihvc, A 1 1 .1 1 , Ii K I'eteraoii, liruui It I n ol ' 1 1 Alexainlor, ol 1 orvallia, Oi'H'iii, I.11- relialtCox Kliziiliotli K (.'ox, of Allmny, Ore. K011. Any ami all in-rMiiiH claiming a'lveraely the aliovc'ilcacnlifit IhiiiU are roiinealeil to lllc Ilo ir i lalina in Una olticu oil or lielorc aaiil i!7lli (lav 01 ocioiici , IMn. aug2l.:i3 K. M. IIHA'I TAIN. Itigiater. SHOES? Wc have an endless variety of Mens, Womens, Misses,Boys and Childrens Shoes. 5. F. Ahlstrom Manufacturer of the LAKEVIEW Wccoicnled as the x J v upon atitl Huy Ilariit'ss. Whips, Holies, IUsitas, Hits, Spurs, Ouirts, Kost'Kcs, lllc. -b- a- 6- J l(piiirifi; of nil kinds, lv conipctciit men. a o- Q 366666 66$ AAA LAKEVIEW Sash, Blinds, Moulding, Window and Door Casings, Beehives and Purniture of all kinds made to order. Write for estimates on contract work & material - - - HANDLEY & CLENDENEN Hereford ma i - 'if j""yi -...a-" LAKEVIEW Livery and Feed Stable H. W. J. BARRY, Proprietor. lionet Boarded by the day or month. Plrt-cli Turnout and 5addl None. Our Specialty Ii the Quick and Sufe Delivery ol laaaeneri to All Polnte In the District. HAY AND GRAIN POK SALE i - I'roprlctora ol Harry 'a Opera House. Only Place In l.nkcvlew Tor lloldin Public i ' il.C tine a American $ Lady a smoe. (g SADDLES 2 Bet Vaqucro 5ddle PLANING MILL Stock IFarm Drews Valley, Oregon. F. O. Bunting, Owner Largest herd of registered Herefords in Oregon 1 Registered Yearling Bulls ALDOR ALAMO of herd Entertainments.